Spitroasted by Stallions

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Xander the wolf has finally won his dream job - working alongside the champion racehorse Bucephalus. However, he learns very quickly that arrogant horses can be a real pawful - or two, depending on what you grab. And when the racehorse decides to take things into his own hooves, the wolf's going to be taught just what it takes to be a real stallion.

So long to finish T_T. But lots of fun to write. Talking ferals are something I've done before, but not as much as in this. Really enjoyed it. Also I <3 you Alex! What a cutie of a character.

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"So, you worked for Kilkenny?"

"Yes, sir."

The white-muzzled horse sucked on his teeth, his eyes flicking up from the paper before him to the wolf's face. "You handled all his stock, right?"

"I did." The wolf tried to keep his face neutral as his heart thumped. "All daily work, plus I assisted with any coverings, handled vet call-outs, and a small bit of admin."

"What's he got down there now? Must be almost ten?"

"That's right. Seven mares, three geldings."

"No stallions?"

"No, sir. The last male he bought was intact, but he was cut right after. Just company for the mares."

The horses nodded absently, staring at the paper again. "Xander Lawley..." he intoned, reading out the wolf's name -- for the third time -- from the top of the page. The wolf nodded, unsure if he should confirm it, or keep silent. But the horse said no more, and the wolf took his cue from the silence. He hid a deep intake of breath behind a semi-awkward glance around the room, and tried to relax.

He felt a little silly, being as nervous as he was. He wasn't applying to be an astronaut or anything; he just wanted to be a stable hand. But this job would be huge for him. He'd spent more years than he should have working exclusively at farms in this area in the hopes that this guy -- Dale Barrett -- would know of him when he finally did apply. He could have taken more profitable positions at other places, given his experience, but other places didn't own Bucephalus. The top racehorse in the country.

The stallion's gruff voice spoke out unexpectedly. "I'll be honest, Xander." He pursed his lips. "You've done good work, with good people. I know 'em all. Heard your name more than a few times down at the pub over the last few years. But there's a bunch of people that are just as keen to work here -- and many are a lot more qualified." He let the paper fall and joined his fingers into a steeple over it. "Can you tell me why I should pick you over them?" He hitched his eyebrows up.

Xander took another deep breath as butterflies held a rave in his stomach. He'd prepared a little speech in case he was asked this. Practised it countless times in front of the mirror. He just had to open his mouth and let the words flow. He had it. The first sentence was...


He stared at the stallion, mouth open, every word of the speech suddenly forgotten. Dale stared back patiently, and the wolf tried not to hyperventilate as virtual fingers scrabbled through the binders of his memory. Something about...horses? That didn't fucking help, of course horses were in it! Racing...the thrill...or, no, the...what?



Dale sighed and disentangled his fingers as the wolf's mouth opened and shut uselessly. "Thanks for your time, Xander," he began, and the wolf felt as if he'd been punched in the gut. He'd fucked it. At the last stretch, he'd fucked it. This couldn't be it. He'd worked so hard...

The horse stood and gestured the wolf to the door, and the lupine followed him on numb paws. He felt dizzy. He felt he might cry. How...how? He turned back to the door as Dale stood just inside it. The horse was saying something about speaking to his friends, asking them if they had an opening for the wolf, he was sure in a few years he'd make an excellent assistant, who knew when he'd next need to get someone on, he'd certainly keep the wolf in mind...

"He's got really big nuts!"

Xander's sudden exclamation cut Dale off mid-sentence, with one of the stallion's hands raised to shut the door. The horse stared at him, unmoving, and then blinked.

"Excuse me?" he asked carefully.

"Bucephalus." The wolf waved his hands about as if that explained everything. "Your racehorse."

"I know who Bucephalus is."

The wolf felt his face flush with blood. "He's got...extra-large testicles."

The stallion crossed his arms and cocked his head. "Does he now? I guess...thanks for noticing?"

"No. I mean. Um." Fuck. He sounded like a fucking creep. He gabbled more words to try to erase the embarrassment. "He, uh...he holds back a bit when he runs. Probably unconsciously, to avoid crushing his...his low hangers? If you..." The wolf gulped, suddenly realising that he was trying to give racing advice to the owner of an award-winning stallion. "I mean..."

"No, it's all right. Say what's on your mind." The horse was eyeing him carefully. "I could geld him, I guess," he continued. "But I haven't. Do you know why?"

Thank fuck he'd done his research. "His father's dead," Xander said simply. "If you geld him, you lose the bloodline."

Dale nodded. "Correct. But you, I assume, have an alternative solution?"

The wolf took a deep breath. "Have you ever seen drag queens?" Dale's brow rose a little, and the wolf hurried on. "They tape themselves up. Press them up into the body cavity. Their balls, I mean. You could...uh...maybe do the same...?"

Dale seemed to consider his words. "Bucephalus is a pretty smart stallion -- for a feral," he said. "What makes you think he hasn't suggested this to me already, and we've just not done it for other reasons?"

In for a penny...

Xander met Dale's eyes squarely, trying to project confidence that he really did not feel right now. "I don't think he'd ever suggest it." The horse's eyebrows rose at that, and the wolf caught his words before they fell over one another in their breakneck race to escape his disbelieving mouth. "I think racehorses couldn't care less about the details of what they do. I think that for them, racing is like sex: they get what they want out of it, and fuck the rest. I think a two-time champion like Bucephalus is gonna be even more narcissistic than most ferals, and I think he defines his identity by who he is -- by what he is. He's not a gelding; he's a full stallion. He wants his balls on display so that everyone knows that. But I also think -- no, no, I know -- that if you can figure out a way to tape him up, you'll shave three -- maybe five! -- seconds off your time at the next derby."

That was all the words he had, and he tried to calm his breathing as he dropped his eyes, terrified of meeting the horse's own now that his brief flirtation with confidence had passed. That had been...ugh. Shit. That had been so forward. This guy had been racing horses for twenty years. He knew everything. And he wasn't saying a damn thing. Fuck. Good job, wolf, you just made yourself look like a fucking idiot. Xander coughed uncomfortably and turned away. "Um, but, thanks for the opportunity..."

"You worked with stallions before, Xander?" Dale asked with a hook in his voice. Hope surged in the wolf's breast.

"Uh." It took a second to remember even this basic answer. "No, sir. Uh, just during coverings."

"Well..." Dale let his hand fall from the door, leaving it open. "You pretty much nailed them. Mine, anyway." The horse smiled. "And that's a pretty interesting idea you've had."

He turned to the side and waved Xander back inside. "Let's talk some more."

A few days later, Xander found himself standing in the yard on a chilly autumn morning, waiting for Dale. He was all moved in; the horse provided free board for staff, which was just a bonus as far as the wolf was concerned. All he wanted from the job was a chance to work closely with a champion racehorse.

The front door opened and Dale emerged, whinnying as the cold air slapped his face. He slapped his hands together and shook his head, letting his grey mane settle better around his neck before pressing it down. "Cold as a cleric's tonker today," he grumbled, and pointed at Xander. "Do you even feel the cold through that coat?"

Xander grinned and shook his head slowly, as if in a shampoo advertisement, letting the breeze catch his fur. "Perks of the species."

"Perks, my fine pert ass!" the horse retorted. "I'm fine with my own perk, thanks very much." He slapped a hand to his crotch and smirked, and Xander laughed. "Anyway," he continued, "some good honest work will get both of us warmed up." He waved his hands around, encompassing the entire farm. "There's a bunch of shit that goes on here beyond raising horses, but I'm not gonna dump it all on you now. For the first couple weeks, you're just gonna care for the ferals." He nickered, ears perked towards Xander. "I'm warning you, I'm not gonna be easy on you. Got some key races coming up, and I gotta focus on ol' Moneymaker over there"--he pointed towards the second, and smaller, of two stables that lay across the yard--"so you'll be doing all the rest."

"Hey, I'm here to work," the wolf said with a smile. "Ready for whatever you got to throw at me." He really was; farm work was hard, but he was more than used to it by now. And besides, it kept him deliciously fit. On the odd occasions when he went into town to indulge his vices, it rarely took more than thirty minutes before some sexy, horny guy -- or two -- would be dry-humping him on the dance floor or fondling him under the table. He knew he looked amazing good in tight jeans, and he exploited that for every inch of dick it was worth. About ten a night, usually. He loved how they couldn't keep their hands off his body when he eventually took them home -- or just dragged them into the bathrooms. He loved their eyes as they drank in the sight of him naked, too; lingering on the firm chest and defined abs before grabbing his thick arms to lift them over his head and drive their cocks in, hard and fast and deep...

He felt his pants tightening, and chuckled to himself. Definitely time for another visit soon. He'd been so stressed about the interview for this position, he'd not gotten laid for weeks.

Dale looked over at the sound. "What's that?" he asked.

"Oh, no, nothing," Xander replied. He made a show of kicking piles of leaves as they walked, using the action to try to push his awakened cock down the leg of his jeans. Probably best not to wave a knot-bulge in the new boss's face on day one.

They reached the first stable, and Dale pushed the doors open. "Hello, my lovelies!" he called out, and a mishmash of neighs, whinnies and spoken greetings washed over them. Xander followed into the darker interior, his eyes taking a moment to adjust from the glare of the autumn sun. When they did, they saw Dale petting a tall, pale mare on the nose as a couple other feral horses nosed in for their own slice of attention. There were three horses in the building; from the looks of things, two mares and a gelding. The huge mare receiving preferential pets turned to regard the wolf, and Xander smiled and waved.

"Hello," he said. The mare flicked her ears, but said nothing. "Um, I'm Xander."

"Xander's the new help, pretty things," Dale said, his hands moving about to pet or stroke all the horses in turn. "He's going to be sorting things out around here while I deal with the big black grump this race season, so you'll be seeing a lot of him."

A curious gelding trotted closer. "Hi!" he said, in a light and airy voice. "I'm Alex!" He sounded young; he couldn't be more than two, maybe two and a half. The gelding dipped his head down, clearly expecting attention, and Xander chuckled as he petted the horse's nose. He had a white blaze down his face that stood out against his otherwise grey colouring; even his mane was a dark ashen colour. The wolf traced a finger down the mark, and the horse nickered at the feeling.

"Hi, Alex," Xander said. "Nice to meet you." He stuck a hand into a pocket and took out a piece of apple; he'd come prepared to make friends. "Do you like apples?" he asked. The answer was instantaneous: the gelding gasped as he smelled the fruit, and his head thrust forward to wrap his lips around the wolf's fingers and slurp up the slice. Xander chuckled at the sensation. "Careful there," he said with amusement, "or you'll take my paw along with it."

"Thorry!" the gelding tried to apologise, crunching happily on the apple slice. When he swallowed, his eyes unfocused and his tongue flopped out. "Ooooh," he moaned. "I love apples..." Then he blinked and fixed his stare back on Xander. "Do you have any moooore?" he asked brightly, tilting his head to the side in what he seemed to think was an adorable manner. It rather was.

Xander patted the gelding's nose. "I do," he said, "but you can't have too many treats. You don't want to be a roly-poly horse, do you?" He could feel Dale's eyes on him from the side, and he kept talking, eager to show off. "Too many treats, see, and you'll get fat and unhealthy, and the vet will have to visit you all the time, and we don't want that, do we?" Alex's eyes had grown wide at the mention of the vet, and he shook his head firmly in agreement. "Exactly," the wolf said. "So, you can have one piece a day, and no more -- unless it's your birthday. Then..." He faked a surreptitious look around and leaned in to whisper loudly into the horse's ear. "Then you get a whole apple. All for yourself."

Alex whinnied and stamped his hooves with excitement, making the wolf dance back a step to avoid his heavy feet. "A whole apple_?" he cried. "Dale! Did you hear? When it's my birthday I get a _whole apple!" He looked at Xander with astonishment. "The old stableman never let me have a whole apple! But he was boring. He never wanted to talk about anything." The gelding pushed his nose forward to nuzzle against Xander's neck. "I want to be your friend, Xander! Will you be mine?" he asked.

Xander patted the horse's head. "Of course, Alex. I love being friends with all well-behaved horses." He put on a mock stern expression. "Are you well-behaved, Alex?"

"Yes, sir!" Alex said instantly, lifting his head up tall. "I'm the most well-behaved horsie you'll ever see! I wasn't for a bit, so...uh..." His head didn't move, but Xander saw his eyes flick down and to the side for a second -- as if looking down his own body -- before they turned back to him. "But now I'm a very good gelding, and I'll do just as you say, Xander!"

"Let the poor wolf breathe, Alex," a softer voice said, and the older mare stepped into the conversation, her big brown eyes regarding Xander coolly. The wolf smiled and gave a small nod towards her, acknowledging her seniority in the small herd. She inclined her head in return. "It's his first day. You'll have lots of time to bowl him over later."

"Yes, Jemma!" the gelding bubbled in reply, grabbing one more nuzzle against Xander's head before trotting over to where the younger mare was getting intense pets from Dale, and immediately started asking her if she'd heard the good news about apples. Xander nodded over at the pair.

"He's rather adorable," he said lightly. The older mare was clearly taking his measure, and that was all right. This was her territory. He had to fit in with her, not the other way around. He took out another piece of apple and offered it to her; she carefully took it out of his fingers with dexterous lips and chewed thoroughly, swallowing before replying.

"He is," she said. "Loves meeting new people, too. You made his day with the apple."

Xander chuckled. "The way to a stallion's heart is through his stomach." He gave the mare a frank, open smile. "I'm Xander."

"I heard." She nickered. "I'm Jemma."

"Nice to meet you, Jemma. Thank you for letting me take care of all of you."

"Oh, I wouldn't say we were all that involved in the process, Xander," she said wryly.

"Nonetheless." He gave a half-smile and held his paws up. "At the end of the day, I'm here to make sure you and Alex and..." He paused.

"Dahlia," the mare supplied.

"...and Dahlia are well taken care of." He paused. "It's your home. I want to fit in with you, not the other way around."

The mare blinked, seemingly impressed. "Saying all the right things, Xander." She glanced over at her two younger wards. "Dale said you'll be taking care of things around here." She inclined her head towards the wall, in the direction of the other stable. "Are you going to be dealing with him as well, then?"

Xander was a little shocked at the tone she used to say the stallion's pronoun. It was one you might expect someone to use for "leper_". "I expect so," he said cautiously. "Is that...a problem?" _I fucking hope not. Xander didn't feel like dealing with feral drama on his first day. Sometimes it felt like the creatures filled their endless free time by inventing reasons to get upset at one another.

Jemma sniffed. "No. He's entitled to be here, I guess. But he is a stallion. So." She looked over at her wards again with a fiercely protective glare. "So, he'd better not try anything."

"A couple pieces of apple should keep him in line," the wolf quipped, but his grin faded when Jemma looked back at him sternly.

"Have you worked with stallions, Xander?" she asked, and the wolf was struck by how Dale had asked him almost the same thing. Was he missing something?

"Only very briefly--" he began.

"Well," she interrupted, "the way to their heart isn't through their stomach." She glanced down at the wolf's pants, and Xander fought the desire to put a hand over his still-tumescent member. "It's through that thing." She nickered and tossed her head dismissively. "I've carried enough foals to know it's all they care about. Dahlia's time will come...but until then, I don't want some horny, dick-for-brains stallion getting his fat, stupid cock anywhere near her. Even if he promises he's never felt this way about a mare before. Even if he swears by Epona and all the horsey saints to let you put a condom on him beforehand." She eyed the wolf. "That clear?"

"Oh," Xander said, completely at a loss. "Yes. Uh...I'm sure I can do that..."

"There's a good boy," Jemma said with a smile, and rubbed her nose against his head. "We'll get along just fine then."

Xander nodded just as Dale clapped him on the shoulder. "Busting his balls already, Jemma?" he chortled, and the mare nickered.

"Barely a squeeze, Dale," she said with a smile.

"That why he looks like you just gelded him with your teeth?" the stallion asked, then burst out laughing as Xander blushed. "Come on," he said, tossing an arm around the wolf's shoulder and pulling him back outside. "Time to meet the biggest dick on the farm."

Xander waved to the three horses, and he and Dale headed back outside, shutting the door to keep out the brisk autumn air. Halfway across the yard to the other stable entrance, Dale's phone rang. He checked the number, then frowned. "I gotta take this quick," he said, putting the phone to his ear and waving the wolf on. "You go on in, I'll be right there."

As the stallion wandered into a corner of the yard, talking into his device, Xander walked up to the second stable and pushed the door open slowly. It was dim inside again after the outside glare, and only the familiar smell of a horse indicated one was around at all. Xander slipped in and stood motionless for a moment, waiting for his eyes to adjust -- and then heard the sound of a stream of liquid splattering into the floor.

His vision improved, and he found himself staring directly at a massive, bulky stallion taking a piss. The horse was looking straight back at him, with an inch or two of his cock dropped to let him urinate. His eyes were a shocking blue, and his clear Friesian heritage had given him a long, silky-black mane that covered his neck and half his face. He tossed his head back now, throwing the hair out of his eyes, and snorted hard.

"Take a fucking picture," he said, in a voice deeper than anything an anthro's throat could produce. "It'll last longer."

Xander gawked, and then raised his paws in sudden apology. "Oh! Sorry, sorry, I couldn't see...I didn't see you were, um..." He looked away, his face glowing with embarrassment. "Sorry," he added a third time.

"Hmf." The sound of the horse's piss stopped, and he clopped closer, hooves sounding out like hammers on the thick concrete floor. The wolf looked up again and immediately regretted it. The stallion was staring him down with a terrifying face: nostrils open wide, eyes narrowed, lip raised to expose his teeth. Xander stiffened a little, and the horse chuckled in a rather unpleasant tone.

"What do you want, then, pup? Here to ogle a winner? Gonna try to steal my mojo before the championship race?"

"Um," Xander squeaked. The horse was intimidating as fuck. He was gigantic; Xander's eyes were on a level with his bulky shoulders, and one kick from any of the horse's muscled legs would probably go right through him. "I...work here..." He fumbled a piece of apple out of a pocket and held it up; the stallion looked at it as if the wolf was offering him a fresh turd.

"Do you now?" The horse's nostrils opened a little wider and he sniffed at the wolf. "Never smelled you before, Apples. Where's Dale been keeping you? The orchards?" He sneered at the slice of fruit.

"Relax, Bucephalus," Dale said, appearing at the door. "That's Xander. He's the new hand."

