Party Planning

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Deer are smart - very smart. If they want something, you can be sure they'll find a way to get it. Fresh greens, salt licks, Doberman knot...nothing can stop them.

While attempting to tease someone, I accidentally made up an idea that I loved. So I quickly wrote it up :)

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The deer wore the tightest jeans he owned, and a nice purple shirt with it to catch the eye. He'd shown up late, to make sure everyone was sufficiently drunk. And he'd made sure the Doberman would be there, partying like all the rest.

It'd been too easy after that. Some lascivious dancing, grinding against nothing with his fists bouncing in the air, biting his lip, thrusting his crotch and swaying his hips. He worked out fucking hard to get those thighs and that ass; curved and sensual, just like a doe's. He kept himself facing away from the stud, giving the stud ample time to see the goods on offer. Now and then, he'd glance over to catch his eye -- and smile, and look away. A little slower each time, until at last he didn't break his gaze at all, and simply let his tongue slip out and lick across his lips. The guy was staring at nothing else by then, and the deer could see him adjusting his own pants.

He didn't even ask; he simply sauntered over, dropping off his half-full beer on a table and casually coming to stand right next to the Doberman. The male's eyes were hazel, intense; he devoured the sight of the stag and made the cervine's tail flutter. No words; the time for them -- if there'd ever even been any -- had passed. The canine tilted his head towards the stairs, and the deer nodded in silent agreement. With a single casual look around in case anyone was watching, they went upstairs.

The Doberman slammed the door to the bedroom shut, and they were alone. Music throbbed through the wood; it'd drown out any chance of hearing other sounds from downstairs. Sounds like the thud of the deer's body being thrust against the wall, and the agreeable moan that followed. The Doberman was standing before him, eyes sharp, crotch bulging, one paw sliding across his fit, hard body. Then the canine was on him like a predator: two quick steps and his form pressed into the deer's, mouth wet and eager, tongue seeking, cock grinding. His dick felt like a salami, and the deer's eyes fluttered closed and sighed, breathing the canine's snorted breath back at him.

"Bed..." he whispered. There was one in the room; his partner just hadn't given him a chance to get near it.

"No," the dog growled, in between sloppy kisses. Fuck. That accent. So fucking sexy and dominant. The deer had lusted after it ever since he first heard it. "I like it here." He slid a paw behind the deer and gripped one ass-cheek, the way the flesh bulged in his paw clearly pleasing him: he barked in need and move his sloppy kisses to the deer's neck. He nipped now and then, and the deer cried out. "Louder," the dog instructed, and the deer did as he was told. Nip, gasp. Nip, whine. Nip, slide a hand down the dog's body to his pants, and rub a palm over the huge, hard mass inside it.

"Oh, fuck, you're so hot," the deer moaned. The paw squeezing his ass slid inwards more, and a thick finger thrust in to find his hole. The deer shivered and gripped the dog."Yes, please, I fucking want you so bad..."

"You want to get fucked?" the canine asked. His head pulled back and his paws went to his pants, undoing them. The deer could hardly breathe from the anticipation of watching it. "You want my dick?"

"I want your dick, your knot, your cum..." The deer went to undo his own shirt, but the dog stopped him; one paw grasped the collar and pulled, ripping it open, sending buttons flying. The deer felt himself melt a little more. "I want to be your bitch..." he moaned.

"You fucking will be," the dog husked. He pulled his pants down, and a crimson, veiny mass of dog dick bounced out, thick and pointed and already drooling. The deer groaned and reached for it. He'd dreamed the dog was hung, hoped he'd have a nice dick...and this was everything he'd imagined.

"How big?" he asked faintly. He could barely fit his hand around the middle of the shaft; he stroked it, feeling the heat and the smoothness. The dog watched him.

"Fourteen." The deer's legs obeyed the number, and he sank slowly to the floor, opening his mouth and slurping half the member into his muzzle. The Doberman whined, and the deer felt a paw on his antler, holding him there. "And a knot like a fucking apple..."

Knot. That was the real prize with canines. The deer wanted the knot more than anything else. He'd had horses, who'd fucked him with dicks like battering rams, and felines, whose barbs made him scream and curse and threaten to kill them if they stopped -- but knots were his god. They would enter him and own him, and he would feel their mass and power and know he'd served the owner well.

The Doberman's face-fucking was hasty and over-eager. He got twelve inches into the deer -- the partially inflated knot was looking the cervine right in the eye, like a baleful star -- before the cervine coughed and pulled back, and the dog chuckled.

"Too much?" he asked, and the deer coughed and shook his head.

"Just fuck me."

Pulled up again, and turned around. His pants were tugged down, and the same thick finger probed his revealed hole. When it emerged well-soaked in lube, the dog whined and licked his ear from behind.

"Good boy. Prepared."

