The Lover in the Lake

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Chiron the centaur has a problem - about fifteen inches of problem, to be precise. So when he unexpectedly runs into another of his kind on his travels, I think we can guess what his solution will entail...

A piece I wrote after seeing someone in my Telegram group post these two stunning pieces by FA: BGN. It's set in the Beinir universe, so it approximately follows on from Benediction and The Wolf, the Stag, and the Stallion, which you may enjoy as well :)

I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests in life, science, porn, and horses, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here:

It had rained the night before, and the forest the centaur walked through was soaked.

Hooves pressed into loamy earth, the slight depressions filling with water as each foot lifted. Droplets fell on the centaur as he pushed branches aside, soaking his golden hair and running down the skin of his back, making him twitch and grunt at the cold, tickling paths they teased. His tail hairs were heavy with water, matted against the back of his legs; now and then he'd shake them free, holding his tail up high to reveal a tight, attractive hole...but then he would tire, and let it fall, and the white hairs would slap back into his thighs.

Under him, a horse's cock curved down from between his legs: thick and heavy, with a glistening thread of fluid drooling from the swollen head.

He walked without aim; his mind distracted, occupied with thoughts of the great stag he had met the night before. A simple gathering in the woods: some disparate voyagers, all making their way along the great western road, come together by chance to laugh and drink and be merry in the company of others. The stag had been the last to join them, approaching their campsite only after night had fallen. The others were deep in their cups by then, and had cheered the arrival of another before immediately forgetting he was there. But the centaur had held his drink, and had wondered at the great buck, and how his yellow eyes retained the fire's glow even when he looked away from it, and the reach of his immense antlers. Chiron had approached him and offered him of his mead, and the stag had smiled and accepted. And as the evening had grown late, and the fire low, they had spoken about many things.

When the centaur at last requested his companion's name -- for though they had talked at length, he had not thought to ask for it -- the stag's marvellous eyes had softened, and he had said, "Forgive me, noble centaur, but I cannot share my own unless I know of yours."

"Well, then. I am Chiron," the centaur said, and the stag nodded and smiled at him with golden eyes.

"In which case, I am Tior", he replied. And his hand clasped the centaur's cheek and stroked. His touch was light, but it felt as if a power flowed from Tior's hand into his deepest parts, and the centaur gasped, feeling his body respond. But then Tior's palm fell, and his smile grew thin. "But I must already ask forgiveness, Chiron," he said, and the centaur's heart fell. "I know what you seek, but I have far yet to travel on this night, and I cannot lay with you." His head reached forward, and he planted a kiss upon the centaur's brow. "Fear not. Beinir shall send another, in recompense. You shall not be unsatisfied, great and handsome Chiron." And he had stood, and dipped his grand head, and said farewell, and walked away into the dark and fearful night as if it was nothing more than a familiar cloak to cast about his shoulders.

Chiron had slept poorly that night, his dreams awash with images of golden eyes as rain fell softly on him. The weather did not bother him; centaurs travelled and lived as horses did, and he hardly noticed a little rain. But when he woke, before sunrise, his body reminded him of what he had not received the night before. So, as his companions yet slept under oilskins and cloaks, he had gone into the woods and satisfied himself. His issue had lain upon the forest floor, pale white against the green-and-brown, and he had considered that sufficient. But as he left the trees, he felt himself still hard: a fat heaviness that tugged on his belly with each step, his body's reminder that it would not settle for the compromise of self-pleasure. The stag's touch had set a kind of fire within him. He would need to find a willing male -- and soon.

He had set out before the other travellers woke, heading along the road at first as dusky dawn grew lighter, hooves splashing through the puddles and leaving marks in the mud -- until he paused, and looked to the forest that lay to his side. Had he heard his name, then...or was it simply the wind? He stood a moment, unsure -- and then took a step towards the trees. And another. He could still not say what had made him do so, but he did, each step making him more assured, each hoof-print becoming steadier. On the edge of the tree-line, he paused, wondering at what he did -- and then he had plunged into the forest, leaving the road behind.

And now he walked alone, weaving between the great trees and the mossy boulders that lay under and over and around, and thought of the stag, and desperately tried to ignore the aching weight between his legs. He paused occasionally to slap it against his belly, moaning at the wave of pleasure that gave, but the relief was temporary. His cock would drop back down and start drooling again: painting an obvious trail along the forest floor for anyone that might wish to follow him.

