Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 3

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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Chapter 3: The Travelling Child Whisperer

Hidden Heart was checking over the supplies in the backpacks they were taking to Porterhouse. "Alright, food, water, tents and bedrolls." She looked up at Crafty and Flamboyant, the latter of whom was in his natural male form. "Remember to bundle up, just in case." Florence Hooted in agreement.

Crafty was pulling on the only shirt and shorts she had brought with her when she arrived at Hidden's cabin. "Oof did this shrink or did I grow?" The t-shirt was tight across her breasts, easily outlining all six of them before she pulled on the coat Hidden Had brought for the both of them. "Feels warm. How are you doing, Flamboyant?"

"I'm doing great, I'm so excited." He said as he was buttoning the buttons on his coat. "I hope you don't mind Hidden that I am in my natural male form for the trip. It's just that I want Quirky to be able to recognize me when I get to Porterhouse. I also think that it's safer this way, because I still need to get used to my female form. I can change back to a female though when Quirky finds out I'm a shapeshifter if that makes you feel more comfy."

"Do whatever makes you comfortable," Hidden Heart pulled on her robes. They weren't quite designed for cold weather, but Hidden Heart had reassured them that both her own winter coat and some of her magic would be more than enough to keep her warm. "I think we're ready." She pulled her backpack on and handed one of the remaining two to each of them.

"Alright, Ooof, pretty heavy." Crafty Heart did her best to adjust the heavy hiking backpack onto her back.

"Trust me, we need everything that Hidden packed us." Flamboyant heart said as he picked up his backpack, he then pulled out the map, which he would be using as the navigator. He had already marked ahead of time where they where right now. "Luckily for us, I know the exact town where Porterhouse hides. Getting into Porterhouse is really cool, you guys will see when we get there."

"Alright, we're trusting you." Hidden Heart stepped forwards and opened the door for the both of them with Florence on her shoulder. Thankfully it wasn't windy out but they were far north enough it would always be wintery outside, except a short time in summer.

Flamboyant heart walks out the door but then he realizes something "I hope no one raids the house while we are gone. It's too bad I'm only learning plant kinetics. Because maybe I could have made a big venus fly traps to guard the doors and windows." He then looked at his compass too see which way to go. "We need to go southwest for the majority of our journey. If the map mileage is correct, it actually shouldn't take us too long to get to Vewel from here."

"I have the cabin warded against intruders. Only people I let in can get it and it's protected. Not to mention most people don't come out here," Hidden Heart assured him.

"So what's Vewel?" Crafty asked as Hidden used her magic to lock up the cabin as they started to walk.

"Vewel is the town Porterhouse hides in. Vewel is known for having a good wooded area, but it has an open area in those woods. Porterhouse has a unique way of hiding itself from the human world. Let's just say, the anthro who hid Porterhouse was a powerful and intelligent person."

"Huh, interesting," Crafty sounded a bit confused.

"Then lead the way, we'll follow." Hidden had finished with her house and she joined the other two.

"Alright, let's go then" Flamboyant heart said as they started moving.

Three days later, the three anthros have walked 120 miles in total at the end of the third day, accounting for 40 miles each day that they walked. The three are sitting around each other, spending time with each other for an hour before bed. Flamboyant heart is leaning on Crafty's left side, enjoying her company. He gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek "I never thought I would say this, but hiking with you and Hidden has been an amazing experience, and we still got four days left to go."

Crafty let out a breath, "I've never walked this far so much in my life," smiled, "But I'm happy it's with both of you."

Hidden nodded, "Me too. I can't remember the last time I spent this much time away from home. So what can we expect when we get to Vewel?"

"We shouldn't worry about drawing a lot of attention. Vewel doesn't have many people living there, but expect a lot of trees, it's a pretty decent area. But I'm not too worried if someone spots us, they will probably be too flustered by Crafty to be able to do anything." He said as he was thinking about how much he wants to squeeze Crafty right now.

Crafty chuckled and put an arm around Flamboyant, "Thanks, Flambo, but no one can see my breasts under the coat. Even with my cryokinetics I'm gonna keep it on outside."

Flamboyant heart giggles "Whoopsie, I forgot." Flamboyant heart lies his head on Crafty's shoulder. He then looks at Hidden. "Hey, if you ever want attention from Crafty, and you feel like I'm hogging it, feel free to say so, I really want you to feel Crafty's love too."

