A Swan Song (1/6)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of A Swan Song

An alien species drifted through space on one of the few life preservers that his species had created, but before he could recover completely a malfunction forces the creature to find the nearest populated planet. Thus sets off a series of events in a desperate bid to not only survive but also try and thrive as the last of his species.

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Space... the cold, endless void filled with a vast emptiness. A place where planets are mere specks and suns twinkle as distant lights that dot the otherwise black landscape. It was for that reason that a lone space capsule had gone for centuries without anyone even knowing that it was out there. It was a life pod; a status chamber that contained a heavily injured alien creature on a world that no longer existed.

Even with all the time that the being that slept within the hibernation pod his wounds had still not completely healed, his synthetic skin in the process of knitting themselves with the aid of the technology within. Considering the creature was near dead when he had gotten into the pod in the first place meant that this was still an improvement on his condition. With a few more centuries perhaps he would be as good as new while his pod drifted through the sea of stars and planets. The on-board computer harvested starlight when it could and was able to detect massive objects in order to keep the pod and its passenger safe... unfortunately even it couldn't detect the tiny meteorite that it had drifted into the path of.

The bright purple eyes of the silver creature opened as alarms went off the second that the tiny piece of rock smashed through the central core of his life pod. The alien could immediately feel the dull throb of pain throughout his entire body and knew that something was very wrong; and as it connected telepathically to the machines that surrounded his cocoon he found that the impact had not only knocked out his healing mechanisms but had damaged the capacitors and energy storage. That meant that he only had hours, maybe even minutes before this capsule turned into his coffin as he immediately kicked the long-range scanners to life. If he didn't find a habitable world to land in the last of his kind would be snuffed out before it even had a chance...

Fortunately it appeared there was a planet that not only had the capability to sustain life but also had many lifeforms already detected on it, a potential civilization that he could use in order to survive. There were many inherent risks in landing at such a place too, especially without the proper scouting time, but as his life support warned him of imminent failure he punched in the course and burned the remaining fuel in order to get to the planet. The alien creature immediately tried to go back into statis in order to preserve as much energy as he could, but the malfunctions in the system had started to cascade towards the rest of the systems and he found himself having to watch his own desperate dash to sanctuary. As he got closer though there was a fairly powerful sun that he could leech a little power off of to help him with his descent, but as he got close to the bright blue planet the energy storage modules blew out completely and caused him to spin wildly down through the atmosphere.

Despite having zero time to prepare the alien did manage to adjust his course enough to not land in the areas that were identified as oceans and also to land on the dark side of the planet. That was all he could do though; the last of the energy was diverted into shields and stabilization thrusters as he plummeted towards the ground. The last thing he did was have the damaged computer calculate his odds of survival, which gave him a fifty-fifty chance before it fizzled out completely. It was better than nothing, the alien creature thought as he continued to plummet downward...

Even with the stabilizers firing before the pod hit the ground it was still met with a tremendous force, shattering the energy shields that had been put up. The angle that it had taken towards the earth prevented it from colliding head on as the flaming craft drew a deep furrow through the ground that it had landed on. Eventually it came to a complete stop as the trees that it had hit splintered and cracked while several started-on fire from being in contact with the red-hot metal. Eventually everything calmed down and left the severely damaged pod smoking on the ground for several minutes before it cooled enough that it was no longer steaming.

At first there was no activity from the life support capsule, but eventually the entire top part of it popped off and allowed the entity within to move. Anyone that would have happened upon it would have seen the shiny black and silver body of the alien in the moonlight as it pulled itself out, its reptilian forepaws digging into the metal with its claws before flipping over onto the dirt. Bright purple liquid leaked out of it as the rest of its muscular body followed suit, its torn wings and broken tail moving about weakly as he managed to get on all fours. His thick hind paws shook as he struggled to get to his feet, his draconic snout sniffing the air in order to try and find something that could help with his heavily-injured form.

