Marlianken and Malphas 4

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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Marli and Malphas pt 4

Malphas jerked awake when he heard his little ones crying in the next room.

"Damn." He was SO tired.

But Marlianken needed a break; and it was his turn to quiet them down anyway. They tended to awaken during the wee hours of the morning with either the need to be fed or to be changed.

Anteros wailed in a pitch that told Malphas his upset stemmed from hunger, so he went to work preparing a bottle for him. As he suckled away, the Devil gently massaged the little stumps sprouting above his hips, where his wings were to later develop. This seemed to relax him into a quiet lull of hungry whimpers.

It occurred to Malphas to wonder if his wings would be raven black and gleam with a bluish sheen like his mother's did in the sunlight, or if they may be Draconian and webbed and scaled as his were. Would he be able to change his form like he and Demiurge could? Anteros contentedly drained his bottle and Malphas put him back to bed, and scooped up Orias to change his diaper.

Afterwards, Malphas sank into his lounge chair by the fireplace, turning his little one around so he can look at him. The Arch Devil's eyes raked over his little body, and he was utterly absorbed with Orias' eyelashes, downy and dark like little hummingbird feathers and how his impossibly small, doll-like fingers wrapped around the thickness of one of his own digits- each tiny digit tapered with a tiny, onyx claw, just like his.

'Was I ever this small?' Malphas wondered, but he could not recall a time in which he didn't tower over all.

_'No...'_Ulbert had forged himself and his brother, in only the way their creator knew how, but this little creature he and his mate had created with their own, more primal means. But it did not make the minute miracle in his arms any less remarkable in his eyes.

It reminded Malphas of just how huge he was- and also reinforced his fear of how fragile his little sons were; how much protection Orias and Anteros would need from all threats, great and small.

'Mine. My cubs. Protect at all costs.'

Malphas was enamored by his little one's soft, sweet scent, an echo of Marlianken's, and a hint of his, too and yet all his own. It lulled him into a sense of placidity, and for a moment, he briefly forgot just how exhausted he was. A full night's sleep was a thing of the past, it would seem. A distant memory.

But worth it. It was worth the stress, the exhaustion, the worry, the uncertainty.

Because it was all for Orias. For Anteros. For Marlianken, his Omega- his mate, his other half.

His family; the one thing he had always wanted. Whereas his creator had abandoned him, and Nazarick was no longer his home, here, he had built his own from the ground up, with blood, sweat and tears.

This tiny little creature he and Marlianken had created had shaken the foundations of his entire world and for a few perfect moments, he simply existed in quiet awe of him. Orias stared back at him with his amethyst eyes, mirrors to his mother's, and Malphas smiled softly at him.

His son wound his tiny tail around Malphas' wrist and cooed before he let out a little yawn.

The Arch Devil's eyelids grew heavier and heavier, before they slowly shuttered shut, and he sank deeper into his chair to drift into a half-doze, the bundle in his arms too precious to allow him to fully commit to sleep.

_ ***One Year Earlier*** _

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are lately?" Malphas purred, admiring her still-damp waves.

They had just gotten out of the shower. The two demons had taken their time washing, and relished the feeling of their palms smoothing over each other's bodies. It was safe to say they were nothing short of smitten with one another at this point.

Malphas then prepared breakfast for them, which consisted of scrambled eggs for her and something for himself, which was taking longer to prepare.

"Of course. You, and barely half an hour ago." Marlianken replied with a shy grin as she speared a bite of scrambled eggs onto her fork.

He smirked toothily in response before joining her at the table to tear into his breakfast of barely seared steak and she watched as an almost disturbing amount of blood seep from the deep cut he carved into it.

"Steak for breakfast? Really?" She winced a bit at the heaviness of the meal, and he laughed after he swallowed his bite.

"Blood content is necessary for this particular weapon." He said, waving his tail for emphasis. "Without the iron in blood, the plates lose their sheen and even begin to get brittle. It's necessary in maintaining optimum health."

Marlianken clicked her tongue. "I did not know that."

"Indeed. There are few who do. Most assume a Devil's carnivorous diet stems from simple bloodlust. But there is a deeper reason I crave the taste of blood," He said, and licked his chops like a wolf. " know, besides its exquisite taste..."