The centaur was needy, but he did not know what he sought -- beyond a warm and willing hole to fill. The stag would have been a delightful one...perhaps there was another in this forest. He pushed some branches aside and descended a slope; his cock jumped about, swinging back and forth, tugging on his groin and making his low, roiling balls thud into his thighs. The centaur groaned in desperation, pausing next to a large tree. His hands reached up to dig into the bark, and his body pressed closer to it, panting. As his head fell against an arm, eyes closed, his other hand slid down to the flatness between his front legs, wishing now -- as never before -- that he was made as men were, with the tools to ease their lusts so readily available.

The stag had invoked Beinir: a sacred name. What use was he, the centaur wondered, if he could not soothe the urgency he felt? What worth was a god that left a mortal in such need, and failed to appease him? He pressed himself back from the tree and slapped his penis upward with a thwack. "Come then!" he cried. "Prove yourself!"

"I knew a fair face in Balrenny,

Whose smile was as sweet summer rain..."

The lusty voice carried through the trees, and the centaur's head snapped towards it. Lusty, and loud...and so very male. It seemed to be singing a popular risqué farmer's ballad, "The Maid of Balrenny". The centaur's cock pointed the way, and he walked towards the sound, trying to be quiet.

"...and I placed a soft kiss on his fair skin,

And bid him to follow me there..."

If the centaur could whinny, he would have. He sang of no maid! So not only male...but in search of other males. The centaur's hooves stepped faster, the male almost stumbling here and there as his hurrying feet caught on gnarled roots. The voice continued to sing, all the verses altered to refer to males.

"...and his body was strong,

And his penis was looooooong...!"

The centaur broke through the undergrowth into a clearing, his feet sinking into the waterlogged clay at the edge of a small lake. Sunlight glittered on the water through the branches that curved up overhead, not quite enclosing the open area. Out in the centre of the lake, facing away from Chiron, stood a figure washing in the crystal pool. As his hands dipped into the water and splashed it over his head, he sang the song that had drawn Chiron here, and the liquid glittered like gems as the droplets rained down on him.

"...and named me his Balrenny CLAIM!"

A huge spray accompanied the final bellowed word, as the singer splashed his hands violently into the water in evident delight. Chiron walked into the lake, moving carefully so as not to disturb the figure. As he grew closer, his breathing grew faster, and his eyes wider. He could only see the figure from behind -- but what a sight that already was.

Broad, muscled shoulders framed a form of immense power; the muscles of his back curved and flexed when his thick arms dipped to scoop up water, their damp hollows shining in the sun. His hair was long and dark, covering his neck and narrowing to a trail that ran right down the middle of his back -- merging with the fine, dark hair of the lower half of his body.

The equine half.

The other centaur's equine portion was as dark as the hair on his head, but for the snow-white area around his tail. Dapples around the edges of the pale spot mixed it into the rest of the hair; an appaloosa's pattern. The tail itself was raised high, held above the water -- giving Chiron a flawless view of the wet, glistening hole that lay beneath it. Under the water, the palomino centaur felt his cock jerk, and leak a fresh dribble of thick pre-cum into the waters of the lake.

The other centaur, his song finished, finally heard the water stirring behind him. He turned about just as Chiron drew level with him, and graced the palomino with a countenance of overwhelming beauty. Deep green eyes like summer leaves glittered under the brow of a fine-featured face. Sideburns ran down from his ears -- perked in curiosity -- to his chin, and a single spot of beard sat between them. His neck was lean, and his chest two hard, curved masses that sat atop a god-carved belly, mounded with muscle. His arms rose to brush wet hair from his eyes as he looked at Chiron, and below the powerful bulge of his biceps peeked a few dark hairs.

And lower yet, below his belly...Chiron's eyes fell, but could not see under the sun-speckled surface of the water.

A happy, simple smile creased the other centaur's face as he regarded the palomino centaur. "Well met, brother!" he cried, just as lustily as he'd been singing. "What marvellous chance, to meet another of our kind here on this tremendous day!"

"What makes it tremendous, friend?" Chiron asked. The other centaur's enthusiasm was already infectious, and the palomino felt a smile of his own forming. "Do you celebrate some great event?"

The dark-haired centaur scooped up water in both hands and tossed it upward, letting it rain down on both of them, and laughed in his deep, musical voice. "Only the wonders of the day, brother! The smell of the earth after rain." He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and then expelling it with a snort. "The warmth of the sun on my skin." He angled his face up to the sun, grinning like a madman, arms held out to either side. "And the pleasure of unexpected company -- and new friendship!" He lowered his face, opening his eyes and stretching both arms towards Chiron. "My name is Bruno, brother. May I ask yours?"

