A Brother's Love

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Still not the story I wanted to get done, but it'll do. Been struggling to write lately thanks to life being a little bitch, so it feels good to get a story done. Even if it is as impossibly stereotypical as this. But hey, hot horse-brother action - it's what the people want! Or their dicks, anyway.

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Julian swung his legs back and forth under the table, looking over the top of the cornflakes box as the equine god sitting opposite him slurped down another eggy soldier.

A hand curved in from the side and smacked the back of the god's head, and he yelped. "Stop being disgusting, Gabe," their mother said distractedly, packing bowls and cutlery into a drying rack. Gabe curled his bottom lip up to pull the last of the toast into his mouth and gulped it all down before speaking.

"Sorry, Mum." He reached over and grabbed another slice of toast, smearing this one with fat clods of jam. Julian lifted another spoonful of milky cereal to his mouth and watched his brother's bicep flexing and uncurling as he stroked the knife across the toasted bread. It looked like Gabe had doubled in size since the last time Julian had seen him -- all of it muscle. His brother noticed his look and offered him the slice with raised eyebrows. You want? Julian shook his head, stuffing the spoon into his mouth and looking back down at his bowl. Stop staring.

He chewed on soggy flakes and tried not to think about the brawny stallion sitting across from him.

"I didn't spend eighteen years teaching you good manners to have them disappear in your first year of university," their mother was saying. Gabe rolled his eyes at his brother as he took a huge bite of his toast, barely chewing it before winking at Julian and answering her in a muffled voice.

"Of courf, Mum."

The hand whisked around again, but this time he dodged it and giggled like a madman. Julian tried to hide his smile, pretending to be deeply interested in the ingredient list on the cereal box as their mother narrowed her eyes -- one hand on her hip -- and flicked a dishtowel in her eldest son's direction. "And that includes getting smart with me, colty," she said briskly. "I can put you over my leg no matter how big you get."

Gabe swallowed again. "Yes, Mum. Sorry, Mum." The stallion carried on chomping away at his toast and gave his brother a crumby grin. Julian smiled back, absently swishing his spoon through his bowl. He liked having his brother home again, even if it was just until university reopened. He'd arrived the night before, and Julian had only seen him when he came downstairs this morning. He'd thought one of his father's biker friends was visiting for a second, so bulky was the horse that sat at their table.

But the big Clydesdale had gained more than just muscle in his year away: he seemed cockier and more self-assured, too. Taunting Mum, for a start: that was asking for trouble. Julian would have dipped his head down after the first slap and left it there. But then, Gabe had always been the one more willing to push the limits, even when they were growing up: every time Julian could recall getting into trouble, it had started with Gabe asking him -- with a twinkle in his eye -- if he was bored.

"What are you gonna do today?" Julian asked his brother, and the older stallion looked up at the ceiling, chewing thoughtfully on a mouthful. Julian's eyes slid down his brother's neck, admiring how the tendons merged into the top of his chest, and the puff of white chest hair he could see poking out of the top of his brother's too-small shirt. Did he buy smaller sizes on purpose now, or had he just outgrown it? The fabric was so tight on him. It was really sexy.

"Hmm..." Gabe mused. "Dad's got some stuff he wants me to do, I think. Some boxes to move into the attic or something." He lifted an arm and flexed it, and Julian almost choked on his food as his brother admired his bicep. "Exploiting the free youth labour while he can!" He chortled, and Julian laughed along, his eyes on the bulging arm. Gabe's white shirt strained against his arm muscles, and the small forest of underarm hair that Julian could see was as pitch black as his mane. Then the arm came down, and Julian's eyes slid away. Really shouldn't stare."Then...just relax, I guess? Holiday stuff, you know. Eat everything Mum can cook." He got a pat on the head for that one. "Work out a bit. Gonna catch up with some friends from school later." He popped the last piece of toast into his mouth, slapped his hands free of breadcrumbs and took a sip of milk. "Maybe have a nap -- if I can. Your old bed's really small." Gabe was sleeping in Julian's old room while he was here; Julian had taken his brother's larger room -- and double bed -- when the older horse moved out.

"I think it's more that you've doubled in size, son," their mother said with a smile, and Gabe pondered and then smirked.

"Could be!" He turned his attention back to Julian. "And you? Got plans?"

"School," Julian said glumly, making his brother chuckle.

"Oh, right. School. Psh. Whatever. I hear all the cool kids are in university now." Julian picked up an errant corn flake and tossed it at his brother, but Gabe just batted it away with a hand like a cricket bat. "Last year of it, bro," he said, more seriously, and gave his brother's hand an encouraging pat. "Hang in there. You know yet what you wanna do next year?"

Julian shrugged, keeping his hand still, hoping Gabe wouldn't remove his. "I dunno." Then, more softly: "Thought maybe theatre."

"Yeah?" His brother looked impressed. "You'll like that, for sure. Just don't forget us carriage horses when you're a big famous Hollywood thoroughbred, alright, Black Caviar?" Julian blushed at the compliment.

"Or maybe...engineering?" their mother interjected hopefully. She'd started banging that drum recently, and every time it made Julian's insides coil up. He liked science, but he didn't know if he was up to doing it for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do for the rest of his life yet. It was scary and confusing and the time to decide only got closer. He only knew he didn't want to have that argument yet. So, as before, he looked down and pretended he hadn't heard.

