A Dream of Summer

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#217 of Prequel

This story is straight erotica and pretends to be nothing else. I switch from 3rd person to 1st and between perspectives with no regard to proper fiction writing. I probably drop the "This One" stuff randomly and probably don't describe what is happening physically very well at all.

But that image has been stuck in my head for days and I finally had to write more about it.

You can anticipate nothing but barely-kinky sex between a human man and a khajiit woman. But if that's enough, "Lay on, MacDuff"!

"Well hello! What's this?!"

She turned around, obviously startled. The sound that sprang involuntarily from her throat was amazingly similar to a large cat's hiss.

"Can this one not have privacy?!"

"Hey, at least I let you know I was here... eventually. I thought cats didn't like water."

"This one is not a cat. If you can see no difference, then this one worries about your pets!"

"Oh, I see the differences alright. I guess you do like getting wet after all."

She turned her back, away from the interloper. "This one was simply bathing in the cool shade of the river. Bathing. Perhaps it is a term you've not heard of before."

"Bathing huh? Is that what you call it? You seemed to be focused on washing a particular area from what I saw. I guess you like getting wet in more than one way!"

Her head shot back and the glare she sent reminded him of the phrase "If looks could kill."

"You've been spying on me," she spat. "This one hopes you enjoyed yourself."

"Hey, I'm a guy. When we see a gorgeous woman naked and 'washing' herself... well. It's not easy to look away."

Her expression lightened, almost imperceptibly.

"Do you try and flatter me? Human men don't think of khajiit women as gorgeous."

"Oh, I assure you, I flatter you only with the truth."

The barest hint of a smile came over her face, but seemed to hold a tinge of mischievousness.

"Prove it."


"Let me see you. You've seen me. If this one honestly provokes such feelings in your male heart, let me see it. Or do you lie?"

At this the man on the bank of the river hesitated.

She turned around a bit, revealing once more her nipples to his gaze.

"Come. Now you become shy? You stand there and gaze at this one's nakedness, watch her most intimate touch, yet will not reciprocate? You are a thief, stealing a view without offering your own in kind."

"Oh shit. If you insist," he sighed, and began to unbuckle his belt.

"If you are unwilling, you are no more than a voyeur. If you are truly interested, it will not be hard to prove. Or perhaps it will be both hard and proved!"

At that she laughed at her own joke and he drew a deep breath before letting his pants fall to his ankles.

"Oh!" she said, and the laughter stopped.

He began to pull his pants back up.

"Wait a moment," she said. "You've been watching me for quite some time. It seems unfair to cover yourself so soon."

"Oh? Are you interested?"

"That depends," she said, though her eyes didn't leave his manhood and her smile broadened. "Remove your clothes fully so that the offer can be more fully considered. A khajiit does not bargain without knowing the full value of the wares, after all."

In a moment, he had laid aside the last of his own clothes.

"Of course, you've no barbs. Proportionally our men are larger as well, but you are fortunate in that your overall stature is greater, and hence your equipment might manage to elicit some little pleasure.from a smaller woman like myself. Turn around. You've been staring at my ass and tits all this time. Let me see your ass."

"Now hold on a minute. Look, I've proven my interest haven't I? I'm fucking hard as that rock you're sitting on!"

"Perhaps I'll sit on your rocks soon, but first..." she said, ending by twirling her finger.

"Oh gods," he said and exposed his rear.

"Hmm..." she said, obviously enjoying his humiliation. "Thrust for me. Let's see if those muscles are strong enough to last. This one is, after all, a khajiit. We require... much effort."

"Ma'am, I..." he began, about to give up. But when he turned back she had turned around, facing him fully with her legs apart and rubbing herself with one clawed finger. It was a sight he would not forget.

"Perhaps you aren't as enamored as you had led me to believe. Too bad. I was truly getting wet for you too."

"I'm thrusting!" he said, turning back and doing so, all hesitancy lost.

"Nice. You have a nice flex to your butt, human. Come. Sit with Rajirra."

He stepped into the small span of water between the shore and her rock. The water was cool, but not cold, and the sight before him kept his manhood fully engaged. He laughed as he saw her eyes watch it swing left and right as if hypnotized.

Finally he climbed up onto the rock beside her and he felt her hand enclose him as she drew him down beside her.. Her hand was warm and wet, the pads stroking him and occasionally teasing him when the claw-like nail touched his head lightly.

"So, I've passed the test?"

"Oh, the real test has yet to begin, human. But you feel nice. This one can feel your heartbeat, you know! 'Poom, Poom, Poom' goes your cock under my hand! This one admits it is very exciting to feel this, knowing it is she who caused it. It is honest flattery that this one can appreciate, and your body cannot lie. This one knows you yearn to be inside me, but perhaps you will grant me some quiet time before the test begins in earnest?

Fear not, this one will not turn you away now. You will have me soon - that test you have certainly passed. The future depends on the test yet to come. But for now, can we just sit together for a while? The river passes slowly and the day is fine. It is nice to sit with a lover and watch it, is it not?"

