Stressed Anticipation

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#42 of All They Knew

"What am I wearing?..." Skye spoke to herself at 9 a.m. that morning while sifting through her closet. She'd choose a casual outfit as the occasion was home supper, but she wanted to sport something cute at least. Skye pulled a white long-sleeved tee from a hanger with the outline of a pink poké ball on its chest area. "...Yes." She laid it neatly across her bed. Ruki was still asleep, so she was gentle with her movement. Skye also grabbed a pair of pink jeans that would complete her getup. They went well with most of her outfits. Now, she had to go shower and lightly shave in a few areas for tonight.

Before she left her room, she kneeled by her bed and pulled the bag from underneath it. Her face heated up while sifting through it. Skye wasn't sure if she should wear the dress and choker tonight. This was mostly her being shy. What would Aaron think of her? Maybe she'd bring it-- the choker, but it would be odd if she dressed up at all for him for their first time, right? She pushed the bag back under the bed. Skye would think it over in the shower. She went and chose a new pair of panties and a bra from her dresser, along with a white tee and shorts to wear after it, gave Ruki a gentle enough kiss on his cheek not to wake him, and quietly closed her room's door once she was out in the hall. Fortunately, her parents were still asleep, mainly her father. Skye wasn't willing to see or talk to him right now. She went into the restroom, shut the door, set her clothes to wear after the shower on the towel rack, and then took off the outfit she had on yesterday.

Skye turned the shower's nozzle to run the water and adjusted it so it was lukewarm, sticking her hand under it for a second to ensure. After that, Skye unclipped her bra and slid off her panties, then turned to the mirror, studying her eyes. They were slightly swollen underneath from lack of sleep. Skye ran her index finger over the irritated area. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too noticeable. She turned around and stepped into the shower. "You'll have fun tonight." She let the water run over her hair and ran her hands through its strands. "But I can't wear that dress. Gosh, and the choker... maybe he'd like it, but these are first impressions, and you're a good girl." Skye grabbed for the shampoo on the rack beside her without looking and opened it to drizzle it over her hair. "Not like I can ask him upfront." She'd have to gauge how the night went, which also meant Skye would have to bring the bag.

Ruki yawned and stretched his paws, slowly waking up. He heard the shower running on the other side of the wall and noticed that the door was shut, then saw Skye's outfit on the bed. She was preparing early. He was glad to see her eager to spend time with someone other than him. It was a part of growing up. Ruki wondered if he'd soon come to miss it the closer Skye got to Aaron. He knew she wouldn't forget about him entirely, but it was bound to happen.

After Skye washed and carefully shaved in the shower, she dried off and did her hair in front of the restroom mirror. Skye then dressed and went to her room to call Aaron, sitting on her bed beside Ruki, who was now wide awake. Her door was closed. "Hello?"

"Hey, Skye. What are you up to?" Aaron already had an outfit ready for later. He was in jeans and a tee, for now, sitting on his bed with Sylmi in his lap.

"Not much. I just showered, so waiting on tonight."

Aaron didn't hear the usual ring in her tone. He ran his fingers over one of Sylmi's raised ribbons. "Everything all right?" he asked.

"Mhm, I'm just tired." Skye wasn't completely lying. She hadn't gotten much sleep the last two nights. "I'm excited about tonight, though. It's crazy how rapidly this is all happening... It feels like we met just yesterday." She was still mindful of their pace, but they were young.

"I am too, and Sylmi is excited to see Ruki again. I just hope I'm not anxious this time," Aaron said.

"Ah, you'll be fine. It went well last time, didn't it?"

"Yeah... but this is different. I'll have to answer questions and stuff."

Skye giggled. "Don't overthink it. My parents aren't too tough, especially not my mom."

"I trust you. I'll do my best." He grinned. "See you soon?"

"See you soon. Call me later when you're nearly here." Skye ended the call a second later and set her phone aside. "I hope I'm right." She lay on her back while yawning. Skye needed a nap before six.

"Nn." Ruki stretched his hind legs before lying beside her and softly licking her cheek.

Skye looked at him, grinning. "I know... I shouldn't sweat it so much." She picked up her phone again to check the time. It'd be ten soon. Skye had a lot of time. "I'm going back to sleep for a bit. Do you want me to let you out?"

Ruki shook his head. More sleep was far from problematic, and there was no reason for him to be in the living room right now. He wanted to keep Skye company.

"All right." She sighed, getting under the covers after Ruki stood to let her pull it up to her chest with no struggle.

He curled up next to her on his side once she was done, his back facing her. Ruki felt her palm rest on the side of his head.

Skye turned onto her side and slowly closed her eyes, soon pulling her hand away from Ruki and slipping it underneath her blanket. She'd have trouble falling asleep while full of anticipation for this evening, but Skye needed it.

Before she had the chance, however, she heard a knock at her door. Skye sat up, and Ruki lifted his head, both looking at the door. "Come in!..." she said.

Once it opened, Skye saw her mother, which brought her relief.

"Hey," she said, entering the room and closing the door behind her. "I wanted to say sorry about last night. I know it got a bit out of hand." Her mother sat at the bottom of Skye's bed.

"...I'm just hoping it doesn't repeat itself tonight at all," said Skye.

"We talked. You know he'd never do anything to disrupt your relationship intentionally. We were your age once upon a time."

"So... Am I getting the whole night?" Skye asked.

Her mother sighed. "I'd personally allow it, but I believe you're still getting a few hours. You have to be back before midnight."

Skye held her breath to prevent a scoff. "Mom... Dinner alone will take an hour. The ferry to get there takes another, and the ferry back takes another-- not to mention walking and wait times to board. I'd have three hours if I get lucky."

Ruki also thought it was unfair, but he wouldn't involve himself verbally.

"I don't know what to tell you, hun. He's not going to budge."

Skye looked down for a moment and bit her lip. She slowly nodded, not saying anything in response. It was her best option.

"Hey, it won't be the last time you see him." Her mother stood and walked toward her door. "And you'll still have fun. Try to see it positively... Breakfast is waiting on the counter if you want any, by the way." With that, she left, the door shutting on her way out.

"Positively..." Skye mumbled and held her temple. "Shouldn't even have a curfew." She lay on her back again. As against the situation as Skye was, she couldn't say a thing. She still lived under her parents' roof. "Now I'm not gonna be able to sleep." Skye had a slight headache. She was stressed.

Ruki glanced at her. He knew what would eventually come of this, and it'd likely happen quicker than he thought. He just hoped it would end on a good note.

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"I mean... it's a really stupid idea, Aaron. I just don't have a better one." Skye sat in the backyard's patio chair as she planned earlier. "Well, tell me then. It can't be that bad..." "Ugh... Okay, I was gonna say you could come over for dinner or...

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