Being a Third Wheel

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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When you're feeling down in your threeway relationship, it's best to talk it out with your dominants about it. Rebecca, who's never even been in a regular relationship for very long, still has a lot to process about being a submissive.

The art for this story was done by Kandlin. Please check him out if you have not already done so.

Rebecca hated to admit it, but from the burning lungs and fiery shins, the pitbull had to admit she'd let herself go just a little. The cold and murky air blew past her face, carrying the scent of morning dew from the grass along the path. If it were cold enough to see her breath, she'd be seeing a lot of it from how heavy her breathing was.

Helga's was worse. The older pig trotted up alongside her, sweat staining the jersey she exposed through that unzipped green hoodie. Rebecca smiled, "I know you have more stamina than that, Mistress."

"It''s not...fuck..." Helga gasped, "It's got nothing to do with my stamina." She said, pointing to her head, "It's more mental. And I fucking hate running."

The dog's ears drooped, "Well, we could try something else. I'm sure there are-"

"No," the pig said, taking a deep breath, "I've been too focused on weight lifting. I just need to get past myself on this, that's all."

"If it helps, I've been slowing down a bit." She said, eyes going wide at the realization, "I mean...shit. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult."

Helga laughed, messing with the pitbull's red headfur with one hand, her imposing frame standing beside Rebecca. That same body that Rebecca couldn't escape from if caught. Not that she'd want to escape. "It'll take a lot to insult me. Besides, you're only slowing down cause you're not on that intense training regimen anymore. I'm amazed you still want to keep exercising after all that."

That regimen was her entire life up until now. Day in, day out, early morning jogs, technique drills, footwork exercises, and several hours at the punching bag. Rebecca still had the urge to practice strikes while running, muscle memory be damned. But that life was behind her. No more cage matches, no more MMA, and no more 'Just one more tournament' from her dear old father.

"I struck a nerve, didn't I?" Helga asked. Rebecca looked to the pig, emerald eyes staring down with worry while her own face loosened. She blushed, pulling the older pig's hand away and resting against a nearby handrail, watching the sunrise.

"You know, I never could appreciate the sunrise back in New York," Rebecca said, hoping to change the subject. "I mean, I saw it a lot. But I was usually stuck in the noise of the city to really appreciate it."

Helga leaned up next to her, "So, how would you describe it?" She asked.

"Describe it?"

She nodded, "The first sunrise I saw when I was on the road felt different to me. And not because I used to sleep in before that. It felt...well this is gonna sound really corny, but it felt like a new dawn on me."

"I mean...isn't that what it is? A new dawn?"

"Well yeah, if you wanna get technical." Helga said, rolling her eyes, "Though I guess not even then since it's the same big ball of gas every day. Point is, metaphorically it felt like a different day. Like a new chapter in my life opened."

She smiled, but didn't laugh. Watching the sun slowly rise, its light pinkening the sky and shining over the landscape, Rebecca tried to think how she felt. She heard leaves rustling in the wind, the water from a nearby stream, and felt the cool metal of the railing against her paws. "Peaceful." She said, looking back to the smiling pig woman, "Like, I get to look forward to a day where I can do what I want. Even with this," the pitbull looped a finger around her collar, "wrapped around my neck. I feel more free than I have in a long time."

Helga nodded, "I should hope so." Stretching with a groan, the pig jogged in place for a moment. "Welp, break's over. Let's get moving. Amethyst is waking up soon."

Nodding, Rebecca followed Helga. This time watching her pace so she'd not overtake her mistress. More to give herself time to think than anything else. "Helga, how come you don't make Amethyst come and join us?" She asked, "Wouldn't being in shape be important for you?"

"Well, I..." Helga panted, finding it difficult to talk and jog together, "I can't make Amethyst do anything she doesn't want. Has she been making you?"

Recalling some of her chores, Rebecca shook her head. She would have felt guilty if she didn't help around the house. "No, but as submissives aren't we meant to follow orders?"

