Whammer and Slammer

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Resky the husky and Solus the deer just want some dick. Is that so much to ask for? Perhaps it doesn't help that they're calling themselves Whammer and Slammer, though. But with luck, they'll still manage to find a helpful stud of a stallion who can resolve their little problem...

I'm feeling blocked on another big story-heavy piece, so here's some simple fun smut to clear the pipes. Oh yeah. Clear 'em reeeeal good. REEEEEEAL good...whispers ...so real.

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"What about him?"

The petite deer peered through the smoky air of the club towards the tiger his husky friend was pointing at and frowned. "I think I know him..."

"Know know, or like...?" The deer shook his head, and the husky shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "I'm kinda running out of guys here, Solus."

"Sorry, Resky," Solus said, ears drooping a little, and the husky leaned over to pat his friend's hand.

"It's alright." He scanned the club again, more slowly this time. "It's gotta work for both of us, or not at all, right? Like we agreed."

The deer nodded and gave him a smile before taking another sip of his drink, his wide eyes darting about the room, looking for potential options. The husky did the same, occasionally pointing to a new guy and discussing him with the deer. They'd been here half an hour now, and apart from agreeing that the lupine bartender was pretty hot and had definitely been flirting with Resky, they'd struck out. None of the males in the club tonight were a good fit for what they wanted, for any number of reasons.

Eventually, Resky sighed and pressed his chair back from the table a little. "Maybe it's not gonna work out tonight..." He trailed off at the look of horror in his friend's eyes. "I mean, uh...it still might! Maybe." But the deer still looked on the verge of tears, and the husky awkwardly patted his friend's leg. "It's okay, though, Solus. What about, um, that new toy? The one with the extra girth?"

Solus shook his head violently and grabbed Resky's paw, squeezing it so hard the husky looked at it in shock. "I don't want a toy, Resky," he said intensely, his brown eyes fixed on to Resky's face. "I've had all the toys. All the toys. Alright? And they're not working anymore." He leaned in closer to the husky, a puff of cranberry juice on his breath. "Solus is horny, Resky," he whispered, "and Solus wants a dick. A real one. Tonight! And...ohhhhhh."

The deer's eyes had flicked up to lock onto something behind the husky and were tracking it as it moved across the room. His mouth had dropped open a little, the breathy moan still leaking out, and his desperate hold on the husky's paw fell away. Resky swung around in his chair to see what had caught his friend's eye -- and almost choked on his drink.

A Friesian stallion had entered the club and was making his way through the crowds towards the bar. He looked like a cross between a horse and a piece of earthmoving equipment. Already a good head taller than most of the other patrons, he looked to be almost pure muscle from his thick neck down, with wide shoulders each carrying a lunk of an arm, and a chest that bulged in all the right places before slimming to what must be a flat, muscled belly beneath the tight-fitting shirt he had on. When he lifted a hand to flag down the barwolf for a drink, the bulge of his bicep made Resky's mouth start running -- and that was before he noticed the very generous tuft of underarm hair that poked out of his shirt arm. And when he settled into a seat at the bar, the firmness of the ass facing towards them had the canine struggling to hold back a bark of need.

Resky turned slowly back to Solus, and the deer's expression told him they had the same idea. They rose as one, abandoning their drinks and making their way through the press of drunken furs towards the bar, with the husky leading and the deer following behind. The people thinned out once they were through the dance area, and they had some space to themselves when they stopped behind the stallion. The husky stared at the stallion's huge glutes, their tightness against the containing pants almost irresistible. He wanted to reach out a paw to stroke them -- and then squeeze them. How much did this stud work out? Fuck, he was incredible...

A cervine elbow dug into his side and he shot a look at Solus. The deer was hovering slightly back, making sure his friend was closer to the hulking male than he was, and played nervously with his hands. He nodded to the horse and raised his eyebrows, and Resky huffed and leaned in to whisper to his friend.

"Why don't you do it?" He didn't mind initiating -- normally. This stallion, though...shit, he was really hot. And big. Was his...was his dick to scale? The husky licked his chops clean of the drool running from them.

Solus blushed at his friend's words and seemed to shrink a little into himself. "I don't wanna," he said quietly, and Resky had to sigh. The little deer was incredibly adorable, but incredibly shy; quite the contrast with the bold, bratty canine. He would never have even considered coming to a place like this without Resky hounding him along -- in a well-meaning way, of course. He adored his friend, and wanted only the best for him. That was why he'd made the deal with him: accompany Resky to a club, and the dog would make sure he got what he'd been complaining about lacking for a good few weeks now.

Which was why he was about to tap a gigantic mountain of stallion-muscle on the shoulder and find a way to ask him if he wouldn't mind fucking both of them with his gorgeous horsecock.

He tried coughing first, but the sound was lost in the hubbub. The stallion was drinking a glass of something, and didn't so much as glance over. Even seated, the horse was taller than either of them, with a loose mane that cascaded down over his back and shoulders. Resky could smell the conditioner he used; something musky. Or was that his natural scent? The husky reached out a careful paw and tapped the horse on the shoulder.

The head turned a little, and two blue eyes took the husky and his friend in. "Nope," was all he said, and looked forward again. He put down his glass, smacking his lips and raising a finger to signal the barwolf for a refill. Resky lowered his paw and took a few steps back, dispirited. He felt Solus poke him in the side again.

"I tried!" he hissed at the deer. "He said no!" If the horse could hear their whispers, he gave no sign of it.

"Try again," Solus suggested, looking at the stallion with awe. "Say he's...say he's pretty."

"Say he's pretty? He's not a flower arrangement, Solus." But the husky huffed and thought for a moment before stepping forward to stand right alongside the horse at the bar, leaning against the wood in what he hoped was a casual manner and putting on the disarming smile he'd practised when nobody was around.