The horse didn't even look over at his owner when he spoke, but leaned in towards Xander, bringing his nostrils right up to the wolf's cheek before drawing in a hard breath. "Smells new. Too new. Does he even know what the fuck a horse is?" He pulled his head back, his eyes looking down at the wolf. His voice took on a mocking tone. "Did you see a horsie on television, Apples? Watched all the seasons of My Little Pony? And now you're an expert on the field-doggos?" He tossed his head again, turning away from the two anthros and walking back towards a feeder, filled with hay. "You know, Dale," he said as he sauntered off, "you can turn this place into a petting zoo if you want, but don't bring me children for horsey rides. Get me someone who can actually handle me."

Dale sighed. "Bucephalus," he chided. "Behave." He gave Xander an apologetic look. "Stallions tend to be pretty big-headed..."

"And big-shafted!" the feral stallion interjected loudly from the corner. "Stop fucking forgetting that bit."

"Big-headed," his owner continued sternly, "so you'll need to keep him on a short rein. Don't let him walk all over you. He's only an ultra-stud out on the racetrack; here, you're the boss. Give him a firm hand, and he's as meek as a gelding."

"As meek as a gelding," Bucephalus echoed in a simpering tone, a few scraps of hay sticking from his mouth. "If you shove your nose in between Alex's legs sometime, Dale, you'll learn that geldings don't have balls like fucking oranges." He stuck his ass towards the two anthros and lifted a back leg, showing off the massive orbs that hung between his thighs, before taking a few steps towards a bucket that sat on the floor, and deliberately kicking it over with a hoof, scattering the dirt that was inside. "Oops," he said, in the least sincere voice ever. He fixed the wolf with a stare, and then rubbed a hoof through the resulting mess, holding eye contact as he did so. "Uh oh. Looks like a clean-up on aisle three, Apples. Wonder how that happened. Can't be me, I'm meek as a gelding."

Dale completely ignored his stallion's behaviour and continued lecturing as if the other horse wasn't even there. "I won't lie," he said, "he's gonna be a handful. He doesn't like people telling him what to do. He doesn't even like other ferals telling him what to do. It's a shame you haven't worked with stallions before...but I guess you learn fastest when the flames are lapping at your footpads, huh?" He patted Xander on the shoulder. "Don't let him make you feel bad. Just do your job; that's all I ask. Even this big jerk will come around in time."

"Oh, is someone giving out jerks?" Bucephalus whinnied. "That'd be fucking great right now. Come on over, Apples, and grab a hold of this fat cock. Better use two paws 'cos it's thicker than your fucking leg."

Despite his best efforts, the raw carnality of the invitation made Xander blush. Dale was silent for a moment, and then a barely suppressed chuckle burst from his mouth as he slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said between giggles, a wide grin on his face. "He's like this all the time. It's ridiculous, right?" He raised his eyebrows for confirmation, and Xander relaxed, nodding and chuckling along with the horse.

"Uh, yeah. I'd definitely say so."

"Like we could even do any of it, right?"

"Heh." Xander shuffled a little, hoping his hard cock was sufficiently hidden. Not that it had been caused by the feral's taunts. "Right..."

Dale smiled, then lowered his voice a little. "Made you blush, though," he pointed out, gesturing to Xander's face.

Xander laughed awkwardly and brushed his facial fur down with the back of a palm -- as if that'd do anything to hide it. "Yeah, I'm kinda easy like that...can't really control it." All the filthy, naughty things he'd done in his life did nothing to make it less likely, either. All it took was for someone to get a little sexual with him, and his face lit up like a traffic light.

Dale looked over at his racehorse with faint amusement. "Well...don't let him find that out. He already knows sex is the thing that really makes people uncomfortable, so he doubles down on it every chance he gets. If he's got a 'you win' sign like that to aim for..." He shook his head again. "Just ignore it as best you can."

"I'll try," Xander said. If he could ignore being hit on at a bar when he wasn't in the mood, he could probably manage to overlook a few lewd comments from a feral stallion.

The two of them headed back outside, with Bucephalus throwing a few final suggestions after them as they left. One, an invitation to "taste a couple inches of soft stallion prick", made Xander go furnace-red. That was an activity he was rather fond of, in truth; guys just usually didn't stay soft very long when he did it. Seems he wouldn't need much winter clothing around Bucephalus: the horse's dirty mouth would keep his face so warm it could melt snow.

Dale stopped in the middle of the yard and slapped a hand onto Xander's shoulder again. "So! That's the animals introduced." He nodded back towards Bucephalus' stable. "Big B's got training later today. Just a couple hours' sprinting around the track to get the feel for it." The horse checked his watch. "I think we can load him up in about two hours. You don't need to come along, it's just training. I'll head to the track, and you can get started on some stuff here. Should be back late afternoon or so, and then you can wash him down, and we'll call that a day."

"Sure thing," Xander said. "What stuff did you want me to look at meanwhile?"

The wolf was moving feed bags when Dale brought the horse trailer around in the early afternoon. He dropped the bag he was carrying onto the pile to be moved into Jemma's stable and stretched, groaning as tense joints popped before padding over to the trailer. Dale was climbing out of the cab, and he pointed a thumb towards the racehorse's stable.

"Grab him, won't you?" he asked, and Xander nodded. He walked over to tug the stable door open, and yelped in shock when he was met by a horse's nose mere centimetres away. Bucephalus snorted into his face.

"Out of my way," he growled. Xander stepped to the side, letting the big horse clop outside. "Sheeee-it!" the equine yelled, the hairs on his skin standing up as shivers ran down his body. "It's as cold as an old mare's cunt out here! Where's my fucking blanket?"

"You didn't give me time to--"

"Blanket!" the horse trumpeted. "Blanket! Get my fucking blanket before I freeze to death!" His angry words steamed in the air, the clouds of vapour rising and dissipating like a retort unsaid. Xander sighed and went into the stable, pulling an enormous horse blanket off its rack and carrying it back to the stallion. He tossed it carelessly over the horse's back, and Bucephalus turned to fix a suspicious eye on Xander as he took a few steps away, leaving the blanket resting across the horse's back like a sack of potatoes.

"That's not how you put it on, Apples," the Friesian snapped.

"Sorry," the wolf shrugged. "Guess they didn't cover that in My Little Pony. Maybe you can scream at it until it gets in position."

The black stallion was silent for a few seconds, and Xander held his breath. The words had tumbled out before he could stop them, and as the silence continued, the wolf began to worry he'd pushed his luck too much for a first day. But then the Friesian swung his head around to look at Dale, who was leaning against the cab with a massive grin on his face, watching the two of them. "This one's broken, Dale," he said dismissively. "May as well drop him off at the glue factory on the way to the track."

"You think they'll take you?" Xander asked, determined not to let the stallion get the upper hand, and got another dirty look for his trouble.

"Aw, look at you two," Dale drawled with vast amusement. "Fast friends already. You know what you need now?" He leaned into the cab and dug around, pulling something out and tossing it to the wolf. Xander caught it and looked down: a wide roll of thick adhesive tape. He looked back up at his employer, confused -- and then over at the racehorse, who was looking at the two of them with wary eyes. "Some bonding time," the anthro stallion said, wearing a massive shit-eating grin.

"What's that...?" Bucephalus said suspiciously, and Dale walked over and slapped his racehorse on the thigh.

"Xander here had a fantastic idea to improve your race performance, stud!" The anthro stallion laid out the plan and then smiled over at Xander. "Will you do the honours, Xander?"

"Tape my balls..." the racehorse said. His ears were so flat they looked invisible, and his mouth looked like he'd eaten an entire unripe apple. "To my fucking belly."

"Any other belly will do too," Dale said brightly. "Doesn't have to be the one you fuck with." Bucephalus' ears flattened further and he bared his teeth at his owner, who stuck his tongue out at him.

"Um," said Xander. "Well, I mean...they actually get...pushed inside you? Like, uh...like when you, um...e-ejaculate...and they...they rise up...?" He felt like a fool, explaining testicles to a stallion. He started trying to demonstrate with his paws, miming two orbs rising up, but gave up when the stallion gave him an incredulous look. "I'll just, um...get started...oh!" He stepped back into the horse's line of sight. "Please don't kick me?"

Bucephalus merely snorted.

"Let the guy work, Bucephalus," Dale said sternly. "This could shave almost five seconds off your time, you big-balled bastard. Or we can geld you? Same effect."

"Fuck you," Bucephalus snarled, but he remained still as Xander walked slowly behind the stallion, keeping one eye on the racehorse's huge leg muscles, ready to hurl himself to the side should one of them twitch an intimation of a vicious kick. But the hooves remained earthbound, and Xander pulled a length of the adhesive tape loose and bit it off.

"This, uh, might feel odd," he said. "Could you spread your legs?" The racehorse did so -- after a notable pause -- and the wolf stuck a hand through the gap, resting one of the stallion's huge balls in his palm. He swallowed at the feeling: warm, and smooth, and heavy. No different in those respects to ones he'd handled before, but...fucking hell, the stallion shamed any other male he'd ever fondled. Felt. Held. Shit.

He shook his head and focused. Carefully he raised his palm, lifting the ball up into the body cavity; when it was snug, he gently pressed the piece of tape across it, then more firmly to the inner thigh and belly beside it to hold it in place. The tape was wide and very sticky; it clung easily to the stallion's body hair. He repeated the action for the second testicle, and then gently felt around to make sure nothing would come loose during a sprint. Bucephalus, deathly silent throughout the procedure so far, snorted at that.

"That's not how you jerk off a stallion, Apples," the horse said, then snickered.

Xander whipped his hands back, feeling the inevitable blush forming. "I wasn't," he said lamely. Ignore him. Just ignore him. He looked across at Dale, who nodded.

"Give it a bit of a walk, Bucephalus," his owner told him. The big stallion took a cautious few steps, and then upgraded to a bit of a trot. He made a small circle and came back around to face the other two.

"Feels fucking weird," he said.

"Can you run, though?" Dale asked.

"Yeah. I guess."

"That's all I need to hear. Hop in the trailer."

The horse began moving towards the trailer, and Xander must have been struck by temporary insanity, for as the horse turned, he raised a paw and smacked it on the stallion's rump. "Yeah, up you go, glueboy!" he exclaimed.

Bucephalus whinnied at the slap, but chose to remain silent, and Xander grinned inwardly. Yeah, not such a big horse with your balls taped up, are you? But the Friesian eyed the wolf carefully as he walked past him and up into the trailer, and Xander tried not to let his discomfort show. The racehorse was fucking huge, and he managed to make his long equine face convey some extremely non-equine feelings. Perhaps he should can the sassy comebacks for a few days. He pushed the trailer gate shut after the horse was on board, and Bucephalus lifted his tail to ensure the wolf had a perfect view of his asshole. He even made it wink at him. Xander ignored the taunt and went over to Dale.

"All set."

Dale nodded and smirked. "I think I'll cancel my Netflix," he said, "and just watch you two getting along, huh?"

The wolf smiled and shook his head. "We'll have to see."

"We sure will," was all the anthro horse said. He fished his keys out of a pocket and got back into the cab, then stuck an arm out of the window as he started it up. "See you probably around 5 or so."

"Alright. Good luck!"

"He doesn't need luck, Apples," came Bucephalus' partly muffled voice, the embodiment of confidence. "He has me."

Xander watched the vehicle head down the path to the main road and then turned back to the bags of feed he'd been working with. His powerful arms shouldered one, and he headed to Jemma's stable. The door was already ajar, and he kicked it open a little wider with one foot to make space for the bag. Alex came trotting over immediately, his eyes bright.


"Hello, Alex." The wolf let the bag fall and fished in a pocket for a piece of apple. The gelding's eager lips slurped it off of him, and he patted the equine's nose. "You good today?"

"Mmmhm!" the gelding said as he chewed. "Buf I mift haf n fing m my huf."

"Alex! Finish chewing before you talk!" Jemma berated him from the other corner of the stable. Alex looked over with contrition, swallowing his mouthful before speaking again.

"I might have something in my hoof."

"Well, let's take a look," the wolf replied. He pulled out a farrier's knife and grabbed the proffered hoof, digging carefully around the edge. "Ah, here's a little something," he murmured. A small stone popped out and flew across the building, and he let the hoof fall down again. "How's that?"

Alex stamped it a couple of times and whinnied happily. "Yay! Thanks, Xander!"

"Sure thing, bud," the wolf said, patting the horse's side. He went over to greet Jemma and Dahlia; the younger mare was rather shy, and stayed close to her foster mother, not saying anything. She did accept a slice of apple, though, as Xander asked Jemma how much new feed he should put down for the three of them. Alex followed behind him like a huge, curious puppy, and when Xander was done speaking, he jumped back in.

"Xander! Was that Bucephalus I heard outside just now?"

"Yep," the wolf said, dragging the feed bag over to the wall. "Dale's taken him to the track for some practise."

"Wow!" The gelding was entranced. "I wish I could be there. Watching him run. He's so fast, Xander! He wins all the time. It's all his muscles. Have you seen him? He's so big and strong." The gelding's eyes grew a little distant. "He once told me I could run if I wanted to. Me!" He seemed thrilled by the possibility of being like his idol. "Maybe someday I'll be a big, strong, handsome sprinter like him..."

The gelding was practically a pony next to the behemoth that was Bucephalus, and the wolf felt irritated that the Friesian had mocked the younger horse like that. Did he just not give a single shit what others felt -- even his own kind? But he kept those thoughts to himself, and nodded amiably at Alex. "Maybe, Alex, who knows," he equivocated.

"Oh! I can show you!" the gelding yelped. He turned to Jemma, tilting his head to look adorable. "Jemma...can I please go outside? Pleeeeeease?"

"It's cold outside, Alex," she said patiently. "And you don't even have your winter coat yet. Whatever for?"

"I want to show Xander how fast I can run!"

Jemma looked past the gelding to Xander, and the wolf gave a small nod. "Well," she began to say, but Alex was already gasping and quivering with excitement. "Not for too long!" she warned him, and the gelding nodded furiously.

"Yes, Jemma! Thank you, Jemma!"

Xander pushed the rear doors open, letting the gelding trot out into the open air. "Oooh," he said with a frown. "It is cold..."

"We can go back inside?" Xander offered, but the gelding shook his head.

"Nu-uh! I can do it." He began trotting around the field, upgrading to a canter and finally reaching a full gallop. His hooves thudded into the turf, sending dirt and grass flying with every impact, and his lean muscles shone and flexed in the sun. Xander leaned against the stable door and watched him, shouting encouragement now and then to mix with the gelding's own whinnies of delight.

A pale nose appeared next to him, and he turned to see Jemma standing next to him. "He's a good boy," she said. Xander nodded.

"I'll make sure he gets what he needs," the wolf said.

"I know." She looked over at Xander. "I can see that you're a good boy, too." Her eyes drifted back to the galloping gelding. "He thinks a little too highly of Bucephalus, is all. Infatuation blinds the young to reality. He's not old enough to have learned yet that some horses aren't nice. That not everyone is a friend you haven't met yet."

"Yeah," Xander said after a moment. He didn't really know what to say to that. It seemed there was a whole heap of subtext there that he'd really rather leave to the horses. "I'm sure he'll be all right," he added at last.

Alex had turned from his circling path to head straight towards them, skidding to a halt in a small storm of pebbles and dirt. "Did you see?" he cried eagerly.

"I sure did!" Xander enthused. "You're really fast!"

The gelding reared up in excitement, front hooves slamming into the earth and sinking in. "I feel fast! I'm gonna be a real racehorse, just like Bucephalus! Gonna be big and handsome!"

"You're already handsome, Alex," Jemma said with a warm tone, before turning to head back inside. "And trust me -- size isn't everything. Don't stay out there too long, all right? You'll catch a cold."

"Okay!" Alex said. The gelding trotted up to Xander, throwing a surreptitious look at Jemma's retreating ass. "Xander..." he said in a suddenly soft voice, making the wolf have to lean in a little to hear him.

"Yeah?" He pitched his voice to match the gelding's.

"Can I ask you a, um...a guy question?" He shot another look at Jemma and shuffled a bit closer. "I don't want the mares to hear," he explained, and the wolf chuckled.

"I'm going to walk Alex for a sec, Jemma," he called over his shoulder. "He needs to dry off after his"--he winked at Alex--"world-record-shattering sprint." Alex giggled.

"Thanks, Xander," the mare replied, and Xander patted Alex's nose and led him out into the field, sauntering around the edge, following the torn grass left behind by his earlier breakneck gallop. Once they were sufficiently far from the stable, he gave the gelding a frank look. "What is it? Need a sheath cleaning?"

"Oh, um, no. Well, yes, but no, not that." He looked over the fence, at the empty field allocated to the racehorse. "When you were with Bucephalus, did you see, um...his stuff?"

"His stuff?"

The gelding turned his head to point awkwardly between his legs. "His stuff. His...bits." His eyes were wide, as if he was being incredibly naughty. "His balls." He shot a look back at the stable door as if afraid Jemma would hear him and gallop over to punish him.

Xander was mystified about where this was going. "His nuts? I did, yeah. He's not shy about showing off, is he?"

Alex nodded rapidly. "I know! I'd show off too, though, if I had..." Then he looked down at the ground in embarrassment. "Jemma doesn't like it when I talk to him," he said sadly. "She doesn't like him. Sometimes I get to chat to him over the fence for a bit, but she always calls me to do something else." He stirred, face turning away awkwardly. "I just like how he looks. I can't help it."

Xander gave the horse a gentle pat. "Sure, bud."

"He showed me his..." The gelding paused. "His penis." He was breathing deeply, chest swelling and falling. "He's so big, Xander. Are other stallions that big? I never saw another guy. Just the girls."

"Uh," Xander said. "I didn't really see. I...guess he's bigger than average? I mostly saw geldings."

"Like me!" Alex's head rose up. "His balls are really big, though, right? I don't remember mine. Probably small and boring, like me. Not like him. He's so big and handsome. Big balls for a big stallion." Xander couldn't help but notice the flesh slowly appearing under the gelding's belly as he continued to talk. "He's sexy, and I feel funny when I see him drop. I like it. A lot." He suddenly glanced at Xander. "Oh. Um. Sorry if this makes you feel weird..."

"Oh, no, no," the wolf said airily. "I also like guys. My guys. You know." The gelding looked at him in delight.

"So you get it!"

"Sort of. It's not..." He tried to make sense with his hands. "People like you and me don't usually...get together."

"Oh." The gelding was silent for a moment. "Are we too big for you?"

