The League

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#27 of Cassidy's Journey

Three full weeks went by since Cassidy received her badge. She took that time to extensively train each of her pokémon and take another break from her usual lifestyle. Today was when Cassidy would finally travel to the Pokémon League and try her team against the Elite Four. Cassidy was currently in her room, searching for an outfit to wear. She remembered the getup she wore when fighting the Shalour City gym. That was what Cassidy would wear.

Fenny and Garna sat at the dining room table while she prepared.

'Do you feel ready this time, Fenny?' Garna asked him.

'More than I was last time. I'm still nervous, but I think I have a better chance,' Fenny replied while leaning back against the chair.

'Tea? It may help,' Garna offered a second time while looking at him.

'Ehm... sure. I'll try it.' He did tell her that he'd drink it with her recently. Fenny watched Garna set her small mug down and slowly get up to prepare the same drink for him. Fenny wanted to like it, and even if he didn't, he'd probably tell her he did.

In a few quick minutes, Garna returned and set a red mug in front of him.

'Thank you...' Fenny sniffed the hot steam rising from the drink. It smelled sweet enough.

'Tell me if you like it.' Garna sat across from him.

He blew it before taking a few sips. She must have sweetened it with extra sugar for him. 'I do like it... It's really sweet.' He set the mug down to let the tea cool before he'd drink anymore.

'More than your coffee?' Garna smirked subtly.


'I'm kidding. you won't offend me. Anywho, how's your relationship with Cassidy going?' She changed the subject, holding her hands and resting them on the table.

'It's the best thing that will ever happen to me. She keeps me motivated, and I think I help do the same for her.' They'd only gotten closer over the course of the passing weeks. 'And... it wouldn't be without your help. You encouraged me a lot when it came to confessing and helping me deal with my emotions. I can't thank you enough.'

Garna was touched deeply by Fenny's acknowledgment.

'Can I hug you?...' he asked shortly afterward.

Garna nodded. 'Of course.'

Fenny stepped out of his chair, went to where Garna sat, and softly embraced her sides and lower back, and she reached her hands up and placed them on Fenny's back. It was a mutually heartfelt hug. Fenny held it for a few moments before letting go and stood back.

'That's what friends are for, right?' Garna grinned, as did Fenny.

Their moment was interrupted once Cassidy exited her room. All four of her pokémon eyed her from where they were waiting, Añu on the couch, and Violet from his pokébed. "This is our last and biggest battle, guys. I don't doubt any of you because I know you're all ready. Even I am..." Her voice drifted. She doubted herself. Cassidy would like to believe she was ready. There was no one she had to tell her that, but she felt she was after her eighth gym.

'If anyone is ready, it's you, Cassidy.'

Cassidy's eyes dilated, and she looked straight ahead. That didn't sound like Fenny, and that's because it wasn't. Cassidy caught onto whom it was quickly and slowly developed a smile. She wiped her now watery eyes. Coming from Garna, that meant a lot. She stayed by Cassidy's side during the past few years. She was there when Cassidy first delved into battling gyms and had even lost to one of them. Garna was one that would know. Cassidy hadn't heard her voice in so long. It brought her a lot of good memories and made Cassidy feel more confident.


Thirty minutes later, under the gentle afternoon sun, Cassidy was on her way after stopping at a poké mart to buy potions and max revives. She strolled down Route 21, nearing Victory Road. She tried enjoying its fertile grassy terrain and trees while sauntering along the dirt trail.

Fenny purposely lagged a bit to give her space, but Cassidy soon noticed and looked behind her.

"...Sorry, Fen, I'm preparing myself mentally." She slowed down to walk beside him.

'I figured... Do you feel okay?' Fenny asked.

"I'm glad I have this chance. Not every trainer can say they got this far." Her accomplishment truly began to hit her once she started her walk to the league from her home. "I couldn't imagine being here right now if I was who I was without you." Cassidy didn't felt emotional regularly, but she was today.

'You didn't need me, Cassidy. I just helped you see what you needed to do for yourself. You fought through eight gyms and trained four pokémon to accomplish it alone.'

She wouldn't argue with that, but either way, Fenny had been a huge help to her when she needed it most. Cassidy would always hold him close. She stuck her right hand out beside her while lightly grinning, and Fenny took it.

They held hands while exiting Route 21, approaching what would be a tough road to the league.

Gray Weather

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To Be Alone

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All Eight

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