Marlianken and Malphas 3

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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#39 of The Devil's Plaything

Commission for CeresOkatavia

Malphas awoke feeling so pleasantly warm. Safe. Whole.

The first thing he smelled was an ocean breeze, coniferous timber undertones, and sweet flesh which smelled like her and him. Smelled like home. Her scent was like a weighted, fleece blanket, wrapped around him and keeping him warm and sedated.

Normally, nothing awaited him in his slumber but dreams of empty landscapes, haunting echoes of the past, and endless nightmares. But not this time. For once, he slept soundly through the night, graced with dreamy visions of peachy skin, amethyst eyes, flickering flames and velvety raven feathers.

And for the first time since his exile, he awoke with someone in his arms.

'She stayed.' He smiled to himself.

Malphas nuzzled further into the soothing scent, burying his nose in her golden nest of hair. He pulled his Omega a little closer to his chest in a gentle, possessive squeeze.

'Mine. So soft, and pretty and mine.'

Marlianken groaned softly in response, but otherwise didn't move. She was still fast asleep, and when Malphas cracked his eyes open to see the expanse of green meadow and blue sky, he realized just how vulnerably exposed they were in the open grazing field. Of course, it was on his private property, but the Alpha in him wanted to take his precious female to a more sheltered location, lest he risk another male catching her appetizing scent on the wind.

Malphas glanced around, just to be sure they were alone.

The sun was warm, and bathed them both in sugary amber light. The rays pleasantly heated the bed of clover beneath them, which shimmered with remains of the morning dew. The sky was ripening from a fresh orange color into a pale blue, and the clouds blushed like a ripe peach. The air was delicate and cool as it kissed their skin with moisture.

Birds trilled, sweet and high, a playful chorus, one which could only come from a soul born to an infinite horizon, never tainted by the cruelty of a cage. With closed eyes, he imagined their music to be colors, painting stairs in the same way grapevines grow - this way and that, in a beautiful, intertwining chaos that isn't quite random.

He saw a butterfly flutter nearby, searching for the next flower. She was like a rose on a beach; she was life amid so much sky. She swam into the air, letting it eddy beneath her wings, curling in the sweetest of swirls. Sunlight shone through her cornflower blue wings, like the stained glass windows which decorated certain rooms in Nazarick, the home he no longer had. He watched her pass them, fast despite her erratic path, choosing her direction by a silent serenade of scent blossoming from the canary yellow blooms scattered among the sprawling meadow.

He returned his attention to Marlianken, and gently brushed the stray curls from her face with his talon, and kissed her cheek softly. He hugged her again, coiling his iron-plated tail around them protectively.

How wonderful it was to give affection without being scolded for it.

Malphas savored that perfect moment, of holding Marlianken close in the sun's morning rays, knowing fully well that he may never again experience a more perfect peace. He could die with satisfaction, having felt this.


The demon reveled in comfort for a few more minutes before he tentatively drew his hips back, and he easily slipped free from her welcoming heat, his knot now deflated. He would give anything to rut her again and stay like this for the next week, but he needed to at least feed his Bicorns, as the morning sun was now rising to the point of where he estimated it was around seven in the morning.

'Shit. I overslept.'

He hastily slipped his trousers back on so he would be at least partially covered in the unlikelihood of someone dropping in for a surprise visit. Visitors were about as frequent as a blue moon, but after being caught by Ulbert with Demiurge due to his own carelessness, he would rather not chance that monumental embarrassment happening a second time.

Malphas carefully scooped her limp form into his arms and carried her into the barn with him, so he could complete his task with her in his sights.

He had built this barn with his own two hands. It was constructed with sturdy oak planks with a sloping corrugated iron roof that made even the average rainstorm sound like a hailstorm of bullets. This was where he housed his sleek beauties, armed with muscles that rolled underneath the supple coat that hung majestically on their frames, which he had created by selectively breeding to isolate superior genes.

But in his eyes, they weren't just his creations, or experiments as Demiurge saw his subjects as; they were his pride and joy. He kept them in as natural a state as possible. Most equine owners kept their animals' manes cut short for easy maintenance, but not him. All of his Bicorns had flowing manes that unfurled and whipped as the wind called it.

The barn smelled of damp earth and straw, and he heard his equines shuffling in their stalls restlessly, having missed their breakfast by nearly three hours.

They were not too pleased with him, and rightfully so.