"Ahahahaaa..." Xander rubbed behind an ear with one hand, feeling more awkward by the minute as his chuckle trailed off. "I guess...it's not..." The problem was, he couldn't seem to come up with a simple answer for the gelding. Why didn't people do it? Well, because they didn't. It wasn't something he'd ever paid attention to, or been taught explicitly. It was just...like that. Anthros fucked anthros. Feral stallions fucked feral mares. And geldings didn't fuck anything. That was just how it went. Alex was the first gelding he'd met that seemed to have something like a sex drive left after being cut, and of course he'd be the one to start asking confusing questions. "It's complicated," the wolf eventually settled for.

"Yeah," Alex said glumly. "Bucephalus won't want me 'cos I'm not a stallion. And there are no other guys around..." Then he perked up. "But now there's you!" He seemed stunned at his own realisation. "We both like guys, and I like you, and you like me! I can be your boyfriend, Xander!"

"Oh...cutie, thank you, but...no." The wolf was blushing hard now. A gelding with a semi was offering to be his boyfriend, in the middle of an autumn field, on the first day of his new job. This was new. "But it's not you!" he hastened to add, as the horse's face fell. "I'm just...not looking right now." I want dick, but a feral dick would be too much.


"Oh, okay!" Alex nuzzled the wolf. "That's all right. If you do go looking, you can ask me again, okay?"

"I'll do that, bud," Xander said with a smile. The gelding was impossibly sweet. He'd be a joy to take care of. "Come on. We'd better get back inside before Jemma gets angry."

"She's scary when she's angry!" the gelding confirmed as they made their way back to the stable.

"I can believe that," Xander said.

Dale and the trailer pulled back into the yard when just a sliver of sun still poked above the horizon. Xander came over and greeted the anthro horse as he thumped the cab door shut.

"Good session?" he asked.

"I'd say so." The anthro looked over to the horse trailer. "Although by the last hour he was definitely getting antsy."

As if on cue, Bucephalus yelled from inside the trailer. "Bored now! Lemme out!"

"Getting antsy?" The wolf followed his employer's gaze to the trailer, which started rocking gently from side to side as the big stallion inside moved about. "What's he like when he gets antsy?"

A jingle of noise made him turn back, and a bundle of keys landed in his hastily raised paws. "You're gonna find out," the stallion said with a grin. "I'm heading back into town. Been a long time since I had an evening off." He gestured vaguely at the trailer. "Just wash him down and make sure he's got enough feed. That's all he needs. You can grab any food that's in the fridge or freezer for dinner; I'll pick some new stuff up while I'm in town. You like Italian? I love making Italian."

"Oh!" The wolf stared at his employer, wondering how to phrase his thoughts. "Sure. I mean..."

"Xander." The horse put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be fine. I watched you interact with him. You might not think so, but you're doing a much better job than the last guy did on his first day." He nodded at the trailer. "And I trust that asshole to not actively try to kill you." He considered. "Probably. Well, very probably. Ninety-nine percent."

"Oh," the wolf breathed uncertainly. "Well -- thank you. I, er, appreciate the vote of confidence."

Dale slapped him on the back. "You got this. Don't stress."

They unhooked the trailer from the cab, and Xander watched Dale driving off, then turned to undo the trailer's gate. A fat black horse ass -- shiny with sweat and steaming in the cool evening air -- hovered in front of him, and then stallion nickered and began backing out. Xander stood to the side and met the stallion's eyes when his head came out. Bucephalus paused and looked back coolly.

"Took your sweet time, Apples", he growled. His musk was far more powerful than it had been when the wolf loaded him in, and the lupine surreptitiously started breathing through his mouth.

"Sorry," Xander apologised dispassionately. "Was busy. You know: non-jerk business."

The stallion eyed him. "Whatever," he said dismissively. "Did you and your new boyfriend make some fun plans?"

For a moment, Xander thought the black stallion was referring to Alex, but Bucephalus took the confusion on his face to mean his barb had landed. "Oooh, he has! Has he gone out to buy some horse condoms for your pert little butt? He'll make you scream for sure, Apples. Anthro dick is pretty sad, but I bet he's still bigger than anything you've had."

The anthro dick comment cleared things up. "Oh!" Xander exclaimed. "You mean Dale."

"Well, yeah." The stallion's eyes narrowed a bit. "What did you think I...?"

"Can we, uh, go inside?" The wolf quickly tried to change the subject away from Dale's cock. None of the fucking horses on this farm could stop talking about dick, holy shit. "Dale says you need a wash."

"I don't need a wash!" the stallion snorted. He shook his head, his mane spraying droplets of musky sweat all over the wolf. "I smell amazing. But I want a wash. And you've been told to give me one, Apples. Happy coincidence."

"Yeah, alright, sure," the wolf sighed. He opened the stable doors for Bucephalus to go inside, and went to fetch a large bucket of warm water and a scrubbing brush. With luck, he could wrap this up in half an hour and go and have dinner. Spend the evening thinking up some retorts to use on the big dumb horse tomorrow.

"Oy!" the horse snapped, as the wolf raised the brush to begin scrubbing. "Don't you have something else to do first?" When Xander looked back at him blankly, the stallion rolled his eyes and then swished his tail violently. "I want my fucking nuts back first, pup!"

"Oh! Right." Xander reached under the horse with his free hand, paw brushing along the length of his sheath before catching on the end of a piece of tape. He tugged it loose carefully, not at all helped by the stallion bellowing warnings about not tearing off his scrotum. The wolf briefly considered ripping the last half of the tape off as if giving the stallion a bikini wax, but as hilarious as it would be, it'd be the last thing he ever did. Bucephalus would definitely trample him to death on the spot.

The final corner of tape came free at last, and the wolf tossed it to one side. "All happy now?" he asked the horse. The stallion was flexing his testicular muscles, making his balls rise and fall in their dull sack. "Washing time?"

"Ahhhhhh..." the stallion groaned happily, ignoring the wolf's pleading and apparently addressing his nuts. "Welcome back, boys. Daddy missed you. You'll get a good emptying later, I promise. Daddy's gonna explode all over this fucking stable tonight. They'll have to bring in a hazmat team to wipe my spunk off the walls before it aerosolises and impregnates every mare in a ten-mile radius." He slid his eyes over to look at the wolf. "Or Apples here can lap up Daddy's spent nut-milk like a good pup."

The horse could only be saying such things to get under Xander's skin. The wolf let his brush slap wetly against the stallion's body and got to washing. I will ignore you. You will not make me blush. You will not get the better of me.

"Really get in there," Bucephalus said as the wolf scrubbed. "Don't leave shit between the muscles like those morons at the track. Fucking hate getting washed there after a race."

The smell of the stallion was overpowering, this close to him; still musky with the heady, sweaty after-smell of his exertions. He definitely hadn't smelled this intense when Xander was taping up his nuts earlier. It was mostly the typical horse smell that he was familiar with -- but there was something extra he couldn't quite place, something he'd not smelled before. A little nasal kick that made him want to snort each breath right back out -- and then take in a deeper one.

Testosterone, perhaps. Fuck knew the stallion was overfull of it.

Xander pressed harder with the brush, using physical exertion to try to forget about testosterone-filled stallions, driving the bristles into the flesh at the edges of the racehorse's large muscles. There was silence for a while, broken only by Bucephalus' almost-sexual groans of pleasure when the brush hit a knot of muscle. Xander set his teeth and tried to ignore it, but the horse was doing it deliberately. Long, lascivious moans as if he was being pleasured by a wonderful lover. Guttural snorts now and then. Then the softly voiced words started: yeah, get it in there, nice and deep, I like that, make me pretty.

"Good practise today?!" Xander yelped at last, desperate to make the sounds stop. His voice sounded painfully loud in the contained building.

"Hmf." The horse sniffed. "Sort of. Raced some new hotshot gelding who thought he was all that. Fucking destroyed him, though."

"So, the tape worked?"

There was a heavy pause. "Can't really say," the stallion said eventually. "Felt so different. Hard to compare."

Xander smiled to himself and scrubbed a dirty spot between the horse's lats. "You're welcome," he said mildly. Bucephalus' big head swung around to look at him, and the wolf kept his eyes studiously fixed on the Friesian's side, trying to hide his delight. This was probably it, he thought to himself. The moment he'd look back at, years from now, standing next to Bucephalus after a record-breaking trophy win. He'd remind him about the first day he taped up his balls, and they'd chuckle, and remember what good friends they'd become...

"When you're done with your preamble there," the horse said, "I've got your next tasks ready."

"Sorry, Bucephalus," the wolf said cheerily. His satisfaction at his idea having worked overrode the stallion's caustic words. "I'm cleaning you, and that's it. Owner's orders."

"Oh, I know." His suddenly airy tone made the wolf wary. "But you did a great job earlier, Apples, taping up my nuts. They were super snug in their little homes. Too snug, though: they got all hot and sweaty. And don't you just hate sweaty balls? Plus, my tail doesn't really go up a lot when I run, so, shit, it's just as bad under there..."

A few droplets of water plinked onto the concrete underneath Bucephalus, easily audible in the stillness. Xander had stopped scrubbing and was looking at the horse suspiciously. "What--"

"Clean my balls, pup. And my ass."

Xander jerked upright, frowning and tossing the brush into the bucket of soapy water. "I'm not gonna--"

The stallion moved much faster than his bulk would have led the wolf to believe he could. He swung his rear around and then barrelled backwards, making Xander yip in fear and stumble backwards, trying to avoid the heavy hoofs as they thumped down into the floor in turn. His back slammed into the wall moments later, and he gasped and raised his hands to protect himself as a massive horse ass pushed right up into his face.

"Clean it," the stallion growled.

The wolf's paws scrabbled against the floor, trying to squeeze out from behind the ass, but the horse was actively pushing back, and Xander couldn't move an inch. He slapped the horse's rump, tempted to use his claws, but afraid of retaliation from the massive animal."Let me go, you fuck!"

"Ho-hum," the horse said. He scraped a hoof against the concrete. "I rather like my life, you know. So little to do except...well, whatever I feel like. Some days I can just stand in one spot, unmoving, for hours."

Xander whined and slapped the rump before him once more. "Let me go!"

"After you've cleaned it."

"I can't, you dick!" He looked away from the asshole an inch or two from his face. "You knocked the bucket over, and I don't even have the brush!"

"Not my fucking problem, pup." The horse had switched to calling him pup again, which made Xander feel odd.

"Well, it is your fucking problem, actually, because I can't do what you want me to!"

The horse's answer was to press back harder. "You'd better start learning how to problem-solve if you wanna work here, pup," he hissed, "because I am the biggest fucking problem around, and this is my stable." He whinnied loudly. "You've got fingers, and you've got a mouth. I suggest you start dreaming about your boyfriend's dick until you drool, then get to spitting and start using those fat digits to get my doughnut so fucking shiny you want to eat it."

Xander whined again, and was suddenly extremely conscious of how the stallion's bulk was pressing against his entire form. Especially his crotch. "Bucephalus," he said in a pleading done. Maybe he could reason with him. "It's not funny anymore. Let me go."

But the stallion said nothing more, and didn't move. Xander attempted to squeeze out a few more times, but the horse's bulk pinned him as surely as a rock. He slumped, his body held upright solely by the stallion, and again considered clawing the creature. That'd get a reaction...except it'd probably be to flatten him into a lupine pancake. And how would Dale react to him clawing holes in his prize-winner? Goodbye, job.

Xander gave a groan. "Fuck you, stallion," he said resignedly.

"No thanks, just the wash," the horse replied brightly.

"Ugh." Xander grabbed the stallion's tail in one hand, tugging it roughly upward, as high as he could get it; maybe that'd discomfort the fucking jerk. Sadly, the horse didn't so much as grunt, and the wolf was left staring at the ring of muscle exposed before him. At least horses were pretty clean most of the time. Bucephalus was; he didn't need the washing, and he must know that. This was all just another big power play for him. Well, fine. Did he want a washing? He'd get a fucking washing.

The wolf worked up a mouthful of spit and hawked it out against the stallion's ass. The bubbly-white fluid slapped into the doughnut and began oozing down, making the dun skin glisten with wetness. Xander rubbed it all around the hole and down the perineum, giving the skin a perfunctory wash before adding more spit to the doughnut itself. That he rubbed in a little harder, cleaning out the odd bit of dried grass, leaving the anus completely black and shining -- and rather attractive, if the wolf was honest. He made a note to prioritise stallions on his next bar trip.

"Good pup," Bucephalus said. "See? Everything works out if you just do as I say."

But the wolf wasn't done. He spat another blob of spit against the hole, wetting a finger this time before pushing it -- hard -- into the ring, up to the knuckle. He felt the stallion's body tense up around the unexpected entry. "Oh, shit!" the horse gasped, and Xander gave a silent snarl of triumph. Didn't expect that_, did you, you big fucking jerk?_

His victory was short-lived. "I'd normally make you buy me dinner first, pup," Bucephalus said in a frustratingly casual voice, considering the wolf was fingering him, "but I guess I can't expect you to control yourself around a perfect ass."

Xander wanted to say something back. Anything, really, but preferably something witty like: I'm glad we agree that you're a perfect ass. He wanted to shut this arrogant stallion's mouth once -- just once! -- as easily as he seemed able to shut Xander's. He wanted to be finished here, and to go inside, and make dinner, and have a big, wry sigh at how challenging his first day had been.

But, instead, his finger kept sweeping out a circle inside the horse's anus, carefully removing grime and getting it clean.

The part of him that wanted to smack the stallion in the face looked over in confusion at the part that was washing the equine doughnut. The fuck are you doing? he asked himself, and no answer was forthcoming. He didn't know what he was doing! Despite how he felt about this intensely irritating horse, there was something about the situation that compelled him to do it. To do as the stallion wanted, and to do it well. He just had no fucking clue what it was...


The horse's arrogant voice broke the silence, jerking Xander back into the moment. He blinked at the stallion hole before him, lost for a second -- and then the pieces clicked.

There'd been another stallion, ages ago. Just a guy in a bar, just a dick to be sucked. But as his hand had rested atop Xander's head while the wolf whined and slobbered over his cock in the alley out back behind the nameless bar, he'd kept calling him "pup", too. Good pup. Suck my horsecock, pup. You like how it tastes, hey, pup? Here comes the reward, pup. Swallow every drop of horsecum, pup. His voice had been like Bucephalus'; low and resonant. Rough, when his arousal mounted. The combination had excited Xander way more than he could have imagined, and after he'd swallowed the horse's load, he'd licked his chops and looked up at his temporary daddy and asked if they could get a room for the night and have even more fun. The horse had just laughed, stuffing his barely soft cock back into his pants, leaving an obscenely erotic bulge that made the horny wolf whine, and his mouth slaver.

I'm done, pup, he'd growled. Go find someone else to fill your hole.

Xander had done as commanded, and four other males had left the bar that night very satisfied. But the stallion's casual sexuality, amazing voice, and thick cock had left an indelible impression on the wolf. Time had hidden the memory, but that one word from Bucephalus had reminded him of it.

"Ug?" Xander said. He'd meant to say an actual word, but something had happened to it on the way.

"I think it's clean now, don't you?" There was the slightest pause before he added. "Unless your foreplay has a second act..."

Xander pulled his finger out of the stallion as if burned. "What? No. Yeah. Done." The horse's bulk eased away, and the wolf was free to move again. He massaged his chest where the stallion's one butt-cheek had pressed in extra-hard, then looked up to see the stallion walk back to where the overturned bucket lay, and turn his side to face the lupine. He tipped his head vaguely at himself, tail swishing.

"Part two, pup. And you know what? Do the sheath too." He nickered. "That's for wasting my time earlier."

Xander stared in silence for a second, still massaging his chest. You can just leave. Go inside. Fuck this asshole. But he walked forward instead, going to his haunches next to the stallion's body and staring between the horse's legs at the heavy balls that hung there, and the dark sheath lying between them. He still felt odd. He set the bucket upright again; enough water had remained inside for his purposes. "I need gloves and some lubricant--"

"No. You don't," the horse interrupted. "I'm a big boy, I can handle discomfort. And so can you." He turned his head to give the wolf a look. "A little sheath mess and some beans won't kill you. Just get to work." And then, as if he knew it was having an effect on Xander, he added a snorted "Pup".

Just walk away...

Xander wetted his paws thoroughly, his fur helping to hang onto additional moisture. He stared at the horse's belly again, and what hung below it, trying to shake the memory -- the feeling -- of being on his hands and knees outside an unknown bar, with a different stallion looming over him.

Then he reached up and began to wash the horse's heavy genitals.

Alex had been quite right: the stallion was very big. Xander hadn't let his paws linger earlier when taping up the stallion; now, he just held the orbs and marvelled. They were so heavy. It was a stupid observation, he immediately thought, but what else were you supposed to think? They felt as big as they looked; the stallion's balls strained the skin they were contained in, making them look smooth and taut. Xander cradled each one in a paw as his other hand wetted itself and wiped the skin clean until they both glistened like rain-wetted onyx.

He paused, considering; then he moved, re-positioning himself behind the stallion and reaching through his legs from behind as he'd done while taping him up. He could reach more of the balls from this angle, and he stroked his wet paws upwards, along the sides of the balls and up the scrotum skin to where it met in the cleft of the stallion's thighs. Wet fingers reached carefully into each fold of skin to clean away the dust and grime, and caressed them as carefully as a lover would.

Bucephalus' voice floated back to him from above, like a god observing him. "Good work, pup." The horse sounded much more relaxed than before. "That's the sort of dedication I'm after."

And Xander wagged his tail.

He couldn't help it. He stopped it instantly, grateful the horse wouldn't have been able to see it, but cursing himself inside for doing it anyway. At least he hadn't given a fucking yip or something. The horse did notice that his paws had stopped moving, but -- thank fuck -- didn't realise why. His bulk merely shifted a little, and he grunted, "Done with those?"

"Y--yes," Xander said, hoping the unusual breathlessness of the word would be ignored.

"Great. Last piece, then, pup."

Xander slid around to the stallion's side again, re-wetting his paws and staring at the stallion's dark sheath for a moment before lifting his hands to it. One grasped the underside as if it were a cock -- and if it had been, it'd have been a cock anyone he knew would be more than happy with -- and the other slipped inside it, wiping carefully around to dislodge any accumulations. This was more familiar work; he'd cleaned hundreds of sheaths over the years. Not many had been this large, though. The Friesian was pretty damn big for his breed, but this was a sheath that seemed better fitted to a full-size draft. Xander's paw dug in deeper, freeing the sticky masses and tossing them to the side. In he slid again, well past his wrist now. Such a deep sheath...ah. His fingers brushed up against the head of the stallion's cock, and he paused. Half of his arm before the elbow was inside the stallion's sheath now. Shit. With a sheath like this, his cock must be...

"That's still not how you give a handjob, pup."

