Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter 7

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the contents in my stories then do not proceed.

Chapter Seven: Pushy heart, pushy demand

Cynder stretched her wings wide as she gave a mighty yawn. She relaxed her body and looked around. All she saw was the trees that surrounded her in the forest. With the blue cloudy sky up above. She started to get worried. Spyro's body was no where to be found.

"Spyro..." Yelled Cynder drastically starting to circle the area.

She looked around but all she could see was dense forest around her. The small clearing that she was in seemed lifeless right now. Cynder was getting worried.

"Cynder?" A voice asked.

Cynder turned around and sighed, "Spyro where did you go?"

"You need to see this." Demanded Spyro as he ran into the forest.

Cynder looked questioningly at him before running after. The trees passed her by as she realized what Spyro was worked up about. The crystals that normally fueled Dragon life was a glowing black color. Spyro and Cynder could see the crystal and it looked normal, but it had like a shadow to it.

"What is wrong with it?" asked Cynder.

"I think it's linked to this world." Spyro said touching his claw to it.

"You... you didn't pass through it?"

"I'm going to try breaking it." stated Spyro before headbutting into the crystal.

The crystal busted as dozens of tiny crystals flew into Spyro's form. Spyro looked back to see the black mark on his back vanish and he felt something within himself.

"I feel... powerful..." Spyro pointed out.

"Ok I guess the life gems work in life or death for dragons?" Cynder guessed.

"Finally some good news." Chimed Spyro.

"We should get going." Stated Cynder.

Spyro took to the air along with Cynder.

With Kira and the Guardians at the chroniclers den:

Cyril awoke, slowly pushing himself up and his back cracking with old age. He grunted as he remembered what happened the night before. The floor was soaked with water from all the ice that melted. He gave a blush as he jumped in the huge walk-in dragon shower. He turned on the cold water only as he washed the mess from his body. Making sure to clean as well as he could.

Down the hall though, Terrador pushed himself from his bed. Exiting his room and meeting Ignitus at his podium.

"Hello old friend." Greeted Ignitus.

"Did you stay up all night?" questioned Terrador.

"No, since I've pretty much become immortal, I have so much energy again. I just couldn't sleep."

"Lucky, I still have to deal with old age." Terrador groaned cracking his back.

"My friend, the only thing that makes me sad about being the Chronicler is that all you will die and I will live on for an eternity." Ignitus proclaimed.

"Yes, but it's a dragon's duty." Terrador tried to reassure

"It's all we can do I suppose." Ignitus gave a grin.

Down the hall in Kira and Volteer's room:

"Morning!" Kira grinned looking to Volteer.

"Mor.." Volteer paused yawning, "Morning."

"I hope Ignitus doesn't mind the mess." giggled Kira.

Volteer blushed noticing the dried discolored area on the bed, "I.. we better clean this for him."

"Yea, we probably should." Kira said smiling.

"How bout.. a shower first?" Volteer asked looking at his own body.

"You mean together?" Kira asked seductively.

"I meant.... um.. if you want..." Blushed Volteer.

"Yes, but it sounds like someones in their already." Kira pointed to the vent with steam and the sounds of water coming out.

"Ok, I guess we wait." Volteer said stealing a kiss from Kira.

With Cyril in the shower:

Cyril grunted as he turned off the water. His scales warming to room temperature. He dried off before trying to use the towel to clean up some of the water. He then had a bright idea. He took a breath spraying ice over the floor. Instantly freezing the floor. He punched the floor hard enough to shatter all the ice, then with his claws he scooped what he could and tossed it into the shower. It took several minutes before the bathroom was neat and clean again. Cyril grinned before leaving the bathroom and heading down the hall to Ignitus and Terrador.

"Have a nice shower?" Ignitus asked nicely.

"Have a nice nap?" teased Terrador.

"Oh hush." Cyril retorted angrily while blushing.

"He's just teasing, how about while we wait for Kira and Volteer, we check on Spyro and Cynder?" Stated Ignitus pulling out Spyro's book that he never put back on the shelf.

Before they started reading their heads turned to Kira and Volteer that entered the bathroom.

"Horn dogs." Terrador playfully joked.