"I am called Chiron," the palomino said, and Bruno nodded in satisfaction.

"A great name, friend. Such history!" He put his hands to his waist as if posing, and Chiron felt his arousal thicken at the sight of the handsome male, and the raw confidence he exuded. "Do you join me here to bathe?" Bruno asked. "What luck, that we both chanced upon the same lake!"

"A bathing would not go amiss," Chiron replied, "for I have been long on the road." He lowered himself a little to allow water to wash across the top of his equine back. "But it was far from chance. Your handsome voice carries far." He added a smile to the words, not seeking to shame the other centaur. Bruno's mouth made an 'o' -- and then he blushed, letting his face drop and allowing ribbons of damp hair to fall across it, hardly hiding his redness.

"Truly?" And when Chiron nodded, he gave a wry smile. "I must admit," he said, "I did not realise I sang that loud. I was merely enthralled by the day, and I had to give voice to my pleasure."

"Oh, do not feel shame on my account," Chiron told him, splashing some water onto his chest to wash off some of the dust that had gathered. He took care to brush his hand slowly across the muscles of his thick body. "You sang most beautifully...although, I am not familiar with that precise version of the song."

Bruno blushed again, and Chiron felt a fierce lust flare inside himself. When the dark-haired centaur blushed, it raced outward from his nose; a blossoming redness under the pale skin that made him seem a naughty youth, caught in indiscretion. Chiron had been that self-same youth before -- and he remembered all too well the nature of the indiscretions he had enjoyed.

"It is a variation of my own," Bruno said, and his eyes flicked up to regard Chiron through hanging strands of dark hair. The green of his eyes seemed to deepen as he stared. "One more suited to my preferences."

Chiron's smile grew, and he took a moment to lean forward, splashing his face with water before shaking his head roughly. His golden hair tossed droplets from its tips, and he took care to press the damp hairs back, revealing his attractive equine ears. "It pleases me too," he said at last, and noted with glee the sudden intake of breath from Bruno. He let his eyes slide off the handsome creature, looking down at himself as he washed further. His hand slid down each arm in turn, carefully, as if it were rich, fragrant oils rather than water that he smeared over himself. He twisted his arms about, looking for absent grime, displaying their strength -- before bringing both up to wash his chest and belly. He could feel Bruno's eyes upon him, and knew the sight he would be enjoying: a perfectly crafted centaur body, bearing the strength of years yet the fitness of youth, and with the ghost of golden hair between his pecs that trailed down his belly, up hills and down valleys, to disappear down between his front legs.

"Chiron, friend," Bruno said -- and if he tried to hide the rising need in his voice, he did it poorly. "Might you assist me with my back? I struggle so to wash there."

The dark-haired centaur turned, and Chiron stepped forward, coming alongside him. "Of course, brother," he said, splashing water over the broad back and washing it clean of non-existent dirt. His fingers caught against the muscles as he stroked from Bruno's neck to the bend of his back, and he pressed against them, massaging gently. The centaur under his hands groaned, flexing back into the pressure. They did not need to dance about the point overlong. They were in agreement.

"It has been some time..." Bruno began, but Chiron quieted him with a gentle pat against his skin.

"Relax, stallion," he murmured, and Bruno fell quiet, merely shifting a little in the water as Chiron continued to massage his way down the 'v' of his upper back, and then along his stallion half. The equine hair was rough against Chiron's fingertips, and he brushed back and forth against it with pleasure, enjoying the sensation. It was what he felt below his belly when he mounted a mate, and it felt right. Men were fun enough, with their smooth skin and eager mouths, but he could not leap upon their backs and make them truly his. And stags were large enough to mount, but their stamina was poor. Only another centaur could bear his full weight, and accept his entire length, and match him. Thrust for endless thrust.

His hands trailed further along Bruno's body, seeing the muscles twitch under his touch. His hand even strayed down the centaur's side as he approached his rear, going under the water to feel the power in his thighs. Bruno shuddered, but said nothing when Chiron's hand slid even further down, to under his belly, scratching lightly at the skin there. And then, as Chiron felt the muscles tighten under his fingers, he casually slid his hand up and around, earning a low chuckle from his new friend. He chuckled back knowingly, but he did not mean to tease this handsome male much. His hand slid onward, gliding underneath the other centaur's tail, and began to wash and clean him there most thoroughly.