Bucephalus' mildly amused tone made the wolf pull his hand out of the sheath with a glorck of escaping air, blushing powerfully at the stallion's implication. He shuffled his legs a bit too, telling himself it was to ease a small cramp. Definitely not to adjust the ongoing hardening in his own sheath. Nothing weird about that, though; the stallion loved using sexuality as a weapon. All those lewd things he said would make anyone get a little aroused. He probably considered it a win, the dick. The dumb dick. The big dick. With a big dick.

Xander washed his hands clean, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. "I need to finish it off," he said meekly. "Can you...can you drop?"

"Make me."

Xander's face was mostly made of flame now, he was certain. The blush was literally setting fire to him. In a second he'd smell the fur burning, surely. He screwed his eyes shut. This fucking horse! The wolf's breathing sped up, and when he opened his eyes, he kept them fixed on the ground. "Please, Bucephalus," he said, trying to keep his voice emotionless. "I'll give you an apple?"

"Shit, really?" The horse's tone had jumped straight back to raw sarcasm. "A whole apple? Wow! Do all the other guys in your life get naked the moment you offer them fruit?" He snorted. "I like to think my standards for showing a guy my cock are a bit higher than 'is he offering to feed me'."

And just like that, the wolf was done. "Bucephalus!" he screamed, smacking the closest of the horse's legs as hard as he could. "For fuck's sake -- if I need to shove my paw back inside your sheath and _pull_that fucking monster out of you, I will!"

Xander didn't know where those rebellious words had come from, but he instantly regretted them. His head flopped down, eyes screwed shut in frustration. You should just have left, fucknut. The horse was gonna get all pissy now, and make his life extra-difficult...

But a low chuckle was the only reply, and when Xander raised his head, the stallion was dropping.

The wolf watched the stallion's cock drop and felt small. This was one fucking big horse in every way. The flaccid cock just kept growing, folds of flesh slipping over one another and then extending, stretching out into smooth, damp expanses of pitch-black skin. It dropped lower and lower, stopping when the soft flare hung a mere ten or so inches from the ground, swinging heavily back and forth with each small motion its owner made, like some sort of sexual flag. One that signalled, I am most definitely a male.

Xander swallowed, his throat oddly tight, and reached forward to take the dick in hand. His other paw soaked itself in the now-cool water and began washing the member. It received all the attention the balls had: soft, methodical motions of the damp hand, never pressing hard enough to cause discomfort. Droplets of water ran down the skin, creating faux veins that sometimes followed the trails of the real ones across the ebony skin. Xander washed around the flare, behind which it was easy for dirt to build up, all the way to the thick folds of skin where the sheath had practically inverted itself, cleaning them and the fuzzy hair that grew around them. Then he wetted both paws, each grasping the cock at its base -- each barely surrounding half the shaft, with his fingers just meeting at their tips -- and sliding down in slow motion to wick the remaining water off of it and leave it largely dry. That took a few goes, and he panicked a little towards the end when he realised the cock was starting to thicken under his paws, but he just sped up and got it done.

He stood up the second he was finished, pushing himself to his feet and coughed loudly to signal completion without the added embarrassment of words. One paw grabbed the bucket and he stepped away, looking away from the horse and trying to calm his heart. It was thudding in his chest as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't.

"All done, huh?" the stallion drawled.

"Yes!" Xander said loudly. The word snapped out as if shot from a gun, but he didn't trust himself to say a full sentence right now without stumbling over half the words. His free hand came up to brush a tickle from his nose before he could think, and his sense of smell was overloaded by the powerful, musky aroma of a stud stallion's cock. Oh, holy fucking shit...

"Yeah...so, the problem now is..."

Bucephalus walked around to look him in the face. The wolf tried to turn away casually, terrified of what fresh ammunition he'd be handing the stallion if he noticed the bigger-than-usual bulge in his pants, but the horse had big problems of his own. His cock still hung under him, long and loose, swinging side to side with each step he took.

"The problem now is," the racehorse repeated, "you were a little too good at your job. And now I really need to fuck."

Xander's mouth fell open as his ears flattened, and a hint of a whine squealed out of him. The bucket fell from his nerveless hand as every muscle went slack with shock, landing squarely on the ground and slopping the remainder of its contents all over Xander's leg. He didn't even notice. His mind was spinning, still not recovered from the stallion's cockscent muscling its way inside, and now having to deal with a horse telling him he wanted to fuck, and he couldn't, he mustn't, it wasn't, he just, no, no, no...

It won't fit. It won't fit. It won't fit.

Bucephalus stamped a hoof angrily in front of him, but that was worse. The wolf's eyes fell and goggled at the way the horse's cock danced from the motion, the thick, flaccid flesh rippling with motion.

"Hey! HEY!"

Xander's eyes shot back up to the horse's face, confused and lost. He didn't feel right. Or he felt too right. The stallion glared back.

"Did you hear me?" Xander shook his head numbly, and Bucephalus sighed and rolled his eyes. "Thought we were getting in tune there for a bit, pup," he growled, "but you've gone and ruined it. Get over there, and fetch me what I need."

Xander had missed anything the horse had said before, and his blank expression said so. Bucephalus growled a few epithets, and then stepped closer, shoving his face right into Xander's.

"Go next door. To the other stable. And get. Someone. For me. To fuck."

Xander's head turned to look through the wall to where the other stable was. "Uh." He gulped. "Um. I...I can't..."

"Yes, you can. Because I'm telling you to."

"Dale won't..."

"Is Dale here?" The racehorse made a show of looking around the otherwise-empty building. "No. But did Dale tell you to take care of me? Yes. And now I'm telling you what I need to be taken care of. Pup."

Xander felt entirely out of his depth. "But," he said, hating how whiny he sounded, "Jemma won't..."

The horse started, head snapping back in surprise before he broke into an outright laugh. "Pup," he said, turning away and walking deeper into the stable, "do I look like I fuck mares?"

Xander walked out of the building in a daze. He couldn't organise his thoughts. Had he...had he actually briefly entertained the idea of...of getting...by...?

He looked down at his paws. No. He definitely shouldn't--

His paw slapped against his nose, breathing in the stallion's cockscent. He didn't hide the moan this time; he was transported back there, outside the bar, on his knees, pressing his muzzle into the cleft between the nameless stallion's sheath and balls, drinking in his powerful, dirty, masculine scent, and it smelled so fucking much like Bucephalus the stud, oh fuck...

Each step was rote, and when he blinked, he was standing inside the other stable with Jemma and the other horses looking at him as if waiting for an answer.

"Xander...?" Jemma asked. "You okay?"

"Uh," Xander said. "Yeah, yeah..." He gestured vaguely. "Bucephalus. He..." He's an asshole. He's impossible. He's horny.

He's really fucking hot.

"...he wants to...uh..."

Jemma's bulk stepped closer to him. "I can smell what he wants," she said severely, looking dispassionately down at the wolf. "You can tell him no -- as I told you before." The recrimination was full of disappointment. "The mares on this farm are not here for him."

Xander looked up at her -- and then past, to where Alex stood, watching the exchange. The gelding stared back for a few moments, and even turned his head to see if Dahlia was behind him. Only when Jemma also turned to look at him did he seem to realise who they were looking at.

"Oh," he said. His eyes grew wide. "Ohhh..."

"No," Jemma said firmly, stamping a hoof. "Alex is better than that beast!" She turned back to Xander, furious. "Bucephalus is just a walking penis. He only wants what's good for him. So why are you doing this?"

Because he smells like sex and I'm weak and I want to see him fuck.

It was such a selfish reason. He couldn't tell her that. And he didn't have to, thankfully: Alex interrupted.

"Jemma." He sounded nervous, but he held his head up high and firm. "I can do what I want. And -- and I wanna go."

Jemma looked at the gelding with surprise -- and then exasperation. "Alex, sweetie...you don't know what you want..." she started to say.

"I do!" The gelding stamped a hoof. "I want to go with Xander! I want to be with Bucephalus! I want..." He whinnied. "I want to be mounted by him."

The mare was speechless, and the gelding took the opening. "I'm a full-grown horse, Jemma," he said, filling his chest with air like a huge, four-legged pigeon. "You're old! You've done it all! I'm all by myself..."

"Sweetie..." Jemma started to say again, but Alex shook his mane furiously.

"No! I can do this if I want. And I want to be Bucephalus' mare." He pushed past the mare and the wolf before either could say anything, and Xander was left staring at the big pale mare. She took a deep breath, seeming about to launch into a diatribe...and then let it snort out.

"If you let him get hurt..." she warned.

"I--I won't," Xander said quickly, feeling as if the mare's gaze was a spotlight. She looked closely at him for another few moments, then huffed and turned away.

"Males!" she said dismissively to Dahlia.

Xander followed quickly after Alex, catching up with the gelding just as he reached the doors to Bucephalus' stable. They were only wide enough for Xander, and the wolf pushed them open wider yet, to let the bigger animal enter -- and yelped to find the horse standing right in front of him yet again. Bucephalus paid the wolf absolutely no attention, however; his head was raised, his eyes fixed on the horse that had now lowered his head demurely at the wolf's side. Xander stepped quickly into the stable, slipping past the horses, and moved to one side, watching the two horses interact.

Alex's head remained looking at the ground, and his ears flattened as Bucephalus' hoofsteps got closer. He seemed to reduce, shrinking a little into himself in the presence of this stallion jock stud. In a soft, tremulous voice, he said, "Hello, sir."

Bucephalus snorted -- hard -- in response, but that seemed to be enough for the gelding. His tail swished nervously, and Xander saw a shiver running along his body. He didn't say anything else, and neither did Bucephalus: the gelding stared at the ground, and Bucephalus stared at the gelding. Xander was about to break the silence and ask if he was supposed to do something, but the stallion spoke first.

"Come inside."

The gentleness in his voice was as shocking to the wolf as if the stallion had walked over and pissed into his open mouth. The two horses clopped into the stable, and the wolf remained just inside the door, unsure what to do. You could just leave. You've done your bit.

He pulled the doors shut, and remained inside.

Alex had moved to the centre of the floor, and Bucephalus was circling him, nose reaching for the other horse at every moment, smelling his mane, his body, his tail. The gelding's head stayed down as the huge stallion circled him, his tail swishing nervously every time the bigger horse sniffed at him. He was silent for a good while, letting the racehorse take his measure, but eventually found his voice.

"I'm sorry, sir."

Bucephalus paused in his examination, turning to look at the gelding with a curious head-tilt. "Sorry for what?" he asked. His words were so calm. Not a hint of the arrogance that had soaked every word he'd said to the wolf so far. Xander didn't know what to make of it.

Alex nickered and dropped his head further down. "Sorry that I...that I haven't got...that I'm a gelding," he said, taking a few tries to get the words out. His hocks shook a little, and he shuffled his hooves across the floor. "You deserve a stallion, sir," he added.

Bucephalus stood like a statue carved from obsidian, his eyes fixed on the white mark that ran down Alex's face. The only sound in the stable was Xander's own breathing, echoing in his head. He felt as if he was spying on something, that he shouldn't be here. But Bucephalus would surely tell him if he needed to leave.

The racehorse eventually moved, stepping away from Alex's head and dropping his head to Alex's thigh area. The huge Friesian body blocked Xander's view of exactly what he was doing, but the wolf could still see the gelding's face well enough. Alex's head had come up in surprise when the stallion moved to his rear, and now his mouth dropped open and his eyes almost rolled back into his head. A low moan accompanied that action -- and a wet, sucking sound from whatever Bucephalus was doing. It didn't take much imagination to figure that part out. The gelding's moans grew higher, becoming staccato, and Xander couldn't help but feel himself becoming fully aroused. It was weird and confusing and scary. But...shit. If he closed his eyes, it could be him making those moans. Had been, in fact; many times.

He tried to be subtle when he adjusted the swelling in his pants, but it didn't matter: neither horse was paying him the slightest bit of attention now.

Bucephalus eventually stopped what he was doing, and clopped back around to Alex's front. As he moved away, Xander could finally see the results of what he'd done; a long, soft length of horse cock hanging down from between Alex's legs. The gelding's member was bright pink, and it glimmered wetly in the light of the stable's sodium lamps like pale ruby. Xander turned his head away in embarrassment, but somehow his eyes remained fixed on the cock.

"Do you feel what you carry between your legs?" Bucephalus asked Alex, towering over the gelding, those intense blue eyes fixed on him. He said it like a question, but Xander felt it like a command. Feel what I did to you. Experience me. If the stallion's voice, his poise, his confidence affected Alex in anything like the same way it was affecting the wolf...the adorable little horse didn't stand a chance.

Alex looked barely capable of speaking after the blowjob, however, and any additional effect of the big stallion's sensual voice was lost. "Y--yes, sir," he moaned, lifting his head higher to meet the taller horse's eyes. His tail was rising, too; perhaps unconsciously. Perhaps not.

"That is what makes a stallion," the Friesian said. He whinnied, and Xander had to bite down on his lip to hide the moan as a massive piece of flesh reappeared appeared between the racehorse's legs. It dropped in moments, and hung just as Alex's did, long and flaccid -- but so much thicker, and black as night. Xander looked at the cock he'd washed not long before, and could still smell on his paw. It glistened, too; still wet from being bathed. "And nobody will take that from you. You were born a stallion, and a stallion you are, even now -- balls or not." His head dropped down to nuzzle Alex's mane. "A stallion worth mounting."

Alex looked up at the big black racehorse with an expression of disbelief and wonder. "Sir," he said. His entire attitude changed; he stood a little taller, held his head a little higher, unfolding from the earlier contraction. "I thought that..." He huffed. "You are beautiful, sir. Beautiful and...and big..." His eyes were looking between the horse's legs now, and his tail was lifted high. He nickered. "I would be honoured to have your colts, sir!"

Bucephalus whinnied his assent and began to walk around to the gelding's rear, his dropped cock swinging back and forth like a great hanging weight, hardening and lengthening with each step. Xander's breath grew shorter as he stared at it, terrified at how much it was arousing him, yet loving the feeling. The stallion's cock had been big while soft; now hardening, it became gigantic. The veined mass stuck out straight, almost parallel to his belly, the medial ring looking like nothing so much as a thick cast-iron annulus, suspending the mass of a huge, black cannon on a warship.

As the racehorse passed him by, the great head swung around to fix his piercing eyes on Xander. He had not forgotten the wolf was there, then. The pupils dipped down, looking at the wolf's obviously swollen crotch, and then back up to his now-horrified face. He turned his face away without a word, but his attitude -- and a confident little toss of his mane -- said it all. Yeah, I know. I'm a fucking stud.

Bucephalus stopped behind the gelding and thrust his nose under Alex's tail, making the smaller horse gasp and moan again as the Friesian's tongue did something to him. The pink prick under him swung about, a few droplets of liquid dribbling from the tip. "Oh, sir..." he groaned, his voice sounding breathy and feminine. "Please...you're too...uuhhh..." His words dissolved into soft snorts and whimpers, and Bucephalus lifted his head through the gelding's tail-hairs, wrinkling his nose and snorting them off his muzzle.

"Don't worry, little stallion," he said calmly. "I know."

He stared at the gelding's ass for a few more moments, making a low and lustful rumbling sound that could have come from a puma -- and then swung his head to look at Xander. The wolf jumped.

"Come here, pup."

Xander stepped awkwardly forward. The smell of the two horny horses was beginning to fill the entire stable, and his nose picked up every subtle part of it. It didn't matter that it was feral horses at this point; it was the universal smell of sex and arousal. He was attuned to it. Where it was, he was -- and his erection was inevitable. He stopped in front of the stallion and waited.

Bucephalus nodded at the gelding's anus. "Lube him up."

Xander waited for more words, and then blinked when none were forthcoming. "Oh! Um..." He looked around the stable. "I can get another bucket of water..."

"Water?" Bucephalus looked at him as if he'd suggested sandpaper. "Not with water! Good fucking grief, pup. With me."

A wet, meaty slap accompanied the me, and Xander's gaze fell to the stallion's belly. The fat cock was drooling freely, a fine line of fluid descending unbroken from the wide opening in his flare to the ground, leaving a trail there that traced the motion of the horse above it. "Oh," the wolf said, except it came out as "glrk", and his legs folded, and he sank to his knees next to the massive, horny stallion.

He was in a dream now. He must be. One paw reached out to grasp the shaft -- far, far too massive for his fingers to wrap around it -- and the other cupped itself just below the tip, collecting the silvery liquid as it oozed out. He began to stroke the cock as if it were his own, but of course that wouldn't work on a horse. The skin of the huge member hardly moved -- but the contact seemed to do something for the stallion, and his pre-cum oozed out a little faster. Xander slid his paw up and down the immense dick, letting his roughened paw pads stimulate the stallion, and occasionally reached all the way back to heft and fondle one of the balls that nestled between his thighs. That was just for himself; to remind him that this was real.

The pool of fragrant liquid in his paw grew larger; his whole hand was soaked in it by now. When it seemed enough, he carefully pushed himself to his feet and padded over to the gelding. Alex's anus winked at him, the doughnut flexing, almost seeming to reach for him, and he numbly wetted a few fingers in stallion pre-cum and started to smear them all around the muscled ring. That made Alex start moaning again, and that made Xander's cock get harder. His breathing was too fast, but he didn't quite seem to have control of it anymore. Only when the gelding's entire hole was covered in sticky, sweet-smelling pre-cum did Xander wet his fingers more thoroughly, and push them back against the doughnut, and press them inside.

Alex gave a cry so intense, the wolf was afraid he'd injured him. He froze and looked at Bucephalus with concern, but the horse merely chuckled and began walking around to Alex's front, heavy horsecock bobbing up and down underneath his belly. "That wasn't pain, pup," he said lazily. He sounded drugged, as if the very air had become soporific. "Keep going."

Xander continued his work, lubricating the inside of Alex's tunnel. The male was remarkably loose already -- or was making an effort to relax. The wolf spread two fingers inside him, sliding them around to spread the pre-cum from his skin onto the gelding's inner walls. The gelding was wonderfully warm inside, and with his anus protruding as equine ones did, Xander felt his mouth begin to drool. He wanted to feel that heat on his tongue. It had been so long since he'd eaten ass...

"Why were you gelded, Alex?" Bucephalus asked mildly. His head was tilted to the side, his body parallel to the gelding, watching Alex's face. The gelding was huffing hotly, and it took him a moment to respond.

"I...sir, I was...difficult..."

