Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 4

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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Chapter 4: Quirky's Mystery Machine

Flamboyant heart woke up in the van with Crafty still lying next to him. He however instantly realizes that Hidden heart is not in the van. He then looks out the window to see Hidden talking to Quirky. Luckily neither of them notice him, so he turns his attention to Crafty who is still sleeping. He gives her a soft kiss on the neck as he also starts gently squeezing her ass. He doesn't want to wake her suddenly, but wake her slow and calmly, so he says in a very soft voice. "Good Morning Crafty, did you sleep well?"

Crafty smiled but kept her eyes closed, "I did. You just love to grab my ass don't you." She giggled.

Flamboyant heart also giggled, "I can't help it, it's so... Squeezable. So are your tits, they're so soft, but your nipples are so hard." Flamboyant heart laughed. "I wish that one day we could just have a day where we could cuddle and I could grab your tits and ass... Something I really want to do is lick you clit and pussy, I want to taste you, I bet you taste amazing. I know we can't do it now, but just thought I would let you know."

Crafty gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Thank you, but we should get up, where's Hidden Heart?"

"I looked up for a second, she is outside talking to Quirky about something. I wonder what they were discussing."

Crafty yawned and stretched as she pulled away from Flamboyant, "Probably about what we're going to do. I'd love to stay here but we should get up." She ducked as she stood up to avoid banging her head on the roof of the van and opened the back to step outside.

Flamboyant stays under the covers, waiting for Crafty to get out. When the door opens Quirky perks up. "About time the love birds get up. How did you two sleep.

Flamboyant sits up in the van, still under the blankets "Really good, but I'm must say Hidden, I'm impressed at how you exited the van without waking us up, that is very impressive, not to mention polite."

"I'm used to leaving without a trace, same with Florence," she stroked the owl's neck feathers. "We were just going over our plans."

"Oh, so what's the plan then?" Crafty looked from Hidden to Quirky.

"I'm seriously considering investigating this whole kidnapping situation Flamboyant heart went through... I want to do some investigation into the matter. I already told my anti-government group I'm gonna take some time off. But right now my main concern is gathering supplies. The anti-government organization supports out cause, so they gave me some cash we can use outside Porterhouse to gain some supplies."

"Sounds like a plan, so let's get going!" Crafty grinned.

"Right now?" Hidden turned to Quirky and Flambo.

Flamboyant heart smiles "Why not, maybe if we figure out what's going on, and have the supplies to deal with it, we can liberate some anthros."

Quirky Heart nodded, "Ok, me and Hidden have made a list. I added new outfits for all four of us and more pillows and blankets. Hidden made the rest, your friend has a lot of detail."

Hidden smiled, "I do try."

"Good," Crafty gave Hidden a kiss on the cheek, "But yeah, let's get going. You driving Quirky?"

Quirky heart suddenly notices two things. One, Flamboyant heart suddely has tits, and two Crafty just kissed someone besides Flamboyant heart. "Woah woah woah woah woah. I have a lot of questions right now. Why is Flamboyant heart a woman, and why did Crafty just kiss someone besides her boyfriend, and most importantly, why is Flamboyant not upset about it!"

"Well... we're in an open relationship," Hidden said, "we've been living together for a couple months now and things just went that way."

Crafty grinned, "As for the whole 'Flambo is a woman' thing, he's a shapeshifter and he's been changing into a woman because Hidden's a lesbian so it's more comfortable when Flambo's a woman when we all sleep together."

Quirky takes about a minute to process. But then grins. "So Flamboyant heart can shapeshift now, this is new. I guess we had a lot of thing happen to us while we where separated." She pats Flamboyant hearts back "You're such a gentleman, letting Hidden have fun with your Girlfriend too. You're so sweet."

"He is sweet," Crafty gave Flambo a kiss.

Flambo giggles as Crafty kisses him, he then looks at the back of the car, and doesn't see any of the alcohol anymore. "Hey Quirky, what happened to all of your booze"

Quirky heart sighs. "Well, because I'm driving, I obviously can't drink. Not to mention we would get pulled over for hauling so much alcohol anyway. Also we need room for the supplies. Also, just so you know, I got enough cash for a hotel stay, and I know a good hotel around where we need to stop, so that's a positive."