Bruno cried out, and his tailhole contracted around the finger that probed gently against it. "Beinir save me," he gasped, silence no longer sufficient. "Chiron...oh, I need...I desire...more..."

Chiron completed his work and splashed around to the appaloosa centaur's front, reaching a hand up to cup the handsome face. "I know," he said, pressing his lips to Bruno's, the tip of his tongue circling within them. "We shall both be satisfied, brother," he whispered.

Chiron wrapped his arms around Bruno fully, and they met in a more passionate kiss. His lover's hands pushed between them as their tongues danced, each grasping the mass of a pectoral and squeezing the muscle firmly, making Chiron grunt and seek ever deeper with his tongue. Bruno's mouth was passing sweet, and the centaur let his eyes close as he delighted in the always-familiar, always-unique taste of another male. The strong hands between them tightened on his pecs, and then the thumbs slid inward, flicking across Chiron's now-pert nipples. He cried out, the noise swallowed eagerly by the other centaur's throat, and broke off the kiss, panting and twitching as Bruno's rough thumbs teased him.

The other centaur chuckled with delight, and Chiron could only smile back at his beautiful young face. "I thought you lovely before, Bruno," the centaur told the appaloosa, one hand stroking along his wide shoulder and down a muscled arm, "but now I see that your fairness is god-given, for you are surely a forest spirit sent to torment me with lust."

"If I were a spirit, I would be most saddened," Bruno said in a breathy voice, "for I could not anticipate feeling your weight upon me, or the fire of your member within me." He looked pointedly down, between Chiron's legs. "Brother."

Chiron's eyes widened, and his cock swelled more below the water. "You speak boldly," he murmured, taking Bruno's face in hand and licking gently from his chin to his forehead. "The overeager colt may find he wishes for more than he can manage."

Bruno's hands slid down from Chiron's pecs, wetting the palomino's fine body with a little water before sliding around his sides, letting the appaloosa step even closer to pull them both close to one another, their forms pressed against each other. "The overeager colt," he said huskily, his sweet mouth now teasing at Chiron's ear and nibbling along the edges, "is overhorny, and has not yet left another centaur unsatisfied since his day of maturity." A hot breath that made the palomino shiver accompanied each other word, and his now painfully hard cock rose underwater like a one-eyed leviathan to knock against his belly. "And," Bruno added with a stern tone, "he has no intention of failing today."

Bruno stepped back, taking Chiron's hand and leading him out of the lake. Chiron grinned and followed gladly, his eyes dancing along his new friend's form as they walked. The snowflake-dappled rear swayed gently with each step, a lascivious waggle that invited -- nay, begged -- further exploration. Chiron licked his lips and massaged Bruno's hand, looking again to the centaur's upper body, and the masculine hair that covered it. He wished to smell that hair and run his hands through it -- and he told this to the dark-haired male.

Bruno smirked, looking at his partner. "And what else would you do to me, great centaur?" he asked playfully. They were approaching the lake's edge, and the water level was dropping by the moment, but Chiron could not yet quite see what the attractive male carried between his legs, though he could not keep his eyes from staring in anticipation.

"I would delight in you," he said formally. "Your form is pleasure incarnate. I would touch you, to feel your warmth. Stroke you, to pleasure you. Mount you." The water was dropping further, with something now just about visible through the distorting ripples, and Chiron's eyed widened as he spoke. It could not be that large. "Mount pierce you with my cock. And ride you,"

They had all but exited the lake, and the water was below their bellies. He forgot what he was saying, disbelieving eyes staring at the incredible cock that hung from Bruno's rear. Chiron considered himself reasonably endowed for a centaur: the equine in him was well-represented. His member, thick as a man's wrist, stretched to the middle of his belly when fully aroused -- as he was now, and had been for some time. But Bruno's endowment shamed not only Chiron, but every other centaur the palomino had ever seen.

The appaloosa's horse-prick was as thick as a fifth leg, stretching from the cleft of his thighs to almost as far as the centaur's front -- but, despite its obviously colossal weight, it did not droop. It merely arced downwards a little and then straight outward: a proud, firm statement to the virility of this male. Like Chiron's own, it was darker at the base and lightened along the shaft to a pinkish hue by the end. The medial ring looked thick enough to be a torc around Chiron's neck, and the cockhead looked as blunt and thick as the palomino's own -- when he was fully engorged. This beastly cock as it was now was merely ordinary arousal for the dark-haired stud. And if further evidence of manliness was required, one could look to the stream of silver honey that oozed from that flare's yawning hole, or to the testicles that swung like apples in a midnight sack beneath the great cock's root.

