My Deal with Dad

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Four stallions. Two rhinos. One deal.

Practising my speed-writing. 6k words in less than 3 hours. This still isn't the piece I want to get done, but at this point I'll just let that one happen when it happens.

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Dad was already sweating when he climbed out of his car.

I had to chuckle at the horny fuck as I walked over to greet him. He gave me a quick smile and wiped his hands down on his pants before he hugged me, but they were still sweaty against my back. I held my grip after his own weakened, and took a deep breath right next to his ear that made him whimper and tense up.

"Needy today, Dad?" I asked. I slid a hand up to stroke across his horns. Dad's horns were really big -- the biggest I'd ever seen on a rhino. Just like the rest of him.

"Y--yeah, son," he replied breathlessly. His erection had already answered me, though; pressing into my hip as I clamped his body against mine. It was so easy to imagine it was for me. "I've been craving, son..."

"Course you have, Dad," I said. "Who wouldn't?" I finally released him, stepping back to look him in the eye with a smile. He smiled back, but I saw his eyes jerk to the side, towards the low building there. I lifted a hand and snapped my fingers to get his attention, and he blinked guiltily at me.

"Hey, relax," I told him. "You'll get it."

"Yeah...yeah..." He was even more like an addict today than usual. "Can we, uh...can we go?" He shivered and rubbed one arm.

It was a little cruel, but I couldn't resist. "Well, you'll have to wait a few days, of course," I drawled, and the blood drained from my father's face. "I sold them," I explained. "Didn't I...tell you?"

He looked as if he'd faint on the spot, and I had to wave my hands to negate what I'd said for fear he'd start crying. "I'm joking, Dad! What's got you so desperate today?"

He looked down, ashamed, before looking back up like an awkward child. "I got a toy," he said, and looked down again as my face lit up and I gave a throaty chuckle.

"Twice a month not enough anymore, Dad?" He shook his head, biting a lip, and I smirked. "Which one? A life-cast? I hope so; anything else is a waste."

"Leviathan," he murmured, and I raised my eyebrows and gave an impressed clap.

"All the way to the top on the first go! Good work. How's it feel?"

"'s good."

"Yeah? As good as the real thing? Can you take it all?"

His face was so red, I thought I could feel the heat from where I stood. "I...I can." He looked back up at me, desperate. "I can't stop riding it, son, and it's just not the fucking same, but I can't stop and it made me remember all the other times and I'm so horny for it, son, I need it, I need it so fucking badly..."

I reached out to grab his front horn and pulled him towards me. "Today's your ultra-fucking-lucky day then, Dad." I gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, and he barely pulled away. "I got a new member of the family."

If he'd looked ready to faint earlier, now he seemed fit to explode. His eyes were wide as dinner plates, and his breath went from irregular but calm to over-agitated panting inside a second. He slapped his hands to my torso and gripped, sweaty fingers struggling to hold on. I let that continue for a moment, then pulled on his horn some more until his face pressed against my shirtless chest.

"You'll meet him, don't worry," I said calmly. "But you know the deal: me first."

Normally it took a little longer, but today he went for it as if he actually enjoyed it. He started licking from just below my neck, his rough tongue scraping across my grey skin like a pro. I sighed and let my eyes dip closed a little more at the pleasant feelings. Dad's tongue slid back and forth across me, wetting every inch of skin. It dug into the ridges between the muscle I so carefully maintained, and over the hair that grew thicker the lower you went down my body. He sucked up all the sweat I'd made a point of building up with some hay-bale tossing this afternoon, and didn't even cough. He was absolutely improving.

He did pause when he got to my Adonis belt, but I really didn't expect him to have overcome that mental barrier just yet. I undid my fly wordlessly and fished my cock out. Hard as iron, of course. He stared at it nervously, and I took the thick base in hand and slapped it against his face. One side, then the other. A few times. I liked the sound it made.

"I've got a big cock, hey, Dad?" I said lazily.

"Y--yeah, son. It's..." He gulped. "It's pretty big."

"Guys love it. I tell them it's not as big as my Dad's, and they love that even more. They all wanna meet you when they hear that. Wanna see the daddy rhino with the big dick who gave his son one only a little smaller. Are you bigger than me, Dad?"

