Lover's Spat

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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What's a slave to do when their master is being distant? Talk it out like two reasonable adults.

Characters based off an RP between myself and Danaume.

The vibrating alarm in his watch had Lucy stirring. The effeminate lion boy yawned, hands outstretched, and reaching over the bare chest of his master. He smiled, cuddling up against the zebra tight like he'd wanted to for the full year he'd been away. Freshman year of college didn't afford Theo the privacy they needed, forcing the zebra to have a roommate in a cramped little dorm while Lucy was stuck at home having a special course of his own. Though while Theo was having higher education, Lucy had a more physical one taught by his stepmother, with his mother tutoring him on the finer details.

It wasn't all bad. Mrs. Nuru's cock was enjoyable. But eyeing down the covers for that tenting monster, the sissified lion couldn't help but shudder warmly. His own cock twitching inside its cage, he slinked down between the sheets towards the zebra's morning wood. The trapped scent of Theo's morning musk had Lucy licking his lips. Following it, he stopped at the flared head and slowly dragged his rough tongue down the shaft. His tail and bottom shook with desire as he reached the balls and worshipped them. It'd been so long since Theo fucked him, but those desires were put aside. Master came first, both metaphorically, and literally.

Theo stirred but didn't waken. With both hands, Lucy gripped the shaft and stroked. Then the lion draped his tongue across the zebra's crowned head, licking the cock hole teasingly like he knew Theo loved. Only the best for the one whose name he wore around his neck.

"M-Morning, Lucy." Theo said with a tired morning moan. Pulling the sheet away, the zebra looked down to the fellating Lion with a smile, "Skipping right to the cock huh?"

Lucy blushed and nodded, opening wide to take the zebra cock into his maw rather than an answer. He must look so unkempt right now, having skipped even straightening his headfur and applying his Egyptian eye makeup to focus on his master's pleasure. But really, who could blame him? He'd just need to reapply it after sucking him off.

Grinding his cage against the bed, Lucy moaned with glee as he felt those strong fingers grip into his skull and guide him along. "Good girl," Theo mumbled, pushing the lion further and further. The lion silently thanked Mrs. Nuru for helping remove his gag reflex, if only to have Theo enjoy him fully. He felt the zebra's cock pulse before Theo cried it out. "H-here it comes!" The zebra said, gripping Lucy tight as his seed climb up his cock and passed the lion's throat, shooting directly down the sissy slave's gullet. A few strands of semen broke from his lips as he pulled off, smiling up to his master.

"Morning, step-brother."

Theo blushed, his ears furling, "It's really cute when you call me that."

"I know. That's why I do it." Lucy said, licking the seed off his lips and cradling his master's softened cock, "It's so you get hard again for more."

With a chuckle, Theo petted the lion's headfur and crawled out of bed. Lucy followed dutifully behind, kneeling behind the zebra in the bathroom. Licking his lips, he leaned in to give his master a rimjob, only for Theo to brush him aside with his tail. "Not today, Lucy. One orgasm this morning is enough." He said, much to the lion's disappointment.

Frowning, Lucy nodded at his master's request and waited for him to be finished. As per his position, Lucy would have freshened up before his master had gotten up, if not after. Turning on the shower, he stepped in after the zebra and rinsed through his fur. Hands trailing up his wide chest, passed his abs, and reaching further down to his...


"Yes?" He asked, stopping inches from his master's cock.

"Once is enough. I can't focus in class after cumming so much."

Holding back his frown, the lion nodded. "Sorry, bro." He said, returning to washing Theo's body, though the zebra didn't even need him to do that. Theo rinsed himself and even helped wash the lion's fur, but with none of the rough groping a man of his strength could provide. Not even a finger rubbed teasingly along his nipples.

Drying off quickly, Lucy stepped back into their bedroom to grab Theo's clothes. Only for Theo to ignore the shorts and shirt laid out for another pair in his closet. His training dictated that he hold his tongue, but the brat on his shoulder demanded that he ask Theo to actually wear what he set out. Lucy silenced the annoying devil. He didn't spend an entire year in exclusive training under his step-mother to be...well he didn't want to be ignored but it wasn't about his pleasure. It was about his master's.

