Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 28

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#28 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Harmony and Loyal Heart's baby is born

Chapter 28: Baby Boom, Harmony and Loyal Heart

"And her we go, it's a girl, and a husky." Get Well turned around from where she had just cleaned off Loyal Heart and Harmony's daughter, a purple and white husky puppy.

Harmony Bear smiled, she wasn't hurt thanks to the medicine from Paradise Valley but she was still tired. "Our little Melody." She reached out and Get Well passed the puppy to her.

"Is that her name? Melody Heart Husky?" Get Well looked up at Loyal Heart, who stood next to the bed Harmony lay on.

Loyal Heart nodded, "She insisted and I see no reason to oppose her."

"Got it, just give me a few minutes to write up the birth certificate." Get Well exited the room to give them some alone time.

"Here, may I hold her?" Loyal Heart reached down.

"Yes, please," Harmony turned to give Loyal Heart better access as he picked up his daughter. She had only cried briefly after she was born and was now lying quietly in Loyal Heart's arms.

"She's going to be beautiful when she grows up," Loyal Heart tickled his daughter's ears.

"She already is," Harmony smiled as she lay back to sleep. Loyal Heart watched her for a time then carefully set Melody down to sleep so he could go fill out the birth certificate. Later, Brave Heart showed up to give their daughter her tummy symbol: a musical measure with three joined eighth notes with red hearts at the ends.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Melody Heart Husky had a very distinct cry, halfway between a human's cry and dog's howl. That and her very strong lungs meant Loyal Heart and Harmony didn't actually need their baby monito to hear when she woke up in the middle of the night.

Loyal Heart growled slightly then took a deep breath and tried to get up, until Harmony put out a hand to stop him. "You went last time, my turn," Harmony pulled herself out of bed in her nightshirt and stumbled across the hall to Melody Heart's room.

The little purple and white husky was howling up a storm, thrashing around in her lavender onesie. Harmony sighed as she reached down to pick her up. "There there, mommy's here, ouch!" Melody had accidentally bopped her mother on her nose. Harmony carefully set Melody down as she rubbed her nose. "Ok, let's try something less hands on." Harmony didn't have to think long on what to do and despite her daughter's continued wailing she started to sing.

"I keep recalling

How life used to be

Now and then I wonder

Have we changed?

_ _

With your hand in mine

All the moments shine

_ _

Like the pictures in a storybook

We will turn the pages

Sharing pieces of the memory

I care for you now

As I did then

At our beginning

_ _

Out beginning..."

Melody stopped crying halfway through the lullaby and by the end she had fallen asleep. Harmony smiled down at her and carefully stroked her daughter's ears before she headed back to bed.

"You remember that song too." Loyal Heart had turned to face Harmony as she climbed back into bed.

Harmony smiled as they snuggled up against each other, "I remember the first time True Heart sang it to us on the cloud clipper. I never forgot it."

"Me either." Loyal Heart gave her a kiss, "You sing it beautifully."

"Thank you," Harmony rested her head on Loyal Heart's chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, dearest Harmony," Loyal Heart gave her another kiss on the top of her head, then they drifted off to sleep.

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