"Ride you," Chiron found the air to croak, once his eyes had drunk their fill and he recalled he had been speaking, "to bring that...beast beneath your belly to the heights of pleasure, and make it spray your seed upon the lady earth, so that she might experience the same lustful thoughts that now control my mind."

Bruno gave a low moan and made his cock slap his belly with a heavy, lecherous sound as they reached dry ground, turning to the side to give Chiron an unobstructed view of his genitals. Droplets of water beaded on his dark hair and ran down his limbs. "Do I please you, Chiron?" he asked. He lifted his arms over his head and tensed his muscles, making thick tendons and snaking veins burst into stark relief under his tanned skin. He bent around to look at his gawking friend. "I pray I do. For I have made my body a temple to Beinir, and I invite all to worship him within me."

"I would do so with a fierce gladness, brother," Chiron said, matching his words with a belly slap of his own. Bruno's eyes dipped down and he grinned at what he saw.

"As passing handsome as you are, Chiron, I believe your cock is yet more handsome." His tongue licked along his lips. "Tell me, how many needy mates have you pierced with that mighty spear?" Chiron stepped closer, trailing his hand along the other centaur's back once more, but pressing more firmly beneath his tail this time when he reached it. Bruno's face lifted to spit oaths into the air, and his tail rose high and ready. But Chiron had more pleasures he wished to indulge in first. His lust burned hot today, and it was not to be wasted on a quick fuck.

"How many?" he echoed. "Why, many and more, my stallion. And soon -- another."

He aligned himself behind the other centaur before folding his front legs, lowering his upper body to the ground, bringing his face in line with the stallion-ass before him. He sighed, his hands massaging each thick thigh as he breathed in the odours of the slowly drying centaur. He could not name the smells, for they were only images in his mind. Memories of a warm home with close relatives. Scuffles in the fields with the other youngsters, as boyhood passed into naughty adolescence. And a different kind of scuffle -- but no less rough or satisfying -- as adolescence matured into manhood.

The scents of centaur closeness. The scents of lust.

He moved Bruno's tail aside and leaned forward to place a kiss upon his ring. It squirmed and flexed, striated lines clenching towards the central hole. Under a warm mouth, however, it relaxed, and Chiron's tongue began to lap across it, savouring the muskiness and the texture. The softness of a mate, but the strength of a male. Purposeful and intimate; the gateway to male pleasure. He probed inward with his tongue, feeling the muscle clench around him again, and smiled.

Two hands slid between the appaloosa's rear legs: one to fondle a single ball -- for together, they were too large to handle -- and another to grasp the timber-like flesh jutting forward. He felt Bruno shudder at the unexpected touch, but then the tension softened, and Chiron felt his lover press back against him. Eager for more, as he said. The centaur renewed his attentions on the ass before him, and began to gently massage the immense cock and balls he held. The heat from the testicle was like a furnace, and the cock was as iron. Chiron stroked along it as far as he could reach -- barely to the medial -- and back, lubricating his hand with the voluminous fluids the appaloosa centaur had leaked all over himself. Holding his organ felt incredible; the size of it, the power, the exceptional virility it represented. All centaurs sat at the pinnacle of masculinity, but surely Bruno was master of even that rarefied company. This was a member any male would fall to his knees for the chance to worship...and, instead, Chiron would have the chance to mount its owner, and pleasure him.

"Oh, Chiron, brother centaur," Bruno gasped, each word afire with need, "your tongue is marvellous." Chiron grasped one ball within a cage of fingers and tugged down a little, winning another cry. "And your hands!" the dark-haired male added. "All of you...your handsome form, so stern, yet youthful...oh, I desire you, brother. Beinir has brought you to me, surely, and we shall worship him together in the manner most pleasing to him." Chiron gripped the cock more firmly, stroking up and down as his tongue dug deeper into the appaloosa, tasting him and wetting him. "We shall mate," Bruno continued, working himself up with his own words so much that he had to stop speaking to take a breath. "We shall mate under the open skies, male upon male -- male in male -- and our cries shall be a hymn..."

Chiron's mouth broke away from Bruno's rear. "We shall," he agreed, "and my cock shall give you all the pleasure you crave so much, stallion."

