Transformation at the Dog Park

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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His girlfriend has a transformation secret that's not so much a secret but the public tryst between man and canine is best to enjoy out in public...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Kinktober 2019


Transformation at the Dog Park

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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Annie whimpered, her head thrown back in a fall of black hair, riding Edward's shaft. The bushes to their back should have protected them from prying eyes but the fact of the matter was that they were on the wrong side of the bush entirely, on public show and display as confused patrons of the park made faces of disgust, backing away from the slut who had hitched up her skirt and sat on her boyfriend's dick without a second care or thought for those around her. That was just what Annie did, however, and Edward wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Groaning, he rocked his hips up against her, moaning and groaning lightly, outside the ring of light formed by the streetlamps placed there. There was, of course, still some manner of daylight left as the day seeped into twilight, casting the park that was usually so fun and vibrant with canines of all kinds frolicking and playing, into a state of dank disrepute. Of course, that was mostly their doing - public sex was hardly the done thing! - but Annie had assured him that no one would remember a single thing that they'd done there and, well...Edward knew just how persuasive she could be when the mood took her. It was one of the many things that left him under her spell and holding her leash.

The collar around her neck tightened and yet still it grew with her, curiously horrified stares latched onto the duo as they took their pleasure from one another. Throwing her head back, Annie put on a show for them, although her clothing still hid most of it even though everyone knew exactly what was going on as his cock plunged up into her over and over again. Her skin tingled, the change beginning, but she wasn't going to stop now as her nose darkened, sense of smell already ramping up tenfold.

It was time to become the dog she truly was.

"What_are_ they doing?"

"Cover your eyes!"

People should have scattered and yet no one could have truly fled from the site of the freak show playing out before them, even with its sexual overtones. Annie changed slowly, taking her time, his lust bringing her to the edge of transformation as swiftly as it always had. Edwards was not the first man that she had transformed with but there was so much she could do with him, lusting after her deepest, darkest desires, clothes disintegrating under the influence of something greater than herself. That only served to better highlight the prickle of fur covering her form, tan and black and cream markings highlighting the German Shepherd growling within her, a dog just waiting to come out and bark, to mark her territory in the best way that she knew how.

She was a woman but not, shifting and changing, Edward fighting to hang onto her as she so very slowly became a canine once more. He'd seen it and yet it still somehow it managed to amaze him each and every time they engaged in the wonderful transformation, the shift in her being that brought forth so much more in her. Her fingers shrank, pink paw pads slowly making themselves known, for Annie was in no rush at all as she enjoyed herself, the thrill of being watched making it all the better for her as blades of uncut grass tickled her furred backside.

"Oh, Edward," she moaned, rocking in his lap. "Please..."

But her begging was just a farce and a show, for she was still the one in true control, topping from the bottom, as the saying was want to go. She knew what she wanted but he was the one who played at tightening the leash, leaning back against the rough bark of a tree with his legs bent, supporting her even as her legs became less than useful. That was the only thing with transforming into a dog in that her legs would no longer bend at the same angles, paws trying to come under her even while she still had feet.

But the force of his cock... Edward's lips lowered to her breast as her head spun and he leaned into her, suckling hungrily on her tit. So gorgeous... He needed her more than anything else in the world and Annie's transformation gave that to him in spades, even as her sex shifted around him, closing down on his cock into the traditional shape of a canine spade - that was what it was called, right? Oh, the heat of her made it hard to think of things in the heat of the moment, catching the eyes of a man with a slack jaw in the background, a Great Dane curiously tugging at the end of his leash.

"Down, boy," he said absently, staring. "Wait... Oh my..."

Yet even bystanders could not help but be interested, however crudely wrong it all was, in just what was going on, leaning in, although some did have the presence of mind to at least shuffle away. They would not remember either, once they were out of earshot, but Edward would forever relish in their shocked eyes, shrinking back, wanting something but not knowing whether they wanted to join in with the rapidly progressing transformation or shun it forever.

He, however, was the lucky one in the equation, able to lash her nipple with his tongue even as her tit shrank back into her fur, chest rounding out in that canine fashion against his lips and nose. That was all well and he held the dog up against him, a hand clasped in his even as it became a paw. The pads defined themselves in more than simply colour and Edward whimpered softly as he brought one to his lips instead, licking and kissing it, teasing as he slipped his tongue between the toes. Annie's delicious squirm on his cock, making him want to cum right then and there, let him know that he was more than on the mark with that and he pushed on, massaging and kneading her toes as her nails slimmed down into short, blunt, functional claws.

