The Morning

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#1 of Special Weekend

This story contains 18+ erotic scenes with incest and cub content. If you are minor or if it offends you do not read it. It was commissioned by I really enjoyed writing this. I am really sorry it took so long. I hope it will be as good as you imagined :)

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By Elendias

The Morning

Jake woke up after a long night. When he opened his tired eyes he could see the sun has already risen. Everything was basked in golden light. The effect trough semi-transparent curtains made light beams visible. The room looked like from some post-apocalyptic movie. Jake usually couldn't remember his dreams. But there were exceptions. Especially when they were realistic and memorable. He remembered the dream he dreamt today clearly. At least for now. He was excited. It was after all a wet dream. Immediately he took a notepad from the bed table. He wanted to wrote what he remembered before he would forget it. As he listed through the already noted dreams, remembering every one of them faintly until reaching the end. Checking the pen he reminisced the vivid dream.

After writing down today's date, he wrote: "Once again I dreamt about hugging my two daughters Kayla and Fiona naked. It was always the same as other dreams for some time.". The tent in his boxers and the pleasant feeling flowing through his body flowed as he imagined his two daughters from the dream. The ecstasy he always felt after dreaming those dreams. The sinful, pleasure from something forbidden. He always found his daughters sexy, despite what modern society thought about incest. They look like their mom, just cuter, younger, more innocent. "And they smell so good. ", thought Jake: "Just as their mother", added as he closed his eyes. "Today will be great day for them.", smiled Jake happily. "I can't wait to see their smile, like a sun on a sunny day full of warmth. When they press their cheeks against my belly as they hug me. It's such pleasant feeling.", the kitsune continued writing. With the pen on his lips he thought how to precisely describe feelings from the dream and upcoming weekend.

He loves his two daughters more than anything, so he naturally couldn't wait for them to arrive at his doorstep smiling, welcoming him as they haven't seen each other in two weeks. When all was written, he put the notepad back on its place and stood up from the bed. As he rubbed his eyes to wake fully the sun rose a little higher. Jake always took his time to wake up. It felt nicer that way, not rushing anything.

He stood up after a big yawn and looked at his boner: "What to do with you, hm?" wondered, talking to his own erection eyeing it. "Maybe a quick fap will do" smirked at his "little friend". He sat on the edge of the soft bed comfortably. With his eye closed, he slowly rubbed the length with one finger. Immediate throbbing was the response. With picture of Kayla, his older, 8 years old daughter with beautiful, soft, warm red fur, long brown hair usually in ponytail rubbing her flat chest and slim body over his boner, his hand softly massages his foxhood. "Aahhhhh" shivers vent trough his spine as the feeling of arousal and lust started to take control of his mind and body. "Ahhh Kayla...Fiona..." he rubbed faster. Now imagining his younger daughter Fiona in front of him. Her shiny red velvet fur uncovered her tight pussy as she was laying on her rear with her legs spread, facing her needy daddy. Her fingers helped spread her pussylips wide. "Hurry daddy. I'm so wet and hot." she teased and encouraged him. Her pussy was drooling from arousal. "Oh Fiona... You're so cute." he pointed his penis at her and fapped as fast as he could. Jake couldn't take it anymore. With a moan and falling on his knees, his body began shaking as he orgasmed on the rug in front of him. Thick white semen stained the fabric.

"Damn..." he cursed for himself. "It won't go away so easily." he said as he enjoyed the feeling of afterglow flowing through his body. After a brief rest, he stood up. Being careful not to step on the stain, he went to take some handkerchiefs and wiped as much as he could. "Better take a quick shower before girls wake up. Gotta make them breakfast too" said Jake walking to the rather big bathroom. It was cozy there. Soft rug beneath his feet warms him pleasantly.

The bathroom is decorated in orange color. Except washbasin and bathtub which are white. The sun shines through round matted window. Jake rotated the faucet and looked at himself in the mirror. He was smiling excitedly. He couldn't wait for having a great day with his beloved daughters. As he checked the temperature of the water, he stood inside shower corner. He loved the feeling of hot water soaking him, slowly caressing his fur as the water travelled down on his body. Steam began filling the room as Jake rubbed soap over his short furred body. Soap foam formed on his abs. He looked down seeing the tip of his head covered with cum. He took the sponge and rubbed the penis clean. It got hard a little, but he ignored it, saving it for later.

