Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 5

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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Chapter 5: When Red Light Doesn't Mean Stop

Crafty Heart yawned as she woke up snuggled up with Flamboyant Heart and Hidden Heart, their hands involuntarily groping her breasts in their sleep. She giggled and carefully extricated herself from the pile before heading to shower. She didn't mind the occasional erotic shower session with Flambo but today she wanted to just get scrubbed clean in a real shower.

She emerged after scrubbing herself thoroughly dry, her skin and fur tingling and feeling refreshed. Everyone else was still asleep so she set about making breakfast for herself.

Quirky heart got up about five minutes later and saw Crafty trying to make herself breakfast. She began to speak in a soft tone "You actually managed to sleep with those two all over you, how in the world do you do it.

Crafty smirked "Trust me, you would be able to do the same if you were in my situation"

Quirky giggled softly "I suppose... Hey I know this is an odd question but... Do you think after this infiltration... we should find some way to contact the care bears, we don't exactly have any plans for what we are going to do after this?"

"Yes, we should. Not sure how though." Crafty shook her head, "Cross that bridge when we come to it. Hungry?"

Quirky nodded, "Ok, I personally have an infinite number of ideas for ways we could attract the Care bears attention, but I should really stay focused on the current task. Sure, I'll take something."

It wasn't long before Hidden and Flambo were up and they were all eating. Plans were discussed as they headed for Quirky's van for the first phase of their plan.

"So how long are you going to wait to be re-kidnapped, Flambo?" Crafty asked as they got into the back of the van, Hidden riding up from with Quirky.

"I think we should give it two weeks. Not only will it give Crafty enough time to get used to her double life, but it will also draw less suspicion"

Quirky heart nods weakly, "You're positive you want to do this Flamboyant heart"

"Yes, I am" Flambo responded.

Quirky Heart was starting to feel the weight of the situation so changed the subject, "Flamboyant and Hidden, I hope you two don't mind me asking this but... What is your relationship exactly, it's kinda confusing."

"It's complicated, but I would say we are close friends." Flamboyant then proceeds to shapeshift into his female form. "Although, Hidden does get a little flustered when I'm in my female form."

Crafty smirked, "He's not lying, Hidden got a little nervous when he first used it."

Hidden was thankful she was facing ahead, "Well... you know I only like women so..." She shook her head, "How much longer till we get there, Quirky?"

"Ten minutes" Quirky said with absolute confidence.

Flamboyant heart, still in his female form, shakes his chest around a little bit. "I will tell you this though, I could totally get used to having tits."

"I know what you mean," Crafty squeezed her top breasts together. "You shoulda seen me before."

Hidden breathed a sigh of relief as the van pulled over and they all stepped out. Crafty Heart hadn't brought any winter clothing, just wearing her shorts and her now one-size-too-small t-shirt. She shivered slightly before she put of a barrier against the cold with her cryokinetics. She took a pair of binoculars that Quirky had in the back of her van and peered down the street towards their destination. "Is that the place, Quirky?" she didn't turn to the tanuki as she spoke.

The building at first looked like just a typical brick building you would find in a warehouse district. But on closer inspection it was clearly a club with a neon sign of a martini and the blue carpet that lead into the building and a conspicuous alley leading around to the back of the building.

"Yep, that's the building" Quirky confirmed her face turning more serious than any of them had seen before. "I can't say I have been there myself... But fuck, if I knew this was going on I would have done some shit sooner, this is fucked up what this Red light guy did to my best friend."

"From what we've heard, 'fucked up' is an accurate term," Hidden Heart Wolf shuddered. "Will you be alright, Crafty?" She sounded worried.

"I'll be fine," Crafty handed the binoculars back to Hidden Heart, "besides you can always call me if you're worried. On that note shouldn't you do that spell to link my mind to Flambo's?"

Hidden Heart nodded, "Alright, but it will only last half a day, I can't recast it unless you're right next to each other."