But Gabe had. "Come on, Mum," he said pleasantly, draping an arm over the back of his chair, picking at his teeth with a finger. "Don't pressure him. Let him choose what he wants to do."

"I'm not pressuring!" she replied, but Gabe just let his head fall to the side, and said nothing until she huffed, wiping her hands clean in a dishtowel. "Well, just...don't rule it out, okay, Julian?"

"'kay," Julian mumbled, still worried about expressing any acknowledgement. But Gabe standing up for him had helped: the coil in his belly dissipated, and he shot his brother a grateful look. Gabe smiled and gave him a thumbs-up.

Their father came clattering down the stairs, briefcase in hand, and grabbed a slice of toast from the table. "You ready, Julian?" he asked, chewing rapidly, and Julian quickly pushed himself to his feet and grabbed his bag. Dad always dropped him at school on his way to work.

"Yes, Dad."

"Great." His father pointed his toast at Gabe. "Gabriel, there are seven boxes full of books in Julian's old room. Did you see them? Those are the ones to move. Will you manage?"

"Yeah," Gabe drawled, hanging off the back of his chair. "Your free workhorse will manage just fine, Dad." Julian's father nodded, swallowed the last of his toast, and gestured to his younger son.

"Let's go, Julian." He kissed his wife as he headed out the door. "Later, sweetie."

"Okay, boys," she said. "Have a good day!"

"Work hard, bro!" Gabe said, patting his brother's ass amiably as he walked past, making Julian jerk and almost drop his bag in shock. The smaller horse dropped his head, a fierce blush covering his face, and hurried out the front door before Gabe could see, waving farewell wildly behind him without looking. His mind filled with the feeling of his brother's firm hand cupping his ass-cheek just a little as it petted him. He wished it had stayed there. He wished his body hadn't reacted so strongly.

He wished Gabe didn't make him feel like...that.

The hand might have left, but the feeling stayed with him all through school that day, and when his father dropped him at home in the early afternoon, he realised he had no memory of his classes that day. He stood outside for a moment, watching his father's car dwindle down the road before turning back and staring at the house, tightening a hand on the strap of his bag.

Dad and Mum were at work, but Gabe would be home. He was inside, somewhere. Doing things. With his muscles. In his short shirts, carrying his easy smile. Flicking his braid back over his shoulder now and then, without realising how good it looked draped down his front. Holding his fingers to his lips when he was thinking about something, letting their tips run over the dusky skin...


He adjusted his crotch and sighed, stepping up to the front door and pushing it open. The kitchen was empty, and he dropped his bag on a chair and grabbed a handful of grapes from the fruit bowl. "Gabe?" he called, popping a fruit into his mouth and chewing. There was no reply, but a clinking sound from the garage caught his ear, and he walked towards the door that separated the house from the garage and knocked on it.

"Gabe?" He popped another couple of grapes into his mouth.

There was a grunt inside, and the crash of metal on metal. "Yeah?"

Julian pushed the door open. "I'm home from schoo--"

His words trailed off as the door swung to the side, giving him a head-on view of his handsome brother's body straddling a workout bench, hands gripping a bar behind him, mouth fixed in a grimace as he pulled down on it, lifting some ridiculous mass of weights. Julian's eyes dropped instantly to his brother's crotch and were met by the clear outline of a pair of stallion bollocks straining sweatily against the pale blue fabric of his thin exercise shorts. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck they're so big. His teeth snapped together, crushing the fruits in his mouth, and he forced himself to look away before Gabe noticed. But when he looked cautiously back at his brother's face, the huge Clydesdale wasn't even watching him; focused on his exercise, he was looking down at the floor and growling with effort. Julian snatched another look at his brother's big balls and then took in the rest of him.

He was sweat-soaked; he must have been working out for an hour or more already. The tight shirt he'd had on at breakfast had been replaced with a wifebeater that was basically transparent now: the splash of pale hair that spread out across his chest like an eagle in flight was easily visible. His hooves were set flat on the ground, thighs swelling with redirected effort as his arms flexed, the muscles bulging like newly made mountains under his dark skin. He had muscles in between and on top of his other muscles, and in between all of them...shiny, sweaty flesh. Smooth and dark and musky: the garage stank of testosterone and stallion sweat. The pale hair that covered Gabe's hands feathered out just before the elbow -- clinging to him damply after his exertions -- and Julian had to restrain a sudden desire to run up to his brother and stroke his arms, all the way down from the thick hair filling his pits to the ends of his pale fingers. He desperately wanted to suckle on those fingers, looking up at his brother's warm, pink muzzle as Gabe smiled down at him. He wanted to taste every part of his brother, to adore him, be close to him...starting with those fat, round horse balls. His brain was screaming at him not to store, but he had to. It was his brother; it was Gabriel.

The horse he'd been in love with for three years.

He knew he shouldn't feel that way about him, but he'd given up fighting it a long time ago. It had just happened, and nothing he did could change it now. With only a year between them, they'd been as close as siblings could be. When they were young, Gabe had taken care of him, and when they'd gotten older, he'd dragged Julian into all his wild schemes. They'd been inseparable; Mum had called them the Two Musketeers. But even when Gabe had gotten them into trouble, even when he'd driven Julian mad with his insistence of charging into every situation as if he could win it over solely with his intoxicating combination of charm and bullheadedness, the younger horse had adored him.