"That's a relief." Hidden headed for the van.

"Alright! Let's go!" Crafty all but dragged Flambo back into the van.

"ROADTRIP!" Quirky heart screamed as she ran for the driver's side, and Hidden got in passenger's seat. Quirky starts the van, and within two minutes, they are out of Porterhouses illusion spell. "Now, because this is a 1960's van, there is no radio, so hopefully you don't mind a lot of talking. So Hidden, tell me how you gained your magical abilities."

Hidden made sure she was strapped in before she spoke, "I think I always had the potential, but it was when Florence found me and started to show me how to use magic. She helps me commune with spirits so I can prepare the spells I need. It's hard to say exactly but I have been practising almost every day since I met her." Florence hooted in response.

Quirky heart smiled, "That is sweet, you and Florence seem inseparable. Now what about you Crafty, and what magic are you teaching Flamboyant heart?"

"Kinetics, changing the flow of magic in your body into elemental energy. I'll show you when we stop but I can create water and ice and Flambo is working on plants." Crafty said.

Quirky smirked "That is so cool. Maybe later when this is all over you could teach me Fire Kinetics, playing with Fire would be very cool."

"Sure, when I have time." Crafty said, "So what is the whole plan here?"

"Well, there is a good discount clothing store coming up here. We will start by getting new outfits so we look more presentable, we can worry about showering when we get to the hotel. Remember this, were going for style. We need to look as presentable as possible"

"Presentable for what?" Crafty tilted her head to the side, "I mean what's the whole plan to look into the sex slavery?"

"There are two reasons for this. The first is that we need to look presentable for the Humans, that way we don't look suspicious. Second, almost all the people who go to the strip club are from the richer side of town. So we need to look at least a little presentable so we don't come off as poor, but at the same time not too presentable. Just pick out some clothes that look good on you, make you feel good, and match your personality."

Crafty nodded and thought about things as they rode on. Eventually she spoke up with her own idea, "What if I go in there and try to join the club? No one there would know me and if I can get a job there I could find out information from inside."

Quirky has a lightbulb go off. "That idea is brilliant, keep them coming Crafty, the more we can get, the better prepared we will be for this investigation."

Flamboyant notices that Hidden has no Pillows or blankets, while he and Crafty have tons. "Hey Hidden, you want some pillows and blankets?"

Hidden shook her head, "Not right now, I'm communing with Florence, I need to try and grab a wandering spirit. There's a spell I can access that can link two minds together. I think we can use that to stay in contact if we have to split up."

Quirky nodded "That makes sense. It will be useful for the store because I'm the one with all the money, and we will all be searching for different clothes."

Flamboyant heart smiled "That's our Hidden heart, very intelligent and always thinking ahead."

Hidden Heart gave a sideways look to Quirky, "That seems like a waste for this. But what about if they just try to sell Crafty into slavery like the did to Flamboyant Heart?" she sounded worried.

Quirky heart looks nervous. "That is a good point. Sorry, I assumed you were doing it now because you were looking for the spirit."

Flamboyant heart nods "Sorry, Quirky is terrible at thinking ahead."

Quirky smiles "Well, he is not wrong?"

"And don't worry about me being sold, I think I have some assets they'll be interested in showing off," Crafty winked to Flamboyant to tell him to keep quiet. "I just need to work out my approach in my head."

Flamboyant heart winks back, keeping quiet. Suddenly, Quirky parks in the parking lot of the discount clothing store "Ok we are here."

The four enter the store. Which luckily is pretty empty because they only just opened "Ok, because I have the money, everyone meet me back by this rack of extremely cheap sunglasses, find whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"Alright, not much I need to find." Hidden Heart said. Florence had been left outside to watch the van as she could contact Hidden at a moment's notice.

"I'll meet you two back here then," Crafty still had her coat on as she walked through the store.

Quirky heart looks around as she walks. She finds a black denim jacket with fur inside it. She grabs that, along with a grey tee-shirt that says. "I'm THE Woman" in black text, and a pair of green pants.