"Always prepared," the deer shot back, as if he'd been insulted, and had his hands grabbed and trapped against the wall for his trouble. He groaned, keeping his head down so his antlers didn't spear into the dog's face behind him. The canine was right up against him, seeking his mark with the point of his cock. It trailed over the deer's ass, leaving wetness, getting closer, almost there...

And in.

The deer was more than ready. He'd had a toy as big as the dog -- minus his knot -- inside him until right before he'd left his house, and the Doberman's fat dick rammed into him without warning. Perhaps the dog had been expecting him to be tighter, or to grunt in pain. All he got was a long, low, "Ohhhhhhhhh" as he filled the cavity the deer had been feeling all night long. Twelve inches of canine prick, as thick as they came, slid right into the deer's ass with no sound more than the whisper and squelch of lubrication. The deer shuddered to feel its heat pressing against his prostate, and his legs shook until he flexed them taut. He would not collapse. He would not miss a single fucking second of this.

The Doberman was surprised enough to pause as he hilted in the deer with no resistance, his much fatter knot resting against the deer's ass. "So loose..." he marvelled.

"Loosen it more, then," the deer moaned. "Fuck that knot into me, stud. I want puppies."

A single chuckle, and the dog started pushing forward. "You can't take my knot that easy," he teased.

"Fuck you!" the deer shot back. "I'm made to take knots. Don't you fucking dare knot me and end it there, either. I want to feel that thing fucking me. Do it!"

The deer's aggression found fertile ground in his mate, and with a single, loud bark, the dog thrust his hips, driving the knot inside. The deer's fingers clawed into the wall and he screamed, but it was only from pleasure. The knot was so big, so filling. It pushed his innards aside as it muscled in, taking control, and resting like a huge, hot, throbbing toy right against the deer's prostate. His dick was already out of control, squirting watery pre-cum over the wall and his jeans, but the cervine was far beyond caring.

That fullness, that size, that feeling of being locked to another was perfection.

He tried to speak, but his throat wasn't working. The Doberman leaned over his shoulder at the mumble. "What's that?"

"F...fuck..." the deer managed. "Fuck...fuck me...fuck bastard..."

One of his hands fell as the Doberman released it, and a thick, hairy arm slid around his neck. "So fucking needy," the Doberman hissed. The deer's eyes went wide, his mouth slack; his throat was held right in the cleft of the big canine's arm, his windpipe partially compressed by the massive bicep. He could breathe, but it was very much at the dog's mercy. All it would take would be a simple flex of those huge muscles, a tightening of his grasp...with the knot buried in his ass, and the arm slightly choking him, he was entirely under the dog's control.

Everything he could ask for.

His entire body went slack, and the dog chuckled again. "There we go," he said. He pulled his hips back until his knot popped out, but keeping his arm tight. "Still needy though...and so am I." He pushed forward, making it pop back in; the deer went cross-eyed at the sensation. "I'll fuck you when I feel like it, alright?" Out again; lube was drooling down the deer's leg now, warm and slow. Or maybe it was the Doberman's fluids. "And I feel like"

The arm tightened as the canine began fucking at full speed, as if to keep him from getting away; entirely unnecessary, really. The deer was his, now, and he could use him as he wished. The knot pounded in and out of the cervine's loose ass, pushing the raw flesh in, then tugging it outward again. The deer merely moaned, never stopping; tears formed in his eyes as the knot assaulted his prostate, the electric shock of contact only growing fiercer, never weaker. The rest of his body was fading away; he only felt his ass, and the tiny point of absolute pleasure therein.

The dog's nips returned: his ear, his neck, his shoulder. Nip, then snarl, then kiss. As the muscled body -- and hairy balls -- slapping into his ass continued its relentless attack, his mouth found the deer's. It was awkward since his bicep didn't let the deer's head move, but the dog's tongue was long, and he slurped and dug at the side of the deer's mouth. Breath hot, and stinking of canine. The deer's eyes were open, but he could see nothing. His mind floated elsewhere, and only his carnal form remained here, to be used by this stud of a canine's as his lusty, needy toy.

The dog was whimpering softly now, and his hips were moving faster. The arm around the deer's neck tightened further and pulled back, making his body arc, giving the dog more room to frantically slam against him. The knot wasn't coming out as easily now; the deer felt his body resist, as loose as it was. The Doberman was thickening. He was close.

The whimpering grew louder, and the dog's muzzle buried itself into the hollow between his arm and the deer's face. Drool ran from his jowls, and his breath was all the deer could smell. His ass was on fire, but the pain was pleasure now, and must not end. Thrust, thrust, thrust...

And stop.

The sudden loss of movement made the deer gasp. The dog was in him, and that was the world, abruptly. No movement, no sliding along the special spots. The fourteen-inch beast was lying still within him, and that must mean...

"Can you feel me cumming?" the dog asked hoarsely. He sounded infinitely satisfied. "Fuck, you earned that. Your ass is amazing."