As they'd both moved deeper into puberty, he'd started to realise his feelings ran deeper than mere fraternal adoration. He'd tried telling himself it was wrong, and pushed the thoughts away as often as they poked up, but even from the beginning that was half-hearted. He loved his brother, and that was just how it was. He was funny, fun, and cute; it was probably why he had girlfriends all through high school. And surely it was better to feel love than disinterest, or even hate? He thought so.

And if that was a conveniently facile conclusion that allowed him to keep dreaming about Gabe whenever he lay in bed and stroked his cock...well, so be it.

But just because he couldn't do anything about how he felt, didn't mean he felt that he had to burden Gabe with it. It gave him a chill to even think about telling his brother. He'd even had a nightmare about it once, early on: the false memory of Gabe's mouth curling with distaste, the look of flat rejection painted over his face, had never left Julian. He'd vowed to never say a word of it to his brother, and had started avoiding any situations that might lead to embarrassing questions. No more walking back to his room naked after a shower, and no more skinny-dipping with his brother on warm summer nights. Gabe noticed the change, but he'd only teased Julian once about getting shyer as his balls grew in, and that was all. It had helped that Gabe was cute, but not hot; both brothers had been somewhat lanky, as if their limbs had grown in on different schedules, and Gabe had never quite shaken off his foal-fat. It had made it easier to let his love for his brother burn low, keeping it as a mere comforting glow, and remembering that it would never be more.

Then Gabe had left for his first year of university -- and a walking knoll of muscles and sexuality had come home in his place. The comforting glow of Julian's crush had exploded into an out-of-control forest fire.

The weights crashed back together, and Gabe groaned and let his arms drop to his sides, puffing for air. "Does Dad keep this stuff maintained?" he grumbled. "Tension feels fucked."

"Uh...I, I dunno," Julian fumbled. He wasn't looking straight at Gabe, but that hardly made a difference when every atom of the air smelled like him. He hurried over to an old couch that stood in the corner and dropped onto it, letting the folds of his clothes hide his thickening sheath. "He doesn't use it much anymore." Relax, idiot! Don't make it weird.

Gabe chuckled. "I noticed." He patted his own impressively flat belly. "Too much good eating this year for the old warhorse, huh? Should've told him he doesn't have to eat my portion just 'cos I'm not here anymore." He wiped the sweat from his brow, and Julian was treated to another view of his brother's sweaty pit, but he shifted his eyes over to Gabe's face and kept them there.

"Yeah, well," he said, as much as to distract himself as to contribute to the conversation, "never mind Dad getting fat." He waved offhandedly at his brother's body, as if he'd barely taken notice of his muscled transformation. "How did this all happen?"

Gabe looked at himself as if he'd temporarily forgotten how he looked. "Oh, right." He shrugged casually. "There's a good gym on campus, and I liked a girl that worked out there, so I started too, and then..." He gave a goofy grin and wiggled his fingers in the air. "Magic!"

Julian rolled his eyes and snorted. "It must be magic, because you looked half-orangutan when you left, and now you look like...uh, not that." He'd almost said like a fucking dream. Not that he'd ever been lucky enough to have a dream with this version of Gabe. Hopefully soon. Very soon.

"Better than being a full orangutan like you," his brother retorted, sticking out his tongue. "It's not that hard, though. Just takes time and effort. You gotta be consistent -- and never skip leg day." He pointed at Julian. "You could do it too, you know? This equipment's not too bad. And girls love muscles, bro." His grin became more feral. "They'd be dropping from the rafters like spiders to get their hands on you."

"What? Spiders? Don't be gross." Julian shucked one shoe off and pulled the foot under his opposite thigh. "Does she like them?"


"The girl you followed to the gym."

"Does she like spiders?"

"No, idiot!" He gestured at Gabe. "All this! Muscles!"

"I guess! Doesn't everyone?" He shot his brother a queer look. "And I didn't follow her, alright? I'm not a stalker. We just ended up there at the same time, for a while. Until she said she wasn't interested." The big Clydesdale picked up a towel, wiping his face clean and getting to his feet.

"Oh," said Julian knowingly. "So first she saw how you looked...but then she got to know your personality?"

Gabe looked scandalised. "Hey! Fuck you!" Yes, please. "My personality's fine."

"Maybe," Julian replied, lifting a hand to mime eating a banana as his other hand scratched under his arm. "But the banana budget would bankrupt her, Mr Orang-o-horse."

Gabe stared at his brother in disbelief before his face cracked and he roared with laughter. "You little bitch," he said eventually, eyes sparkling. "Did you grow all that sass while I was gone?"

"Yep. Had all this extra space once your ego left, so thought I'd make use of it. Plus, the bullshit you left behind was amazing manure."

"Wow. Wow." But Gabe's huge grin belied his words, and he just shook his head and slowly clapped his hands. "Well played." He stared at his brother with deep affection. "I've missed you, Julian."

"I missed you too, Gabe," Julian said, voice a little thick with emotion. It felt so good to be talking shit with him again, but that just made the knowledge that he'd be leaving again all the more painful. "Really missed you."

Gabe walked over and sat next to his brother, the old couch creaking and sagging alarmingly as over a hundred kilograms of stallion pressed into it. He put a hand on his brother's shoulder and watched his face. "Things been good, though?" he asked carefully. "School, friends...Mum?"

"Yeah," Julian said. Apart from not being able to stop thinking about your body all day. His fingers fiddled with the tag of his blazer. "It's good. I guess. Just...next year, you know?"