"Yeah. That's the usual excuse, but...difficult how?" Alex didn't answer immediately, and the stallion lifted his head, looking up at the rafters thoughtfully. "See, I've got a hypothesis." He stepped slowly forward as the words oozed out, until his hindquarters were parked right before the gelding's face. Alex's moan was desperate, and his face dropped, taking in the sight of the stallion's huge, erect penis. Xander heard the big Friesian belly-slap again and felt a mirroring contraction in Alex's ass. "I think you were gelded because you kept bothering other horses. But not the nice pretty mares, hm? The stallions. With their big...thick...dicks." Each word was accompanied by the meaty slap of flesh against flesh. "Did you try to mount them, Alex? Or did you keep lifting your tail in front of them and try to get them to mount you? You must have been incredibly persistent if they had to geld you to make you stop..."

Alex didn't answer, merely moaning softly, and Bucephalus' big head craned towards him.

"But even that didn't work, huh?" he purred. "So now you live here, with a couple mares, and you're a good boy." Alex's groans filled the silence. "A good little stallion. Who still craves a rough, hard fucking from a well-hung stallion..."

"Yes, sir, please, please, sir," Alex gasped, each expelled breath a small explosion. "Oh, fuck, sir, you're so big. I want you in me so badly, please, sir, please, please..."

Bucephalus raised his head archly and turned away from the gelding, walking back around to his rear. Xander removed his fingers and stepped back, letting the horse position himself. He'd become somewhat distracted by the stallion's story, but his fingers had done their work. He watched Bucephalus lining up, and drank in the sight of the Friesian's tumescent cock and powerful leg muscles. The huge stallion bent forward a little...and then pushed himself up, landing heavily on Alex's back with a loud whinny. His cock swung forward and slapped hard against the gelding's thigh, leaving a wet mark.

Xander was taking an additional step back when Bucephalus looked over at him in surprise. "Where are you going, pup?"


"How long you been in the business, pup? Never seen two horses fucking before?"

"I...I have..." Just never with a stallion I can't stop looking at, and a gelding that I think I feel jealous of.

"So? Then you know how it works." He smirked. "Grab my dick, and get me in my mare."

It was odd, having the stallion standing still for a change. Usually they were shouting at the mare about how many colts they'd put in her, or how deep, while their cock jerked about randomly, taking forever to find its mark unless someone assisted -- all while the mare screamed back at them to just get it done because their back was sore and they were hungry. But Bucephalus was silent and motionless; only Alex's soft groans made one aware it was anything more than a typical farm evening, filled with sleeping horses.

The stallion's cock was sticking through Alex's legs; Xander stepped forward and grasped it with both paws. Shit...it was so hard. And hot. The lusty stallion blood that filled it made it radiate heat against his face, and he stared at the midnight-dark pole in wonder for a moment. So much bigger than any anthro he'd seen. One paw stroked back along the skin, sliding back and forth along the proud ring of the medial. That alone would feel like a second cockhead being rammed inside...

"You can play with it later, pup," Bucephalus drawled, deep amusement filling his words, and Xander blushed. He tugged the hefty shaft upward, settling the flare in the middle of the flexing invitation of Alex's ass. "Yeah," the stallion said, beginning to sound breathless. He whinnied softly. "Hold it right there..."

Bucephalus' hooves shuffled a little, and with a grunt, he began pressing inwards. Xander stared, enraptured, as the dark cock slid through his paws and into the gelding. Alex's high-pitched gasp as the flare popped inside him -- with an audible squelch -- made Xander have to bite his lip to contain his desire to cry out. With his hands occupied, he couldn't stop his pants beginning to show a very obvious point. But that wasn't what mattered now. What mattered was the feeling of inches upon inches of thick, hard, veiny stallion cock whispering through his paws like solid sex.

He couldn't believe how it felt. Stroking it while soft had been one thing, but having it thrust against his skin now, while it was hard, was supremely erotic. He began panting as his own arousal grew, as if in time with the stallion's. He only had to glance to the side to see how much of the shaft remained -- and behind it, the bobbing weights of the huge balls that would provide the explosive finish.

Bucephalus grunted and shifted his rear hooves a little closer to the gelding, pushing another couple of inches into him. He was snorting constantly now, the hot breath splashing against Alex's back and wafting into Xander's nostrils. It sounded like lust, but it smelled of warmth and hay and horse. Alex's whimpers and low moans said everything about how he felt; the gelding's head was dropped completely down, his rear legs spread to bear the weight of his enormous, muscular lover, his asshole being stretched wider by the minute as the bold invader entered. Xander could practically see the ring growing as the cockflesh drove in, moving inevitably towards the thickness of the base. The stallion's motion was sure and uninterrupted; he only paused briefly when his medial ring fetched up against the gelding's ring. But an extra-hard snort and a thrust of his hips made that pop in as easily as the flare had, and made Alex give a guttural, "Ohhhhhhhh..."

Xander's hands were still wrapped around the horse's shaft. He didn't need to be here anymore, but Bucephalus hadn't told him to leave, and he...wanted to be. He was fully erect now, himself; the sensation of powerful stallion cock and the sight of it penetrating a needy sub was impossible to resist. He didn't care. Lust had taken over. He watched the last inches of horse prick slide into Alex, the hugely wide base stretching his asshole into a broader ring than it had seemed it could possibly become -- and then Bucephalus nickered, and adjusted his feet one more time, and was practically hilted. Xander couldn't say how long the racehorse was...twenty-four inches? Maybe a couple more. Only one or two remained visible now, and the wolf let his eyes run back along Alex's body, imagining that mass inside him, how deep it must go, how much pressure it must be putting on him. The wonderful pressure, the incredible depth...

"Are you ready?" Bucephalus asked, and Xander looked up, but the question had not been addressed to him.

"Yes...oh, yes, sir," Alex said breathlessly. "Please fuck me, fuck me with that amazing cock...I can feel you all the way inside me, sir, I love it, you're so thick...fuck, sir, you're so hot...fuck your colts deep into me sir, I am your mare..."

The gelding's horny words made Xander blush again; for a moment, he'd imagined himself in Alex's place, feeling Bucephalus' cock all the way inside him, and begging him for a fuck. Why did that thought make him so fucking hot...?

There was no time to muse on that now, though, for the stallion had begun to breed.

Bucephalus only pulled out about a third of himself at a time; he was far too large to withdraw his entire cock without toppling over. He had just enough space to pull back to the medial ring, though and that did the trick for Alex, apparently. Every time that thickened ring of flesh pulled out of him, he squealed -- and when it thrust back inside moments later, he squealed again. Xander's cock bled pre-cum into his pants at the over-sexualised sounds of the gelding getting fucked, and his paws slid closer to the gelding's entrance until they surrounded the black stallion cock right at Alex's doughnut, feeling the strong, slimy mass as it slid in and out and in and out of him like a piston, a machine, a sexual hammer.

The wolf's fur was getting soaked in the stallion's pre-cum -- well, more so than it had already been. Every time the medial ring slid out, a small wash of musky fluid came with it: stallion lubricant, smelling of both of the horses now. Droplets ran down Xander's wrists and along his arms, slowly converting his scent to that of the stallion's. The wolf gripped the cock as tightly as he dared, listening to the squelching sounds as the dominant horse fucked his chosen breeding hole, and the snorts and whimpers of them both -- of all three. He realised he was moaning too, now, his breathy sounds almost unheard under the animalistic snorts of the massive stallion. He didn't care if they heard. They knew how arousing this was -- all horses did. They must. Stallions showed off their dicks to make others jealous, it was the only explanation. Swinging them around to make people imagine this very act, the joining of horsecock to horse hole, and how fucking hot it was...

Neither horse was speaking, so Xander began to speak for them."Come on, Bucephalus," he urged, his voice rough and needy. "Fuck this horny boy, give him what he wants..." There was the briefest pause in the stallion's thrusts, but then he continued, and Xander told himself the horse thrust a little faster now, a little more energetically. He kept speaking.

"Breed him, stud...show him what a real stallion dick can do." Was Alex saying yes, yes, yes under his breath now? The wolf wasn't sure. "Pound that amazing thick cock deep into him. Fuck him loose, stud, fuck him so he'll never forget this. Pump him full of your cum, c'mon, do it, do it..."

Bucephalus' voice rumbled unexpectedly down from above him like thunder. "You like that, pup?" He chuckled in between grunts. "Like feeling my cock in your paws? Bet you do. Next best thing...to being fucked by me...is touching me while I fuck someone else..." He had definitely sped up now, and Xander tried to feed into the stallion's energy.

"Yeah, you fucking stud, you feel amazing. So fucking thick, so wet and hard. Fucking love how you spread this boy's hole, love how you smell, how you sound...I wanna feel you cum, stud, I wanna feel you fill him and watch it drool out, I wanna see your cock covered in cum..."

Bucephalus whinnied and his legs tightened around Alex, slamming harder and harder as the wolf talked. Alex's ring was as loose as a stretched rubber band now, no longer a tight suction around the cockflesh pushed into him, and every withdrawal made a slurping sound as air and pre-cum fought to escape before the next injection of dick. Xander gripped his paws around the cock as if trying to extend the tunnel of flesh it had to fuck into. "Yeah, stud, almost there, come on, give him your colts, you're so pent up, you need this, blow your load, empty those...big...fucking...balls..."

The wolf trailed off as the stallion began straining, his head rising up and his teeth clenching together. When he looked back under the horse, his balls had already risen, leaving only a little loose sack visible. "Oh, fuck," he said -- and then the stallion began cumming.

He felt it.

He'd expected it to be similar to an anthro, honestly. Some happy groans -- even crying -- and some throbbing as it happened. He'd always found that hot. But the force of it was entirely unexpected to the wolf. The stallion's cock swelled even more, the skin straining to contain the force within, and the wolf could see the urethra pulse as semen raced up the shaft. More than that, he could feel it: each expulsion felt like a projectile, distending the tube with the force of its motion, hurtling up the shaft from sheath to flare. He could imagine it as if it was happening to him: the pleasure building to its peak, the power of those blasts hitting his sensitive insides. And the volume...only three spurts in, he began sniffing eagerly as a new scent joined those of sweat and horse and pre-cum: horse cum, rich and glorious. It squirted out around the stallion's cock with each pulse of his member, the hot, slimy liquid running over his fingers, its smell filling his nostrils, its warmth filling his pants...

The realisation of his own orgasm made the wolf gasp and release the stallion's cock. He slapped his paws to his crotch, embarrassed -- too late! -- by this obvious betrayal of his own arousal. As his cock finished painting his underwear white, and he tried to hide the bulge of his knot behind paws soaked in stallion fluids, he gasped for air and watched the stallion's fuck come to a close. Bucephalus had stopped thrusting when his ejaculation began, and now his head hung down above Alex's back, mouth slack and eyes closed. Alex was quivering, a small pool of clear liquid beneath his own extended, still-flaccid member. They were still for a moment -- and then the racehorse grunted and pushed himself off of Alex, pulling his cock out of the gelding, the long flesh seeming to manifest endlessly until the flare finally came loose with what must be half the stud's load following it in a rush, soaking Alex's hindquarters and the floor underneath him, obliterating the small mark of the gelding's own desire and marking the end of the racehorse's fuck.

Bucephalus' hooves thumped back to earth and he grunted, nosing at the gelding's hole before snorting. "Yep," he said in satisfaction. "That's a well-fucked hole." He turned to look at the wolf, who squirmed and tried to turn away, and sniffed at him. "You liked that, huh, pup? You sounded really fucking into it."

No, I was confused, I shouldn't, this was a mistake...

With the horniness gone, the reality of what he'd done settled in. It wasn't that he'd helped Bucephalus get laid -- although offering him a gelding might be frowned upon. It was how...involved he'd been. If the horses mentioned something...if Jemma was mad at him...if Dale decided to give Alex a wash and lifted his tail and saw spunk squirting out like fireworks...

"Relax, pup," Bucephalus said, the wolf's growing panic clearly visible all across him. The stallion's cock swung lazily underneath him, softening gradually; cum decorated it like cake frosting, and the flare looked like a piece of wet stone stuck on the end. "Alex will keep his mouth shut, won't he?"

Alex seemed to have been on another plane; it took him a few seconds to gather his wits sufficiently to reply, "Yes, sir." He didn't quite seem to believe what had just happened to him.

Bucephalus clopped a hoof. "There. Sorted." He turned to walk away, until Xander's strangled gasp made him turn back. "Is there something else?" he queried archly.

Xander didn't know where to start. "The..." He looked down at him cummy hands. He had to wash before Dale got home. Had to. "The...smell...Jemma..."

The big stallion rolled his eyes. "Horses smell, pup. We're really fucking good at it. Tons of smells, all the fucking time. Dale probably lost his sense of smell years ago. He won't care. Just fart if he gets suspicious or something. And Jemma?" Bucephalus nickered. "Her youth was no less fun than Alex's, trust me. She didn't really try to stop him, now did she?" When Xander couldn't give a hard denial, the horse nodded. "So. Everything's fine, and you can go now."

And that was it. When it was clear the horse was done speaking, Xander walked up to Alex and patted his rump. The gelding made his wavering way out of the stable, still feeling the effects of bearing an enormous stallion's weight -- and cock -- for a quarter of an hour. The gelding walked ahead of him on the way back, giving Xander a perfect view of his well-stretched, leaking hole. The wolf couldn't take his eyes off of it, hating how much part of him wanted it to be his own.

When he slid the stable door open to let Alex walk in, Jemma was waiting. She eyes the two of them, and then walked forward to nuzzle Alex's face. "You all right, sweetie?" she asked softly. Alex nodded rapidly.

"Oh, yes, Jemma..." he murmured. "Oh, he's wonderful..."

The mare looked back at Xander, and the wolf's body tensed up a bit...but she only gave him a curt nod and turned away.

Thank fuck for that.

The wolf closed up the mare's stable, and then went over to close the other. Just before the door shut, Bucephalus' voice floated out of the now-darkness. "Glad you had fun, pup." He sniggered. "Be seeing you again sometime?"

Xander slammed the door closed in case his blush lit up the night, and horse laughter followed him across the yard and back into the house.

Not long after, the wolf had washed -- twice, to be certain -- and eaten dinner. He could have gone to bed, but something kept him at the kitchen table, drinking. Guilt, perhaps; alternating with frustration. Guilt that what he'd done might not have been what Dale would have wanted...and frustration at how easily the stallion had gotten him to do it. He wasn't that easy, was he?

Problem was, he had no baseline for comparison. He'd never worked with a feral stallion before. Maybe they were all sexual titans that made the wolf's pants grow tight when they told him to do things -- or maybe it was just Bucephalus. As much as he'd argued back at the horse when he'd pinned him against the wall, it had been...really hot. He'd written it off as a lack of physical contact recently, but then he'd gotten close to that sheath, and those balls, and that huge fucking dick, and...

Well, shit. He was hard again.

He was raising his beer bottle for another sip when the door handle suddenly turned, and he slammed the bottle back to the table with a jump as Dale bustled into the room. The horse smiled at him -- and then shot him a quizzical look. "Still up?" He put down a bag of groceries, and then tossed his car keys onto a counter.

"Yeah. Just thought I'd..." The wolf tilted his empty beer bottle. "Take stock. First day and all."

"And? How was it?" The horse's hand snaked between the bottles on the table, finding one unopened and flicking the top off before taking a swig. "Bucephalus managed to break you yet?"

"Hehe." The wolf nodded wryly. "He's a pawful, all right." Thicker than both my paws, in fact. "I think we'll see eye to eye before long, though." Eye to cock. Shit. No. Stop it.

"Exactly what I like to hear, Xander." The stallion took another drink and put the bottle down. "Just gonna go say goodnight to the pretties."

"Sure." The wolf watched his employer head out the door and across the yard to the racehorse's stable. He didn't need to be worried. Why would Bucephalus say anything? Either it was perfectly fine, and Dale wouldn't care, or he could say Bucephalus made him do it. And...and say he had to because...uh...

His chest grew tight when he saw Dale walking back. He didn't seem mad. It was fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But the stallion still gave him a very curious look when he got back inside. "You okay, man?" he asked. "You look worried."

The wolf tried to make his nod casual, but as he raised his beer for a deep sip, Dale plucked it from his fingers. "I think that's enough for tonight," he said gently, sitting down opposite the wolf. "You did good, Xander," he said, looking closely at the wolf. "Don't worry. Bucephalus is clean and happy. Says you did a tremendous job. And the others were fast asleep when I peered in." He patted the wolf's paw. "Relax. No dead horses after day one? Your job's safe. That's my rule." He chuckled, and Xander felt a spring uncoiling inside himself. The stallion stood, taking both Xander's bottle and his own. "Now go get some rest. You'll be wishing you had more hours to sleep soon enough, once I start really working your ass." He raised an eyebrow, and the wolf nodded gratefully.

"Thanks, Dale," Xander said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Xander."

The horse vanished, and the wolf took a moment to let his heart calm before heading to his room and climbing into bed. Bucephalus had kept his mouth shut, so that was one fear banished. But sleep was a long time coming nonetheless, and even when it did, it was filled by dreams of endlessly long horse cocks sliding deeper and deeper into wide, wet holes which moaned in his own voice.

The next day was no better. He did his best to focus; farm equipment was nothing to be distracted around. But he couldn't stop his mind wandering back to the events of the night before, and his eyes would drift across to the racehorse's stable, and think about the creature inside. He was just too fucking hot. The wolf snuck away a few times during the day for some relief, but it never quite got rid of the heart of it, and when night rolled around, he found himself in bed, a pillow pressed to his face, muffling his yell as he came for what must be the sixth time that day.

The night beyond was silent, and Xander let his hand flop down, staring up at the roof, cock softening in his paw, semen cooling on his belly fur.

No matter what he did, he couldn't get the thoughts out of his head. It felt fucking dirty to even think to himself, but watching the horses fuck had been the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. Grasping the great stallion's cock as he did it...well, he'd cum in his pants. That said it all.

Actually, he needed to revise that assessment: seeing them fuck had only been the second-sexiest thing. Number one had been walking the gelding back to his stable, and seeing his loose, cum-drenched hole flexing slowly in front of him, semen oozing down it like sloppy icing on a cake. Fuuuuck. He'd just wanted to bury his face in it...and then his cock.

Just the thought was making him stiffen again, and he whined in desperation. This would never end. How could he keep working here if every night had him in this state? He couldn't just keep jerking off. It wasn't enough. He needed...he just needed to get it out of his system. That'd do it. Just satisfy his curiosity once, and then he could ignore it again. Yeah. Just one good, long look at the horse's cock, and he'd be sorted.

