Hypnovember 29 - Bad End

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#29 of Hypno Stories

This story features SkyWing `s character Necross zonking my hypnotist-attracting, far too trusting tanuki Cole. Feet and musk abound. ENJOY!

All characters are 18+

And now it's raining. Because it might as well...

Cole grumbled to himself. His vacation had started off so well. He'd gotten a full night's sleep, which never happened the night before a big trip, the hotel had confirmed his reservation for that evening, and his phone was full of actual play podcasts that would keep him company on the four-hour drive through the mountains. The journey was indeed very pleasant for the first two hours.

Flat tire.

No cell signal.

He hadn't seen a rest stop for miles.

Would the correct option have been to remain by his car and wait for another traveler to pass so he could ask for their help? He might never know since he instead decided to start wandering down the road, phone outstretched towards the orange sky in hopes of a single bar as the chilly, spring air swept over him. The hues of the clouds above had shifted to a savage grey and he heard the first bellow of thunder before he felt a single raindrop. However, the latter came in spades just when the tanuki's fuzzy body had gotten used to the cold. His vigilant stride became a dead-on sprint, arms held up in front of his face to fight off the deluge. He no longer cared for finding a signal. Now he just wanted some--any place to keep dry. His normally wooly tail was drooping like a wet mop and his clothes didn't fare much better.

Eventually, the slick pavement became wet enough that he slipped, his thick belly hitting the ground with a moist slap. He heard a crack which, when he reached for his phone, he felt abrasions along the surface. "You're kidding me...come on, no!"

"That's some bad luck."

Cole felt the downpour atop his prone body lessen and stop altogether. Who stood above the tanuki with an umbrella extended over him was a dragon and a rare sight for the tanuki. At least eight feet tall, if not more, the muscular dragon bore a twin-toned scale pattern with black scales that ran from the top of his head, down his shoulders and over his arms. Whereas red scales dominated the underside of his muzzle, down his chest and presumably, from the tight-fitting shirt the dragon wore, the set of thick abs underneath. In addition to the umbrella, the dragon's two black wings helped block out the deluge. The dragon adjusted the thick lock of indigo hair from his mane out of his eyes before offering the hand to the tanuki. "Do you need a hand?"

Tired and grateful for any kindness given, Cole took the stranger's warm hand and was hoisted to his feet with a strong lurch. "Thanks, man." Cole brought up his phone to inspect the damage. One large solid crack ran diagonally down the screen from left to right. Multiple tiny fractures spread out to either side that created a visual headache when Cole hit the power button. He stuffed it back in his pocket with a frustrated amount of force. "God damn it..."

A firm, comforting grip graced his shoulder. "Bad luck for sure. But it'll work out. You can get another, I'm sure."

"That's...not the problem, unfortunately. Just a symptom of it," the tanuki sighed. His body vibrated with the need to shake the moisture out of his fur but didn't want to spritz his new acquaintance. "But thank you. I-I appreciate you looking out. I cannot believe my luck today. I was supposed to be on vacation."

The dragon's serene expression didn't shift. He lightly shook the tanuki. "I'm on vacation myself, actually. Was just on a stroll when I spotted you. Care to get out of the rain? Cute thing like yourself shouldn't catch a cold. I have a working phone."

Any usual caution or sheepishness the canine might have exhibited in taking a stranger up on his offer to invite him into his home was overridden by the sheer frustration the rest of his day had wrought. When one's fur coat felt more like a shell of ice, the need to question went out the window. The tanuki craned his neck to look up at the dragon's slight smirk and nodded. "Th-That would be so good of you. Thank you."

"Of course. Right this way," the dragon said, steering Cole off the road and onto a dirt trail leading into the forest. He released his hold when a shot of tension went through Cole's body at the realization of what he might have just agreed to. However, as he saw a cabin in the distance, bordered by more forest, he relaxed.

Cole sighed, still able to feel the warm imprint of the dragon's hand on his shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Cole. What's your name, f-friend?"

"Necross. You can relax, silly thing. I've no intention of hurting you." One of the dragon's wings curled around the tanuki, shielding him from the rain and cold, but not touching him.

"Er, well I mean--"

"Random stranger wants to take you to his cabin in the middle of the woods with promises of a warm fire and a phone? Yes, I know how that looks. But nothing bad will happen to you. That I promise. In fact, I promise you'll enjoy my presence immensely."