"Yeah," Gabe said. "I do." He patted Julian's shoulder. "Don't let her or Dad pressure you, okay? I know it's scary, and it feels like they know what they're talking about, but they don't know what you want." A finger pressed into Julian's chest. "Only you do. So, like, off the top of your head -- what makes you excited? What do you want?"

The finger's contact made Julian have to obscure his gasp as a sort of sigh, which only served to fill his nose with the smell of his post-exercise brother. Against his better judgement, his mind started imagining things to do to him. Pushing him back into the couch, straddling his legs, and kissing him. Pressing those thick legs open and stuffing his muzzle into the barely covered crotch. Riding his brother's stallion cock until it made his body clench so hard that he couldn't move...

I want you.

Happily adrift in his imagination, he didn't realise he'd said it out loud until Gabe made a quizzical noise. A cold sweat washed through Julian and he looked at his brother's confused expression in panic, mouth ajar, brain working overtime. "Study," he said, as the excuse coalesced, one word at a time. "I mean. I want to...study. With you. I don't want to...go to a different university."

"Aw, bro," Gabe said with a smile and a hint of a blush, "don't worry about that! Of course you'll come to the same uni! It'll be great! The shit we'll get up to without Mum and Dad there -- hah! It'll be epic. We can hang out, go drinking, work out together..."

"Work out?"

Gabe released his brother's shoulder and punched him playfully on it. "Well, yeah! It's a university, Julian! Hot chicks are everywhere! I told you. Gotta get the sexy curves to pull them in."

Julian looked at the exercise equipment with a frown. "I dunno...I don't think I could ever look like you."

"Hey, remember how I looked?" Gabe poked parts of his brother as he talked. "Spaghetti arms. Tinsel legs. Pillow belly. And now?" He leapt to his feet, arms raised to make his biceps bulge, and struck a classical pose. "Musclehorse! Just takes time and effort, bro. Anyone can do it." He dropped his arms and smiled. "We've got the same genes, right? No reason you couldn't look the same. Plus, I'll help you out all the way. Gotta change how you eat, too, but it's not too bad. And!" His eyes lit up. "Lots of stuff is easier in the gym with two people. We both benefit!" He clapped his hands and gestured to his brother impatiently. "C'mere, I'll show you!"

Julian rose slowly -- making sure his shirt hung down over his crotch area -- and went to stand before his brother. "Okay, so," the taller stallion said keenly, "I'm gonna do a handstand, and you're going to catch my fetlocks as I do it. Just hold me upright, alright? That's all. I'll push myself up and down. Fifteen reps; that's one set. Pause, then a second set, then done. Got it?"

"I think so," Julian said. Gabe took a step back, rubbing his hands together, then threw his front down and pushed his legs into the air. His hooves curved up towards Julian's face like rocks hurled from a trebuchet, and the young stallion quickly lifted his hands to catch his brother's fetlocks. His mass was unexpected, and the smaller stallion leaned back a little as it impacted him, before correcting.

"You got me?" Gabe asked from below, his face looking away from his brother's feet.

"Uh...yeah," Julian said. Gabe's gym shorts had slid down his thighs, and through the gap between flesh and material, he could see...something. Was that a ball, or was that sheath? Did it fucking matter? His heartbeat accelerated. Oh fuck, it was really smooth. His mouth watered; he wanted to lick it.

"Okay!" Gabe said. "You just hold on while I do this." With a soft grunt, he began lowering his face to the ground and pushing himself back up. His legs tried to shift about, and Julian clenched harder. His eyes fixed on his brother's crotch: the movement was making Gabe's pants slip even lower, and the young horse could now clearly see a testicle. A huge, smooth, dark orb, resting gently in its wrinkled sack. He couldn't look away. It was enormous; a good deal bigger than his. It moved about, too, as his brother rose and fell: pulling on the sack at one point, and then sliding closer to his sheath. Julian wanted to feel it sliding around like that in his mouth. And if he leaned forward a little, if he put his nose right above, he could smell it...


His brother's handstand fumbled, and his legs scissored open instinctively, breaking out of Julian's distracted grip. The young horse started in shock and quickly gripped tighter again, making sure his brother didn't fall over. There was an awkward silence after that -- and when he looked back down at Gabe's crotch, he realised why.

A large, black horse nut had escaped the thin pants and was resting casually to one side, like a round libertine awaiting the evening's flock of winsome maids.

Gabe snorted. "Whoops," he said, with a chuckle. "Sorry, bro. Could you tuck me back in?" He had to ask again before Julian released one of his fetlocks: the words had taken a while to get through the buzzing filling the younger horse's head. He watched his hand move closer and closer to the loose ball as if watching himself in a dream...and then he was grasping it, feeling its warmth, the softness of the skin and the firmness underneath it. Tucking his fingers under it, and pushing it back into the pants, and finally gripping his brother's loose leg again. Not believing what had just happened, he stared at the hand that had touched his brother's ball, wanting to smell it -- to lick it -- and see if any of his stud musk had transferred to it.

The handstands finished after forever, and Gabe stood back up and thanked him; he didn't even mention the ball incident. He began doing some push-ups after that, chatting to Julian about the sorts of workouts they could do, and what muscles were best to focus on, and diets that worked. Julian listened, and nodded, and took none of it in. He thought only about the ball. How it had felt, looked, smelled. How badly he wanted to touch it again. His thickening cock became more and more troublesome to obscure, and so as soon as Gabe said he needed to go shower, Julian wished him well and left, making a beeline for his bedroom.

