Lifechanging wish

Story by Elendias on SoFurry

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Dak and Winger venture into the woods to examine a strange rumor. What they find will change their lives forever.

Made as a commission for qazaq123. I hope you like it ^^

Dragons: Rescue Riders belongs to Dreamworks

By Elendias

For Qazaq123

"Dak, we need you to check a place deep in the forest. Some of the townsmen say they found out a fireplace with a tent, but others dismissed such things being there. Others say it's closer to the village while the hunters say it's on the other side of the island. I have sent a pair of hunters to examine the places. And they came back as confused as others. One said there was a fireplace and the other said there was only a circle drawn in the ground. But at least they agreed that only the faraway edge of the forest was the right place. Just past the stream. Please solve this mystery. People are getting worried the woods are cursed." Duggar asked the duo after they have been summoned. "No problem, we'll check it out. We aren't afraid of some spooky forests right pal?". He nudged his best buddy with an elbow. "Yeah we'll check it out and be back soon.". He nodded and smiled confidently at Duggar ensuring him that all will be alright.

Dak then sat on Winger and together, they flew towards the forest. The wind was calm and the air was refreshing as every morning on the Huttsgalor island. The view was spectacular. Rocks and pines sprouting from the hills. Grey clouds dispersing when the duo made some loops and tricks in the air. "I think we are getting close. That's the stream Duggar mentioned. I think we could land next to it and go on foot.." Dak said and Winger agreed. "Yeah the treetops are thick in here and I cannot see much past them. It would be better if we go on foot." with that he aimed straight down gaining speed fast. Just a few dozens of meters above the ground he spread his wings and slowed drastically to land on his hindlegs followed by his front. "Nice landing Wing." Dak patted and rubbed his smooth skin as he jumped off his back. "Whoa...." his foot slipped on the wet rock. "Gotcha!" Winger quickly supported the falling Dak with his wing preventing him to get all wet. "That was close. Thanks pal." Dak phewed from relief. "Be careful. You might catch a cold being wet all day." Winger poked him with his hand jokingly. "Ha ha very funny. We should hurry if we want to scour the area before evening." He jumped past the stream. Winger lead the way navigating through the forest. They were walking next to each other checking their respective sides. They couldn't even hear the water from the stream anymore. Dek sighed as the sun was up high signalling it's noon. "Still nothing... It might be just a prank from the hunters.". "I don't think so. At least Duggar seemed really concerned." Winger noted. Dek nodded acknowledging his point "Yeah you're right. But it is really fishy. Everybody saying different things. As if they..." Dek looked around and when he turned his face forward Winger was nowhere to be found. " separated... Wing? Wing!?" he shouted for his friend but the only thing he heard back were startled birds flying off the treetops.

"Winger where are you?" he looked around. Shouted at every direction, but no response. As he turned to the right side to follow the road again, he noticed a black smoke from the nearby clearing. "Maybe he set up the smoke." he thought to himself rushing towards the source. After a minute he noticed there is only single fireplace there. Nothing else. Totally dead silent. Not even birds could be heard. "Winger?" he saw a silhouette at the other side of the lit fire. No. It was too small."Uhh hello?" he carefuly walked towards the black silhouette. "What is it you wish?" a deep voice echoed the area. "Let's make a deal." the shadow dispersed and formed again next to the boy. "I will grant you a wish and in exchange you will not tell anybody about this place." The shadow dispersed again looming around Dek waiting for the reply. "Who are you? What's going on? Where's winger?" Dak asked trying to keep up with the shade. "He's alright. His will is strong and he did not want to make a deal. But you however..." the shade paused. "I can feel it. Your desire. You desire HIM.".

"What are you talking about? Winger? He's my brother. My pal! I would do anything to keep him safe." Dek argued. "I am reading you like an opened book boy. Just say the word and I can make your desires come true." he continued forming another different silhouette. This time much bigger in the form of a dragon. Dak gulped. His heart pounded fast as he saw the possibility. "I just want to live in peace. But my powers and appeareance frighten others." the shadow continued his explanation. Dak nodded. "Okay. I won't tell anybody as long as you won't make any trouble for the villagers." he agreeded crossing his arms on the chest in disbelief somthing like this could be real.

The shade jumped around excitedly and playfuly. Dak felt his body becoming lighter. Slowly his body raised from the ground. "What is this? Are you doing it?" the shade nodded without a word as the spell required his full concentration. Dak felt strange as if the whole world started dancing and turning around him. He saw his body changing. First on his face. His nose got longer and merged with his chin and mouth. His eyesight broadening each second. A pair of horns growing from the back of his head followed by a small one growing along his skull in between them. His hair recessing into his skin. His chest became much bigger and stronger with his arms growing strong muscles. His hands changed too. Each finger replaced with a thick claw while his thumb retracted back completely vanishing. His back gradually growed a pair of strong leathery wings. The legs changed more than his arms. They became plantigrade with three thick claws coming out from his toes. He felt his spine prolonging itself forming a new tail with two fins on top and a trident like shaped flat fins at the very end for better agility and control during high speed maneuvering. The penis with his balls began to shrink untilonly the urethra remained. It became much larger forming his genital slit which made womb deeper in him. The color of his hair defined the color of his whole body. His skin becoming a soft scaled one with brighter brown color. The underbelly as well as the underside of his tail were creamy in color. His wing membranes were also brighter brown color compared to his skin. He felt so big. Much powerful compared to his older self. "Wow, is this for the real?" he looked around himself as his limbs touched the ground gently. The shade looked less lively. Dak heard exhaustion from it's voice:"Yes it is. Now I must rest however. Your friend will come soon too. Just follow the way back where you came from. And don't be surprised. Just enjoy your new you. To the fullest hehe." with that the shade dispersed.

