RockJaws: Nightstick Parol

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#1 of RockJaws

To anyone who has read my Roadie series, I've made references to Tiffany being a part of a rock band. So in a creative rut, I decided to try and write some stories with each member of the band. This one is about Conner, the band's guitarist, bassist (he swaps with his twin a lot. One of the many things they swap), and asshole.

This story takes place before the two join the band. Most of these stories take place before the events of Roadie unless stated otherwise.

Anyway, this one is about a crossdressing punk's experience in holding. Hope you enjoy!

"Stop tapping your foot."

Conner ignored the request. Leaning against the bars of his holding cell, arms crossed and eyes focused on the door, with his head still aching from the sucker-punch he took back at the bar. He'd been hit with worse and unlike those jackasses at the bar, he didn't need stitches. All the rat wanted to do was have a nice bevvie by himself. He deserved it, especially after hearing his sister's nagging all day. But no, you show up in a skirt and blokes with no better things to do with their miserable little lives start harassing ya.

"I said cut that out." Another one of his cellmates said. Conner answered with an unsubtle middle finger, still tapping his foot away against the concrete floor. Did him no favors to piss anyone off, but since when did Conner need any favors? He was perfectly fine reminding people what happens to rats when you corner them.

"Hey, dragqueen, sit still or I'll make you sit still." Threatened a nasty looking pug. Conner answered with another middle finger and his other hand tapping the bars, filling their cage with all the more sounds. Nowhere near as relaxing a rhythm as his guitar, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Growling, the pug got up and lurched over the rat, slobber dripping from his lips onto the floor, just missing the combat boots. "You deaf?"

"I heard ya." Conner said, his accent thick despite being away from Australia for a few years now, "I don't care, ya daft cunt."

"You best start caring, you prissy little rat. Or else I'm gonna take that tail and strangle you with it."

"Ya gonna jack me off also?" Conner asked, grinning wide, "Give me a little erotic asphyxiation?"

The pug's knuckles whitened, but he did nothing. Conner knew why; he didn't want to make his stay any longer than he had to. The rat should have been thinking the same, since he didn't know how he'd post for bail at this rate. He probably messed up a lot of future plans getting into the dumb little barfight, but the more he thought on it the more pissed off he got. "Look, mate, you either do what you want to do, or go back to your corner and block me out. I've got enough of a headache as is with you."

The pug slammed his hand against the wall above Conner, "Or," He growled, leaning low until the rat could smell his breath, "You could knock it off, and maybe later I'll make sure you don't get fucked by all the-"

Conner didn't let him finish, driving his combat boot straight up into the pug's junk. The sudden impact weakened his stance, letting the rat push him off balance and climb up his back. Reaching around his neck, the rat squeezed the muscular pug, whispering, "It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever need help from meatheads like you. Ya got that?"

"Break it up!" A guard shouted, slamming a baton into the bars. Reluctantly, Conner let go, letting the pug breath as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his plaid skirt. The cell door opened behind him, with the shadow of a tall rhinoceros woman standing in its frame. "Conner Smith?" She asked, one hand on her club and the other pulling out a pair of cuffs. Rolling his eyes, the rat put up his hands. She smiled and twirled her nightstick, "Turn around. Arms behind your back."

She wasn't gentle, squeezing his wrists tight in those big hands while the cold cuffs locked behind his wrists. "Seems like someone forgot to check you for contraband." She said, roughly dragging him out and setting him on a march. Conner grumbled, but said nothing to her. Preferring to spit at the pug still lying on the ground. He wasn't done with the bastard yet.

"That's a nice skirt you got on." The officer said. A quick peek at her badge told the rat her name, Kelly Mel. "I'm almost jealous, you can pull it off better than me."

"My sister says the same thing." He said with a cocky smile, "A least, she pretends not to say it." She laughed, not that it loosened her grip on him. Something about her made Conner want to shut up, and that only made him want to turn the tables. No one told him to shut up.