"Hey again, uh, sta--horse," he said. Fuck. He'd changed his mind from stallion to horse halfway through the word. Shit. Keep going. "My name's..." Inspiration burst in and wrestled control of his tongue away from logic. "I'm Whammer." He pointed at Solus. "And that's Slammer." Solus looked at his friend as if he'd just been called a four-piece lounge suite. It was fine. This would work. "And we couldn't help but notice that your drink's finished. Maybe you'd like to, uh...you can put a drink in...I mean, you can drink up my--"

"Whammer and Slammer, is it?" The horse sounded infinitely bored, but his deep, gravelly voice made Resky's tail wag a little before he stopped it. "Did you see that one on a prog-rock album cover?" The barwolf appeared to top off his drink, and the horse thanked him.

"Um. No. Actually, it's--"

"Your banter's shit," the horse interrupted. "And I already said no."

"Yeah, you did," Resky said quickly, "but that was before I told you that you're...uh..." He panicked, and only one thing came to mind. "You're...pretty?"

That made the horse pause, but seemingly more in disbelief than pleasure. He sighed and shook his head. "Piss off, pup," he said wearily. "And take your girlfriend with you. I don't do does."

"Hey!" Resky shoved a finger into the stallion's face. "Alright! Um. So, I'm not super good at this, and I'm gonna go...but it's not because you told me to! It's because I want to. And Sol--Slammer isn't my girlfriend, or a doe! He's my best friend, actually...and he, um, just looks like one."

The stallion's hand closed around Resky's entire paw like a whale swallowing a minnow, but the horse otherwise ignored him. His face was looking back, peering intently through the smoke and shadow to where Solus stood. "He's a buck?" the horse said intently. "But he's so..."

Resky looked back at his friend. They spent so much time together, he'd stopped noticing all the little bits that made Solus, Solus. But if he squinted, he thought he could imagine he saw what the horse must see. The deer was small, both short and lithe. His androgynous form showed not a hint of muscle, and his bone-china hands looked like they'd been spun from silk and cream. His small hooves supported curvaceous legs that arced up to a plump ass topped by a dandelion tail, and his ears flickered nervously on top of a smooth head. Even when he did have antlers, they grew to nubs at most; he preferred to file them down even then. For tonight's outing, he'd chosen to wear clothes that accentuated his feminine attributes even more. His shirt ended a couple inches above his waist, showing off a plump bit of belly, and he clearly had long stockings on under his tight jeans; the striped material poked out above his ankles. And if you followed those jeans up to the cleft between his legs...well. That small mound could just as likely be a pussy as a little doeboy's cock.

No wonder the horse had thought him a female.

The nameless stallion released Resky's paw and pushed the husky away, then offered his hand to Solus. "Come here, my dear," he said gently. Solus' hand-wringing reached critical levels as he blushed furiously and looked down, unable to meet the stallion's gaze, and the horse gave a delighted chuckle. "How fucking adorable are you?" he asked rhetorically. He swivelled around in his chair and spread his legs a little, patting one thigh gently. "Come and sit on daddy's lap, pretty thing."

Solus wrapped one arm around himself and held his other hand to his mouth, chewing nervously on a nail. The stallion's friendly smile did not waver. "Come on then," he said pleasantly. "Let daddy get a closer look at you."

One foot shuffled forward, and then another. When he got close enough to the horse, the equine leaned forward and lifted him bodily into the air before settling him against his huge thigh like a ventriloquist's doll. Solus' eyes went wide as he felt the stallion's strength, and he gave a little giggle when he was seated and could look up into the Friesian's face. The stallion smiled back down at him. "Hello, Slammer," he said.

Solus blushed again. "Solus," he squeaked, barely audibly, and the horse looked up at Resky with a blank stare.

"Gosh," he said flatly, "so Slammer's not your real name. How unexpected and shocking." He watched Resky for a moment longer, then looked back down at Solus. "We'll have to do something about your dissembling friend later, hm?" He reached down with one hand to lift the deer's chin a little, admiring the soft, pale fur of his neck. "But that can wait," he murmured. "Tell me, Solus...do you have a daddy?" The deer shook his head, and the stallion took a deep, satisfied breath before leaning down to kiss the deer gently on the side of his head. "For the rest of tonight," he murmured, his mouth rising to nibble gently on the buck's ear, "you do".

The deer giggled again, and when the horse gave him an expectant look, he bit his lip and said, "Th--thank you, Daddy." He was practically glowing.

"Of course, pet." The stallion's smooth words sounded like the purr of a sports car engine. "Such a pretty girl deserves to be taken care of." One of the stallion's hands was stroking up and down Solus' back now, and it gradually got lower until it cupped his ass. "I see you have some pretty stockings on, Solus. Do you like pretty clothes? Pretty girls' clothes?"

"Yes, Daddy," the buck breathed. He looked at the horse's face as if all the answers in the Universe were painted across it.

"Daddy likes them too," the stallion told him. "When they're on a buck like you." He nuzzled the side of Solus' face. "Why should does have all the fun, huh? Good doeboys deserve to look just as pretty as they do." He snorted, and Resky saw his fingers slip inside the top of Solus' jeans. "Oh, my," he said. "The pretty girl not only has panties on, but is already lubed?" He gave a deep chuckle. "Don't mind if I do..."

Solus jumped a little when the stallion's hand went exploring under his jeans -- and then gasped as it began to rhythmically move. Resky stiffened in alarm when he realised the stallion had started fingering his friend. They were in public! Anyone might see! But when he looked around, he realised the horse had judged his positioning perfectly: unless someone came right up to them, their view of what was happening would be blocked by Resky's body. It looked like nothing more than a buck sitting on a stallion's lap.

The stallion's fingering had Solus panting in short order, and the horse looked up with a satisfied expression at the husky that stood awkwardly next to them as his hand did its work. "So, Whammer," he said pleasantly, as if he did this sort of thing all the time, "are you as obedient as this good girl?"