The way one corner of his mouth slowly curled upwards into a predatory smirk made her heart flutter. He looked like he was ready to sweep the contents of the table off with his arm and bend her over it to-

'Shit, I really am going into heat.' She could finally admit to herself; her thoughts were getting filthier by the hour, and judging by the hungry and wolfish leer on his face, so were his.

"Be a good boy and eat your breakfast." She warned playfully.

Malphas chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."

The Arch Devil had a Hell of a time keeping his attention nailed to his chores for the day. As he carefully brushed out the silky manes of his Bicorns, he was constantly reminded of the softness of Marlianken's wild golden locks and how much he wanted to thread his fingers through her hair again.

She had holed herself up inside of the house to work in his office, and busied herself by filling out a report while he performed his usual daily tasks of manual labor outside.

Each time he entered the barn to lead a Bicorn from their stall, he could smell their combined aroma still lingering heavily in the enclosed space. The tang of ocean breeze being carried over white-capped waves, the savory scorch of wildfire smoke, dark spice and coniferous forest; all elements of the Earth, in a beautiful symphony of scents.

He hoped it would never fade.

Malphas could not help but to wonder if she was experiencing the same level distraction.

_ ***A Few Hours Later*** _

Marlianken carefully stepped out of his shower and tugged a fluffy a towel off the rack hanging above her, and had to actively resist the urge to press her nose into it. Malphas must have used it himself already; it smelled of warm spice, leather, and flame.

She was burning up; sweat trickled down her neck and beaded on her forehead, and for a while she believed it was simply because of the summer sun streaming through the windows. But when she felt a spear of pain pierce through her lower belly, she knew she was in heat, and thus was the cause of her blood running scathingly hot. It had been almost two years since her last cycle, which she had endured alone. It was a nightmare; she had been feverish, agitated, and the cramps were agony. He body screamed for an Alpha's scent and knot- the only things which would relieve the pain, and there was none to assist her through it.

But this time, it would be different. Malphas was a very willing partner, and so sweet, at that. He was her ideal Alpha, and he was sure to take good care of her.

She finished drying off, and it then dawned on her that she had no clean clothes to wear. This entire...thing, whatever it was between them, was unexpected. She had not planned on staying; yesterday was intended to be just another round of sparring practice, and yet, here she was.

Surely, he would not mind if she borrowed something to wear. She wrapped the towel around her damp hair and entered his adjacent bedroom, and...

His scent in here was unholy in how powerful it was. It was buttery thick in the air and the next thing she knew, she snapped out of a trance to awaken sprawled out on her stomach over his bed, inhaling into his sheets. Wildfire, dark spice, sandalwood, black currant and leather...

It smelled of both him and traces of Demiurge; Malphas' being the more powerful of the two, and her wings trembled at the intense scent virile Alpha.

"He smells...divine." She murmured to herself. Her olfactory senses were reeling in utter awe.

Dare she open his closet door, which was full of Malphas' clothes? All of which no doubt absorbed his intoxicating aroma?

'Yes. Alpha will like that we share his scent.' Her hindbrain encouraged her.

Bad idea.

She practically fell over as she pulled the knob to the closet door, and his scent was nearly as overwhelming in here as it was on his bed. Her head was spinning with the potent mix of pheromones, and she found herself wanting to rub her face over the sleeve of one of his shirts.

She tugged it off the hanger and shrugged it on over her shoulders. It hung just past her thighs, and she smiled at how it swallowed her frame. Her Alpha was so big.

So big and strong. He would make a perfect protector, a perfect mate.

Every cell of her being was intoxicated by his smell, and she was drunk off the heady pleasure of it.

'Collect. Build. Show Alpha you are ready.'

And she did. She rummaged through his closet and gathered his sheets along with several of his shirts and laid them out around her in a large ring.

With her nest complete, she felt the blood churning in her veins, felt the heat unfurling between her thighs. Marlianken surrounded herself with his scent, breathed him in. Her heart thrummed and her senses were clouded with primal need, her hunger for him. But even then, she felt her eyelids dip, growing heavy with fatigue. Her body urged her to rest in preparation for the coming strenuous activity and her lashes fluttered closed, and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

With the last of his chores completed for the day, Malphas trudged from the barn and back into the house, and the sticky, sweet scent hit him like a brick wall.