Flamboyant heart nodded "That's fine, half a day should be enough time to get all the general information we need for the operation. I will be sure to relay the information to the other two."

Quirky smiled weakly, "I will let you two say your goodbyes to Crafty."

Hidden Heart touched Flamboyant and Crafty's foreheads and spoke the spell, words they couldn't understand. As the magic arced between both of them the suddenly found the words of the other inside their heads.

'Whoa, this feels weird.' Crafty "thought" aloud.

'Hearing myself without my mouth opening is crazy, but what even crazier is that I can hear you' Flambo shook his head.

"Is it working?" Hidden Heart asked.

"Yes!" Crafty and Flamboyant responded simultaneously.

"Good. So are you ready?" Hidden turned to Crafty Heart.

"Ready as I'll ever be, and you can always call me if you're worried," Crafty tapped the side of her head.

Flamboyant heart stands next to Hidden. "Don't get me wrong, I know that I am sacrificing a lot myself, but I am still worried to Crafty. I don't know what either of us would do without you"

Quirky gives a reassuring look. "Crafty, whatever you do don't worry about these two. I have got their backs all the way. No one, and I mean no one gets on the way of me helping a friend reach their goal."

"Thanks, Quirk, just need to collect my nerves." Crafty took a deep breath.

Flamboyant Heart turned to Crafty and groped her top set of breasts. He gave her a nervous smile. "Honestly Crafty, I'm nervous about this too, scared to be honest... But I feel better knowing I can talk to you with Hidden's help." He starts to play with her nipples through the shirt as he continued. "Just remember that me and Hidden love you and that no matter what happens we still love you, ok?"

Quirky heart smiled, "Flam I swear to god you are so fucking sweet gumdrops are jealous."

Crafty smirked and gave Flambo a kiss, "Thank you," shuddered and carefully pushed him off then gave Hidden a kiss as well, "Stay safe, all three of you," she gave Quirky a kiss on the cheek then turned and headed for the strip club.

Quirky smirks "I will never understand how one person can be that sexual"

The three others start walking back to Quirky's van, Flamboyant heart wants to make a quick conformation with Crafty. 'You have the money for the entrance fee right'

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'I got it, just double checked,' Crafty reassured him. She didn't slow down as she approached the club, until she was at the front door. She took a deep breath and entered.

The lights were brighter than she was expecting but it didn't bother her too much and she paid the cover charge with the money Quirky had given her then went to sit a reasonable distance from the back. There were four dancers up on stage: A beefy black bear, a blue raccoon with a huge bulge in his speedo, a pink tigress with an ass even Flambo would envy and a tall white elk of otherwise average build.

'Not sure if you would like it here.' Crafty sent the telepathic message to Flambo, 'So how should I get Red Light to notice me?'

Flamboyant Heart had an odd idea, but one that might work, 'Ok, this plan might seem a little odd, but hear me out for a bit. Wait a little bit until a stripper who has some similarity to me or Hidden comes out to dance. Get to their side of the floor once they do.' About 20 minutes after he said this, the beefy black bear traded places with a purple cheetah, a femboy very much like Flamboyant.

'I see him, purple cheetah. Not as great an ass though but there's girl here who could make you jealous, Flambo' Crafty stood up and walked over to a chair close to where the purple cheetah was dancing.

Flamboyant heart is glad she is going along with her plan. But is discouraged hearing Crafty say that_. 'Great, there is someone out there with a better ass then me, and of course you of all people have to find them. But we can deal with that later, for now what I think you should do is act like you're really liking the cheetah's performance. Make sure the Cheetah notices you, but not everyone else in the audience.'_

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'don't get jealous, Flambo, you've got more than a great ass,' Crafty couldn't help but smile_, 'this shouldn't be too hard.'_ She leaned forwards in her chair and stared up at the purple femboy cheetah.