Bruno screamed into the air then, his hands curled into fists. "I cannot wait, brother!" he exclaimed. "Chiron! No longer! Mount me, as the stallion mounts the mare, and let us be joined!"

The palomino pressed his hands into the dirt, extending his front legs and standing upright again. He strode quickly around to Bruno's front, pulling the other centaur roughly forward with a hand around his neck and kissing him deeply, letting the dark-haired beauty taste of himself. His free hand slid frantically around Bruno's chest, feeling the power beneath the skin, fingers gripping his chest hair and tugging upon it to make the comely male moan deeply into his mouth. "We shall not mate, brother," he growled, and Bruno's eyes widened in confusion."We shall fuck," he explained, and his partner made a small noise of happy agreement. "We shall fuck, as two stallions might: without pause or softness." He bit Bruno's lip lightly before continuing, tugging on it with his teeth. "I will have you, Bruno, here and now. Present yourself to receive me -- and do not let shame quiet your lusty voice. Cry out in passion, brother. Cry my name, and the name of your god, and give praise for the horse-given cocks we have been blessed with...and for the unending power of the lust that burns like fire in my loins." He slapped his cock hard against his belly, the sound echoing through the vale. "For you, stallion."

Bruno fell back from Chiron, and his face was full of wonder. He seemed about to speak, but let his head drop instead. He turned and approached a nearby tree, settling his legs to either side of its bole and his hands against its bark. He turned his head to look coyly over his shoulder, dark hair dropped about his face like a parted veil, and lifted his tail as high as it would go.

"Have me then, brother," he said, his words thick. "In Beinir's name...claim your stallion!"

Chiron rested his hands upon Bruno's back and thrust upward with his legs, rearing into the air to slam down upon his lover's back. The big centaur under him grunted, but his powerful legs supported Chiron's weight with ease. Chiron adjusted himself, pulling more of his body onto Bruno's back until he felt the head of his cock push between the appaloosa's legs and up under his tail. Bruno moaned, and Chiron felt the doughnut fluttering against his sensitive flesh in invitation. He grinned, reaching forward with one hand to grasp the other male's shoulder, squeezing it lovingly -- and then driving forward into him with all the strength his hindquarters could muster.

Bruno's bellowed scream of pleasure made every bird around them take flight, and he clapped a hand on top of Chiron's as the cry weakened to a mere moan. "Deeper, brother," he gasped, and Chiron pushed again. Each forward motion buried two or three more inches of his flesh within his willing partner, and his legs eased forward. More and more hard centaur cock was driven into the appaloosa, and his cries grew higher and breathier as Chiron's bulbous flare and thick shaft forced his inner passage wide open. Chiron was gripping both of Bruno's shoulders, and as his lower body slid further along, one hand rose to cup and stroke Bruno's face as the other slid around to fondle his body. The two males grunted and moaned and called one another's name, and the palomino's cock slipped deeper into his appaloosa lover.

Chiron barely paused when his cock finally hilted. His chin rested against the back of Bruno's head, and he listened to the other centaur's heavy breathing before tugging his lover's to one side, looking down into the needy, forest-green eyes and whimpering mouth. He bent his head to kiss him softly -- and thrust in as he did. Bruno's cry was muffled by the kiss, and it redoubled in intensity: the other male trying to do with his own tongue what Chiron was doing with his cock. The palomino felt the appaloosa dig into his mouth, urgent and unfettered, and his body sang. He met the male's strength with equal and opposite force, and behind them both, pale palomino hips pounded a long, pink stallion cock into a needy, dappled rear.

Bruno could not sustain his energy as the building pleasure sapped his ability to concentrate. Their kiss broke into sloppy licks and huffs, and Bruno let his head fall back into the crook of Chiron's neck. His blacksmith arms swung back around them both, their muscles flexing as he gripped the palomino's upper half fiercely, as if trying to pull his lover even deeper into himself. Chiron could smell the sweat building on them both: the fragrance of stallion filled the air. His own arms gripped the male's side and chest, one hand holding fiercely onto a chest muscle, marvelling at its size, while the other stroked endlessly up and down his belly, exploring every ridge and valley of the perfect form.