He inhaled deeply,tasting her, and his mouth began to water with unbridled desire. He could smell that her scent had been brewed from her blood running scalding hot, and was seasoned with arousal.

"Omega..." He rumbled.

She was now in the full swing of heat. Malphas strode through the house to track her scent like a wolf, and felt his limbs growing heavier with each step; it was buttery thick in his bedroom, so thick he sure he could drown in it--and he could not resist taking in another deep lungful and relishing how it stuck to his tongue.

He found her curled in a ball within a massive pile of his shirts, sheets, and blankets. If it smelled like him, she had collected and compiled it into the mountain of feathery softness that was her makeshift nest.

Their nest.

Malphas crept closer to the bed and found that she was asleep...and sweet fucking Satan, she was wearing nothing but one of his shirts, which was far too large on her. It barely covered her bare rear, and there was a towel wrapped around her head.

His lips curl at the corners- Malphas had never seen something so simultaneously adorable and arousing.

He tentatively grips the corner of the towel, and the heady, sweet scent grows more prominent with every rustle of the fabric he tugged on--and when he pulled it away, he watched as her hair spilled down and around her shoulders, wild and golden, just like her heart.

Malphas felt a burning coil of primal desire inside him swirl, stir to life, unwind.

He had felt this scathing coil before in his belly before; it awoke when he first met Demiurge, and it unraveled during his brother's first Rut. The knowledge that Marlianken was in heat, her fucking intoxicating_scent, and beholding the nest she had built in _HIS bed... was awakening again. He was entering full Rut.

Nesting behavior could only mean two things; she was ready to be his mate, and also ready to be bred. The latter admittedly terrified, yet also preened at the most primal part of his brain.

'Knot her. Breed her. Make Omega mine.' His hindbrain commanded.

Malphas reached for her, and carefully brushed the stray strands away from her face. Her flesh was scalding and dewy with sweat. His poor little female. He needed to cool her down.

She stirred at his feather-light touch, and whined. "Alpha..."

His chest tightened at the sweet sound of his designation on her tongue.

"Omega..." He crooned. "Such a pretty sight, you wearing my clothes."

"Malphas..." She was growing hotter by the second from the way his eyes lingered on how his shirt hung loosely over her frame. The heat in his gaze could melt her to the bone.

'Alpha likes what he sees, he is pleased.'

Her eyes of amethyst were utterly entranced by how his jaw trembled with barely-leashed restraint. His hand trailed down from her neck, over her spine until calloused fingertips grazed the backs of her thighs.

Marlianken rises from the pile of blankets with feline grace, and Malphas damn near swallowed his tongue from the sight of the parted fabric which just covers her breasts on either side, even though the entire thing left the tantalizingly pink flesh between her legs bare to his sight.

He could die a perfectly happy man if he went blind and this were the last sight he ever saw.

Her ebony wings fanned out prettily around his sheets; he never could have imagined how... right it both looked and felt, that she was in his bed. The coil inside him erupted into flames and roared to life.

He wasn't shy in how his sapphire eyes raked over her body, and his tongue swept over his lower lip.

"I need to get the shower running. I'll be right back." He said with a thick swallow. When he tried to tear himself away, she caught his sleeve, and when he turned around-

"Oof!" He grunted as she launched herself at him and hooked her legs around his waist.

"I'm coming too." There was no hesitation in the way his arms snaked around her, and he chuckled heartily.

"All right, you're coming with me then." He didn't argue.

Malphas dipped his head down to kiss her, and her mind whirled with the taste of him. It stole the breath from her lungs - she could only cling to him as he ravished her hungry, searing kisses.

When the demon broke away to carry her into the bathroom, Marlianken sucked in air with a deep gasp.

"I've been thinking about that- about you, all day." He confessed.

"Mmm...only kissing?" She teased.

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm a Devil." He said, and gently set her down in the running shower so he could peel off his clothes, revealing every inch of sun-kissed skin. "I've been thinking about all the ways I can make you moan, make you scream on my cock, imagining what every part of you must tastes like."

She practically dripped at the salacious silver rolling off of his tongue, and it wasn't just the water pouring down from the shower head, taking the edge off of her fever.

Marlianken stepped aside so he could stand under the flowing water, and she licked her lips at the sight of the massive Devil who was sporting a massive erection. His tail swayed behind him, slinging water in wild arcs and his long hair plasters in wet strands around his face and mile-wide shoulders. His body glistened with beads of moisture, making his muscle tone all the more pronounced.