Helga's jog slowed to a trod and then a walk. She sighed, "Christ, kids today and their pornography." The pig muttered. Rebecca's cropped ears furled when Helga wrapped her arm around her, pulling the pitbull in close to her sweaty chest, "Listen, Rebecca. I'm sure I explained this before but I'm going to make this crystal clear. Just cause you're Amethyst's bitch, and by extension, my bitch, doesn't mean you don't have rights. You have a safeword for a reason, and it makes you have the most control."

"So I can use a safeword to get out of chores?"

Helga opened her mouth to answer, only to shut it and give a mean little stare down. "You must be learning lip from Amethyst." She said, "If you're unhappy with your chores, then we can talk about it. Everyone has responsibilities in my house. I still do most of the cooking since Amy needs work."

She blushed with her nod. Rebecca hated that she still had the porn thought process when it came to this lifestyle. In the pitbull's defense, she discovered it through porn and never exactly had people to talk about it with. Not in person anyway. Online she found a lot of conflicting ideas. But Helga and Amethyst seemed like they had their act together. Sitting back in the car, Rebecca asked, "So, how did you start this lifestyle? If that's ok to ask, I mean."

"Well you already asked, so asking for permission seems kind of pointless." Helga said, checking the rearview mirror before backing up. "As for how I started...well I was stupid and in love, with someone that didn't really appreciate me. When I learned about the horrible shit she'd done, and I'm not going to spare you the details of what that shit was, I left."

"Oh..." Rebecca said, sinking into her seat, "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up old wounds."

Helga brushed it aside, "Scars remain but the pain fades. Anyway, I kind of traveled the country through the highway. Had a hole in my heart and met a lot of gals I figured could scratch my itch. Not gonna lie, I was a bitch in my twenties. Plenty of girls were just objects to me, conquests I could check off in my mental list. I justified myself in that I was hurting, but...well there are parts about the 'glory days' I know are just nostalgia."

"Like what?" Rebecca asked.

Helga returned her question with a blank gaze, "Let's just say there's a reason I know people on both sides of the law." She explained, "Point is, I did a lot of bad things, a lot I regret. What I regret the most is how long I played other ladies on. It took me too long to start feeling more protective around the people I slept with rather than just use them. Now don't get me wrong, how I fucked didn't change. I just...well I stayed for aftercare and pillowtalk at some point."

"That how you met Amethyst?"

Helga looked insulted at the question, "Fuck no. I met her at a munch. Amy dresses like a punk, but she wouldn't last two minutes in a biker bar on her own. Haven't I told you this?"

Rebecca shrugged. If she had been told, it hadn't been on the forefront of her mind. "So you've been around a lot. Have you ever had multiple partners before?"

"Once." Helga said, keeping an eye out for early morning traffic. Thankfully none slowed them on their way home.

"How'd it work out?"

"I got stabbed."

Rebecca blinked, "You...what?!"

The pig tried brushing away the concern, "Calm down, I'm fine. And it wasn't because of cheating. To make a long and very personal story short, the two were in cahoots and wanted me as a sugar momma. Only I didn't have that much 'sugar'-"


"Right. Sorry I forget you're not as naive as Amethyst. Anyway, I didn't have that much money, and when I figured it out I got a little testy. So they stabbed me and ran."

"Do you know where they are now?"

Helga shrugged, "Nope. Don't care enough to check. If I see them in this town again, I'll make sure they leave."

The pitbull's throat felt tight all of a sudden. As experienced as Helga was, her only time with two partners ended in violence. Granted, they were after her money and Rebecca didn't care for that. But how long could they last together? Especially since both her mistresses were lovers while she...she was just a third wheel. Almost like a back-up tire. Looking back into her reflection against the window, Rebecca could see the worry stretched out across her face.

Helga noticed it too. "Somethin on your mind?" She asked.

"It's nothing."

