Hypnovember 26 - Fey

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#26 of Hypno Stories

All characters are 18+

"Kog, this isn't you! So let go, you giant idiot!" The puma tabaxi elbowed his former orcish companion in the face. The impact forced the titan to release the party's wizard. Although, he looked anything but orcish now. His smooth green skin had become jagged like bark and his hair had been replaced with long, shimmering blades of grass. Knock, without any materials for curse removal, instead made a mad charge for the satyr currently skipping and cackling his way through the brush of the fey forest. Pastel flowers bloomed along the path he walked, springing up with a beauty that drew the eye. Having watched his previously orcish friend disappear into one of those flowers, Knock made sure to zigzag around them.

"Knoooock, ol' buddy..." A hiccup gave away the position of another satyr in the brush, one with wine stains draped across his fur pelt. His expression spoke to a perpetual slovenliness that marked him as a being of pure reverie and zero inhibition. Knock also, to his despair, recognized the satyr's bright green eyes as those of his vulpine companion, Vash. He held two goblets overflowing with viscous wine that shimmered with poisonous magic, swaying on his feet. "...ol' pal...relax 'n have a drink with me. Ss'been sso long since we've talked."

The satyr spread his arms for an embrace into his new ridiculously bulbous frame. With a swish of the puma's wrist and a whispered incantation, a shimmering pink doorway appeared between them. Knock dived through. He came out the other side in a clearing fifteen feet ahead of the prancing satyr. The wretched fey pulled to a stop, his hooves digging into the dirt with an abrupt thump. He pivoted to dart around Knock but he ceased his trajectory when the puma's hand ignited with an inferno that threw the verdant green forest into a boiling orange. Knock approached. His threat of setting the whole forest alight burned as bright in the puma's hazel eyes as it surged in his hand.

"Don't. Move."

The satyr, with his lecherous grin, gently put his hands up. He spread his hooves and stood stock still. From six feet away, Knock raised the fireball to let the flames lick and spark against his foe's fur pelt.

"Release my friends from their curse," Knock snarled. "Now. No more tricks. No more games. No more deals. This isn't a bargain. It's a demand." The satyr remained silent which made the puma's fireball turn blue as his fury doubled. "Well? Do it!"

"Hm?" The satyr tiled his head and shook his hips, swinging his exposed maleness back and forth. "You said not to move."

The puma's face twisted. His pupils narrowed into slits. A feral need for blood overtook him and he shouted the incantation to let loose his fiery fury upon this fey.


"Roll initiative real quick. I got a 4 so no pressure to roll high."




The satyr reacted first. With a snap of the wrist, a set of pan pipes appeared in his hands. He brought them to his lips and soulful strands of notes weaved through the glade, disturbing the feline's focus. The music pushed back on the puma like several sets of arms. From the foliage above, shapes began to emerge in answer to the satyr's summons. Along with the hollow rhythm of the pipes, the puma heard the gentle taps of a xylophone, a low percussion, along with several stringed instruments. He glanced upward to find a set of humanoids with insectoid pincers, wings and scales all merrily playing these instruments. The melody began to pick up rhythm--one that was easy for the puma to be drawn into. His ears perked and he struggled to keep focus on the spell as the music continued to tug at his brain.


"Charisma save. Disadvantage."

"Oh, the first one is a 20. So hopefully--nope. Nope. That. Is. A. Six. Plus six. Twelve?"

"Heh, here we go."


The puma stumbled over his words in his attempt to keep the incantation. He tried his best to keep focus--he truly did, but the spell fizzled when his foot started to tap to the beat. He glanced down. Both his feet were bobbing to the whimsical tune. He wanted to snarl or tear himself away, but every tap brought a little thrill--a tiny tap on his forehead to remind him how smooth the music felt beating against his body. As he admitted to himself that the music felt good, his hips began to sway, taken as well.

"No! S-Stop!" He reached up to cover his ears. However, even without sound, he could feel the waves against his body. A body that was slowly giving in to the addictive rhythm. Only then did the puma notice his surroundings. He had been so focused on the satyr, he hadn't seen that the clearing he teleported into was ringed with wildflowers. They swayed to the music and their glowing yellow pollen lazily swarmed through the glade towards the dancing puma. He'd heard about fairy circles, but he never thought he'd be so lucky--stupid--lucky--LUCKY to fall into one! "I--I--"

He heard a honeyed voice in his mind. The voice sounded close to the satyr's but so much more ancient, like an edict from a forgotten God. "Lower your hands."

He heeded the command. He didn't know why until the melody glided into his ears and winded through his brain like floss, cleaning out filthy, unnecessary thoughts. The dance intensified and gratitude flowed through him while the musicians continued to play. His arms swayed and flowed outward. He accepted the music into his heart and his fur began to grow coarse in response. As he bobbed his head, he shook away the pointiness of his ears, rounding them out. His lips pulled up into a smile that was far too wide, dragging the puma's muzzle into a fatter shape.

His thicker body shuddered as a firm hand cupped his waist. Smoothly, his paw grasped his new partner's shoulder to shift his tap dance into a waltz. The satyr's nose pressed into his and the happy bear stared into the goat's dazzling eyes. They twinkled with hunger and glee. "There. Doesn't that feel better? A tango sounds much more fun than a scuffle. This is what I wanted all along, sweet mortal. If only you had accepted from the start--you could have basked in our pleasure so much sooner. Oh, but you're so far away, aren't you, my dancing bear? Come, the night is young and we have a special place for you at the party."

The satyr's mouth made sweet noises that the bear didn't understand. All he knew was this moment and this dance as he let the satyr lead.

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