Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 2

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: A Love V, Not a Triangle

It had been a few weeks since Flambo and Crafty first arrived at Hidden Heart Wolf's cabin and Flamboyant Heart was taking magic lessons. He was really hoping he could catch up to them quickly so he could do more than just learn. At the moment he was practicing making a ball of plant matter show up in an orb shape in his hand. Flamboyant heart chose to do Plant kinetics the second he heard that was an option, because he feels like it fits his personality. He starts to focus his energy into making the orb. "Crafty Heart, how am I doing. I know I have done this before, but your feedback is always nice."

Crafty chuckled as she was forming her own piece of ice in between her hands, "About as well as I am. I only just started to learn before this all happened. Just don't wear yourself out."

Flamboyant heart nodded as he stopped the orb in his hand. "I'm so excited! I'm becoming magical just like you ladies are." Flamboyant heart walked over to Crafty "I know we have known each other for a pretty decent period of time now, but can I give you a hug?"

Crafty spread her arms, "Come here." She pulled Flambo into a hug.

Flamboyant heart giggled as he hugged Crafty back, he felt feelings of joy rushing through his body. "Sorry if I'm being a little clingy, its just been a while sense I have had the ability to make friends. I can't describe it, but something about your spirit fills me with joy!"

Crafty giggled as well, "Thank you. This has been fun even if we are stuck here." She released him.

"I'm happy for both of you," Hidden Heart had been reading one of her books nearby while watching them, "I think I have something you might be interested in, Flamboyant. Take a look," She turned the book towards him, "Shapeshifting."

Flamboyant ears perk up the second Hidden heart says this, and he runs over to Hidden. "Shapeshifting, that sounds really amazing, can you give me the details?"

"Somewhat... I haven't read much but Florence found this entry." She stroked the owl's plumage and then handed the open book to Flamboyant.

Flamboyant heart looked at the page that Florence had seen, and to his shock, he read a name. Effervescent heart bear. Flamboyant heart's eyes instantly fill with tears. "W-What. That name... that's my mom's name." Tears start flowing down Flamboyant Heart's cheek, "My mom died during my child birth I never got to meet her... Sometimes I blame myself for my mom's death, she didn't deserve to die. I had no idea she was a shapeshifter"

"Oh... I'm sorry I had no idea..." Hidden wilted slightly.

"It's fine, but if she was part of this book maybe that means you're a shapeshifter too, Flambo." Crafty walked over to look at the book's pages.

Flamboyant Heart scanned the page and read aloud, "Effervescent heart was a member of the group of the first five shapeshifters, who where all chosen by an unknown entity. This shapeshifting skill is given to them, and is passed on to any children that they have." Flamboyant paused, wouldn't that mean he was a shapeshifter too? Just that he hadn't figured out how to yet. He continued, "These children are expected to show signs of being Shapeshifters, anywhere from age sixteen, to age eighteen... Hey, I'm eighteen right now, I must be getting my shapeshifting powers soon."

"Why not give it a try?" Hidden Heart suggested.

"Where do you even begin with that?" Crafty sat back and scratched her head.

Flamboyant heart points to as passage in the book "It says here that the art of Shapeshifting is very mental. Perhaps if I think more about being something other than myself whenever I can, I can speed up the process. I will try my best."

About a week later, Flamboyant heart has been thinking about himself as another person as often as possible. Flamboyant heart is helping out Hidden heart by sweeping the shelter. Flamboyant heart was nearly finished. "I almost got the sweeping done Hidden, I hope I did a good job, it's the least I could do as your houseguest."

"I do appreciate it, thank you," Hidden finished gathering up the dust and garbage into a bag. "I just need to dispose of this, excuse me." She stepped outside, quickly shutting the door behind her.

Crafty was busy making lunch. Soup was the most common meal, mixing in whatever Hidden had stored in her pantry and preserved through magic (Since they didn't have electricity for a fridge or icebox).

"So what are you in the mood for today? Beef sound good?" She asked as she stirred the pot.

"Of course, the soup in this place is great. I seriously could live off our soup forever" Flamboyant heart then finally gets the last area of the room. "Yes, I'm done. I say this calls for a dance break!" Flamboyant heart starts walking across the room and starts voguing like there is no tomorrow. He then starts shaking his hips and then his chest. All of a sudden a miracle starts to happen. His delicates changed into the variety that Hidden and Crafty have, and his chest now has c-cup sized breasts. And despite all of this, he doesn't even notice and continues to dance.