The Purple Cheetah instantly took notice of Crafty, not used to getting the female attention he loved. He starts using his more feminine style stripping to impress her, until he is wearing nothing but a blue striped speedo and blue striped arm warmers.

Flamboyant heart jumped in 'Femboys who like females often are worried that there more feminine style will turn girls off, make it clear to him you like him for his unique style.'

Crafty licked her lips and leered up at him, pulling her t-shirt down further to show off her top cleavage.

The purple cheetah instantly liked the signs she was giving. He started dancing even more slowly and sensually, rubbing his hands all over his body as he slowly went down to reach for his speedo. He puts his hands on his waist, and winks at Crafty, trying to see if she wants him to take it off. Crafty nodded and pushed herself upwards, staring at his speedo with obvious intent.

The Purple Cheetah slowly starts to pull down his speedo, revealing a decent sized cock underneath. He pulls it off of him completely and starts slowly dancing. Swaying back and forth while playing with his long hair.

Flamboyant heart speaks telepathically again. 'Ok, if you got his attention just act interested through the rest of the performance. Once he is done, then we can move on to the next step. Once he is finished see if you can find a bar, maybe one of the strippers is having a drink there, but wait until the performance is over before going there'

Conveniently enough, aside from a couple other patrons at the bar, someone who she guessed was a stripper was there, a male teal bear who looked only to be 18.

Crafty kept her eyes on the cheetah for the rest of his performance, only getting up when he finished while blowing him a kiss. She headed for the bar and found the barely-legal teal bear. Taking a bit of a gamble on him being a stripper she sat next to him.

"Can I get some water?" she asked the bartender, "I'm a bit short on cash tonight."

The Teal bear instantly took notice of Crafty's multiple breasts, he didn't want to be rude and ask about it, so he brings up something else "Don't feel bad about getting a water, trust me the drunk customers are the worst, some of the dancers like Dedicated, Vivacious and especially Exuberant get violated by the drunk customers." He clearly looked like he has something on his mind, specifically multiple tits, but he is not saying anything about it.

Crafty drank half her water down in one gulp. "Don't want to get drunk either," she saw his odd hesitation but decided to play coy for now, "So you work here? What's your name?"

The teal bear gets a more relaxed look on his face. "They call me Chill heart. You seem cool, it's nice to meet you. You enjoying yourself tonight? I saw you eyeing Exuberant during his dance, trust me he loves getting attention from women."

"Thank you, and he's good," Crafty smiled, "You can call me Crafty Heart Coyote. Is something wrong?" she feigned ignorance about what he was obviously looking at.

Chill heart tried to get what was in front of him off his mind, but he was too surprised to do so. But he tried to continue the conversation, "Oh nothing in particular, just thinking about how young I am, and all the crazy stuff I have experienced in such a short period of time. Being the Barley-legal guy here I only turned 18 five months ago, and have been working here about four."

"The barely legal guy?" Crafty didn't have to feign confusion. Because of her upbringing the term flew over her head.

Chill heart looked a little shocked she didn't know what the term meant. "Barley legal means someone who is 18 or 19. Who works in the sex industry, you can't work in sex until your 18 or else it's considered a crime in a lot of jurisdictions, so that's why I am called barley legal"

"Ahh, I see," Crafty nodded, "Can I get some more water... hey where'd the bartender go?" The dog who had been serving drinks had disappeared. She shrugged and finished off the last of her water, "So Chill, something on your mind?" She turned to face him fully on the barstool, letting him get a full view of her six breasts outlined by the one-size-too-small t-shirt.

Chill heart relented a little bit, "Yes I do have a very valid thing on my mind, but it would be extremely rude for me to bring it up. I'm not the kind of guy who likes to stir the pot you know. I like everything to go smoothly"

"Things seem to be going smoothly. What's rude in here?" Crafty leaned on the bar.

Chill bear gave up trying to be polite. "Ok fine... Why do you have multiple breasts? Are they some sort of crazy prosthetic you some how were able to afford? Were you born like this? I'm so curious."