The wolf slipped out of bed and went to the washbasin to clean himself off -- and then stopped. He looked down at his body thoughtfully, then stepped away. Wearing only his pyjama bottoms, he slipped out of his room, padded softly past the ajar door to Dale's room, and down the stairs. The kitchen door hinged open silently and he slipped out into the cool night with only a sliver of moon to light his way. Not that he had far to travel. The door to the racehorse's stable wasn't as quiet, but he only needed to push it open a fraction to slip inside, and shut it behind him. He remained facing the door for a moment, listening for any noises in the night, but it was as still as ever.

Behind him, in the gloom, a stallion snorted.

Xander took a deep breath and turned to see Bucephalus emerging from the shadows in the rear of his stable into the light of the wavering lamp that burned over the entrance. The bulb's glow burned in the horse's eyes like tiny flames, and when he opened his mouth, the blackness within seemed almost demonic. Yet his voice was angelic.

"Are you sure you're in the right place, pup?" The words curled naughtily around the wolf, like living sprites, making his fur tingle and begin to stand on end. Fuck...that voice.

Xander set his shoulders and strode towards the horse. "Be quiet, and listen," he said, injecting as much authority as he could with the horse's head a good foot above him. "You're not going to..." Shit. He'd had a good little speech in mind when he left the house, but once again he'd forgotten it. "You need to stop being...uh..." The horse's expression grew smug, and Xander snarled and stuck a finger out at him. "Fuck you! Look what you did to me!"

The horse lowered his head curiously to where the wolf indicated on his belly, sniffing at the congealed semen. Xander started when a warm tongue unexpectedly slapped against it, and blinked a little uneasily when the stallion's ox-like head rose again, tongue licking along his lips in a decidedly un-feral manner. "That ain't mine, Apples," he said simply. "So, by a process of really straightforward elimination, I think you'll find you did it to yourself."

"Well, yes, I mean, it's my...cum, yeah!" He found the word difficult to say. The air felt charged with sexuality already, and it felt as if it would only take one word to ignite it. Plus, anything could set the stallion off. Shit...he'd actually licked up some of his cum. He tried to put that thought out of his mind. "But it's your fault!"

The horse lifted one front foot and tapped it against the concrete. "Excuse me. These are hooves, pup. If I wrapped these around your dick and jerked you off -- trust me, you know. Plus, aren't you on the top floor? I'm no good with stairs--"

"Aaaaarg!" The wolf gave a cry of frustration. "Just shut up! Stop talking! Be a fucking normal stallion for once, all right_?"_

That did make the horse stop talking -- for about ten seconds. He stepped even closer to Xander, his hooves thumping onto the ground to either side of his paws, his enormous chest rising up like a dark curtain wall before the wolf, and his head the great watchtower atop it, night fires burning fiercely in each eye. The wolf's chest heaved with emotion and tension, and he couldn't stop his body from leaning back a little as the horse got uncomfortably close. The long muzzle lowered to right before his own, and two enormous nostrils snorted hot, musky air into his face as the stallion's wide, dark eyes locked onto his own. And then he spoke with all the arrogance his very first words to Xander had held.

"I _am_normal, pup. You're the one breaking new ground. The proof is all over your belly."

Xander's face twitched, but he couldn't think fast enough, and the stallion's words ran roughshod over him. "What sort of pup jerks off and then blames a horse? That's pretty fucking rich, huh? It's not my problem you're hot for my dick."

"I'm not--"

Bucephalus lifted and slammed a hoof down, less than an inch from Xander's paw, and the wolf yelped and flinched. "Let. Me. Finish," the horse intoned. "Yes, you fucking are. What's with this denial bullshit? You couldn't fucking shut up about it last night. Telling me to cum, telling me how much you wanted to see it. And now you walk in here, stinking of lust, trying to tell me what to do, pretending you weren't standing here last night with your paws fucking soaked in my cum...where the fuck do you get off?" He smirked. "Apart from in your pants, while touching my dick last night. Was that one hands-free? I'm fucking flattered, pup. But seriously -- what was your plan tonight? Come in here, show me your cum trophy, and...?" The horse cocked his head, and Xander tried to speak, but couldn't. The arrogance of this horse, the sheer assumption of dominance and superiority...it was breathtaking. And he was hard again.

Bucephalus pushed his nose against Xander, making him stumble backwards, and nickered. "I asked you a fucking question, pup," he growled.

Xander blinked, trying to clear his mind. "I...you gotta just..." He wasn't even sure he was saying words. This situation had gotten awfully out of hand. The horse had taken control, and the wolf had no idea what he'd do next.

He both hated and loved how glad he was.

"I gotta? I gotta?" The horse's tone was thick with mockery. "I don't gotta do shit, pup. I do what I want. Who I want. When I want." His nose pushed Xander backwards again, and the wolf flailed behind him with a hand, fearful of tripping. "I am the master here." Push. "You are the servant -- covered in cum, might I add. Hardly a position of strength." Push. "Your pants could shelter a family of six right now, and you fucking stink of neediness." Push. "So instead of trying to tell me what I gotta do -- you fucking do as I say instead."

The final push had Xander collide with the wall, just as he had the night before. But instead of a horse's rump pressing him against the wood, it was his chest, with his handsome face staring right down at him. The face slid closer, and Xander stared at it in disbelief as it slid down, down towards his mouth...but at the last moment, the head drifted to the side, and he felt thick horse lips nibbling on his ear before the stallion spoke in soft words.

"You cleaned my sheath like a good pup last night, Apples. So diligently. And you helped me unload my nuts -- and ruined your pants at the same time. So, stop wasting my time with this bullshit, and just admit it. You want my dick."

It felt like an eternity to let the word squeeze out. "Yes."

Warm air blew over his ear. "Gooood pup." The mellifluous words made Xander blush and whine. "But didn't you forget a word?"


"There we go. Or 'stud'. You can choose." The horse chuckled. "Last choice you'll get tonight, though. That all right with you, pup?"

Xander opened his mouth to reply, but the stallion cut him off. "Trick question. I don't care." He chuckled as the wolf looked confused and blushed. "You're cute when you blush," he said, which only made Xander's glow inflame more. The stallion's voice had softened a little; he sounded more like he had when he'd addressed Alex the night before. Xander may have been able to resist the horse when he sounded like a dick, but not when he sounded like a gentle, caring dom. "I like cute things." His mouth slid down the side of the wolf's face, the tip of his tongue gently touching the wolf's fur, wetting it as he went. "Cute things," he murmured, his nose pressing against Xander's, "with pretty muzzles. That they want to wrap around my dick."

Xander gasped, and then whimpered. The stallion was too fucking hot. His breath hung around the two of them, smelling of grass and apples. Where the fuck had he gotten an apple? The force of his chest trapping the wolf against the was incredibly erotic, and the wolf's mind spun with imagining that strength redirected into fucking him. Fuck, he even looked hot. His dark mane framed his proud face and glittering eyes as the wolf looked up, and every muscle and vein in his neck stood out. He was magnificent. The wolf had to serve him.

"Yes, sir," he croaked. "May I pleasure you?"

Bucephalus stepped back, freeing the wolf, and tossed his head. "Not yet." He looked down at the wolf. "I enjoyed those talented paws on me last night. And I'm kinda stiff after all that running. Really pushed myself." He adjusted himself, making his shoulders bulge and his thighs flex. "I think what I need is a massage."

Xander nodded quickly and made to move closer, but the horse fetched him up short with a nu-uh. The stallion nodded down at the huge tent in his pants. "Clothes off, pup." He smirked. "I showed you mine..."

Xander blushed, tucking his thumbs into the elastic of his pyjamas and sliding them down. His hard cock caught on the fabric, getting pulled down until the cloth slid lower and it popped right back up. Bucephalus stared at the thick, red member, making a rumbling sound in his chest. "And here I've been calling you pup," he said, impressed, _"_while all this time you've been carrying that around..."

Xander blushed again. He knew he was pretty big; his lovers were always thrilled to discover it, whether they wanted him to pound the knot into them, or just have the pleasure of dominating a well-hung sub. Twelve hard, veiny inches of wolf cock stuck out into the cool stable air, bouncing ever so gently to the thundering beat of Xander's heart. The tip glistened with pre-cum, and a lone drop came loose and began running down the shaft, disappearing into the fur of the sheath that bulged out around his unrevealed knot. That grew to rival most horsecocks in diameter -- apart from Bucephalus'. The size of that monster was unrivalled in all of Xander's sexual experiences.

The stallion turned to one side, settling his hooves a little spread out, making his muscles bunch up under his skin. It looked incredible. Xander wanted to run his paws over every inch.

"Make sure you get the bits at the top of the legs especially," the stallion said. "They really ache."

The wolf knew little about massages, but even if he had, that would have been for creatures with very different body types to the enormous feral stallion; he had to raise his paws to above eye level just to rest them on the beast's back. But that was not for him to decide. He would merely do as the great animal commanded him to.

He began at the front, pressing his fingers into the gaps between the horse's muscles just below his neck. The flesh barely moved under him, but that seemed more due to how strong the muscles were, and less to do with him. He grasped the shoulder firmly and rubbed with his thumbs, trying to loosen whatever felt like a knot. His hands slid down to the upper leg, rubbing and groping the muscles there next. It was a half-grope, he couldn't deny it. The stallion felt too incredible to resist. He dared to stand close, too, allowing the tip of his protruding cock to brush across the fine black hair when he moved. That was exquisite, and he had swallowed a few whimpers until the horse's head turned to look at him.

"Stop hiding your lust, pup," he said. "I want to hear -- and feel -- how fucking hot I make you."

Xander nodded, and let every whimper, whine and groan free. He pushed his body closer, pressing his cock against the horse, thrusting randomly every so often. The hair was rough against him, but it felt better than silk. His hands squeezed and prodded, feeling every muscle, digging in between and then stroking after, leaving the hair smooth again. He was doing a terrible massage, he was certain, but he didn't care now. He was worshipping a stud.

The front legs were done, and he moved to the side. He couldn't stop himself bending to look under the stallion, but -- remarkably -- there was nothing much to see. Just a quiescent sheath and two fat balls. That was a pretty good sight nonetheless, and for a few seconds the wolf simply stared -- before the horse's body moved about and made him stand up guiltily.

"You need to earn that, pup," the stallion said, and Xander whimpered and nodded.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

Bucephalus nickered in satisfaction. "Get back to work."

Xander rubbed the stallion's sides with long strokes of his thumbs, pushing a small wave of skin ahead of him, feeling the smooth muscle underneath and gasping whenever he felt it grow taut and firm. He dared to step right up to the horse as he worked, letting his cock jut out underneath his belly and rub against it as he moved back and forth. The tiny hairs covering the horse's underside made his cock feel super-sensitive as they stroked over his painfully hard flesh, and he had to pause now and then to collect himself and avoid blowing his load all over the floor. The stallion wouldn't want that, he was sure.

He finished on one side and walked around the stallion's front to get to his other side. The clop of a hoof against the ground made him pause in front of Bucephalus, and look bashfully at the stallion as the great creature stared at his cock. The head dipped down, and Xander gave a choked cry when a hot tongue lapped once along his length before retreating. Bucephalus lifted his head back up, eyes thoughtful, tongue swirling around his mouth. "You taste nice, don't you, pup?"

"Thank you, sir," the wolf squeaked. He wanted to beg for the tongue again, to feel himself fully enveloped by that soft heat. He stared longingly at the stallion's mouth, hoping to convey his need by sheer force of will. But the stallion had a better idea.

"Turn around," he rumbled, "and lift your tail."

Xander did as he was told, and shivered in anticipation. When the heat of thick, wet stallion tongue finally pressed against him, he gave a shuddering groan and whimpered, "Oh, fuck, sir, yes..." The tongue slid up and down his crack, tasting his recently-washed cleanliness and relaxed, horny pucker; the wolf as loose as he knew how to be, desperate to signal his readiness to get fucked. He pushed back a little, wordlessly trying to encourage the stallion to penetrate him a little, but it had the opposite effect: the tongue left and did not return.

Xander whined and flattened his ears. "S--sorry, sir..."

"I'll decide what you get, pup," the horse snapped, and the wolf sank even lower, even his tail dropping to convey complete submission. He waited like that for a little while, until the horse seemed ameliorated. "Carry on with the massage," he said simply, and Xander slunk around to the other side. He repeated his makeshift horse-massage on that side, perking back up as he heard the stallion make satisfied noises. His hands slid more and more to the horse's rear, and eventually he stopped pressing against his sides and placed both paws on one rump. The muscles here were immense, and there was no way the wolf could realistically massage them. He settled for simply rubbing them, stroking the stallion's body and enjoying the feel of the power that rippled just under his skin. He was an incredible living machine. He moved to stand behind the horse, one paw on each side of his ass, rubbing and squeezing. His face looked forward, along the wide, endless expanse of the stallion's back, and his eyes dipped down to stare at his tail, almost timidly covering the sight of the hole he'd cleaned the night before. He wanted to see it again quite desperately, but he dared not ask. The stallion would decide.

In the end, the horse had a far better idea. "Come here pup," he said, and Xander's tail wagged to hear that his tone was friendly once more. He padded across and stood quietly in front of the horse. The stallion snorted. "That felt pretty good." Xander's tail-wag increased in speed. "And good pups get good rewards." Xander's eyes widened in anticipation, and he began panting. Bucephalus looked at his eagerness with a smile. "Who's a good boy?" he asked.

"I am, sir!" Xander responded instantly.

"Yeah, you are," the horse said. "So why don't you get under my belly and see the present I've got for you?"

Xander whimpered and almost tripped over himself in his haste to scurry back around to the stallion's side and drop to his knees, panting with lust. He lifted a paw to stroke along the stallion's belly as he drank in the sight of his sheath and balls. There was still no cock visible, but that was fine. The stud would provide when he was ready. Xander grasped it with a paw and stroked back and forth, gently stimulating the stallion's sheath and waiting to see the monster that slept within.

"Do you like pre-cum, pup?" the stallion's deep voice said softly. Xander nodded, forgetting in his lustful state that the horse couldn't see him. His ears rubbed against the belly hanging over him, though, and that seemed to do it. "That's very good. I'm quite a drooler. A horse-faucet, even." Xander felt motion within the sheath and whimpered with excitement. "If I've had to jerk myself off, my entire belly is soaked by the end. Such a waste, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, sir," the wolf agreed. "A terrible waste, sir. You need a pup to clean it up."

"I sure do," the horse said lazily. At the tip of his sheath, a shiny, bulbous bit of flesh appeared, and the wolf's nose was filled with the sexual scent of the stallion. He moaned and dropped one paw to the ground to stop himself from falling over. "So I want you to put me in your mouth," the horse continued, "and start drinking." There was a brief pause. "And don't dare stop until I say so."

Xander shuffled forward on his knees, lifting himself to bring his face in line with the horse's sheath. A couple of inches of cock hung from it now, perfectly flaccid and clean. At the tip of the urethra, a drop of fluid was building up fast, collecting from an inner stream that had no end. Xander wondered suddenly if the horse had planned this when he'd had the wolf clean him the night before. He must have known by then how Xander was reacting to him. Well...he'd been right, hadn't he?

Xander opened his muzzle, and -- with tongue extended, lest any drop of the stallion's delicious taste fall -- took the flesh into his mouth entirely. His lips closed around the edge of the sheath, and his mouth was filled with thick, flaccid horsecock. Even soft, this much of the male's member was big enough to almost fill his maw. He closed his eyes in ecstasy, trying to sense everything at once. The soft flesh pressed delightfully against his tongue, rippling and moving as he moved. The taste was earthy, but not dirty; he'd seen to that himself. There was a powerful musk to it that transcended even the smell of the creature and made his mouth water -- which just increased the potency of it as spit filled his mouth.

He moaned into the flesh and began suckling it like a mother's teat -- although no mother ever made milk as fine as the liquid that oozed from the end of the stallion's cock. The taste of his pre-cum was shockingly sweet, like sugar water, but still obviously feral. It had a rawness to it that the wolf tasted when his tongue spread it around his mouth: a reminder that this was not a substance for sustaining life, but for creating it. When the wolf swallowed it, it almost seemed to burn a path down his throat, and he shuddered with the joy of receiving a stallion's fluids inside him.

As the pre-cum sent him into a gentle daze, his paws rose of their own accord to each cup one of the balls that hung behind the sheath. Pads stroked and fondled, feeling the immense weights within the sack that pulled down heavily; promises of something far more intense in the future. Xander hoped the horse would permit him to taste that part of him too. He slid his hands up the sides of the balls as he'd done the night before, and back down again, massaging with endless care. It would be a crime to hurt this stud.

And all throughout, he sucked and gulped and swallowed the unending stream of delicious liquid that the stallion was feeding him.

The sounds the horse was making made his tail wag furiously in happiness. The horse groaned in long, deep noises that petered out into snorts and occasional whinnies when the wolf's tongue did something particularly pleasant. Xander quickly figured out the stallion really liked it when the wolf teased the very tip of his tongue into the opening of his piss-hole; the pre-cum would spurt out an extra gush, and the cock would throb a little as its owner moaned and shook his head back and forth, making his entire body sway a little above the wolf. It was as if he was reciting a magical spell: one that made this huge and impossibly sexual creature do as he bid. Sort of...

He got such a fright when the stable door screeched open, he almost bit the stallion's cock off. He pulled his mouth free of the penis and jerked his paws away from the balls, but there was no way to conceal what he was obviously doing: naked, with a huge erection, on his knees in front of a stallion's sheath. His chest clenched tight when his head jerked to the side and his eyes met Dale's. The tall anthro stood in the doorway, yellowing light spilling out against the ground behind him while faint moonlight back-lit his loose mane and lean form. He stared at Xander, and Xander stared at him, and the wolf felt his world collapse.

"It's--" was all Xander managed to say -- after a few failed attempts -- before the horse's raised hand cut him off. He gulped and looked away, a slowly rising tide of terror forming within him. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. This was the end. Terrible consequences skipped through his mind, each worse than the last. He felt numb. Dale had trusted him...and he'd...oh fuck. Oh fuck. No, no, no, no.

Dale stepped forward, his expression stern, walking towards Bucephalus. The horse hadn't said anything so far, but when his owner's hooves stopped next to his shoulder, he met his eyes and snorted once -- and then sniggered. And Dale sniggered back. And then they both broke out in hooting laughter that had Xander feeling equal parts total confusion and impossible, desperate hope.

"Told you," the anthro said to his stallion, looking down at the wide-eyed wolf with a knowing smirk. Bucephalus' head turned to look at Xander as well, licking his lips.

"Fucking nailed it," the feral stallion replied. "Little wolf pup's a total slut for stallions."

Dale's eyes were staring at the wolf's cock; it had softened a little in fear, but still showed off his size quite well. "Not that little, it seems," he smirked. "Nice piece, Xander."