It didn't take too long even with his critical condition to find what he was looking for; the alien creature moving slowly towards the source of the scent it was tracking. He tracked his way out of the woods and when he emerged from the trees he found himself looking at several large buildings bordered the forest. It was a high school, though the alien creature didn't know that, and the building that he was being drawn to held the seniors that were preparing themselves for college or life in general by being allowed to move and life in the dorm-style apartments. It was perfect for what he needed... but as he could feel his body continue to rapidly degrade as the five-foot long synthetic lizard-dragon made his way forward he wondered if he would even make it there in time.

With it being so late at night there was no one about, which made it easier for the alien creature to sneak around, though several had come out of the dorm due to the flash of light that his spaceship had created. Once he had gotten into the bushes the alien took note of the strange creatures that had attracted him there in the first place. They were oddly shaped and stood on two legs and other than their heads they seemed to lack natural fur and scale. It appeared that they wore synthetic second skins in order to compensate for this as they continued to scan the sky for the source of what had woken them.

When the small group began to filter back inside the alien realized that was his chance to get into the location, scuttling forward until he was up against the wall. Though he could feel his energy diminishing he remained resolute to survive as he watched the last of the strange beings move in. Once they were completely inside the portal they used was still partially opened and he stretched out his tongue to keep it from shutting completely. It appeared to work as the door remained open and after he allowed a few seconds to pass to avoid being seen he moved forward and used his snout to allow him access.

The inside of the large room was completely dark and had a number of different things inside of it which the alien used to hide behind while hearing the voices of the creatures it was tailing disperse. Though he needed them he couldn't risk doing anything and have the others notice, especially in as weakened of a state as he was in. Once he heard the last of the noises die down and he looked down the hallway however he found a different problem; it appeared that they had all gone into another series of portals which were all closed. The rubbery black and silver creature realized he may have just killed himself if he couldn't figure out how to get inside one of them...

With none of the doors on that floor open the alien began to crawl up the stairs towards the next floor, only to look inside and see the same configuration. His life force was ebbing greatly and by the time he got up to the fifth floor, the third and fourth presenting him with the same dire options, he was practically crawling on his shiny belly and pulling himself forward before he looked down and saw something that caused his eyes to widen. One of the doors on this floor was slightly ajar, not closed properly by whomever occupied the space. While there was a chance that the strange creatures inside might have left it was his only option at this point as he moved forward and pushed it open with his snout.

The presence of the scent he was following was strongly concentrated in his area as the alien pushed himself forward. There were two different versions of it, which meant that two different creatures in the room, but it didn't matter to the alien which one he went to. In the end he went to the door that was actually open and slipped into the small bedroom. Even before he could get inside he heard the soft sound of breathing from the creature that was sound asleep within...

Noah had been exhausted by both classes and practice that were going on currently, the human attempting to cram in as much as he could in order to look good for college that was quickly coming on the horizon. The second he had turned eighteen he also opted for the dorm rooms that his school had built so that he could dedicate himself to his studies even more. While it had given him the quiet that he wanted from his previous home life he did have to deal with a roommate, though Nate was also a bit of an overachiever so the two rarely saw one another. Even with the weekend coming up neither man had any plans to do anything but stay in their respective rooms and study or rest up for the next round of classes and practice that came their way.

As the alien creature moved towards the slumbering male a feeling of panic rose within him. He had only been partially healed before the crash, which not only undid all the progress but exacerbated his injuries further. As he pulled himself up onto the small bed where the human laid he knew he wouldn't have enough power to do what he usually did when it came to these situations... in fact he didn't have many options at all. Everything that he could do would kill him before he had a chance to gain the fruits of his labor, all except for one option that he had never done with any other creature before.

The alien carefully took one of his clawed paws and pressed them against the sheets that covered Noah, slowly sliding them off to uncover the male beneath. It appeared that he wore none of the secondary skin that the others had, which would be helpful for him as he initiated a process within himself he had never expected to do. The shiny surface of his body began to distort and melt as he carefully crawled over the human to get himself into position. With the human sleeping on his stomach the alien saw a few means to enact his plan, though the first thing he had to do was make sure that his prey remained undisturbed during the process...