Their empty hay nets hung limply in the corner, and their black water troughs were almost empty.

Hades, his prized stallion chuffed at him and pawed at the ground in irritation.

"Sorry, boy. I was a bit tied up." Malphas whispered apologetically as he carried Marlianken's limp, sleeping form past the stalls, and cracked a grin at the double-entandra.

The Arch Devil softly laid her in the cleanest stall on a pile of hay, and grabbed a saddle blanket and covered her with it. He took a few steps away, and he then felt the muscles in his legs tense and extend as if by their own accord to immediately backtrack and as though by magnetic force, he returned to her side.

He recognized it as the same pull he felt which made it so emotionally painful to be away from Demiurge.

It had already begun; he was in the first stages of imprinting on her.

_'Fuck...'_A ripple of panic coursed through him. Not because he was repulsed by the idea of being her life-mate; far from it, in fact. It stemmed from his deep-seated fear of being abandoned by the ones he loved most. His brother had left him with irreparable scars, and he had grown so used to the pattern of everyone he cared for and felt safe with ultimately leaving him in the end.

But maybe it wouldn't be that way. Perhaps with her, he could break the cycle, and things would be different?

He wanted to believe she would not do that to him. He _wanted_to believe that they could be together and help nurture one another's wounds with sweet words and tender caresses. They were both so broken, but in all the right places.

And yet, he had believed the same thing long ago, and Demiurge...

Demiurge had _shattered_him like a stained glass window, and left him in a million pieces. Malphas had to find a way to crawl through the jagged shards and put himself back together, all alone and in the dark; and he was still missing so many fragments.

But Marlianken, she was his _sun,_and she had cast spires of light on some of the larger pieces which he had missed whilst blindly stumbling in shadow, and he was already feeling more complete as he was able to slide them back into place where they belonged.

She was not like Demiurge, in the way of which the younger Devil would help Malphas put a piece back, giving him that fleeting sensation of being a little more whole, only to have his brother rip it out and take it with him when he returned to Nazarick. No, Marlianken fitted him with a new piece every time they talked, when they practiced sparring, when she playfully shoved him after he uttered something inappropriate and they would both laugh, and he felt all of those fragments meld back together when they mated yesterday evening. She was the cement that bound his broken soul.

Despite his lingering fear, every fiber of his being told him she would not hurt him. She had done nothing but help him, and asked nothing in return. And he would die a thousand deaths before he hurt her.

Malphas reluctantly tore himself away from her side, reminding himself that the sooner he got his chores done, the sooner he could lie with his Omega again. He grabbed his shoulder pole which was loaded with two ten gallon buckets and exited the barn to draw water from the well, and returned to refill their troughs. He then proceeded to pick up a pitchfork and refill their racks with hay.

Each Bicorn eagerly nibbled from their nets as soon as he stepped away from it, and Hades was sure to give him a dirty look, complete with an glacial glare. For an equine, he was remarkably expressive.

"I said I was sorry." Malphas rolled his eyes and added an oat cake to his offering of food, which seemed to appease the stallion.

As he reached the final stall and finished stuffing the last net, he heard a light shuffle behind him. Before he could turn around, he felt Marlianken softly press herself into his back, and she snaked her arms around his broad chest. The demon hummed in appreciation as she smoothed her palms down the hard, chiseled muscles of his bare abdomen, setting his overly sensitized flesh aflame.

"As much as I would love to drop what I'm doing and have you again, I need to at least finish-"

Malphas choked on his words when her hand trailed lower and she ran her fingers over the thick shape of his organ. He moaned throatily as she palmed his rapidly growing erection through his trousers and damn it, he knew this would inevitably end with her getting her way; especially when her feathery raven wings encircled them, creating a sense of detainment.

But with how things were going, that was far from a bad thing.

"Mmm...fuck. You aren't letting me out of this, are you?"

"Nope." She smirked.

She squeezed his forming knot through the fabric, forcing a whine from his throat. It felt as though his chest was far too tight--maybe his lungs were hyper-extended--he was desperately trying to remember how to breathe when she then shoved him back against the wall of the stable and she dropped unceremoniously to her knees. The succubus then hastily unfastened his belt and wrestled him out from his trousers, and found him already hot and hard.

'Alright then. Chores can wait.'