The dragon spoke with such a serene, polite tone that it made it hard for the tanuki to doubt him. Downright impossible, almost. He smiled as that wing closed in a bit closer. He could feel something coming off the dragon as he took in deep calming breaths. He felt an aura of self-assuredness that gave Cole the impression this dragon didn't have to lie. If he wanted to do something untoward, he could easily just overpower the tanuki.

"...Thank you, Necross. This is very kind of you." Cole smiled as the dragon's wing cover took the edge off the freezing rain.

"Heh. Not a problem, little nuki. Now get your butt inside."

The pair reached the cabin after a more pleasant walk through the rain than Cole ever thought possible. The moment he stepped inside, his keen nose caught a whiff of the dragon's scent that he had just gotten a taste of underneath his wing on full blast. It was thick and robust inside the cabin, as imposing as the dragon himself in his olfactory senses. At first his nose wrinkled, but he decided the errant musk hanging over the cozy foyer wasn't so bad. It wasn't any worse than when he worked at that strip club, cleaning up the men's dressing rooms. In fact, as he took his next few breaths, he found the scent less rank, more savory and rich as far as musk went.

"Cole?" He looked over at the dragon who was pointing down the hall. "Laundry room's this way."

"Right..." Cole said, blinking slightly in response to the intensity of the smell, he told himself. As they walked down the hall, Cole regarded the various art pieces and artifacts standing on end tables and hanging on the walls. He was admiring an oddly realistic husky wolf sculpture standing upright on a podium in the corridor. It looked so real staring outward toward the opposite wall with a raised arm, blue fur even bristling from a rush in the air vent above. He blushed when he saw it was even anatomically correct, fully erect cock poking outwards. It was life-sized and intricately detailed to the point of mirroring a real person but he could detect no movement of any kind.

"Over here, cute thing," Cole once again snapped his eyes forward, his ears perked as he dutifully followed the dragon onward. As he did so, and that scent continued to weave through his attention, he found his eyes more than one time drawn to the dragon's feet, which emitted a spicier version of the odor. Normally, he found the smell of feet rancid but the dragon wore it well. Plodding along behind him, he felt a note of satisfaction when the soles swung back to face him, and he could see that, despite a walk though the forest, they looked relatively clean. The way the light shimmered on his scales drew the eye like nothing else.

Necross opened the door to the laundry room. All Cole saw were his feet turn to face him. "Through here," he heard. Cole nodded. The dragon made no comment as the tanuki's gaze took longer than normal to pull away from his soles.

"Oh my--" The tanuki's face wrinkled as he entered the tiled utility room. The smell was even fiercer in there. Multiple hampers, filled with wrinkled tight shirts and boxers with the words 'Sexy Draggy' lined on the rim were strewn about the room. The smell was so intense, so full of funk and yet he found himself taking the deepest breath of his life into his lungs. The masculine scent seemed to suppress even the smell of detergent and soap. Even the taunki's own scent seemed to cower and shrink in the presence of this cloud of sweaty stench.

"You should get out of your wet clothes," said the dragon, smirking slightly at the canine's bug-eyed expression.

Cole nodded. "Yeah that makes sense..." He didn't want to catch cold. He reached down and slipped his shirt off, revealing his thick, fuzzy musclegut, pronounced for his size. Without a hint of his usual modesty, the tanuki let his pants slide all the way down to the floor. Immediately the warm, thick, musky air washed over him. Cole swayed for a moment as his own scent pulled further and further inward while the dragon's aroma poured in more and more.

"Put them away," his head woozily went up and down--the upswing required far more effort than the downswing. He leaned down and picked up his clothes, wrinkling as he detected a scent that wasn't the robust musk on the air upon them. "Don't smell good, do they?" He shook his head. "I know how to fix that. Let's make them smell nice and clean, hm?"

Cole nodded. His footpaws padded towards the dusty washer and dryer before a clawed hand waved a disapproving finger in front of his face. "No, no. Not there." The hand cupped his face possessively and jerked his head towards the hamper filled with the dragon's underwear. "There."

Cole tilted his head, confused. That laundry was dirty.



Like a sleepwalker, Cole's eyes locked onto the hamper. Dumping his clothes inside, he felt a tingle of satisfaction curl up his legs, his stomach, all the way to his brain in coils of pleasure. The dragon was right. He should have followed his instruction from the start. He felt so silly.

