Temple of the Lost

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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I think we're all starting to become aware of what happens when you explore mysterious tombs, the only question is what lies in wait for them inside. In this case it's an ancient deity that has some rather malevolent plans for the world... starting with the four that had discovered his ancient trap in the first place.

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The sun had just started to disappear over the horizon, casting shadows over the sands of the desert as well as the jeep and tents that had been set up at the base of a large stone spire that broke the otherwise flat landscape. The ancient temple hadn't been stepped in for eons until the four friends had done so, using electric lanterns in order to see their way into the dark hallways. They had been exploring ever since they had gotten there in the morning and only stopped for lunch when they had emerged. As the other three had taken a break and were drinking from their canteens on some fallen stone slabs the shark continued to look over the symbols on the nearby wall.

"Come on Nick," the male human said as he rubbed the dust out of his short brown hair. "You got to take a break."

"I'm almost finished," Nick replied, the tail of the shark waving lazily as he wrote things down in his notebook. "You and Hypkoni are taking over for me in the transcription department anyway, right?"

"Wait, it's me and Laval next?" the shiba stated, looking over at the human who nodded. "I thought that it was Shade next."

The kitsune looked up from his own tablet in question and caused the others to chuckle at his confusion. While the others continued to talk on who was going to go next the shark moved forward in order to keep trying to keep the symbols in order. The shark had his own lantern that hung from his belt and though they hadn't quite explored the area yet he was sure a few feet wouldn't hurt him, especially the way they were continuing on. What fascinated Nick was that the symbols were operating like scrollwork and told an interesting story about what he believed was a man's journey into the afterlife and being reborn into some other creature through a particularly shiny sarcophagus, something that seemed to be prevalent as he continued to talk down the hallway.

When Nick finally got to the end of the pathway he gasped when he found himself standing in a small room that was dominated by a black rubber sarcophagus. It was standing upright and the lid had an outline of a rubber jackal on it just like in the story he had recorded in his journal. It was an amazing find and though he was curious on what could possibly be inside the large box he didn't want to open it without his friends being there. He exited the room and moved a few feet before he found himself at a four-way intersection... and when he looked up to see where the scrollwork he followed came from he realized that all four walls had the same decorations on them.

Lost in a temple, the thought caused the shark to shiver slightly as he realized that he didn't make any markings to show him the way back either. He backtracked towards the sarcophagus room and saw the rubber box still standing there, flickering in the light of his lantern before he turned back around and opened his journal. As he went over the symbols he had transcribed however he didn't notice that the box had started to shift and slowly lift off of the ground. As the enchanted rubber box glided down towards the unsuspecting shark the lid silently swung open, revealing soft latex cushions that wiggled and ripples like they were made of gel.

It wasn't until he felt something press against the backs of his feet that he tried to turn around, which only caused him to lose his center of balance as his entire body tipped backwards. Nick's journal fell to the floor just before the lid of the box slammed shut, completely surrounding him in darkness. The shark attempted to thrash about but the second that the sarcophagus had sealed around him it began to alter around his body, feeling the synthetic material practically suction around his form. It wasn't just the smooth substance that was causing him to wiggle about though, as he felt the lid start to press tighter against his body he began to hear something faintly in his mind.

You have been chosen...

As the words echoed in his mind Nick began to feel something happening to him, groaning loudly in pleasure as the rubber in the sarcophagus began to push inside his mouth as well as his tailhole. With the latex continuing to confine him there was little he could do, his eyes seeing only darkness as the coloration of the rubber began to leech onto his skin. Strange thoughts began to brew in his mind, ideas of power and control that he wouldn't have dreamed about before now seemed to slip in as the rubber did the same. The shiny material wasn't just coating his body, it was becoming a part of his very being just like the corruptive ideas that grew increasingly tantalizing the longer he thought about them.

Nick's muffled moans grew louder as the ancient rubber was infused into him, his shark-like traits becoming molded and reshaped into something different as he felt his cock get stiffer. Had any of his friends been outside the room they would have seen the outline of the shark that had appeared in the sarcophagus change, the outline of the jackal on it growing more defined while any features that were outside of the template melted away back into his form. The cries and groans of the male inside grew deeper and turned to grunts and groans as the shaft of the male continued to stretch outwards while the muscles of the male grew more defined with every second.