Resky raised his muzzle defiantly. "I do what I want!"

"Uhuh." The horse looked down at Solus, then lifted one of the deer's hands and placed it directly on the noticeable bulge in his pants. Solus moaned, and his fingers tightened on the mass. The horse looked back at Resky. "Do you want to do that?"

Resky's tailhole was sending priority messages to his brain to beg the stallion stud to do whatever the fuck he wanted, as long as it involved that dick, but the husky pushed his growing arousal aside as best he could. "Maybe," he said coyly. "But maybe stallion cock's not my thing."

That made the horse laugh. "Pup," he said, "I've been around the block. Trust me...stallion dick is everyone's thing."

"Yeah, well, you don't know me!" Resky turned aside, making it seem part of his faux huff and hoping the stallion hadn't seen how hard he was getting. "I'm only here to help Solus out! I can get any guy I want, I'll have you know! Don't need a big dumb...dummy stallion telling me what I want."

"I don't have to tell you at all. Just look." Resky glanced over and his eyes were drawn to the stallion's crotch; the horse was pulling his pants down with one hand, showing off both the top of a ridiculously thick shaft and a small hedge of pubic hair. When he was sure the husky had had a good look, he let his pants pop back into position, and placed Solus' hand back on his bulge. He watched Resky's face with amusement as the husky struggled to maintain his composure. Oh fuck he's so big oh fuck oh fuck I want it I want it...

"Thought so," the horse said lazily. He gave Solus' face a stroke; the deer's eyes were half-closed from the pleasure of the stallion's thick finger sliding in and out of him. "Do you want to come home with me, pet?" he asked. "Daddy's got all sorts of fun toys back home." He slid his hand down to fondle the deer's dick. "Maybe a little cage for the doeboy's cock?" he murmured, and Solus moaned and nodded rapidly. "Yeah, knew you'd like that," he smirked. "Get you nicely locked up for the night, avoid any accidents. We don't want you cumming without permission, do we?"

"No, Daddy," Solus moaned. "Only when you say so, Daddy." His hand on the stallion's cock was squeezing it passionately.

"Such a good pet," the stallion said, lifting Solus' muzzle with one finger and kissing him deeply. When the kiss broke, he kept the finger there -- before pressing it into the deer's mouth for him to suckle on like a sweet. He looked over to meet Resky's eyes, and the husky had to turn away from that smouldering stare.

"And your bratty friend can join us. I've got just the toys for him."

The stallion's apartment was perfunctory; he looked as if he barely lived there. Even the bedroom was nothing but a double bed and side table -- until he opened a large closet and revealed a stunning array of sexual equipment. Dildos, cages, crops, gags, paddles and ropes...Resky had never seen such a collection of perversion. It thrilled him more than he expected.

Once the stallion was satisfied that the two of them had gotten an eyeful of his collection, he gestured Solus over. Choosing a cage from the collection, he showed it to the deer. "How about this one, pet?" he asked, and when the deer clung to his side and buried his face in the tall male's clothes in what was either excitement or embarrassment, he laughed and stroked the buck's head. "We'll keep that pretty penis locked up all night long. But that's not all, cute thing. Look here..."

He opened the cupboard next to his toy collection, exposing a set of neat hangers holding women's clothing and lingerie. Solus peered at it with excitement, and the horse nudged him forward. "Take a look, pet," he said pleasantly. "Try on anything you like." He tugged on the deer's tail, making the smaller male giggle and look bashful."Anything in there will make you the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

"Thank you, Daddy," the buck said meekly, before beginning to rifle through the clothing with glee. While he explored, the stallion walked back to Resky, who was still looking at all the equipment in the main cupboard. He leaned against the wall with crossed arms and looked at the dog with a frank stare.

"Do you like balls, Whammer?"

Resky's eyes dropped to the stallion's crotch, but the horse shook his head. "Not those. Of course you like those, you little perv." Resky blushed at the name, and the stallion mimed throwing something. "I mean these. Chasing balls. Playing fetch."

Resky feigned offence. "Um, actually, not all canines devolve into atavistic sphere-hunters the moment someone hurls a round thing in their vicinity."

"I can quote blogs too," the horse said blithely. "Answer my question." His bulge was so prominent in those pants; Resky tried not to let his vision keep flitting across it.

"Maaaaybe," he said. "Sometimes. But only ironically. Mocking expectations, you know."

"Right, right," the horse said. "Of course." Behind him, Solus squealed in delight at finding some especially lovely piece of clothing. The stallion reached into the cupboard and retrieved something from the upper shelf, keeping it hidden in a fist. Resky stared cautiously at him, and the horse stared back. Then the stallion slowly held out his hand until it sat in the air midway between the two of them -- and clenched his fingers.

His hand squeaked.

Resky felt a flood of emotions and fought to damp them down -- but it was too late. His tail had already betrayed him; his curl whipping this way and that through the air like a huge fluffy scythe. The stallion smirked and turned his hand upside down, dropping a squeaky blue ball onto the ground. It squeaked once more when it landed, and then lay still.

"Pick it up," he said.

Resky clenched his paws and met the stallion's eyes. "I don't want to."

"Better tell your tail, then."

"My tail's a liar. It doesn't control me."

"That's right. Tonight, I control you."

"You should be so lucky."

The two males took one another's measure in silence for a moment. "Pick it up," the stallion said carefully, and Resky leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, mirroring the stallion's casual pose.

"Make me," he said. His heart was thudding in his chest, and he waited for the stallion to lose his patience and storm closer and grab him by the scruff of his neck and push him to his knees and tell him that he was a misbehaving little shit that needed a big strong horse to force him into line and show him how brats deserved to be treated...