He slammed the door shut, breathing raggedly, thrusting his hand against his nose and closing his eyes. There was a hint: a drop of scent that wasn't his. Oh, fuck. His other hand dove into his pants and pulled out his cock, barely having to stroke it to get it painfully hard. He leaned back against the door and squeezed his eyes shut, nose sucking in the smallest scrap of the scent of Gabe's amazing crotch, his other hand now squeezing his flare and then his balls, comparing them to his brother's. His brother's big, warm balls that smelled like sex...

He converted his orgasmic whinny into a loud grunt, and his flared cock spurted his load well across the room. Four hard shots, and then a dribble. The passionate fantasy in his head evaporated, and he opened his eyes to look down at the aftermath with an uncomfortable feeling. The cum had mostly landed on the carpet, but the first shot had hit his duvet: a line of pale white horse spunk now decorated the happy farm animals patterned onto it. It was Gabe's old duvet cover. Gabe, his brother. His family.

You need to stop jerking off to your brother.

Julian sighed with guilt and went to fetch some tissues.

Hours later, he woke in near-darkness, staring at the wall. His brain was fuzz, and he blinked a few times. Why was he awake? He blinked again, trying to figure out what was weird about what he saw. Oh -- there was light. There shouldn't be any light; he closed the door when he slept. It should be pitch black.

The sound of the door creaking open matched a rise on brightness, and Julian quickly sat up, heart thudding. The door was open a fair bit, and the handle was turned as if someone was leaning on it on the other side. Light leaked in from outside. Julian stared at it in consternation before speaking with a quaver in his voice. "Dad? Mum?"

The door opened more, and with a rush of relief, Julian saw that it was Gabe who stood there. He was gripping the door handle tightly, clearly using it for support, but even standing still there was a sway to his body that made Julian suddenly realise what was going on.

After the younger stallion had cleaned the cum from his carpet and bed, he'd avoided Gabe for the rest of the afternoon, citing homework. They'd met at dinnertime, and by then Julian had felt in control. They'd all chatted pleasantly enough, with Julian working extra-hard to treat his brother like a sibling and not an object of lust. After dinner, Gabe had headed out to meet his school friends -- a reunion that must have involved quite a lot of drinking. He was so inebriated, he'd forgotten that Julian slept here now.

"Gabe...your room's next door," Julian whispered. He hoped his brother could hear him. "This is my room now." But Gabe gave no indication he'd understood: he released the door handle and staggered into the room, hoofsteps heavy and slow on the carpet. Julian sat up a little more. "Gabe!" he hissed at his brother. Gabe waved a hand in his general direction and continued walking to the bed before dropping heavily onto it, making it squeak. At least he hadn't sat right on him. "Gabe, this is my bed!"

"Bed. 'm sleep," Gabe said, or something like it. He started undressing, and Julian's body tensed up. He'd just spent half a day suppressing his feelings about Gabe, and now this?

He ignored the part of his mind that was squealing excitedly.

"Gabe -- stop!" Gabe still didn't respond, and Julian got up and hurried around to his brother's side, patting his arm and shoulder to try to make him understand. "Gabe! You can't sleep here!" Gabe clearly believed he could: his brother had managed to pull off his shirt by now and was fumbling at his belt. Julian swallowed a frog at the incredible sight of his brother's full chest and tugged on one of Gabe's arms. It was like pulling on an elephant's trunk. "Come, Gabe," he said. "Come on. Other room."

Gabe stood, and Julian breathed a sigh of relief -- but it was only to let the handsome stallion kick off his pants and stand nude and proud in the weak light filtering through the doorway, eyes barely open, swaying drunkenly. He was the most beautiful thing Julian had seen. His flat belly was smooth, not scrawled with muscle, and the eagle-spread of white fur on his chest seemed to glow in the darkness, contrasted against the surrounding blackness. His broad pecs, merging with the bulk of his shoulders and the resting power of his upper arms, made his upper body look like an engine block made flesh, and only the strength of his wonderfully thick thighs was keeping him upright at this point.

And down, down in the shadows where Julian tried not to look, but failed...Gabe's cock had dropped from its sheath.

Two or three inches of soft black horsecock lay draped over his brother's balls, which hid away in the cleft of his thighs. Julian's lust burned hot as he stared at his brother's genitals. They were beautiful; there was no other word for it. His balls were large and pendulous, and his cock was pleasantly thick and heavy with promise. Julian felt a flash of love and lust and need surge up inside him, so powerful that it hit him like a physical thing. He looked up into his brother's bleary eyes, taking in his soft, pink nose and the braided mane that hung loosely over a shoulder, and dared to imagine he saw something in them. Some spark of recognition? Understanding? He was looking back at Julian for sure, and he was trying to say something...

"...slp," Gabe said thickly. He turned, and tottered, and fell onto the bed like a felled tree, head only landing in the pillow zone by sheer chance. His legs were akimbo, taking up more than half the bed, and his arms lay where they'd fallen; one hung loosely off the side, and the other rested on top of his thigh. He was silent for a minute, and then low, regular snores began drifting out of his half-open muzzle.

Julian stared down at his naked, sleeping brother, his cock jutting from his boxers, so hard that it could have hammered in nails.