He hissed through his fangs as her slender fingers wrapped around him, and her lips parted slightly as she gave him a teasing stroke from base to tip. Malphas let out a broken gasp when she squeezed at the head, smearing the slickness there with her thumb.

Malphas' talons dug deep grooves into the wood supporting his back and his tail coiled tightly around his leg, constricting like a python.

Marlianken must like reducing him to this, he surmised; a needy creature that bucked into her hand without a thread of restraint--if her sly grin was anything to go off of. Malphas likened it to how he took great pleasure in turning Demiurge, the Commander of Defenses, a normally unflappable demon, into a pleading puddle that begged for release.

She leaned forward to press her lips along his length, and slid them upwards until her lower lip caught just under the silky soft ridges of his red-flushed glans, and she opened wider so she could take the gleaming head in her mouth.

Malphas made a strangled sound as she closed around the thick tip of his member and gave him a light suck. His eyes fluttered closed and he exhaled slowly through his nose; he hadn't even realized he had been holding his breath.

She descended on him slowly, and Malphas desperately fought the low whimper of submission bubbling up in his throat; but he couldn't prevent the instinctive lowering of his ears.

He saw her violet eyes meet his as she took him deeper, and it wiped all thought from his mind when her tongue flattened and smoothed along the thick ventral vein on the underside of his cock. Her fingers wound around the base to massage his swelling knot and all that she couldn't fit in her mouth, and she stroked him in tandem with her tongue.

Malphas' clawed fingers softly tangled in her golden hair, which was still free flowing from when she had released it from her ponytail the night before. His head thumped back against the wall of the stable stall as he strained himself not to freely thrust into her mouth, not to push her to take his entire length into her throat as he normally would without second thought, like he did with Demiurge. It took all of his strength to resist grabbing her by her horns and using them as handlebars to mercilessly fuck her face. He was so accustomed to his dominant position, to being in complete control of these situations, but he wants her to do whatever she wants to him. He had no issue handing the reins over, although it would certainly be an adjustment; yet a pleasant one.

Marlianken softly, _teasingly_swiped beneath his frenelum and the demon strained to breathe as though there were a massive weight compressing his lungs. His body shifted incessantly like he was about to burst out of his skin from the onslaught of overstimulation.

Marlianken knew if Malphas had pupils, they would be blown wide with lust. Instead, his sapphire eyes had darkened to nearly black, and glittered like chips of obsidian.

Deep, clawing drags of desire raked through her body, making her sex swell and drip with longing, and, oh, how she wanted him.

The succubus delved her tongue into the wide slit of his swollen head, tasting the bead of musky temptation, and then she suddenly plunged downward.

Malphas' fingers involuntarily clenched to fist her hair, and it felt like his stomach had dropped through the floor as she almost made him come then and there. He froze, and felt himself twitch as that sweet tension in the base of his spine threatened to unravel. He squeezed his eyes shut and rolled his lips together, then he let out a shaky gust of breath and released his harsh grip, but his palm lingered on the crown of her head.

A flash of a grin and his tongue curling over his fang told her that he succeeded in wrangling what little control he had nearly lost just then.

"You're going to be the death of me." He playfully swore.

Marlianken glanced up at him from beneath her feathery lashes, and reveled in his tortured but heavy-lidded expression as she felt the head of him nearly in her throat. Her eyes watered as she struggled not to gag, because fuck, he was so well-endowed. But she quickly became used to the thick weight of his cock, when she was sure he was ready, she wrapped her fingers around the base and pumped upwards.

A sharp flare of pleasure burned through him, and Malphas could hardly form a coherent thought, a fuzzy white noise buzzed in his ears, his muscles wound so tightly with restraint_,_ and she hummed sweetly into the most sensitive part of his body.

He throbbed against her tongue, and swelled further. It took all he had not to greedily take what she was offering, not to come in her pretty little mouth that was so wet and hot-

"Fucking Hell,_Marlianken..." The Arch Devil whined pathetically when she pulled off of him, and the warmth of her breath huffed against his shaft that was still slick from her mouth. He watched as a pretty flush bloomed over her flesh and crept up her neck and colored her cheeks. Her eyes were like amethyst crystals, alight with dancing flame as she looked up at him, and those lovely, _deadly lips curled in a most sinful smile.

Her mouthwatering scent hung heavily in the air, now underlined with the sweetest and most distinct note of feminine lust that made his blood pound in his ears.

"I get you pretty wound up, don't I?" She teased.