Hidden smiled and blushed, "I appreciate that, but I'm still a bit unused to this kind of intimacy. I'll be fine." She yawned then nudged Florence, who had been asleep for the last couple hours, "It's night watch time, we need you to watch again." Florence hooted in annoyance but stood up to start the night watch. "I'm going to get some sleep now," Hidden Heart lay down on her bedroll and pulled her blanket over herself.

"Poor Florence" Flamboyant heart then looked at Crafty. "She is right, we really should go to bed." Flamboyant heart lies on his bedroll, and puts his blanket on. He then signals at Crafty to join him.

Crafty snuggled up with Flamboyant Heart and pulled him close, "Good night, Flambo," she sighed happily.

Another three days pass for are trio and Florence. Now they are starting to notice they are getting closer to Civilization. Flamboyant heart starts feeling nervous. "Well, I chose the right time to go full on south, but now you can tell we are getting close to where people live. Hopefully none of them see us and go batshit crazy or anything."

Crafty raised up her arm and flexed (As best she could under her coat), "Even if they do, we won't be cowed."

"Hopefully it won't come to that." Hidden Heart ran her hands through her hair, "I don't want to draw attention to us but they might respect me if I can heal one of them. Most people know about the legends I've inspired."

"Hey, if worse come's to worst, maybe I could pass off as one of the Care bears. I heard a bit about this Cheer bear and Love-a-lot bear. There both pink, and my tummy is hidden, so I could get into my female form." All of a sudden, they notice a little girl, blocking the path they want to go on. "Let me handle this one, I'm really good with children, you can trust me" Flamboyant heart said with confidence.

"Love Heart said they were Care Bears too, or they were trying to find them. It's a long story." Crafty mused as she and Hidden watched Flamboyant,

Flamboyant heart shape shifts into his female form and goes towards the girl. "Hey little girl, do you know me."

The little girl responds with excitement. "I know you, your Cheer bear. You're a care bear, I can't believe I'm meeting a care bear."

Flamboyant heart proceeds with his charade. "You seem like such a nice little girl. I need to go to a caring mission now, but I have a present for you." Using the little knowledge he had of plant kinetics, he aimed his hand towards a patch of dirt behind him, which he was lucky to find because of all the snow. He suddenly sprouts a rose from the ground. He picks it up behind him so the girl doesn't notice then hands it to her. "Here you go, a special rose just for you."

The girl takes the rose and jumps up and down. "Thank you Cheer bear, I'm gonna go tell my mommy about this." And just like that the girl runs off.

Hidden giggled as she and Crafty approached Flamboyant, "That was sweet of you."

"That was great, so now what?" Crafty asked.

Flamboyant heart blushes "Oh it was nothing. I just imagined that's what a real care bear would do. People say I'm really good with children, i don't know why, kids, babies and even teenagers just really like me for some reason." Flamboyant heart giggles. "Let's keep going, don't worry, I will handle the situation if any more children show up."

"I'm not worried, now onward to Porterhouse!" Crafty pointed off in some random direction she thought they were going to travel.

"It's the other way Crafty, not that way" Flamboyant heart laughed as he shapeshifts back into his male form. Crafty blushed but followed along

The day then finally arrives, the day they reach Vewel. "Well, if my map is correct we should be here, don't worry, I know this wooded area like the back of my head. Are you two excited?"

"I'm excited," Crafty smiled.

"I'm concerned, based on what you've told us even if the whole town isn't like that," Hidden Heart shared a concerned look with her spirit animal, Florence.

Flamboyant Heart gave Hidden a reassuring look. "Trust me, it may be the slums we are talking about, but the people in this place are not bad at all and have a lot of respect for each other. Except for anyone from the rich side of town, but we look so raggedy right now, we don't have to worry about looking like that. Oh, and trust me, once you get associated with Quirky, she will cause hell on earth if you are violated even in the slightest way."

"I think that's reassuring," Crafty chuckled nervously, "Lead on Flambo."

Flamboyant heart sighs. "Alright, if you guys hate the place, we can go back to Hidden's place to get away. I just really want too see my friend at least one more time. I hope you two can understand." He said as he was guiding them through the woods.