Flamboyant heart on the other hand grabs a black tank top, Jean's which are very tight, and some purple and black arm warmers. He also grabbed a very cheap leather jacket, just in case he ever got cold.

Hidden Heart didn't grab much, just a long coat and proper shirt and pants that felt comfortable.

When they returned to the sunglasses rack, Crafty Heart was there but didn't have any clothes with her other than the ones she had come in with, her coat still covering her up even though she was starting to look hot.

Quirky heart smiles "Perfect, Crafty looks acceptable already. The rest of us now won't look odd walking around in odd outfits or nothing at all."

Quirky heart paid for everything. Which was really cheap, and barely made a dent in the cash. They quickly go to the changing rooms and change into the clothes, and head for the van.

"I think I have my plan laid out," Crafty said as they got back in the van, "I can go in alone and act like someone who's desperate for a place to stay or work, see if I can be like a 'golden opportunity' for them to hire, or exploit." She patted her chest through the coat, "My old shirt shrunk after all the snow and water on it so it looks like I only have the one worn out shirt, plus I can stay outside without a coat so there's no real risk. What do you think?" she turned to each of them.

Quirky heart nods "Crafty you are go to girl, I approve 100%. We will be sure to portion the rest of the supplies so you have a little bit to take with you when you go to this club."

Flamboyant heart looked concerned, "I have one question though, if you look so poor coming into the club, how are you going to make an excuse for how you payed the entrance fee?"

"Already though of that, I'll tell them that I've been living as a prostitute in other parts of town and that was the last of my money and I needed somewhere to get out of the cold. Going to have to go in at night so there's nothing else open," Crafty replied.

Flamboyant heart hugs Crafty, "Oh Crafty, even though I know you can handle this, I still feel worried. I don't anything bad to happen to you. I want you to be able to come back to me so I can hug you, and kiss you and squeeze your tits and ass."

Quirky heart giggled "Flamboyant, I know your genuinely concerned, but I think she'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, me and Hidden can leave the hotel room when we get there for a bit and let you and Crafty have some fun if that makes you feel better."

"That would be nice, thank you," Crafty said.

Getting into the hotel wasn't a big deal for any of them. Quirky did have to ask Crafty something as they entered the room, "So what makes you think they're going to want to take you in as an act instead of try to sell you?"

Crafty smirked and shed her coat, letting Quirky see her shrunken t-shirt tight over her three sets of breasts for the first time, "I'm a unique find, they're not going to want to waste this on one sale." She squished her three rows together for Quirky's benefit.

Quirky looks at the tits in absolute amazement. "Flambo... You fucking scored big time... This is incredible."

Flamboyant heart giggled "Well I like her for more then her tits Quirky heart. But her tits are one of the most amazing things about her. Another one of those things being her ass"

Crafty snickered and grabbed Flamboyant's ass from behind, "You're no slouch in that area yourself, but these stacks are one of a kind." She sat down on one of the beds, "Might as well tell you my whole backstory, Quirky, for instance I used to be human..."

Crafty told the whole story as they were getting out of their winter clothes and trying out the new clothing they'd bought.

Quirky heart listens to the story very carefully, as she puts on her outfit. "So, you got in contact with a being called The Great Wishing Star. What do you know about him?"

"Not much," Crafty shook her head, "Just that it's the god of the Care Bears and he listened to my prayer," she chuckled, "Ironic considering how much I hate those religious zealots who 'raised' me."

"Don't judge a religion by the few outspoken crazy people among them," Hidden Heart said.

"I try, I had a friend who came from a religious family but weren't batshit insane assholes," Crafty sighed, "Don't think I'll ever see him again though, not without getting him in trouble."

Flamboyant heart puts a hand on the shoulder of Crafty. "You know I can relate to that. My dad was the same way, only instead of religous zealotry, it was gender roles that drove him. That fucking boarding school was the worst, I honestly had no friends at all, I just got my ass beat for the stupidest things."