'Oh, you know all too well what you fucking do to me.'

At that moment, Malphas lost control. He needed her, now. He growled; a base, animalistic sound that reminded her of when he sparred with her.

The Arch Devil reached down and lifted her up from her ribs, and held her to his chest as she folded her legs around his waist. She could feel his rapid pulse pounding in his cock, so hard and thick between her parted thighs.

"Damned right, you do, you little vixen." He rumbled.

Slowly, Marlianken brushed her cheek against his, reveling in the intoxicating scent of her Arch Devil's skin. They both panted with excitement, living off the heat of one another's breath, their pheromones making the air between them as thick as butter. His sapphire gaze dropped to her mouth, and with a hungry moan, he pressed their lips together. His hand slid from between her shoulders to the cup back of her neck.

Holy Hell, her taste was enough to get drunk off of; she tasted like summertime and honeysuckle, with hints of some bright citrus like oranges and a dash of ginger and it was fucking intoxicating.

His lips were soft, yet demanding, determined to dominate hers. He teased her mouth open, and she let out a sweet sigh when his tongue sieged inside, coiling around hers and making her squirm in his powerful arms.

His kiss was raw intensity. It caused everything around them to blur and fade into the background, all forgotten but the Arch Devil before her.

Yes, this- no, him. Malphas was who she needed.

His touch of flame, the way he held her possessively, as though she were the most precious thing in the world to him, would melt away the fears and uncertainties which haunted her every thought. His petal-soft lips, the welcome invasion of his strong, velvety tongue in her mouth, how his long, raven locks tangled between her fingers, it was all so delicious. And his body, Holy Hell...she loved how the muscles of his mile-wide shoulders rolled and rippled beneath her roving palms. He was elegant brutality. Predatory perfection.


Malphas nipped hungrily at her lower lip, his fangs catching on her piercing and tugging lightly, and her ebony wings flared outwards. Shimmers of indigo flashed over her feathers in the sunlight which streamed through the open barn, making her beauty all the more ethereal.

"So beautiful..." He murmured in marvel, and she silenced him with a kiss that matched his ferocity.

She planted one hand firmly on his shoulder for balance, and the fingertips of her other combed through the softness of his dark mane as they kissed. She could feel his cock twitching between her legs, seeking her warm, moist nest. She shifted her hips, and his swollen, ruby knob pressed against her clit. Her head fell back, exposing her throat to him and she moaned airily as he took full advantage of it, his fangs grazing dangerously over her pulse as she ground her hips against him, igniting sparks that scorched through her veins every time his shaft slotted against her entrance.

Malphas' hands slipped over the small of her back, and smoothed over her perfectly heart-shaped rear to pull her flush against him. Marlianken gasped when one of his hands grazed the back of her thigh, and he retracted his talons. His oceanic eyes sparkled over hers, and he licked his fangs.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard." He dark promise like thunder on an ominous horizon. His Omega grinned, his words making her daring, and she drug her teeth over his neck, forcing a gasp of pleasure from his lungs. He rested his hand on her ass, before giving it an audible smack, and she purred in response.

Malphas tilted his mouth to her ear and whispered heatedly in his deep baritone, "I want to hear you scream for me."

Marlianken chuckled at the brazen statement and rested her chin on his shoulder, and reveled in the way his fingers grazed over her slit. His warm, thick digits teased through her slick folds before quickly pushing in. Malphas groaned when he felt how wet and ready for him she was; her insides eagerly sucked him in, and it practically made him drool with bestial desire.

'Omega is ready.' His hindbrain goaded him.

Malphas withdrew his fingers and held her to align himself, his embrace hot steel. Marlianken's entire body shivered when she felt the bulbous head of his member nudge her entrance, causing her to gasp hotly in his ear as he pierced her; her thighs shook, and her knees clamped tightly around his hips as his cock split her open. He groaned throatily when his tip disappeared into the wet heat of her, and she mercilessly raked her nails down his back, her eyes rolling in her head as he took his sweet time sheathing himself. He was panting raggedly in her neck, his lips kissing and sucking on her skin with every inch as she descended on his shaft. She scratched at his neck like a wildcat, and she knew if she could hear herself over the blood pounding in her ears, she would catch needy, shaky moans bubbling from her throat.

They gasped together as he bottomed out. His eyes slid shut, and his tongue curled over his fang in a wicked grin.