Their little search room had nothing but a desk and a chair alongside it. Lined up against the wall, the rat got a better look at Kelly as she took her hat off, revealing her buzzed black hair. Judging from her size and how strong she held him, Conner figured she had some serious muscle underneath that blue uniform. Muscles that, like her choice of hairstyle, fit better in the military than the cops. Against his will, he felt his throat tighten when she looked at him, brown eyes staring right into his blue. For just a small second, his fires wavered, and she smiled all the more.

"Gonna want you to say 'Ahh' for me real good." She said, pulling out a small flashlight from her desk. "Can you do that for me?"

"Ahh go fuck yerself," he said, sticking out his tongue. Her hand clasped around his throat, fingers squeezing tight while her palm forced him against the wall.

"I was hoping you'd put up a fight." She cooed, bringing the flashlight up to his face, "Now say 'ahh' for me, maggot."

Gritting his teeth, he kicked and thrashed as her grip gagged him. It didn't reach, she had enough strength to lift him off the ground with the wall keeping him steady. He scowled at her, gazing deep into that restrained smile forming across her lips. She was enjoying this, and judging by the sudden feeling in his groin, so was he. "A-Ahh..." he muttered out, opening his mouth wide for her.

"Good vermin." She said, lowering him down and flashing the light into his maw. "Nothing obvious, but I might have to feel around in there. If you bite me though, I might just drop your cuff keys and we'd hate for those to get lost, especially as assaulting an officer like that would mean I'd have to move you to a more crowded cell."

She was handsy in more ways than one as the flashlight pushed into his mouth. Her free hand kept shoving against his chest, grabbing the mesh shirt and dragging the netting across his nipples while they hardened against her touch. His crotch wasn't spared, with pressure and slow grinding from her knee forcing out an erection underneath his skirt and undies. His arousal only made him want to clamp down on that light and kick her in the cunt. But despite Connie's insults, he wasn't stupid.

"Damn, you can take this whole thing and not a peep." She chuckled, pulling out the saliva drenched flashlight from his throat, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You look like the kind of guy who removed his gag reflex." Kelly shoved his ass against the concrete floor before he could answer. Playfully twirling her nightstick, she propped it up against her crotch and slowly pushed her hips into him, "Why don't you show me how good your cocksucking game is."

"You've got the better lips for it." He muttered allowed. Kelly dug her fingers into his scalp in response, tightening until his maw opened and she thrusted herself inside. Even without a gag reflex, Conner struggled to find his breathing with the sudden intrusion. She wasn't fucking him like a guy who wanted to get off. No, he could tell from the glimmer in her eye that she just wanted to see how far she could push into him. "I bet it's tight down there." She whispered, biting her lip. Her free hand undid the buttons of her uniform, revealing the toned abs and heavy breasts restrained by her black bra. "You're almost at the hilt. Seeing you take it like this..." She shuddered, slipping a finger bast the bra to encircle her nipple, "Makes me riddled with penis envy. I'd find a cutie like you and make his eyes water. Guess I'll just have to be satisfied with fingering myself to the thought of how popular your throat would be in prison."

Pulling it out, she didn't even give him the time to cough as she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and shoved him face first into the desk. Hand holding him down, she dragged the wet baton slowly down his back and a few inches up his tail before pulling up his skirt. "Tighty whities huh? What are you, nine?" She teased, pressing her stick tight against his ass, spared only by the fabric of his underwear.

"Fuck off, ya jack."

"It's officer to you, rat." She reminded him, mimicking his accent as her baton wormed its way around his undies, "No why don't ya shut up so I can play with yer downunder?" Conner heard a wrapper unfold while she pulled his underwear back. Ears furled, he relaxed his ass at the feeling of something cold and slimy pushing against his ass. He'd taken up there enough times to know he'd regret tensing it up. She was slower with the baton this time, sinking it deeper and deeper into his ass while the rat bit his lip and imagined giving her the same treatment. Have her on her knees, forcing that smug face around his cock.