But the horse merely shrugged and sighed. "As you wish." He pushed himself upright and turned back to Solus, slipping an arm around the deer's shoulders. "Found anything nice, pet? Oh, isn't that a pretty thing..."

"Hey!" Resky exclaimed, pushing away from the wall and holding his paws up in confusion. This wasn't right! This wasn't what other guys did. "What are you doing?"

The horse looked back at him in surprise. "What's that, pup? Oh, I'm respecting your wishes. You don't want to play fetch?" He shrugged. "That's that, then."

Resky gaped, trying to think what to say. "But...no! You have to..."

"I'm sorry, Whammer?" The horse's ears perked up, and his eyes widened. "Did you say I have to do something?"

"Uh...no?" Resky backtracked. "But, but..." This wasn't how it normally went! Did this horse know the rules? He wasn't doing anything right! "But..."

"Yes, everyone likes butts, Whammer," the horse said. "No need to keep reminding us." He stared at Resky for a moment, and then down at the blue ball on the ground, and then back to Solus with a dismissive flick of his mane. "Oh, yes, pet," he purred, "definitely pair these two together..."

Resky whined and ground his teeth. The horse ignored him. Minutes passed. At last, Resky's legs bent, and he slowly lowered himself enough to swipe the ball from the floor. He got back up and stalked stiffly over to the horse, holding out a hand to offer it to him -- but when the horse turned to look at him, he flicked at it with a finger, firing it forward. It bounced off the horse's muzzle and landed on the floor before rolling under the bed.

"Oops," the husky said. He felt light-headed and ecstatic. The horse's casual dismissal of his bratty behaviour was not the norm; most guys had him flat on the bed by now with ten inches of dick inside him. He didn't know what to think of this -- other than it made him feel good. Unexpectedly good. Alive. Like he'd climbed into a tiger's enclosure at the zoo and was stamping around, singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and throwing dirt in their water and blowing raspberries at them.

Alive...and somewhat terrified of what might come next. But equally unwilling to stop.

The stallion was silent for a moment, and then slipped his arm out from around Solus' neck. Resky stepped backwards as the horse stepped forward, until he fetched up against the open door of the cupboard, setting some equine harnesses to jingling. He was panting, and the horse looked curiously at his mouth, reaching up with a hand to grab the tip of his exposed tongue and tug it out a little more. "You're a very naughty pup, Whammer," he murmured. "Aren't you?"

"No," Resky said, adrenaline -- and the stallion's grip on his tongue -- making his words thick. "I do what I want."

"We have that in common," the stallion said. "I do what I want too. Although it's usually who I want..." He jerked forward suddenly, making Resky gasp and flinch -- but the stallion's nose stopped an inch away from the dog, and he took a deep breath through wide nostrils. "You need to look at getting a spray scent," the stallion said pragmatically."None of this works as well when I can smell the stink of need on you like you took a swim in it before coming here."

"The only thing I need, colt," Resky said, not believing what he was about to say, "is to hear you call me daddy."

The stallion dragged his head back, then shook it in disbelief as an amazed smile slid up his face. "Incredible. Such bold words for such a slutty mouth." He searched through the cupboard before pulling out a ball-gag: a big, black orb with red leather straps. "I think you've said enough for the night, pup. Open wide."

Resky put up token resistance, but the stallion's strength could have overpowered him in an instant if he so wished. The spongy ball pushed up into his muzzle and he made a muffled noise of alarm. "Shush now," the horse said absently, fastening the straps behind his head. "Be a good pet like Solus, and behave." With the gag in place, he stroked Resky's head and smiled at him. "Now, I don't want you to think I've overlooked your behaviour," he said softly, "because I haven't. You've been a real brat. So, I'm going to give the pretty girl over there the nice, hard stallion fucking she wants...and then I'll decide what to do with you."

Resky's paws rose to feel the straps, but the horse slapped them away. "Gonna be like that, huh?" he said, and grabbed a pair of cuffs from a hanger. They slipped on easily, trapping the husky's paws in front of him and causing him to make muffled sounds of disbelief until the stallion tapped him on the nose. "Keep making a noise," he warned, "and I'll send you home without unlocking them." As Resky fell silent, the horse turned back to his friend.

Solus was standing in front of the clothing cupboard now, holding a lilac skirt and a pair of fine red gloves, and the stallion clapped his hands together in delight. "Beautiful!" he exclaimed. "Now, let's get them on you." He licked his lips. "Clothes off, pet."

Solus pushed his face into the clothes coyly, only his eyes visible, looking up at the horse with adoration until the stallion took out the cage he'd selected earlier and shook it; the lock made a tinkling sound against the metal bars. Solus bleated in excitement, putting the clothes down and beginning to disrobe. His small, pert cock was already hard when his pants came off, and he looked down at it disapprovingly. But the horse knelt next to him and patted his side.

"Don't worry, pet," he said. "Tell me...do you like maths?" Solus nodded. "Wonderful. Do a little calculation for me. Four trains leave their stations..."

The deer frowned and ran the problem through his head as the horse kept speaking, adding more and more parameters to the equation. His cock slowly softened as his focus was diverted, and even before he provided the answer, the horse had managed to slip the device on and shackle it. "Done," he said, holding up the key and then putting it aside as Solus looked down at his caged cock with wonder and delight. "Now you don't need to worry...Daddy will cum, and you won't. And did you get the answer for me?"

"Um...eighty-four?" the deer said cautiously, and the stallion smiled and nodded.

"Exactly right. Not only beautiful, but smart as well, huh?" That made the buck giggle and blush. "Now, put on your nice clothes."

The buck slipped into his skirt and gloves, and the stallion ran his fingers along the boundary between the fine fabric and the male's soft skin. "Wonderful," he said. "Daddy loves girls like you, pet. Soft, and beautiful...and hungry for cock." He chuckled as Solus nodded eagerly. "Do you want to see Daddy's cock, pet?"

