Hypnovember 28 - Unaware

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#28 of Hypno Stories

All characters are 18+

Professor Matei cleared his throat. The sound bounced and echoed throughout the lecture hall. However, when the murmurs of his students didn't quell, he repeated the gutteral noise with just a little more oomph. The chatter didn't cease. If anything, the wave of sound came in stronger. Rolling his eyes, the stallion unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it over to his chair. He had some time before the class decided to settle down. Oh well--the university paid him to teach, not to make sure anybody retained the information. He strutted towards the chalkboard and began to scrawl down the topic for the day. These freshmen would either wise up or get out--ninety percent of them wouldn't continue with biology anyway.

"Now, I expect you all remember enough from secondary education to know the names of the reproductive system's major parts," said the horse. Chuckles emerged from the rows of students. "Come now, we're all adults here." It was hot today. Matei wiped the sweat from his neck. The horse pulled on his collar hard. Sighing in relief as the air flowed down coolly onto his chest, he continued to draw the appropriate shapes on the board. "Since you're all so uninformed apparently, I suppose we'll have to go back to basics."

"The male reproductive system," the horse said as his tail flapped from side to side to cool himself off. "Is divided between two major parts: The testes and the penis. The testes are contained in the external pouch, known as the scrotum. Do we understand?"

To his annoyance, he heard dissent from the crowd. Patience officially depleted, he whirled around to face his new students. "Do you all require a better visual?" For once, cheers of approval lit up the classroom. With a single frustrated motion and hips thrust forward, the horse removed the diagram from his pants. Multiple whistles blew throughout the hall like a chorus. "Once again--I would hope we can all be adults about this. Now--this," the stallion's fingers extended wide to pinch the tip of his diagram and swung the visual aid from side to side for the whole room to get a good look. "This is the penis. Do we all know what a penis is now?" Whoops and hollers. He couldn't believe how oblivious young people today had become. "A yes would have sufficed, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between. And these," A smooth palm cupped the two hanging visual aids. He juggled the spheres between his fingers to make sure the slower ones in the back understood. "Are the testes. Contained," he spoke slowly and deliberately as he clasped the visual aid in his palm, "in the scrotum. Are we all understanding what a penis is or do I have to dumb this down even more, class?"

The door to the lecture hall swung open. A blue dragon in a suit approached his podium, the dean of the department. The suave, yet dignified dragon placed a thick palm on the stallion's shoulder. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, Professor Matei? Do you think I could see you in my office for a moment. It's time for a performance review."

"Oh, of course," the stallion nodded along. Performance reviews were often scheduled in the middle of class--he knew this. "One moment, students. Do try and recall your basic biology in the meantime."

"You got it prof!"

"Have fun, teach!"

"Get in that office."

From Professor Matei's perspective, he began a long constitutional through the university's halls to the dean's office. He accepted a coffee from the blue dragon's secretary and sat down while the dean respectfully took out a notebook and slid it towards him. "Now, sit back and relax. This won't take long. I'm just here to offer my endless praise for your stellar teaching this year."

To the rest of the club, the eager crowd of men young and old watched as 'Professor Matei' walked three feet to the sling which had hung ominously from the ceiling during the entire show and hoisted himself inside. All the while, he continued to stay in character, which impressed and satisfied much of the clientele. As the horse slid his legs into the awaiting rings, thanks to the help of the leather harnessed blue dragon, he smiled. "Why thank you, Sir. Though, it does seem like I get the most disruptive students sometimes."

"Well you have to admit, Matei," the dragon bellowed with a sultry wink to the audience. Thick dragon claws clipped leather straps shut around the horse's wrists. He hefted the good professor's rump up and into position for all to see. With that, he lined his exposed cock up to his target, making sure to cheat the angle to the audience. His tip poked at the entrance of the open, and clearly loosened pucker. "No one else could handle that crowd. No one else could take as much punishment as you!"

Cheers rocked the club in reality while the wind whistled outside the office in the stallion's mind.

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