He forced himself to turn and walk to the door, shutting it, and then going to his side of the bed. He lay down on top of the blankets, on his back, letting his throbbing penis stick into the air. Gabe was asleep, so that was that. There was space for them both to sleep on this bed, anyway. Yeah. He could handle this.

Julian stared at the ceiling and tried to think sleepy thoughts. He shut his eyes, but that just made it easier to visualise a plump, soft stallion cock and the big balls that went with it. He opened them again and tried not to think about how good Gabe had looked in the sodium light. How strong and beautiful he was. How he had to try to fall asleep next to this object of his love and his lust. But mostly, he tried to ignore the fact that he could simply go sleep in the other room. Because if he did that...he couldn't do what he was pretending to avoid.

The horse gave in.

He rolled over to face Gabe, his brother a snoring outline in the darkness. The big Clydesdale smelled warm; the scent of alcohol barely registered. Had he even drunk that much? Maybe his brother was a bit of a lightweight when it came to drinking. Julian smiled as he considered his big, strong brother being unable to handle more than a couple drinks. Then he slid one hand closer until it touched his brother's side, and paused. No change. The quiet snoring continued. He raised his hand and placed it atop his brother's chest, shivering at how warm he was, and how soft the hair felt. He slid his hand around a bit, feeling the muscles, groping gently. Gabe was hard everywhere, and it made Julian's cock drip.

He leaned in to sniff more of his brother's scent and quickly traced the main source of his musk to his armpit. Trying not to make the bed bounce, he shuffled down and moved his brother's arm from his thigh to being outstretched, exposing his armpit. Lying on his side next to Gabe, he pushed his nose into the soft, dark hairs and laid his hand on his chest, gently stroking his brother's chest hair as he breathed in his musky scent. It smelled like the hint of ball sweat had earlier...but more. Richer in nosefeel, and fuller in volume. It filled his lungs and his mind, and made his whole body relax. This was his older brother's true scent, and it made him think of nothing so much as stormy nights when he was just a foal. If he got scared, he'd run to Gabe's room and crawl into his bed, and Gabe would wake and hug him and make him feel safe while the storm raged outside. Julian would snuggle in close to him, his brother's warmth and smell calming him, and fall asleep without a care in the world.

He shuffled a little closer to Gabe now, realising that -- inadvertently or not -- it was Gabe who'd come to his bedroom this time. He moved his nose around, feeling Gabe's underarm hair brushing across it, and stroked further down his chest, feeling the curve of muscle where his powerful chest ended and his smooth belly began. "I got you, Gabe," he said softly. Snores were the only response. "I'll take care of you." His hand caressed Gabe's belly, feeling the muscles that didn't show through the skin. He wanted to rest his head on that belly, to feel his brother's breathing making his head rise and fall. To open his eyes and be staring at Gabe's lower body. At his crotch, and his balls.

And his dick.

Julian's hand slid down Gabe's body with agonising slowness, as if afraid there would be nothing there when he reached his goal. His brother's cock had retreated back inside by now, but that didn't mean there was nothing to feel. The folds of his sheath, for a start; thick and hairy. A suitable home for such a stud's dick. Julian ran a finger through a fold, feeling the heat under the flesh, but skipped over the opening. Too risky; might wake him. He went lower instead, to his brother's balls: practically old friends by now. He gave a shudder of joy as he finally cupped one of the dark orbs in his hand. It moved slightly, the testicle pulling upward from the sweaty heat of his palm. He stroked the smooth surface, lifting both nuts up until they lay across Gabe's thigh, then gently sliding them about, feeling their mass. So big. His cock drooled some more, and the wet spot on the duvet grew. He pulled his hand back and sniffed it, exchanging the serenity of the armpit's smell for the rank sexuality of ball-musk. It made him light-headed. That was the smell his brother's girlfriends got to fill their lungs with when they sucked his balls or swallowed his dick. He was painfully jealous of them.

But...wait. He didn't need to be.

Julian pushed himself up on one arm carefully, looking at his brother. Gabe's mouth still hung open loosely, snores drifting forth. Dead to the world. Moving slowly, the younger horse slid off the bed and padded around to his brother's feet, then slipping up in between his brother's legs. He moved slowly, further and further until his mouth was hovering above his crotch, and he dipped down and spread his lips and took one of Gabe's balls into it...

The taste was salty, but the heat was perfect. Julian screwed his eyes shut, trying not to moan like a slut. He rolled the testicle around with his tongue, licking off every drop of taste and coating his mouth with it. His tongue massaged the underside and his lips suckled on the flesh of his scrotum, the short, bristly hairs covering it every bit as wonderful as the soft armpit had been. And when the saltiness washed away, all that was left was the taste of Gabe. Julian whimpered breathily and suckled more, then let it carefully drop and did the other. His nose was deep in the sheath-folds as he did so, and when his brother's cock poked out, he felt and smelled it all at once.

That made him freeze, though; with fearful eyes, he looked up along the mountain ridges of his brother's body to his face. Still passed out; still unaware. His body knew what it liked though, and apparently it really liked what was happening to it. Julian's boldness grew a little, and he dared to reach a hand up and stroke the head of the emergent cock as he cleaned the nuts below it. He wondered happily how large Gabe's cock was when hard. He doubted it'd happen while he slept, but what a sight that'd be. A proud sable pole sticking up from the crotch of this muscled masterpiece. He bet girls were clawing one another's eyes out to get a chance to ride it. He'd be at the front of the pack, given half a chance.