"...yes, son." For some reason, that always seemed to embarrass him. Maybe he thought I only lusted after him because his dick was bigger. That wasn't true though; his dick was only half of it.

"Oooh, Daddy," I husked. "My big-dicked rhino daddy. Turns me on so much, Daddy. Makes me want to...get you naked." I snapped my fingers imperiously, and my father rose uncertainly to his feet and started to disrobe. His body was squarely middle-aged; he didn't put in the work I did. Dad-bod all the way. But he didn't need to: Nature had done all the work for him by the time he was fifteen. A fat, greasy, veiny cock hung from between his legs like the last salami in the butcher's, swinging here and there as he shifted awkwardly, nude as sin before his eager, oversexed son. I'd measured him once: he was the fucking definition of a shower. Barely added an inch when hard -- although he got a lot fucking thicker. Most horses would have been jealous.

Except mine, of course.

I took him in like a fine painting and smacked my lips. "Naked as a stallion," I said, and grinned at the way that made his cock jerk. I curled a finger to make him come closer and took his horn in hand again. He looked worried, and I stroked his face, making him blink. "Close your eyes," I said, "and imagine I'm Perseus."

As he gulped and squeezed his eyes shut, I pushed him down. He didn't initiate -- we'd have to work on that sometime -- and I had to take my dick in hand and press the head against his mouth. He opened it a little; not too much, but I was fine with that. Just meant I could enjoy the feeling of my foreskin rolling back over the head as I pushed in. Fucking love that feeling. His mouth was warm -- if a little dry -- and I clenched my muscles to shoot a few squirts of musky rhino pre-cum into it to lube him up. I at least knew he wouldn't swallow that; I think the words for any liquid that comes out of a rhino are "fucking intense", and Dad was absolutely not at the point where he could get it down without choking. Ironic, in a way.

I slowly fucked my father's face, pushing far enough in to unroll my foreskin until it caught behind the glans, then pulling out and using his lips to free it, letting it pop back over the head like a turtleneck. I rubbed the head on his lips a little too, just so he'd taste me later as he rode his toy and dreamed about what he'd done tonight. Who knew -- maybe he'd even say my name. He'd definitely say Bellerophon's name. He'd fucking scream that one to the heavens, I was sure.

I wasn't close to cumming, but I pulled my dick out of Dad's mouth and -- after a few more slaps against his face for good luck -- made him stand. He didn't try and cover himself: we'd gotten rid of that habit early on. He knew the terms of the deal. I wanted to see my father's nakedness in all its glory. I admired him a little more now, even reaching down to fondle his now-soft cock and play with his foreskin, pulling it back and forth over the head, contrasting the pale grey skin with the fierce, purple glans. So attractive. Horses had sheaths, but they just weren't the same as a good foreskin. Their one lack, I'd always thought. Still, they compensated in about eighteen to twenty other ways, so I wasn't going to cry.

"I've got a special plan for today, Dad," I told him, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a tape measure. I tossed it at him, and he caught it and then looked at it with a confused expression. "So, I've got four stallions now. You know their names, right?" I held up a finger, and my father's voice grew eager at the promise of getting what he'd come here for.

"Hector." Another finger. "Perseus." A third. "Theseus." The fourth stymied him, and he looked at me -- wide-eyed -- for an answer.

"Bellerophon," I told him, and he repeated it breathlessly, like a spell. "He's a Clydesdale." My father shivered and lifted a hand to his breast, grasping at his hair and releasing it, like a child's soothing action. His meaty cock was hardening up again, lifting to stick out into the air, throbbing and purple. I cupped the end and ran my thumb over the tip, spreading his pre-cum over the flesh before lifting my hand and licking it clean. "He's a big boy. I don't know how big, though." I nodded at the tape measure he held. "So that's your job. You're gonna measure them all for me -- root to tip."

My father nodded so hard I thought he'd fall over. "Yes, son. Oh, yes, of course." His cock bounced along with him, and I slipped behind him to clasp one hand around his body and rub my cock along his crack. He didn't even soften, the horny little shit; I grabbed his dick and jerked it a bit, feeling its thickness and the way it pulsed in my hand.