"Oh, yes please, Daddy!" the buck said instantly, and the horse patted him affectionately on the cheek.

The stallion stood up and took a few steps back, glancing at Resky to make sure he was watching. The dog most assuredly was; he had no intention of missing a second that could be spent ogling the stud-horse's dick. The horse smirked at them and reached down to pull his shirt off, doing it slowly so as to reveal his body like a prize. His abs were impressively defined, dark waves of muscle covering his belly, with a trail of hair running down their centre like icing and disappearing into his pants. As the shirt rose higher, revealing his chest, Resky could see that the trail expanded into a hairy blanket that covered his pecs; two large nipples rose above the fur like small crimson mountains, their obvious hardness inviting tongue and finger to tease them. And as the shirt was tugged over the stallion's head, the husky gaped at the sight of the stallion's deep, thick pits, full of hair even darker than his skin.

The stallion noticed his attention once he'd dropped his shirt on the ground, and he grinned and wrapped an arm behind his head, turning his nose to the side to smell himself. "Hrrrmmm..." he said with satisfaction. "Pure stallion musk, pup." He licked his lips. "Nothing like it." He ran a hand through his chest hair too, grasping it and pulling gently. "I'm a hairy horse, boys. But I don't think that's a problem for either of you, huh?"

"No, Daddy," Solus moaned, eyes like dinner plates as he tried to take in every part of the stallion's incredible body. "You're so handsome, Daddy..." Resky merely made a muffled sound and shook his head.

The stallion smiled and undid the button on his pants, tucking his fingers in and beginning to pull down. The material struggled at first to slide over his bulge, as more and more stallion sheath and cock was revealed -- until it all came loose at once, and the pants slithered to the floor in a pile as the horse's huge dick swung free at last, a black monster of a size befitting its owner, with balls like fat onyx diamonds hanging underneath and thick pubic hair surrounding it all. The dick was half-hard, curving out from his body and bouncing a little every time he moved. The stallion hefted his prick and slapped it against his palm to let the two subs hear the meaty noise of it, then let it hang free again and lifted one leg up onto the bed, showing off his heavy genitals to best effect.

"How do you like those horse-apples, pet?" he asked Solus. The deer couldn't even speak, and merely nodded dreamily and reached out vaguely towards the impressive dick. The horse gestured him closer with a finger, and pushed him to his knees when he reached him. "Get your muzzle in there, pretty girl," he said, and the deer moaned and slid his nose up under the cock and balls, breathing in as he nosed around, and licking in between. The stallion sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, Solus...good girl...lick Daddy's balls."

The buck went at it like a salt lick. Every inch of the stallion's heavy coltmakers were lapped repeatedly by an eager pink tongue, and fondled by soft hands that massaged even as they shifted the big testicles about in their smooth sack to let Solus' mouth reach every crevice. The stallion moaned and stroked the buck's head, urging him on with soft exhortations. His cock twitched and hardened as Solus' work continued, until it had risen from its half-flaccid state and stuck straight out, hard and proud, like a flagpole.

"Enough, pet," the stallion groaned after a while. "Oh, fuck, it's too good." The deer paused and looked up eagerly at the horse's face, and the stallion's huge hand petted and stroked him. "You did so well, pet," the equine said. "Don't worry. I just don't want to waste my load. That's supposed to end up inside a good girl's ass, isn't it?"

Solus bit his lip and nodded, lifting a hand to stroke the hard cock next to him. "Yes, please, Daddy." He stood and turned to offer his ass to the stallion, skirt and tail lifted high. "I'm ready for you, Daddy." A single drop of lube oozed out of him, proving his statement.

The stallion snorted with lust, eyes locked on the deer's tight hole. "Yeah you are..." But then he looked across at Resky, standing against the wall, trying to cover the erection he'd gotten watching Solus attending to the musclebound stallion. "But let's come over here, pet."

He took Solus' hand and led him over to the wall, right next to Resky. Resky blushed and looked down at the floor, but the stallion tapped him on the cheek. "Nu-uh, pup." He pointed two fingers at his own eyes, and then Resky's. "I wanna see you watch me. Don't you dare look away." He waited for Resky to nod his assent and then turned back to Solus. The deer's hands were pressed up against the wall, his ass stuck out, breathing shallowly and moaning. The stallion wrapped one arm around him, hand sliding up his body and neck before they reached his mouth, and a couple of fingers slid into it. Solus started suckling on them immediately, and the stallion groaned with pleasure. His other hand took his cock and lined it up with the deer's hole, then paused. He leaned into the deer's ear.

"How rough do you want it, little girl?" he asked with a huff. "Gentle, for a princess...or hard, for a slut?"

Solus moaned again, seemingly torn between answering and continuing to suckle the stallion's fingers. But answering won out. "I'm Daddy's slut," he whispered, and the stallion whinnied deep and loud.

"Daddy loves sluts," he said, and thrust his cock into Solus.

The deer's guttural noises of pleasure didn't ramp up: he started crying out at full volume instantly. "Oh, Daddy, Daddy, oh fuck, Daddy, more, more, please, Daddy...!" The stallion wasted no time in getting his entire length inside the deer; four hard thrusts, and it was done. Resky's eyes goggled at the sight of the horse's entire prick buried inside his friend, and the way the fat flare made the cervine's belly bulge whenever the stallion hilted himself. The horse grunted as he fucked, sounding like his more animalistic cousins as he pulled back to let almost all his length squelch free of the deer's well-lubricated hole -- and then whinnying when he pushed it all back in with one long, smooth action that ended with his body perfectly mated to that of the deer. Every action he took made Solus moan, or squeal, or call the horse daddy and beg for more dick. Pre-cum soaked his caged cock and ran down the front of his legs, and his hands were curled into fists from the intensity of the feelings.