Crafty kept her eyes on the wood burning stove as she started to fry the beef chunks, "You love to dance don't you? Maybe you could teach me someday."

Flamboyant heart being in the dancing mood still doesn't notice, but of course, c-cup breasts weigh you down. He ends up falling on the floor, directly on his back. He giggles. "Whoops, I guess I should have..." Finally noticing what happened, his jaw just dropped on the floor.

At that moment, Hidden Heart re-entered the cabin after disposing of the trash. "Flamboyant, are you, eep!" She gasped as she saw the now female Flamboyant Heart lying on the ground. She was blushing as she ran over to help the pink bear up.

As Hidden heart helps Flamboyant heart up, as he is up, he needs Hidden to keep holding him as he feels like he could collapse at any moment. All that could come out of his mouth is. "Why in the world do I have tits and uh... And the other genitals all of a sudden?"

"What?" Crafty turned as she added the now cooked beef chunks to the soup and gaped at Flamboyant Heart, who was now clearly female, "Flambo?" She stepped away from the stove, "I think you shapeshifted."

Flamboyant heart wanted to celebrate, but he was so unstable right now, all that was on his mind, and all that came out of his mouth was. "Please, help me get to somewhere to sit. I can't balance myself."

"I think we'll have to teach you how to walk like this then," Hidden moved Flamboyant to one of the chairs while Crafty returned to looking after the soup. "There, how's that Flambo?"

"That's much better, thank you" He finally felt that little bit of joy, and clapped his hands. "Yay, I can shapeshift now, I can't believe I actually did it. Hey Hidden, how do I look as a woman, I know I got the androgynous look down as a guy, so i must look at least a little good as a woman."

Hidden Heart was blushing furiously and she averted her gaze, "You look sexy... I mean good!" She hastily corrected herself.

Flamboyant heart also blushes, not knowing what to say after Hidden said that. But then he still blushing, smiles. "Thank you Hidden, I feel flattered." Flamboyant heart thinks for a minute. "The book says I can change out of this form whenever I want, and that not even me getting injured can affect my form at the time. So I'm gonna stay in this form the rest of the day, and even sleep in it. Even though I can't walk in it, as an effeminate, I have always wondered what being a woman would be like."

"It's... a good likness," Hidden said. She sat in silence until Crafty brought them their food.

"Dig in, everyone," Crafty served each of them before she sat down.

Flamboyant heart smiled at Crafty as he takes the first bite of his soup. "Like I said before, I could live off this soup forever. Crafty, I hope you don't mind me asking but... How in the world do you walk with three pairs of tits? I mean, I can't even walk with these, and your top pair is bigger then my only pair." He said as he lifted his breasts up.

Crafty shrugged, "I guess because I wished to be like this I was given a body that could handle this."

"Usually they grow in slower... so we have time to... adjust," Hidden was doing her best to keep her eyes off Flambo as she ate.

Flamboyant heart nodded his head "That makes sense, I guess because I got c-cups right away, my body collapsed under the pressure. I'm gonna need some walking lessons if I want to use this form in the future. Crafty, would you mind helping?"

"Sure." Crafty turned to look at Hidden Heart, "Hidden, what's wrong?"

"Oh just... difficult seeing Flamboyant like this," Hidden muttered as she ate.

Flamboyant heart giggled "I'm sorry Hidden, i'm not trying to tease you or anything. I'm just having fun with this new Shape-shifter thing." He smiles "I'm really happy you like it though. Hey, if my female form is sexy, i wonder if my male form is sexy as well. Crafty heart, what do you think of my male form."

"I think you're sexy in any form, but I think Hidden ha something more to say, don't you?" Crafty leaned forwards to give Hidden a hard stare.

"Oh well..." she gulped, "I guess... I find girls attractive instead of boys..."

"Huh, I guess that explains a lot," Crafty smirked then finished her food.