Gabe's cock kept dropping. Six or seven inches of flaccid flesh had snaked out now, and Julian paused his ball-cleaning to lay it up across Gabe's belly, in between his subtle abs. It looked amazing. He licked the base of the shaft a little, but dared not go further. A blowjob would surely wake him. He returned to Gabe's balls, softly nuzzling and licking greedily. This would do. This was more than he could have hoped for already.

The snoring changed, and Julian's body froze. He felt Gabe's legs tense to either side of him, and slid backwards rapidly, terrified. Oh shit, oh shit. But his brother didn't seem to have woken; he merely gave a few hypnagogic jerks -- and one terrifyingly loud snort -- before rolling over onto his side and continuing to snore. Julian, crouching at the base of the bed like a sexual gremlin, didn't move for a few minutes to be certain that Gabe absolutely was still asleep. Part of him told him he should leave it there, and go sleep in the spare room. He'd had his fun. Anything more would be pushing it. Except...Gabe was on his side now. With a hefty mass of thick, flaccid cock just lying there. So...surely he couldn't do nothing...

Horniness was his master now.

He hurried back to his side of the bed, pausing only to remove his boxers before slipping back in next to Gabe. Panting with excitement, he turned his back to his brother and shuffled his ass backwards until he felt it press into the squidgy cockflesh. He had to bite his lip then. Gabe's cock was against his ass. Not hard, not even close, but...it was there. He could imagine the rest.

He reached behind himself to grasp the big cockhead and slide it over his ass and hole. "Yes, Gabe, yes," he murmured. In another life, in a fantasy world that he visited more often than he'd ever admit, they weren't only brothers, but lovers. Julian would come to Gabe in bed, and slide atop him, and watch Gabe look back up at him with lust as his brother's big Clydesdale cock slide inside him, and Julian would ride him until they both came, screaming. Just feeling his brother's intimate flesh against him now was giving him fuel to make that fantasy last for years. He pushed the softened flare against his doughnut and held it there, reaching down to his cock with his other hand and stroking himself, trying not to make the bed shake. "Oh yeah, Gabe," he whispered, "fuck me, fuck your brother, gimme that big dick. You sexy stud..."

His fingers felt the cock thickening, and he grinned into the darkness. Trust a stallion's body to know when it was getting the attention it liked. He squeezed it a little more and slid it down, between his legs, letting it grow as more of it dropped and filled with blood. The flare started to get harder, pushing along the back of his thighs, and he sighed with delight. Shuffling away from Gabe a little, he turned and looked down at what he'd done.

A fully extended stallion cock lay across the blanket, both thicker and longer than Julian's member. He felt a flash of jealousy -- and then a surge of lust. His brother's cock. A huge, hot stallion dick: built to fuck. To penetrate and pound and cum. Fuuuuuck. He stared at it in disbelief, already knowing what he'd do. If nothing so far had woken his brother...he could get away with this.

He slipped from the bed and found his special drawer, and the tube within it. He squeezed out a good portion and lubed himself up, then got back into bed. With his ass to his brother, he took the big cock in hand and slid it against his ass again; the fuller flare felt so much better now. Then he pushed it under his tail until it found his hole...and held it then. Hardly daring to breathe, not believing he was actually doing this but equally unable to stop, he pushed back with his body against the cock. His hand kept it still, and his ass pushed, pushed; spreading around the invader he was trying to get into himself, making him moan loud enough that he pressed a hand to his mouth. His hole was wide, and his brother's fat round flare was almost through the ring...

The stallion's prick popped in like a fist, and Julian clenched and gasped and almost came.

He lay still for a while, as if any movement might break the improbable spell that had brought him to this point. Lying in bed, next to his sleeping stud of a brother, his sibling's cock now resting just inside his ass. It felt amazing. It felt massive. Julian clenched his ass muscles again, and the burning hot coal of cockflesh in him seemed to press back. So fucking thick...

He pushed his body back, and another half-inch of stallion prick went into him. He almost went cross-eyed from how good it felt. His muscles were complaining at how he was making them stretch without warning, but they'd quiet down soon enough. He could lie here as long as he needed to get used to the size of his brother's cock. His brother's cock. It made him giddy even to think the words. "My brother's big dick is in me," he whispered. It felt twice as good to say it. "He's fucking me. I'm fucking him. We're fucking..."

When the sharp edge of discomfort had dulled, he pushed back some more. Gabe's flare rubbed along his prostate then, and Julian's cock jerked like a loose hose and splattered some pre-cum against his chest. He licked it off and kept going. Four, five, six inches; Gabe had looked to be eighteen inches. Made Julian's own fourteen look practically un-equine. Seven, eight; into the pleasure zone. Julian's ass started to throb and feel a little numb from the stretching. He loved that feeling. Nine, ten; Gabe's cock was getting stiffer still, going from firm putty, to rock. This was a dick a sub could really fuck himself silly on.

Julian stopped there, and slid away, letting some inches of the dick slide out of him. That felt almost as good as when it had gone in. He stopped when it was just the flare in him, and pushed back. It slid home again like he was a glove made specifically to hold this fucking incredible prick. And maybe he was: like Gabe had said, they had the same genes. It stood to reason. One brother with a big -- probably insatiable -- horsedick...and one with an ever-hungry ass.

