Marliken and Malphas Commish

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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#37 of The Devil's Plaything

Gift for CeresOktavia on Ao3 for both of our original characters, Malphas and Marlianken.

'Damn it!'

A swift, sweeping kick to his ankles sent the six-foot-six Arch Devil spilling to the earth. Malphas landed hard on his back, and grunted as the force of the fall crushed the air from his lungs and he once again found himself pinned with a knee to his chest.

"You have to try a different tactic, or you will continue to wind up flat on your back." Marlianken taunted him with a light shake of her head.

Flustered, Malphas begrudgingly nodded in agreement, and she let him up and fluffed her glossy black wings, inadvertently fanning her scent towards him and his senses were flooded with a major distraction. Her scent was nothing short of reminded him of an ocean breeze being carried from the shore to pass through the branches of a coniferous forest.

It had always been pleasant, an aroma he enjoyed, but since the past three times she had visited him at the Stables, it had blossomed to become all-consuming in it's power;something had changed.

And with the halter top she was wearing, so much of her porcelain skin was exposed, making it almost potent enough to make his eyes roll in his head, and the Arch Devil could not help but wonder if she was aware of this and doing it on purpose.

Teasing him. Tormenting him.

The Arch Devil was beyond frustrated at this point. The object of the exercise was to catch her, but merely tagging her would be a victory in of itself; with the addition of her clone doubles, it was next to impossible as they darted wildly all around him. He was fast, but she was lighter on her feet, and his size inevitably gave her the edge in a chase. He may as well have been a charging bull trying to match the swift gait and nimble turns of a graceful gazelle.

And trying to determine which was the true her whilst two doppelgängers ran amok in the midst of the chase? Forget it.

He was under the impression he had finally caught her not twenty minutes ago, and had tackled her to the earth, but her face remained completely expressionless when it should have been shocked and winded.

"Nice try, buddy!" He heard her call out from behind him, and the clone beneath him disintegrated as she recalled them. Malphas growled and ran his claws through his hair in frustration.

Malphas was glad she came without alone this time. He would be admittedly embarrassed if anyone else were to witness how many times she had deceived him and put him on the ground.

The Trickster Class was definitely his most formidable opponent.

"What is your advantage?" She hinted as he picked himself up off of the grass and swept his shoulder-length hair out of his face. "That is what will assure your success."


Malphas dusted off his violet pin-striped tail coat and straightened his tie.

As far as Malphas was concerned, Marlianken held all the cards in this situation. She was quicker, a conjurer of clones and phantasms, capable of flight, and could knock him on his ass time and time again with little effort. Not even Demiurge had succeeded in taking him down as effectively as Marlianken could.

The succubus shifted her stance as she braced herself for their next round. Two shadow forms split off from her person and began morphing, their surfaces bubbling like boiling oil before settling into identical shapes which mirrored her own; they were indistinguishable, down to the finest detail, sharing her lip piercings, her horns, the thin, tightly woven braids on the left side of her head, and even that beautiful bluish sheen to her feathers. All three took off in different directions as they began to run circles around him once more.

Malphas was not without his own advantages, though. But which could be used to subdue her? His massive size? Brute strength? Heightened sense of hearing and-


Of course.

'I'm a fucking fool for missing that. One thing clone doubles cannot possibly copy is scent and pheromones.'

Malphas had been so discombobulated by both his humiliation and her overpowering scent that not once had it even crossed his mind to use it against her to his advantage.

His muscles coiled in preparation to charge as he waited for the figures to sprint by him, and the first that darted past him carried no scent to speak of; a clone. He ignored it. The demon watched them all like a hawk, analyzing their faces; seeking the betrayal of an expression or a glint in the eye which would give Marlianken away, now that he knew what to look for. Each figure remained expressionless, focused on their path so as to maintain the illusion.

'Smart girl.'

The next dashed past him, and that effervescent, ocean's breeze trailed behind her.

Malphas bolted after her, locked on to his prey. His tall frame gave him a lengthy stride, and he was closing in fast.

Her clone doubles flanked and ran alongside him, endeavoring to offer a distraction. Malphas retaliated by whipping his armor-plated tail in wide arc and ripping their legs wide open at the thighs; had they been flesh and blood, the wounds he delivered would have likely been fatal, so they disintegrated on impact. With three more strides he was right behind her, and before she shake him by darting this way or that, he sprung, seizing her in both arms. They both went crashing to the ground in a tangled heap.

"I have you now!" He declared with a triumphant laugh, and she rolled them.

How the Hell does she always manage to come out on top?

Malphas regarded their position; Marlianken was perched astride his waist and had her hands planted on his chest, and his own rested just above her hips.

'Oh, shit.'

"Looks like you finally caught me." She smirked, and then began toying with her lip-ring, shifting it back and forth in that way which drove him completely insane.

The demon swallowed thickly, fighting to control his breathing, among _other_things. Her pheromones had his head swimming and it would not be long before his instincts drowned out his rationality completely. He had to close his eyes.

It was bad enough when she would pin him down, but now she was fucking _straddling_him. He could feel the heat of her thighs, her palms on his chest, and the scenarios running through his mind were far from appropriate. He should know better than to-

"Are you alright?" She asked with a quirk of her delicate brow. "You look a little flushed."