Flamboyant heart smiled at Hidden heart "That's ok Hidden Heart, liking the same gender is perfectly normal." Flamboyant heart then blushes "In fact, you're not the only person here who would date a person of the same gender. I find girls attractive, but I find boys attractive as well, I'm bisexual." He puts a hand on Hidden hearts shoulder. "You don't need to feel alone, me and Crafty heart will always be your friend, no matter what."

"Yeah," Crafty grinned, "I'm the same way, I like boys and girls the same too."

Hidden's face turned entirely beet red, "Oh umm.... I uhh..."

"I think she's nervous," Crafty chuckled, "Is this why you've been sleeping on the floor all this time?"

Hidden averted her gaze, "...yes..."

Flamboyant heart looked at Hidden heart with sympathy. "Oh, I'm sorry Hidden heart, if I knew I would have offered to sleep on the floor instead. I'm gonna remain in my female form for a while to test it out, but I'm gonna sleep on the floor tonight so you can have a bed. Also, I'm sure you will enjoy Crafty hearts company." He winked as he finished his soup.

"What no!" Hidden immediately turned to face Flamboyant, "You can't handle the cold like I can, trust me it's better if you have the bed."

Crafty finished drinking her soup, "Then sleep with us, nervous girl. What have you got to lose?"

"Umm..." Hidden was struggling to find an answer.

"Crafty heart, please be gentle with Hidden, we don't want to give her a heart attack" He looks at Hidden heart "It's up to you what you want to do Hidden heart, it's ok to say whatever you want, I won't pressure you"

"I just need to think about it, excuse me," Hidden Heart gathered up the bowls to wash.

"Take all the time you need Hidden heart." Flamboyant heart gives Crafty a big smile. "Oh Crafty, can I have another hug please, even though I can't walk right now, i want to hug you so badly right now."

Crafty leaned over, "Of course." She hugged him.

Flamboyant heart giggled and blushed shyly. "I'm sorry I have been so needy lately. I just... can't describe it, something about my body being in contact with yours makes me feel very happy." He hugs Crafty tighter. "I have loved spending time with you and Hidden heart in this house, it has been one of the best experiences of my life. You have such a personality, and your so confident... I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling."

Crafty giggled, "Maybe you're in love, or maybe you just love feeling my tits against your body. The feeling's mutual."

Flamboyant heart also giggled. "The love or the tits"

"Both," Crafty said. Flamboyant heart in the heat of the moment, gave Crafty heart a kiss on the cheek. He blushes directly after doing so. Crafty countered with a kiss on the lips. Flamboyant heart just closed his eyes, and enjoyed his lips being in contact with Crafty's. Once the kiss is over, he hugs Crafty again, but looks behind him to see that Hidden Heart had been washing the dishes the entire time.

Crafty pulled back, blushing slightly. "That was nice."

Flamboyant heart nods while also blushing. "Yeah, that was really nice. I never thought I would have a lover, but I guess I do now, and she is so beautiful."

Crafty leaned up against Flamboyant, "You're beautiful too, boy or girl."

Flamboyant heart is loving being with Crafty like this, when suddenly, he realizes his hand is on one of Crafty's top tits. He decided to gently squeeze it and his heart instantly melts. "Hehehe, I love how you feel."

Crafty groped Flamboyant's ass, "I love how you feel too."

Flamboyant heart blushes so much as his ass was squeezed. He giggles "How did you know I liked that?"

"I didn't, I just felt like it," Crafty giggled and kissed him again,

Hidden Heart had turned around to see what was going on, and gasped, hands flying to her mouth. Crafty and Flamboyant were too busy making out and groping each other to notice Hidden watching them.

Flamboyant heart looks at Crafty with passion in his eyes. "I love you Crafty, your so sexy. Please, take me to he bed so..." In that moment, he remembers the gasp he heard, he looks at Hidden heart and blushes a lot. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Hidden, I completely forgot about you. I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"No it's umm... It was... fun to watch," Hidden was blushing again. Florence sat on her perch nearby and covered her face with a wing out of embarrassment.

Flamboyant heart giggles and blushes "Do you think Crafty is sexy too, I can't blame you, she is truly beautiful." He then blushes towards Crafty. "Hey Crafty, could you help me over to the bed."

"Of course," Crafty helped Flamboyant to stand and over to the bed where they collapsed into the bed together. "Heehee," Crafty giggled, "How do you feel now?"