It was a rough, hard, magnificent fucking. And all throughout, the nameless stud kept his eyes on Resky.

The dog did not know what to do but meet them, as he'd been commanded to. The sights, the smells and the noises of the coarse horse sex happening right next to him were rapidly eroding his desire to pretend he didn't want the same. He was desperately hungry for the stallion's dick, and the time for games had passed. If the gag hadn't been in, he'd have said it, but instead, he had to try to make it clear with only his eyes and posture. Did the stallion understand? Please understand. Please, I'm so horny, I need your cock, any cock, I want cock so bad. He begged the stallion with his eyes, pupils flickering from the blue orbs to his powerful arms, his thick hair, his shiny, lubricated cock, and back again. The nameless stud fucked like he'd been born to it: like it was his job. Solus' noises had degraded into random moans and cries now, his forehead dropped against the wall, his mouth still sucking the stallion's fingers like they were life itself. His belly bulged in rhythm with the cock inside him, but each time it seemed a little larger. The stallion must be close.

The equine leaned in, burying himself in the deer and starting to fuck more haphazardly, only a few inches sliding in and out now. He almost swallowed the deer's ear, licking and nuzzling all around it, then whispering hoarsely into it. "Daddy's close, pet...can you feel me?"

"Yes, Daddy." Solus sounded addled with pleasure. "I want your cum, Daddy..."

"Good girl. Such a good girl, Solus. Such a nice tight ass for Daddy to fuck...I love your ass, pet..." The way the stallion was looking at him as he spoke was confusing...and hot. Resky's paws could only do so much to cover his erection, and with his knot now swelling too, it was a lost battle.

"Fuck my ass, Daddy," Solus moaned. "Please...fuck it harder, I want your cum, Daddy..."

The horse's voice was getting hoarse. "It's close pet, almost there...Daddy's gonna cum, pet..." The horse pressed in firmly and held himself there. Resky could just about make out the ridges of his flare through the impression it made on Solus' skin. It was obscenely large, and he wanted it in himself so badly.

Then the stallion's neck stiffened, and he broke eye contact with Resky to lift his face up with gritted teeth, and groan and twitch -- and with a jagged bellow, he came. Or so the dog assumed. It seemed that way: he was gripping Solus harder to himself and crying out in one long, unbroken sound, and Solus was saying "Yes, Daddy, yes," over and over again. Then the dog heard a splatter, and looked down to see cum squirting out around the stallion's cock, and that confirmed it.

Then the smell hit him.

It wasn't that horse cum was an aphrodisiac for the dog, exactly. It was probably merely some trick of their biology and his sensitive nose. But the effect wasn't far off. It was as if a circuit became connected in his brain that turned off every limiter on his dick. His knot felt like it was exploding in his pants, the tight material now almost unbearable against his surprisingly large member, and he could feel the pre-cum squirting violently into his underwear. They'd be ruined. But it'd be worth it. It'd all be worth it...as long as he got that dick.

The two lovers beside him were gradually coming down from their highs. The stallion was still buried inside Solus, but as his cock shrank, the incredible volume of cum he'd pumped into the little deer could escape -- and did so violently. Every flex of the deer's innards released another wash of fluid that soon soaked his skirt and coated the back of his legs like he'd been sprayed with white custard.

The nameless stallion pulled out at last, and looked down at the mess he'd made. "Your ass is a mess, pretty girl," he said.

"Thank you, Daddy," Solus replied, feeling around himself and fingering his looseness. "It feels wonderful, Daddy -- oh!" The horse had sunk to his knees and shoved his muzzle against the deer's hole, lapping up his own semen with long, lascivious strokes of his tongue that made the deer shudder and moan like he had while he'd been fucked. When the excess cum was cleaned up, and the hole shone with spit and one small dribble of fresh cum, the stallion wiped his mouth clean and sighed in satisfaction.

"You taste as amazing as you feel, pet."

"Thank you, Daddy," Solus said. "I'm glad I made you feel good, Daddy." The stallion patted his ass and smiled.

"You did, pet. Why don't you go lie on the bed while Daddy deals with a naughty dog?" And as Solus made his bow-legged way over to the bed, the stallion stood and regarded Resky.

The canine was still trying to convey his urgent neediness through sight alone, but the horse ignored him and dug into the cupboard for something else. It took him a while, but when he found it, Resky's heart almost stopped: a collar and leash. The horse showed it off to him, holding it right in front of his face and turning it this way and that. "Don't get your hopes up," the stallion told him firmly. "This is for tonight only. I'm not your owner. Got it?" When the dog nodded, he tossed the items at his paws and pulled a small key from a shelf to unlock the handcuffs. Resky rubbed his wrists as they came off, and the stallion stepped back, arms crossed, legs spread, genitals hanging so heavily between his thighs that it made a mockery of the idea that he'd nutted only moments before. He looked fucking magnificent, Resky had to admit. His entire body shimmered slightly with sweat, and bigger droplets of it had caught in his body hair; those glistened like small jewels. White pearls of semen dotted his pubic hair, and his huge cock hung half-soft again -- with white streaks of cum making it look like it was made of some polished precious stone, resting on top of the dark goose-egg balls he'd been blessed with.

Resky cautiously reached up to undo the straps of his ball-gag, and the stallion watched. The gag came free and the dog coughed and licked his mouth clean of the taste. He kept quiet, though, and merely looked down at the collar and leash that lay at his feet. It was unadorned leather, nothing special. Nothing special...except for a mark of complete dominance and control. He stared at it, and the horse said nothing. When Resky lifted his head to look at him, he'd not moved. Arms crossed, head level. Eyes locked on the dog. Expectant.

Then the same words came again. "Pick it up."