Quirky heart sighed "He told me all about it when we first met, it was pretty bad"

Flamboyant heart continued. "Think about it Crafty, we both escaped persecution and got to be who we wanted to be at the end of the day. The possibilities are endless, we could reunite with these magi anthros, we could become Care Bears, we could become Porterhouses heroes, we could do anything now." Flamboyant heart hugs Crafty and holds her close to him. "But hey, if everything goes wrong, I always got you"

Crafty hugged him, back, "Thank you, all of you."

Quirky heart smiles "Trust me, it's nothing. Having your back is part of the Quirky friendship guarantee. I may have only known you for a little bit, but I can already tell that I want to have both you and Hidden's backs."

Flamboyant heart gives Crafty and gentle kiss on the cheek, and puts his hands on her ass again. "You know Crafty, when I'm around you, I feel like someone who is worthy, I hope you know that is not something easy for me to do"

Quirky grins and looks at Hidden. "What do you say we give these two a few hours to themselves. We need to gather some hygiene and food supplies at the superstore across the street anyway." He looks at Flamboyant hearts hands on Crafty's ass "judging by the situation, Flamboyant looks very needy right now" she giggles.

Hidden nodded, "Alright, let's go." She nodded and followed Quirky as she left the hotel.

Crafty reached down to grab Flambo's ass back and pulled him closer. She was crying slightly.

Flamboyant heart kisses Crafty's cheek softly, as he gives her ass a gentle squeeze, putting his head on her shoulder. He also is crying slightly "I think we both have hit the realization of how much we mean to each other."

Crafty kisses Flamboyant hearts neck softly "You make me feel amazing Flambo, your like the ray of sunshine I have wanted for a long time."

Flamboyant starts to take off Crafty hearts shirt, revealing all six of her tits, her nipples perky as ever. "I feel like you have liberated me Crafty. I feel like I finally can truly find myself, and I want to be with you the whole way there."

Crafty proceeded to take off Flamboyant heart's shirt, and then unbutton his pants. She giggled "Looks like we are gonna have to ask Hidden for another anti-pregnancy spell."

Flamboyant heart proceeded to pull down the shorts on Crafty, as her pussy and ass were now completely exposed. He felt his erection grow as he also giggled "I love you Crafty, and I want to take care of you tonight. Don't worry about a single thing, just let me please you in anyway I can."

Flamboyant heart pulled his pants all the way down, and now both anthros were naked. He lies Crafty down on her back, and gives her a very deep kiss. A kiss full of passion, he looks into her eyes. "I can massage and stare at your ass in a bit, for now, it's time to pleasure you" He said as he went down in between her legs. He took his first lick of Crafty's pussy, right on her clit. "Oh Crafty, your so yummy" He said as he started to lick the clit more.

Crafty Heart shuddered, "Oh my!" Crafty gasped.

Flamboyant heart puts his head up for a second, stroking her clit and he did so. "Oh, your pussy is so juicy and sensitive. I want more." He went down continuing to lick her clit, but he also would lick the other areas of her pussy, enjoying her amazing taste, as his erection grew even more. Crafty gasped again, but said nothing as she shuddered.

Flamboyant heart goes faster as he continues to lick and lick, loving all the taste he was getting.

Crafty could not stop her gasps and shudders, as she took her hand and gently pushed Flambo's head toward her pussy more. She did this very gently however, as not to be rough with Flamboyant heart. But after about one more minute of licking, Crafty reached her breaking point "I'm gonna cum" she gasped, right before cumming right into Flamboyant hearts muzzle.

Flamboyant heart loved getting the taste of all of Crafty's delicious cum. He finishes licking it all up. Before he goes up and cuddles with Crafty.

Crafty looks into Flamboyant hearts eyes "That felt, amazing." She giggled. "Your pretty good Flambo, you seemed like you knew what your doing, despite this being your first time going down on a girl."

Flamboyant heart also giggled, "Thank you Crafty, Quirky and Hidden are still gonna be gone for awhile, want to take a shower?"

Crafty nodded, "Yes, I need one now."


Meanwhile at the superstore, Quirky and Hidden where buying more things they needed for the road ahead. Quirky heart was walking around with Hidden getting items, and decided to start a casual conversation with her. "So Hidden heart, what was your life like in that cabin you were talking about before Crafty and Flambo showed up?"