Out in the living room of their spacious apartment, the zebra paused and looked over to the empty table. "Where's breakfast?" Theo asked. Lucy's tail went rigid, having forgotten to get breakfast going.

A small smile crossed his lips as a wicked idea formed. "I must have forgot," He said, hugging Theo from behind, "I was so busy getting lost in your cock this morning that your stomach slipped my mind. I suppose I should be punished." His cage twitched at the thought of those strong hands holding him across the knee and striking down hard against his bare ass, then tying him-

"That makes sense." Theo said casually, "Guess I'll just have a shake this morning."

Lucy blinked, "'ll punish me right? I mean, I did forget."

Theo shrugged, "Honest mistake."

"Still, you have the freetime right? Maybe at lunch-"

"I got a test to study for. Meeting a study group in the cafeteria. Sorry." Theo said, taking out the breakfast shake from the fridge and shaking it. "Actually, what time is..." pulling out his smartphone, the zebra went wide eyed, "Shit. I gotta get going, later, Pussy." Giving Lucy a firm kiss, Theo grabbed his bag and left the lion alone.

Lucy stood there, frozen and naked save for his pink chastity cage with the nickname 'Pussy' engraved onto it. A minute passed before he lost it. "Are you kidding me?!" Lucy shouted, knowing he was out of earshot. Giving a heavy sigh, he returned back to the bedroom to get dressed and make the bed, then go about his day.

Given that the lion didn't go out much, he didn't need to wear much at all aside from keeping Theo's furniture clean. And accessorizing. With some pink panties, a short skirt, and a tight white top, Lucy got to work cleaning out everything in the apartment, mumbling as he did so.

"I go through all that in the morning and I don't even get attention." The lion complained. He knew that moving back in with Theo would take getting used to. His master had a full year alone off in college after all. And while Mrs. Nuru trained him to be focused on Theo's happiness, he kind of expected the big lummox to enjoy his company again. After all, to Theo he was a girlfriend first, slave second.

And the first few nights back were like that. Getting fucked and used nearly every hour, cuddling up with him afterwards, and enjoying themselves with games or movies. But now he'd just been distant. Did Lucy do something to upset him? He figured college was stressful, but half the reason he was here was to reduce it. How stressed could one be when they had a personal cocksucker on hand? He just didn't get it.

Finishing up the apartment cleaning in three hours, Lucy lounged up against the couch. Back home, Mrs. Nuru had trained him and his mother to only use furniture upon permission, but Theo was a lax master, and it was one reason Lucy loved him. Sure he enjoyed the rough manhandling and commanding presence as much as any slave, but Theo could appreciate him as a person. Even Mrs. Nuru treated his mom like a wife as well as a slave, an equal who willingly submitted.

Lucy thought about calling his mom, and by extension, Mrs Nuru. But complaining about not being appreciated felt unbecoming of a slave. He didn't spend nights as the herm zebra's cock holster to be bothered by how he felt about it. Cage twitching at the memory, the lion reached down and squeezed, closing his eyes to get lost in those nights of heavy bondage and training.

All it did was make him hornier by lunch.

Theo didn't show up, like he said he wouldn't. Lucy had hoped for some surprise, but resounded back to eating his salad and booting up their shared PC. Even as a slave, he had a few more privileges than most. A cellphone, his own wardrobe he could pick from, and the freedom to pursue hobbies if freetime allowed, of which he had too much of it with Theo stuck in college courses.

Logging into his WoW account, the lion's phone rang. Seeing Mrs. Nuru on the other end, he answered with a chipper, "Hello, Mistress. How may I be of service?"

The zebra on the other end softly chuckled, "You sound like a call girl, dear Pussy."

"Is that worrisome, Mistress?" He asked, leaning back further in his chair. Even now her voice sent his chest fluttering. Her cock hanging before him when he kneeled on the floor, begging, no, demanding for his mouth. The most twisted moments where when he shared that rod with his mother, the two of them teaming up to keep their mistress happy.

"Not at all, Pussy." She said, "Just a little observation. Your mother and I just called to see how you and Theo were doing."