"Are you all ready, Daddy Big-Dick?" I asked, nibbling on his neck. "You feel ready..." I squeezed his dick hard, making the end grow fat and blood-filled, and Dad groaned. He'd get soft again if I kept this up, but a simple mention of the stallions would reignite the fire.

"Please, son," he begged. He must have been burning up inside. I laughed and let him go, and began walking towards the stables, my father at my heels like a massive, horny pet.

I pushed the stable doors open dramatically, and nickers floated out of the depths to greet us. I looked back to see my father's eyes nearly rolling back into his head as the scent of hay and piss and stallions rolled over us, and sauntered ahead to let the studs out of their stalls. The back half of the stables had no stalls: a conveniently open area for our fun. I leaned against the back wall, watching my father stumble closer, stopping every few steps to adore one or another of my stallions with his eyes and feeling himself up as he did so.

Bellerophon got the most stares, of course. The new hire, the main attraction, the bulky stud-stallion. He was truly enormous; I'd hardly seen bigger since I started. The Clydesdale towered over us both, with muscles like a steam train and a dick like a railway sleeper. The first week he'd been here, I'd spent a lot of time with him, making sure he felt at home and that he was everything the seller had promised. I had no reason to doubt him; he and I had an understanding. He knew that when a stallion was doing the rounds and didn't seem interested in mares, he could always send him to me. I thought it was a better option than gelding, and I'm sure the stallions would agree. I spent a few days getting to know them, and the ones that just wanted to be by themselves joined my main herd in another field. But the ones that liked what a horny rhino had to offer were kept here, close to the house, so they could be...properly cared for.

Dad was standing before Bellerophon, looking up at him in disbelief, his rhino dick drooling onto the hay-covered floor. Bellerophon looked back with his intense brown eyes, regarding Dad like a potential rival. I slipped an arm around Dad and petted the big stallion's nose.

"He's fine, Bellerophon," I said. The big horse didn't know his new name yet, and ignored me. I liked to give my favourite boys special new names, because they were all heroes to me. "He's a big fan of stallions." I grabbed my Dad's hot dick. "A big fan."

Dad was simply speechless before the raw masculinity of the powerful stallion. It happened every time, and it was hot. This big, strong, hung rhino, standing naked as his birthday amongst a herd of horny stallions -- and he'd do anything they wanted. He loved nothing more than to be their mare. And when the studs were done with turn.

I shivered in anticipation, untangling myself from my father and patting him on the back. "The studs are waiting, Dad," I said, and his face swung to mine as if he'd forgotten.

"W--where do I start?" he croaked, looking between the four horses like it was an impossible choice.

"With your favourite, of course!" I told him, and he looked instantly to Perseus. I laughed as he stepped closer, rubbing the pale white stallion's nose and then rubbing his face against him. Perseus nickered back; he knew my father well. He'd been the first stallion I'd moved to this building, and it'd been his casual belly-slapping -- and my father's inability to stop staring -- that had opened this thrilling chapter of both our lives. Perseus dropped a little already; he'd long since learned to associate Dad's smell with a very good time.

Dad walked alongside the pale horse, stroking him soothingly -- then sank to his knees next to the horse's rear leg. About three inches of soft pink horseprick bobbed below the opening of the stallion's sheath, and Dad put the measuring tape down before lifting both hands to cup it, squeezing the flare and coaxing more of the penis out of its home. His face was flushed and glowing with excitement, and his own cock stood ramrod-straight from between his legs.

He wouldn't even have to touch it tonight to make it blow.

Perseus' cock dropped more, and Dad whispered soft words of encouragement to him. One hand moved to the horse's balls, gently stroking them in a way this particular stallion enjoyed, and another few inches slithered out. Dad shuffled forward as it got low enough, and took the tip in his mouth with a moan so loud you'd be forgiven for thinking he'd already cum. The entire flare could fit in Dad's mouth when soft; when hard, it was a very different matter. But for now, he got to feel his mouth so full of horsecock he could barely breathe, and suck on it with glee until his ministrations made it grow too firm and large, and he had to let it pop out of him like a balloon, shiny and slick. Then he'd go back to massaging the spit-soaked pink flesh with a practised hand, getting the entire cock hard, making it jut out under the horse like a fifth leg.

