Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#32 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Love Heart starts to question his parenting methods

Chapter 32: All my Regrets, All my Tomorrows

"Mom, I keep hearing voices in my head." Mira had a nervous face as she stood in front of Confidence Heart and her four tails twitched nervously.

Confidence Heart had been sitting on the couch, reading manga on her heartphone, but once she heard her daughter's concern she put the phone away and turned to face her. "What kind of voices?"

"I don't really know, but it's not me or anyone I know. I can't tell what they're saying most of the time. But sometimes..." Mira stared at the floor, hands behind her back, "I can hear them telling me to do things... I can't remember what exactly but..."

Confidence Heart leaned forwards and put her hands on her daughter's shoulders, "How long have you been hearing voices?"

"Ever since Futureheart came here from the future, I didn't really hear them much at first..."

Confidence Heart stood up, "Don't worry, I'll get help. Just wait here." Confidence Heart walked into the kitchen and pulled out her heartphone.

"Indy, hey can you come over. I have a psionic problem I need your help with."

"Confidence?" Indy sounded somewhat tired, "Ok, I can come over but I'm not the best with psionic problems. Why don't you call Fara or Peppy from Star Fox?"

"Because I trust my brother-in-law more than them," Confidence looked back into the living room where Mira was just sitting on the couch, "I think Mental Heart has gotten into Mira's head. Please just come over and I'll ask for other help if I need it."

"Alright, I'll be right over." Indy hung up.

"Are we going to train more today, daddy?" Shimmering Star followed Love Heart as he passed through the living room. Shimmers looked about 9 years old now.

"Not with me, I have a meeting with John in about ten minutes. Talk to mom, she can help you train." Love Heart nodded to Confidence from where she stood in the kitchen doorway.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him," she turned to Shimmers, "Relax, Uncle Indy is coming over, maybe he can train with you."

Shimmer sighed but smiled, "OK mama." He went to sit next to Mira on the couch, "Are you alright, Mira?"

"No, I..." She turned to Shimmers, "I just need to wait for Uncle Indy to get here."

"Why?" Shimmers asked.

"Just wait, he'll be here shortly." Confidence Heart said.

It didn't take long for Independent Bear to arrive. Confidence greeted him at the door.

"Hey Indy, how's it going?"

"I'm alright," he gave her a weak smile then headed for the living room.

Indy stopped at the entrance of the living room and stared, eyes-wide, at Miracle Heart Kitsune and Shimmering Star Bear seated on the couch. Floating above each of them he could see the ghostly image of another Care Bear, a purple bear he didn't recognize over Miracle Heart and above Shimmering Star, "Flash Heart?"

"What?" Confidence Heart stared at Indy as he rubbed his eyes.

Indy blinked and looked again, the ghostly images were gone. "I don't think I've been getting enough sleep lately."

Confidence Heart shook her head then smirked and elbowed Indy in the side, "Too many late nights with Take Care?"

Indy rolled his eyes, "Yes, but not in bed. She's been busy going over those medical treatments we got from Quenos' lab. Her results can help it push through FDA testing a bit faster, and she's learning some more effective ways to develop vaccines. Some nights I have to get up and carry her to bed when she falls asleep at her desk. But enough about that, Mira." He walked towards the couch.

"Yes, Uncle Indy?" Mira turned her attention towards the silver bear as he approached.

"Just stay still," he touched her forehead, "I'm not the best at this but I can tell if someone's attacking your mind." He closed his eyes as he peered into her mind. Everyone waited with baited breath until Indy opened his eyes and took his hand off her brow, "I don't feel anyone in there, or any traces of someone trying to attack your mind."

"I can't hear any voice right now, but what if they come back?" Mira asked.

"Then we'll go to Fara or Peppy, but for now don't worry," Confidence reassured her. "How about we get some training done then, take your mind off things." She turned to Indy, "Want to join us, Shimmers needs a training partner while Love Heart's busy today."

Indy managed a smile, "Sure, what do you say Shimmering Star?"