Flamboyant heart smiled gently "Right now, I feel like I could do anything. But hehehe, what about Hidden?"

Crafty turned to where Hidden stood and held out a hand, "Com'on, Hidden. Join us."

Hidden Heart gulped. "Are you sure?"

Flamboyant heart also held out a hand for Hidden. "I hope I'm not putting pressure on you, but you like Crafty to don't you? I have a good memory, and you blushed like crazy when she first showed us her tits."

Hidden Heart took a deep breath, "OK." She slowly walked over to the bed and took both of their hands. She was immediately pulled unto bed and under the covers with both of them.

Flamboyant heart instantly feels happiness flowing through his veins. "Hehehe, i'm so happy Hidden decided to join us. This is going to be so much fun."

"Fun? What kind of fun?" Hidden sounded nervous.

"Cuddling for a start," Crafty pulled Hidden Heart into an embrace.

Flamboyant, being on the other side of Crafty, pulled himself close to Crafty heart and holds her tight. "Alright Hidden, let's be honest with ourselves for five seconds, you like Crafty too don't you?"

"Yes," Hidden said.

"Aww," Crafty gave Hidden a kiss on the nose, which made her blush.

Flamboyant heart looks on smiling. "Well, I don't mind sharing. But I don't know what Crafty think, Crafty, can me and Hidden both have you." He then gave Crafty another kiss.

Crafty turned her head around and kissed him back, "I don't mind sharing either, I love both of you."

"And we love you too Crafty." Flamboyant starts touching Crafty's tits again, once again giving it a gentle squeeze. "And I think you already know what else we love."

"Go ahead and feel them," Crafty let herself sink into the bed.

Hidden Heart smiled and carefully caressed Crafty's breasts. "Thank you."

Flamboyant heart started caressing his finger right were her nipple would be, he kept going around it in circles. "Oh Crafty, I love how soft they are."

Crafty giggled, "I love this, so much better now." Crafty yawned and started to fall asleep despite the fondling.

Over the course of the next few days, the three housemates started to enjoy each other's company even more. Thanks to Crafty Heart's help, Flamboyant heart can now travel in his female form, which he now sleeps in so Hidden can sleep in bed as well. Flamboyant heart now has another form he can shapeshift into, a tigress. Flamboyant heart shows Crafty and Hidden the form, with him now being a pink female tiger with white stripes. "I feel so powerful in this form, I feel like a stronger person. What do you two think?"

Crafty Heart made a faux growling noise, "Very nice."

"It's beautiful." Hidden was finally calm enough to be around the two of them without being nervous.

"Thank you, I really like it as well" He says as he is shapeshifting back into his Female form. "But anyways, Crafty, would you mind conjuring some water for me, I really need a bath right now. Of course, as long as you two don't mind."

"Not at all," Crafty headed for the bathroom to fill the tub with water.

"Thank you Crafty, i appreciate it." He says as he walks over to Hidden. "I can tell you have been adjusting well to our situation. So, is it nice having other people to live with, or did you prefer living alone?"

Florence hooted from her perch and Hidden Heart smiled, "I prefer the company. I was getting lonely until you two showed up.

Flamboyant heart smiled "I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like me showing up at your doorstep was almost like destiny or something. This is one of the few times in my life I can say I feel happy"

"I agree, also bath's ready," Crafty Heart emerged from the bathroom.

"Oh, thank you Crafty" He said as he walked up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the bathroom. "Don't get into too much trouble you two." He said, giving Crafty a wink. There were two things going through Flamboyant's mind, either Crafty and Hidden could have some quality time alone, or Crafty would come his way. Either way he was satisfied.

Crafty went to sit on the bed, "Come join me, Hidden." She patted the bed next to her.

Hidden smiled and took a seat next to Crafty. "Thank you." She leaned up against Crafty, who put her arm around her.

"Come one, touch them, I know you want to," Crafty teased and pressed her upper right breast up against Hidden Heart. The wolf blushed and reached up and carefully groped her.

A moment later the two were making out on the bed, Crafty Heart was lying on top of Hidden Heart and pressing all six of her breasts into Hidden's chest. The separated, panting heavily. "I love you," Crafty said.

"I love you too," Hidden replied and they started again.