Julian moved his body faster, fucking himself harder on Gabe's dick. Nothing had ever felt better. It wasn't just the size, it was...everything. Yet it made him oddly sad in a way, even as his hips moved back and forth and his cock throbbed with the pleasure flowing through him. It was sad that this was all it would be. Stealing a secret fuck from his sleeping brother. Never able to remind him in future about what they'd shared, and probably never able to do it again.

"I wish you knew," he whispered. He pushed back and held the cock in him, medial ring just inside his hole. "I wish I could be with you. I wish this wasn't all."

When the hand grabbed his thigh, his heart stopped beating.

For a thousand years he lay frozen, and then his head whipped around to stare in panic and dread at his brother's face. Gabe was looking at him, his expression unreadable, and Julian saw his life unravel before him...until Gabe spoke.

"'s not all." He sounded less drunk, and incredibly horny. He pushed up on Julian's thigh. "Got six more inches."

Julian blinked in shock, but did as he was told, lifting his leg high. Gabe's hand gripped him in the crook of his knee -- and then he rammed the rest of his dick into his brother in a single hard motion. Julian stuffed his face into the blankets and screamed with ecstatic pleasure as the long cock blasted through the looseness he'd worked up so far and stretched his deepest parts even wider with his huge flare. It pulled back out just as rapidly, leaving Julian with a horrible emptiness, but it returned soon enough. Gabe's pace was ridiculous; he fucked his brother like he had a deadline to meet. With the younger stallion's leg in the air, his hole slurped and burped around the pole that filled and emptied it in turn with sloppy, lubricated sounds. Julian grabbed a pillow and pressed it to his face to muffle the sounds he made. It had felt good fucking himself on Gabe's dick...but this was so far beyond that. His brother was an incredible lover, hitting spots inside his brother with his obscenely long cock that Julian had not even known he had.

Gabe's other hand slid onto Julian's head and back other his mane, and his head came to rest on top of his, cheek to cheek. "You're tight," he moaned, and Julian clenched up, trying to be even tighter. This was unbelievable, but he'd take every second of it. Anything Gabe wanted, he would give him. He'd service his brother like a good slut, any which way he desired -- as long as he kept his beautiful, thick, stallion cock inside him, fucking him raw, making pleasure-waves crash through him and pre-cum stream from his cock. Julian had been transported to his fantasy land, and he had so many things he'd always wanted to say.

"Fuck me harder, stud," he moaned, and Gabe did. "Give me all your big cock. Fuck your brother like the slut he is, Gabe. Fuck him so fucking hard, he fucking loves it...he loves you..."

"Are you a slut?" Gabe husked. His fingers ran through his brother's mane. "You like your brother's dick, slut?"

"Yes," moaned Julian. In the darkness, it was as if they were the only two horses in the world. "fuck me, Gabe, I fucking want it. Cum in me, bro, please, lemme feel you in me."

Gabe didn't say anything more, but his horny grunts were better than any words. Julian went limp, letting his brother control the fuck. When Gabe's hand slid over him and gripped his dick, it was all over; seconds later, Julian was screaming into his cushion again as he sprayed his extra-large load all over the blankets, finishing the job his leaking cock had started more than an hour before. That made every muscle in his body clench, and that finally pushed Gabe over the edge. His brother's powerful arm pulled them close together as he groaned and shuddered, and Julian felt the heat of his load starting deep inside him and working back up his tunnel as more and more of his brother's stallion cum was pumped into his body. It was exquisite. No fantasy he'd ever indulged had come close. This was real. This was him and Gabe, together, in intimacy and lust.

Julian was afraid to say anything after they'd finished. Gabe didn't pull away from him, at least; he spooned his younger brother in silence, cock still inside him, cum oozing out as his penis deflated. Did that mean he felt the same? Or was this just a...well, what else could it be? Was he still drunk? Had lust overtaken him? What if he sobered up and regretted it...?

The tension became too much, and Julian forced himself to speak. "Y--you like...guys?" He waited to hear Gabe's confusion, his slow realisation that Julian didn't have a pussy between his legs, the angry words...

But Gabe merely sounded like he was falling back asleep. "I like everything," he mumbled.

"Oh," Julian said. Unexpected. "Uh...but...me...I mean, us...we're..."

Gabe lifted his head and plunked it onto Julian's side with a sigh. "You gonna get pregnant with my colts?" he asked wearily.

Julian ignored the confusing arousal that line awoke in him. "No, uh...obviously not..."

Gabe's head dropped back onto the pillow. "'s fine," he mumbled again. "Just some fun. Relax, bro."

Julian blinked, disbelief and happiness spreading inside him like the counterpoint to the semen drooling out of his ass.Just some fun. Could Gabe truly be that chill about this? Was it that easy? Would they...would they get to do this more? And next year, when he was also at university...they'd have so much time to spend together! They could work out, and hang out, and...and fuck?

He felt like giggling. "I love you, Gabe," he whispered, and the arm draped over him tightened, then relaxed. That made him actually giggle, and he snuggled back against Gabe's dozy warmth, the smell of semen in his nose and the feel of his brother's penis inside him.

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Whammer and Slammer

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"Tell me you're fucking _kidding!_" A primly dressed ferret shook his head, looking over his glasses at the bull and Clydesdale stallion standing before him, and sniffed at the bull's outburst. "I'm afraid not," he said tersely. "Site rules,...

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