'Strong Alpha. Mine.'

Malphas had never soaped down and rinsed faster in his life. Satisfied he was clean enough, he turned to her.

"Come here, let's cool you down." The Devil said as he turned the faucet to ice cold, and moved so she could take his place.

As soon as she was in front of him, he took the opportunity to smooth his hands over her curves, and buried his nose into her hair.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to concentrate on anything at all today? How difficult it was to be away from you?" He breathed.

"Why do think I was on your bed and not filling out the report I should have had completed two days ago?" Marlianken giggled.

"Probably because it is next to impossible to think about the racials of a potential enemy when I'm knot-deep in you." He replied, and then they were both laughing.

She sighed in relief as the cool water began to bring her temperature down enough to where she no longer felt as if her blood was boiling in her veins.

"Better?" Malphas asked, and she nodded.

"Good." And with that, he retracted his claws and gave her rear a firm, wet smack with an open palm. She squealed in surprise, and then moaned when his fingers slid over the dip between her thighs.

"You're so fucking gorgeous..." He purred like velvet in her ear, and spun her to face him before he speared a thick finger inside as far as he could, and curled it up into her tight heat. The demon slipped his arm under her thigh for support and she clutched at his shoulders. She tossed her head back with parted lips and ground against his wide palm, lost in the sensation of his hand moving against her.

"And so wet for me..." He groaned and couldn't help the way his hips pushed against her, relishing the hot slide of her silken flesh against his own. He stroked her expertly from the inside, brushing over that one place that normally would make any female scream.

To his delight, she was no exception.

When he slipped in a second digit, the Succubus cried out his name as the sweet, fluttering pulses relieved some of the pressure that had been building all day.

She soaked his hand and shivered against him for several seconds as she came down from the high. Her body was racked with such intense pleasure he had to support her as her legs went boneless, all the while he murmured how good and perfect she was for coming all over his fingers.

Marlianken cast pleading eyes up at him, and watched his face darken with rampant desire, sending deep flutters into her belly. "Now. Let's get you warmed up."

The Devil picked her up and carried her to his emperor sized bed, and deposited her on it.

'Breed her. Make her yours.'

"Please," She whined, nearly out of her mind with the need for him to fill her.

Massive hands grasped the backs of her thighs and pushed them toward her chest, so her feet were in the air. He slung her ankles over his shoulders so that his fingers can dip between her thighs, teasing her and making her dizzy.

He leaned over her, and breathed open-mouthed kisses on her heated flesh, his fangs grazing with dangerous temptation. Marlianken quaked while he whispered, "I want you to want this, Marlianken. This won't be like last you understand this is your Heat, right? My Rut, too. This could... _change_things between us."

Malphas was losing himself by the second.

A faint flicker of apprehension crossed her mind between one breath and the next--

'He is wrong. We'll always be friends. Does he mean...?'

But then Marlianken inhaled again and all rational thought was extinguished like a candle in the wind under the weight of her primal need for the Arch Devil, the massive Alpha who wants her and has been so good to her.

"I do. I want this. I want you--please, Malphas--"

"Good," He breathed, as though there could be any doubt of her hunger for him. A new wave of relief and desire washed over him. "...that's good. But once we do this, there will be no turning back- I don't know if I can_stop_- tell me you're sure."

Anything he asked of her, she would gladly give. Apprehension strove again to make itself heard through the overpowering scent fogging her mind, setting her flesh aflame, but it was no more powerful than the lingering wisps of smoke from that snuffed candle before the wildfire which was her need for him. The demon's amorous hands, sweet words and his pheromones, radiant as the sun, swallowed her alive with blinding desire.

Marlianken leaned upwards and kissed him, and her lips moved to his ear, and nipped him. The sound that tore from is chest was inhuman- there was no mistaking the significance of the gesture.

"I take it that's...a yes?" He ground out. How his lips pulled back to show his fangs in a pleased grin made her heart flutter in her chest.

"No matter what. No matter what happens, I will never regret this- giving myself to you. You're so good to me, Malphas." Marlianken assured him, and sealed her promise with a sincere kiss.

He cupped the back of her neck and returned her affection with a soft smile. "You're so good to me, too, sweetheart."