He lifted the tape measure with a shaky hand, and pulled the tape out until it ran from the bulbous tip of the flare to the root of the sheath, and stared at the number with awe.

"How much?" I asked him.

"Nineteen," he murmured, as if his eyes were lying to him.

"Nice," I said. I'd removed my pants while my father worked the stallion to erection; my own cock had remained hard as stone since he'd arrived. I walked up to him and stuck my cock into his face. "Dome."

He quickly measured my member. "E--eleven," he told me, looking up with concern. I think he thought I might make him stop measuring the horses after that one. Like fuck; it was hot as shit.

"And you?" I asked.

He lowered the tape to his veined beast. "Twelve," he said softly.

"Big boy, Daddy," I said, stroking his ears and squeezing the tips of his horns. "Big stud rhino, huh? Making your son all horny, Daddy. Tsk, tsk. You don't want him, though, do you...?"

"" Dad's voice was barely audible.

"You want..." I got down on my haunches next to him, letting my dick stick out heavily; I loved how it pulled. "You want stallions."


"In you. Fucking away and pumping their huge hot loads into your loose, greedy ass..."

"Yes, yes, yes." He was panting again, his cock so hard the veins looked indigo. I loved to watch that thing bounce when a stallion had its way with him, and I told him so. He didn't respond; just shivered and look up at the tower of equine cockflesh hanging before him, and whimpered.

"One down, Daddy," I told him. "Three to go."

He moved to Hector next, a lithe, sandy Arabian with a brown cock that looked quite outsized on his frame. He enjoyed a bit of tail play; my father stood behind him, one hand flirting with the stallion's doughnut as his other squeezed his sheath, luring the great dark snake forth. When he was mostly dropped, Dad dropped too, and nuzzled into the stallion's balls from behind, slurping and moaning into the skin as he pushed into it to feel the weight of those testicles on his face. He crawled between Hector's legs when he was almost fully hard, and licked his way up and down the shaft to get it the rest of the way. The tip of that cock also spent a good time in his mouth, but only the very tip. He drank up every drop of pre-cum the horse could produce, and I had to knock his leg with my foot to remind him there were other horses to attend to, even as I jerked off. I'd have cum right then from how hot it looked if he didn't stop.

He measured the Arabian, and we had a new leader: twenty inches.

Perseus decided he was being neglected, and tried to muscle in between Dad and Theseus when my father tried to move to the third stallion. I petted him and led him away, giving him a belly-stroke and a ball-fondle to make him feel better while my father got to work on Theseus. The Friesian had been the biggest horse here before Bellerophon: he looked down on even my father at full height, and his powerful muscles were kept in shape by regular farm work. Dad said he loved Perseus' pink cock, but Theseus and his night-black barrel of a dick had my vote. Everything about the Friesian was big, and I just loved that. The latest instance of that massive stud ramming Dad's hole was my go-to memory when I needed to jack off.

The smell of stallion arousal had become so thick in the air by now, Theseus was already hard. He was the lustiest of the original three; I swear he loved sex as much as I did. The black horse's cock hovered just below his belly, definitely bigger than either of the previous two. "Dad," I said, as a thought occurred to me, "did you just go through them by size?" He looked up at me helplessly, and I laughed. "Trust a horse-slut to know his studs, huh? But what if Bellerophon isn't the biggest? That'll ruin your system."

Dad leaned to the side, looking around Theseus' massive thigh to where Bellerophon stood, watching all the activity with a curious expression. He'd not dropped, but his sheath was plump, and big.

"He will be," my father said deliriously. He looked drugged, and I didn't blame him. The studs got sweaty as they got worked up, and every other smell in the stable was wiped out. The only scent remaining was horny stud, and what a fantastic fucking scent it was.

Theseus' belly-slap brought our attention back to what he clearly thought should be the focus: himself. As I chuckled and stroked the big horse's nose and played with his luscious mane, my father carefully measured his dick.