"I have patience. I watched you for long enough!"

She laughed then, the short, almost coughing laughter of her kind.

"That is good. If your patience can persist long enough - before you can no longer resist and take me fully - perhaps you will be able to satisfy me even without the khajiit's spikey stimulus. Here, touch me."

She took his hand and gently pressed his fingers to her lower lips. They were slick and parted easily, but he did not rush. He simply felt. A moan escaped her lips and that caused him to throb - a sexual feedback loop was in play and it could only end one way. But that end was yet a long way off.

"You feel good, khajiit. As good as you'd looked from the bank."

"We're not all that different, this one thinks," she said huskily. "Male, female, human, khajiit. Our bodies are different, and yet that is where the spark lies. But between the ears and between the legs... Not that different at all."

Her breathing was becoming shallower, and he turned to her.

She looked at him and her eyes showed a heat that the river water couldn't quench, and he knew he felt the same. He pulled his hand away from her and held her head in his hands, pulling her towards him.

She was no longer the self-sure vixen she'd presented earlier. Though the feline features were even more striking up close, her eyes looked deeply into his own and somehow he knew that behind them was a woman - khajiit certainly, but all woman.

He kissed her then, tentatively at first, not sure if the khajiit had the same customs. But she thrust her tongue into his mouth, releasing his penis and holding his head as he held hers. He lowered her down, feeling her tongue against his. It felt different, perhaps a little rough but nowhere near the sandpaper stories he'd heard. He wondered if she was thinking the same about his own, but he didn't care. He loved feeling his tongue pass her teeth. Surely when he'd penetrated her later, it would feel even better, but there was something perhaps more erotic about feeling the inside of her mouth. Tasting her saliva while she sucked at his tongue. And then they would reverse roles and he would let her into his mouth.

Finally he pulled away, leaving her breathless.

"Take me," she said. "I want you inside me now, human."

"Sorry, my gorgeous Khajiit, but I've been lusting after these little strawberries of yours for too long. I can't neglect them now!"

He took one of her nipples into his mouth then, teasing it with his tongue. It was already a hard little nub, but he didn't neglect her other breast for long, switching his attention to it while he groped the one he'd abandoned with his hand.

She said something then, but it was in her language and he didn't recognize it. But he did recognize the reaction. He felt her hand reach between them and her hips began to buck. He knew she was going over the top without him, but he didn't mind. He was too enthralled with her pert breasts to care. He felt a warm wetness against his belly and he let her grind against him, never ceasing his ministrations on her nipples with his tongue and fingers.

"Human," he heard her say above him. "This one..."

"I know," he said, climbing back up to a level with her face. "Was it good?"

"It was... wonderful!"

She smiled, and her eyes had lost all trace of suspicion. Now they were just a male and female, the only differences that mattered now were sexual. There would be no test, only love making.

He lowered himself until he faced the womanhood between her legs, the slick dampness on his tongue, and he began to kiss her lower lips, hearing the moans above him that urged him on. But he knew better than to simply thrust his tongue where his penis would soon be. She would be sensitive now, and not yet desiring the pounding that was to come. Right now she wanted gentleness against her lips and clitoris - a soft, warm and wet tongue.

He provided, exploring her gently while he hefted her rump with both hands, gently kneading it as he had her breasts before. He stole a touch between them and heard the gasp at the light touch at her back door, then traced a line up to where her tail met her ass - as if to remind himself of her unique form. This was no human woman he was making love to - this was a khajiit.

He could have continued this all afternoon, but as he worked her back to the excitement she had felt earlier, she became more assertive. She drew him up again and kissed him, disregarding - or perhaps even getting turned on by - the taste and aroma of her own pussy on his face..

This time it was her that took the lead, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth as he wrapped his own around it. There could be no doubt, this was a khajiit in heat.

Without words, she guided him till he lay on his back. Then she lowered her ass over his face - gently at first, rubbing him with her pussy till his face was dripping with her wetness. But the time for gentleness was soon over. He thrust his tongue up hard, and she used it like a soft, wet dildo, sitting on it, rubbing it around her clit, even sliding it all the way up and down her ass.

All the while she had resumed her stroking, alternating with her own tongue along his shaft and occasionally using her claws to draw his balls into her mouth. The sharp tips of her nails, however, she was very careful with and only used them for effect - mostly just rubbing those soft pink pads along his sack while she suckled on his shaft.

He felt himself throb repeatedly inside her mouth, and felt sure he was going to lose it there. In breathy tones he let her know when he was able to speak for a moment before those heavenly wet globes descended around his face again. But she did lighten up.

And then her pussy was removed from his face. He watched it draw away, somewhat disappointed at the loss of those warm, wet lips to kiss - until he realized it was now poised above his pulsing cock.

And then she was on him, surrounding him. She sat with all her weight now pressing them together, her tail brushing over his face. He looked along her tail to the pussy that had buried his manhood deep inside itself, then up across the delicious butt - following her backbone. He could see only the sides of her breasts, but they shook with her quick breaths and he grabbed them from behind.

