Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 34

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#34 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Aqua trains then tells Redemption to take a day off

Chapter 34: A Much Needed Rest

Independent Bear entered the room on the Great Fox that had been set aside for psionic training, only to find Fara already there with Tenderheart Bear, Soulful Heart Fox and Aqua Bear.

"Is this a bad time?" Indy asked, which got Fara's attention.

"Somewhat. Is it important?" Fara Phoenix-McCloud turned to face the silver bear.

"Sort of, it will just take a minute."

"I can spare a minute," Fara turned to her three students, "Just keep focusing and I'll be back soon."

Fara faced Indy in the corridor, "Alright, what is it?"

"How much psionic combat do you know?" Indy asked.

"Not as much as Futureheart taught you." Fara folded her arms, "I understand what you're asking but honestly I think your regular training with the other Care Bear Magi would be more beneficial than what I can teach."

Indy smiled, "Thanks, I needed to hear that." He briefly grasped her shoulder then turned and left.

Fara returned to the room only to be greeted by Soulful Heart. "Excuse me, Fara, but I've reached my limit for the day. I need to go home."

"Alright," Fara stepped aside to let the fox pass. He had potential but it took him a long time to get comfortable with his new awareness, that and she sensed part of him was disheartened when the much younger Aqua Bear surpassed him in their training.

"I should go too. I have a wife and son to get home to," Tenderheart passed Fara. "Maybe a another after we finish this," he smirked.

"Alright, good luck, Tenderheart." Fara turned back to Aqua, who was still sitting on the floor. "You don't have to stay if they've left."

'I want to stay. This is getting fun!' Fara was a bit startled to hear the voice in her head.

"You're progressing fast," Fara sat down in front of him, "I didn't expect any of you to be capable of telepathic communication this early."

Aqua opened his eyes, "I can hear things too. Everyone's thoughts but it's all jumbled up, can't tell them apart."

"It'll take time to properly filter the thoughts from each other, but don't go reading your friends' thoughts without permission." Fara cautioned, "Try to focus on my thoughts, pick them out from the rest."

Aqua scrunched up his face and stared at Fara. "You're thinking about... Fox."

Fara nodded, "Yes. Now what am I thinking about?"


This continued for almost ten minutes until Fara called a halt, "That very good progress, Aqua, but keep in mind not everyone's mind will be that easy to read, if at all. I opened my mind so you could practise separating out specific thoughts. Also remember other psychics will be able to tell when you're reading their mind and will try to fight back."

"Is that dangerous?" Aqua stood up.

"It can be if they're more powerful than you." Fara said, "I wouldn't try reading Mental Heart's mind if that's what you're asking. That's it for today though, feel free to practise on your own."

"OK," Aqua bear left and headed for home.

Lonesome was feeding Carecub when Aqua got home. She smiled up at him, "So how were the psychic lessons?"

Aqua smiled then sat down next to her on the couch and gave her a kiss, 'they're going great! I can talk to you with just my mind now.' The voice echoed inside Lonesome's head.

"Whoa!" Lonesome pulled back, "That's great. So what else can you do?"

"I can read minds, but mostly it's like hearing a bunch of people all talking over each other at a party. Fara's teaching me to focus on one voice at a time," Aqua touched the side of his head.

"So what am I thinking about?" Lonesome smirked at Aqua.

"Hmm..." Aqua stared into her eyes, trying to see what she was thinking about, "Me, and our second child." He placed his hands on her tummy symbol. "I can tell Carecub's happy, and hungry."

"Not much longer." Lonesome lifted Carecub up to burp him over her shoulder. "There, now you should have a nap." She stood up and carried Carecub to his crib.

Aqua and Lonesome leaned over their son to watch him sleep for a few minutes beore they retreated from the nursery.

"Have you bee practising anything else?" Aqua asked.