"Twenty-two!" he said in wonder. "Oh, Theseus, you gorgeous thing..." He tugged the hard cock out a little to try and fit it in his mouth, and completely failed, but kept trying. I stroked myself, watching my father struggle to fit a flaring Friesian stallion in his mouth with choking, slurping noises, and entertained the idea of cumming there and then, and spraying my seed over both of them. It'd look so good...Daddy and the stallion, covered in rhino cum. My balls agreed, and I groaned as they ached. I'd been teasing myself all day at the thought of watching my father with my stallions, and my body was desperate to let it all out. But there was a better way to do it.

_So_much better.

I let my father attend to Theseus a little longer and then tapped him with my foot again. "You're making the new boy feel unloved, Daddy," I said with mock reproach. My father let the horsecock fall with obvious unwillingness, stroking it with his hand a couple more times before getting to his feet. Bellerophon waited, a white and brown statue in the corner of the stable. I approached first, to let him smell my scent, and then Dad came closer. The stallion sniffed us, and seemed to decide we were fine. He turned to nibble on some hay, and Dad stared between his legs.

"Go on, horse-slut," I told him. "Give this stud the best day of his life."

Dad got to his knees, looking the new horse over carefully. Huge hooves were topped with feathered white hairs, leading up to thighs twice as thick as mine. His white colouring became browner towards his rump, but his face was pure white with only a dark diamond in the centre of it. His belly was creamy, and it darkened a little from his chest to his sheath. The sheath was much darker, and heavy; Dad put his hand under it and stroked, mouth wide.

"He's huge..."

"He's a big fucking boy," I agreed. I really had to stop jerking off, but fuck it was hot watching Dad play with the stallions. I compromised by slowing down. "Make him feel good."

Dad slipped under the stallion's belly, and -- after angling his head to keep his horns out of the way -- began nuzzling against his sheath. The stallion jerked once at the initial contact, and lifted his head to look underneath himself at what was going on, but seemed quite happy to let it continue. Dad's mouth could work wonders when he was properly motivated, I knew -- and he'd never been more motivated in his life. He tongued, he sucked, he licked, he nuzzled. Bellerophon's sheath probably smelled more of rhino than stallion after a while. And then, in the heart of the folded, restful flesh of the sheath, a drop of blackness emerged.

Bellerophon's cock was almost as dark as Theseus', but mottled; pale pink splotches broke up the dark flesh with a pattern that made it look like art. Only a couple inches stuck out at first, and Dad carefully suckled them into his mouth, letting his tongue and body temperature do the hard work. One hand grazed the stallion's heavy brown balls, and another few inches shot out. I laughed.

"He likes that."

Dad's hands got to work, massaging and stroking the stallion balls as his mouth was filled with more and more horsecock. I could see him desperately trying to gulp it down, and only the relative softness made it work. He managed almost seven inches -- held back only by the fantastic girth -- when I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Enough, Dad. He's gonna get thicker, and then you're fucked."

My father's head pulled back, molasses-slow, and the spit-covered inches of horsecock slid from his mouth and fell, glistening and heavy. I felt my arousal surge, and quickly let go of my dick. "Nice, Dad, nice," I said huskily. "C'mon, finish making him hard. I wanna see."

My instructions were redundant, honestly; Dad knew his way around a horse by now. One hand continued fondling two huge stallion testes, and the other began massaging his flare, fingers alternately squeezing the flesh and clasping it in his palm, simulating a warm hole. Bellerophon reacted like a true stallion, and tried to thrust into it, pushing Dad back and snorting hotly. The horse's arousal was rising in tandem with ours, then.

Dad actually had to move a little as the Clydesdale hardened further, so long was his cock. It would clearly beat any of the other horses; the only question was by how much. I gave my father my own guess of twenty-three, and he shook his head.

"Twenty-four." He could not have said a prayer with more reverence.

"You're mad, Dad. Twenty-four? No way. You just want it to be double your own size."

"Yes," he said dreamily, staring at the gigantic cock with a lover's look. The prick was rock-hard under the horse now, a rod of might. Dad's hands dropped, and it quivered in the air; the veins upon it throbbed in time to the huge stallion's heartbeat. He placed the end of the tape against the sheath as if bestowing a blessing, and gradually unfurled it along the length. I bent down to watch, and we counted off the final figures together.


We didn't say anything. The stallion was a monster. The mares could be glad he had no interest in them; that thing would have left their pussies a wreck.