Hidden was grabbing some large jugs of drinking water, "Very tranquil. I spent most of my days studying magic and occasionally venturing out to help people." Hidden took a deep breath as she loaded the water into their cart, "Some days I didn't even notice the time passing until I went to sleep."

Quirky smiled but then looked a little down "I always can appreciate at person with dedication. Time passed by for me qucikly in Porterhouse, but for all the wrong reasons. When you're on the streets, even when your sleeping in a van like mine, there is a lot to take into account." Quirky scratches her head with a shameful grin "Hey, I want to apologize if I have made you feel uncomfortable so far, people sometimes think I'm a little too out there. But I swear, I want to be of your assistance in anyway I can. If I ever am making you uncomfy, just let me know, I respond very well when people are direct, I don't take offense to it."

"You're not," Hidden reassured her, "I'm more uncomfortable because of what's going on in Porterhouse, to be honest."

"I feel like I was numb to it all at first, especially because I'm good at coping. But what happened to Flambo... It's unacceptable and I am pissed that something like this was able to happen." Quirky looked down at the cart quick, and sheds a tear. "I'm really thankful for Crafty, just seeing him happy, especially after finding out what he has been through, makes me feel a little better"

"I understand, and I want to help end this too." Hidden put a hand on quirky shoulder, "We'll figure out how to stop it, somehow."

Quirky heart smiles weakly. "Thanks Hidden, I appreciate it."


Back at the hotel, Crafty and Flambo are in shower, just holding each other and kissing every once in a while. Flamboyant heart gazes into Crafty's eyes. "After that long trip we had, this is so refreshing."

Crafty giggled, "It is." She leaned her head on his shoulder.

Flamboyant heart smiles "You know, me being who I am, I never thought I could be with a woman like this... I just feel so happy" He giggles "I like when you put your head on my shoulder."

Crafty giggled, "A woman who acts like me, a woman as attractive as me," she pulled back and used her arms to heft up her six breasts, "Or just a woman with six tits?"

Flamboyant Heart blushed and put his hands on her middle set of tits. "All of the above, and so much more. I'm feeling on top of the world."

"Me too," Crafty kissed him, "I can't believe how much my life has changed," she whispered. "Less than a year ago I was such a twig, and human, and so sheltered, now look at me." She giggled, "If those people could see me now I bet their heads would explode. Might be worth going back just to see that... nah, I'd rather be here with you."

Flamboyant heart moves up and starts gently squeezing the top set of tits that Crafty has "You mean so much to me, and I'm happy my life has lead me to you." He whispered in Crafty's ear, "If you ever change your mind about letting those religious zealots seeing you again, take me with you. I doubt they would approve of an effeminate as your boyfriend."

"I don't give a shit about their approval, but I might do that just to see the looks on their faces." Crafty kissed him again.

It didn't take much longer for them to finish and clean up and wait for Hidden and Quirky to return, which lead to the two making out and groping on one of the beds.

Eventually, after they got all their hormones out of the way, they just were laying on the bed, under the covers. Flamboyant heart shapeshifts into his Female form, so Hidden could join them in bed when she got back. Flamboyant heart then brings something up. "I'm worried about Quirky heart."

"Worried about her right now, or just in general?" Crafty propped her head up on her arm.

"In general," Flamboyant heart sighed, "Quirky has a very loud exterior, but I feel like she suffers silently. It's not just the alcoholism, Quirky also has some self confidence issues. She feels bad a lot of the time that no boys see her as desirable. She also puts others way before herself, and I think her mental health has suffered because of that."

"Oh, yeah sounds rough. Wish I could help with that but... yeah..." She sighed, "All things considered, I think she's putting too much on her own shoulders."

"Don't get me wrong, maybe one day she will understand how to take care of herself, maybe she will even meet Birthday bear. But until that happens, I'm keeping a close eye on her."

About five minutes later, Quirky and Hidden arrived back at the hotel. Quirky as usual made a loud entrance. "HONEY I'M HOOOOOOOOOME!"