Her head was pointed straight up, eyes closed, and he wondered what she was feeling in those glorious few seconds before she started moving.

What she felt was him, buried deep inside her - stretching her both in depth and in width. She hadn't lied. She'd never had a human before, though secretly she'd dreamed about it. But though he was likely just average among humans, for a khajiit of her size he was big. It was glorious. But what really set her moving was his heartbeat. She could feel him pulsing within her. Soon he would be pulsing with the even stronger rhythm of ejaculation, and she knew that would send her over the top yet again.

She wondered vaguely if her threat about his stamina had been taken seriously. She'd already come once. If he burst and squirted his seed into her now, she couldn't be more satisfied. But feeling that heartbeat throbbing deep inside her pussy was too much. She couldn't just sit on him any longer. She began to move.

At first she just moved a little, forwards and backwards. The feel of the rock-hard rod within her, stirring her, was exquisite. She moved faster. Below her, she felt him begin to thrust with the instinctual lust of all males. She leaned even farther forward, knowing that he'd be staring at her ass now, and loving that knowledge. He had wanted this, and she would show him everything she had.

She felt his hands grip her cheeks and smiled, as if he'd just confirmed it. His thrusting underneath her was becoming more insistent, and she bent over even further, her head now on a level with his legs and she opened her eyes for a moment to look between his legs at the balls beneath her that were surely aching to release their contents inside her womb. She wanted them to, and she squeezed them to let him know. She wanted it whenever he was ready. She ran her tail over his face and chest, though she couldn't see it.

But then she realized that she wanted to see him. He was close - she could tell by the way he grasped at her butt and boobs. He was turning pure animal, and she loved it. But she wanted to see that face when he came. So for a split-second she stopped, though losing the glorious sensation of being fucked so hard and so deeply was nearly impossible to bear.

She felt him look up, and she turned around, using his cock in her pussy as a pivot-point. The sensation within was crazy-good. But she didn't stay still once she'd turned to face him. She began to ride him like the man-beast he was, and she felt his balls slap her asshole behind her.

That was it. It was too much. She no longer cared about anything else. Feeling those heavy balls smack over and over again against her asshole had turned her practically feral. She reached behind her and grabbed them, grinding against his pelvic bone and becoming liquid inside. Below the waist she had become nothing but a slave for this cock, and her only desire in the world was to feel it release within her.

And then she felt his balls tighten, and a new rhythm began to beat within the manhood that was now pounding into her, until her clit had gone electric. She had a fleeting desire to rub it, but she dare not release his balls. They were paramount - the only thing she could touch that mattered.

As if on cue, his hands that had been working her tits finally found their way down to her pussy. Suddenly that was the center of their shared world. Her clit and his balls. His cock was lost within her, and her boobs had yielded all the pleasure they possibly could. At the touch of his fingers against her clitoris and spreading her pussy wide, she lost it. She had reached the top again.

And then the tight balls she was holding onto for dear life began to throb.

In cultures all over the world, the elusive, almost mythical simultaneous orgasm is revered. There are some that can never achieve it. Only the most dedicated and skilled at the art of love can conjure it on demand. It isn't a necessary thing. But on those rare instances when it happens, it is, in the fullest sense of the term, mind-blowing.

She felt her womb become hot, though all but animal consciousness was gone. Vaguely she knew a male was shooting his seed into her. It wasn't that she didn't care who he was, it was that - at this moment - she couldn't think about anything beyond being a woman. She wanted nothing more than to feel those balls empty themselves deep inside her, and rub herself off on those fingers that kept her lips open for the ramming her vagina was taking. The heat expanded into a glow deep within, and she could imagine the thick hot seed that was jetting into her in pulse after pulse from his balls. She let go her last defense and didn't care about the simultaneous warmth she herself began to release.

The world had gone both hard and wet, and she had become a river herself, flowing around the pulsing rock in the center of her.

Finally she opened her eyes. She was laying against him, and he was still thrusting into her. He remained rock hard, and somehow he was still filling her, even though she surely could have no room left inside her. She felt the thicker warmth of his sperm run between her lips and drip off her clitoris, sending shivers through her as she imagined it covered in his white glaze. Both gross and somehow the most important fluid in the world to her now, she reached down and touched herself, bringing the taste back to her lips.

But while he was only now beginning to slow his thrusts and spurts into her, she smiled at the obscene taste, and looked at the river flowing beyond them. She would have to take a bath again, of course. But this time she'd take it with her lover. The difference in their species made it unlikely she could become pregnant with this human's seed, and the odds of a long term relationship based on purely physical attraction seemed remote. But he sure as hell was attracted to her, that much she knew.

And, truth be told, she was attracted to him. Who knows? Maybe it could work.

She felt him soften, like a big, warm, wet noodle inside her with lots of sauce behind it. But for now she was content just to lay on him as she felt his breathing and heartbeat returning to normal.

One thing she knew for sure... she wasn't putting any clothes on again till she felt those balls empty into her one more time.

All in all, this was not how she expected the afternoon to turn out, but this was one dream of summer she didn't want to end.

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