What might it do to rhino ass?

"I want him," my father groaned, and the tape measure fell to the ground. He pulled the cock towards him, licking and nuzzling its length. "I need him, son, I need him in me, all of him...make him fuck me, son, please, I need it..."

As did I. Hearing my father beg like a slut for a stallion-fucking set my brain on fire. I grabbed his horn and pulled him upright, then grabbed his dick with my other hand to pull his attention away from the equine ultra-cock he was lusting after. His eyes locked with mine, and I squeezed his cock.

"Get on the table," I growled.

He dragged the low-slung wooden table out from the corner, and lay flat on his back, legs spread. His ass winked at me from between his thighs, already glistening; he always came prepared. He looked over at Bellerophon with lust, even as I pushed Hector away; the pale stallion could smell rhino need, and he knew he carried the solution like a truncheon between his thighs. "Later, stud," I told him, and focused on getting Bellerophon in position. The massive horse could smell what was going on, and his flehmen and eager whinnies made it clear he was completely on board -- but he couldn't see the horse he was going to mount. He was eyeing the other stallions when I tugged his reins around and got him to clop over Dad, his fat, drooling cock sliding up my father's body until it reached his face. Dad's head was turned to the side to keep his horns out of the way, and he could only manage to touch it with the tip of his tongue, which just made him moan louder.

"Please, son, please, please...make your stallion fuck me..."

"I'm working on it, you little slut," I growled, manoeuvring Bellerophon around until his cock was in the right spot. "How big's that new toy of yours again?"

"Twenty-three and a half," my father said huskily. He pulled his legs wider with his hands, making sure there was no impediment to the cock hovering just beyond the entrance to his anus. "Put him in me, son, do it..."

"He's going to be rough," I warned. "I haven't had time to teach him good manners."

"I can fucking take it!" my father cried. "Fuck me, Bellerophon! Fuck me, stud!"

I carefully lifted the stallion's cock until the flare was pressing against Dad's already-loose hole -- and then grabbed the reins as the horse screamed and pushed in with all of his strength. The most dangerous part; the hottest part. Seeing a horse's cock disappear inside my father, swallowed by his greedy, well-trained body. But I'd never seen one disappear this fast before. Bellerophon's force pushed more than two-thirds of himself into my father at once, the fat flare bulging his belly as it slipped far inside him, and Dad's hands tightened on his thighs and he cried out in pleasure as the equine filled him. Then Bellerophon pulled back and thrust again, and this time got most of the rest in. Perhaps an inch was left outside; a fat plug of equine cockflesh that turned my Dad's hole into a tight, red ring of quivering flesh, with the rest of that log of cock embedded so deep inside him, I could see the flare in his midriff.

I was holding onto the reins in case the horse went a bit too berserk, but my father was taking it like a champ. His hands loosened and fell from his legs, and his eyes closed. He simply moaned, and rocked back and forth as the stallion fucked him hard. I was impressed. None of my other horses had ever fucked Dad this hard before, but it didn't even faze him. As the horse's flare slid up and down his belly, and his ring slurped and squelched with the in-and-out of the prick, he relaxed and let it happen. His moans were regular and loud. He was in his personal heaven.

Dad's ass didn't feel quite like a mare, and it took the stallion a little longer than usual to finish. About a minute in, I felt the stud's muscles tense, and saw his flare growing. "He's gonna cum, Dad!" I yelled, and my father's half-closed eyes fluttered open, and he reached a hand up to stroke the belly of the enormous stud standing over him.

"Fill me, boy," he whispered. "Give it to me. Cum in your mare."

The horse jerked once or two, and then stopped moving; only the pulsing along the underside of his cock said anything was happening. At least, until the volume of semen filled my father's body, and it began squirting out messily, splattering the floor, both their legs, and the table. The smell made my head whirl: it was intense and wonderful, and I knew nothing like it. I wanted to bury my face in it.

The horse's orgasm was over even quicker than it had arrived, and he pulled out of my father with a snort of disinterest. The stud been satisfied; the rest was irrelevant. I let him wander off, cock soaked in cum and slowly rising back into his sheath; he'd get a proper cleaning before we left. The other horses were sniffing at him curiously, and Theseus even gave the shrinking Clydesdale cock a lick. But I had a more immediate need.