When The Arch Devil opened his eyes to look at her, the intensity of his sapphire gaze practically scorched her as they roamed over the exposed flesh of her torso, her neck, shoulders, and upper chest, all that was revealed by her white halter top. Her scent buzzed all around him, and his hindbrain, the portion of his mind which housed his most primal Incubus instincts which he endeavored to keep on a tight leash clawed for the reins of his body, and to his horror, it was fucking winning.

'Mount her. Rut her. Knot her.'

Malphas' resolve was slipping through his fingers like water by the second.

Finally, he spoke.

"Your's so...appealing. I'm finding it..." He confessed as he licked his lips, his chest tightened with anxiety and burgeoning desire. "...increasingly difficult to ignore."

Malphas looked down, averting his gaze, ashamed by how little control he had over himself. She was his comrade, he shouldn't-

But Sweet Fucking Hades, he wanted to fuck her.

Marlianken tilted his face back up to look at her, and she swore she could feel his gaze like an actual weight.

"Hey, it's okay. I can't deny that your scent is enough to make me a little crazy, too." She admitted with a coy smile. "It's kind of why I like to pin you down...because then I smell like you afterwards."

However, she omitted the fact that when she returned to Nazarick after their visits or sparring sessions, she liked to sleep with the clothes she had worn that day, making a little nest on her bed out of all which had soaked up his scent.

Malphas smelled exactly how she thought an Alpha Devil should. Like wildfire, scorched cinnamon and leather; absolutely, _unequivocally _palatable.

She was drawn to so many things when it came to the Arch Devil, and it could never be narrowed down to just one. But if she did have to pick, she wondered if it was the width of his massive shoulders, or the way his shirt strained to stretch across the broadness of his chest, or how he towered over her, making her feel so deliciously small and feminine? Or was it the way his long, gold-adorned ears sharply jutted out of the stark contrast of his luscious black mane? Perhaps it was how he was simply a perfectly balanced combination of carnivorous beauty and lethal power, like a panther? Not to mention he possessed such aesthetically pleasing features; a sharp jawline that she was so very tempted to trace her fingers over, elegant contours to his cheekbones, a prominent brow, deep-set eyes and a regal but not quite aquiline nose.

Of course a Devil would be just that; devilishly handsome.

It was all of it, really; but Marlianken always found his eyes to be the most striking thing about him, though. To say Malphas' eyes were blue was to say the sun was merely yellow; such an utter understatement was practically insulting.

His multi-faceted gemstone eyes were oceans in of themselves,crystal clear and about a dozen hues of blue- shimmering and roiling and churning. She thought if she were to gaze into the depths of his eyes for long enough, she might hear waves crashing against the shore and feel the cool spray of mist on her skin.

They were that intense.

And they were far more expressive than she had ever initially perceived when they had first met. After getting to know him, she noticed if he were in a mood such as angry or brooding or depressed, they would darken to a chilling indigo, like arctic seas, and would reflect so little light that they resembled chips of obsidian rather than sapphires. But if he were happy or excited, they'd shine and sparkle more lively than anything, like the summer sun glittering over a lake.

Everything; it was everything about him that was irresistible.

Her infatuation with him had been getting worse over the past few weeks. During this month, she found it extremely difficult, if not painful to be away from him. Marlianken was now coming to the Bicorn stables at least three to four times a week, always armed with an excuse to be there, whether it were along the lines of teaching Malphas how to defeat a phantasm without a banishing spell or to improve on her own hand-to hand combat skills.

She tried to convince herself it was simply her pheromones responding to his when her mind contemplated how the softness of his long hair might feel if it tickled over her bare thighs. How the sharp of his canines would graze her tender flesh. She reasoned that it wasn't her fault when her eyes lingered on how his muscles flexed beneath his tailcoat as he would toss one hundred-and-fifty-pound round bales of hay into the Bicorn arenas as though they were sacks of cotton.

And who could blame her? A show of masculine strength is just plain sexy, and this Alpha Devil was bigger and stronger than most, so who wouldn't want a piece of that? Who wouldn't want to feel his weight and power?

At first, Malphas was positive she must be fucking with him when she said she enjoyed his scent too. But no one was laughing, so that was promising.

They were both still and stared at one another for a interminable minute.

'She WANTS to smell like me?'

A female wanted to share his scent. The notion preened at his most primal side, and especially the Alpha in him; that was something he had never experienced he thrill of.

Malphas had shared his bed with a several females; dark elves, and other heteromorphs, but none which had truly _wanted_him, or had taken the time to know him beforehand. He honestly could not even remember any of their names, and it was equally doubtful they could recall his either. He was ashamed to admit they had been meager one-night stands with women who were as shit-faced drunk as he was at the time; and he invariably found his bed empty the morning after. Alas, he had only slept with them because he was desperately trying to forget about Demiurge. In cruder terms, they were all disappointingly quick and unfulfilling spite-fucks.

But this beautiful succubus, the only one who made an effort to come see him at least a few times a month, wanted to share his scent; wear his signature, openly display to other demons that she was his. She was the first of his own race classification who had shown any interest in him; and he wondered if this was why he felt so magnetically drawn to her.

Not only that, but she smelled so fucking good that he wanted to devour her. Why was her scent so damned delectable? Almost as though...

Was she an Omega?

He honestly wouldn't know, because he had never met one, but that would actually explain a lot. From what he had been told, when he found one which he were compatible with, he would know because he wouldn't be able to get he or she out of his head and their scent would drive him into a nearly feral state of mind, if not trigger an early Rut.

'If she is an Omega, I want her to be mine.'