"Well you just missed Theo." Lucy said, hearing faint sounds of someone gagging on the other end. His cock twitched inside the pink cage, envy bubbling up inside him, "He has class this morning. It sounds like my mother is enjoying herself."

"And I am very much enjoying her. Though at some point I'll have to gag her to keep her off. Can't focus on my work with a tight mouth around my cock now can I?" She said. Lucy didn't disagree, it's why he tried to avoid bothering Theo during his studies. But after a point he just felt rejected. "So what about you, dear?" The zebra on the other end asked, "How are you holding up?"

Part of him wanted to lie. To say he was doing fine and loving it here with his master. But that wouldn't change anything, and Mrs. Nuru expected the truth from her submissives. With a heavy sigh, he spoke. "Not great, Mistress."

"Oh?" Her tone turned from cheerfully confident to motherly worry, "What's wrong?"

"Theo has been...distant." He said, biting his lip at the thought of besmirching his master, "We haven't fucked since I moved in. I figured it was because college would be challenging, but some nights I see him just goofing off on the computer after the gym. I service him every morning, but outside of that he doesn't seem interested. Hell, I even forgot to make breakfast and he didn't think of punishing me later."

"Well, my son has never been that drawn to the harsher sides of this lifestyle. Unlike his sister."

Lucy shivered at the memory of Asilia, the zebra who personally pulled all the barbs off his cock. While Mrs. Nuru had sadistic tendencies, her daughter took them wholeheartedly. "I mean, yeah but he's usually romantic and hasn't been that afraid to be rough with me. It's like...I don't know. I don't feel wanted."

"Have you talked with him about it?"

The question was quick and clear, but it still made Lucy shiver. He was a slave, it wasn't his position to bring up problems to his master like that. The lion shook his head, then actually answered when he remembered she couldn't see him, "No, Mistress."

"Well, why not?"

"Because college-"

His mother broke free on the other end, "Lucy if you think for one second-"

"Ah, ah, ah, Kitty." Mrs. Nuru chastised, "Don't interrupt. You'll be getting a spanking later. As for you, Lucy. Remember that my son sees you as a girlfriend first, and a slave second. The boy I raised should be willing to listen to what problems his girlfriend is having. You're both adults in the eyes of the law now, and it's high time you two deal with your problems. And if he isn't willing to deal with them, then I'll call him about it."

"No, n-I mean...thank you for your concern, Mistress." Lucy said, heart pumping at the thought of having Theo's mom enter their spat. While appreciative of her, the last thing the lion needed was his stepmother to deal with their sensitive subject. Still, she had a point, one that he'd been too afraid to really consider until now. He was his girlfriend first and foremost, and that meant they needed to trust each other both ways. "I'll get to talking with him tonight about it."

"Excellent. Beyond that, how are you doing? Spending the day wisely I hope?"

A dungeon group message from his game popped up, "Yes, Mistress."

"Not playing any games?"

"Only with the freedom Master Theo has given. We just share an account."


Exactly how Lucy wanted to open with the question bombarded his mind throughout the day. The romantic in him wanted to do a nice candlelight dinner, but he had neither the materials for it, nor did he have the guarantee that Theo would even sit down to eat with his focus on classes. He didn't want to just guilt his master after all.

But that and every other idea he came up with just resulted in more of the same: Trying to get Theo to fuck him again. Sure that'd help with the short term, but then he'd be back at square one. So he didn't cook. Instead, the lion propped down on the couch around the time his master would return and waited. Anxiety slowly built to a head until he heard the doorknob turn.

"I'm home." Theo announced lazily. Lucy didn't respond, waiting for his master to realize his soft rebellion. The zebra strode in, eyes strained and yawning. He blinked, looking around to find no dinner set out for him, and his slave sitting cross legged on the couch and looking at him. "Is something wrong?"

"A lot actually." Lucy said, fighting the urge to get up and kneel before his master, "And I think we need to talk about it."

"Oh..." Theo looked around again, "Can it wait? I had a long-"

"You always have a long day." Lucy said, finally getting up to stand straight and stare up to his owner, "And as your slave, it's my job to help you through it. But...but I'm not a normal slave. You made that clear when you romanced me. I have needs, Theo. And you're not meeting them."

"I'm not...hold on," Theo stepped back, "Is this about this morning?"

