Ending the Week

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#46 of All They Knew

On the ferry home, Skye only grew more anxious. The last thing she wanted was to face her father, but it was better to deal with the situation than to run from it. She sat in a chair at the ship's rear deck, where there weren't many people. Skye was also nervous merely thinking about moving from home permanently. She'd be leaving everything she knew behind, but after staying in Sinnoh, Skye wanted to live on her own. She'd found Aaron. She had Ruki. It was perfect. Skye wasn't sure what to do about Ruki's newfound relationship. Now he'd have to deal with long-distance. She'd work it out.

Her phone rang in her pocket. Skye pulled it out and saw her mother calling. She didn't feel like talking, but Skye wouldn't mind much if it was truly her mother. She answered it, holding the phone to her ear. "Hello?" Skye asked.

"Skye, are you all right?" her mother asked.

Skye heard the concern in her tone. The question caused her to break all over again, her eyes welling up once again. "No." She wiped tears away that streamed down her cheeks. "I feel like I let you both down..."

"Hun, it's not a big deal. You didn't let anyone down. If it were up to me, I'd have let you stay the night."

Skye leaned her head back against the chair and sniffled. "I've never done a thing to betray his trust. I don't think I want to deal with this... or can."

There was a beat of silence before her mother replied. "Then what would you like to do, Skye?"

She couldn't tell her now. Plus, Skye hadn't set anything in stone. "I'll tell you later. How are Ruki and Sylmi?"

"Fine. They spent some time in the living room and in yours. Sylmi was able to get Ru to act cordial as well. It was cute. I think Ruki's mood dimmed after you called, though. He separated from everyone."

Skye had assumed so. "I'll be there soon."


And an hour later, that came to be. Skye stepped off the ferry and walked across the Marina's sun-stricken pavement, her eyes following the ground below. Skye didn't have it in her to confront her father. She wanted to be somewhere he wasn't, and that currently wasn't possible. Skye looked around at Hau'oli's buildings and the shopping center as she approached, where she was supposed to try and get her first job. It would be easy since many store owners and managers knew her and Ruki well, but Skye had to gauge whether it was worth the stay.

Within the next fifteen minutes, she was able to clear her head for the most part. It was fortunate as her residence was less than a mile ahead. Skye would return Sylmi home before the day ended and maybe take Ruki out to get away again. Once she was at her door, Skye took her key out and stuck it into the slot, turning it. She then reluctantly opened the door and saw her mother standing by the dining room table.

She walked over, taking Skye into a gentle hold and pressing Skye's cheek against her chest.

Skye leaned into it, feeling her mother's fingers run through strands of hair and closing her eyes. She felt great comfort in her arms.

"He doesn't want to speak right now, hun."

"That's okay." Skye didn't mind. She didn't have the energy to deal with that, anyway. She slightly pulled away, looking at Sylmi sitting on the couch. "Where's Ruki?"

"In your room." Her mother let her go. "You should check on him.

"Mhm." Skye was a step ahead. She walked down the hall and slowly pushed her door open.

Ruki was lying by the bottom edge of her bed, and he lifted his head once he saw her, then sat up fully.

She saw the worry his eyes wore and grinned a bit. Skye walked and sat on the bed in front of him. She placed her hands on his sides and kissed the top of his head. "Were you worried?"

Ruki nodded and leaned his cheek against her arm, looking up at her. A lot. He knew how poorly she'd been doing recently due to the situation with her father. That phone call couldn't have helped.

"I'm okay. I missed you lots, though, baby." Skye rubbed his sides and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to drop off Sylmi, so I'll be back soon. We'll go somewhere later, okay?"

"Nine," he replied, swishing his tails. He felt much relief now that he knew Skye was fine. He watched her exit, wondering exactly how she felt. Ruki lay on his stomach. Hopefully, he'd find out later.

"Hey, Sylmi," Skye said upon entering the living room.

He eyed her with inquiry, his ears slightly flattened.

"Ruki's fine if that's what you're wondering. Last night was just rough... Come on; I'm gonna take you back to Aaron." Skye went to unlock the front door. "Be back, mom."

Sylmi hopped down and followed her out the door, holding his ribbons. He was still bummed he couldn't comfort Ruki at all last night. Sylmi didn't know how to reach him, but that was his fault for being timid around Ruki. At least it was a warm and cloudless day. Maybe it'd make him feel better.

"You okay?" Skye asked as he walked beside her along the pavement. She noticed him staring at the ground.

Sylmi glanced up and nodded. It wasn't a huge deal. It wouldn't be his last chance. He just wished he had better social skills.

They arrived at The Marina in closer to ten minutes since they walked relatively quickly, so Skye had more time to buy their ticket to Akala.