"We don't know this place, Flambo, but I do admit I preferred things back home," Hidden said.

Flamboyant heart continued to lead them through the woods. Until they got to the open area, in which Flamboyant heart just said. "Enter slowly and carefully, but other then that all I can say is see you two on the other side" As he enters the open area, all of a sudden Flambo just disappears into thin air, with no explanation as to why.

Crafty flinched backwards, "What!?"

"It's an illusion spell, just step through,' Hidden Heart took Crafty's hand and led her through the barrier.

The three friends enter Porterhouse, they just so happen to enter on the poor side of town. The town looks really beaten down, but everyone looks oddly happy. Flamboyant heart puts his arm out "Welcome to Porterhouse ladies"

While they entered, a dark grey bear sitting in a camping chair greets the trio. "Hello, welcome back to Porterhouse. Can I help you at all today, any person or place you need to find?"

Crafty was still a bit shocked by the sudden step through the illusion and Hidden Heart looked to Flamboyant, worried she might say the wrong thing.

Flamboyant heart speaks to the grey bear "Can you tell us where we can find Quirky heart Tanooki."

"She is a right by the library last time I checked, hope that helps." The grey bear said looking genuinely happy.

"Thank you," Hidden Heart gave a short bow, "lead the way."

Flamboyant heart smiles as they walk towards the library "See Hidden, people are nice here." Flamboyant and his friends pass by a child who looks hungry. Flamboyant heart remembers he has some food in his backpack. He takes it out and give it too the child. The child then give Flamboyant heart a hug.

"I see," Hidden Heart nodded. "It's hard to believe this place hides something like what you described."

"I've never seen so many... Anthros in one place," Crafty stumbled over the more generic term for their kind.

"Even though a lot of us are poor, we have each other's company to keep us happy. Most of the dirt bags are from the rich part of town, everyone here is actually happy." He hugs the child back "I just wish we could give the children here a better life. There so cute, and they deserve to be even more happy then they already are."

"I wish we could, but I don't have the means to help everyone, much as I wish otherwise," Hidden said.

Crafty waved to the child as Flambo finally her go. "You're a good guy, Flambo."

Flamboyant heart blushes "Hehehe, thank you Crafty, I just really love children, and I want them to be happy... I'm a little shy about telling you two this, but one day I wish that I could have my own little baby girl, who I could love and cherish and take care of, it has always been a dream of mine."

Crafty walked over to Flamboyant and took his hand, "Some day, you might be able to do that."

Flamboyant heart kissed Crafty's cheek, "Thank you Crafty, now come on, we have a Tanooki to find."

The group walked for a little bit more, until they finally reach the library, there they spotted the Tanooki, she is too busy however chanting into her Megaphone to notice them.


"So she's a protester huh?" Crafty gave a weird look up at the purple tanooki.

"She certainly is... enthusiastic," Hidden Heart chuckled nervously.

Flamboyant heart gives an odd look "What, I never remember Quirky being a protester, I wonder what in the world happened."

Flamboyant walks up to Quirky and he taps her shoulder, Quirky looks behind her, and gives a gasp of shock. "... No, you can't be."

Flamboyant heart nods. "You got that wrong girl, it can be."

Quirky doesn't even respond, as she pulls Flambo into a hug, literally lifting him off the ground. He laughs as Quirky does this to him.

"She's definitely a friend," Hidden Heart said.

"So, want to introduce us, Flambo?" Crafty Heart approached the pair.

Quirky heart continues to hug Flambo, "I thought you were gone forever, and now you return, this is the best day ever."

Flamboyant heart awkwardly smiles at his two friends. "Can you give Quirky a minute? I think she needs some time to process this."

"I think it's sweet," Crafty said as she and Hidden stood to the side.

Flamboyant heart and Quirky heart hug for about five more minutes before Quirky realizes the other two anthro's where here. "Oh, I see you brought some friends along with you." She gets a good look a Hidden, and looks concerned "Oh dear, this one looks very timid. Knowing me, I probably scared the living shit out of her."

Hidden Heart shook her head, "I was startled but not scared. I've seen some things that keep me focused but... from what Flamboyant has told me there are things here I would rather not."

"You're fine. My name's Crafty Heart Coyote," she held out her hand to Quirky.

