Authors - Ch 12 Departure

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#214 of Prequel

Quill-Weave leaves.

The sun was nearing its peak when Quill-Weave awoke. On the bed above her, Casta was snoring quietly. She looked around without moving her head. The floor could use some dusting underneath the bed, she noticed. Then she started to cry silently. Casta had tried to soothe her with physical affection, and she appreciated it well enough certainly, but it didn't resolve the central issue.

She had said no. Not in such a blunt way, of course, but the result was the same. Casta had assured her that it wasn't a permanent answer. Just for right now. But Quill-Weave knew better. And she knew herself. She wouldn't ask again.

She rose quietly and went to the bathroom, gathering her scattered clothes on the way. There she withdrew her tail-strap from the back of the cabinet and fastened it on. Then she went downstairs, trying not to make any noise. She packed, wrote a hasty note, and left it on the table.

She saw the ring boxes and thought about leaving Casta's ring behind. But no. This had been a mistake since day one. And the ring wasn't Casta's. She had rejected it. Another tear came to her eye as she put the boxes back in their little pouch and turned the strap back around. The precious stones were just a pain in her tail now. She walked out of Casta's house into the bright sunlight.

Maybe Casta just wasn't the one for her. Maybe she'd put too much into their relationship that just wasn't reciprocated. That they had a great time together physically she couldn't deny, but...

She looked up at Casta's bedroom window. Casta was there, naked as the day she was born, looking forlorn herself. Typical Casta, oblivious to the possibility that anyone else could see her. Whatever else, Casta Scribonia was no stick-in-the-mud. She waved weakly to Quill-Weave, who waved back, offering a wan smile.

Casta blew her a kiss, and she turned away, heading towards the town gate with her head low. Maybe if she was more exciting? More spontaneous? Or maybe it was just the simple fact that Casta didn't want that kind of commitment. She didn't know. She just knew that she wished she'd never bought those rings. She'd be feeling a lot better now. Casta had made it abundantly clear that she wanted to see Quill-Weave again. She didn't want this to be the end of their relationship.

But Quill-Weave had jumped the gun. Pulled the trigger before Casta was ready. And what had she been thinking, to do it in front of someone who Casta obviously looked up to? But she had been so vulnerable at that moment, and it had made Quill's heart ache. She'd meant to make her love known. Well she'd certainly done that.

Maybe this would all blow over though, given time. Maybe. Now her life was full of maybes though, and she didn't like that.

These thoughts continued to run through her mind as she trudged down the road to the Imperial CIty, but no one accosted her and she arrived as the sun was lowering. She could have stayed another day or two at Casta's, but she just wanted to crawl under a rock now.

Her spirits weren't lifted when she stepped inside the TIber Septim, but she was glad that Augusta had kept her room available anyway. She saw none of the people she'd met in the bar though.

"A bath for you?" Augusta asked, and she had begun to turn down the offer, but then realized she hadn't bathed since last night. She probably smelled of stale brandy. She changed her mind.

She did smile to see Cliff was there, though he was working on another patron. He looked up and smiled at her, nodding, but he didn't stop his conversation with the man he was bathing. She sat in the waiting area, letting the setting sun warm her scales while she closed her eyes and tried to nap.

"Quill-Weave? I'm ready for you." Cliff said sometime later and she opened her eyes.

"Oh. Hi Cliff." she said as she removed her clothes.

"Didn't go well?"

She sighed as the water ran over her head. "No. Not well."

"Mmm. Sorry to hear that," he said. She didn't know if he was being sincere or not, but it didn't really matter. He was still awfully damn good at his job though. She began to cry again.

"I'm sorry Quill-Weave! Is there anything I can do?"

She smiled at him sincerely. "You're doing it right now, Cliff. Just... let me get this out of my system - like the dirt from my scales. Just ignore me, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Quill-Weave. You're the customer!"

"And I'm always right," she said, and a smile came to her unforced. She was feeling better. Maybe it was just the physical touch that had done it, but regardless she felt her troubles slip into the warm water.

"Cliff, have you ever read The Lusty Argonian?"

"Quill-Weave, you_did_say that I should keep any such thoughts to myself last time, didn't you?"