"They're real, wanna feel em?" She winked at Chill.

Chill bear smiled, "Sure, what do I got to lose." He gave her top set of breasts a feel up, then her middle pair. Even touching her nipples through the shirt. He looks surprised "You were not lying, these definitely are not prosthetics."

"I wasn't 'born' with these, but when I finished puberty, well here they were," Crafty giggled, "Can't say I hate it, and you seem to love it."

Chill heart smiled at her, clearly having fun talking with her. He starts to play with her nipples through the shirt because he likes nipples "I know it's typical stereotype for someone my age to be a perv, but what can I say you're an attractive woman."

Suddenly, Exuberant heart walked over to Chill heart, as he smiled at Crafty. "Oh it's you, sorry to interrupt what you two are doing, but I just wanted to personally come out and thank you for your encouragement during my performance. It made it a lot more fun, you really like watching femboys like me."

Crafty smiled, "Thank you, Chill," then turned to the purple cheetah so he could see her triple rack as well, "I loved the way you danced. What was your name?"

Exuberant smiled "My name is Exuberant heart, and I'm so happy to finally get to meet you." He notices her multiple pairs of breasts and his eyes light up. "Wow, you're so beautiful. I'm not even going to question how you have multiple breasts... Can I give you a hug, your like really cool."

"Of course," Crafty stood up and hugged Exuberant.

Exuberant giggles as Crafty hugs him. "Why can't more customers be like you, you being here just made my day."

Chill adds in his input. "If you like we could introduce you to more of the strippers, I'm sure they would love to meet you."

"I'd like that, but I'm not much of a customer," she let go of Exuberant, "The cover charge ate up the last of my cash."

Suddenly, a girl with a curvier figure came toward the bar, having heard what she said. The sheep walks up to Crafty "Girl, we don't care the amount of cash you got, we just happy that someone with an attitude like your is in our building. Now before you ask my name, I'm Bodacious heart sheep. I will take it upon myself to have you meet the strippers here, because people like you deserve that kind of shit"

"Thank you, Bodacious," Crafty smirked, "So should I wait here for the rest of you?"

Bodacious nods in agreement. "Yes, the stripper rotation stops for about 20 minutes to give us all a lunch break. But I'm a hella make sure you get the V.I.P treatment. If you cool with Chill and Exuberant you cool with all of us"

"Thanks," Crafty gave Bodacious a hug then sat back down.

A few minutes later Bodacious returns from backstage, with five other strippers. All five were instantly in shock when they see her multiple breasts.

Expressive heart, the blue raccoon with the big package, was the first to speak, with his shocked look being most extreme. "Holy shit guys, we are witnessing the 9th wonder of the world."

Dedicated heart, the pink tigress with the big ass, spoke up. "Ok ok calm down Expressive. But anyways, we are the rest of the strippers, minus one of us who has something to take care of backstage. So, you made an impression on Exuberant and Chill aye?"

Crafty leaned back against the bar, "Looks like it. So what are all your names?"

Expressive heart Raccoon was the first to speak, "My name is Expressive heart."

Architect, the buff black bear, chuckled. "Sorry if Expressive is a little cuckoo. I swear sometimes I think he is on a sugar rush 24/7. My name is Architect and it's nice to meet you."

Dedicated was the next to speak. "My name is Dedicated, and no my ass is not fake it's as all natural as you can get, we hope your enjoying yourself.

Coordinated heart, a well toned male red cat, perked up "My name is Coordinated, if your looking for someone who puts on a show when they strip I'm your man."

Accepting heart, the tall white female elk was the most patient and spoke last. "I'm Accepting heart, and you seem like a very effervescent young woman."