Just as the shark didn't think he could get any hornier he began to get more images in his mind, seeing a rubber jackal standing there in the middle of a large throne room where a number of creatures were all around him. He found himself standing there as well, though it didn't feel like he had a body and was just floating as what appeared to be a rubber bull man and latex avian woman stepped forward and bowed low in front of the creature. "Rise my slaves," the jackal said. "Pleasure me with your mouths."

"Yes Master Anubis," the two said in unison, rising up and immediately putting their mouths on his cock. Suddenly Nick let out a groan as he felt the sensations on his own member, and when he looked down at himself he suddenly saw a set of latex abs and firm pectorals being massaged by two pairs of hands, gasping as their mouths licked and sucked on his body while the pleasure cascaded through his body. Though the shark let out a groan he knew this isn't his body, these weren't his slaves...

"They are now..." a voice said.

"I... I can't..." Nick tried to reply, but the words were falling increasingly hollow as the bull leaned forward and began to suck on his cock. "This... isn't me..."

"It can be," the voice replied.

"It... it can..." Nick replied, his own voice starting to change pitch as he began to feel even more sensations in his body.

"Yes..." the voice replied, though now it was in his own head as he found himself moving his hands to the bull's horns and pushing him down while he told the avian woman to suck lower. "My power is yours. You... are Anubis, and you will enslave the entire world just like these two, just like all of them."

Anubis... the former shark found himself gasping as the rubber body he was possessing felt more real with every second as he looked out and saw that the two between his legs weren't the only ones. There were so many, all of them covered in rubber and chanting his name. He was their god, their creator, and as the memories of Nick the shark began to crumble away he found himself growing more intoxicated by the situation every second. As the room began to fade away and he felt himself once more being trapped in the rubber box the last thing he realized he did as he sat there in the dream scape was have a smirk form on his face...

When the sarcophagus had finished imbuing the male with its power the creature that was defined in the lid suddenly began to move forward, strands of rubber pulling away as Nick felt himself moving forward. Even as he pulled away from the source of his transformation his body was still changing, his feet pulling up into canine paws as his chest and ab muscles grew more defined. He brought his latex-clawed hands to his face as his snout thinned and his ears grew up into points on his head, the pleasure he was experiencing second only to the voices that he heard in his head. Anubis... Anubis... it chanted his name as he continued to find his mind flooded with images of dominating and corrupting others with his tainted seed...

As Nick looked down at his cock he saw that it had grown significantly, watching it throb as the heavy balls beneath it churned with the same powerful rubber that had completely coated him. He slowly got to his feet and continued to clutch his head as some of the rubber on his wrists and ankles turned golden, forming into bracers and greaves while a similar necklace formed around his neck. As the muscular rubber creature continued to stumble forward his thoughts turned from just converting people to several in particular. It was his friends... and as he braced himself against the wall all he could think about was turning them into creatures just like him, rubber thralls that would serve him as the new pharaoh of this temple...

The new rubber creature's body began to shake, slightly at first and then increasing as he tipped back his head and began to laugh. This was his temple, he was the lord of it and all those who dwelled within were his devoted servants. The purple eyes of the creature looked around for a few seconds before it went back to the rubber box that had rebirthed him as Anubis, and when he lifted his hand it turned to liquid and flowed into him. The rubber jackal took every last bit and then began to walk down the halls of the temple, already sensing where his next target was.

Laval and noticed that Nick hadn't returned back from when he had went down the hallway, and though the other two weren't worried and said they should just stay put the human decided to just go down a few feet and make sure he was alright. He grabbed onto his lantern and made his way down, eventually calling out Nick's name to see if he could get a response. Though the hall was straight with only a few twists and turns he knew he was starting to pull further away from the group, and if somehow the shark had gotten lost he didn't want to join him on wandering around all night trying to find his way back. From the scans they had done the temple didn't seem to be that big, so they would probably just leave a sign for him and come back in the morning in full search party mode if he still didn't show up.

Just when he was about to reach the limit of his searching, arriving upon a crossroad of several paths that would more likely than not get him lost, he heard something to the right that caused him to turn. While it wasn't the friend he was hoping to find it was something that he hadn't expected to see, walking forward and picking up the journal of the shark. It was something that he would never leave behind and when he opened it up to flip through the pages he saw the story that he had been transcribing. The last page was that of a jackal, and as Laval looked at it he noticed that it had far more detail then the other scribblings that were made.