At the same time Noah remained blissfully unaware that an alien creature was hovering over his body, though he did shiver slightly as the covers that were the only thing between him and the cool air of his dorm were removed. Slowly the alien's draconic snout lowered until it was right next to the human's face, his mouth opening and dripping black and silver saliva from its melting teeth. Despite the urgent need for energy the alien was close enough to regain his sense of patience, not wanting to disrupt the slumber of this creature before he was ready. When the jaws of the alien were fully extended a bright purple tongue slithered out, dripping with more of the thick latex-like fluid as the tip drifted right towards Noah's ear.

The second the rubbery appendage touched the inside of the human's ear Noah's eyes snapped open and his eyes snapped open, but before he could say or do anything a pair of heavy paws pressed over his face and silenced him. The alien had been correct that the head was where he needed to go, his tongue shifting and wiggling as it pushed deeper inside. Though the hole was rather small the combination of the rubber covering it as well as the alien's physiology allowed him to push in deeper with every second. The male quickly touched the mind of the squirming human and he watched the eyes roll back into his head before he flopped back down on the pillow.

With the human rendered docile once more, reactivating the deep sleep pattern he had been in before the intrusion, the alien took some time to absorb the physiology of the male while the paws that had been pushed against his face began to morph into tentacles. Noah... that was what this creature was named, belonging to a species called humans that were the dominant force on this planet. There wasn't much else that he could get as the process he had invoked to save his own life was progressing, his body beginning to melt against the human beneath it. It appeared that his tongue was pushing against the brain of the creature and would be the perfect place to store his consciousness while he healed... as for the rest of his form he found that while the mouth he was starting to push the tentacles that were his forelimbs into was a good place he could also use another entrance that would double in subduing this creature.

As the tongue of the alien pushed deeper into his skull and began to coat his brain Noah's sleeping mind suddenly became focused by an intense dream, imaging that his roommate was naked and crawling on top of him instead of the alien. Though he didn't admit it and would never confess it he had a crush on the other man, especially when they were in the communal showers and he managed to sneak a peek of his body. The lust that image caused had made his pleasure levels spike, especially when he began to feel something start to push inside of him. While his mind was made to believe that the thick cock of his roommate was spreading him open it was actually the gooey alien rod that had formed between his legs pushing in.

While the pleasure had caused the human to become even more compliant in his assimilation it reverberated up through the alien's body too. He had never taken over someone in this manner; before his entire planet had been destroyed they would enslave another by transforming their minds and bodies, but this was something completely different. As he began to thrust deeper into the creature beneath him and his body was practically pouring into the human he could feel their bodies merging as well. The back of this human would likely be a shiny silver and black once they were done with this, but it was either that or dying as Noah's throat became stretched by the tentacles invading it.

As the rubbery alien infested the human Noah continued to squirm slightly, though the tongue embedded deep in his ear locked him in his fantasy as his stomach began to swell with the alien creature. His own cock had become rock hard during the process and his body began to hump the mattress beneath him as the legs of the alien were drawn up and disappeared inside of him. The last thing to go was the alien's tail, and as it swished back and forth it looked like it belonged to Noah before it slithered up inside his stretched hole. At the same time the head of the alien completely morphed into a shapeless mass before doing the same, the goo being absorbed into his mind and body before the alien vanished completely.

Noah turned around on his back as the intense dream continued on even after the alien had finished infesting him, the skin of his stretched stomach rippling as the creature distributed itself inside the human. It had lost a lot of mass during the process and was able to hide easily as Noah jerked himself off while his eyes remained closed. As he gasped and grunted there was a loud gurgle to it briefly before that disappeared as well and the only trace left was that his back was a bit shinier than before. The entire time though the human remained asleep as he finally reached orgasm, his hips bucking up in the air as he released his seed before eventually collapsing back into his bed...