Perhaps_that_ was why it seemed as though his skin was suddenly too tight, why it felt like his blood was running scalding hot. Whatever she was, she was having an unprecedented effect on him, and as he feared, it was causing him to fall into Rut at an alarming rate.

Now it was Marlianken's turn to look away from him. Her face fell, and Malphas' heart sank.

"What's wrong?" Malphas asked.

Did he make a mistake?

"I'm not her. It's her that you see, isn't it?" The hurt in her voice made him flinch, as though her words were razor blades. "I'm just...just a copy."

'Shit. I must have been staring for too long.'

Malphas shook his head. He knew her pain all too well.

"No, that's not it at all. And there is always a rough draft before the Masterpiece, Marlianken. Believe me, I know it hurts, to constantly compare yourself to them; I always used to compare my abilities with Demiurge's; seeing my flaws which he had reconstructed and streamlined out of him, and in many areas I will never measure up to him. I may be stronger, but he will always outmatch me in intelligence and speed." Malphas sighed. "I was a mere sketch before the painting, and it took years for me to get over being cast aside after Demiurge was created. But...I realized, without the foundation for a sculpture, the drawings and concepts, the beauty to follow can never be. The Guardians who protect our Supreme Ones, my brother included, wouldn't exist without us. We are the first step, the blueprints for something remarkable; whether we are rough drafts, prototypes, or even copies, and are no less because of it. We still serve a purpose. If you ask me, you are her better half."

He hoped she knew it was true, and could find comfort in it. Malphas only wanted her, not the one she was created to mimic; her-the one who was there for him when Demiurge wasn't, the one made his isolation less lonely.

"It's you, not her, that I see." He promised, and her violet eyes met his. Malphas' gaze drifted down to her mouth, and she was seemingly transfixed by the way he leaned up carefully, so as not to topple her. His hands remained in place, maintaining their hold on her hips.

Marlianken thought it would be soft, by the way he leaned in so slowly. But when his lips brushed against hers, and how they covered her own_,_ it was a spark of Hellfire flame as he claimed her mouth; his lips molded to hers with a skill only attainable through lifetimes of practice. His tongue gently swept over her plush lower lip, requesting entry, and she practically melted as she let him in. He tasted like caramel, dark lust and power. His devilishly long tongue expertly curled in her mouth, urging her own to life.

It took her completely by surprise, how his kiss somehow possessed all that was him and yet was completely unexpected in its undercurrent of ferocity; it was gentle but threaded with barely-restrained desire, scathingly hot and possessive.

His hands slid down her sides, falling at her thighs to grasp firmly as he rolled his hips upwards so that she ground against his rapidly growing erection through his trousers, pulling a low moan from her lips.

"Can you feel it? What YOU do to me?" He murmured, his voice gaining a steely but urgent edge.

His large hands drifted their way back up her abdomen and slipped under her shirt, and he inhaled sharply at what he felt beneath his fingertips.

She was so soft. He had nothing to compare it to, other than warm silk. He was thankful he had not worn his gloves today.

He gradually moved upward, watching her face carefully to ensure she was comfortable with what he was doing, and where he was taking this. The demon gently cupped her breasts and began to ever so slowly massage the feminine swells which fit perfectly in his hands.

Malphas minded his talons, and his fingers were strong, calloused from farm work, and the masculine roughness and gentle pricks of claws made her flesh tingle and caused her skin to break out in goosebumps. Her hands were just as curious as his, roving over the hard plains of his chest, feeling the solid muscle flex beneath his shirt, and occasionally straying up and over his shoulders to play in the silky strands of raven hair at the nape of his neck. He shuddered at the contact, his hypersensitive flesh threatening to overload his nervous system. One hand wandered from his mane to one of his long, pierced ears. She lightly traced the sharp, delicate curve with a finger, earning a shiver and hiss of pleasure.

"Gods of Darkness Below, I want you." He growled huskily.

He delighted in how her violet eyes which matched his tailcoat sparkled with excitement, and she gave him a sultry smirk.

"How badly do you want me, Malphas?" She asked sweetly. "Enough to catch me?"

Confusion flashed over his face and then her raven wings fluttered, propelling her backwards and out of his grasp before she lighted a few feet away. She smiled teasingly at him, challenging him to take her, and then sprinted away foot.

Malphas snarled in frustration; he was so hard it hurt.

The Arch Devil scrambled to his feet and hauled after her, driven by pure bestial instinct and his awakening Rut. He was in full predator mode now, and adrenaline surged through his veins. The succubus fled from him like frightened prey, triggering his primal instinct to give chase. His boots thundered across the ground, the blood roaring with raw testosterone. He was determined to make her shiver, make her whine for more, make her moan his name.

He was on her heels like a Hell hound, never having chased anything with as much aggressive fervor in his life.

Marlianken darted left, then right, but he matched her movements, his steel-plated tail swinging as it acted as a counterbalance and he was huffing like a bull behind her. Once he was within range, he lunged, seizing his prey and he rotated in the air with feline grace, landing hard on his back with her in his arms to avoid injuring her as they crashed to the earth with a rough slide.

Again, she attempted to roll them, but Malphas would not allow her to turn the tables this time. He was far too riled, and he was sure to lose his mind if she tried to escape him again. She found herself beneath him, her wrists pinned to the ground on either side of her head.