I grabbed my father's legs and pulled him towards me, sinking my length into his hot, fluttering, cummy hole without warning or pause. It was like sinking into warm batter, and I groaned as I started to fuck him as fast as I could. Dad was lost in bliss, arms loose to either side; I don't know if he was even aware that I was taking my final part of our little deal. I didn't care. I just wanted to fuck my sexy, hung father's horse-fucked hole. I watched Bellerophon drive into him again in my mind's eye, and did the same. My length was minuscule in comparison, but length didn't matter here: only passion did.

"Hot hole, Dad," I growled. His cock was still hard, but he'd cum all over his chest; his smell mingled with the stallion's. "He fucked you hard, huh? Like a fucking pile-driver. Hard and deep. Fucking hot to watch." I pounded my father harder, knowing nothing I did could match the stallion he'd broken in. My balls were slamming against his so hard that it hurt, but I just fucked faster. "He put so many colts in you, Dad. His lube's everywhere. Makes you so slippery. Smells so good. Bet it tastes better." I gripped Dad's legs hard, my hips making a wet plop whenever they rammed against his flesh. "You need some baby rhinos to go with that horse spunk, Daddy. Your boy's gonna give you some, so you're nice and properly full. Gotta carry all the loads, Dad, 'cos you're a sexy daddy rhino who deserves to be fucked..."

I pushed in harder when I felt close, but Dad was so loose, it felt almost the same. I felt my dick throbbing faster, though, and the heat inside building, and I pushed in more and more and more, trying to blow my load as deeply as I could, as close to where the stallion did as I could possibly reach...

I wouldn't say I came like a stallion, but I could probably have been an understudy.

My muscles locked up, and then came loose; I slipped forward and fell onto my father, my cock still pumping away, spraying the remainder of my seed over both of us; it pooled on my father's belly and soaked into his public hair. He'd smell of stallion and rhinoceros for quite a while. My face was right above his, and I looked down into the eyes of a druggie who just got a fix. I breathed heavily and smirked, reaching down to scoop up some of my cum and smearing it along his horn like body paint. Then I let my legs fold, and I slipped to the ground between his legs. His twice-ravaged hole gaped before me like a cave of cum, and I licked my lips and pressed them forward, tasting myself and the stallion mingled with the wonderful, familiar taste of Dad.

I'd licked up most of the stallion's leavings when Dad's faint voice reached me. "Are...are we done?" He sounded like he'd just woken from a good night's sleep.

I looked at him in surprise from between his legs. "How fucking hard did he fuck you, Dad?" Standing, I straddled the table and dropped my ass onto my father's chest; he made an oof, but said nothing. I tugged my cock and dragged the foreskin back, letting the stallion cum that had collected under it ooze out and drip onto my father's chin, before slapping my flesh against it and splattering the semen like a Pollock. "We're not nearly done, Dad." I pointed at the other three stallions that were hovering around, eyes bright, dicks hard. "I can't have the rest of the herd feeling neglected when a new member joins. If one stallion gets a treat, they all need to get one."

I rose and walked over to Theseus, rubbing his nose and admiring the hefty cock between his legs before turning back to my father. His eyes were wide, but not with fear. "He's no Bellerophon," I said, "but that just means he'll fit more easily. Of course, you're so fucking loose now, I think it's gonna take extra-long for him to finish..."

My father said nothing, but his cock rose from his belly and gave a small squirt of cum.

Whammer and Slammer

"What about him?" The petite deer peered through the smoky air of the club towards the tiger his husky friend was pointing at and frowned. "I think I know him..." "_Know_ know, or like...?" The deer shook his head, and the husky shrugged,...

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"Tell me you're fucking _kidding!_" A primly dressed ferret shook his head, looking over his glasses at the bull and Clydesdale stallion standing before him, and sniffed at the bull's outburst. "I'm afraid not," he said tersely. "Site rules,...

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Party Planning

The deer wore the tightest jeans he owned, and a nice purple shirt with it to catch the eye. He'd shown up late, to make sure everyone was sufficiently drunk. And he'd made sure the Doberman would be there, partying like all the rest. It'd been too...

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