The next morning Noah awoke with a gasp as his phone alarm went off, sunlight streaming through the windows as he tried to shake off the bizarre dream he had just had. At first it was an incredibly sexual one that involved his roommate but as time went on things began to shift around. He saw a strange world that looked like it would be on some sort of science fiction movie and these strange creatures that looked like rubber. When he looked down at his naked body he saw that the first part of that dream had affected him more than he realized as he saw the dried cum on his naked body and sheets.

Noah resolved to get his bedding cleaned up later and used his clothing to hide himself until he got to the showers to wash himself off. Thankfully he got up early enough in the morning that he wasn't bothered by anyone, save for Nate who fortunately hadn't had the same idea. As he let the hot water cascade over his body he wondered what had spurred on such a vivid dream, he hadn't been doing anything out of the ordinary and couldn't remember anything he had seen or read on his laptop that would cause such an interesting night. By the time he was finished and started to towel himself off he resolved that it had just been some strange coincidence as he grabbed his towel and dried himself, unaware of his biceps swelling briefly while the cloth was around his head.

The entire rest of the day went about as normal; a full day of classes followed by the rest of the evening being spent at the running track. He was part of the long-distance teams and a varsity member at that, and for his last year he wanted to be sure to keep it that way. It was still too early for them to have any meets though and they also had to share the field with the baseball teams. As Noah looked out over the field while waiting for his turn he noticed that Nate was there swinging, and he felt himself blush slightly before he turned his head away so the short running shorts didn't tent.

When he got back to his dorm room he saw a group of other seniors were standing there watching the large television that was turned to the news. "Hey Noah, have you seen this yet?" one of his fellow dorm dwellers said, motioning for him to come over. "Police said that some sort of object crashed in the woods around here."

Though Noah wouldn't have normally been interested in such a thing he found himself drawn to watch it, seeing a group of people pulling up the twisted remains of some sort of metal object from a deep crater. Those on the news said that it was some sort of satellite that had fallen out of orbit, though something in the man said that wasn't true. The reporter continued on that the mangled mess was too destroyed to get anything out of, but that it would be analyzed to try and determine the cause of the failure. Though it really didn't matter to Noah as he turned to leave he had a glimmer of a smirk on his face as he went to the stairs to get up to his own room.

After the initial joining things quickly returned to normal for Noah; while the alien had managed to save his life by joining with the human the process had taken what little strength he had left and needed time to recover. By no means had the process stopped though and as the days passed little things began to happen that the human noticed. At first it was merely an altered perception or things or his balance being thrown off, but as the days turned to weeks he found his appetite increasing and his need to sleep growing more frequent. Despite that though his energy and strength were up more than ever and he even managed to shave a few seconds off his time during practice runs.

The changes weren't just physical either as Noah began to feel even more confident than before, almost cocky as the days continued on. Every once in a while he would see another guy, whether it was his roommate or someone else, and find himself eyeing them up. It wasn't just his libido either, though he saw an increase in that too, but he started to look at everyone a little different he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It was like he was different than them... to the point where he caught himself staring at someone and wondering what they might look like underneath those clothes.

Fortunately the increased arrogance that Noah was feeling was quickly tempered down to confidence, something that the others in school began to notice. Despite his sleeping becoming more frequent he was also doing better in his classes as his focus and ability to remember things increased. The human chalked it up to knowing that soon he was going to have to start applying for colleges, though as the weekend rolled around that sort of thing seemed... not as important to him as before. All he had wanted before this point was continue on his education and get a good job but even as he sat at his desk and effortlessly memorized the text on it he felt as though his priorities were shifting.

That wasn't the only thing that was shifting either as he found himself thinking back to Nate, who had come back while he was preparing his dinner and had taken off his uniform top before walking into his room. Watching him strut around like that had caused his cock to throb right there and had he not been behind the counter the other male would have clearly seen it. Fortunately Nate had immediately moved into his room and Noah had managed to finish his meal and get to his room before his roommate came back out. Unfortunately even as he tried to focus on something else he could feel himself getting more erect before it was practically lifting up his own desk.