His tail coiled around her possessively, and he carefully guided her down onto her back.

The heavy press of his cock against her entrance made her eyes nearly roll back in her head. He lowered his lips to her ear.

"Don't you dare do it, Marlianken." His tone is both honey and thunder, and tongue flicked out to trace the shell, and he lightly tugged her earrings with his teeth. "Tell me you won't."

She knew what he meant. A natural contraceptive Succubi possess can be activated during mating. She had used it twice with him already.

"I -" The words die on her tongue when he ground the head of his shaft against her pearl, and he pressed into it, and the searing heat of it made the succubus lose all rational thought.

'Obey.' Her body purred, and warmth coiled between her thighs. 'Alpha wants to mate, to breed.'

"Please, Alpha, I - I won't do- use it anymore - whatever you want -" She agreed.

"Good girl... going to give you everything I have." Malphas promised, and she was rewarded with a slow, hard slide of his shaft.

They gasped together as he sank in to the hilt... he was large - so large - and the pressure was almost too much as he sheathed himself completely.

"My sweet Omega." His voice was jagged along the edges, but a gleam of reverence flickered across his crystalline eyes again as he touched her face.

She could feel the tension rolling off him as he held himself perfectly still above her, savoring the moment.

"Malphas," she gasped.

He began with slow, deep strokes, so that she could feel every inch of him as he glided along her inner walls. He leaned down on his elbows so he could kiss her as he began to pick up the pace.

He swallowed her stream of moans and whimpers like he was starved of them, his kiss hungry, ravaging. Claiming.

Malphas withdrew for breath and rested his forehead against hers as he continued to drive into her. Her voice, strained with desperation, sounded completely foreign to her ears. She was never this needy, not with anyone.

The Devil lowered his head further and sweetly nuzzled her with a low purr, brushing his neck, his scent glands, over hers. "Want to smell like you forever..."

Before she could fully process those words and what exactly they meant, he kissed her again and began to move at a mind-shattering depth and pace.

Bone-melting ecstasy clenched through her with every thick slide and thrust, as his hot skin glided over hers. Then he proceeded to fuck her into a sweaty, ragged, convulsing mess.

With an animalistic growl, Malphas rose onto his haunches and pulled her hips up onto his lap. Bruising fingers dug into her sides and held her in place as he began to drive into her, his eyes of blue fire devouring her expression of rapture. Breathing raggedly, she grasped his forearms, which bulged with tension and unfathomable strength as he held her hips up. Malphas leaned forward and captured a nipple between his fangs, and flicked his eyes back to her face just in time to see her own roll back.

He proceeded to take her mercilessly, and as he had warned her, he could not seem to stop. He drove into her again and again even as the decadent flavor of her desire thickly coated his tongue and rolled down his throat like sticky syrup and stole his breath, filling his senses with her.

She fell apart beneath him, her hips bucking, thighs and raven wings quivering just for him. She came long and hard with the sweetest, drawn-out breathy moan that Malphas was sure he could feel dripping over his skin.

How beautiful she was, with her wild, golden mane like spilled molten gold running in wild, inconsistent trails over his pillow, a stark contrast to her wings, dark as the night sky, splayed out before him.

Marlianken felt the exquisite sensation of his knot swelling thickly inside her, preparing to unleash the torrent of his spend; to trap all that he releases inside, to breed her. The thought stirred a mixture of both terror and hungry anticipation.

His jaw ached strangely and his teeth seemed to tingle inside of his skull. Instinct drove Malphas to lunge forward and sink his teeth into the curve of her neck with a vicious growl, his whole body seizing, every neuron firing at once as floods of ecstasy swirled through his veins; his knot was huge and hard and full, so he slammed it in deep, right where it needs to be.

Malphas bit down with enough force to break her flesh, to pierce clean through, and the blood which soaked his taste buds was rich, dark and sweet like chocolate. Suddenly the pounding in his ears had gone quiet, still; like the surface of a pristine lake, and until there was nothing but serene silence as their pants and moans of passions and racing heartbeats faded into the background.

Time itself seemed to hold its breath for a few precious moments, and when he resurfaced, the combined scent of them burst through the stillness, threading her to him, and he drank it in. He was vaguely aware that some repressed part of him recognized the magnitude of his actions, that weighed the consequences of it.