"I did. But that was then. This is now. I'm always right!"

"I have."

"And, what did you think about it?"


"Did you like it?"

"I'm... not sure I should answer questions like that, Quill-Weave."

"Well, nevermind. Did you read the whole thing?"

"I did."

"Heh. Then I know the answer."

"Is that good?"

"Yeah. I think it is."

"Lift your tail, please," he commanded.

"That was her name, wasn't it? Lifts-Her-Tail?"

"Hmm? Oh. I guess it was."

"Yeah. I think so. Clever name. Suggestive but entirely possible with our naming conventions. Do you like Argonians, Cliff?"

At that Cliff stopped his massaging of her leg and looked up at her.

"Quill-Weave, I'm not at all sure this conversation is appropriate here. I'm not comfortable talking about it with you."

"Just answer the question honestly. I promise I'll shut up about the whole thing."

Cliff stood up and faced her. He was standing in the deep part of the bath while she stood on the center pedestal with his head at about the level of her stomach. He put his hands on her hips and looked up past her breasts to her eyes.

"I find you very attractive, Quill-Weave," he said without an ounce of deceit in his eyes.

She smiled. "Sorry for that, Cliff. I shouldn't have asked. But, sometimes it's important to know. Maybe it's just a woman thing."

He sat back and resumed his work, right where he'd left off.

"To be honest, Quill-Weave, I'm surprised you didn't notice."

"Not strapped down today?"

"Apparently not enough."

"Well, I honestly don't look, Cliff. Maybe I should more often."

"I sincerely hope not. I try to be professional, but some instincts aren't easy to control. Tail down."

She lowered her tail and he began to work on it.

"Quill-Weave..." he started hesitantly.

"You can just call me Quill, Cliff."

"Just... to be clear. I'm a married man."

"Oh, relax. I'm not going to ask you to come to my room tonight. But you got me thinking now. Would you, if I asked?"

Once again he looked up at her. "No."

She tousled his hair. "A good man."


"Okay. You're all done. Lay down on the couch and I'll dry you off."

She did as was directed and felt his strong hands buff her with a thick towel.

"Quill-Weave, I don't mean to pry, but can I ask you a personal question?"

"Me? Sure! Go ahead."

"You. You had an unusual scent today."

"Ha! Eau de Brandy! Sorry about that. Last night was kind of wild."

"Ah. I shouldn't have asked. On your back."

She turned over and he dried her front. "No, it's fine. Doesn't make for the best perfume the day after I'm afraid."

When he had finished, she let Cliff put the fluffy hotel robe around her shoulders. She belted the robe closed, gathered up her clothes, and asked for dinner to be brought to her room. She knew she wasn't going to be visiting the bar tonight. Just dinner and then to bed early this time. She'd get an early start in the morning. Better to get home and get back to work so she didn't dwell on things too much. Maybe she'd write to Casta later.

She was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling when the knock came later. The sun had gone down and she'd not bothered to light a candle. Only moonlight lit the room, but it was enough. She got up with just her robe on and opened the door.

Outside, with a tray of food, stood Weather.

He began to speak, but she put her finger to his lips and invited him in wordlessly. She didn't know what god had answered her, but she knew divine intervention when she saw it. She wasn't normally into men, but right now she needed this man to hold her. She took the tray and set it aside, then let the robe slide off her shoulders and fall to the floor, closing the door with her tail.

The door was not opened again until morning.

A night to remember.

Authors - Ch 13 The Long Road Home

She awoke to find Weather looking at her, watching her breathe. She didn't mind. "Don't read anything into it," she whispered. "I don't think you could understand anyway, but thanks for last night. I needed you." "Happy to be of service, I guess!"...

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Authors - Ch 11 The Proposal

"So," Casta was saying. "Let's change the subject just a little, shall we? We've been talking here about each other's writing all this time..." "A little critique is a good thing, though," Crassius pointed out. "Certainly, certainly! But tell me -...

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Authors - Ch 10 The Lusty Argonian Maid

Whether it was due to the brandy or the effects of some possible potion in it, Quill-Weave found herself quite at ease a half hour later. The conversation had shifted to Casta's books, and while she still didn't much like Crassius Curio, she had to...

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