"Ok," Shimmers and Mira both got up off the couch and followed as Indy and Confidence lead them out of the house.


Love Heart sat with John in the Hall of Hearts as they went over documents he had brought with him and a few Love Heart had picked up from Take Care on the way over.

"So far the testing is going well, Take Care's analysis should cut a year off the testing if we're lucky." John turned to another document. He didn't like working with paper this much when it could be viewed electronically, but he knew this was mostly for security since paper couldn't be electronically hacked and thanks to Bright Heart there was no way anyone could spy on them. "Sadly no progress has been made in finding Andross, No-Heart or Control. Love Heart are you alright?"

"Huh, sorry," Love Heart had been staring off into space, his eyes glazing over as John spoke, "I hear what you're saying and I agree, I can't stop thinking about..." he shook his head, "Sorry. Yes I see, I was hoping you could find more but I think they're using magic to hide themselves."

John pulled the documents into a pile, "I'll go over Take Care's analysis back at HQ, but we have some time to talk if you want." He gave a smile, "I helped look after you when you were a cub, you can talk to me."

Love Heart sighed, "Yeah, I know." He locked his hands together and twiddled his thumbs together, "You remember me as a cub right? Was I any different than the others?"

John blinked and tried to think back to that year at summer camp when he first met the Care Bears. "I vaguely remember, I didn't spend much time babysitting that night, your mom and Grams Bear showed us a lot of what to do. But you were all cubs, other than fur and tummy symbols you were all pretty much the same crying balls of fur we had to feed, bathe and change. Of course a year later you were still a cub and they were grown up, or kids I think?" he paused, "But other than growing up slower you were the same as the rest of them."

Love Heart nodded, "Thank you, I... Can you come with me somewhere?"

"I'd like to, but I should get back to HQ. I'm still on the clock." John gave Love Heart a concerned look and gathered the documents together into a briefcase, "Do you need me to come that badly?"

Love Heart gave a weak smile as he stood up, "No, but thanks anyway. Good luck."

"I remember he was the other green bear," John joked, which got a chuckle out of him and Love Heart.

Love Heart left the Hall of Hearts and walked down the path past all of the houses. He stopped near his house and saw Mira and Shimmers training with Confidence and Indy in their backyard. The sight caused his heart to feel like it was shattering and he walked out out of Care-a-Lot as he started to cry.

Love Heart wiped his eyes as he walked past the Great Fox where it still was still landed in the vast field of clouds next to the Kingdom of Caring. He kept walking until he found himself back at the old Caring Castle.

The old Caring Castle where he should have been raised...

He remembered doing this over a decade ago when he had been similarly doubting himself. The place was still unoccupied and dusty and no one ever came here. Most of the contents of the castle had been moved to the Hall of Heart's a long time ago, except for the old wooden cribs.

Love Heart walked around the nursery and touched each of the cribs as he walked past, finally stopping at the one with his own tummy symbol on the base, faded from years of abandonment but still visibly. Love Heart started to cry again as he slumped to the floor.

"So much lost," he whispered as he sniffled and rubbed his eyes, "and now I'm doing the same thing..."

"Love Heart? What's wrong?"

Love Heart turned around at the voice, "Confidence?" Love Heart rubbed his eyes and looked at the female fennec fox in the Star Fox uniform standing at the room's entrance. "Oh, Fara, sorry, I thought you were my wife."

"I get it, we're both fennecs essentially of the same race and size." Fara walked into the room. "I could sense you walking past and I was off duty so I followed you. What is this place? A nursery?" She looked around the room.