But those sensations were just distractions for his arms and mouth: all secondary to the throbbing rod of pleasure he had buried inside the hot, tight body under him. Bruno's flesh seemed to have melded around his cock, trapping him in a tight, wonderful tunnel. He only thrust a few inches in and out at a time, but it was all he needed. He could feel his expanding flare scraping over the smooth muscle and around the tight curves of Bruno's passage, each inch of motion making fiery pleasure dance along his nerves. Perhaps this centaur had been made by a god, because his body was a flawless vessel for lust and its satiation. Chiron adjusted his hooves against the loamy ground and began thrusting in harder, dipping his head now and then to nuzzle and lick at Bruno's neck, feeling the arms wrapped around him tighten and the wordless sounds the dark centaur made grow as wild and unkempt as his hair. Since his partner seemed unable to speak, he did so for him.

"You are incredible, stallion," he whispered, thrusting in with his rear as he lapped all along Bruno's neck. "You feel like fire. My cock can barely handle it." Bruno's hand came around to grip his, and Chiron kissed it before licking around the base of his lover's ear. "Can you get tighter, my stallion?" Bruno could, and Chiron's head swam with the feeling of the powerful equine body growing even closer around him. He felt a whinny forming deep within, and when it broke, it was a scream. "Yes!" His hips pounded as he shut his eyes, burying his nose in Bruno's thick hair, smelling him, feeling his muscular body, imagining how swollen, how heavy the enormous cock swinging under his belly must be from the feeling of the deep and delicious fuck they were sharing. "Are you flared, my stallion?" he asked, and Bruno's whimper made him smile and nuzzle deeper into the dark hair. "Does my cock pleasure you so, that you are speechless? Or have your faculties all been drained into that beautiful cock you carry, to make it inflate even more than mere blood could manage?"

Bruno groaned, his head flopping forward, and Chiron licked and nibbled his way down his partner's neck and along his massive shoulder as his hips swayed and thrust. Back, and forth, and back again. His own balls were hanging heavy now, primed and ready to expel their load. They swung weightily on each inward drive and slapped against his lover's thigh. Chiron could imagine Bruno's own enormous orbs being swallowed up into his body as his pleasure circled upward, but Chiron's never moved. They hung low always, and only the growing ache of unsatisfied need told him when they were ready to empty themselves.

And they were getting close now.

His front legs gripped tighter against the equine body they straddled, and his arms slid around the beefy chest in front of him, groping the muscles. "Ride with me, my stallion," he groaned into Bruno's ear. "Let us ride to the end, together." He put all his remaining energy into the motion of his hips, and the lascivious sounds of stallion cock pushing wetly in and out of grew louder in time with Bruno's hoarse, animalistic grunts. "Let me fill your body, stallion," Chiron begged, gasping hot breaths of ecstasy along his partner's face, pulling his head to the side again for a rough, desperate kiss. "Let me paint you in the colour of my lust." Not that Bruno was trying to stop him; the gorgeous creature was letting him do whatever he wished, merely shivering with pleasure and grunting low and happy sounds of encouragement whenever the thick cock inside him hit a pleasure point.

And then his head rose back up, dropping against Chiron's shoulder, and his cries grew louder, and the pull of his arms grew tighter -- and Chiron knew the dark-haired centaur's climax was close.

"Tell me, my stallion!" Chiron cried, his own hands a blur across Bruno's body, teasing nipple and hair and muscle, sliding under his arms to bring the scent of him to his nose, and slapping his chest to feel the sturdy, solid power of his maleness. "Tell me how I feel inside you! If this Beinir has sent me to you, then praise him for the great gift he has given you! Thank him for my cock!"

"Fuck Beinir!" Bruno bellowed, the force of his voice shaking Chiron's whole body. "Your cock is my god! Breed me, brother! Fuck that mighty prick deeper into me! I want all of you! Let me feel you flare as your passion explodes, let me feel your thick gift flowing into me! Fuck me with the fury of a true centaur stallion!"

Chiron's hands slid back, slamming down onto Bruno's shoulders and pushing his body as high as he could, seeking leverage. The appaloosa braced his arms against the tree-trunk and cried out with guttural, urgent sounds as his partner's frantic fucking became berserk, slamming both their bodies forward on each loud, sexual impact of centaur crotch on centaur ass. Chiron could feel his cock reaching its full size inside his lover, pressing the tight flesh aside even more, being stimulated from all sides by the heat, the slipperiness, and the pressure. His balls were clenching in agony now, the welcome pain before the inevitable explosion, and his breath grew ragged and short, and his head swam as the mounting pleasure took control of every part of him...

As control slipped away, Bruno's face looked up at him from between his arms with pure hunger, and Chiron bent down to kiss his partner deeply, sweetly, perfectly. And at the electric touch of those passionate lips, he finally felt his member erupt.