"Quirky heart Tanooki, the pleasure is all mine," She said as she shook Crafty's hand. She then looks at Hidden, "And you are?"

"Hidden Heart Wolf, and this is Florence," she stroked the owl's chest feathers.

"Hehehe, who knew Flambo would get himself some girlfriends." Quirky said smirking

"Quirky! One of them is a lesbian!" Flamboyant heart said panicked, not wanting Hidden heart to get offended.

"Well, which one is your Girlfriend, and which one is Lesbian. My guess is the owl is your Girlfriend." Quirky heart laughs, "I'm joking, I'm joking."

"I'm the... lesbian," the word still sounded odd to Hidden, even though she knew what it meant now, "Florence is my spirit animal, she advises me."

"I wouldn't mind being Flambo's girlfriend." Crafty chuckled, "So what were tyou doing out here, Quirky?"

"Well, I was doing my daily chants, trying to get people to join the new Anti-Government association which popped up sometime after Flamboyant heart left. Now I know I look crazy, but a lot of shit has gone down ever since Flamboyant heart left. If you would like, we could go over to my 1960's van and I could tell you more." Quirky pointed to the left.

Hidden and Crafty turned to follow Quirky's pointer finger to the van parked nearby. "Looks like something out of Scooby Doo," Crafty commented. "Well let's go then."

"I do want to learn more about this," Hidden said as the followed the tanooki to the van.

"I don't remember you having this van," Flamboyant heart said as he entered the van. Which had all the seat lowered except the driver's seat, which had blankets and pillows, and enough room for at least four or even five people to sleep. There were tons of little compartments where Quirky stored stuff. And the back had tons, and I mean tons of Alcohol.

"I actually got it as a gift for helping out the Anti-Government movement so much, it works really well, I got it because I am a high ranking member. I sometimes use it to sleep, but I quite often let children sleep in the van to get off the street for a night, and I sleep outside." She said tapping Flambo's shoulder. "I did it because I know that's what you would do if you were in my place."

"Not bad," Crafty plopped herself down on one of the pillows without undressing, "So now what?"

Quirky rummages through the back and grabs some vodka. "Do you want a bottle, i have only had three today."

"No thanks, I'm only 18, under aged for drinking," Crafty held up a hand.

"Three bottles! The day isn't even halfway over!" Flamboyant heart said shocked.

"So, has Flamboyant heart treated you two nicely. He is really wonderful with women" Quirky said praising her friend.

"He has been, but we've had to look after him more than him us," Hidden Heart said.

Quirky heart laughs, "Girl, you do realize eighteen is the legal drinking age in Porterhouse. It's just like the U.K" She said, putting the bottle away. "Even so, the law for drinking is rarely enforced here. The police force here is pretty much is none. So have been drinking way earlier then my eighteenth birthday"

Flamboyant heart just covered his face with his hands. Ashamed at how proudly Quirky is admitting this too his friends.

"I see. I've never drank before," Hidden Heart said.

"I still think I'll pass," Crafty shook her head.

"Quirky heart, you need hel-" Flamboyant heart tries to finish before Quirky interrupts, not wanting to admit she has a drinking problem.

"So, anyway what have you been up too with Flambo ladies?" Quirky said hoping to change the subject.

"I found him nearly frozen to death in the snow then Hidden found us. We took him back to her home and we helped him back to health." Crafty leaned back.

"We've been teaching him magic, kinetics specifically," Hidden Heart said.

Quirky heart looks super happy. "Your learning the magic we read about in the books Flamboyant, that is amazing! I always have wanted to learn how to use fire in magic, I think it fits my personality very well. Perhaps one day you two can teach me. But how did you end up almost frozen in the middle of the snow.

Flamboyant heart sighs. He then explains exactly what happened to him on that fateful day about three and a half months ago. Quirky heart then starts crying, and hugs Flamboyant. "I... I am so sorry Flamboyant heart. If.. if I knew, I would have gotten help, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, we found him and things went well," Hidden Heart said, patting Quirk's back.

"And he screwed me," Crafty grinned, "It was my first time, he was good."