A test, then. Had the naughty pup learned anything during his time-out? The temptation to defy was immense...but so was his hunger for cock. He looked down at the horse's cock. It had taken Solus to heaven and back, and he ached to feel it in himself...but the temptation was so strong. He had to leave with a load of colts in his ass tonight, though. He wanted that more than anything. He needed to focus on what mattered. He'd had his fun, after all. Now it was time to be a good boy. Yeah. A good boy.

Resky met the stallion's eyes. "Make me."

He didn't even see where the riding crop came from. Had the horse hidden it behind his arm when he was searching for the leash? It hardly mattered once it landed; the taut length snapped under his neck and lifting his head up while a hand grabbed the scruff of his neck and forced him to his knees. He whined in confusion, but the crop wasn't pressing hard enough to choke -- only hard enough to make the point.

"Pick. It. Up." It was a full-on growl now, rich with threat and danger and sexuality. Resky's body almost melted from the sound of it. He couldn't look down, so he reached out blindly and scrabbled around for the items. When he had them in hand, the pressure of the crop faded, and the stallion lifted it to his breast, holding the length across himself like a ward.

"Put it on."

Resky's hands shook a little as he unclipped the collar and slipped it around his neck. The material was well-worn and comfortable, and felt amazing. The encirclement of his neck was like a magic spell that transformed how he thought. No longer Resky the brat, always challenging. Now Resky the pup, an owned thing. Ready to be used.

The stallion held out the crop and caught the end of the leash, flicking it out of Resky's hands and catching it in mid-air. He tugged on it until it was taut, then smirked. "Now." He regarded the dog. "We'll keep things simple: what's my name?"

"You didn't tell us your--ack!" Resky felt the leash tighten to unpleasant levels, tugging him forward a bit before releasing.

"What's my name, pup?"

The dog took a deep breath and thought. Oh. Right. "Sir," he said thickly. If the collar changed how he thought, that word changed how he felt. He felt more eager to please by the minute.

"Very good." Resky's tail wagged at the compliment, and a hot flush grew inside him. "What do you want, pup?"

"I..." He stared at the cock right before him. "I want dick. Uh. Sir."

"Do you want my horsecock, pup?"

"Yes, Sir." He gulped as he gave in to his true nature. "I really want your horsecock, Sir. It's...it's really nice."

The horse tugged the leash and pulled him closer. "It is really nice," he agreed. "Solus can attest. Look at what a mess I made while fucking him." Resky did, and the smell of it made him whine as his own dick thickened more in the prison of his jeans. The horse chuckled and tugged the leash once more. "Lick it, pup."

"Yes, Sir." Resky leaned in and lapped up the length of the stallion's cock, the powerful, heady taste of stallion cum electrifying his tongue. Oh, fuck, it was amazing. Why had he been such a brat about this? He should have let the stallion have his way with him from the start. Oh, shit, why was this so good? Why were horses so fucking hot and amazing and big and delicious and oh fuuuuuck...

His paws were holding the shaft up as he slobbered all over it now, all inhibitions erased. He was a good boy that would do whatever his owner said. He would suck every cock, swallow every load, ride every monster dick until he'd done his duty. He wanted to serve this horse forever: he wanted to be a slave to his dick. Was this heaven? It had to be.

Only a tug on his leash made him stop, and he quickly sat back on his haunches and held his front paws out, eyes bright and eager for instruction. The stallion looked down at him with delight. "There's the good boy I've been looking for, huh? Someone's finally ready for a dicking of their own, it seems."

Resky barked. "Yes, Sir!"

"Get up, then, pup. Clothes off."

Resky shot to his feet and disrobed in record time, and found the horse staring at the canine dick in shock. "Holy shit, pup," he said in amazement. "Where have you been hiding that?" The stallion's own dick was twitching and thickening again as he tried to make sense of the dog's long, crimson cock and knot that probably matched his own shaft for width.

The dog blushed with mixed pleasure and embarrassment. He knew he was big -- a good deal bigger than average. It didn't usually matter since he never fucked anyone. But some guys really seemed to enjoy fucking a guy with a big dick -- and this horse seemed to be one of those. "I'm a big doggy, Sir," he said, and the stallion nodded in agreement.

"You sure fucking are. Fuck...that's hot." He looked up at Resky's face. "Now I know what to do with you." He pointed his crop at the bed where Solus languished on his side, watching the two of them. "On your back. There."

Resky climbed onto the bed -- the horse following closely with leash in hand -- and lay back against the duvet. It was rather nice to be lying down after standing for so long, he thought. Then the stallion loomed between his legs, like an apparition, and strong hands each grasped a footpaw. The horse was looking down at him with an unreadable expression that made the canine quiver inside. It was something raw; feral, even. Extremely fucking hot to see on a stud that powerful.

"You're gonna jerk off while I fuck you, pup," he said seriously. "And you'd better not stop until I'm done...and you'd better not cum until after me. Can you do that?" Resky gulped, but nodded.

"I--I can do it, Sir!"

"I know you can," the horse said. "I believe in you -- and your monster dick." He sniggered. "But, one more thing..." He looked over at Solus and smiled. "Hello, beautiful. Come closer, pretty girl." Solus blushed and crawled closer to the two of them, moving to where the horse indicated. "There we go," the stallion said. "Just there. Now...straddle Resky's face, sweet thing." Solus looked surprised, but did as he was asked; lifting himself up onto his knees, he shuffled awkwardly around until his ass sat in the air above Resky's head. The dog looked up at the puffy, cummy hole above him, and all he could imagine was his own looking the same.

"Now," the horse said, "Solus is going to sit that gorgeous ass right on your mouth, Whammer -- and it's your job to get him off. You hear me? That's for being such a brat earlier. You're gonna give Solus the rimming of his life, and make him cum right through his cage." He paused, and Resky felt a mild panic. But...he didn't know what Solus liked! He didn't know what to do to get someone off with only his tongue -- let alone through a cage! This was impossible...

"Can you do it, pup?"