"Fuck, you feel so good." He growled.

He spun them, pinning her to the stable wall, and looped his elbows under her knees.

"Malphas...Alpha..." Marlianken pleaded, but she did not know what had compelled her to say it; the last time she had addressed him by his designation was simply because she knew he would like it. And, oh, he did indeed like it- he practically shuddered in delight when it left her lips. But this time, it rolled off her tongue all on its own, seemingly on instinct and yet, it felt right somehow.

Alpha. He was HER Alpha.

"I've got you, Omega. I'm going to take good care of you." He promised, his lips covering hers, and he began to thrust wildly. Her hands plunged into his mane, and she kissed him fervently as he pounded her body into the wood like a man possessed.

"I used to think...about taking you in this, fucking you can't even see straight." Malphas seethed heatedly between ardent kisses.

He lifted her up his body to free his arms, and one of them wrapped under her rear to support her. Her legs clutched his hips, and the tension thrumming through her thighs was delicious.

"Mmm... did you, now?" She chuckled and nipped his neck, earning a filthy moan from the Devil.

"Hell, yes." He hissed and his digits rolled one nipple as his head dipped down and licked at the other as if he were _starved_of her, as he took her with all the fervor of a rutting beast. His spur-of-the-moment position did not allow for a gentle assault, either. Gravity and the angle of his shaft caused him to bottom out, hard and deep with every thrust.

Marlianken groaned as their bodies slapped together. His hips snapped violently in their frantic coupling; he so badly_wanted to knot and tie with her again, but if he did he wouldn't get anything done today. Hell, he had almost forgotten to feed is animals. More importantly, he needed to feed _her. They had not even had dinner the evening before.

He endeavored to try to keep her suspended on his length just before she hit the base to prevent her from catching on his knot. It was a losing battle, though; he felt her slip downward a little further each time. If he was being completely honest with himself, she felt too fucking good to not bury every inch of himself within her tight, wet heat.

Every instinct he possessed screamed at him to breed her; to fill her with all he had.

Malphas pushed as far as he could, wanted to be so deep in her that there was no room left inside. A thunderous rumble of desire reverberated through his chest, and he wrapped an arm around her and brought them to the floor, to cage her beneath him.

He raised her sweetly rounded hips to his, to stroke into her faster, harder.

Malphas' lips wandered over her throat, and her hands clawed at his back, and there was nothing slow about it; he was no longer holding himself back. The Arch Devil fucked her with everything he had, a relentless pounding between her legs that was probably far less gentle than she deserved.

Not that she seemed to mind it very much, considering how she was moaning his name like a mantra, as though he were a deity all his own.

Malphas laced his fingers through hers and pushed them down next to her head.

Bone-melting pleasure clenched through them both with every thick glide of his shaft, his hot skin scraping roughly over hers. The Arch Devil swiped his tongue across her shoulder and up her throat before she felt his open mouth settle at the side of her neck. Sharp teeth dug in as he sucked her there, and it made her channel clench around him.

The Arch Devil's breath came in labored pants, his hips whipping into hers with such a force that her entire body jolted with each plunge. She clung to him by the his massive shoulders, held him as tightly as she could as he filled her again and again and again.

Held him like she never wanted to let him go.

His Omega's body began to tighten and flutter and squeeze around him, and he hammered in harder, determined to bring her to release.

"That's it...come for me." He groaned in feral encouragement.

All at once, the world around them disappeared and the only things real and tangible were nothing but heaving breath and hot skin and the feeling of him filling every inch of her as she clenched around him.

With blazing rapture, Marlianken crested, every muscle gripping and trying to hold onto him as he plunged into her body. The noises they made were inhuman, something deep inside of her begging for him to never stop; the burning coil inside of her womb wound so tightly that she thought she couldn't bear it a moment longer, then it burst and scorched through her veins like Hellfire, and she keened, pleading so sweetly for him.

Her wings fluttered, the tips of her velvety feathers brushing over his sides. Malphas felt every bit of it when she climaxed; a wet throb that started at his head, and pulsed around his girth, clamping down on him like a velvet vice as he held himself still, letting her feel it in its entirety before he continued and took anything more for himself.

Just as the last ripples of her climax subsided, he settled into a slow, rolling thrust, desperate to drag it out, but with her soft moans of the afterglow and how much she had tightened up, no degree of control could help him. Her violet eyes fluttered open to meet his, and she licked her lips when she saw how close he was to erupting.