"There. That's better, isn't it?" chuckled the dragon. He felt fingers curl over the back of his head. The strongest source of scent he'd detected so far was right behind him, impossibly warm and powerful, yet comforting. Like a cartoon character who had caught a whiff of juicy steak, his body floated as thick, heady musk surged into his nostrils and lungs, filling him with a happy, bubbly desire. He leaned back, into the strong, scaly chest that called to him. He took deep breaths in, unable to stop. The feeling of belonging always seemed to get stronger. "Should've used the phone first, huh cutie?" The dragon's other arm wrapped around the tanuki's muscle gut, giving it a squeeze before the hand on his head applied pressure. Cole dropped to his knees. "Now, do you want to clean up too?"

Cole's mind was so focused on that stench and how good it felt to wrap himself within it that he didn't understand quite what the dragon meant. He stared deep into the pile of dirty underwear. Part of him wanted to nuzzle into the smelly balls near his face. Another wanted to dive in to the laundry. And yet, still another wondered if this was okay to do--some tiny speck of shame inside of him that refused to remain quiet.

"I...I don't know..." Cole said, his voice monotone and dreamy.

"Mmm, yes, choices are hard, aren't they?"


"It's better to just agree with your betters, isn't it? Can you feel it, pet? Can you feel my scent calling to you. It's natural that you worship my scent. As well as the source of that scent, hm?"

"Yeah..." Cole wanted to agree. Agreement felt good. Like the powerful sweat the dragon exhibited.

"Well, now that we've established the weakness of choice, I'm going to take it from you. No more choice. No more stress." The fingers tightened around his face. "Glad we agree, pet."

Before his hazy mind could process the words, the dragon forcefully dunked his face into the hamper. Cole had never touched a drop of alcohol. Yet, he doubted even the purest of vodka could instill the level of intoxication the moment he breathed in that concentration of crotch scent. Wooziness crashed like a broken damn over his remaining modesty, smothering it. His body went limp as a whimper of bliss left his muzzle. Only when his lungs couldn't take anymore of his salty, dominating scent did he exhale.

The dragon smirked. Once he was certain the tanuki had more than enough, he wrenched his head out of the hamper. He noted the glassy look in his eyes and the dreamy thin smile on his prey's face. Gently, he laid the thick-bodied tanuki on the floor and chuckled as his head lolled down completely limp. He was quick to rise, however, when the dragon's foot, dripping with a new, enriching kind of musk dangled before his face.

"That's a good pet. How are we feeling?"

"Hrr...ngah..." Cole's eyes remained trained on that footpaw, head following as Necross swung the sole from left to right.

Necross chortled. "That's about right. I'm sorry to hear about your vacation. But, thankfully I have a good alternative for you. This vacation might last a little longer than the one you had planned, but I don't think you'll mind. You'll have much..." he nudged his nose with a single, stinky toe and Cole's eyelids fluttered in bliss, "...MUCH more fun with this one. Won't you now? In fact, I'd go as far to say you're addicted. What do you think?"


"Heh, nothing is correct, my addicted little pet. Now, you want to kiss my feet."

The words rode along the scent, up Cole's nose and into his brain until his distracted thoughts mimicked their form. "I want to kiss your feet," he repeated.


Cole needed no other invitation. He leaned up, shutting his eyes as his face became smothered in an unreal amount of foot funk. The curves of the dragon's scaly soles rolled over his face. He took his first blissful breath and he fell in love all over again. His eyes rolled back as he became smothered in the dragon's sheer dominant presence, warping his mind in the form of his natural odor. His lips puckered and the kiss allowed him to add his sense of taste to the mixture. A spicy, salty rush riddled him with pleasure. All his fur stood on end at once for a moment before his entire body went flush. He began to shamelessly make out with the dragon's foot, infatuated.

"Heheh, good pet. Hmmm, actually, I don't think you're a pet at all. From where I'm standing, you're a rug."

Cole's eyes went wide. His head fell back to the floor. His limbs spread out into a spread-eagle position as this new truth formed in his mind. He was a rug.

The dragon's footpaw sandwiched Cole's erect cock between itself and his protruding musclegut. He laughed, admiring his new rug's blank expression. "What are you?"

Cole didn't speak. Because rugs didn't speak.

The dragon smirked. Yes, this vacation would be more productive than he thought. And this tanuki would join him for a very long time indeed. His wolf statue in the hallway needed a companion, after all.

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