Sighing Noah finally knew he couldn't ignore it anymore and grabbed his phone before flopping down on the bed. He took off his shirt and pants and got a towel for when he would finish, then began to browse his phone as he finally pulled off the underwear that had been straining against his erection. As he began to stroke his hand up and down he continued to look for something on his phone to help get him across the finish line sooner, only to stop when something felt... off. Not only did his hand grip the shaft in an unusual fashion but it also seemed like there was something on it like a condom, though the sensations were still as sharp as ever as he shivered in pleasure.

When the human put down his phone and looked at himself his eyes widened and he gasped in shock. While he wasn't exactly small the shaft he was holding was much longer and thicker than he was used to, looking like it belonged to some sort of porn star as it jutted up from his groin. The flesh also appeared to be tinted with a strange purple coloration and the more he looked at it the more he realized that it looked shinier than usual. Part of him wondered if this was some sort of prank as he tried to tug on it to pull of whatever was on his maleness, only for every inch to feel like it was a part of him. Even as he continued to look at his strange new cock he couldn't help but continue to stroke it, leaning back as his other hand went and tweaked his nipple while he did.

As the hidden alien had predicted the energy he was absorbing from the act was causing him to restore at a faster rate, intentionally keeping the young man from masturbating without his realization as he augmented the sensitive flesh. While the human had sensed that something was wrong with it Noah quickly lost his train of thought in the sea of pleasure that was coming from it. In the days that he had spent inside his host getting stronger he had learned that this creature had a very strong will about it... but it wouldn't be the first time he had broken one such as him even with his limited options. The alien also realized that he was never going to leave this body, the damage that had been done on him was catastrophic and even with repairing himself he would never reform enough to get a body of his own... fortunately Noah's would do just nicely.

The human grunted and moaned despite trying to keep it quiet as he continued to stroke his inhuman cock, eventually reaching the point where he reached orgasm. Noah gasped loudly as a force of pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt before reverberated through his entire body, nearly causing him to pass out as he continued to grip his new member with both hands. He could feel his cum splatter against his chest as he rode the wave of bliss, finally coming down after he had finished. After taking a few seconds to catch his breath he grabbed his towel in order to clean himself off, only to pause when he saw the liquid on his chest and stomach didn't look quite right.

Unlike the usual white the fluid was silvery in nature and glinted in the light. At first he thought he had spilled something on himself but when he looked at his cock he saw that a few dribbles of it were still coming out. Noah found himself dropping the towel and moving his hands over to touch the substance, only to stop when he saw that his hands were covered in a similar shiny material. Unlike the silver though his hands were pitch black and complete with claws on the end, though there was a silver membrane that seemed to have grown between them to give them webbing. The sight was enough to break Noah out of his pleasured stupor and bolt upright from his bed as he could feel his body continuing to shift.

As the muscles of the panicked male began to throb and bulge Noah tried to think about what to do, especially when he began to feel something shifting in his gums and reached up to feel his teeth growing and sharpening. The naked man decided that telling someone was the only option and began to make a run for it, only to become suddenly overwhelmed with tiredness and collapse to his knees. The alien within him tried to control the falling body so that he wouldn't create too much noise and managed to catch the falling male with their mutated hands before lowering him the rest of the way. As he put the male to sleep the alien mentally frowned when he realized that just taking him over wasn't going to be an option, he was going to need another way to bend this creature to his will.

A Swan Song (2/6)

When Noah woke up again he found himself laying face down on the floor completely naked, his entire body feeling like he had just ran a marathon as he slowly got himself back up to his feet. The last thing he remembered was going to his bed in...

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An Ecological Disaster

Flares had been put up all around the tanker truck as it hung precariously over the river, the only thing keeping it on the bridge was the cab that was wedged into the guard rails where it had crashed. Flashing red and blue lights were everywhere...

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A Kinky Christmas Afterparty

It was the dead of winter and over the snow-capped landscapes a group of creatures flew through the air. Anyone that might have looked up at that point would have possibly thought that it might be some sort of low-flying aircraft, with...

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