Catching Up

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The thoughts, opinions, and experiences of characters presented in this story do not always represent my own. Normally I don't feel the need to bring this up because I write porn most of the time and reality isn't filled with women that have big cocks and rock hard abs that would care for me (I can dream). But this story has some controversial elements that I fear might start a fire if people focused too deeply on them.

Anyways, it's time for an annual reunion with Tabitha and a certain someone.

Thumbnail made by kandlin. Please check him out if you haven't.

Tabitha knew something was wrong in the air. Well, not wrong really, but she didn't feel right. It took her seeing the date to remind her what today was. Sighing, the wolverine sent out a quick text to tell the gang she wouldn't be out tonight. Not safe to drive after catching up on memories.

She couldn't visit him. Ohio was still a bit of a fuckfest. Sure, that corrupt cop she and Helga attacked got caught eventually, but he was still a cop when they fought him. Tabitha wasn't sure what the statute of limitations was for assaulting an officer, and frankly, she didn't care enough to look it up. Going to Ohio just to see him would have been too painful. Lots of bad memories there and people she prayed were dead or deranged despite acting like she didn't give two shits about them. The past was hard to let go, no matter how much she tried.

Instead, she took his dog tags, the only thing she had left of him, and carried them outside. Hanging them on a small tree in her backyard, she pulled out a lawn chair and grabbed sixpack of beers. "It really has been too long...almost ten years now, fuck." She muttered, popping open a can and gulping down the contents. "I get why you joined. I mean, with a shitty home life we had, it only made sense that you would have looked for some way out. And hell, it's better than going the criminal route, cause at least your way leads to a steady pay. All you had to do was kiss ass and go fly overseas for some, not even a war, this country doesn't call them wars anymore. Some fucking conflict is what it is. One that..." She paused, taking another long gulp of her beer can. A cheap brand, one that she could drink a bunch of before getting too tipsy. Perfect for this event, where she needed to talk.

"But let's not talk politics. God knows you hated it when dad did it, even if my views are different." Tabs said, tossing the can aside and opening another, "So, what's new with me? Let me think..." She looked back over the year since she'd last spoken with him, pinpointing everything new and exciting that had happened. Only one major thing came to mind and all the small bits that came with it. Smiling, she suppressed a chuckle, "So, there are these two teenagers. Before you worry, they're legal, so don't go judging me on my tastes. Anyway, I've known them for a few years, just not very closely. They were just these stupid nerds who kept skipping gym to play their silly card games and junk. One is this incel looking punk named Justin. He's kind of cute in his own way, reminds me of me if I had my big mouth but no balls...well ok, he's got balls, but the otter doesn't have the strength to back it up most of the time. He's also got this cute girlfriend, so much that I kind of want to rail him in front of her. But I promised I wouldn't take his ass unless he asked. He's getting there though," She said, nodding along to the imaginary reply, "I'm slowly chunking down at that wall of his. He's so afraid of being a loser that submitting is hard. And, in hindsight, I can't blame him for being afraid. Young people are afraid of dumb shit."

Crickets chirped into the darkening night sky. The only sound she heard in reply to her one-sided conversation. Tabitha could pretend he was responding, laughing along with her at how ridiculous it all was. But she didn't, she couldn't. It hurt too much.

"Then there's this other boy. A cute wah that I call Kathoey. He's...well if I was in high school at the same time, I'd be stuffing him in a locker. That kind of dumb stereotype smart kid who has too much on his plate. Bit of a momma's boy too, but more out of fear than anything. I've met her, and she is pretty stern. But he..." She looked back on her moments with her wah, how he came to her doorstep unannounced, how he started running games for her, and even their little date in the park. Leaning back, she felt her cock harden in her jeans with each memory, as well as blush across her face, "He's adorable. Helga says I'm too impressionable on them, and I kind of believe her. He even came to my place with a fucking bug out bag." The wolverine laughed, slapping her knee before taking another swig, "Like, this smart kid, who could probably get into a really good college if people just eased up on all the requirements and just...I don't know, saw how smart he was, was willing to give that up and just move in with me, to be my personal sissy. If I was ten years younger and dumber, I might have taken him up on it. But..." She sighed, slumping into her chair, "I'm a teacher, and I got responsibilities to my students. As much as I like fucking him, I want to see him succeed. He deserves that...they all do. Even the shitheads, if they grow up a bit. Hell knows I was one, probably the biggest."

She continued to regal the hanging dog tags of her exploits with the two boys. Drinking beer after beer while explaining how they got her into their silly nerd games, how she started actually researching these relationship dynamics and even looked forward to seeing them throughout the day, unlike all of her other lays. Even if they didn't fuck at the end of the day, she enjoyed their company.

By the sixth can, she felt tipsy. "You know...I kind of wish you could have met them." She said, "Wish you could have seen Helga grow too, she went from a poser to a full-fledged badass. Course she retired. Handed down the leadership role to me. Not that it means much, we're all basically retired...course, you'd have wanted me to do something else. Maybe join the military like you. Not that I ever could." The wolverine chuckled somberly, thinking about how she'd be kicked out of basic training for hitting the drill sergeants one too many times. The only reason she followed Helga's lead was that she saved her life. Well that, and she liked Helga.

"In any case, I'm glad we could catch up." She said, kicking herself drunkenly off the chair and grabbing the hanging dog tags. Even with her muddled vision, she could read them clearly: Blake Jamison, or just Jamie to her and his friends. Died in 'Raq, and buried back in Ohio. The only reason she had these tags was that she snuck back into the state and stole them. Ma and Pa had the gravestone, she needed something.

Looking up to the sky, she wondered if he was watching back down on her. Tabitha wasn't religious, being more hopeful that there was someplace they went to after death than really believing it. She used to hope it'd be like Valhalla, where her deeds of combat would be salvation. But now? Now she just hoped that wherever she went, it would be nice. Or that she'd be too dead to care.

"I miss you every day, big bro." She muttered, wiping her tears on her the sleeves of her leather jacket. Taking the empty cans, she headed back inside, stopping when she heard the rumbling of bikes up to her driveway. Peering over, the wolverine saw the gang standing there, each on their bike, even those that hadn't ridden in years. Helga got off first, the broad pig woman towering over Tabitha.

"I told you guys I couldn't come out tonight..." Tabitha said, rubbing her tears.

"Yeah, you did," said Helga, "So we came to you. We only missed about half of the game by now anyway."

"T-" Helga hugged the wolverine, cutting her off.

"It's ok." She whispered, "We're here for you. Valkyries and all."

The tears flowed free. Tabitha held her best friend tight, crying into her chest. Everyone else soon joined them, wrapping their arms around the two like some goddamn afterschool special about friendship. Corny enough to make her want to hurl.

But not enough to have her let go.

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