"Been trying, but Carecub keeps me busy almost all day so I don't have much time to train with weapons or magic." She and Aqua plopped down on the couch. "I tried calling Redemption but she's been studying all day lately, I think she needs a break."

"Yeah. Maybe I can try to hear what she's thinking." He reached out into Care-a-Lot with his mind and tried to pick out Redemptionheart's thoughts from the rest of the Care Bears. Words and thoughts flooded into his head and a moment later he plopped back, his eyes spiraling, "So many thoughts! Too much!"

Lonesome patted the top of her mate's head, "Maybe don't try to hear everyone at once. Why don't you just go see her and try there?"

"OK, once the world stops spinning." Aqua said.

A short time later, Aqua had arrived at Redemptionheart's house. He knocked on the door but when there was no answer for a few minutes he just walked in. Aqua wrinkled his nose at the smell but easily followed the scattered thoughts to Redemptionheart's room. He found the grey and purple bear leaning over a notebook amidst a huge stack of study material, and she didn't even register his presence.

Redemption almost jumped out of her seat when she felt Aqua's hand on her shoulder and spun around in the desk chair to face him. "Aqua? Why are you here?"

"Me and Lonesome are worried about you." Aqua waved a hand in front of his face, "It kinda smells like Illyana's dungeon in here."

"Right, I guess I should stop for a shower." Redemption stood up and stretched.

"Then you're coming home with me, you should rest and see our son." Aqua insisted.

Redemption smiled, "Alright, just let me get cleaned up."

Redemption had to admit, it was nice to get out of the house for a while, but she'd have to spend a day cleaning soon. She sat down gratefully on Aqua and Lonesome's couch, "Thank you, I needed someone to pull me away from that for a day." She turned to Lonesome who was carrying Carecub in her arms, the cub not having wanted to nap for very long. "Your cub is so cute," she reached out a tickle the cub's nose, who sneezed in response.

"And we have another on the way," Lonesome patted her tummy symbol.

"So you two don't regret having a cub so young?" Redemption asked.

"Nope," Aqua smiled as he sat next to his mate and son, "We'd still raise him on that island if we weren't here."

"That's good," Redemptionheart sighed which turned into a yawn as she leaned back, "So tired," she muttered.

Lonesome stood up to try and get Carecub to go to sleep and Aqua leaned towards Redemption, "You should relax."

Redemption yawned again then turned to Aqua. "I'm trying."

Aqua grinned, "Let me help." He suddenly tickled Redemption under her arm.

"EEEHEEHEEHEE!" Redemption shot awake and squirmed away, "Stop that!"

"You sound like you're enjoying it," Aqua pounced forwards and started tickling Redemption's pink tummy.

"AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO STOHOHOHOP!" Redemption tried to push Aqua Bear's hands off of her but she was too tired and she only managed to push one hand off three times.

"There, you're relaxing already," Aqua giggled as he tickled her sides.

"EEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" Redemption tried to get up, only for her shoulders to be grabbed and pulled back down onto the couch.

"Sorry, you're not going anywhere." Lonesomeheart snickered as she started tickling the inside of Redemption's neck.

Carecub giggled from where Lonesome had strapped him into a high chair and clapped as he watched his parents tormenting Redemptionheart.

"AHAHAHAHA NO STOHOHOP PLEAHEAHEAHEASE!" Redemption tried to squirm away until she was on her side with Aqua tickling her feet while Lonesome held up one arm and tickled underneath it. "EEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!"

This went on for half an hour before Aqua and Lonesome let Redemption go. The grey and purple bear panted and giggled as her two friends finally stopped. Part of her had been scared and had been transported back to her time under Claws' control, but her friend's fingers weren't nearly as sharp and it had felt fun.

Redemption sighed, "I feel better. Thank you." She giggled and yawned, "but I need some sleep."

"Then sleep here, though we might wake you up when it's time for supper," Aqua tickled her feet one last time before he tossed a blanket over her. Redemption giggled then curled up and fell sleep on the couch.

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