"You're pretty big," She commented, still pushing her baton in, "For a rat. Wouldn't be enough for me, but that's just the species problem ain't it."

"I'm sure you're tight enough." He mused, "Can't be getting much fuckin if this is how you get your kicks."

"Talkative little vermin, ain't ya?" She said, grabbing him by his scalp and holding him by the baton embedded in his ass, "Well, I think we're gonna fix that." With strength befitting the rhino, she hauled him off the desk and dragged him under it, pushing him deep into the darkness underneath. The end of the baton pressed against the floor, firmly snuggling it in place as she sat down and pulled her pants down. With how she'd been roughing him up, Conner didn't expect to see pink panties with some cutesy anime character smiling on them. Course he didn't expect to be under some cop's desk today either.

Pants down, she pulled in and cut away most of the light, leaving only a few cracks of the outside world between him and her thighs. "You want out?" She asked, "Then make my paperwork less dull."

With every breath, he felt her taste on the tip of his tongue. Seeing no other alternative, the rat slowly kissed his way up her thighs, ending with his tongue pushing past her vulva. He knew his way around a woman, the only real hurdle being how big she was compared to his last escapades. Subconsciously he slowly grinded against the baton impaling him, letting it tease his prostate as he licked away. He might as well get something out of it.

Judging by her quivering legs and labored moans, Kelly enjoyed his vermin tongue. The chair creaked as she leaned back, hand reaching down to caress his scalp while she muttered and tried to suppress her moans. Sounded like she hadn't had anyone down there in ages. If she hadn't forced all this on him, he might even feel sorry for her. Maybe if he met her in the bar, this night could have gone a lot differently.

He wasn't sure how long things had been since he started. Her degrading words and haggard moans became routine as he worked his magic. Kelly seized up, hand gripping his scalp and thighs pressing him around him. Biting her lip, she held her scream through her orgasm, coating his maw in her juices while drops of pre fell from the rat's cock.

"God damn..." She said, body leaning against her chair like she'd just ran a mile, "If you get sold as a couple of holes in prison, they better charge extra for that tongue." With a sigh, she pulled her pants up and dragged him back out, "Though thankfully you ain't going to prison."

"Huh?" Conner asked, his erection bobbing as she pulled her baton out, leaving him feeling empty at its loss.

"Yeah, you made bail." Kelly explained, uncuffing his wrists. "Exit's that way. Paperwork should be finished by now."

Rubbing his wrists, he looked back at the door, then back to the rhino. Something wasn't right. "You fuckin with me?"

"Nope." She said, smiling and resting her face between her hands, "But if you want, I got a nice big strap-on back at my place. I'd love to make you a cripple for the morning."

Giving a swift middle finger, Conner pushed past the door and stepped out into the yellow square cutout designed hallway. He kept his head low, wanting to avoid any cops, but none stopped him on his way to the front. Though a few snickered, no doubt cause of his walking. Conner wanted to shove their batons up their asses, but he kept that thought to himself. He just about made it to the entrance door when he heard a slow clapping.

"Took ya long enough."

Turning to his left, Conner found his twin sitting in the waiting chairs. Spitting image of him, 'cept instead of the plaid skirt and mesh shirt, she wore ripped jeans, a black tee, and a leather vest. He could still pull it off better, but that didn't concern him as of now. "You? You got me out?"

"Who else would?" She asked, skipping up from her chair.

"How?" He asked.

Connie smiled, "You tell me. You're the one walking funny." Hooking her arm around his neck, she nestled up beside him and whispered, "Maybe next time you clean the fucking dishes when it's your turn. Though I'm sure that cop is gonna love having a round two with ya."

"Round two, huh?" He said, slowly grinning as he cracked his knuckles, "Oh, there'll be a round two sis. Only it'll be on my terms this time. An eye for an eye."

"And a hole for a hole," She finished, bumping knuckles with her twin.

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