When the human looked from the page he gasped loudly as he saw another jackal in front of him, but this was a real thing as the rubber creature smirked at him before pushing him roughly backwards. Laval let out a cry and dropped the journal as he stumbled back, only to feel something soft cushion his fall. There was a loud bang as the sarcophagus he was pushed into tipped all the way back and closed, revealing the vague outline of the human as Anubis grinned and walked forward. Already the sacred substance within was starting to eat away not only at his clothes but his frail human psyche, watching him start to squirm just like he had before he had been granted his new godly form.

But Anubis was not content to just let his first thrall be created, not when he was there to lend a helping hand. He hopped up onto the sarphoagus and could already feel his friend's mind getting corrupted, this time by his own voice telling the human what he was about to become. As his fingers pressed against the face of the other man his features began to shift, his facial expression going from shock and horror to pleasure and desire as the ancient magics he wielded was molding him in both mind and body. Though he had not initially thought of what to do with his first friend an idea came to him, noting that as a new pharaoh he was going to need those that would guard his body. Anubis continued to rub up and down the rather skinny frame of the human trapped inside as he saw his pectorals start to grow, swelling until they rivaled the god himself as Laval let out a muffled moan from his stretching face.

Inside the sarcophagus the fear of the situation melted away from the pleasure eroding all of his senses, the only thing in his mind was the muscular rubber creature he caught a glimpse of as his own muscles began to grow. Tendrils of thought were introduced into his mind as the frail human Laval thought of himself as began to twist and morph, his frame expanding as he became swollen with new growth. His real arm muscles flexed involuntarily as he imagined his biceps popping with every flex, his body dedicated to the service of the one that was giving it to him. Master Anubis... the rubber jackal suddenly came to the forefront of his mind as he imagined the creature stroking his growing maleness while his calves and thighs became pillars of masculinity to hold up his increasingly buff frame.

With the human more focused on the pleasure and the muscles then his actual body Anubis was able to slide himself in, both in his thoughts to continue to condition his new slave to be utterly devoted to him and his cock between the legs of the other male. With the rubber suctioning around his growing frame and causing his mutating feet to rise up he was able to get between those glowing globes of his rear end, using his cock to solidify the bond between them. If there wasn't rubber stretched between the feline muzzle's lips it would be shouting his praise to his new master as he felt his loyalty increase along with his musculature with every thrust inside of him.

It didn't take long for Anubis to get a rhythm going, the growing lion man's sculpted body shifting back and forth as that godly rod spread open his synthetic insides. Even when Laval's body pulled itself away from the rubber of the sarcophagus he took his powerful feline legs and wrapped it around his master's waist to get him even deeper inside. The sound of their rubber bodies filled the halls as Anubis thrusted in hard and fast until he came, feeling the rod of the shiny black lion throb as he was filled with the corruptive seed. When Laval opened his eyes they were a solid gold that matched the streaks in his mane that grew out as the last of his changes took place, the final detailing molding his body as he was completely removed from the rubber box's lid.

As Anubis stepped back and reabsorbed the box into his being he got a good look at the first of his slaves that he had created. The rubber lion was even bigger than him, his extremely buff body perfectly balanced to be both beautiful and powerful just as he was meant to be. As soon as Laval was on his feet he had moved forward and began to kiss the rubber cock of the jackal, praising and thanking him for this body as he nuzzled along the length with his new feline muzzle. Just as he was about to take it into his mouth Anubis stopped him, a smirk on his own snout as he reminded him there were two others that have yet to be remade into his thralls that were just lurking about unaware of their new lot in life...

"Did you just hear that?" Hypkoni said, the shiba looking around while the kitsune just looked up at him in question. "It sounded like someone shouting."

The kitsune just looked up from the tablet game he had been playing, looking around as well before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't think I heard anything. You know how it is with these places, your mind tries to make sense of things and you start hearing all sorts of stuff."

"Yeah, but both Nick and Laval haven't come back yet and it's starting to get really late." the shiba pointed out. "Maybe we should go looking for them... I don't know what's going on down there but we haven't really mapped out everything and they could be hurt."