"What did he mean by that... Also it's hard to walk on all four all of a sudden." he walked back unsure of his balance. Just as the fireplace got out of his sight he saw Winger sleeping on the ground. "Winger...? Yes it's you al!". Dak nudged him with his snout at first, then shook him with his hand until he lazily opened his eyes and mumbled:"Huh...? What... Who are you?" he blinked a few times before fully realizing who woke him up. A beautiful dragonness he never saw. "Uhh hello..." he slowly stood on his four sniffing the air. "Have we met before? Your scent seems oddly familiar." his head lowered sniffing around the dragonness. Dak just stood there blushing on his cheeks. All of this made her feel embarrassed. "Winger it's me, Dak." she spoke in slightly higher voice just about when Winger sniffed around her butt lifting her tail up with his snout for better reach. "Dak? Don't be silly. You smell so good though." Winger licked his lips feeling heat rising in his crotch. And heat was not the only thing that rose. His own smellbegan to mix with hers. "I'm sorry, I just cannot control myself." Winger apologized and blushed on his cheeks rubbing the surface of Dak's slit. He was right. It's really happening. Dak thought as he felt Winger's tongue sliding over the surface of her moistening slit. "Ahh Wing... I can feel your hot tongue down there." she lifted her hindleg for him exposing her tight entrance. Winger's penis flopped out completely out of his slit and hardened quickly. Dak could see it clearly as Winger lifted his tail up high exposing his big tailhole and privates to her. Then he notices Winger's eyes looking back at her. "I see you like it as well. Don't worry. Lay down on your back. It'll be fun!" he nudged her with his butt. Dak sat on the ground and then layed on her back spreading her legs wide. He stood above her, his hard throbbing penis dripping precum on her snout. "Now do the same as me." he winked at her before his thick tongue slid along her wet privates. Dak gulped. Sniffed the member in front of her inhaling the male dragon's scent. Her mind getting overcome by lust. Her lips parted. The taste of his hot flesh spread on her tongue as she wrapped her lips along the tip sliding further towards the base. Winger murred from pleasure as she licked the length of his member. Her tongue slowly circled around the tip. Dak felt his thrusts getting wilder and stronger. Winger felt the heat coming from her mouth, which already sent him close to orgasm. He rewarded her by getting deeper in her spreading her tight slit, tasting her insides. This encouraged her to thrust against him rhytmically until he couldn't hold it anymore:"Ahh Dak! I can't hold it anymore!" Winger roared loudly, scaring the birds away as he throbbed with his penis deep in Dak's throat. She felt his cum shooting inside with each throb. After a dozen seconds he lifted his legs giving her time to catch her breath and relax. Winger haven't had enough though. He turned around facing her. After she licked her lips panting from heat, she looked deep in his eyes. "You've said my name. Wing I..." she wanted to tell him so much, but was interrupted by a soft, passionate kiss from him.

"I believe you Dak. There is something familiar about you that persuaded me. I don't know how but..." he added another long kiss looking deep in her eyes. "I believe you. You will always be my little brother. Uhh sister now hehe?" he chuckled before pressing the tip against her slit. It slippet along the entrance towards the tailhole, making Dak bite her lower lip and bend her back. He went along then and applied pressure there. In time her tailhole adjusting to the size allowing him to delver deeper and deeper with each slow thrust. In time he successfully penetrated her pucker. His slick penis quickly slid deep inside making her moan loudly. Dak could feel her tailhole being stretched by the thickness of his dragonhood. "Ah Winger. You're so big. I can feel it throbbing inside." she moaned. He licked her nuzzle as he started to rhytmically thrust in her. "It's because you're so hot Dak. I can feel you pulsing around it.". Their eyes closed as they both focused on the feeling of mutual pleasure. Their mating echoed around. As they increased the pace and let loose completely, the slurping sounds of Wingers precum joined their moaning as he slammed her. They changed positions after a few minutes when they took a little break panting. Dak lifted her tail up high wiggling her butt at Winger. He immediately hopped on her continuing to make feral love to her butt. She lowered her head to the ground. Her claws dug deep in the soil as she suddenly clenched hard against Winger's penis, because of the coming orgasm. This massage all over his rod made him go over the edge too. He gently bit her neck from behing as he thrusted hard and deep into her one last time spurting his thick dragonic cum deep in her. She came all over the ground. Her hindlegs trembing weakly from the strain. "Oh Winger!". Her tail brushed over his as they both rested for a few minutes refusing to part. Their connection was deep even before Dak's transformation. "I love you Winger. I always did..." she whispered as he nuzzled her cheek with his. "I didn't know Dak. If you said so earlier..." he licker her neck gently. "I was afraid..." she turned her face away. "You don't have to anymore." Winger reached with his hand to make her face him again. His lips gently touched hers in a loving kiss. "My deepest wish came true then after all." Thank you. She closed her eyes thinking about the shade. "Let's do this again. We'll say we haven't found anything, but somehow you were transformed into a dragonness.". "We will have plenty of time to figure out an excuse. Just let me rest some more you love beast." she chuckled and rolled on her back grabbing Winger by the neck and pressing him against her chest tightly. "No argument there." he laughed resting on her. It was a few hours before they had to return back. Thank you.

The Morning

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