Crafty giggled, "I've never been called 'effervescent' but thank you. You're all hot," She couldn't help but drink in the veritable buffet of sexy in front of her: Exuberant's femmy body that reminded her of Flamboyant Heart, Architech's buff and toned muscles, Expressive's huge bulge barely held back by his speedo, Bodacious' curves, Dedicated's ass, Coordinated's toned body and stripper police outfit (a bit cheesy but still...), even Accepting's height and the barely legal looks of Chill Heart tickled her a bit and she felt her nipples perking up as she did her best to process what she was seeing in front of her.

"I'm thirsty," Was all she managed to say.

Exuberant was the first to respond. "If your thirsty perhaps I help you out."

The other seven giggled as Exuberant goes up to Crafty and gives her top breasts a Gentle squeeze.

Accepting Heart smiled, "Oh sorry Crafty, with the exception of myself Exuberant doesn't get much attention from women."

Crafty giggled, "I got that impression. So what can you get me, Exuberant?"

Exuberant smiles as he decides to take his hands down Crafty's pants were he proceeds to give her ass a gentle squeeze. "What ever you want Crafty, just say the word and I can get for you."

Crafty playfully slapped his hand away, gently enough to let him know she was just playing along, "What do you recommend for someone who doesn't drink much?" She hoped for suggestions from all of them.

Chill heart waves his hands "Sorry guys, I'm staying out of this one. I know I will get out voted "

Architect shrugs and makes a joke "Honestly, I just go for a bottle of beer, I'm assuming you wouldn't want something more then that."

Accepting Heart smirks "I recommend a drink, it's called Exuberant heart. It's fruity, without the bad after taste, I know I love it."

Exuberant heart blushed "Accepting heart!"

Crafty giggled and stroked up Exuberant's side, "I think I'll take the buff man's advice and get some light beer, for now. Where's the bartender?"

As if like clockwork. The bartender showed up out of no where looking a little stressed.

"Ok, I know this is gonna sound crazy coming from the Bartender, but Red Light wants to see all eight of you in his office as soon as possible, and they want you to bring the woman with the six tits."

Crafty could feel the tension in the air as she walked with her eight new friends into the back of the club, but she did her best to feign ignorance, "Who's Red Light?"

All eight of the strippers had clearly panic stricken faces. Expressive heart's being the most obvious. Dedicated used a very oddly ominous tone simply just saying. "I suppose you could call him our boss."

"Oh, I see," Crafty had to restrain herself from gulping. So far she'd played the part of ignorance and needed to keep that up. "Why does he want to see me?" She pointed to her face.

By now they had arrived at Red Light's office

Everyone walked into the office. Crafty quickly scanned the room that the office was a mess, there were papers everywhere and things in disarray. The carpet and walls were a velvet red. There was a desk right by the back of the wall with a clock behind it where Red Light sat, a bright red bear wearing colorful pimp clothing but otherwise looked average. There was a lot of space everywhere else for everyone else to stand and a small wall of monitors for looking through the security cameras, which lacked an audio function, but showed everywhere in the club. Red light looked at everyone with a blank expression. "Glad everyone could make it"

Crafty looked at her new friends then to Red Light, "You wanted to see me?"

Red light nodded "Yes I did want too see you, I have been quite observant and I can see my strippers have been spending time with you a lot during your time here. I even saw one of them digging down your pants to squeeze you ass, am I correct in this".

Exuberant clearly looks scared, he seems super worried that he is in trouble somehow.

Everything about Red Light screamed "sleaseball" to Crafty and she saw the security cameras so she knew there was no point in lying. She smiled brightly and said, "Yeah, he's very handsy. It feels good."

Accepting heart elk can sense Exuberant's nerves, so she goes up and holds him, pressing her chest against his back, which clearly relaxes him.

Red light taps his fingers on the table as he tries to get a read on Crafty via her demeanor. "I'm intrugied, rarely do our strippers react to a customer in such a way. I have seen security camera footage that give me half the picture, but I have to ask. What made all these guys want to come meet you, how did you win these guys over?"