"Ferry comes in twenty," said Skye. She sat on a wooden bench near the docking area with Sylmi, watching people and their pokémon gather ahead at it.

He nodded, although still in thought, which was evident to Skye since he stared into space.

"Still about Ruki?" She eyed him. Skye knew they were friends, but Sylmi seemed stuck on something.

"Syl..." He nodded again. Sylmi wanted to get closer to Ruki, and Ruki wasn't making it easy.

"You know he's okay, right? Really... Or is it something else?"

"Sylvee." He looked up at her.

Skye had no idea where to begin. "You two are still friends, right?"

He nodded once more. Sylmi kind of wanted to tell her but didn't know how. Skye knew Ruki best. He pondered for a moment before an idea came to him. Sylmi raised his ribbons and tied them, creating a loose knot and holding them there.

"Uh, what? Close friends?"

Sylmi shook his head.

"Want to be close friends?" This felt like charades.

"Vee..." Almost, but no. He shook again.

"What else could..." Skye got it a moment later, at least she assumed. "The next thing would be mates, but..."

Sylmi untied his ribbons.

Her eyes slightly widened. "Wait, you like Ruki? Like... like like?"

He nodded, his cheeks heating up instantly. Sylmi had from the first day they'd met. He still wasn't sure what it was besides Ruki being strong mentally and physically. Ruki just had charm.

"Sylmi, gosh... I'm not even sure Ruki likes males. You haven't told him how you felt yet, huh?"

He quickly shook his head. Of course not. It was far too risky. Sylmi wouldn't want to risk losing Ruki as a friend even slightly.

"Well..." Skye held out her right palm. "I'll keep it between us. You can tell him when you're ready." She grinned.

Sylmi grinned as well, looked at her hand, placed his ribbon in it, and they shook.


An hour and some twenty minutes later, Skye was off the ferry and strolling toward the resort with Sylmi. They were walking along the beach, cool breezes passing them by.

Sylmi felt better now that someone knew of his secret, but he still couldn't tell Ruki anytime soon.

"Up here." Skye turned and walked up the flight, stepping onto the tiles. She saw Aaron standing in front of the pools with a few people sitting behind on the benches. He was in a tee and casual jeans. Skye had called him when they were closing in.

"Veon!" Sylmi ran ahead and nuzzled Aaron's leg with his cheek.

"I missed you too." Aaron crouched and picked him up, holding Sylmi's back to his chest. "Thank you for riding back. I know you're exhausted," he said as she approached.

"It's nothing. I'm just glad everything's back to normal. Well... mostly everything."

Aaron set Sylmi down and held his arms out for Skye. He knew she was still feeling down.

She walked into it and rested her cheek against his chest, letting him hold her tight. Skye did feel a bit better. She'd gotten hugs all morning. "Thank you."

Aaron looked down at her. "For what?"

She shifted and slightly pulled away to look up. "Staying, even with all of this going on, and offering Kalos."

"I couldn't leave you, Skye. You're one of a kind... and about that offer, have you thought about it?"

"I think I want to do it." She didn't know when else she'd get the opportunity to move. If Skye did it on her terms, she'd have to get a job and save up. Plus, Skye wanted to be with Aaron.

Sylmi twitched his ear while listening in. They meant her moving to Kalos? That had to be it, which meant Skye would likely bring Ruki as well.

"Really?" He grinned, unknowingly tightening his grip around her.

"Mhm," she quietly giggled, wheezing a bit before he caught on and released her. "It'll still take a while to set up, and I'd have to pack, but I don't have much to my name."

"There's no rush. I want it to be as perfect as possible." Aaron was glad he'd be able to keep Skye in person, although he would have endured long-distance for however long was necessary.

"And... I think we should cut this trip short. You leave in two days, right?" she asked.

"Yeah," Aaron replied.

"Just... with everything going on, it's too much right now, you know?" Skye explained. It wasn't that she wanted him to go.

He understood she needed time to deal with her situation. "Right. We still did a lot together. It was priceless."

Skye nodded. "And speaking of things we did... What was that sweet name you called me last night?" She bit her lip, concealing a smile.

Aaron knew he was blushing. It had kind of slipped out. "Oh... you mean hun? That..."

"Shish." Skye put a finger to his mouth. "I liked it. Maybe I'll do it too..." Except 'baby.' That was reserved for Ruki. "I've gotta go... Need to get back to Ruk'."

Aaron nodded. "All right. I'll miss you again, Skye."

She began stepping back. "You'll see me soon... Love you."

He almost choked hearing that. It was unexpected, and to hear those words from Skye was music to his ears. "I... love you too."

Skye giggled. His face was red. "Bye." She turned around and walked down the steps. Skye was very lucky.

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Five Hours

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