_Of what he had just done. _

Of what he had just_taken_ from her. Given to her. But through the tunnel-vision of Rut, he could only see her, and how much he wanted her and to be hers.

His jaw locked in place with a claiming bite, and there was no stopping it now. He could taste her and smell their combined scent, so raw and intoxicating, and he came and came and his Omega clenched down on him with vice-like contractions that seemed to have no end. The threads binding her to him strengthened, reinforced themselves, until they were are hard and sturdy as steel cables. His passionate snarl vibrated through her, and she felt the wet, delicious spurt of hot come pouring into her as he unleashed.

A moment later, she cried out as she shattered into a million brilliant shards that vibrantly sang as a second burst of her Alpha's seed spilled inside her, ripped from him with a hoarse snarl into her neck while her channel contracted and pulsed around his knot. A full-body shudder tore through her and she clenched down on Malphas' shaft, urging another rough growl from him.

"Mmmm... Marlianken..." He groaned into her neck. "Fuck..."

She could feel every pulse as he continued to release with bared fangs and tensed muscles. His hips jerked back to secure the lock, and he gathered her into his arms before he collapsed onto his side.

"You're incredible. Fucking incredible." He murmured breathlessly and squeezed her in a hug. The Devil moaned as he throbbed again and steeped himself in the scent of their mating with his nose pressed to her throat. Her back arched and she exposed her throat for his teeth, for the bloody bond-mark he left over her pulse. It hurt, throbbed with pleasure-pain which he soothed away with loving sweeps of his tongue.

He cooed sweet nothings in her ear, gently petted the rogue strands of hair off her glistening face, his lips touching every inch of skin he could. They gasped together as each new pulse of his knot sent a wave of release flooding out of him, and when Marlianken was positive that he couldn't possibly produce more, he proved her wrong.

"Such a good girl, my perfect girl." He purred and held her as close to him as physically possible.

Minutes later, he dozed off, and Marlianken felt her eyes growing heavy as the relaxed cadence of his breathing and thunder of his heart lulled her into a new sense of comfort, and sleep came to claim her as well.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." She whispered, and she curled into his chest.

"Malphas? Are you alive?"

The Arch Devil groaned and stirred.

"Damn it, what? I'm trying to sleep." Malphas grumbled. "Message me later."

"I'm not flying back to Nazarick empty-handed, Malphas." Demiurge's voice took on an edge of irritation. "Lord Ainz would be most displeased with not only myself, but you as well."

'Shit!' Malphas had forgotten Demiurge was coming today to pick up the list for his Bicorn clients.

And here he was, knot deep in the living memory of their Supreme Lady. Of course, his brother would have impeccable timing, as was typical of Malphas' luck.

"I'm sorry, Demiurge. It slipped my mind that you were coming today. I'll be right out." Malphas apologized.

Malphas shifted to carefully withdraw from Marlianken, who whimpered at the loss of the wall of warmth he provided as she stirred.

'Omega is still in heat. Needs her Alpha. Stay.' His hindbrain slammed on the brakes and compelled him to remain.

As much as Malphas wanted to comply, he knew Marlianken would likely be mortified to have Demiurge come looking for his brother, only to find them both in such a compromising position.

"'s okay. I'll be right back. Go to sleep, sweetheart." He whispered and tenderly kissed her forehead before untangling himself from the satin sheets.

The Devil rose from his bed and pulled his pants on, and fastened his belt before slipping out of the room.

Malphas descended the stairs to find that Demiurge was patiently waiting in his living room, apparently having already let himself in. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back and his stance rigid.

'Oh shit...there is no way he doesn't smell it.' Malphas fretted; he had hoped Demiurge would wait for him outside.

"What time is it? I thought you weren't coming until 1:30-"

"It is 1:45pm." Demiurge said with a sly grin. Malphas watched the motion of his brother swallow, and he knew this to be because the scent of Omega in heat was overpowering in such close quarters, making his mouth water. A sharp prickle of possessiveness over his newly-claimed mate made him bristle, which admittedly took him aback. He had never had an issue with jealousy or even sharing females with Demiurge before. Why did he suddenly feel so possessive of Marlianken?

"I take it you slept well?"

"I did." Malphas confirmed. "Sorry, I-"

"No need to apologize. I'm sure you needed it. Do you have the list?" Demiurge got right down to business.