Quirky stops crying at pats the back of Flambo "Atta boy Flamboyant, how did it feel"

Flamboyant heart blushed. "Well, because I have been raped, so it obviously wasn't my first time. But it was my first time with a woman, which meant a lot too me. She was so warm, and I loved feeling her against me." He hugs Crafty, "I think Crafty is so beautiful, I only have known her for a little bit of time, but I have such strong feelings for her already. I love having her body against mine, feeling our fur touch." He said as he gave Crafty a kiss on the cheek.

"Awwww, it's sooooooo cute" Quirky said feeling the warmth in Flambo's heart.

"You're so sweet," Crafty kissed him back.

Hidden smiled, "He is a nice houseguest. But I do want to ask, quirky, what are we going to do now?"

Quirky puts a blanket over the couple "You two can cuddle while we talk, I insist that you do, I think you two are a beautiful pair."

Flamboyant heart gives Crafty another kiss, and starts cuddling her, putting his head on her shoulder.

"Now Hidden heart, you should know that I am a woman of justice, and I have some suspicions about the strip club. I know there is one on the western most part of town, most of the rich people go there... There has to be a connection, there just has to be... We should investigate that strip club."

"That might not be a bad idea." Hidden Heart turned to Florence, who hand left her shoulder a moment ago so sit in one of the blankets bundled up on the floor, "I think it might be connected with the sex slave ring Flamboyant was sold to." Florence hooted and nodded in response.

"It has to be, if he was offered a job at that strip club and the club has done nothing to stop it, then something must be going on." Quirky said as she put a blanket around herself. "But it's not like we can just go to the club now, as much as I would like to. We need to plan a little bit, as much as I hate planning."

"This van isn't that warm is it?" Hidden couldn't tell for sure, she was so used to magically blocking out the cold and her winter fur was still in.

"The van I think makes it a little warmer, but the blankets help a lot." Quirky heart said, but then she mistakenly bumped into a compartment, revealing a picture of a yellowish-orange bear with a cupcake on his belly with hearts around it, Quirky tires to hide it quickly, but by then everyone noticed the picture.

"Who is that?" Crafty asked, looking up from her snuggle with Flambo.

"It's only the hottest member of the Care bear, Birthday bear!" Quirky said enthusiastic about him

Flamboyant heart looks at the picture. "You call a bear with a beer belly and that shade of orange hot? And how do you know about the Care bears?"

"One, to each their own Flambo, and two, there was a news report recently of a Care Bear being spotted in Victoria, so I did some research" Quirky said in her defense.

"I never met the Care Bear Family, but I was with a group called the 'Care Bear Magi' for a while before I had to run. Long story I'll tell you tomorrow." Crafty yawned.

Quirky heart looked out at the sky to see the moon, "Damn, time passes when your talking to new friends. Now I understand you three traveled far, so you probably want an earlier night. But I need to go to the Anti-Government organization... I'm might need to be away from them for a bit. You all get some sleep, I will just borrow some of your camping supplies and sleep outside." She borrows Flamboyant heart's backpack before going outside.

Flamboyant heart shapeshifts into his female form, to make Hidden more comfortable about sleeping in bed. But then he realizes something. "Oh, I never told Quirky about my shapeshifting powers." Flambo yawned, "I can tell her in the morning."

"Yeah, tell her tomorrow." Crafty yawned and looked out the corner of her eye as Hidden Heart lay down to rest. "Good night, Flambo."

Flamboyant heart kisses Crafty on the neck. "Good night Crafty" He says as he puts one arm around her middle and puts his other hand on her ass, ready to fall asleep. "Good night Hidden."

"Good night..." Hidden Heart mumbled.

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 27

A/N: Jolly Heart Platypus and Pledge Heart Platypus are owned by Fauna Greywolf Chapter 27: Baby Boom, Cozy Heart and Jolly Heart Jolly Heart was curled up around his and Cozy Heart's eggs in their riverside home, one bright blue and the other...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 26

A/N: Big Heart Bear is owned by Teacher Bear Chapter 26: Baby Boom, Love-a-Lot and Tenderheart "One more push, Love-a-Lot," Take Care said. A moment later the sound of crying echoed through the delivery room as Take Care cleaned off the auburn...


Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 2

Chapter 2: A Love V, Not a Triangle It had been a few weeks since Flambo and Crafty first arrived at Hidden Heart Wolf's cabin and Flamboyant Heart was taking magic lessons. He was really hoping he could catch up to them quickly so he could do more...

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