Oh, yes... She was even more beautiful as a German Shepherd dog than she was as a human, feeding his fetish and his fantasy as she reverted into her true form, lips pushing out and out into her stunning canine muzzle, tipped with a moist, wet nose. Her nostrils tucked out into little puckers and Edward barked a short, sharp laugh of reckless delight, using what little leverage he had to keep right on powering up into her.

The barks of other dogs excited Annie further and her large, pink tongue lolled out, flattening as it spilt down over her teeth. It was right, so very right, to be a dog again and she wouldn't have wanted anything else as she felt so many eyes on her, seeing further than usual as her vision improved. A Labrador woofed and her tiny tail, growing, wagged or at least tried to, answering him in true canine form. She just couldn't help herself when one of her own, true kind wanted to talk to her, after all!

Her pussy squeezed around him and Edward gasped even though he had not intended to, moaning and grunting like an animal himself, although it was something special that Annie and Annie alone brought out with him. He'd been with her for so long that it should have been something normal, truly, to see her going through the change, and yet his cock throbbed all the more powerfully to see her muzzle changing, becoming blocky and smooth, whiskers protruding.


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Annie barked and he grunted in turn, holding her, his fingers digging into her fur. He supported most of her weight as passer-bys flitted along in the background of their liaison, her ears slipping up and up as they perked, tugging into canine triangles. So much better than human ears... And just who the hell needed earrings when he could caress and fondle those all day long? They drew him in, the fine webbing of veins on the inside catching the eye, not quite showing the last spatters of light through them though, considering the late hour. It was a shame but sensation proved all the more tempting when his vision was partly obscured.

Horrified looks were nothing though as he laughed out loud, pounding into her, the lure of his high and climax lingering on the edge of his mind. Oh, how he needed her and Edward still could barely believe that he could have her all for himself, as much of a flighty soul as his girlfriend was, his little pup.

"Can you take it?" He hissed, playing at being more dominant than he actually was in reality. "Harder, is it? Oh, Annie..."

His moan betrayed his lust more than anything else and Annie barked, having lost the ability to speak as her vocal cords changed. Her hips shifted, tail sprouting out more rapidly, already coated with thick, fluffy hair, and she rocked on him, scrabbling for purchase that was no longer hers to take. With her leash slack for the moment, the collar remained her only sense of stability in the heat of an erotic moment, his cock rammed up inside her, hardly pounding but her hips working as he moved her on his shaft.

If she could have rolled her shoulders then, she would have, limbs settling into canine form, more than eighty per cent her way to being a canine as he grunted thickly, working her harder and faster, cock twitching inside her as if it was trying to jerk up against something within her pussy. But her cunny could squeeze down on him even as she changed, regardless of how erratic it was too, and the dog yipped and yapped for him to continue, bystanders even commenting on how lifelike she was... Annie would have laughed if she could have. Maybe they didn't believe that she was really a dog but maybe some kind of illusion or sex toy? How cute was that?!

As much as she liked to be in control, however, she wouldn't have minded being a little puppy of sex, a toy to be pleased and abused, although she very much doubted that Edward would ever even be capable of abusing her. She grunted and whimpered, something tightening inside her as, finally, every last part of her slow transformation came together, fur slicking down, muscle forming in just the right places, shaping her as a true model of the breed.

Howling out her climax, she was barely aware of Edward's too even as his seed slopped out of her, as hot and messy as ever, the shift of her cunny too much for him to hold back from. Pressing his head into the fluff of her chest, bent at quite an angle, Edward moaned and moaned, ignorant to those around them even as the urgency of the whispers and disapproving looks, shifting away, shuffling from the scene of the crime, became increasingly worrying.



"Is she...real?"

Of course, she was, but they weren't to know that, their doggie companions trying to gee them on their way, as much as they all just didn't know what to do with themselves. Like slowing down for the site of a car crash, they stopped and stared as Edward and Annie messily kissed, her long, canine tongue scooping into his mouth and out again, breath hot and heavy in both of their mouths. He stood and dragged his cock from her, redressing only himself for, of course, there was no need for his dog to wear clothes! Grinning widely, Edward shook his head and called softly to her. Just how silly would it have been for his sexy little Annie to wear clothes when she was his gorgeous puppy?

"Shall we?"

And, taking her leash, he walked into the night with his sexy little pup at his side, the lure of the darkness calling them into more sordid endeavours still. No one would remember and there was still more to experience out there, pushing the limits of reality and temptation, all for their kinky pleasure.

It was, after all, the best way to live life.

Wouldn't you agree?

Lustful Revelations in Pokemon Play

**Lustful Revelations in Pokemon Play** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ Salya pumped her wings, the Salazzle-Aerodactyl hybrid flying lazily, long tail streaming behind her. It was not just...

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