She opened her mouth, but Helga closed it to shrug her shoulders. "Look, I can't force you to talk about things that are troubling you. But if you are worried about something, please don't be afraid to talk to me about it."

"It's just..." Rebecca paused, taking a deep breath and gathering her foolish courage, "Well, you and Amy are in love right? Like girlfriend and girlfriend?"

"That's what I tell her mother. Not that those visits are at all less awkward."

"Well, I'm just...kind of here." Rebecca admitted, facing Helga so the pig could hear her, "Like a third wheel, I'm just around. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you both accepted me into your lives but...well I've seen how you two look at each other. You're both..." She interlocked her fingers to emphasis her point, "Connected. I don't know, it just feels awkward being in a three person relationship."

"Relationships in general are awkward." Helga said flatly, changing her tone when she saw Rebecca's ears droop, "B-but that doesn't make your view any less potent."

"I just feel...envious of you two. It's like you both found each other and I found my fantasy, but not a partner. I might never."

A silence passed between them in the car. Rain began pouring down from the outside, thumbing against the windows while the squeaky wipers went to work. Rebecca had soured the mood, she just knew it. She should have said nothing and sank into her seat.

A strong arm cradled Rebecca's shoulder, "I'm not great with words, so I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm being careless when I say this, but slow down."


"Rebecca, you're eighteen. Barely an adult. The odds of you finding someone are low. The odds of anyone finding a 'perfect' partner are low. Hell, me and Amy aren't exactly perfect. Look at our age difference. You think we'll still be together when I'm in my fifties, or sixties?" She struggled with that last line, not wanting to admit that truth in the open air. "Point I'm trying to make is...well don't live your life with the expectation that you need to meet certain criterias or fill out checklists. Don't worry about finding the perfect girl or guy. You should focus on trying to get your life in order. Getting that job at Frank's shop was a good start, but you should maybe look into community college if you can."

She blinked. Was that supposed to make her feel better? Just to stop worrying. If it were so easy she'd have done so already! Helga noticed that anger, and slumped her shoulders with a sigh. "Yeah, like I said I'm bad at words. For the record, we don't see you as a third wheel."

Part of her wanted to believe Helga was lying. That the pig just said that to comfort her and end this conversation. But Rebecca did believe her. Helga hadn't lied to her before. Neither of them had. The pitbull felt disgusted with herself, letting these emotions cloud what was already a nice day.

The rain didn't help.

Parking back in the garage, the two set about to the showers. Helga took hers first, having work in an hour while Rebecca's shift started later in the day. Amethyst crawled out of bed while she waited, walking through the house topless and yawning. No matter how many times Rebecca saw the vole naked, her tail couldn't help but wag.

"Morning, Mistress." She said.

Amethyst patted Rebecca's head with low energy, "Morning, Rebecca. How was the morning exercise?"

"Good. You should join us sometime."

Amethyst forced a laugh, "When Helga grows wings, sure. Until then, I'll just keep with my beauty sleep."

"You don't need sleep for that, Mistress."

The vole smiled, giving an affectionate little peck on the pitbull's cheek, "Well aren't you a sweet pup? Flattery won't unlock your cage any faster though."

"I know." Rebecca said with a blush, "Doesn't make me wrong."

Amethyst smiled and leaned in, placing both hands against the wall to trap Rebecca. The pitbull's ears perked, her heart pumping in them as the vole's lips braced hers. Those soft and delicate lips, better than she'd ever imagined deserving. Daring herself, the pitbull reached down to her mistress's ass and gripped tight as she pushed her tongue past Amethyst's lips.

"Well now, aren't you two a bit horny this morning?" Helga said. They both turned, seeing their mistress wrapped in a towel and peering from the bathroom door. They both blushed, but Amethyst giggled with her response, pointing to her chastity belt as she did so.

"Well whose fault is that, Mama?"