Xander's breath had slowed from "panicked hyperventilation" to "heavy breathing" by now, and he got his shivering muscles under control long enough to ask, "H--how?" in a tremulous tone.

Dale rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, Xander. 'He has really big nuts'?" He raised one hand, palm up, as if the answer was obvious. "Who's at a horse race and watching the stallion's balls, huh?" He gestured for the wolf to stand, and on quivering legs, Xander did so. He gulped when Dale grabbed his dick and started stroking it, a huge, knowing smile on his face. "Plus, when I popped in last night, Bucephalus told me all about how well you took care of him." He giggled. "You looked so fucking guilty when I got back inside. I don't think you even realised. Make sure you never play poker, okay? You don't have the face for it." He gently patted Xander's muzzle, his eyes flicking between the wolf's own. "Don't worry, though, pretty thing," he said softly, clearly seeing the mild fear and unease in his employee's eyes. "Nobody's gonna tell. Bucephalus doesn't like to share -- and neither do I."

He turned his head to the side, letting the wolf's cock free, and Bucephalus' head came around to meet his owner's in a long, deep kiss. One of the anthro's hands came up to cup his racehorse's cheek, stroking the hair gently with a thumb as his long tongue dug into the feral stallion's mouth, and his free hand slowly undid the buttons of his shirt and jeans before tugging off his pants. Xander already knew what he'd see; the horse's bulge started growing the moment he locked lips with Bucephalus, and when the jeans dropped, it revealed a long, pink-and-black mottled horsecock that throbbed in the cool air and hung straight down between its owner's legs. His free hand grasped it, and he slowly started jerking off as he made out with Bucephalus with slow, sloppy kisses.

Xander's arousal built back up rapidly, watching the two horses kiss and looking at Dale jerking off. The anthro wasn't nearly as big as his racehorse, but he was still a horse, and as his dick became erect, the flare grew larger and more wonderful. The wolf's favourite part. Xander looked at it lustfully, remembering the erect cock he'd seen the night before. As lust erased any vestiges of fear, his thudding heart moved from being driven by adrenaline, to need.

He would get a stallion cock inside him, he decided. Tonight.

Dale broke off the kiss and sighed happily, looking up at his horse, who looked back and nickered softly. They shared a quiet moment together before the anthro's head turned to look at Xander, and he waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Ever seen a feral get hard?"

"Uh," Xander said. "Yeah. Uh, last...night?" It felt deeply weird, telling his employer that he'd seen his racehorse's erection the previous night. Even if he already knew. It'd certainly not come up at previous jobs, put it that way.

"Psh." Dale erased that option from existence with a wave of his hand. "He wasn't really trying. It's fucking amazing." He shucked off his shirt and tossed it to one side, revealing his full muscled physique, honed by years of farm work. One finger gestured the wolf closer. "Come here." A long arm slipped around Xander's shoulders, and a firm pressure told him to get down on his knees. The two of them sank down, and Dale took his cock in hand, staring eagerly at the stallion's sheath. Bucephalus had pulled himself back up, and not a hint of cock showed. Dale looked over at Xander, smiling, and nodded down at the wolf's cock. "It's hotter if you're jerking off," he murmured, and nickered appreciatively when the wolf took his large member in hand. "Alright, stud," he said, a little louder. "Show the boy the goods."

Bucephalus snorted, and his cock dropped.

It was the speed, Xander decided later, that made it particularly hot. As if the stallion was so horny, his cock was exploding out of him with need. He'd seen many stallion cocks while assisting with coverings, and no stallion had ever struggled to get hard. But with Bucephalus, the entire thing dropped in about three seconds, like a video of a tree branch growing from a bud, sped up ten thousand times. One second, there was just the sheath -- and then there was an entire night-black stallion cock almost touching the ground, still swaying with the momentum of its passage.

And that was only halfway: the cock had been swelling as it dropped, and it continued growing, visibly thickening and hardening, rising up from long and limp to longer and erect in a handful more seconds. The huge, firm flesh quivered under the racehorse's belly -- and then dropped an inch, only to lift right back up and thwack into the underside of his belly. Xander could have counted the seconds it had taken with just two hands. Dale's fingers came to his mouth and he wolf-whistled his appreciation, while Xander merely gaped in amazement. "Holy shit!" he said. "Holy shit. How the fuck...?"

"Fast, right?" Dale grinned the grin of someone that had just stymied a friend with an incredible party trick. "I measured him a few times. Fastest he did it was seven seconds. Zero to twenty-five-inch hero in the time it takes you to blow a load." He reached a hand out to grope the horse's cock. "Never gonna get tired of seeing this thing. Fuck, stud...you're fucking sex on legs."

Bucephalus belly-slapped again. "You know," he said in a deeply self-satisfied voice, "you could still change my name on the racing register to Sex-On-Legs."

"Nah, that name's just for me," Dale replied, getting to his feet. Xander made to follow, but a rough hand pulled his head around, and without warning, Dale's cock was pushed into his mouth. "If I called you that," he said conversationally, as if he hadn't just made the wolf start giving him a blowjob, "people might ask questions. And those questions would inevitably lead to me having to share." His hand lifted Xander's head up as his hips slowly face-fucked the lupine with a few inches of his long dick. "And I think we've got just the perfect number of shareable holes in the building already."

After a moment of surprise, Xander let the horny stallion push as deep into his mouth as he wished. The unexpectedness of it had turned him on a lot, reminding him of past lovers who would simply grab him when they were horny, and push him onto the bed or up against a wall, and take their lusts out on him. It felt so fucking good to service studs, and there were no bigger studs than stallions. His eyes stared up, locked to the anthro stallion's, looking for any indication of what he should do differently. Dale looked down at him with lidded eyes, watching his cock slid in and out of the wolf's muzzle. "Bucephalus says you're a good pup," he murmured. "Are you?" Xander blinked his assent and wagged his tail as hard as he could. Yes, sir. I am a very good pup. "I'll take that as a yes -- for now." the anthro said. Another inch of cock pressed through Xander's lips. "I'll reserve final judgement for after we've properly tested you out." One hand teased at Xander's ear. "I'm so pleased you're a wolf, little pup. Wolves are simply wonderful to fuck." A huge and filthy grin spread across his face, and Xander's heart thumped excitedly against his ribs.

"I agree," Bucephalus said, and Xander's eyes slid across to look at the monstrous prick hanging in the air next to him. Oh fuck, oh fuck...yes, yes...

"Were you sucking my horse's cock when I walked in, pup?" Dale asked, pulling the wolf's attention back to himself.

"He sure was," Bucephalus answered for him, as the wolf tried to speak and only made muffled sounds. "Doing a fine job. Guzzled every drop of pre-cum like he was born to it."

"What a champ." Dale grinned down at the wolf. "He loves cock, huh?"

"Shit, I think he loves it more than anything in the world," the other stallion said. He slapped his fat cock against his belly again. "Look at his tail wag when he hears that sound. Pup knows what he wants."

"That true, pup?" the anthro stallion asked. "Have you developed a taste for feral dick?" Xander couldn't really move his head, but he did his best to nod and looked desperately up at Dale. Yes, yes, yes, yes. "Hmm...I'm not sure if he really wants it, Bucephalus," the anthro said lazily. "He seems happy enough sucking my dick. Probably knows he can't handle a racehorse stud's cock."

Xander nearly panicked at the idea that the opportunity to get fucked by the racehorse stud might be passing him by. He threw his paws up against Dale's body, gripping the stallion's sides and holding on, his eyes watering a little, sucking the tall stallion's cock as hard as he could, trapped between his need to keep servicing the stud and his burning desire to get the feral stallion's fucking massive dick into his ass. Dale looked down at him curiously. "You know, Bucephalus," he mused, "I'm getting the faint idea that the wolf just might want to try your cock after all." Xander whined in agreement, wagging his tail like a whip -- and then gasped for air when Dale pulled his thick cock out and got down on his haunches in front of him, one hand clasping his muzzle, the other pushing two fingers into the wolf's mouth, stroking his tongue and teasing the tips of his teeth.

"Time to get serious, pup," he said. His mouth was open a little, and he was panting in between sentences. "You wanna be fucked by my horse? You wanna feel his fat cock inside you?" Xander moaned loudly, suckling on the horse's fingers, his tail kicking up bits of straw and dirt as it whipped madly back and forth across the stable floor. "Yeah...you think you're ready, but you're not. He's fucking enormous, pup, and those thick racing legs have more strength and stamina than you can imagine. It's gonna hurt -- it always does. But I promise you, if you push through the pain..." The stallion's eyes closed as if remembering past wonders, then reopened. "You'll never fucking forget how good it feels."

He pulled his wet fingers from the wolf's mouth, looking keenly into the lupine's wide eyes. "So?"

"Yes, sir, please, yes, yes..." Xander was practically groaning the words. "Oh, I need it, sir, I can't...oh, fuck, look at it...it's so fucking hot, sir, I have to...please make him fuck me, I have to feel him in me...I have to..." He stared at the feral stallion's cock with raw lust. "He's fucking perfect..."

"Bucephalus?" the anthro stallion asked mildly. "How does that make you feel?"

The huge feral snorted hard, blasting away loose strew below his nose. His eyes were looking at the wolf with undisguised lust, and he gave a loud whinny. "It makes me feel," he rumbled, "like I need to fuck his pretty ass raw. Right the fuck now."

Dale took Xander over to a hay bale that lay off to one side. "The fuck-bale," the anthro told him, with a grin. "Can't count how many times this hot stud's fucked me over this." He got Xander positioned on his belly, with his legs spread and his tail raised, then fetched a bottle of lube from the lower drawer of the cupboard in the corner. He squirted a generous amount of it into his palm, then greased the wolf up thoroughly. "It's not gonna feel as if it's doing anything," he told the half-thrilled, half-fearful wolf, "but you'd know if it was missing." A couple lubed fingers dug into him to cover his inner passage, and Xander moaned at the pleasure of the penetration. "Heh," Dale chuckled. "Pup likes things inside him, huh?" He fingered the wolf a little longer, moving up to three fingers and adding more lube constantly. Xander could feel it drooling out of him like cold cum. Then a palm slapped his ass-cheek. "That's about as much as will make a difference. Your turn, stud."

Bucephalus walked over, and Xander quivered with anticipation, hearing the heavy, methodical hoofsteps behind him -- and then around him. The stallion's front hooves settled to the floor alongside his shoulders, and the wolf looked down at one with a gulp, shivering now. The horse was really fucking big. He could sense the body hanging over him, too, the heat of him like an open oven. A sudden wet spot formed at the base of his spine and the wolf realised the stallion's cock was drooling onto him. "Oh, fuck," he whimpered, and buried his muzzle into the straw when he felt a massive, flat piece of flesh pressed to his terrified hole. Then a horse's mouth dipped down to nuzzle at his ear.

"Gonna make your hole look just like your boyfriend's did last night, pup," Bucephalus whispered triumphantly.

To his credit, the big stallion was gentle. The only problem was, "gentle" had a very different meaning when the cock was as long as a leg and as thick as a pipe. Xander groaned and dug his claws into the hay bale as the horse pushed forward, his blunt tip pressing the wolf's hole wider and wider before it even really entered him. Xander whined and panted and did his best to relax, but the cock was by far the biggest he'd ever taken. He clenched his jaw when the pain got too much, claws on all four paws fully extended, digging in for purchase and distraction. "Too big," he said through his gritted teeth. "Can't...too big..."

"You can do it, pup," Dale said to his side, and the wolf looked up to see the anthro stroking his cock next to him, staring at the wolf's ass. "You can take it," he repeated, stroking the wolf's head. "You're almost there. Not much more." He snorted lustfully. "Fuck, pup, it's hot watching him fuck that sexy hole of yours...you're such a good boy..."

The compliments helped, and Xander whimpered and focused on relaxing. The pain of being stretched did seem to be fading a little. He could do this. He could. He'd taken cocks almost this big. He could do this...

With a sudden release of pressure, and a very audible schlock as the fat stallion cock sank into his thoroughly lubricated hole, the worst was over. The entire flare had popped into him, and the wolf instantly felt the pain recede a little as his body rebounded. Mercifully, the stallion stopped there for a moment, breathing heavily above him.

"Does he feel good?" Dale asked.

"Fuck," Bucephalus said. "He's amazing. He's so fucking tight..."

"Tighter than me?" the anthro asked with mock outrage, and the feral snorted.

"After all the times I've been in you, horseslut, you could fit a train up there."

"A train of racehorses, maybe. I should offer my services to your friends from the track after the next race."

"Those prudes wouldn't have you. You're all mine."

Xander simply lay and listened to them, letting himself get used to the size of the stallion's cock. It felt unbelievable. It didn't feel like something that big could be inside him. Only two inches long, so far...but how thick was it? The horsecock plugged his hole like a volcanic pipe -- except the inevitable eruption would come from the self-same plug. He thought about how Alex's hole had looked last night, stretched so wide it couldn't close up, cum squirting out with every step he took, and moaned in delirious anticipation. That drew the attention of the two bantering horses, and Xander felt a hand lifting his muzzle.

"Does that feel good, pup?" Dale asked him. Xander nodded vaguely; the pain was fading more and more, and that left only the pleasure of knowing he was being penetrated by the biggest, sexiest fucking stallion he'd ever seen. The anthro chuckled and stepped closer, pushing his own cock against the wolf's lips. "Open up, then, pup," he murmured. "Let's make it feel even better. Two horsecocks are always better than one."

Xander obeyed, taking the anthro stallion's cock into his maw for the second time that night. It was blissful. He shut his eyes, concentrating on pleasuring the stud before him while the one behind him filled him with dick. Dale sighed happily and thrust leisurely into Xander's mouth. "Good cocksucker," he said breathlessly. His thrusts became faster and harder, his cockhead pressing all the way into Xander's throat before withdrawing. The wolf gagged a little each time with a soft chkth sound that seemed to please the anthro stallion. He made some effort to open wider, but in truth, most of his attention was focused on what was happening behind him.

A hundred inches of horsecock was inside him. He was spit-roasted by stallions.

It felt like that, anyway. The great feral racehorse was pushing deeper insistently; Xander had no idea how much was still to go. All he knew for sure was that the cock had reached his prostate, because every time he heard Bucephalus grunt, and push forward some more, he felt the hard, hot flesh buried inside him rubbing over his desperately overstimulated little nub like a poker fresh from the fire. The feeling was at once agony and ecstasy, and he knew it well. But the stallion's sheer size escalated everything to the next level -- and he was not yet even fully inside the wolf. The pressure just went on and on, and inch after long inch of Bucephalus' beautiful prick disappeared inside him. It felt as if his cock would press right through him soon, and he'd taste both stallions in the back of his throat...

The pressure eased, and Xander's body rocked back a little. He moaned around the cock in his mouth, feeling new sensations as the insistently throbbing pleasure of his prostate eased. His butt was lifted up somewhat, held in place by the cock that penetrated it. His belly fur pressed too firmly into the straw; it took him a moment to realise it was the dick inside him, making his stomach bulge outward. That merely increased the flow from his painfully hard cock from a dribble to a stream. The entire fuck-bale would be soaked before he was done.

"Fuck yeah," Dale murmured to himself, his head turned to look beneath his racehorse. "He's inside you, pet. All of him. What a good pup, taking a stallion's whole cock on the first try." His hand stroked Xander's head. "I know how that feels, pup. I'm even a little jealous."

"I'll fuck you right after him, then," Bucephalus said in his arrogant tones. His head had moved closer to Xander's as his cock got deeper, and he spoke from right above him now. "Spread those long legs and fuck another load of colts right into you, Dale, until you're so fucking full, you're squirting them out like mare's milk." Xander could feel Dale's cock throbbing faster as his stallion spoke. "And then I'll fuck Alex again, and remind him who's the king of this fucking farm. Shit, maybe I'll fuck Jemma too, and put another colt in her." The horse's voice grew raspy, and he clenched his cock inside Xander, making it pulse and the wolf whimper. "I'll fuck all of you, forever. Every horny hole that needs a stud cock and a stud's load."

Dale lifted a hand to cup his stallion's face. "You'd fucking better, you sexy fuck," he replied, "because you've ruined me for any other dick." He leaned forward to kiss the other horse, and together they started fucking the wolf lying between them.

Xander lost his mind almost immediately. Between the taste and feel of Dale's cock, the wet, erotic sounds of horses kissing right above him, and the mind-blowing sensation of the feral's huge cock pulling loose of his body, he couldn't control himself. He went slack, his claws snicking home, and let the two lovers use him as they wished, floating on top of a sea of pleasure as intense waves of it rippled through his body, end to end. Dale would push hard, and his growing flare would slide down into Xander's throat, blocking his airway and squirting pre-cum directly into his belly. The wolf's head would grow light from lack of air as his heart thumped harder and harder, echoing in his ears...and then it would slide out, replaced by fresh air, and the wolf would gasp in and moan out. And before he had time to recover, there'd be a thrust from the rear, and a ram of a cock would be pushing inside. It slithered easily along his lubed walls, the veins across its surface rubbing a rhythm against his prostate until the entire massive thing rested once more inside him, pulsing happily and gradually filling him up with the stallion's incredible pre-cum production.

The horses were kissing very sloppily, and droplets of spit fell onto the back of their lupine fucktoy's neck constantly. Their lascivious moans and breathy grunts were like music to the wolf as he felt his body shifting first one way and then the other, tugged or pushed by whichever horse thrust hardest at that moment. Xander felt their cocks bulging his throat and belly respectively, and wished the night would never end. He wanted this to be his life: servicing stallions, taking their cocks in every hole, milking them and satisfying their instinctual needs repeatedly until their balls were drained and they passed out from exhaustion and he could lie there happily, feeling them -- tasting them -- drooling from every wide cavity he had. He was a slut for stallions. He couldn't deny that after this. Never again. It was wonderful. It was what he was made to do.

After an infinity of slutty moans and sloppy kisses, Dale groaned, and the wolf heard the feral stallion growl. "Don't pull my mane so hard," he grumbled.

"Quiet," Dale said gently. He gave a shuddering sigh and thrust hard into Xander's mouth. "The slut's mouth is too fucking hot. Are you close? I wanna cum with you, stud, c'mon. I wanna hear you cum, I wanna smell you...fuck, stud, I want your dick so much right now..."

Bucephalus snorted. "You want me to cum, huh, you hungry little bitch? You wanna see me blow my thick load in this horseslut?" His words were becoming harder to make out, lost in whinnies and bestial grunts. "Fuck, my balls are so full...this slut's gonna be dripping my colts for days..."

