Authors - Ch 11 The Proposal

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#212 of Prequel

"So," Casta was saying. "Let's change the subject just a little, shall we? We've been talking here about each other's writing all this time..."

"A little critique is a good thing, though," Crassius pointed out.

"Certainly, certainly! But tell me - and I'm not saying I'll change a thing - but if you were able to change one thing about my writing style, what would it be? And you too, Quill. What would you change? Though to be honest I'm not talking about changing genres. Romances are what I'm known for, and that's not going to change."

That got both Quill and Crassius thinking.

Crassius was the first to respond. "I suppose it's what you would expect of me. When your protagonist and her hero finally get together... you think my writing is full of innuendo? You pull the curtain over them completely! Perhaps you could at least give the reader a little peek under the covers once in a while? For research purposes of course."

Casta's face turned a bit angry. "That's not so easy for me to do."

"Oh? Why not? And don't worry, you can tell me anything. I give you my word it will stay within these walls."

Oddly Quill was surprised to see Casta look at her. She returned the look in confusion.

"It's not that I don't know the mechanics," she said, all the while looking at Quill-Weave. "But..."

This time it was Crassius' turn to look confused. Then suddenly his eyes opened wide and he looked from Casta to Quill-Weave and back again.

"You've never been with a man!" he said, voicing the realization that Quill herself had just figured out.

"Not technically true, but my only experience was a long, long time ago. And it wasn't pleasant."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that Casta."

"Don't worry, I don't blame all men or anything like that. We were young and stupid. But, since then I've found the companionship of other women to be preferable. This woman, to be specific."

Quill's eyes began to tear up. "Oh Casta. We never really talked much about your past."

"I know," Casta said. "I know you have more experience in that area than I do. I didn't want to seem... I don't know..."

Quill made a decision right then. Perv Crassius or no, this was the time.

"Excuse me," she said. "I'll be right back."

With every step she took, she felt more and more confident. For all intents and purposes, she had just declared her love for Quill, hadn't she? Quill took the rings from where she'd hidden them in the cupboard and took them back to the parlor.

"Casta Scribonia," she said, kneeling in front of her friend and passing Casta's opened ring-box to her. "Would you marry me?"

That brought both Casta and Crassius to their feet.

"Oh my!" Crassius said, looking back and forth between the two.

"Quill! Are you crazy?! Here, in front of Crassius Curio of all times?"

"I don't care, Casta. I want to marry you. I was going to ask before, but it didn't feel right."

"Well that's a hell of a lot of pressure you're putting on me all of a sudden! Please, Quill. I can't answer you right now!!!"

Quill's confidence suddenly began to waiver. She looked to the floor and put the ring away. She realized she was trembling.

"I'm sorry, Casta. I thought..."

"Oh Quilly," she heard as Casta knelt beside her. "Don't be sorry. But we're not teenagers. I can't make a decision like that here, on the spot like this!"

Quill-Weave looked up, then looked at Crassius.

"It's that damn potion, isn't it?"

Crassius backed away, his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Quill," he started. "Think about it. Would you be feeling the way you do right now if there was a potion involved?"

She lowered her eyes. The embarrassment was still there, but the heat that had begun to rise against Crassius instantly cooled.

"I suppose not."

"Quilly, I'm the one who's sorry. I'm not ready for that yet."

Crassius backed away. "Perhaps I should be going."

Casta stood up and took Crassius by the hand. "Maybe that would be best. It's been a very entertaining evening though! Very thought provoking."

"Quill-Weave..." he began, but there were no words. It wasn't his fault.

"No," she said, standing up with eyes redder than normal. "You're fine, Crassius. I shouldn't have put either of you in that situation. I was stupid."

"No," Crassius assured her, and took her hands in his. She looked up at his face. The lines were much more evident, and the shock of grey hairs at his temple could be seen to extend much further from close-up. He suddenly looked much older than he had before. "You were human."

"I'm not," she said, smiling weakly.

"Sure you are. Now you and Casta work this out."

"Thanks for the brandy," Casta said, handing him his hat and cloak.

"My pleasure. I assure you both that I've had quite an education myself tonight. Well worth the trip, in my estimation. Even if I didn't get to see either of you naked."

Both of the women gave him a curious look.

"Well hey, I'm still a guy after all," he said, unexpectedly sheepish.

"That you are," Quill said and slapped him lightly before giving him a peck on the cheek. "But you're a better man than I thought you were when you walked in the door."

"I'm glad to have met you Quill-Weave. Maybe someday we'll meet again?"

"I'd like that."

Crassius Curio turned to Casta.

"And thanks again for hosting me, Casta. I'll be in touch."

Casta gave him a sincere hug and kiss, then pulled her blouse down to reveal her breasts.

"CASTA!" Quill-Weave hissed, a heavy blush rising in her cheeks. Visible or not, she felt it.

"Oh, lighten up Quill. The man just appreciates a fine female form. Is that so much to be ashamed of?"

Even Crassius was taken off guard.

"Oh, my! Quill, you have my sincerest envy. Your lover is exceptionally gifted!"

"Why thank you Crassius," Casta said with a gigantic smile at Quill-Weave. "I assure you that my gifts are very well appreciated by my lover."

Crassius' hand instinctively rose before he got himself under control and tore his gaze away.

"I... should be going! Thank you... again, Casta!" he said, stumbling over his words.

Quill-Weave laughed at seeing the great Crassius Curio nonplussed for a change, and her embarrassment before was quickly fading.

"Well don't look at me, Uncle Crassius. You're not seeing my tits."

And with that, Crassius Curio smiled, bowed low to the women, sweeping his hat across the floor before donning it and stepping out into the dark.

"Better put those away," Quill said after the door closed.

"Not just yet," Casta said, and pushed Quill-Weave's head into her cleavage. "They're like swords that once unsheathed must be used!"

Quill applied plenty of kisses to Casta's gifts then, before suggesting they continue in the bedroom.

"Traditionalist to the end. Okay you old stick-in-the-mud, but bring the rest of that brandy. I have some ideas for it that you certainly won't approve of!"

Authors - Ch 12 Departure

The sun was nearing its peak when Quill-Weave awoke. On the bed above her, Casta was snoring quietly. She looked around without moving her head. The floor could use some dusting underneath the bed, she noticed. Then she started to cry silently. Casta...

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Authors - Ch 10 The Lusty Argonian Maid

Whether it was due to the brandy or the effects of some possible potion in it, Quill-Weave found herself quite at ease a half hour later. The conversation had shifted to Casta's books, and while she still didn't much like Crassius Curio, she had to...

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Authors - Ch 9 Crassius Curio

It was getting dark outside and Quill and Casta were drinking coffee in her parlor. "Have you read anything by Crassius _other_ than the Lusty Argonian Maid?" Casta asked. "Well, actually no," Quill-Weave admitted. "I mean, isn't that...

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