The pig pulled her towel off, letting her breasts hang as she dried her greying black hair. Rebecca had seen many fighters in her time in the ring, and Helga fit the description of a heavy weight perfectly. Broad, tight abs, breasts she'd love to bury herself in if given the chance. With how the pig swayed her body, she and Amethyst knew the woman was teasing them. It was the reason why she put the belts on them after all. Keeping two horny younger women at her beck and call at all times.

The pitbull would have been insulted if she didn't love it so.

"I'd say it's yours." Helga teased, "You're clearly not being good christain girls, with all that rock'n'roll."

Amethyst dropped her smile, "Really? You're going that route?"

"What? I can't tell a joke?"

The vole rolled her eyes, "Just maybe find something-" Helga pushed her against the wall before she could finish. Lips locking against one another, the pig's tongue pushing deep into Amethyst's maw. Rebecca blushed and panted, watching her mistress get taken by the one above them both so forcefully had her reaching for the belt on reflex.

Helga broke off, cupping her green headfurred sub's chin, "The real joke," she teased, eyeing over to Rebecca fruitlessly scratching at the belt, "Is you two teasing yourselves when that's my job. Though this does give me a little idea for tonight."


Helga's little hint drove Rebecca mad throughout the day. It didn't help that she worked in a sextoy shop, surrounded by dildos, bondage gear, porn, and other assorted toys that she either had tried at Helga's home, or imagined to try. Tapping her foot, she eyed the clock. Five minutes left until her shift was over and Amethyst would be picking her up.

"Someone's in a rush." Franny, the crossdressing ocelot and her manager, snickered from his seat in the corner, filing his claws casually. "Is the little pup horny to each butch cooch?"

"At least I get out of my cage." Rebecca fired back. Working with Franny experience for her. She'd never actually had a job before being under Helga's collar, and the ocelot had a habit of throwing daggers in every conversation. Helga said it was part of the so called 'bitchboy's' charm, and the best way to deal was to respond in kind. Rebecca didn't like to.

"Honey, at this point in my relationship, I feel odd with it off." He said, casually uncrossing and recrossing his legs to hint at the chastity cage his leather daddy locked him in, the same person who really ran the business. "As a girl, you should know how good it feels to just work for an orgasm."

The front door opened before she could think of a response. Her tail nub wagged at the sight of Amethyst, stepping in still wearing her blue blouse and tan skirt she kept for her barista work. The vole smiled, "Ready to go?"

"Always, Mistress." Rebecca said, grabbing her backpack and heading out the door, casually flipping off her manager like she did every day when leaving. The two girls giggled in excitement on their way home, each suggesting different ideas on what their mistress would do. It made every redlight feel twice as long.

Helga waited for them in the living room, resting against the green couch with her legs spread wide. "You both took your sweet time." She said, standing up before the two submissive girls. They stood straight, arms behind them and chests pushed forward before their dominant. The pig looked them up and down, smiling through the inspection. "Such well trained little sluts." Helga whispered, slipping a hand behind each of them, grabbing a fistfull of their asses. Neither girl could keep from shuddering in delight.

"Strip." She ordered. They followed without question. Rebecca learned quickly that Helga didn't need her dungeon to be dominant. A single word said right would put the pitbull to her knees even in public. Their mistress surveyed the two girls before her. One a beanpole punk with pierced ears and nips. The other, a former athlete with small tits and loosening abs. Hooking a finger under each collar, she pulled them close and whispered, "We're going to have a little competition. Now march downstairs."

Every creaky step had her fur on end. Rebecca couldn't suppress her smile, following Amethyst with Helga behind her as they descended down to the padded basement below. Forced to their knees, they watched Helga strip off her tee-shirt and jeans, standing naked before them. Her broad body carrying a rare feminine grace they rarely noticed under her butch exterior.

"Like I said, we're gonna have a little competition," Helga pulled the keys off her neck inching down to insert and unlock the chastity belts, "Whoever cums first loses. Loser gets an extra week of chastity that I might let them earn off. Winner..." Helga smiled, holding the chins of both girls, "The winner gets to cum by my hands. Interested?"