Flamboyant heart, sitting in the bathtub, is thinking about how much of a mastermind he is the second he heard just a little moaning. He starts humming to himself a song he heard on a Porterhouse boombox, just quietly enough so Hidden and Crafty could not hear

Meanwhile, Hidden and broke off from another kiss, but this time Hidden puts her hands in front of her chest so she can squeeze Crafty's tits again. This as she squeezes, she remembers the technique Flambo used last night, rubbing around where her nipples would be. She did exactly that as she squeezed her top set of tits firmly, continuing to use Flambo's rubbing technique.

"Oh yes Hidden, keep going!" Crafty said after they broke off one of their kisses.

Hidden didn't stop, becoming bolder and squeezing her breasts harder. Finally, Crafty Heart came with a loud yelp and collapsed onto Hidden Heart.

"That was... incredible..." Crafty panted.

Flamboyant heart hears the yelp easily, as it spread across the entire room, which was convenient because he just so happened to be done, in his female form with a towel, he walked out of the bathroom and finds the two in the position that they where in. Staring in between Crafty's legs he asks "Oh my, what happened here?" He said as he winked at Hidden.

Hidden blushed and Crafty just gave a lopsided grin, "She overstimulated me. Excuse me I think I need a bath." Crafty carefully pulled herself off Hidden and stumbled towards the bathroom, her legs wobbly.

"How in the world did you make her cum?" Flamboyant heart said once Crafty left for the bathroom. "Hey, if we are gonna share Crafty, we might as well give each other some tips from each of our experiences with her right. Of course, if that's ok with you."

"Well I think it's because she's never... been stimulated that heavily before." Hidden admitted, "I just started groping and caressing her and maybe... she's in heat or she's just been desperate for this kind of release."

"I personally think it's the ladder of the two, considering that she had very strict parents. She probably has wanted something like this for a while." He said as he started drying off his female form's tits.

Hidden Heart watched Flamboyant toweling off then averted her gaze for a moment, "That makes sense. You seem to be making a lot of progress with your shapeshifting."

"I agree, I love the tigress form, it's really beautiful. I will admit, being a guy has it perks but I am in love with being female. It's so much fun, and I love having tits" Flamboyant heart said smiling at Hidden. "I just feel so free like this, especially because I'm with you two."

"Both forms are beautiful," Hidden said. A hoot from Florence made Hidden take a deep breath, "I have to ask: is there anything else you want to do here? Do you two just want to spend the rest of your lives here with me? I wouldn't mind that but... do you have any other ambitions?"

Flamboyant heart instantly perks up the second she says that "I do have one more ambition besides learning magic, which I'm doing great with those plant kinetics... But if I'm being honest, I want to go back to Porterhouse, just for a little bit, so I can see Quirky heart again. I really miss her, and I want to make sure she is alright."

Hidden smiled, "We can do this. Once we're ready. It's almost the middle of winter so we'll have to be prepared for this."

"Oh, you would do that for me. Oh, thank you so much Hidden," He says as he finishes drying off. "I think we should have a bit of discussion with Crafty before we do anything though." He then whispers in Hidden ear "And I want to make her cum at least once before we leave."

Hidden blushed but nodded, "Excuse me, I need to go out for a bit." She stood up and gestured to Florence then headed out the front door.

"I'm gonna have to thank Hidden for that later." He says, before he knocks on the wall next too the bathroom. "Hey, can I come in."

"Huh? Sure, Flambo." Crafty said.

Flamboyant heart shapeshifts back into his male form, because he want's to try her in his male form. Without warning, he pulls back the curtain, and enters the tub, directly placing himself on top of Crafty.

Crafty was startled as the water splashed over the edges of the tub, "Flambo?! What?! Are you...?!"

Flamboyant heart realizes he scared Crafty, and gives her a quick hug, and tries to stroke her back to calm her down. "Oh, I'm sorry Crafty, I just wanted to give you a sexy surprise." He said as he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Crafty took a deep breath and kissed back, "It's alright, I was surprised." She carefully wrapped her arms around him, "I'm not used to see you as a man lately."

Flamboyant heart giggled "Well, I just thought you might want a taste of my male side, just so you know what both taste like." He says giving her ass a quick squeeze. "We can do whatever you want, my treat."

