Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 35

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#35 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

the star fox team chills

Chapter 35: Battle Preparations

With the windows made opaque there was no natural light in the quarters on the Great Fox. Fox Pheonix-McCloud lay half-asleep in bed, his arms wrapped around Fara from behind. "Good morning," Fox whispered in her ears.

"Does it have to be?" Fara buried her face in her pillow. No matter how often it happened she would never like waking up this early shipboard time.

"Not right away," Fox gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I could lie here a while."

Fara sighed, "Thank you."

They lay in silence for a few minutes before Fox spoke again, "How are your students lately?"

"Doing fine, Tenderheart and Soulful's progress is typical, but Aqua's excelling. Can't say for Indy, Futureheart taught him everything I could." Fara mumbled, "How about that new fighter from the future?"

"It's working, at least Slippy doesn't have to tear it apart to learn how it works," Fox smiled though his eyes were still closed, "When we get back I have to look up those two who joined us in that bad future. Miyu and Faye."

Fara finally started to stir and slowly pulled herself out of Fox's embrace so she could sit up, "Think they'll believe you when you tell them you're looking for them because they joined you in the future?" She stretched.

Fox chuckled as he rolled over and out of bed, "I might leave that part out."

Once they were showered and dressed, Fara and Fox went their separate ways with a kiss. Fara went to her lesson with Aqua that day while Fox headed to the bridge. Even while they weren't in flight he still checked in with Rob to make sure the ship was functioning properly. After the check-in he went down to the hangar.

"How's the analysis going Slippy?" Fox walked over to Slippy's work area.

"Future me and Bright Heart took thorough notes, I pretty much have it all memorized. I might be able to create some particle beam guns for the Arwings with our supplies." Slippy tapped the blueprint picture on his device then switched to the image of the Arwing Mk V, "As for the Mk V itself, we're not making any of these without a full foundry. For now, we're stuck with the one Futureheart brought back."

Fox turned from then work area to where the fighter from the future was parked in the hangar. "Either me or Falco needs to fly that thing when the time comes," he walked towards the machine.

"Does that mean you're going to let me fly it?" Falco had been standing on the other side of the fighter, "It's a great machine and apparently I was the first test pilot in the future."

Fox smirked at his old friend, "Maybe, but you have a kid you'll want to be around for."

Falco folded his wing-arms, "Which is why I should fly the ship that has the best chance of coming back in one piece."

Fox rolled his eyes, "We'll see, Falco. For now, I have to finish my rounds."

Falco made a clicking noise with his beak, "Yeah we'll see, that I'm the best choice." He still gave the best smile he could. His and Fox's rivalry had its ebbs and flows but for now he'd wait and see.

After taking a few minutes for a run in the simulator, Falco headed back his quarters. Inside he found his wife Katt playing with their infant daughter Kalico, bouncing her on her knee. Katt looked up at Falco as he walked in, "Taking a short day?"

"Not much to do," Falco sat down next to Katt on the bed, "How are you holding up?"

"Could be better, but I'm here," she passed Kalico to Falco, who giggled and gave him a hug.

"You don't mind being benched?" Falco stroked his daughter's blue furred head.

Katt leaned back, "I won't say that, but I can handle it. We talked about it when Fox put me on maternity leave, and even if I don't need to feed her I think I've adjusted."

"When we get back to Lylat I'll take some leave and you can get back in the cockpit," Falco leaned over to nuzzle her with a beak.

Katt gave him a kiss, "Thank you, Falco."

"Just promise me you'll stay in Care-a-Lot if we go into battle," Falco looked down at Kalico who just smiled back up at him, "I don't want any chance you'll go down with the ship."

"Alright. I will," Katt sighed, "but you're definitely taking time off to look after her when we get back to Lylat."

"Alright, I will," Falco nodded.


Peppy Hare had decided to go up to the command bridge to review all the data they had received from Earth about the search for Andross. There wasn't much to go over.

Fox re-entered the bridge and turned to see Peppy going over the data, "Find anything new, Peppy?"

"Nothing, just trying to do something productive." Peppy turned off the screen.

"You could go to visit the Care Bears, not much we can do until something comes up," Fox took a seat in the main command chair.

"I have, nice place but I just don't feel like it." Peppy turned to Fox, "Any plan for when we get back to Lylat?"

"Keep up the mercenary business, with this whole new 'first contact' thing we'll probably have a few escort contracts to take on and keep an eye on Star Wolf." Fox sighed, "But at some point I'm going to have to retire, or at least my father-in-law is and Fara's going to take over the family business."

"Really, plan on being a stay-at-home dad?" Peppy gave a slight grin.

Fox chuckled, "As funny as it is to imagine, yeah I will be. We're not going to have kids until I give up the mercenary life."

"Didn't stop Falco."

"I'm not Falco, and Katt doesn't have a multi-planet business empire to inherit," Fox smiled, "But not for a while. I might have some new recruits to find when we get back. So what about you Peppy?"

"I'll stick with you for a while but I don't know how much longer," Peppy sighed, "I'm not old yet but I'm slowing down and I want to spend more time with Lucy. Maybe get a desk job with the Cornerian Military."

"You, an officer?" Fox asked.

"Hey, at my age it's the best option I have," Peppy turned to leave the bridge.

"Don't worry, we've done this long enough but we can't do it forever." Fox turned to look out the front windows, "I just hope we can find Andross soon."

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