Resky gulped, and fought with his mind, and won. "I...yes, Sir!"

"That's a good boy. Now, open both holes nice and wide..."

A deer's well-fucked hole descended onto his face, a stallion's thick cock slid into his ass, and Resky got to work.

He hadn't accounted for how hard it would be to focus on his tongue-work with the massive stallion prick slamming into him and setting off fireworks in his ass. He'd lubricated in advance, same as Solus, so his prostate was instantly under assault by the horse's thickness and length. The flare was the real prize; the rough edges and sheer size meant that every time it scraped over him, he almost screamed. He was pawing as hard as he could for the first minute or so until he realised how quickly that was making his climax approach, and he slowed down to avoid failing that challenge. Solus, meanwhile, was grinding against his friend's mouth, sighing and moaning as if he had another cock in him. He clearly loved the feeling of the dog's agile tongue inside him, which would help to achieve that goal. Yeah! He could do this!

The husky focused on the fuck.

He got into a rhythm, using the stallion's fucking as a metronome. Dick pushing in; he slid his tongue around the rim of Solus' hole, massaging the soft flesh. Dick hilting; thrust his tongue into him like a makeshift penis. Dick withdrawing; swirl tongue and return. As a bonus, he got a load of stallion semen every time he pulled his tongue back, and the taste of that divine liquid kept him motivated. His paw slid up and down his shaft, using his voluminous pre-cum as lube, and his other hand gripped the top of his ballsack, desperate to prevent his balls from rising. If only he didn't enjoy ball-play so much; it simply aroused him more.

He had no way to know how close Solus was; his friend's ass clenched and released of its own accord. His ears were flattened under the deer's thighs as well, muffling all the sounds. Was Solus' moaning louder than before? He couldn't tell. He could only keep up the pace, and hope.

His cock had drooled a small sea of pre-cum onto his belly by the time he felt Solus twitching more excitedly above him. His friend was moving about more, now pressing harder into his mouth, now lifting off. Resky lapped harder, adding in some panting and blowing -- anything to try push him over the edge. The stallion prick in his ass was also speeding up now. Were they both close? His ass was numb from pleasure, and only his vice-like grip on his balls was keeping his masturbating hand from pushing him over the edge and spraying all of them with puppy seed. Something was definitely happening with Solus now; he seemed to be leaning forward, trying to get the dog under him to target a specific spot in his ass. There? The canine stabbed at it with his tongue repeatedly, and Solus was screaming above him, screaming like he'd screamed when the horse fucked him rough and raw and fast...

Warm wetness splattered onto Resky's neck -- and in his ass, he felt a mass growing, not merely rubbing along his inner walls any more but actually muscling them aside, widening his tunnel to an impossible degree, swelling in his belly and making him whimper and beg into Solus' ass -- as if it could help. The mass pushed extra-deep, and he felt the hands on his ankles press them even wider apart, and then a roar penetrated his half-blocked ears as the stallion between his legs reached his second climax of the night. With delirious joy, the husky released his balls, and his furiously stroking hand brought him to his peak, making his ass clench down upon the fat, hot dick inside him as it pumped its messy, virile load deep inside him. His knot was brutally hard, and his balls had all but vanished when he began to cum, his watery semen splattering over his belly and probably over Solus as well -- if not the entire bed, so powerfully was it spraying forth.

Solus lifted off him abruptly, and Resky gasped and sighed and shivered at the cool, fresh air and the heaviness in his ass. Too many sensations. He looked down at himself, covered in cum; the stallion's hand was hovering in front of his dick now, apparently collecting his semen. As Resky watched, the horse lifted it to his mouth and licked it clean with obvious enjoyment. "Pups taste the best," he said with a smirk, and Resky blinked and gave a goofy smile in return. Had the stallion finished cumming? His ass felt overfull, but that might just be the dick that still filled it. He'd given the pup the fucking he needed, though, as promised. Everything felt wonderful.

"Thank you, Sir," he said, and the stallion nodded back at him.

"My pleasure, pup." He remained where he was, dick inside the husky, holding the dog's legs apart. Resky could feel cum oozing out of him now, and smell the distinct scent of Solus' cum on his chest. It was definitely time for a wash. Just as soon as the horse pulled out...

He waited.


"Yes, pup?" The horse seemed to be ready for the question.

"Sir, may I...um, go wash off?"


The dog blinked. "Um...aren't we, uh, done? I mean, Sir?"

The stallion laughed. "Done?" He pulled back a little from the dog -- barely two inches -- and then pressed in again, languidly. "I count four orgasms so far."

Resky's heart fluttered. "H--how many...?"

"If I cum less than five times myself, pup...it's been a bad night." His pace was accelerating again. "Gonna pump another load into you now, and then another into the princess." His grin was feral. "And then maybe I'll make you put your pups in your friend. And then mix those with another load of horse spunk." His cock rubbed along Resky's prostate, and the dog moaned and felt his self-control falter. "You've both got amazing asses," the horse was saying, "and I'm going to make sure they never forget the night they got fucked by Stanchion."

Behind Resky's head, Solus moaned and started fingering himself again.


"Tell me you're fucking _kidding!_" A primly dressed ferret shook his head, looking over his glasses at the bull and Clydesdale stallion standing before him, and sniffed at the bull's outburst. "I'm afraid not," he said tersely. "Site rules,...

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Party Planning

The deer wore the tightest jeans he owned, and a nice purple shirt with it to catch the eye. He'd shown up late, to make sure everyone was sufficiently drunk. And he'd made sure the Doberman would be there, partying like all the rest. It'd been too...

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Ramming It In

I missed the headshot because of Dad's bulge. I was visiting the city, staying at Dad's apartment. I didn't like the city these days, but Dad had work, and he couldn't get time off to come and visit me, so I was visiting him. Well, I say work. He...

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