"Well..." Crafty leaned up and gave him a kiss and reached down to squeeze his ass too, "I will have to clean up afterwards but I've never had sex, not really."

Flamboyant heart blushed, "I have been fucked, but I have never fucked someone else before. And Hidden told me she knows a spell that will prevent you from getting pregnant... Yes, I want to do it." He said, as he felt himself get a hard on from feeling Crafty's ass. "Is there a specific position you want to do, or should I choose."

"Just take me, please. I need to feel what it's like," Crafty was almost begging.

Flamboyant heart instantly knows what to do, placing himself above Crafty before putting himself directly inside her. "Oh my god, Crafty your so warm." He moaned, as he started to thrust slowly.

Crafty gasped, feeling her hymen break, "Oh god!"

Flamboyant heart forgot this was her first time and assumed she was just enjoying it at first, as he continued to thrust, he pulled Crafty into a kiss. Squeezing her ass more firmly as he did so.

Crafty just held him close, "Don't stop!" She begged.

Flamboyant heart affirmed. "Oh I won't" He said, knowing not to stop what he's doing as he kept going. "Crafty, I think I'm close."

"Oh! Oh! Keep going!" Crafty felt herself getting close as well.

Flamboyant heart kept going and going, until he was at the point of no return. "Oh, I'm gonna cum!" He then came, making the biggest load he ever made, directly inside Crafty.

Crafty came at the same time, and slumped back in the tub, her eyes rolling upwards as her senses were overwhelmed, "Oh, my..." was all she managed to say.

All Flambo could manage to do was pant as he dislodged from Crafty, but after a few minutes of cooling down, all he could say was "You were amazing"

"Thanks... you too," Crafty extricated herself from the bathtub, the water now messy with cum and even some blood. "Not much good for bathing. I need to flush this out and take a real bath now." She chuckled slightly.

Flamboyant heart giggled "Yeah sorry about that, i hope i didn't make you bleed too much... Hey, before i leave i will only ask for one more thing. Can i just have a quick look at your ass." He giggles again. "I know you're a tits woman, and i love your tits, i just want a chance to see the other side of Crafty."

Crafty turned her back to Flambo as she began to use her hydrokinesis to draw the water out into a large sphere. "Take a look while I work then," she smirked.

Flamboyant heart, being the horny bear he is, just stands there, taking in the amazing view of Crafty's ass "Hehehe, your beautiful and sexy everywhere I look."

"Thanks," Crafty finished pulling the water out, "You might want to clean the tub too, just in case." She carefully levitated the dirty ball of water towards the front door where she could dispose of it outdoors.

Flamboyant heart shapeshifted back into his female form, just in case Hidden came back inside the house. "Ok, I will get straight to work."

After they cleaned the tub, Crafty had a bath and Hidden came back inside. The three sat around the table, with Flamboyant discussing what he wanted to do. "Would this be ok with you Crafty."

Crafty Heart nodded, "Sure. I want to meet this Quirky Heart, and maybe see what Porterhouse is like."

Flamboyant heart nodded back. "Now I must warn you, Porterhouse's homeless district is not exactly Utopia. But don't worry. Porterhouses homeless community is filled with really nice people." He then sighs. "I really honestly would not want Quirky living with us, because she gets drunk a lot, and I like the dynamic us three have. But I really wish I could get her out of Porterhouse somehow, and maybe get her some help for her alcohol problem."

"Oh my," Hidden Heart put a hand over her mouth. "I'm not sure what we can do about that."

"Maybe if we can find the Magi or other Care Bears they could help." Crafty sighed, "If I knew how to do that."

Flamboyant heart puts his hands on both of there shoulders. "Hey, don't get too down about it. I believe, I believe that the magi will find us somehow. I'm going to remain positive, for everyone's sake. But no matter what happens, I at least want to see Quirky at least once, so I can tell her what I have been through."

"We can leave in a couple days. I just need time to gather supplies for the journey." Hidden Heart turned to Flamboyant, "You can show us the way."

"I know the way really well, I can easily get us there." He says as he looks at Crafty with a confident smirk. "I don't know how to explain it Crafty, but I don't think you should give up on the magi finding us just yet... If I know one thing about that Tanooki, she has always got something up her sleeve."

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 1

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 24

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