Crafty shrugged, "I watched Exuberant and I loved his dance, then I met Chill at the Bar, Exuberant came to thank me for paying him so much attention, then Bodacious said she wanted to give me attention because I was so nice so I met all of them, that and they seem to love my tits," she squeezed her arms together to press her breasts forwards. Unseen by anyone she created a small shard of ice between her breasts that pierced the top of her shirt, causing it to rip down the middle and almost expose her first pair of nipples. "Oops," she sighed in agitation at the seemingly accidental damage to her clothing.

Red light instantly smiled when Crafty's shirt ripped, thinking partially about the fact he got a nice view, and he was thinking about potential of Crafty. "I'm shocked that you would wear clothes like this during winter. But I can understand how your personality radiates, you have that confidence I think a lot of people look for sexually. " Despite being the biggest sleaseball of all time, he of course took the opportunity to take shots at Exuberant for his sexuality. "God knows you had to choose Exuberant as your choice of liking. He just loves women's bodies, and playing with there nipples, and squeezing their asses, oh he loves to squeeze girls' asses."

Crafty giggled, "He does, best touches I've had in a while. But, this is the only clothing I have, the only stuff I have..." She had deliberately damaged the shorts she wore to have rips in it and had stretched to lower its elasticity to sag off her legs without falling off, her cryokinetics had kept the cold off. With her shirt ripped everyone could see she wasn't wearing any bras.

Everyone looked at each other before Coordinated took off the top of his cheesy police officer outfit "I know this isn't a bra, but I have got an extra of this top backstage, so you can borrow this if you want."

Red light flipped a pen in his hand as he continued. "One of the countless victims of Porterhouse's shit government. Its a tragedy a damn tragedy." He pretends to look at his watch "We start again in two minutes, and I want eight dancers on the floor for maximum entertainment. Let's run the Coordinated's dance strip routine where we have Coors dancing skills front and center. Everyone head out except Crafty."

Crafty smiled as she accepted the top and loosely pulled it over her shoulders, "Thanks, Coordinated." She watched as they all left, each casting worried glances over their shoulders at their new friend before they went back out to perform their duties. Crafty smiled and waved at them, receiving a wave from Exuberant as he was the last to leave.

Crafty turned back to Red Light, still smiling, "This place seems nice. So what do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about you," Red Light leaned forwards and gestured to a wooden chair in front of his desk, "Sit down and tell me: how did you come to be here, dressed in worn out summer clothes in winter?"

For the first time since she entered the office, Crafty stopped smiling. She didn't need to make up what she was about to say, "My parents. They treated me like crap, tried to force me into something I didn't want to do, to be an empty shell like my older sister. So I ran away." The few tears she was spilling were genuine and she wiped them away as she transitioned into the past she'd invented after that, "Didn't take long for me to figure out I couldn't survive on my own, at first, but I found a way," she gave a soft smile, "People really liked my body, didn't take long to figure out why," she reached under her bottom pair of breast and hefted the whole stack upwards, even through the police costume Red Light saw part of her nipple slip free from the ripped shirt she wore underneath.

"So you have experience in this line of work?" Red light gave a slimy smile.

Crafty shuddered internally but kept up her facade, "I haven't had to dance, but I'm good on my feet. But I learned to enjoy sex since it helped me stay alive. I guess I just ran out of luck and money this time. At least I had enough to pay my way in here." She smiled at Red Light.

Red light smiled slimy once again as he heard her say that. "Actually, I would like to take you backstage, there is one member of are team you haven't met yet. I would like to introduce you to her." He gets off his desk and starts walking towards the backstage, signaling Crafty to follow him.

Crafty hopped off her chair and followed Red Light, "Who? Security?" she sounded just a little frightened, as if she might be tossed out.

Red light laughs, a horrible sound, as he led her backstage. "Oh hell no, you haven't done shit to get you security. I want you to meet her." They walked in to see a purple Fennec fox, holding a little pink baby Fennec fox. "Crafty, I would like you too meet Vivacious heart."

