Consequences (Kreet 48)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#48 of Kreet

Kreet Lives Again! After about a year's hiatus, I'm back to writing more Kreet kobold goodness. Also I bring along with me some new KuroNeko Kreet drawings. This is her sparring with Brand in the Monastery. Sunglasses would cover her eyes more, with dark cloth across the sides - but what fun is that if we can't see her eyes? Got a few more I'll be adding as I get more chapters done. But I'm rather happy I'm finally back to Kreet. She deserves to be properly finished. (Not that her story's end is anytime soon. There's a reason I titled it The Long and Exciting LIfe of Kreet the Kobold! Though this bit isn't all that exciting.)

In the end, gold talked and the three retired to their room in the small tavern. They were eyed by some of the few locals, but they didn't care. Sigmundurr was uncharacteristically quiet as they settled in.

"Do you think she's forgotten me already?" he asked in the darkness.

"Sig, do you think she's done that with lots of men? Of course she hasn't forgotten you!"

"She said it was just her avatar. Hell she could be doing it with thousands of men with thousands of avatars for all we know."

"Somehow I doubt that Sig," Kreet said. "And you doubt it too. But you're a brave man to make love to a goddess I must admit."

A long time passed before Sigmundurr spoke again.

"She didn't exactly put up a fight."

Kreet sat up. "Are you going to be okay Sig?"

The big man turned to her. To his eyes, she must have been only a pair of luminous eyes in the darkness of the room, but she saw him perfectly. He looked worn out. Then she realized his eyes were wet.


"Kreet, you know I don't control myself well. I think... I fell in love with her."

Kreet hopped over to the bed and sat beside the big man. "Sorry Sig. She warned us about this though. What did you expect if you make love to a goddess?"

"I didn't think it would feel like this though," he said. "I want to go back to the Underdark, Kreet. She might still be there."

"Sig! No. Think of your genitalia! Besides, she said she'd meet us again before my children are born."

Sigmundurr turned to Kreet with a weak smile. In different circumstances it would be funny to see the big man lovelorn like this - but as with everything he did, he did it to excess. She worried about him.

"That's right," he said, brightening up . "She did say that! Oh, go on back to Kallid. I'm okay. How long does it take for you to pop out your eggs?"

"Now Sig, be nice," she said, glad he was already in a better mood. "And from what I've read, about six months."

"Six months," he said as she lay down beside Kallid again. "And it could be anytime before then."

Kallid whispered to Kreet in kobold, "Um... Kreet. You know that sleep-casting thing you did?"


Kallid nodded towards Sigmundurr. "He could use it."

Kreet smiled back at her husband and nodded.

A minute later Sigmundurr was snoring away beside them.

"So, what next?" Kallid asked.

"Next we see if we can figure out where we are. Maybe we can find a map or something. She said Sigmundurr will know the area at least. We'll talk to the tavern-master in the morning and see what he knows. Then we need to find the nearest city - one with a church of Pelor. That's the best chance I have for finding someone who would know where my monastery is."

"Oh! That sounds like a good idea!"

"You still glad you came Outside with me?"

Kallid looked hurt. "Do you need to ask?"

Kreet felt his hands begin to stroke her back. She turned on her stomach and Kallid began to massage her shoulders while sitting on her back.

"I hate to interrupt," came a familiar voice from behind them.

"Elistraee!?" Kreet said, rolling Kallid off her back.

"Sorry Kreet. I have some unfinished business," said the goddess. "Is it bad?"

Kreet cocked her head to one side. "Is what bad?"

"Him. He made love to me. That's not going to be an easy thing for a mortal to forget."

"Oh, that. Yeah, it's pretty bad. He's already talking about seeing you again before my kids are born," she said with a sigh.

"'Our kids'," Kallid reminded her.

"Sorry, our kids."

"Would you mind doing me a favor Kreet?" asked the goddess.

Kreet scrunched up her snout. "You're kidding, right? Of course."

Elistraee sat beside the two kobolds and produced a small vial.

"Can you put a drop of this in his drink - whatever he's drinking, once a day till it's empty? It'll help. It's a mild forgetfulness potion specifically keyed to me. He won't forget me, but it should take the edge off while he gets over it. I shouldn't have allowed that to happen."

"You really shouldn't have."

"I'm pregnant."

"What?!" Kallid and Kreet squeaked simultaneously.

"Oh yes. You don't mate with a goddess unsuccessfully you know. No it's practically a guarantee. You end up with all these damn Heroes and Demigods running around, and all the gods and goddesses fighting for their offspring. It's what most of our time is spent on these days."

"Have you got other children?" Kallid asked, fascinated.

"Oh sure. Well, none currently living but I've had... well. Lots. Looks like Sig's whelp will be a Hero. Female hero. That should be nice."

"Are you going to tell him?" Kallid asked, and Kreet noticed a less-than-reverent tone in his voice.

Elistraee sighed. "I don't want to."

Kallid stood up. "Now look. I don't know anything about gods and goddesses, but I know something about right and wrong. It's not right not to let him know."

The dark lady looked to Sigmundurr as he snored away.

"I suppose you're right. He'll want to help me raise her too. But if I don't tell him, the Fates will intervene in some way - some way I'll regret. She'd probably end up killing him accidentally or something. They love doing stuff like that to gods."

"So, you'll tell him then?"

"I suppose I have to. I'm setting up a place where we can live together already. Keep him busy till I can get it worked out, okay? And give him that potion. He'll need it till I get back."

"When will that be?" Kreet asked and the silver-hair parted as she turned back.

"Before your twins come. You know us gods, we have to have our little mysteries."

"When will you tell him?" Kallid asked, not letting it go. "If you don't, I will."

"Persistent little man, aren't you? Okay, okay. I guess one more visit won't kill him. Um... Use two drops of that potion tomorrow," she said.

She stood and crossed to the bed and lay beside the big man. At her touch, he woke, but she silenced him with a kiss. Then she took his hand and he walked with her towards the window. They faded before they got to the wall.

"Looks like everybody's getting pregnant these days." Kreet laughed as she rolled over on top of Kallid. "Come on, mate. Let's bump again. You can't get me any more pregnant."

In the depths of the night, Kreet awoke to see Sigmundurr and Elistraee return and sleep together in the bed. But when the morning came Elistraee was gone again. Sigmundurr, however, was in high spirits.

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