They both nodded. Smiling, Helga grabbed several restraints, a duo ballgag, and two latex hoods from her trunk. The girls were made to lay on their sides over half the restraints, allowing Helga to bind their bodies together so they were chest to chest. Rebecca could feel Amethyst's heart beating in shared excitement as Helga locked their hands and legs behind them. The hoods came next, robbing the pitbull of the vole's indigo eyes as tight latex wrapped around her skull. "Open." Helga ordered, locking the shared gag between both of their mouths. She smelled every breath Amethyst made, and Amethyst smelled hers.

Their mistress pushed a vibrating bullet into each of their pussies, keeping it low for the set up. Even as a competition, Rebecca believed she should give in for Amethyst. The vole was her mistress, and Helga's lover. She deserved feeling the rough dyke's touch more than her.

Helga whispered into her ear, "Remember how you said you wanted Amethyst to join us this morning? Well, now's the time to prove how much stamina you have over her." Her rough and calloused working woman's hands crawled down the pitbull's sides, warm breath cascaded down her ear, "Remember, she may be your dom, but she's a slave first."

The bullets buzzed. Starting low, they steadily climbed up in vibrations. The two girls bit into their shared gag, moaning and struggling in their bonds. Amethyst's pierced nipples brushed against Rebecca's bare, letting the aroused tits dance with one another. Blind, their senses expanded to a torturous degree.

Amethyst rolled over the pitbull, laying flat against her submissive partner and using what little movement she had to dry hump the poor girl. Rebecca laid there, letting the pleasure build after weeks of denial. "Come on, Rebecca. Are my hands not worth your time?" Helga cheered from the sidelines in the void, "You can't just let Amethyst win. What's she gonna do, punish you for holding out?"

She blinked behind her mask. She imagined the hands of her mistress. The rough and calloused hands that had Amethyst squealing in seconds. The hands that turned Rebecca's knees to jelly whenever they braced against her. The very fists Helga used to save the pitbulls life.

Rebecca wanted that touch.

Teetering to her sides, the pitbull rolled over her bound mistress and ground what she could into the gimped up vole. Their nipples dragged against one another, the vibs in their cunts whirring loudly, leading Amethyst to scream into their gag as Rebecca bit down harder to suppress it. She was happy to watch. To be the denied little cuck in this three person relationship. But tonight, Rebecca wanted that cruel touch.

And she wanted Amethyst to struggle for it.

The vole screamed. That same scream Rebecca and Helga knew by heart now. "Looks like we have a winner." Helga chuckled, turning the vibes off before the pitbull gave out. With their mouths free, Rebecca pushed her lips against Amethyst's shoving her tongue in for the taste she'd been denied. "Woah, woah, woah there little slut." A firm grip held Rebecca by the ponytail formed from the hood, "Give your superior some breathing room. I can't hear her defeated tone if you're swapping tongues. Speaking of which," Rebecca heard Amethyst squeak, no doubt from Helga grabbing the vole and hoisting her up with the pitbull in tow, "You lost, little miss punk. Was the orgasm worth it?"

"N-no..." She muttered out, "Sorry, Mama. I couldn't..."

"There, there," Helga cooed, her hand gently petting the latex over Amethyst's face, "It's ok. Just means we gotta work on your stamina in the future. And that I have an excuse to fuck your pert little ass more. Now, as for the winner."

The low dungeon light blinded Rebecca once Helga pulled away the hood, giving the pitbull a moment to adjust to the fiery emerald eyes staring down at her. A lecherous grin crept up across the pig's face as she whispered, "Do you want my touch, little slut?"

Barely a whisper, Rebecca gasped out, "...yes..."

"Speak up, mutt. I can't hear you."

"Yes, Mistress" She said louder, "Touch me. Abuse me. Please grace me with your fingers and let me cum!"