Love Heart stood up and nodded, "It was, for us when we were cubs thirty years ago." Love Heart looked around the room again, "we were brought here from Earth to be raised safely away from Dark Heart and No-Heart, until an incident. We were attacked by Dark Heart, or No-Heart, and he tried to kidnap my mom so we were split up, but me and mom stayed here despite everything. Then... one day, mom was kidnapped by No-Heart and she was used as a power source for a spell of his. Dad and I were lost on earth and..." Love Heart took a deep and shuddering breath. "I don't want to take up all your time so simply, dad adopted Indy on earth and raised us as brothers, then No-Heart found us and tried to kill us but dad sacrificed himself to save us, at the time I didn't think he survived. I was adopted by Confidence Heart's parents and then... something happened to her human brother and... he killed them, the people who looked after us. I was so angry and we spent years just running from the monster he became, so many years... a childhood lost to training, fighting and..." he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "I'm a terrible father..."

Fara just stared at Love Heart, "What? How are you a terrible father?"

"I'm taking their childhood away," Love Heart clenched his fists as tears began to stream from his eyes, "Mira's only 10 and she's a full Magi now, going on combat and escort missions when she should be playing with her friends or just having fun. Shimmers is six but he made a wish to grow up faster so now he's 9 and he wants to help me fight. He's giving up his childhood just to fight all because of me!" Love Heart's voice had raised to a fever pitch, the eight pointed star on his forehead was glowing as lightning crackled around his body.

Fara had to take a step back. "I don't think that's why. Love Heart calm down!"

Love Heart took a deep shuddering breath as the magical effects around him subsided. "Can I come to the Great Fox for a while. I need to relax away from home."

"Of course." Fara motioned for Love Heart to leave with her, which he obliged.

Love Heart sat in the break room on the Great Fox. It was basically a cafeteria with what Love Heart would describe as 'food replicators' like the ones from Star Trek, though they could only produce food they had programmed into them.

Love Heart was drinking a cup of water, not really wanting anything else and sitting with Peppy. The middle aged hare watched the green bear carefully before he spoke, having heard the bear pour out the same feelings he had given to Fara earlier that day.

Peppy finally spoke, "I think I see where you're coming from, Love Heart."

"You do?" Love Heart looked up at the middle aged hare.

Peppy nodded, "Yes. I have a daughter back home, Lucy. After my wife died I trained Lucy as a pilot just in case she needed to defend herself but I didn't want her to be a mercenary like me. It's a rough life where sometimes you have money to spare and sometimes you can just barely scrape by, and when she tried to join Star Fox I turned her away and asked her to think what she really wanted to do." Peppy smiled and got a faraway look in his eyes, "She's a teacher on Fichina last I checked." His gaze returned to Love Heart, "Are you worried they're just doing it for you?"

Love Heart nodded, "Yeah. I want them to do what they want to do, not just what I do..." Love Heart sighed, "I lost a lot of my childhood to training, then all my adolescence running from a monster... what if... what if the same thing happens to them?"

Peppy nodded, "I know what you're thinking. I saw Lucy learning to be a pilot and I wondered what might become of her if she took after me and followed my path. I know she's happier as a teacher instead of a mercenary. Me, I've lived through enough hard times to know she would struggle, maybe even die, if she followed my path. But then again I wasn't created to be a soldier like you were, at least if I understand how this whole 'Care Bear Magi' thing works. I would talk to another Care Bear if I were you, at least to figure out what you're supposed to do."

"Maybe." Love Heart finished off his water then returned the glass to the replicator to be recycled. "Thanks for talking with me. I need to go." He turned and left without further comment.

Instead of heading home, Love Heart headed for Noble Heart and True Heart's house. He stopped at the front door, not sure if he should knock or ring the doorbell just in case their twins were sleeping. Finally, he gave a few knocks hopefully loud enough to hear.

A moment later, True Heart appeared at the door. "Love Heart? What brings you here?"

"I just needed to talk to someone about parenting." He smirked, "It's weird, you look a bit younger than me now True Heart."

True Heart giggled and ran a hand through her long, multicolored, wavy hair. "Well I still know more about parenting that most people, come in. Valiant Heart and Kind Heart are napping and Noble Heart went to get some groceries."

"Good," Love Heart walked past True Heart to sit on the couch in her living room. True Heart followed suit and sat next to him on the same couch.

"So what did you want to ask me?"

"Am I a bad father?"