The demon's broad chest was heaving, his breath seething through bared fangs. His hair was wild, and his eyes gleamed like polished lapis lazuli, alight with blue flame. He looked feral, almost frightening.

"Promise not to run again?" He hissed, and it came out more menacing than either had expected, and his possessive tone sent a sharp thrill peeling through her spine.

Marlianken nodded, and while he did slowly release her forearms, he watched her warily, intently. But before she could sit up herself, Malphas impatiently pulled her up into his lap.

"Mine..." He mindlessly declared and he sieged her mouth again. "My prey, my Omega. So soft and pretty_._.."

'How can he be so scary and sweet at the same time?' Somehow he made her heart flutter with both.

And then he was all over her; Malphas' tongue swept up the side of her neck, trailing up the tender spot just under her ear, before teasing her lobe and earrings with his teeth.

Feral lust rolled off of him like waves of heat. His scent was suddenly more potent and heady, _sharper._Primal need burned through his every vein, and he was rapidly overcome by the urge to touch her, to feel as much of her flesh against his as possible.

Eventually his hands wandered up to the tie that fastened her pearl white halter top behind her neck and he began to slowly work it free. As the garment loosened and slipped down from her shoulders, Marlianken's head fell back with a breathy sigh, exposing her throat. Malphas took the invitation to suck at the bare flesh of her neck and collarbone before nipping gently with his fangs, marking her.

Malphas possessed fire in his touch; his lips and fingers felt like tongues of flame, and she felt her skin ignite and flush wherever they lighted. She heard shallow pants and whimpers, and it shocked her when she realized these sounds were her own.

She had never been particularly submissive or needy when it came to sex; as an elder succubus, she would usually take the lead, but holy shit, Malphas was everywhere, and dominating; his touch expert, focused, unyielding, and his raging Alpha pheromones did as they were designed to do, and subdued any resistance she had playfully put up moments ago.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let him take the reins?

"You taste fucking divine, Marlianken." He groaned, and his hand drifted downward, smoothing over her belly before coming to rest on her belt, a blatant suggestion that he wanted to take this further than some simple heavy petting. "I want more...will you allow me to make you feel good?"

She nodded, and trusting that she wouldn't flee, the demon released her from his clutches, and she stood and hurriedly unfastened her belt and then shucked off her pants. Malphas also took advantage of the moment to peel off his tailcoat and unbutton his shirt. As he reached the last button, he glanced at her and froze.

Her lacy...alleged underwear made his heart flip into his throat. She wore coquettish cheeky panties composed of daring keyhole cutouts at the front and back, sheer mesh and the most delicate floral-embroidered tulle wings. It all barely clung to her perfectly heart-shaped derriere with the most delicate, criss-crossing straps.

"Fuck." Was all he could muster in his lustful awe.

He licked his lips as his mouth watered.

'Is she trying to give me a fucking heart attack?'

"I take it you like them?" She teased.

His reply was a pleased growl and she had barely gotten her pants off before he pulled her back down to straddle his thighs so he could again suck and lick at her throat. She couldn't help but giggle at how eager he was, and gasped as he then rolled his thumb over her nipple. Her hands flew to his hair, threading her fingers through his dark locks, tugging lightly. He groaned softly in appreciation, and wound his tail around the small of her back.

He reached downward with his other hand to smooth over her silky thighs.

"So soft...just as I had imagined; like the finest velvet..." He whispered. His eyes flicked up to hers as his digits trailed closer and closer to her heat, arctic oceans that reflected blue fire, all the burning need they both felt thrumming within. Malphas retracted his talons and pushed her panties aside to effortlessly work a thick finger between her folds, drawing a small cry from the succubus. His breath left his lungs in a shaky rush at not only her sound of pleasure but the feel of the welcoming wetness he found there already.

'Omega is ready, Omega wants more.' His hindbrain goaded him.

"Mmm, so wet for me..." The Arch Devil purred and flashed his canines in a wolfish grin. "Tell me...have you pleasured yourself to the idea of me touching you like this?"

Marlianken was rendered speechless by such a brazenly licentious inquiry, but it increased her arousal tenfold. She blushed but didn't answer, and Malphas found her sudden and uncharacteristic coyness most endearing.

"That's a 'yes' if ever I saw one," He chuckled, nipping at her jaw and adding a second finger, and she let out a gasping moan, the additional penetration causing her wings to flare outward.

"I will not lie. I certainly have." The Arch Devil rumbled salaciously in her ear. Marlianken squirmed in his lap, forcing his digits deeper, and she whimpered as she snared her lower lip between her teeth.

"I've dreamed of doing this," He admitted and nipped the delicate shell. "... and so much more..."

Her face flushed at his obscenely arousing words, but she was far too focused on the pleasurable sensation between her legs to answer him.

How the Hell did he do that? Steal the words from her mouth and the breath from her lungs? The demon had reduced her to a pleading puddle, and not ten minutes ago she had kicked his ass up and down this open field.

It was a stark contrast; the sweet Malphas she had come to know and Dominant Malphas were like night and day. She had no idea he could be so domineering and fiery.

Though it should come as no surprise. He was Demiurge's brother, after all.

With a needy moan, she writhed against his hand, and her fingernails harshly dug into his shoulders. He groaned at the sweet sting of pain and licked his lips again.

"Malphas..." She pleaded, and his reply was a carnivorous smile which was all fangs.

As unfamiliar as the feeling of his fingers were, she couldn't get enough. They were so warm, and much thicker than her own.

