Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 29

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#29 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Aqua and Lonesome's child is born

A/N: This is a bit out of order but I wanted to do Gentle Heart and Bright Heart last so don't take the order of events too seriously please.

Also the character Carecub belongs to Carecub

Chapter 29: Baby Boom, Lonesomeheart and Aqua Bear

Get Well rolled her eyes as she filled out the birth certificate for Lonesomeheart and Aqua Bear's powder blue son whom they had decided to name "Carecub". Part of her regretted asking her mom to let her handle these births on her own, granted it was easier ever since she brought back that concoction from Paradise Valley but it the work was almost more than she could handle at times, she was exhausted but she finished the certificate and stood up to return it to Aqua and Lonesome. As she entered the delivery room where they were resting Get Well had to remind herself how young the two were, not even adults by some cultural standards, age was so odd in the Care Bear Family that Get Well had stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago.

"Here you go." She handed the certificate to Aqua.

"Thanks," Aqua smiled as he accepted it, "Anything else we need to do?"

"No, just rest and you'll be back home before you know it. Excuse me," Get Well exited the maternity ward and swiped her forehead. Next time she'd accept the help, for now she needed some water.


Aqua and Lonesome had energy to spare to look after little Carecub, whose tummy symbol was a red heart surrounded by four golden arcs above, below and to each side. Perhaps it was because of their youthful energy that they weren't tired when Carecub finally was put down for his nap.

Lonesomeheart all but threw herself onto the couch next to Aqua. "This isn't as bad as everyone's talking about," she grinned.

Aqua sighed but smiled, "Maybe we're just good at it."

"So how's the psionic training going?" Lonesome turned to face him with a coy smile on her face.

"It's going well, but I'm still working at it." He turned to stare at her, "I can sort of hear your thoughts but nothing distinct yet."

"Keep trying, you'll get it," Lonesome kissed him. "I should call Redemption over to see our son." She fished her own heartphone of her tummy symbol and called their friend.

Redemptionheart was only too happy to get a break from studying to meet baby Carecub. She stood over their crib and smiled, "He's so small." She recalled how it had likely been her secret nighttime tickling that had made this happen. She smiled, some good had come of her little hobby.

"Yeah," Lonesome whispered, "Let's go before he wakes up." She carefully pulled Redemption back into the living room and helped her sit down on the couch.

"How's your studying going?" Aqua asked.

"Hard," Redemption held a hand to her head, "I have a near constant headache while I'm staring at papers or computer screens," she managed a smile, "but I'm going to do it. As soon as this whole 'save the future' crisis is over I'm going to medical school."

"Well good luck to you then," Lonesomeheart clapped her friend on the shoulder, "We know you'll pass with flying colors."

"Thank you. So how have you been holding up with Carecub?" Redemption asked.

"Pretty good," Aqua smiled, "I thought it would be more tiring than it is."

"That's good," Redemption stood up, "I'd love to stay but I have to get back to studying. Have fun," she left the couple sitting on the couch.

Lonesomeheart scooted over next to her mate. "As fun as having her over was, I'm happy to just be with you." She gave Aqua a kiss.

"Me too," Aqua kissed her back.

Lonesome smirked and began tickling Aqua's sides.

"EEEEEHEEHEEHEE STOP!" Aqua tried to squirm away.

"Nope! I know you love this," Lonesome giggled as she kissed him.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Aqua reached down and started tickling Lonesome back.

"EEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Lonesome didn't let up either until she kissed him on the lips. Aqua pulled her down on top of him.

Redemption lingered at the front door and smiled as she heard them tickling each other, then sighed as she headed home. She needed to finish her studies.


Get Well just stared at Lonesomeheart, a bit dumbfounded, "Congratulations? Lonesome, you're pregnant again."

Lonesomeheart was grinning as she heard the diagnosis. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Get Well set the report down.

"I knew it!" Lonesomeheart jumped off the exam table, "Anything else I need to know."

"Apparently not," Get Well just watched at Lonesome all but bounced out of the exam room.

Aqua was in the waiting room holding Carecub in his hands. Upon seeing his mate bounce out of the exam room with a big smile on her face he asked, "What did she say?"

"We're having another baby," She leaned down and kissed Aqua.

Aqua smiled back, "That's great. I just hope Carecub doesn't feel neglected."

"He won't be," Lonesome took Carecub into her arms so Aqua could stand before they left.

Get Well emerged from the exam room still baffled, "Where do those two get all their energy?"

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 28

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