Na privitanou

Story by Elendias on SoFurry

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#2 of My art

Kludne piste komentare a postrehy a kritiku :)

Comment and criticise as you wish. All opinions are welcome :)

Tomik123 z FA ma poziadal, aby som prenho napisal kratky pribeh a voila :) Dufam, ze sa ti to bude pacit, tak ako sa to pacilo mne

Tomik123 from FA commissioned me to write a short story and voila :) I hope you will like it as much as I do. The story is written in Czech language. Im sorry, but I do not plan to translate it to english. Unless 50 furs asked me to :P The story is bout human boy and bear trying some kinky things with feetz :P

So here it is:

Pretoze Sofurry nepozna cesku gramatiku rozhodol som sa pribeh linknut na FA.

Because sofurry doesnt have all Czech letters I decided to link the story to FA.

Lizzard men

Prologue "Sir, Sir, I've found something," shouted a villager who was working at one of the many dig sites somewhere in south America. A group of archaeologist had been sent deep into the jungle to investigate these mysterious ruins. They were...

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