Helga laughed. That cruel wicked little laugh that had Rebecca dripping. "I bet you practiced that speech in the mirror." The pig said, gently setting her two slaves down and separating the bindings between them, leaving Rebecca's legs and arms bound while letting Amethyst free. "Amy, go put your belt back on and get your pillow. And you," Helga put Rebecca to her back, leering over her with the pig's hair hanging loose, "What's your safeword."

"Watermelon, Mistress."

"Good girl," Helga said. Two fingers trailed down Rebecca's quivering stomach, gently toying with her cunt and pulling out the bullet vib. Her mistress's hot tongue met the pitbull's still nipples, teeth nipping against her breast. With sudden force, the two fingers pushed deep into her pussy. She gasped, biting her bottom lip as the pig roughly fingered her with enough force to lift her.

On reflex she struggled. Bound limbs moving in vain to stop the older woman. Helga's thumb braced the girl's clit, rubbing it hard enough for Rebecca to call out. There was pain, but pleasure overwhelmed it. Experience guided the older woman's fingers, hitting nerves the submissive pup had never considered in her own explorations.

Bucking her hips, she moaned with pain mixing in with pleasure. Helga let go of her breast, forcing her tongue down the dog girl's maw, wrestling it into submission as she deemed it worthy to lay beneath her. The pig growled and snorted, primal echoes of dominance that had Rebecca's ears droop despite her wagging nub. "You're such a dirty little mutt." Helga jeered, holding the girl's jaw tight, "I should have done this when I first met you. Made it clear who was in charge."

She nodded, unable to form the words. Rebecca closed her eyes and saw it, herself laying on that gym mattress with Helga on top of her, the stands watching as the older butch woman vigerously fucked her, claiming her as her own. Just a weak little..."Fuck!" She cried out, orgasm hitting her like a brick wall. The sow woman's strong arms wrapped her tight, holding her close as the pleasure surged through her body.

"Good girl," Helga whispered, dropping the cruel and brutal tone, "Soak it in. Enjoy this moment." Breathing heavily, her body calmed down in the cradle of her mistress's arms. Bound and deep inside this woman's basement, Rebecca felt safer than she'd ever been. "Are you good?"

"Yes, Mistress." Rebecca nodded.

Helga smiled and began to undo the straps holding Rebecca together. Her hand still dripping with the dog's juices, she smiled and pushed those fingers against the kneeling vole's lips. Without an order, Amethyst licked them off, sucking them succulently and eyeing up to Helga, then Rebecca. The pitbull's loins stirred again.

Grabbing Amethyst by her collar, Helga dragged the vole in front of her throne and hunkered down. "Amy, be a dear and finish this session." Helga said, spreading her legs, "Wouldn't be fair if only my sluts got an orgasm."


The pain from the evening still followed Rebecca early in the morning. Groaning, she made a mental note to stretch more as she got up off her futon. Helga was already up, eyes dead tired but body moving out of habit. She smiled, "I think I need to institute a better bedtime for all of us."

Rebecca nodded, yawning and stretching her arms before getting out of bed. The usual routine followed between the two. Brushing teeth and other early toiletries, then getting dressed to go running. But as they left the bathroom, the two found Amethyst up. The vole rubbing her eyes and brushing her frazzled sidecut out of the way.

"Did we wake you, Amy?" Helga asked with concern. Amethyst nodded, getting out of bed with a smile. "You can go back to sleep, dear. We'll try to be more quiet."

"Don't, Mama." Amethyst said, stepping between them to reach the bathroom, "And don't leave yet. I'm joining you both."

Both women blinked. "Pardon?" Rebecca asked.

"What?" Amethyst said, squirting some toothpaste onto her brush, "After last night, it's clear I need stamina. Can we get breakfast afterwards? Like McDonalds?"

The two looked at each other. Helga smiled, and Rebecca followed shortly, "No." Helga said, "That'd ruin the point of the run. We'll share some breakfast shakes and I'll add to the list to buy more."

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