True Heart blinked, "What? No of course not! Why would you think that?"

"Because they're training, training to be warriors like me instead of having fun like they should." Love Heart started at his hand in his lap. "Mira is so excited about being a full fledge Magi, and she's only 10, and... am I a bad influence on my friend's kids? My little brother and sister wanting to be magi too? Flair, Meek and Wild are all doing the same thing and they're the same age... Is it because of me? Is it genetic? Are we just going to be warriors and soldiers our entire lives?" Love Heart leaned back and stared at the ceiling, his mind drifted back, "It took me months to figure out how to conjure my swords with any ease but Shimmers created one right away, and I know that takes some desire to hurt the first time. It was still difficult for me until..."

"Until?" True Heart leaned closer.

"Until Dusk Heart..." Love Heart let out a sad sigh, "when I saw him emerge from my old home, Confidence's parent's blood on his hands, possessing her brother's body I just lost it. I pulled out one of my swords and I attacked him with the intent to kill. I hurt him, not badly enough to really hurt him but enough that he had to stop as Indy dragged me away, then we started running that day and never stopped until we came here..." Love Heart sat forwards again. "I can't remember why Shimmers would have that kind of rage in him... am I responsible for it?"

"I don't think you are, Love Heart," True Heart put a hand on his back, "If you're worried you should talk to you children and let them know how you feel."

At that moment the sound of a baby crying came from the baby monitor sitting nearby.

"Excuse me, that's Kind Heart. Feel free to stay if you want." True Heart got up and headed for the nursery.

Love Heart didn't linger and promptly headed for home, albeit at a slow pace.

The question still bounced around in his head, should he be encouraging his kids to be soldiers like him? Should he be dissuading them? What if it was something they genuinely wanted?

When he got home he found Confidence, Shimmers, Mira and Indy inside, rehydrating after a long day. He joined them for supper as Indy left but didn't tell any of them about his day. He couldn't bring it up with them yet but somehow, he'd find a solution.

Love Heart stayed up late that night, the question on his mind keeping him from sleeping. It was almost midnight when Confidence finally came out to see what was wrong.

"Not coming to bed yet?" Confidence sat down next to Love Heart and put an arm around his shoulder.

"No, I just..." Love Heart turned to Confidence, "Are we doing the right thing, training them to be soldiers like us?"

"Our kids, or all the Magi kids?" Confidence sighed, "Maybe, but we've stepped things up since Futureheart, and it did help keep them from being kidnapped by Illyana's mercenaries. I like to think we are. If they didn't want to they'd be complaining more."

"Maybe... I just..."

Confidence put a finger to Love Heart's lips. "Let me stop you right there. Our kids aren't quiet about this sort of thing, if they didn't want to train they would kick up a fit all the time, and once this is all over they can go back to being kids again. Even Shimmers, I mean it's not like he's lost time, just gotten bigger faster." She gave Love Heart a kiss on the cheek, "Trust me, we're doing the right thing here, not a mistake. Just stop worrying about it."

"I'm trying... but..." Love Heart was about to turn away when Confidence grabbed his cheeks and planted a big smooch right on his lips.

Love Heart was started but melted into the kiss and pulled her close until they finally broke apart, Love Heart with a goofy grin on his face, "Thank you."

"Thank me better, in bed." Confidence Heart growled and all but dragged him back to the bedroom.

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Something You Can Measure "Com'on mom!" Shimmering Star Bear stood with his back up against the kitchen doorframe, where height lines for him and Mira were marked upwards along with their ages, starting at 5 for both of them when they...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Baby Boom, Gentle Heart and Bright Heart Gentle Heart's delivery was rough. Her labour lasted forty hours and during the whole process Take Care couldn't stop worrying or even take a break to sleep, especially since the Gentle Heart...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 29

A/N: This is a bit out of order but I wanted to do Gentle Heart and Bright Heart last so don't take the order of events too seriously please. Also the character Carecub belongs to Carecub Chapter 29: Baby Boom, Lonesomeheart and Aqua Bear ...