"Fuck yeah!" Dale exclaimed. "Do it, stud, do it, you fucking beautiful horny stallion bastard, fucking cum for me...blow your load, flare that gorgeous fucking prick...oh, fuck, wish it was me, it's so fucking hot...come on, boy, come on, Bucephalus, cum for daddy..."

The horse didn't reply; he seemed to have given up on speech. He was grunting and snorting and whinnying as if he'd never possessed the power of speech to begin with. A complete animal now, a rutting beast, close to his peak. All his focus had gone into his hips: they moved like greased lightning, slamming so hard into the wolf that the hay bale was being pushed across the floor a little, every time. Xander would have screamed with pleasure if Dale's cock hadn't filled his throat. He screamed anyway, and felt the hard flesh vibrating around the agitated air. The anthro's cock was flaring in his throat, and breathing was now impossible. That was fine; he could handle it for almost a full minute. He clenched his airway shut and waited, every limb tense, his ass as loose as a paper bag, his gullet open and eager for a long-due reward.

"Uh...uhhh...ohhh ffffuuuuck...!"

Dale's cries came first -- as did he. Xander felt him trying to push deeper, but his sheath was already flattened against the wolf's nostrils; the perfume of his funk had filled Xander's nose every time he breathed in. Then, with a jerk, his cock pulsed and hot fluid streamed down the wolf's throat. He couldn't taste it, but the warmth and feeling of the male's seed squirting into him was sufficient -- especially since he only gave it part of his attention. Because the anthro stallion's final cry seemed to have done for his racehorse too, and deep inside his rear, Xander felt a mass that had just about become comfortable begin to grow again, and press him wider than he'd yet been pushed. He tried to gape in shock, but his lips just grazed the top of Dale's ball sack. The straw scratched his belly as the feral stallion's final flaring distended him like a balloon...and then, as if a tap had been turned, it began pumping him full of seed as Bucephalus bellowed like the rutting feral stallion he was.

The stallion's semen rushed up inside him, reaching depths the cock had not, and Xander almost fainted from the feeling of the stallion's thick, blood-hot cum filling him and warming him from within. His body began to feel heavier as the fluid pumped into him. The feral stallion's cock was so big, Xander could feel the cum streaking along its length like bullets, ending with a punch against his innards when it blasted out the end of the flare. That faded, though, as the cum filled every unoccupied square inch of him, and began squeezing out through the tight seal that the massive prick had formed in his ass. But still the cock pulsed: Xander could feel it in the edges of his hole still, the throbbing and pulsing of a stud's magnificent orgasm -- and every precious drop of it inside him.

Only when the two stallions' own sounds had faded from cries, and oaths, and ecstatic screams back to heavy breathing and rumbled sounds of satisfaction did Xander realise the repetitive moans that remained must be his own. Dale had pulled his cock out, trailing a line of cum across the wolf's tongue as he exited, but the other stallion was still balls-deep inside him, plugging the wolf's ass like a dowel hammered into a gap. He chuckled now, listening to the wolf's noises.

"You got horsefucked, pup," he said with satisfaction. "And I bet you're thinking that that's the end..."

The pull-out was a lot faster than then insertion had been; Xander's ass had given up all resistance at this point. He moaned loudly as the flesh slithered out of him, and then whimpered at the rush of relatively cold air that replaced it. How wide was he down there, now? He tried to flex himself shut, and failed. He's been fucked as wide as Alex had been, no doubt there. His ass must be gaping, twitching and quivering and soaked with horsecum. His head was spinning, not believing what had come to pass, when Dale put a hand on his shoulder.

"Turn over, pup," he said gently, and helped the wolf push himself up -- his arms felt much weaker than he expected -- and onto his back. Xander gasped with the effort, looking up at the roof of the stable, exhausted. He'd not moved throughout, but the fuck had drained him. Had he cum? He had no idea. Maybe somewhere in the wild storms of pleasure that had raged for the last...however long, he'd squirted out a little gust.

But those thoughts were banished as Bucephalus stepped into his line of sight, walking back to the position he'd stood in as he fucked. This time, though, his huge, tumescent member dragged across the wolf's own still-throbbing cock and belly, leaving a trail of thick semen as it went that mixed with the cold cum still stuck to the wolf's belly fur from his own pathetic orgasm earlier. The horse was still producing, Xander saw with incredulity; his cock still swelled a little every few seconds, and a bubble of thick, viscous fluid would ooze out of it. The scent of it completely dominated the air: all Xander could smell was the same rich, heady aroma of stallion cum that had lured him into almost burying his face into the gelding's ass the night before. Never mind the fact that the entire length was still soaked in cum, and it was gradually oozing down the shaft and collecting in the hollow just behind the immense flare that hung from the end like the hammer-head of a god.

The horse kept stepping forward, now hauling his cock through the wolf's chest hair, leaving it upright and glistening. Xander let his head fall back and stared up at the stallion's chest hanging over him, thrilled. He felt the cock hit the underside of his muzzle first, like a huge, greasy sausage. The stallion kept moving, and the cock -- fuck, it was thicker than his muzzle like this, and he wasn't even fully hard anymore -- dragged up the underside of the wolf's head, sliding over his nose for what felt like an endless age, and finally stopped when the flare was resting right on his upturned lips, like the world's most erotic circus act. Dale knelt next to Xander and slid a hand down the trail the fat dick had left across the wolf's fur.

"Suck his cock, pup," he murmured into Xander's ear. "Clean the beautiful cock that just fucked you. Taste the last of those delicious colts." The stallion's nose nuzzled closer."You know what his stud fee is? A hundred thousand dollars." He chuckled. "Your ass right now is worth more than you'll probably make in your life. There's some breeder's that would drive here, pick you up by your legs, and squeeze your ass out like a sponge into their mare's pussy." The hand stroking his chest slid up to his neck and gripped it. "So don't fucking waste it," the anthro stallion growled.

The mere thought of letting any of the stallion's cum go to waste felt like anathema to the wolf. He opened his mouth wide to let the heavy flare drop into it, and began licking every inch of it. The taste was rough, peppery, even a little unpleasant; entirely unlike the animal's pre-cum.

But it was horse cum, and that made it the most wonderful taste in the world.

Xander cleaned the horse's cock as diligently as he was able to. When the flare -- and the pool of cum that had collected behind it -- had been licked up, savoured, and swallowed with a happy whine, he moved along the rest of the shaft. More than half was out of reach due to his prone position, but what he could reach was left clean and glistening: every bit as clean as he'd left it the night before. When he was done, he let his head flop back against the straw and gave a long, happy sigh. Bucephalus stepped over him, and the wolf watched the stallion's balls swaying as they passed overhead -- and then sneezed when the horse's tail-hairs tickled his nose.

Dale was standing behind him, looking down at the wolf's ass thoughtfully. His eyes flicked up to the wolf's face, and then back down, to his dick. "Did you cum, pup?" he asked.

"I..." The wolf sat up, spreading his legs and looking at the straw under him. Wet with pre-cum -- but no sign of white. "No, sir. I...came too much today already..."

"Thinking about my horse?"

"Yes, sir. Dreaming about his cock."

"Such a good pup." Dale looked up to meet Bucephalus' face. "What do you think?"

The horse nickered. "I think he's had a really good time tonight. But it's not all about him, and he needs to take care of his boyfriend."

Dale cocked his head. "His boyfriend? Who's that?"

"Alex," the stallion said languidly, and Xander's face burst into blush. "Oh yeah," the horse continued. "Spoke to him over the fence earlier. He's a chatterbox, huh? Told me he's gonna be your boyfriend one day 'cos you're single, and he's single, and you're so nice to him..." The stallion's face was grinning widely, and Dale was chuckling off to the side. Xander awkwardly tried to conceal his blush with his paws, which only made the horses laugh louder. The big feral turned to his owner. "Go get him," he said.

Dale went out and returned a minute or two later with Alex in tow. The gelding looked nervous, but excited; having his owner fetch him while buck-naked had probably been quite a surprise. When he saw Xander sitting on the fuck-bale, cock jutting upward, and Bucephalus standing alongside with his long cock still hanging loose, half of it cum-coated, he whinnied loudly and stopped short, eyes flashing from one person to the next, unable to fix on any one thing.

The feral stallion walked forward. "Alex, cutie," he said gently, and the gelding's amazed eyes snapped to him. "Do you want to play with us?"

The gelding seemed entirely overwhelmed, unable to respond, and the big racehorse turned and motioned to Xander with his head to come over. When the wolf had joined them, Bucephalus stepped closer and nuzzled the side of the gelding's face.

"Guess what, little stallion," he murmured. "Xander here loves stallions. Stallions like you and me. He doesn't just want to give them apples...he wants to adore them, and kiss them, and suck their cocks all day long, to make them as happy as they can be." Alex looked at Xander in surprise at this revelation. "And," the Friesian added, "he's got a lovely big knot between his legs. It gets almost as thick as my dick." He looked across at Xander with a smirk. "Xander? Is there something you want to say to Alex?"

The wolf looked up into the gelding's pretty, guileless face. This had been a transformative night for him; certainly, this job would be nothing like any he'd ever had before. What was one more transformation? "I will be your boyfriend, Alex," he said, kissing the horse on the cheek. "If you want."

"Oh!" The gelding's mouth hung open, and his body was quivering with delight. "Really, Xander? You mean it?"

"I do, cute thing." He cupped the gelding's cheek as Dale had cupped his racehorse's. "You're adorable, and lovely, and so pretty." He winked at the gelding. "And your cock's really hot."

"Not as hot as his hole, though," Bucephalus rumbled. "I believe it's part of a boyfriend's job to make sure his partner is properly satisfied." He turned to look at the hay bale. "Get up there, and show Alex just how thick that knot is, pup."

"Oh..." The gelding was looking at Xander's cock. "Yes, please...that looks nice. Oh -- but..." Alex suddenly frowned and looked worried. He looked at the racehorse. "Sir...does this mean...?"

"What's wrong, stallion?" Bucephalus asked, and the gelding lowered his eyes bashfully and scraped a hoof slowly along the ground.

"If...if Xander's my boyfriend, sir...does that mean we can't...um...you know...do it anymore?" He looked over at Xander as if apologising, but the wolf just chuckled and hugged the gelding around the neck.

"As if one cock would be enough for either of us, Alex," he said with a giggle. He had a horse boyfriend. An adorable, sexy, horse-hung feral horse boyfriend...and he couldn't be happier.

Bucephalus turned back to face the gelding head-on, head lifted proudly. "Xander might be your boyfriend, little stallion," he said, deep voice echoing around the stable, "but I'm still your daddy." He leaned in a little closer, eyes taking in both the gelding and the wolf with his piercing blue eyes.

"And Daddy gets whatever he's horny for."

Dale helped the wolf get up onto the hay bale; his legs were still a little weak from the gigantic fucking he'd enjoyed. Alex came up to him, nuzzling under his neck and then meeting his lips in a soft kiss. The wolf closed his eyes, loving the feeling of the horse's thick tongue squirming into his mouth, and meeting it with his own. The gelding slurped around his mouth before pulling back and looking at the wolf with surprise.

"You taste like...what is that?" he asked breathlessly, and Xander smiled.

"That's your daddy's delicious cum, cutie," he told his new boyfriend. Alex looked across at Bucephalus with a scandalised look, as if everything to date had been par for the course, but this was taking things to the next level.

"You taste wonderful, daddy," he said meekly.

"I know," Bucephalus said. "There's a lot more where that came from, too -- under your boyfriend's tail."

Xander turned in silence, presenting his ass to the gelding, and then gasped and arched backwards in agonised, exquisite pleasure as a greedy horse nose was thrust under his tail, and an even greedier tongue slid up into him. A tongue was nothing after the cock he'd taken, but the muscle was so wet and flexible. It felt like a snake was sliding around inside him, eagerly seeking out every cum-filled crevice, even as it slathered him in spit and eased the wonderful, deep ache of a thoroughly fucked ass.

Bucephalus eventually had to nicker and get the gelding's attention. "Leave some for Dale, little stallion," he said with infinite amusement. Xander's eyes opened; Dale was supporting him with one hand on the wolf's waist, while the other stroked his long, mottled cock; he winked at the wolf and lapped his tongue at him. "Turn around and let your boyfriend show you what his big knot can do," the racehorse said.

Alex giggled and turned, stepping backwards to bring his ass right up to the wolf, tail lifted high. Xander stared at the revealed anus in amazement. It wasn't as loose as it had been the night before, right after being fucked, but it was still incredibly puffy. He stroked it with his fingers, feeling the softness and the warmth. "Your ass is so beautiful, stallion," he said, and Alex whinnied happily.

"It's yours, Xander! I want...I want you in me." He huffed. "Fuck, me, boyfriend. You don't need to be slow. Go as hard and fast as you want. I'm your geld-your stallion." He whinnied again. "Make me yours!"

The wolf pressed his tip to the wide hole, paws resting on Alex's back, and sank into him with a long, loud moan. The gelding's ass was like silk; it enveloped him perfectly, even though he was many times thinner than the enormous prick that had fucked Alex wide and loose the night before. Xander just kept pressing in, moaning ever-louder as the heat of the horse warmed more and more of his length. His knot was almost fully engorged, but even it didn't have much trouble pushing in; a brief pause when it reached the ring, and then a delightfully wet schlorp as it popped inside. Then Xander paused, head spinning, trying to get used to how fucking good Alex's ass felt...and feeling his desire to fuck rising in tandem.

"I'm gonna fuck you, little stallion", he growled, baring his teeth, spit drooling from his jaws at the thought of it. "I'm gonna fuck you just as hard as your daddy did. My knot's gonna get you all loose again, and then I'm gonna pump my puppies into you. Every day from now on, you hear? I want this gorgeous ass wrapped around my dick every fucking daAAAYY...!"

His voice became a high-pitched screech as two hands grasped his waist, and a muzzle snuffled in under his tail and began licking. "Get to fucking, then, pup," Dale's muffled voice said, and Xander gripped his new boyfriend tighter, and began to fuck him hard.

It wasn't his best work. The ass that clenched down on him was the best thing he'd ever had around his cock, and Dale's tongue was more experienced than half the dicks he'd had in his life. And not having to go slow, to build up, meant he didn't really have a game plan. He just started pounding as hard as he could, pulling his entire length out and slamming it back in, knot and all, every time. The horse's ring was just tight enough to resist whenever his knot banged up against it, and a thrill of pleasure would run down the wolf's cock as it squeezed his diameter. Dale, too, was far from passive: he moved with the wolf, sometimes pushing him forward as he saw fit by the simple act of tonguing his prostate firmly, making the wolf's legs go weak, with only the anthro stallion's strong hands keeping him upright.

Alex moaned throughout, the same beautiful, sensual moans the wolf had so identified with before. Bucephalus was pacing before him, occasionally belly-slapping, and eventually came up to the gelding and began kissing him. That just made the moans louder. Xander could smell the scent of Alex's drooling cock, and he loved how much he loved it. He'd pleasure that next, for sure. His boyfriend's cock, and the racehorse's. And his boss' too. He'd worship them all, his three stallion studs, whenever they asked for it or needed it or made him do it. And he'd fuck this gorgeous, soft, endless hole over and over, filling it with himself to make his boyfriend happy. Harder and harder, over and over, in and in and in with the knot slapping into the flesh and the gelding moaning before him and the racehorse's huge dick slapping into his belly and the long tongue of the stallion behind him receiving his fill of his stud's semen and the air full of the smell of sweat and horse and sex and cum and his orgasm rising, rising, too soon, too fast, but unstoppable, a torrent, a raging fire bursting from his cock and spraying his heat forth into the hole that was now his...

It was late into the night. Dale had fetched some more horse blankets, and the four of them snuggled in a big, sweaty pile on the floor of the stable. Xander rested his head against Alex's belly, eyes shut, half-asleep from the rise and fall of the gelding's belly. One of his paws rested atop the gelding's dropped cock, lazily playing with it, squeezing and releasing the flare. Bucephalus lay opposite them, rolled over onto his back; Dale was laying along his stallion's underside, face buried in the racehorse's crotch, alternating slow licks between his balls and his now-quiescent sheath.

Alex sneezed suddenly, which startled the wolf to alertness; he looked over at his boyfriend, who sniffed and smiled. "Sorry. Got some hay in my nose."

"Got some gay on your nose," Dale countered, and Bucephalus laughed merrily at the nonsensical joke, his heaving breaths making the smaller horse on top of him bounce up and down as if he was on a children's jumping castle. Xander smiled and patted his boyfriend's side.

"They're just jealous of your hot ass, stud," he said.

"Thank you, Xander," Alex said meekly, and the wolf rolled over to kiss his boyfriend's belly and then his mouth.

"Anytime, sweetie."

Dale was looking over at the two of them with a warm expression. "You know," he said, "this isn't at all how I expected things to work out."

"What did you expect, then?" Xander asked curiously, and Dale half-shrugged.

"Honestly...didn't think it all the way through. I just figured Bucephalus would love a new hole to fuck."

"Damn." The wolf pursed his lips. "You hired me to be a fucktoy for your stallion?"

"Well not only for that! You do know your stuff. But...yeah, mostly." He patted the racehorse's belly. "He's fucking insatiable."

"And you love it," Bucephalus rumbled.

"I need to sleep sometime, stud."

"Go for it. I can probably still fuck a sleeping stallion."

"Pfft. Horny asshole."

"I know yours is," the horse snickered, "but what am I?"

"You're my daddy!" Alex said, light and happiness bursting from his words.

"I'm everyone's daddy, little stallion."

The banter continued for a good while, their low, satisfied voices clearly audible from outside the stable, interrupted by peals of laughter and giggles from Alex. The sliver of moon, unseen above the great wooden rafters of the stable, turned slowly in the sky above them, dragging night and stars with it on its journey into day. The conversation grew fainter, and one by one, like candles being extinguished, they fell to silence.

A wolf and three stallions slept, and dreamed of days to come.

The Lover in the Lake

It had rained the night before, and the forest the centaur walked through was soaked. Hooves pressed into loamy earth, the slight depressions filling with water as each foot lifted. Droplets fell on the centaur as he pushed branches aside, soaking...

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Teacher's Hunk

"...could fit one right there above the bar, too. Perfect amount of space. Run a cable there for the satellite...it'd be _easy_." The otter stared up thoughtfully at the empty space above the bar, and then downed the last dregs of his beer with a...

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Bucephalus didn't bother to knock on the door when he reached it. He'd seen the cameras on his way up the path, their silent gazes judging him as he walked towards the house. He simply stood on the porch, arms crossed, and waited. Marcus took his...

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