"Yes. Let me retrieve it for you." Malphas said, and he turned and walked past him to get the paper off the coffee table.

The elder Devil heard the deep inhale as his brother scented the breeze caused by his stride, and Malphas' eyes slid closed and he pressed his lips into a grim line, bracing for Demiurge to chastise him for daring to sleep with the memory of their Lord's sister.

Suddenly leather-clad hands snaked around his bare middle, and heated breath tantalizingly tickled between his shoulder blades.

"So, this is why you smell so intoxicating..." Demiurge breathed. "You're in that who I think-"

"Please don't tell our Master; not yet." Malphas quietly pleaded. "It's thing led to another, and-"

"I would never betray you like that, Malphas. Never." Demiurge adamantly vowed, and ran his tongue over his flesh, sampling the divine combination of Alpha and Omega pheromones, making Malphas tremble with both trepidation and relief. "But sweet fucking Hades, you smell good enough to devour."

Malphas could practically feel hot waves of desire rolling off Demiurge as he grew more and more frenzied with arousal, his pheromones resonating with his brother's and the scent of female in heat.

"I do not care what you do with her, that is your business; but please..." Demiurge practically whined, and when Malphas turned to face him, the younger Devil pushed him backwards. The backs of Malphas' legs hit the edge of the couch as Demiurge urged him to his back, and crawled over him as one gloved hand tugged urgently at his trousers." least give me a_taste_." He hissed.

There was no way Malphas was getting out of this one. Demiurge was riled beyond belief.

"For Hell's sake, Demiurge..." Malphas huffed in exasperation, but he was admittedly getting hard from how eager his brother was. And he knew Demiurge would not leave until he got what he wanted. If he let Demiurge have his way, it would serve to distract him from his Omega who was in the prime of heat upstairs.

'Mine. My Omega.'

"Fine, but then you have to leave." Malphas' caved, but his words fell on deaf ears. Demiurge sank his teeth into Malphas' neck and reached down to palm his elder brother's growing bulge.

Malphas gasped as the fangs piercing his flesh shot bolts of ecstasy through his veins, and Demiurge wasted no time in deftly unfastening Malphas' belt and snaking his hand inside. Demiurge sucked in a shaky breath when he felt the hot flesh and slight swell at the base of his brother's shaft.

"Mmmm... I'd be a liar if I said I was not envious of her position as of now." Demiurge's voice was silk as his lips peeled back into a vicious grin. "This knot is to_die_ for."

Demiurge unceremoniously dropped to his knees before him and freed the elder demon's shaft from its confines, and gave it a firm, languid stroke.

He wasted no time and sealed his lips around Malphas' shaft. The elder demon's head fell back against the couch with a sharp intake of breath as Demiurge pushed slowly down to the base to let him slide deeper into his throat. Demiurge closed his eyes to focus on breathing through his nostrils as he hummed softly around him.

"Fuck!" Malphas bit out, and he curled his claws into his brother's spiky hair.

Demiurge withdrew, and watched Malphas' cock twitch, already leaking at the tip and Demiurge used a gloved hand to smear the fluids over the swollen head as he stroked downward to the base. Demiurge glanced up at him as he let his tongue flatten over the wide slit of his brother's cock. Malphas jerked, and his mouth fell open in a silent cry that morphed into a filthy moan when Demiurge sank his mouth down over Malphas' rigid length once more. Demiurge moved up and down his cock, his cheeks hollowed and his eyes slid shut.

Malphas' claws dug into the leather of the couch, spearing through the material with audible pops, and his hips tilted upwards to buck into Demiurge's mouth with a groan. When a full-body shudder wracked through the massive Devil, Demiurge pulled away, his breath ragged as he licked his lips.

"Shit, Demiurge... don't make me knot your mouth." Malphas warned, and the insidious glint in his brother's gaze dared him to do so.

Demiurge would gladly prove to him that he could take it. For the SECOND TIME.

The first time it happened was purely accidental, but Demiurge made it all too clear how much he relished milking Malphas' knot with his tongue and being forced to swallow him for fifteen minutes straight by clutching his brother's hips and shamelessly moaning into his groin the entire time.