Crafty Looked Vivacious up and down, she was every definition of the word "MILF", DD breasts, an ass bigger than Flambo's but smaller than Dedicated, a soft layer of fat from baby weight around her midriff and a calming expression as she looked up from the baby to Crafty. She was dressed in a fairly typical stripper outfit.

Crafty immediately darted forwards and smiled at her, "Hi. I'm Crafty Heart Coyote!"

Vivacious Heart was clearly a little nervous when Red Light entered the room, but tried to relax and greet Crafty in her typical animated fashion. "Hello Crafty, it's nice to meet you, and this is my baby, her name is Merry heart"

"Aww!" Crafty cooed and she offered a finger to the pink fennec kit, "She's so cute."

Merry heart grabs hold of Crafty hearts finger gently, before letting it go.

Red light got another blank emotionless expression on his face. "Vivacious, I know this is sudden, but I need you to make space in your home, because I want you to house a guest for a while."

Crafty heard this and turned to face Red Light, "Wait... is this for me?" she asked.

Red light nods, while smirking. "You bet your ass it is. Your already friends with my strippers, and you clearly have the personality I need. Not to mention having multiple tits helps." He laughs in his horrible sounding tone again. "You have potential and opportunity here, you could become the next big thing in Red light, people are gonna love to see the multi-titted woman. Hell if you want, I can set up you and Exuberant to do a partner dance together sometimes if you want"

Crafty brightened up, she was in! "Really! You're offering to give me a job?!" She looked up at Red Light with hope in her eyes, like he was her saviour. "Yes! what do I have to do?"

Red light chuckled, which surprisingly enough didn't have as much of a creep factor as his laugh. "Because you're just starting, O will give you to dances to preform. One solo, and one with Exuberant if you want to dance with him. Partner dances are very common here. Exuberant also does one with Accepting. Some of our most famous combos include Bodacious and Expressive, Chill and Dedicated, and Architect and Coordinated. Them three combos have amazing chemistry. I think you and Exuberant will achieve that as well. So, how does that sound?"

Red light nodded, "In two days, I want to spend tomorrow teaching you what to do, I will give Exuberant the day off that day so he can help. Now Vivacious, I need you too be helpful in giving Crafty resources outside the club.

Vivacious starts to look nervous, "I don't know Red light, my house is super rundown and I'm not sure if Crafty would want to be there. Not to mention I have a child to take care of"

Red Light thought a moment before speaking "Crafty, could you go outside for a minute and hold Merry Heart, me and Vivacious need to discuss something quickly."

Crafty knew what was probably going to come, but she couldn't risk breaking her facade now when she was in. "OK. Come here Merry," She carefully took Merry from Vivacious. Once she had her back to the two she let her happy face fall as she stepped outside and held the baby fennec close, creating a barrier against the winter cold with her cryokinesis.

After about five minutes, Vivacious comes out of the building, she clearly looks shaken up, but tries to hide it and speak. "Sorry about that, but anyway after a little convincing Red light convinced me that I should do this, so I'm letting you be with me for the time being." She takes Merry heart back. "Red light let me out early so I could show you my place, we can talk more when we get there."

Crafty let Vivacious take her cub back, "Thank you, even if it's run down it'll be nice to have a roof over my head." She shivered, from thinking about what Vivacious had went through but played it up as being from the cold and kept up her enthusiasm. "I finally have a job," she smiled.

"You do know what this job means right?" Vivacious asked.

"Dancing for strangers while taking your clothes off and sometimes having sex with them," Crafty said. "Pretty much what I've had to do until now except now I'll be doing it indoors and with better pay."

"Oh," Vivacious was a bit surprised by how astute the over-eager Coyote was. "We don't have sex with the customers, no one could afford the prices Red Light would demand for that."

Vivacious heart fake smiled, she decided not to let Crafty know about all the bad parts of the job until that got home. She kissed Merry's forehead. "Come on baby girl, lets go home now."