'Fuck, she is so sexy.'

That sweet tension at the base of his spine snapped and he felt himself begin to soar, and his knot swell as his orgasm barreled towards him. He quickly moved to pull out of her, but her legs gripped at him, holding him in place.

"I need it...I need you, Malphas, please!" She pleaded breathily, and he nodded, powerless to deny her anything. Malphas clutched her hips and lunged forward with a vehement growl, burying his knot in her silken walls.

'I need you, Malphas, please!'

As he locked himself inside her, he also locked those words in his heart as something precious, like a promise. He had been down this road before with Demiurge; and he damn well _knew_he was playing with fire by daring to feel anything but lust, and it might be the worst mistake he could possibly make. Because there was no way to hold her to those honeyed words.

Nor was there any way to know if this was an ephemeral tryst, a mere a side effect of his Rut and her Heat, or if it might be something more. He could not be sure if all that he felt lived only in his mind, which longed for companionship, for a mate, or if by some astronomical odds, she truly felt the same way.

But he can't, he won't stomp it out--that flickering flame of hope. Hope was all he has left in this world.

A ragged, prolonged groan ripped through his chest as blinding, white-hot ecstasy spilled through him until there's nothing else - just this. He came in seemingly endless hot gush, in one earth-shattering, pulsating spasm, and she purred in appreciation when she felt him throb as he filled her. The Arch Devil jerked against her and shuddered, baring his fangs as he continued to release.

Marlianken's fingers speared through his hair, and stroked his face lovingly. The gentle brush of her fingers caused a tumultuous wave of emotions to roil inside him like the ocean in a storm, a culmination of relief and joy and fear..._of _years spent alone, outcast from the only home he had ever known. He knew what despair tasted like; he had suffocated in its dark fog, aspirated on its sour liquid. It was heartbreaking to know that she knew this festering pain, that cold disconnect of broken ties and bleak isolation as an outcast of Nazarick herself.

But she was willing to tear herself open, and lay her soul bare before him in such a trusting display of vulnerability.

It was beautiful, it was frightening_,_ and yet, it felt so right.

Malphas groaned roughly as he released another spurt of spend, and he nuzzled her neck, smearing his scent of wildfire, leather and cinnamon over her, marking her as his.

'Mine. I want you to be mine...'

Marlianken's body curled into his as he gently guided them both to lie on their sides, his iron-hard arms cradling her.

"How about a shower?" He offered with a wry smile. "Er-...when I stop being stuck?"

Marlianken laughed, and it was music to his ears.

"I could definitely use a shower...and maybe some breakfast?" She suggested.

Marlianken wanted to feel the soft warmth of his hand holding hers, so she threaded her fingers through his; her broken, indomitable, sweet, perfect Alpha.

She looked into his eyes of Arctic oceans, and wanted to hear that deep, velvety voice comfort her, reassure her that she is not alone. He was someone who understood how a lifetime of loneliness and loss could erode her until nothing remained.

He may not have said it, but the gentle squeeze of his his hand in hers spoke volumes.

Malphas couldn't say what tomorrow will bring, but when she glanced back at him with her amethyst gaze and smiled a genuine smile of happiness, bright as the sun, and drug his face downward and kissed him again, it filled him with new meaning, new purpose.

For once, he did not fear the coming of the next dawn.

He decided it did not matter what came tomorrow, or the next month, or even the next year.

It only mattered that he would not be enduring it alone.

Malphas pulled her in closer, enfolding her tighter until their bodies melted together.

"Breakfast sounds great."

Marlianken and Malphas 4

Malphas jerked awake when he heard his little ones crying in the next room. "Damn." He was SO tired. But Marlianken needed a break; and it was his turn to quiet them down anyway. They tended to awaken during the wee hours of the morning with either...

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Property Rewritten Pt 5

Malphas led Lillith to the cracked doorway of the mansion, and she cowered behind him, absolutely terrified of what possibly awaited them just past the threshold. "What if...what if there are _more_ of them waiting outside?" She asked apprehensively,...

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Marliken and Malphas Commish

_'Damn it!'_ A swift, sweeping kick to his ankles sent the six-foot-six Arch Devil spilling to the earth. Malphas landed hard on his back, and grunted as the force of the fall crushed the air from his lungs and he once again found himself pinned with...

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