"It's about every morning. And every night. When was the last time we fucked?"

"Fucked?" He asked, brow raised, "Is that what this is about? You're just horny? Jesus, Lucy." Sighing, he started undoing his jeans, "I'll fuck you right now if-"

Lucy grabbed his hand, "It's not about that." He said, nesting against the strong chest of his owner and breathing in his masculine pride, "At least, not just that. You've been distant, Theo. I know you were the most lax when it came to the master slave stuff, but you knew how much I loved it. You just..." He looked up to the zebra, tears building, "Did I do something to upset you? Should I have found a way to join you in your freshman year?"

The zebra looked down, tired and worried eyes gazing at Lucy. He reached for the slave, gently caressing his face for what felt like an eternity where they stood. With care, Theo lead Lucy to the couch, cuddling up close to the lion and strumming his fingers through his long black headfur.

"Freshman year was...different." Theo finally said. "I missed you, but I met a lot of people and well...I didn't want to go through my early years of highschool again, so I came out a bit earlier. I played it casually, and I was afraid that I'd become a pariah. I wasn't. People didn't seem to care. Can you believe it?"

"I mean, it's a pretty liberal school."

Theo smiled, "It was still a lot to take in." He explained, "But was nice to feel like it wasn't a super big deal. And then...then someone flirted with me." He paused, waiting for Lucy to take that image in. The lion thought back to when Theo first courted him, back in the mall when he still went by Luke. Confident and almost cunning, he tried to trick the lion into getting a makeover to get revenge on his sister. Back then the lion saw through it, but did it anyway to experiment with who he was. The shock on Theo's face when he pushed him against the was a happy memory.

"So...who is he?" Lucy asked.

" otter. Cute guy, on the swimteam so he's really lithe. I think he'd look good in hotpants." The zebra's cock hardened against his jeans with the description. Lucy smiled, crawling his hand down his master's shirt and atop the tented cock.

"And have you done anything with this otter?" He asked, breathing softly against the zebra's neck, "Stretched out his cute ass and-"

"N-No!" Theo winced, grabbing Lucy's hand, "I can't do that. Not to you."

Lucy blinked, blush enveloping his face as the guilt covered Theo's expression, "What do you mean?"

"I...I love you, Lucy. I can't just...just cheat on you like that. But I keep dreaming about fucking him. I think it's because of how desired he makes me feel. You do too, but...well..." sighing, the zebra let go, "Forget it. I'm just terrible."

"Master," Lucy whispered, scooting up over his lap, "You're not terrible. And you wouldn't be cheating if you fucked this otter." Theo hid his emotions behind a blank face, but Lucy felt the stud's cock stirring underneath. "Do you know why, Master?"

"Enlighten me."

A single finger poked the zebra's nose, "Because, I may be a girlfriend first, but I'm a slave second. And you can't cheat on slaves." Hooking that finger under his stepbrother's chin, Lucy whispered, "So, when are you bringing him over? And how should I warm him up?"

Those strong hands grabbed Lucy by his sides and hoisted him high. Theo's tongue pushed past the lion's lips, exploring his mouth like the welcoming cavern it was. "Where has this been?" The lion giggled, caressing past the zebra's shirt to toy with his wiry chest.

"Behind a wall of worry," Theo growled with passion. Lifting the lion over his shoulders, the college athlete carried his slave over to their shared bedroom, plopping him down against the now ruffled covers. He pulled away his clothes, letting that cock Lucy had been dreaming of bounce freely in the air. The lion could smell his musk already, biting his lips with anticipation and stripping himself.

Theo stopped him, "Oh no. My slut looks fine as is." He said, forcefully pulling the lion over his knees. Quivering, Lucy held back his moans as his master's strong hand pulled up his skirt and gripped his asscheeks, "Though I think my slave deserves some punishment."

"Who, me?" Lucy said, winking up to his dominant. A heavy hand cracked against his ass. Yelping, he struggled only to be held down by Theo's strength.

Theo read out his crimes with each spank, "Skipping my breakfast, Sitting on the couch in the presence of others without permission, not cooking dinner. You've been a bad slave, bro." Theo spoke with suppressed confidence, running a finger between the lion's cheeks. He pressed the tip against his slave's pucker, joyfully twirling it until he slipped inside, "You're not even wearing your plug. Such a forgetful little sissy."