Chiron would have cried out at the feeling of the too-long-delayed climax, but the power of it robbed him of breath. He felt as if he wished to give voice to a horse's cry, a whinny of power and might that would speak for him, but he lacked the throat for it. Bruno's tongue dug into him still, with the eagerness and purpose of a hunting creature, and Chiron heard the loud splatter of fluids against the tree as the appaloosa's godlike cock sprayed forth his colts. He could not accommodate all the feelings; he let them pass through his mind unhindered, and took in only the waves of pleasure flowing up his body from the fat, pulsing cock he'd buried in this gorgeous centaur stallion's body, and the intimate warmth of the mouth he kissed. He breathed in the air Bruno breathed out, and his head swam more, and it was too glorious to believe. The two centaurs became as one for a wondrous, endless moment; powerful cocks spurting their seed eternally, within and without.

And then Chiron's arms, already quavering from supporting his mass, slipped; he fell back against Bruno's back with a yelp, and birdsong and forest air and warm sunlight re-entered his senses -- along with the fierce, musky odour of fresh centaur cum. He glanced to the side, seeing the roots of the tree beneath Bruno's feet glazed with shining liquid, and pools of white liquid gathered in the mossy clefts between them. It pleased him. This tree would grow ever prouder and taller now, watered as it had been with a mighty centaur's seed.

Bruno -- upper body heaving with deep, satisfied breaths -- looked over his shoulder at him. "Are you all right, brother?" he asked with a smile, and Chiron smiled back and patted his cheek with a sweaty hand.

"Yes...oh, most certainly, yes." He shifted, feeling his unsoftened penis shift about inside the other male. Bruno eyes lidded at his motion, his mouth falling open a little, and Chiron shifted again. "Still so pleasurable for you, my stallion?" he asked his lover with delight, and Bruno's dreamlike nod was so intently satisfying, Chiron felt himself squirt out another dribble of cum.

"Yes, brother," the dark-haired beauty moaned. "The knowledge of what you have done to me...and the feel of you in me yet...and the sensation of your seed draining from me..." He reached a hand over his shoulder to stroke Chiron's face. "You are a wonder, Chiron, and every piece of me thanks you for the pleasure it feels. I shall not soon forget this day."

Chiron gave his lover one hard, final thrust to delight him, and then they separated. Bruno turned aside from the tree and moved forward, letting Chiron slip slowly out of him and off his back. The palomino felt his cock pull loose with a tug at the end; his flare had shrunk little, though it had been minutes. And as his heavy wet flesh fell like a hammer against his leg and made him grunt at its weight, Bruno lifted his tail and clenched some unseen muscles, and a squirt of thick white cum squirted from his body, splattering to the ground to join the appaloosa's own. Again he did it, and now the spray was less voluminous, landing on his hocks and shanks, the snowy droplets looking like a second dapple-pattern on his dark hair. And at the third, Chiron reached forward to feel his lover's hole as he did it...and to coat his hand in his own seed. That hand he placed upon the other centaur's rump, to let his maleness soak into the hair and leave a mark.

A print of the hand of the centaur stallion that had bred his ass so thoroughly.

Bruno turned to one side as he felt the touch, regarding Chiron and then the hand-print. "Brother," he said, only the smallest hint of irritation in his voice, "I...I cannot reach there." Chiron smiled, his eyes not on his lover's face, but on the cock that swung as weighty as a church-bell beneath his belly, undiminished by their exertions. What would it take to calm that monster, he wondered? What efforts did it demand to fully drain those balls?

He looked back up at Bruno. "My apologies, stallion," he said, before turning to head back to the lake, each footstep proud, his tail whisked to the side and lifted high.

"I expect we shall have to bathe once more."

Teacher's Hunk

"...could fit one right there above the bar, too. Perfect amount of space. Run a cable there for the'd be _easy_." The otter stared up thoughtfully at the empty space above the bar, and then downed the last dregs of his beer with a...

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Bucephalus didn't bother to knock on the door when he reached it. He'd seen the cameras on his way up the path, their silent gazes judging him as he walked towards the house. He simply stood on the porch, arms crossed, and waited. Marcus took his...

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[Sketch] The Many Faces of Perch

Perch followed in Marcus' wake as they walked home, looking up at the big stallion in adoration. How had he never noticed before? This stallion was FAR better than Bucephalus. It was obvious. He'd been a fool to waste time with that cranky old horse...

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