She had never been with a Devil, or an Alpha, for that matter, so this was a new experience. She didn't know what to expect, but she never could have imagined how Malphas would set her blood ablaze. His lips were on her throat, his left hand alternated between kneading her breast and rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while the digits of his right gently stroked her inner walls. She mewled as his heated breath huffed against her neck.

Malphas made Marlianken feel beautiful, wanted, and safe with him.

She leaned backwards to pull him down on top of her, and pushed any uncertainties from her mind, until all that remained was him and the way he made her feel. Marlianken liked the sensation of his weight pressing her into the earth. She reached behind her head and unfastened the tie which held her hair in place, and shook it out. The press of his body didn't last though, as his mouth replaced his roving hand as he used it to brace his weight above her. Malphas' face moved lower, and he gently caught a tender nipple within his fangs. She arched under him, and her hands tangled in his mane.

How gorgeous and perfectly vulnerable she was beneath him, with her eyes heavily lidded with pleasure, her wings trembled and her golden hair riotously spilled all around her like spun gold.

The Arch Devil's thumb massaged the sensitive bud of her cleft and as his fingers slid in deeper, and she suddenly decided her panties were in the way. She needed them off, she needed to feel as much of his skin against hers as possible. Marlianken lifted her hips, skinning the fabric down her legs as far as she could reach, kicking them the rest of the way off as Malphas assisted in the removal. He tore off her top as well with sheer force impatiently, just as hungry to feel her flesh against his own.

"Hey, I liked that top." She scolded him halfheartedly.

"You'll like what I intend to do to you even more." He countered, nonplussed, and returned to fingering her, licked and sucking greedily at the rosy peak of her breast. By the time he added a third finger, her eyes had glazed over, and she was breathing raggedly with need.

Goosebumps pebbled her flesh as Malphas released her nipple from his mouth, giving her one last bruising kiss and his predatory gaze burned into hers, before making his way slowly down her body. His lips skimmed down the valley between her breasts, dragging his tongue over her flesh, his hot breath leaving a searing trail and his silken hair tickling her skin. As he traveled lower, Marlianken's hands landed on the back of his head. Her fingers again wove into the dark mass of his hair, guiding him the final distance so that he could lick his way down her stomach. He paused momentarily to twirl around her navel before continuing downward, latching onto her pearl at last.

"Ah!" She gasped as the heat of his mouth scorched her flesh, her eyes rolling and falling closed.

Malphas didn't seem to mind being held against her in the least as her hips pressed up, effectively trapping him, and forcing him to continue. He nipped the soft flesh of her inner thigh and chuckled against her skin, and continued to lave at her reverently, putting all of his devotion into each caress.

His fingers moved faster, in and out, as his expert tongue devoured her, tasting her with long, soft strokes, and she could feel herself hovering on the edge. His sharp fangs scraped dangerously over her folds, surging a thrill up her spine. Malphas drank from her deeply, his tongue practiced, determined, and he used two digits to tease forth more of her sweet nectar. Her breath came in short quick pants, and her heart pounded wildly in her ears.

Her head whipped from side to side, and Marlianken had the sudden, inexplicable vision of what she hoped to come, of rolling over onto her stomach, of feeling him pressed against her back, his lips moving across her shoulder, hearing his growling voice in her ear as he takes her, and seconds later, the orgasm ripped through her as the fantasy caused her hips to buck against him. His fingers were sucked in deep before her muscles clamped down tightly, locking him in, and Marlianken convulsed rhythmically around him as she cried out his name.

Malphas let out a shuddering breath as he watched her come for him; her back bowing off of the earth and her lashes fluttering, those perfect, pillow-soft lips parting with breathy gasps, her wings at full span and shuddering with wave after wave of ecstasy.


Marlianken felt him moving between her legs as the last vestiges of her release subsided. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking languidly as she watched him. Malphas had unfastened this belt from his waist, and hastily shed his pants and the rest of his clothes. Marlianken almost gasped at the sight of him; the Arch Devil was built with thick slabs of muscle, smooth and defined with a lion's predatory magnificence. He was a flawlessly carved masterpiece of Alpha perfection.

It was enough to make her drool. And when her eyes drifted down the firm expanse of his chest, the chiseled lines of his taut abdomen and lower to land upon-

Marlianken's eyes widened because holy shit.

He was...proportionate to his six-foot-six frame; long and thick and hard. The venous shaft was crowned by a flared, bulbous head which was several shades darker.

But what piqued her interest most of all was the flushed, slightly swollen flesh at the base of his already impressive length. She had never seen a knot before. She wondered how it might feel inside her, how it would swell even more to trap her in place as he fills her with all that he has.

Marlianken knew she was gawking at his junk, but she honestly couldn't help herself.

Malphas settled before her on his haunches, and positioned himself between her thighs, gripping his hard length, his eyes burning electric blue with desire into hers.

"Do you think you can...handle me?" Malphas asked, his lower lip catching between his fangs as he lightly smoothed his palm over the swollen flesh of his knot with a low groan.

It was not asked out of ego, but because he was genuinely concerned he might hurt her. Malphas had three separate female partners who complained that they had experienced more than a little discomfort with the combination of his size and knot.

Marlianken sat up and visually evaluated his equipment. "Hmm...let me see."

