Apprentice and his master

Story by Elendias on SoFurry

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#1 of Short stories

Just a quick story I wrote while relaxing n bathtub. Written on my smartphone so expect mistakes now and then ^^;

If you don't like dominance and submission, mind control or gay or foot fetish themes, don't read it :P

A short story I wrote some time ago. It's for adults only, involving foot fetish, hypnotism, magic and it's gay in nature. Enjoy! :*

"Master Elendias! Master! I need to show you something quickly!", barged young, skinny lizardmen inside his master's private magic laboratory.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU'VE DESTROYED ANOTHER EXPERIMENT! II'LL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU WORTHLESS WORM!" Elendias shouted at him, yelled of anger and started beating the poor guy. It was normal for his "apprentice". Every day he took a beating or two, or at least a yell for how worthless he was. The apprentice named Dein took all of his strength and got a hold of Elendias's draconic arm.

"What?! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME where did you get it?" Elendias noticed a strange rune symbol on Dein's hand.

"From one of your magic items "master". Hypnosus controlum eternia!" shouted Dein. Elendias was surprised. Just this look on his face was priceless and worth of every beating Dein received. He studied in secret, preparing for this moment when he would break from master's chains and be free.

"You have no power anymore. Finally I am free!" jumped Dein from pure happiness. "And I can get my revenge! Let's see how effective this spell is.", he looked at his master with a sly grin. "Sit boy and bark for your new master!" Ordered Dein. It took a few seconds. Elendias fought it with all his will. The body was moving on its own though, so he sat rather forcefully ,eventually, and woofed two times. "Great! Now go to your precious table and slam everything on the floor. And try to destroy as much equipment as possible." smirked. Elendias slowly walked to the table. Griped the edges and fought the effect of the spell. He was shaking from the inside battle. Dein knew a little trick to make the spell more effective. "You know you want to destroy that failure of your spells. You knew they are worth shit. Then just do it. It'll make you feel better.", the more words Dein spoke, the more Elendias gave on them. He was right. All the time not a single great spell was created by him. There were just remainders of his failures. He destroyed them all pushing them from the table and kicking and stomping on them.

"That's a good bitch." Whispered Dein. He sat on the table grinning at his master. "I know what will humiliate you most. Come closer, kneel before me as your new god. You always admired me. My intellect, my looks, my power over your secret desires.". Elendias came closer. He grinned angrily as he was fighting his own legs for control. But it was futile. The words ringing echoes in his mind, he finally kneeled and bowed in front of his apprentice. "Now show me how good bitch you are. Take my boots off with your teeth." Another order. The face of his master gave another surprised look. He couldn't stop however. He leaned closer, grope the edge of leathery boot and took it off revealing scaled foot. The stench was terrible. He never took care of his apprentice. who knows how much passed time since his last bath. The feet weren't green from his scales. They were brown from the thick layer of months old sweat. Elendias fought with all his might but couldn't stop himself from taking off another boot. The stench filled the room and Elendias started gagging.

"What is it bitch? Don't you like the god you created. Then take proper care of him!" With this Dein kicked Elendias in the face. "Lick my fucking foot you worthless bitch! I want to see your mouth full of the grime and toejam. And don't you dare to gag or puke. You love this smell. You love to worship your god. Your life has no other meaning." Elendias kneeled again with only a swollen lip from the kick. He took the foot with his hands.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" Ordered Dein and pushed his soles on Elendias's face. Elendias just kneeled there, his body shaking, but doing nothing else. The most disgusting he can think of and he is humiliated and forced to do it? Not without a fight. "Okay. I see you have some will left. How about me undoing the spell. You'll be free once you prove your "worth to me"." grinned Dein. The words rang in the kneeling dragon's head. Finally. Salvation! Not even for a second he thought it was a trap. Such powerful was the spell. He pushed his nose against the dirt covered soles, immediately smearing the filth over his nose. If he will look pathetic enough he will be released. So he started loudly inhaling the damp strong foot musk.

"That's it bitch! The most pleasant smell you ever had the honor to smell from me. Now clean me with your tongue. Start on the heel." Dein pushed Elendias with his heel. The dragon didn't have other choice than to open his mouth and stick his tongue outside. The heel landed right on it. The taste was... it can't be described with mere words. The most damp, salty, smelly thick almost earth like taste you can imagine. He knew he can't gulp. Not because Dein ordered it but because he would instantly vomit. Breathing trough nose to minimize the taste was the only option. And yet, something in his mind. For a brief second told him he deserves it. That the taste and stench is good for him. The more he filled his mouth with Dein's toejam the more the idea became pleasant even though it still is totally humiliating and disgusting. The beaten lizard splayed his meaty toes revealing gunk in between his toes.

"You forgot one place bitch!" He punched master's head. Elendias with his mouth already full lapped his tongue in between toes to clean them. The foul taste was so strong you could compare it to acid. What was weird though he started having erection from it. In his pants grew tent for Dein to notice.

"You filthy slut you enjoy it!" Dein bursted into laughter, pushing Elendias with his foot.

"You must fucking love your god. Then show me that toothpick of yours!" As the order was given, dragon's hand moved and took down the pants revealing his big pink flesh covered in pre. Then he started fapping showing affection towards his god. He even opened his mouth for his god to see how full is it with his foot filth. The foot was relatively clean. The worshipper's face was all dirty from the lizard sweat.

"Now swallow it. And stop fapping!" His other, still dirty foot, kicked him in the crotch. Elendias yelped from pain and swallowed the contents of his mouth. Looking at his god" he pleaded for release of the spell.

"Yeah yeah I told I'd release you but I lied! Hahaha! You won't be released ever! I can't believe how stupid you are!" Dein just laughed at surprised Elendias. After all he had done he will not have his freedom. All was for nothing. Something broke in him finally. The spell thoughts started becoming his own. His will was broken as his dignity. Being nothing more than insect to his much hated god was starting to me the matter of his life.

"And we have just started!" Said Dein with a devious, sadistic grin on his face.

By Elendias

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[Tomik123]( z FA ma poziadal, aby som prenho napisal kratky pribeh a voila :) Dufam, ze sa ti to bude pacit, tak ako sa to pacilo mne Tomik123 from FA commissioned me to write a short story and voila :) I hope...

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