Vivacious and Crafty had to walk a pretty decent distance, taking about 15 minutes to get to Vivacious' house. It looked very run down just from looking at the exterior, but hey, it was better than nothing. The two enter the house, and Vivacious instantly plops herself on the couch, still gently holding the baby "My God" is all that could come out of her mouth.

Crafty carefully sat down next to Vivacious, "What's wrong?"

"The combination of a long day, dealing with Red Light, taking care of the baby, and worrying about Exuberant heart," Vivacious gave a sigh of exhaustion.

"Did I cause you any problems?" Crafty was genuinely worried. She didn't want to make the strippers' lives any harder than they already were.

Vivacious takes a deep breath in and out, "Actually, you're fine. Only having a baby around makes you go insane after awhile." She gets up to put the baby in her crib. "So, Exuberant heart aye."

Crafty giggled, "He's very enthusiastic. I gathered he likes attention from women."

Vivacious smiles weakly. "He is really cute... I just worry about that poor thing. Out of all of us, he deserves to be in this situation the least."

Crafty was torn, she wanted to be sympathetic but she didn't want to risk blowing her cover yet, even if Vivacious was trustworthy she didn't want anything leaking out to Red Light just in case. Finally, she posed the best question she could, "What's his story?"

Vivacious sighed. "Exuberant heart used to be homeless, he was born into a homeless family, but he left his family after they criticized his feminine lifestyle. I know he did a lot of work as a babysitter, just to get by. Eventually Red Light approached him and offered him a job, he accepted... But he is so naive, he accepted the job because he thought he was going to get tons of attention from women, but boy was he wrong. So many perverted men violate him every single work day, and Red Light does nothing about it... Not to mention he is frequently sent to Red Lights office for... Red lights own purposes... He currently lives in a run down house just like mine, I sometimes let him come over here so he can play with the baby and have someone to talk too. But overall, it's just... He is such a sweetheart, all he wants is love, but he is so naive... Red light breaks him down more day by day, and it pisses me off."

Crafty was at least able to respond appropriately, "Oh... That's horrible. I just got more than I bargained for with Red Light, didn't I?"

Vivacious nodded "But look on the bright side, I'm sure Exuberant will appreciate your company... Hey, if you ever want to have him over for the night, give me a holler, I never mind having him over."

Crafty smirked, "We'll see. So what about you? Where's Merry's father?"

Vivacious put a cold look on her face "He's gone, died three months into my pregnancy. He was shot, and of course, our non-existent police did nothing."

Crafty wilted slightly, "Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

Vivacious heart sighed "You're fine, we all got a pretty bad end of the stick, this is Porterhouse after all. Hey, I'm gonna go to bed in a bit, I just want to read Merry a bedtime story quick."

"Alright, so should I just sleep on the couch?" Crafty patted the cushions where she still sat.

"I hope you don't mind" Vivacious said "Don't worry, Merry isn't much of a crier, so she shouldn't wake you up."

Crafty gave a weak smile, "I can manage, better than sleeping outside." She scooted aside and lay sideways across the couch, pulling the policeman's top around her as best she could.

"I will be in the only other room in the house with Merry if you need me, night Crafty."

"Good night," Crafty watched them leave. So far so good, now she just needed to learn how to dance. Shouldn't be too hard.

Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Quirky's Mystery Machine Flamboyant heart woke up in the van with Crafty still lying next to him. He however instantly realizes that Hidden heart is not in the van. He then looks out the window to see Hidden talking to Quirky. Luckily...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

Chapter 32: All my Regrets, All my Tomorrows "Mom, I keep hearing voices in my head." Mira had a nervous face as she stood in front of Confidence Heart and her four tails twitched nervously. Confidence Heart had been sitting on the couch,...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Something You Can Measure "Com'on mom!" Shimmering Star Bear stood with his back up against the kitchen doorframe, where height lines for him and Mira were marked upwards along with their ages, starting at 5 for both of them when they...