Without warning, she reached for him, and gently grasped his shaft and stroked upwards, seemingly mesmerized by the flushed ruby head that gleamed in the sun. Malphas sucked in a ragged breath when she slid her fist down to the base, and curiously palmed his knot, mimicking what he had done; it felt thick and fat in her hand, and the Arch Devil choked out a strangled growl.

"You're certainly big, but...I think I can take it." She confidently concluded.

"Fuck, Marli-" His words died in his throat when his jaw slackened and his eyes rolled back into his skull as she slowly, tortuously dragged her hand up and down his length.

Her eyes flickered from the bead of dew which swelled from blunt head of his member, up to his face to behold his agonized expression. The succubus grinned victoriously as he gasped, utterly helpless against her assault on his hypersensitive flesh.

"I take it your knot is just as sensitive as the rest?" She teased and batted her lashes innocently as she massaged it in tandem with her other hand.

Malphas tried to bite out a ' Hell, yes' but speech utterly failed him at this point, so he just tightly nodded in reply and dug his claws into the ground in a near panic, popping fistfuls of grassroots from the earth. The Arch Devil's hooded gaze darted downward to watch with heated interest while she touched him, and his hips bucked instinctively into her grasp. His chest rapidly rose and fell as a light blush glowed over his cheekbones.

Malphas had only ever let Demiurge touch him in this way. When it came to the females he had brought home in a drunken stupor, he would simply bend them over and fuck them, and that was the end of it. But Marlianken was stroking him just how he liked it, and shit, if she didn't slow down, he would not last.

"Ple-please...please let me fuck you before-" He managed to find his tongue and sputtered a plea of desperation, and drew a shuddering gasp as she smeared the little droplet leaking from his slit over his cockhead, then sensuously rolled the warm fluid around his aching tip. To make it worse (or better), she then lightly squeezed his knot. "FUCK...I'mgonna-gonna come if you keep doing that." He whined, his eyes clenching shut as he fought with every ounce of his strength not to burst then and there.

As though to test the truth of his words, Marlianken then ran her hand back up his shaft, and smoothed her thumb under his frenelum, and his cock throbbed, tearing a gasping moan from the demon's throat as a thick stream of precum poured from him in a long, glistening strand.

She could feel his panicked heartbeat in his member. Malphas' jaw clenched and his breath came short and fast through his nose, and she watched his tail rattle and curl behind him, and his long ears flattened in a blatant display of submission, the many rings adorning them jingling. The succubus had him right on the edge, and it was by far the most arousing sight she had ever laid eyes on.

She wanted to see the demon come, but she wanted to feel it happen inside of her when he did. She watched his cock drip, and swallowed the growing lump in her throat because she wanted it. Possibly more than she's ever wanted anything.

"Alright. But keep in mind, I'm letting you dominate me. I think we both know who is really in control here, big boy." Marlianken said sweetly, and Malphas vigorously nodded again, and whimpered. She then released him, and he let out a shuddering breath of relief.

He was a mere hair's breadth from exploding all over her.

"Good boy." She whispered, and fuck, that praise somehow made him impossibly harder than he already was.

For an Omega, sure sure could top from the bottom. He had heard they were inherently submissive to Alphas like himself, but Marlianken was anything but.

Had Demiurge spoken to him in such a way, Malphas would have violently fucked him six ways to Sunday until he apologized in every conceivable language for his insolence and begged for mercy. Such was their dynamic, though.

But this was Marlianken. And she wasn't wrong; she was most accommodating to let him dominate her, despite the fact that she wanted him too. A Dominant holds no power without a Submissive and their consent to obey.

'Shit, that was close.' Malphas couldn't believe how easily he had almost lost it, and with just the lightest touch.

Satisfied she had regained control and made her point, she reclined onto her back to allow him to proceed. Malphas grasped the back of one knee, lifted her leg and draped it over his hip, shifting closer to her. Marlianken moaned as she felt the thick nudge of the head of his cock against her entrance as he spreaded her moisture.

And she had thought his fingers were pleasantly warm; his member was a spear of fire. She had never felt anything so hot and exquisite.

As he teased her, she ran her hand reverently up his bicep where his arm rested beside her. Her voice was rougher than she had expected, low and needy with arousal.

"Malphas..." She gasped his name. Marlianken hardly recognized her own voice, and at some point she was certain she would be mortified by how needy she sounded--but at the moment she couldn't care less.

Because this big, strong Alpha wanted her, and was sure to take good care of her.

"Can you take it? My knot?" He asked, his voice dark husk. "It's going to be a tight fit, and once we're tied- ...I need-" Malphas swallowed. "I need to know that you really want this. I don't want to hurt any way."

"I do...there has never been anyone that I have wanted more." She assured him. "Does it-does it hurt? A knot, I mean."

Malphas' eyes widened, and his nostrils flared.

"Do you mean to tell have never been knotted before?" The shock in his voice was tangible.

She shook her head. "Well, you're not my first, but I've never been with a Devil, much less an Alpha."

The predatory gleam in his eye almost gave her chills. It was the look of a ravenous wolf who had just cornered the most delicious of prey, and the pleased growl that rumbled from his chest was practically a purr.

"Oh, you and I are going to have so much fun." The Arch Devil's gaze narrowed, and his lips peeled back to give her a sinister grin. "I do hope you have nowhere to be for the next few days."

Malphas' excitement was off the charts. As far as he knew, he had never been anyone's first anything.

"There is no where I'd rather be." She assured him, and leaned up to wrap her arms around him neck to kiss him.