His voice cracked in excitement, "S-sorry, sir."

"Oh, you'll be sorry." Theo said, pulling out and leaving the lion empty and waiting, "I doubt you'll be walking after this." Flipping Lucy onto his back, Theo stepped away to grab the lube bottle. Knowing fully what his master had planned, the lion spread his legs and lifted them, holding each to help expose his wanting pucker to the stud. The zebra's black cock and fingers glistened with lube, wetting the sheets as he crawled up and spread it into Lucy's asshole."

"N-not gonna have a taste first, sir?" Lucy asked, shivering at the chill of the lubricant.

Theo shook his head, pressing the flared head against that loose hole, "No. I've been wanting this for too long." His claws dug into the bed with every centimeter of meat Theo pushed. Years of slavery under Theo's side of the family could never prepare him for the full feeling of that rod. If he were still permitted erections, Lucy would have begged his master to tease him down there. The zebra obliged, playfully running a finger against the urethra hole while pushing deeper and deeper.

"Good, Pussy." He praised, pushing so deep that his slave struggled to breathe, "That's it, take it all." Lucy felt that pulsing cock ripple through his body. With every push and pull, his body lost itself in submission. Only Mrs. Nuru could fill him up more, but Theo's was special. He fucked him slowly, building speed and watching for the subtle moans that Lucy was too lost to control. So weak and helpless, always under the mercy of his master.

Just how he liked it.

Their bed rocked with every thrust. Theo grabbed Lucy's hands and held them aloft, leaning down and roughly kissing the sissy's wanting mouth. Lucy felt it coming, building up as pre leaked from his cage. "M-more," Lucy cried out, forgetting his position and locking his legs around the stud.

Theo obliged, fucking him hard enough that Lucy had to imagine the bed shattering under them at this rate. With what strength he had, the lion gently squeezed down on the cock inside him, giving his master as much pleasure as the well trained ass could give.

The sissy came first. Maybe it was the lack of stimulation, or maybe Theo's stamina had improved, but Lucy's orgasm driped shamefully from his pink cage, mouth hanging agap in silent pleasure. The zebra didn't stop, stimulating that poor prostate over and over until finally he grit his teeth, hugged Lucy tight, and filled him up inside.

They froze in place for minutes, heavy panting and musk filling the air. Lucy gasped softly as Theo pulled out of him, leaving his stretched hole open and wanting. "Did Pussy enjoy herself?" Theo asked, to which Lucy lazily nodded, letting his master roll over beside him.

"Did master?"

"Always. I needed that." Theo said, staring up at the ceiling, "I think I'll take him up on his offer."

"Good. And if it goes well, I can always stay in a crate or-"

Theo brought a finger to Lucy's lips, "No, if it goes well I'll introduce him to you. I'm not in the mood to make lies."

"You sure? I mean, wouldn't he freak out if he learned his big strong crush had a live in slave?"

"Well we don't need to tell him we're step-siblings. Besides, from the hints he's dropping, I think he might be into S&M. Would you be jealous of that? Me collaring another guy?"

Lucy thought it over, imagining a future where Theo had more than just one slave. He saw his master, dressed in a nice suit and catered to a mirad of femme boys in girly clothes or tight outfits, each with their cock locked. "I think a harem might suit you, honestly. But..." Lucy's clawed finger gently drifted down the zebra's length, ending at his balls, "If you put some other collared slut above me, you might lose one of these."

Smiling, Theo braced his lips against Lucy's. A strong hand clasped down on his caged cock, squeezing his balls, "These don't feel that big, yet you talk like they are." He teased, nipping at the moaning lion's neck, "If I ever have some sort of harem, you'll be who I share my bed with, Pussy."

Breathing a sigh of relief as the zebra let go, the lion let himself be cradled in Theo's arms. "So, can I expect you to fuck me more, Master?"

"Well you did break a lot of rules. Maybe a lack of fucking could be your punishment."

"You can't be serious."

"Maybe I am, or maybe I just need to finish this next test before I fuck your brains out again."

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