Hidden Heart winced slightly, since the tanuki was right next to her when she shouted. "I think I need a shower, excuse me." Hidden Heart headed for the bathroom, removing her coat before she left.

Quirky heart puts all the supplies on the floor. "Ok, we got those gallons of water you can get, we also got tons of canned food, and non perishable snacks. I bought an air mattress for the van so we could be more comfortable. We already got clothes and pillows and blankets, but I bought 2 extra blankets just in case... Sorry if I did bad, I'm terrible at thinking things out."

"You're doing just fine." Crafty carefully got out of bed and helped Quirky sort the items, "Don't worry. Let's focus on what we're actually going to do."

Quirky heart nodded "Right, for starters, contacting you. I don't think contact is essential. But we need contact at least on day 1, and if you get found out. Flambo is a shapeshifter, so getting you out should be easy for him, but how will we handle communication."

"I think Hidden might have a magical solution for that, let's assume she does and move on." Crafty said. "Flambo, what's your plan while I'm at the club?"

Flamboyant heart has an idea, but is very nervous to spell it out. "Quirky... How much money do we have left?"

Quirky counted quickly, "Enough for either a good portion of small things, or one really expensive thing."

"... I think we should spend it on a tracking device... We don't know exactly where the slave prison is... I think the only solution is for me too..." Flambo gulped, "Get re-kidnapped."

Crafty spun her head around to Flamboyant, "What? You want to go back to where you were kept prisoner?!"

Flamboyant looks at the floor "No I really don't... But there are people still trapped... If I can have an impact on there lives... Then I think it is worth it."

Crafty rolled over to face him while lying on the bed, "You don't have to do that, I won't force you to go back, Flambo."

Flamboyant heart puts a hand on her shoulder. "You're not forcing me to do anything... I love you, and I am worried about what's gonna happen to you during your infiltration... But I have the confidence to know that you can manage, because you're such a strong woman... I won't be there for long, I will have to do what I do after you have been at the club for a decent period... I love you Crafty."

"I love you too, Flambo," she gave Flamboyant kiss as Hidden finally emerged from the shower, dried off.

Flamboyant heart smiles weakly. "Hey Hidden... Want to get in bed with us"

"Maybe..." She looked to Florence, who was asleep perched on the room's table.

Quirky cut in, "Before you start your three-way, Hidden do you know any magic that let's us communicate over long distances?"

Hidden turned to Quirky, "I know a couple: one links two people's minds for about half a day so they can communicate telepathically, another lets me send a short message (25 words maximum) back and forth from someone."

Quirky heart smiles "I guess Crafty was right assuming that Hidden had a magical solution."

Flamboyant heart smiles at Hidden. "Thank you again Hidden for all the assistance your providing us."

"You're welcome." Hidden finally turned and climbed into bed with Crafty and Flamboyant, happy that she had showered first.

"So when should we get this mission started?" Crafty asked as she pulled Hidden next to her.

Quirky heart smiles "I don't mind waiting a bit if you three want a few days of quality time together.

Flamboyant heart pulls himself next to Crafty. "It's up to Crafty, she is are main infiltrator. When do you want to start Crafty?"

Crafty sighed happily, "I don't want to run out our supplies and budget. Just give me a day, that's all I'll need."

Quirky heart nodded, "Ok then, that's what we will do... Honest to god though, you three are like the cutest things ever."

Hidden blushed, "Oh well... thank you..."

Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

Chapter 32: All my Regrets, All my Tomorrows "Mom, I keep hearing voices in my head." Mira had a nervous face as she stood in front of Confidence Heart and her four tails twitched nervously. Confidence Heart had been sitting on the couch,...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Something You Can Measure "Com'on mom!" Shimmering Star Bear stood with his back up against the kitchen doorframe, where height lines for him and Mira were marked upwards along with their ages, starting at 5 for both of them when they...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Baby Boom, Gentle Heart and Bright Heart Gentle Heart's delivery was rough. Her labour lasted forty hours and during the whole process Take Care couldn't stop worrying or even take a break to sleep, especially since the Gentle Heart...

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