Malphas had never heard sweeter words. Someone wanted to be with him; it was the first time since he had been isolated from Nazarick that he felt like he belonged. He felt wanted, welcome.

"Make me yours, Alpha."

It was an all-over shiver, that word; it stroked at the most primitive part of the Arch Devil's mind. Only Demiurge had ever addressed him by his designation, and only during the height of Rut.

"Mmm...I very much intend to." He promised, his tongue curling over his fangs.

He claimed her lips once more and gently nuzzled her neck as he aligned himself, and whispered, "You're so beautiful, sweet Omega."

Malphas pressed far enough for the silken, flared crown of his member to breach her entrance. The demon met her gaze and parted his lips; he pushed forward, slowly and steadily, then clenched his fangs as his breath stuttered, and he struggled to slow it. His arm trembled next to her head from the effort of controlling himself, or perhaps it was just from the effort of holding himself still above her. Her hands clutched at him, feeling the muscles in his shoulders roll and tense beneath her fingers, and she concentrated on the sensation of him entering her inch by agonizingly slow inch.

When he reached the end of her channel, he released the strangled moan that he had been holding in, and stopped moving, allowing her time to adjust to the stretch. He screwed his eyes tightly shut as a pained expression settled on his face. How he wanted to viciously pound and violently claim her...the predator in him surfaced briefly before he shoved it back down; he was her first Alpha, and she was his first Omega. He would not be selfish and risk hurting her.

"Fuck..." the demon shakily sighed, his left hand caressing up over her stomach, and through the valley between her breasts. "Fucking Hell, you're tight."

It seemed like forever to Marlianken before he moved. When he did, it was shallow, experimental, as though he were afraid he would injure her. The demon kept his movements restrained, and refused to put much force behind it until he was positive she was comfortable. Marlianken wrapped her other leg around him to assure him that she was ready, that she trusted him. He understood and withdrew almost entirely to slide back in.

When Malphas began to plunge, her mouth parted in a silent cry.

Her back arched and dug her nails into his arm, and she cried out his name breathlessly. He was simply big; she was honestly surprised that she could sheath his entire length.

Malphas maintained his languid pace, sliding into Marlianken deeply. The demon never took his eyes off her; he studied her, noted even the smallest reactions, and repeated what made her moan. Her breath was light and feathered as her body responded to him, and every time he hilted inside her, he ground his pelvis against hers until her hips rose to meet his every thrust.

Malphas truly hoped she could handle him, because there was no way his body would not try to tie with her. Every instinct he possessed commanded him to knot her, fill her.

"Malphas," Marlianken moaned. "Faster..."

Only then did he pick up the pace, and grinned wickedly as he did so. He didn't withdraw quite so far before slamming back into her. Beneath the noise of their combined panting and moans, Marlianken could hear the obscene sounds of her channel clutching at him, and his flesh slapping against hers with every thrust.

Malphas didn't know how much longer he was going to last. Her internal heat was molten, slick, and sinfully tight, her inner muscles clenched his shaft like a vice. He loved how she responded to every subtle touch with such enthusiasm that he no longer needed to gauge her reactions. She was vocal in her pleasure, not abashed in the least, which he absolutely adored.

His eyes were closed, fangs clenched as he concentrated on holding on just a little longer. The Arch Devil's tail thrashed wildly behind him, and his fingers dug into the earth. Her hands roved over his chest, and he lowered his body enough for it to travel farther up, grasp her by the neck, and drag his mouth to hers.

The demon's skin was feverishly heated, but she noticed unlike hers, it was not slick with exertion. He was so strong this activity only raised his heart and respiration rate, and wasn't even enough to cause him to break a sweat. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, and her fingers raked down his shoulders and back, and the way his skin tasted; like dark spice and wildfire and lust, it was intoxicating. Marlianken licked his neck, and he gasped hotly, and she felt his pulse, rapid and throbbing against her tongue. His scent, his taste, his heat, his power; she wanted to sink into him, melt in it. Drown in that ocean of fire that was him.

She opened her mouth under his, and a split-second later, Malphas changed the angle of his hips. He swallowed her strangled cry as he located and struck at her hidden bundles of nerves. Marlianken's vision whited out for a second, the intensity sudden and unexpected. Then he did it again, bringing her closer to orgasm with each thrust, relishing how she cried out for him.

"Yes, scream for me, Marlianken..." He purred, his voice like black velvet.

When he reached between them to massage her rosy bud between his fingers, Marlianken clutched at his shoulders, dug her heels into his rear, and arched her back off of the ground. Her mouth tore away from his with a whimper and she urged him desperately, "Malphas...please...don't stop!"

The Arch Devil then sank his teeth into her neck in a firm bite, and her walls clamped down on him harder as she writhed uncontrollably against him. Marlianken came again with a wail, his name on her lips. She collapsed, her limbs boneless, and the aftershocks of her second orgasm wracked her body.

Now that the demon was satisfied that she had been satiated, Malphas suddenly flipped her over onto her stomach, pulled her hips upwards to align with his and jack-knifed her thighs apart to re-enter her from behind. He unleashed his primal side and rolled his hips forward, initiating a vicious pace. He wove one hand into her hair and gripped her hip with the other to brace her for his onslaught, and began to rut into her almost violently.

"Fuck, Malphas, yes!" Marlianken spurred him on as the flame of desire roared to life once again. An evil grin that was all fangs wretched his lips as his predatory gaze narrowed at her, and he suddenly looked so much more like the evil Devil he once was.