This made Cyril blush once again making the memories of the night before rush through his head.

"Volteer, get the water ready while I get us some towels out." Kira motioned for the closet.

Volteer merely done as told and turned the shower nobs. Water poured from the intensely large shower and quickly stepped inside, waiting for Kira. He noticed the static electricity that usually sparked when he took a shower, "Kira, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I know I don't look it, but I'm also a lightning dragon, so it wont bother me none." Grinned Kira as she laid the towels on the counter.

Volteer moved over as Kira joined him. He gave a light blush at the excitement of doing such an act like showering with another. Kira grinned stepping in and sliding the shower curtain closed. The two cramped for space but they didn't mind. Kira just pressed her body up against Volteer's and kissed his neck. Which she was rewarded by him producing a moan. Volteer bit Kira's neck running his claws down her sides. Making her grunt against the kisses she was giving. Volteer let out a sigh as his member pushed from it's hiding place. Kira murred at the heated water pouring down her back and the throbbing member against her treasure. She circled her hips against Volteer's member making him thrust back against her. Leaving pre that was easily washed by the pouring water. Volteer yelped as he felt Kira push him against the wall.

"Relax." Kira giggled.

Volteer grinned as he said, "Getting a little rough?"

"I just like to dominate sometimes."

Kira licked Volteer's neck as she pushed her body against his. Aiming his member at her tail hole just to make sure her heat wasn't going to accidentally make her pregnant. Kira grunted slightly as the smell of her heat once again rose into the air. Eliciting a moan from the both of them. Kira closed her eyes feeling her hole stretch to Volteer's girth. This time it was easier since she was stretched from the night before. Kira kept moving her body up and down as she took Volteer's claws and held them against the wall, making him unable to move. Volteer only stood their, moaning and whimpering trying to buck his hips more.

Kira grinned as she rode him harder. Loving the feeling of being stretched and her g-spot being pressed through the thin layer of skin in her tail hole. Dividing her pussy and her hole. Volteer's heart skipped as he felt Kira remove herself from his body, getting on all fours and raising her tail. The water heating her back and sparks of electricity sparking in the water. Volteer quickly aimed himself at her hole once again and plunged in. Making her writhe and moan in pleasure. He didn't waste any time thrusting in and out.

"Please, make it quick, I'm sore from yesterday..." She grunted pressing back against his thrusts.

Volteer nodded as he stopped trying to last. Just aiming for his orgasm. He could feel her tail hole stretch and slowly reshape as he plunged in and out. His balls slapping her treasure with each push. He could feel himself twitch randomly inside her. His orgasm filling his body with angst. Wanting and needing to squirt his seed inside her. The static in the water covered their bodies as she screamed out climaxing. Unknown to Volteer she had been rubbing her clit the entire time and had sent her over the edge. This was it, Volteer could feel it. She was convulsing and it sent him over the edge. Volteer growled loudly as he bucked his hips spraying countless jolts of cum into her tail hole. Filling her wide with white sticky fluid. Volteer didn't allow his knot to tie them together as he unmounted her. Falling back against the wall trying to catch his breath.

"You.... ok sweetie?" panted Kira.

Volteer only nodded giving Kira a loving kiss before grabbing the body wash, "We better get clean."

Kira giggled as she nodded.


Author: Well this chapter wasn't as long and it took me longer to get it posted, But here it is.

Cyril: Theirs a whole lot of Volteer and Kira in these stories. We need to pay attention to Spyro and Cynder!

Ignitus: Your absolutely right Cyril, but let the two have their fun.

Cyril: Spyro and Cynder are doomed. Sighes

Spyro: Thanks for believing in us!

Cynder: It'll be ok Spyro

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter six

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the contents in my stories then do not proceed. Chapter six: lonely Gaurdians "Spyro? Are we just going to fly straight their?" questioned Cynder. "Yea, are you getting tired already?" asked Spyro...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter five

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Chapter five: Bahamut and Tiamat Bahamut left his post at the pier of his palace. Preparing himself for battle as he attached many articles of armor to...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Summery and notes: well Ignitus reads Spyro's and Cyril's books. He finds out a useful power as a chronicler and all seems better. Except for one little...

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