He thought over his plan for today again: "Make breakfast for girls. Then go for a walk with them. After that we can watch a movie and I will try it out. Oh god... I am so excited, but so afraid. I have never tried it on somebody before. But the doctor thinks I am ready. Gotta have more confidence that is all.". He imagined the girls naked again. But as soon as he gets aroused he shakes his head and focuses on cleaning his body. He stood on one foot, grabbing the other one and cleaning his soles. Then he rubbed some soap in between his toes and washed his claws thoroughly. The same repeated on second leg and moved upward gradually. The warm water washing off the foam on his body. After his body was clean he spread shampoo over his head and rubbed vigorously. "Ahhhh" came from the bathroom as the water ran over his head and face. He stopped the water and stood out of the bathtub. The water still running down the drain. As he rubbed his body with warmed towel, he always let the towel dry on radiator. The excess foam gathered around the drain as the water flowed inside. "I hate when I have to wait and clean it off thoroughly." Jake mumbled to himself as he washed it. He put the towel around his waist and stepped outside of bathroom.

The clean fresh air hit his nose. After breathing the air in, he went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. His hand was always placed on the railing, feeling the hard wood on the palm. "Heh hard wood..." Jake chuckled at the ambiguity. Opening the fridge he found out, they don't have much food available. "Hmmm... what's here... Milk, ham, butter, cheese, ketchup, some vegetables, eggs, yoghurt and soda. Maybe I should make them cereals only. Or omelette...?", wondered Jake as he closed the fridge. He took out three bowls, placed them on the table. Then he took out the cereal boxes and put them on the table along with milk from the fridge. "Well time to wake the girls up".

Walking up the stairs he stretched and yawned heading to the room where girls slept. He was surprisingly silent for an adult. Must be because of his origin. Kitsunes used to hide in forests and playing pranks on humans long ago. As he opened the door he adored the two sleeping beauties. Kayla the older had a silky smooth night dress without any underwear and Fiora had only her panties. Jake wanted to peek at Kayla's nether regions, but she was covered with an edge of the blanket. It was hot, so most of it was just rumpled on the bed. Fiona's bed was uncovered whole. Her blanked was on the ground and she had spread her arms and legs on the bed. As their father he was filled with pride whenever he saw them, but also his mind drifted to his fantasies and he felt his blood rushing to his crotch whenever he thought about it.

He stepped in and kneeled before each bed as he kissed the girls on the forehead softly. Caressing their hair gently to wake his sweeties up. Kayla woke up and yawned while Fiona opened her sleepy eyes and blinked a few times. "Good morning sweeties. " Jake leaned to Fiona and smooched her too. "Morning daddy." yawned Kayla and Fiora replied: "Good morning daddy." hugging her father tightly. "Ohhh you get heavier each week." gasped Jake as he lifted her up, supporting her butt with his left arm. "Oh her scent is so lovely. And that silky smooth fur..." reveled Jake secretly. He hugged her tightly on her back with other hand and then caressed Kayla on her head. She smiled happily and as she jumped off the bed she took the hand with her and together they went downstairs to eat breakfast.

At the breakfast Jake asked the girls how are they doing and how they slept. "I had a great dream." started Fiora. "I was on top of our car and you drove along a cliff near the sea. I could feel the cold wet breeze on my fur. It was epic!" she waved her hands as she explained. Kayla opened her mouth in awe. She didn't remember her dream so she was a little jealous. Jake laughed and closed it before the food would fall out: "Don't talk with your mouth full silly". Both girls giggled. "So what would you say if we go for a walk and some shopping?" Jake asked and the girls nodded excitedly. "Yaaay shopping. Will you buy us some sweets daddy? Pleeease?" both girls knew he couldn't resist their puppy eyes and spoiled it everytime an opportunity came. After the breakfast Jake washed the dishes. "Get ready then 'cause we're going to have some fun today." said Jake and shooed the girls into their room to change their clothes. All three were soon ready for exciting day full of fun in the city. Jake closed the door and locked the house. Taking the girls by hands they ventured into the city. They chatted jokingly along the way. The girls skipping around their father playfully as they walked towards downtown.

Regal's Rampage

This story is intended for adults only. It was commissioned by Kyrehx for his character Regal. It involves foot/paw fetish, crushing a little gore and oral vore. If you are offended by it, do not read it. If you like it, feel free to fap :P Regal...

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Na privitanou

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