The Alpha demon drove into her full force, his breath seething through his teeth. She felt his knot swelling at the base of his cock, threatening to catch within her and the succubus' panicked pleas soon turned into another broken wail as wall upon wall of pure rapture crashed into her, his savage pace never slowing.

"You're so wet for me..." He hissed, and slapped her ass. "You like it when I fuck you hard?"

But his words were lost in the rush of blood in her ears and the haze of pleasure enveloped her in a fog of sensation. She could only fervently moan in lieu of a response.

" feel that?" The demon tightened his grasp on her hair and pulled firmly, but not painfully. It was a dominating maneuver which he used to drag her further back until she was completely flush with him, and he swiveled his hips against her so she could feel the outwardly swelling flesh at the base of his member in its entirety.

It was hot and hard and intimidating as Hell...

But every primal instinct she owned, down to her very genetic coding insisted that this was something she wanted. Something she NEEDED, something as equally as vital as water or oxygen.

Her response was a nervous whine, and it only aroused him more.

"That's aaall me. I'm going to be stuck in you for a while, until I'm done filling you up." He hissed insidiously.

Something within the deepest recesses of her mind preened, practically purred at the idea of what he was describing.

"Would you like that?" He growled viscerally. "For me to fill you to the brim?"

"Y-yes..." She said hoarsely, his forceful movements and salacious remarks dragging her back to the edge once more. "Please, Alpha..."

"Good girl." He lashed her ear with his tongue. "Now, come for me again."

Malphas began fucking her with hard, deep strokes, and she was in disbelief of the pressure already building inside once again, one that threatened to tear her apart at the seams. Her legs trembled beneath her and her hands, not knowing what else to do, clawed and raked at the earth in front of her. The demon growled low in response as he felt her hot fluids soaking his member.

Malphas' hips pistoned into her, his movements primal, aggressive and erratic as he took his pleasure mercilessly. He growled obscenities in her ear as his breath huffed hotly against her. Marlianken let her eyelids flutter closed, drinking in the animalistic sounds of his impending climax.

Malphas then ground roughly into her, shoving the bulge in as far as he could without crushing her. She gasped loudly as she felt it slip inside, and now she was fuller than she had ever been in her life. Malphas then curled his massive form over hers, like a lion hovering over its kill, caging her with his arms and he continued to grind his hips into her.

She could feel it; the way she was getting tighter, the way he was getting bigger. Her walls squeezed around him, and his knot inflated more and more, until there was no room left, until she was absolutely _full of him. _

"Fuck, Marlianken!" The Arch Devil snarled, so deeply it sounded more like a roar. With a few final grinds, he exploded, and his fangs sank into the curve of her neck, and his hips gradually slowed as he pumped his release into her. She felt his teeth clench with each spurt of semen, and only after the sixth pulse did he unclench his jaws, when he was sure he was lodged firmly within her. She fell forward limply, and her body pulled another gush of his spend from him, and he wished he could see the way he filled her up, the way his release flooded her passage. Malphas slumped on top of her, chest heaving, and they lay together, breath slowly returning to normal.

He experimentally jerked his hips back, and sure enough, they were effectively locked together. She whined as it tugged lightly from the inside, the edge of his knot brushing over her g-spot, and he purred appreciatively.

"Hades, that feels- YOU feel so fucking good." He growled as he rested his forehead against her nape. "You did so well in taking it, my sweet Omega."

Marlianken shivered from the bone-deep pleasure of knowing her Alpha is pleased with her.

Malphas carefully rolled them both onto their sides, and pulled her close, up against his chest to spoon her. He carefully combed the hair away from her face and her neck with his claws as his lips brushed over her ear. "Thank you...for making me feel wanted." He whispered.

She felt those words and their meaning in the very depths of her soul. To feel wanted, as if there was somewhere they belonged...that was what they both pined for, and they found that seemingly unobtainable thing within each other.

He buried his nose into her hair and his arms wrapped around her protectively. She felt every vein in her body flood with a warmth that left her satiated, and whole, on a completely new level, in a way that she wasn't used to. Like a missing piece of a puzzle had fallen into place. He groaned throatily and hugged her tighter as his tail curled around their joined form, and Marlianken felt another throb and wet rush as he released more, and he bucked lightly against her.

'Is he STILL...?'

"Are you actually still coming?" She asked with a hazy smile.

"Of course. I will be for the next fifteen to thirty minutes, while we're tied together. That's the beauty of a knot." He replied.

"Lucky you." She said flatly with a chuckle.

"Indeed. I'm lucky to have such a sweet Omega willing to have me as her Alpha." He rumbled and nuzzled her.

Property Pt 3

**_\*\*\*A_** **_Year And A Half Ago\*\*\*_** Malphas awoke with pounding headache akin to having nails hammered into his brain, centering just behind each of his eyes, and that damned bird which was chirping away sounded as though it were shrieking...

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Property Rewritten Part 2

After the back-breaking labor of loading all two hundred, fifty-pound bags for transport, Lillith, Tuare and Sebas plopped down on the edge of the wagon. Only the girls had managed to work up a sweat and needed to catch their breath, but the Butler was...

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Property Rewritten

It was blatantly obvious to Lillith something was bothering her Master. Her chest rose to meet his as she was still panting after one of the most intense orgasms of her life, and she opened her eyes to look at the Devil whom she had shared it with,...

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