"If that's the case then I think it wouldn't be wise for us to go down there and become lost ourselves," Shade replied. "We know that this room is a bottleneck for all the paths that lead out from this place, they have to come back here in order to get to the rest of the temple and that way we can meet them when they finally loop around. In fact... I think I see a light coming up already."

Both Shade and Hypkoni sat up and saw that there was a lantern light coming their way, though for some reason it was hard to see who was holding onto it. When the lantern bearer did step in it caused both guys to gasp as the huge, thickly muscled rubber lion was revealed when he entered into the lights they had set up. "Hello you two," the lion said with a deep, rumbling voice as his muzzle turned up into a smirk. "Your new pharaoh will see you now."

Just as the shiba and kitsune got to their feet Hypkoni let out a startled shout as something seemed to pull him to the side, Shade turning his head just in time to see a mass of rubber tentacles take the shiba and pull him into a shiny latex box that quickly closed shut. The engraving on the cover of it was that of a female falcon and all the kitsune could do was stand there and stare as the thrashing form of the shiba started to appear underneath it. He was so engrossed in seeing the outline of the other male that he forgot about the rubber lion man, at least until he felt those powerful arms wrap around him. Even with the smooth rubber sliding against him there was nothing Shade could do to break the grasp of the studly feline as a rubber jackal suddenly appeared next to the sarcophagus.

"Hopefully my slave isn't being too tight in his grasp," Anubis said with a chuckle as held out his hands, creating another black rubber box with a fox on it. "But I didn't want you running off before you got the same treatment. I'm looking forward to working on you the same way I did with Laval, I have such ideas in mind..."

"Laval?!" Shade shouted, trying to wiggle out of the grasp of the lion who just stood there holding him. "Wait, is that you Nicky? Whatever happened to you I'm-"

The rubber Anubis just scoffed and with a flick of his wrist opened the second sarcophagus, the muscle lion slave quickly depositing the kitsune in before closing the door behind him. They could still hear the muffled grunts and groans coming from both of them as the rubber once more made quick work of their exterior garments, something they wouldn't need anymore. As Anubis made his way over to the one that they had caught first he could already see the changes starting to take place, the standing box showing the male's struggling starting to cease as the corruption enveloped him completely. While he enjoyed the studly rubber lion standing there he had ideas for the other two, watching as the outline of the cock on the shiba began to shrink.

As fur melted into rubber Hypkoni let out a loud groan as he felt something happening to the rubber pressing against his naked groin, his hands able to slide between the layers of latex even as his body was becoming shiny itself. His stomach was beginning to flatten and his hips were growing curvier as his fingers slid down just in time to feel his member disappear, replaced with smooth rubber save for his head as his balls began to get pushed up into his body. His gasping became lighter as Anubis began to massage his chest, teasing his nipples as the rubberized flesh underneath began to swell. With his first female slave being molded to his liking, pushing his fingers against the shiba's face to smooth out his canine muzzle into something more fitting for his new form, he turned to see that a similar transformation was happening to Shade.

The kitsune's body was practically humping up against the rubber of the sarcophagus as a pair of breasts also began to develop from his chest and his body was growing more feminine, but unlike Hypkoni his cock was not receding in the slightest. In fact as the rubber lion began to push his own rubber cock into the increasingly vulpine muzzle of the fox woman his maleness seemed to be growing as well, though as his hips pushed up into the air he could see that there was something else developing between his legs. Though Anubis already had a guess his leonine bodyguard had showed him the new pussy between the legs of the man as he turned from kitsune to a fox herm. As Laval continued to show the newest slave what their primary task would be in serving their new pharaoh he could see with every inch that disappeared into the maw that was pushed out of the sarcophagus lid the more flexible that mouth became.

Anubis suddenly turned his attention back to the sarcophagus that he was hovering over as his hands felt the beak of the new female press against them, latex feathers forming under the lid of the sarcophagus as his changing body matched his mind. With a mere probe he could see the former shiba was already dripping with lust; at first it had been his male body bouncing on the rubber cock of his new master but the more the rubber transformed him the more that image changed. Soon in his mind's eye he could see Hypknoni embracing his avian as well as his feminine side, the groans and cries becoming pleas for his master to fill her with his godly cock. Though that was only happening in the mind of the rubber falcon woman Anubis was more than ready to make it a reality, using his hands to mold the scaled feet and talons of his newest slave before slowly pulling her out of the box that she had been trapped in. Though the former shiba was still reeling over the loss of his maleness the power of Anubis filtering into her mind more than helped her long, replacing confusion with lust and loyalty as her hands went up to her sizable rubber boobs.