'Shit. The last thing I need is for Marlianken to walk in here and see Demiurge stuck to my-'

Demiurge dragged his tongue from base to head in one long, hot swipe. Malphas' whole body tensed in response. Tingling with anticipation, Demiurge licked it broadly, back and forth. He then dropped his head lower suckle at the swollen flesh of his knot, which was rapidly expanding.

"Fuck," Malphas gasped out. "Fuck, Demiurge..."

Demiurge's mouth then abruptly sank down over his brother's length once again, taking the whole eight inches of him over his tongue and deep into his throat as he hilted him. Malphas cupped his nape in encouragement.

"Show me how hard you are." Malphas growled.

Demiurge obeyed; he unfastened his belt and freed himself, and Malphas watched him through hooded eyes. His lips parted at the sight of his member, the head gleaming angry purple and his shaft thick and heavy with desire. The younger demon stroked himself, and Malphas watched him tease forth a stream of pre-come.

"Come up here." Malphas ordered. "Straddle me."

Demiurge obeyed, and swung his legs over either side of his. Malphas gripped both of their lengths in one huge hand, and began to pump them both simultaneously. The younger demon gasped and wound his tail around his brother's, and leaned forward to mouth at Malphas' throat.

Malphas groaned in ecstasy and tugged faster.

Demiurge growled and sank his teeth into his brother's neck, prompting Malphas to thread his fingers through his hair and pull harshly.

"Fuck, yes..." The elder Devil groaned, and began to buck upwards into his own grasp, their shafts sliding wetly against one another, slickened with Demiurge's saliva. Demiurge gasped hotly in Malphas' ear and shamelessly ground into his hand, chasing his release. His older brother's pheromones had reduced them both to little more than sensation and primal instinct as Demiurge's claws carelessly dug in to Malphas' chest and his tail tightened around its twin.

With a rough groan Malphas unleashed, spilling hot release all over his hand, and Demiurge quickly followed with a feral snarl through bared teeth, spurting hard against the elder Devil's abdomen.

When Demiurge stopped leaking, Malphas reached for his knot and proceeded to lightly squeeze and massage it, teasing out more of his release.

Demiurge watched with heated interest as Malphas' eyes fell closed and his hips jerked as he continued to spray. Before Malphas could protest, Demiurge crawled off of him and nestled between his thighs once more to take him back into his mouth. Malphas bucked into his throat, both of his hands burying into his brother's hair as he hungrily took the rest of his release for the next ten minutes. When the orgasm finally ebbed, Demiurge resurfaced.

"You taste so sweet during Rut..." He purred. "I could drink from you all day."

"I think you drank all my strength, too," Malphas panted. "I can't feel my legs."

After Demiurge was so kind as to lick him clean and tuck him back into his trousers, the elder Devil weakly pulled himself up.

"Rarely are so drained afterwards." Demiurge quirked a brow and tapped a claw on his lower lip. "I take it she's effectively wearing you out?"

Malphas smirked. "I cannot deny that."

"Hm." Demiurge quipped. "Would it be crossing a line if I admitted I want to watch?"

"Yes! Now, quickly," Malphas passed him the report and shooed him to the door. "I can't have you here when she awakens."

"Really, now? Denying your brother? But we've always shared these things..." The younger Devil licked his fangs. "Since when-"

Demiurge lets out an exaggerated gasp and his ears perked up.

"Brother! Are you falling in-"

Malphas yanked open the door, and playfully shoved him out, and Demiurge snickered with the knowledge that he was getting under his skin.

"If you dare to finish that sentence aloud, I'll kick your ass." Malphas hissed.

Mine and Yours Part 2

**\*\*\*Nearly Two Years Ago\*\*\*** Malphas jolted awake from his sound slumber when he heard a noise from downstairs. He was sleeping lightly; Hera, his gray-dappled mare, was to drop a foal any day now, and he needed to oversee her labor and...

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Mine and Yours Part 1

Demiurge exited the meeting room quietly, and watched as the Battle Maids of the Pleiades, Entoma and Mare turned the corner down the hallway. Command of the operation had fallen to him (much to Sebas' unspoken yet obvious dismay), and he arranged for...

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Marlianken and Malphas 3

Malphas awoke feeling so pleasantly warm. Safe. _Whole._ The first thing he smelled was an ocean breeze, coniferous timber undertones, and sweet flesh which smelled like her _and_ him. Smelled like _home._ Her scent was like a weighted, fleece...

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