Compliments, and a blush -- but mostly a single-minded focus on the feelings. The knot: throbbing so hard it felt like the deer had a second heart in his ass. The cock, deep inside; as thick as it was, it didn't register on the deer's stretched body. But the cum did. It was like lava on his ravaged flesh, and he grimaced and panted, loving every second, ears flat, tongue dry. His mind had returned, and it was dancing through the fireworks of his pleasure. No orgasm; no need. Every feeling he desired was emanating in waves from his ass, filling him, driving him to a peak the dog, or the hundreds before him, couldn't even imagine. They'd cum, and enjoy it...but the deer would feel this for hours. The pleasure and the pain. He'd miss it the instant it was gone, though, and make plans to seek it again.

The Doberman's arm did not loosen at all while they remained knotted. That pleased the deer tremendously. Still knotted, still held; still owned. He tried to flex his ass around the big cock, but if he managed it, he could not tell; every nerve in the area had shut down from over-stimulation. His upper body simply faded into the warm perfection of the lower, supported by the fat cock and tight arm muscles of this hot fucking doggy stud.

"Clench," the Doberman told him eventually, and the deer did. It made no difference to the knot, which still slipped out with a sound like a mud-bubble popping, but it kept most of his cum inside. The deer's legs failed him then, and he slipped down the wall slowly, moaning, already depressed that it was over. The dog's huge cock hung down from his crotch, slowly softening, but still huge; dripping with cum, and covered in dark red veins. The deer shuffled forward to lick all of it -- especially the knot. He slurped up the seed as he hefted the flesh, and the dog watched him. At last, he pushed him away with a firm paw on his antlers and turned to get dressed.

"Good fuck," he said gruffly, pulling up his pants. He pointed a finger at the deer. "Arktisk, was it?" The deer nodded, impressed the dog had remembered. They'd only met a couple times when he dropped his son off at school. "Yeah." The dog paused. "So, uh...make sure my son doesn't hear about this, alright?"

The deer nodded rapidly. "Of course, Mr Garrigan."

"Get clean, then clear out of here," was the Doberman's final instruction before disappearing. The deer lay in silence for a little while longer, savouring the aftershocks pulsing outward from his ass, before getting up and wiping up what cum he could. He kept himself clenched, though; it'd defeat the purpose of all this to let that all escape.

His shirt was ruined, every button pulled off by the Doberman's roughness, but fuck it; nobody would notice. Down the stairs, the music growing louder with every step, until he could see the entire party again.


He slipped through the bodies, imagining how the big Doberman's seed would be sloshing around inside him. Soothing the stretch marks his knot had left behind. He reached his target, and tapped him on the shoulder; a younger Doberman whirled, blinking a few times before cheering.

"Ayyy! Arktisk! 'sup, bro!"

The deer smiled and leaned in close, to make sure the dog could hear. "I just got fucked in the ass so hard, Steven." The dog's mouth dropped open, and the deer slid a hand down to the Doberman's crotch, squeezing him for emphasis. "By a fucking stud. And he left a huge load in me." Drunk and horny, his friend's bulge felt just as big as his father's had -- except he already knew that the son outdid the father. I fucking love this family. "You want my sloppy seconds, handsome?"

The younger canine's unfocused eyes rode down to the deer's crotch, and then out to the crowd. "Yes," he said hoarsely. "Fuck yeah, bro, I wanna fucking nail your sloppy ass so bad..." He whined when the deer squeezed his cock, and Arktisk took his paw, leading him casually towards the stairs. His friend kept speaking as they moved.

"Was he big? I didn't know any of these dudes were into ass. Fuck, bro, I love fucking you...gonna ruin your ass, knot-slut..." He slid a paw down the back of the deer's pants and whined again at the wet, wide, warm hole he found. "Oh, shit..." He was panting greedily, and the deer felt his excitement build again. Steve fucked so fucking hard when he was buzzed. It was amazing. And he'd be fucking the deer with his own father's cum as lube...

This was the greatest night of his life.

"Who was it, bro?" the Doberman begged. "C'mon, tell me!"

The deer smirked."You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Ramming It In

I missed the headshot because of Dad's bulge. I was visiting the city, staying at Dad's apartment. I didn't like the city these days, but Dad had work, and he couldn't get time off to come and visit me, so I was visiting him. Well, I say work. He...

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Spitroasted by Stallions

"So, you worked for Kilkenny?" "Yes, sir." The white-muzzled horse sucked on his teeth, his eyes flicking up from the paper before him to the wolf's face. "You handled all his stock, right?" "I did." The wolf tried to keep his face neutral...

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The Lover in the Lake

It had rained the night before, and the forest the centaur walked through was soaked. Hooves pressed into loamy earth, the slight depressions filling with water as each foot lifted. Droplets fell on the centaur as he pushed branches aside, soaking...

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