She didn't have long to admire her new form however before her new master put it to use, Anubis using the sarcophagus that now had the image of her former body on it as a means to sit down and put the winged rubber creature onto his lap. Just like with Laval, Nick, and soon with Shade the sacred rubber of the sarcophagus held their former forms, locked away so that they could enjoy their new bodies and serve their master. Anubis let out a small growl of pure pleasure as the recently formed lips of the avian's female sex were split open by his cock, grabbing her by her shapely synthetic sides and sliding her down onto it while she wiggled in pure pleasure. As one of his hands went up to her breasts to play with while he thrusted up into her they both watched as the latest slave to join his growing harem was finishing forming, Laval pulling up the head of the new rubber fox to keep his cock hilted deep in the other rubber creature's throat while removing him from his own rubber box.

Much to their surprise Shade pulled back and let out a gasp, his body only half-formed out of the rubber of the lid as his hands went straight to his breasts. "I... what's happening..." he gasped, Laval stepping aside as Anubis pulled Hypknoni off of him. "Is this rubber? Are these boobs!?"

"I knew I should have taken a more personal touch with all my newest servants," Anubis said with a sigh, reaching forward and slowly stroking the head of the rubber fox. "All you have to do is relax Shade, enjoy the new body your master has given you. All that panic and doubt was with your old form, a rubber fox servant only thinks about serving his master."

Anubis could see the other creature visibly calm down at that, his new vulpine lips mouthing out what he had just been told as the idea was implanted into his mind. With every soul that he conquered and enslaved it was making him more powerful, especially as he made a few more final touches to the fox that gave him a decent mix of male and female. He leaned down and licked the heaving chest as he allowed pleasure to cascade into the former kitsune's body as the last of his changes were morphed by the rubber. With his mind properly corrupted and his form into something incredibly pleasing for his master both sarcophagi were dismissed, leaving the four rubber creatures in the temple with three of them looking at the rubber jackal that had enslaved them.

"You three definitely came out rather well," Anubis said, harnessing his power and forming four rubber caskets that had the bodies of a naked shark, human, shiba, and kitsune frozen in looks of pure pleasure. "With your minds and souls attached to me I can create even more of these, creating dozens, hundreds in order to create a new world where I am its ruler. But for now, I want to make sure that my slaves are properly broken in before we go out and claim others to play with."

With Shade being the last to be greated Anubis gave him the privilege of being impaled on him, the rubber futa fox thanking his master and lowering his pussy down on his lap just like Hypkoni had done. When the latex falcon girl huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, accenting her breasts so that her master could see that the fox herm wasn't bigger than her, the rubber jackal chuckled and said that there was another pole that she could ride on while Shade had her turn. Hypkoni's beak turned up into a smile as she straddled the hips of both her master and her fellow rubber slave while taking the fox's cock and pushing the head up into her own pussy. With the breasts of the fox rubbing up against his chest and the hands of the falcon groping against his muscular body Anubis was in heaven, and though he enjoyed the feeling of the latex walls of the vulpine clamped against his shaft he knew that their work was not done as he summoned the buff lion over towards him.

"I need you to do something for me while I break these two slaves in," Anubis said, watching as the lion's eyes flashed golden as his obedience and loyalty was reinforced in his mind. "You are going to go out and order a number of shipping containers here, however many that you can get, and say that we managed to find something big that we want to share with the entire world. Once I'm done with these two I'm going to start creating more sarcophagi that we can send out, first with the local city and then to every prominent figure in the world."

"Yes master," the rubber lion said. "Is there some sort of message that I should send with it?"

"Oh no," Anubis replied, taking a second to thrust hard and deep into his fox slave while she did the same into the falcon that she was impaling with her cock. "Once they open the box they will be turned into my slaves as well, and then they will know to come back to the temple of the lost in order to serve their master..."

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (10/10)

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (9/10)

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (8/10)

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