Stuffing Knight

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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After touring her kingdom for weeks, Princess May and Knight Reese return to her castle. A feast and festival is held for their return, but the pair don't truly celebrate until that night, with a banquet of their own. She's determined to finish it off, and he's determined to help, but can he keep up with her pent-up gluttony?Content Warning: This story is intended for Adult readers and contains a Female Bunny, a Male Fox, Feeding and Stuffing, Teasing, M/F Sex, Swallowing Food Whole, Wine Inflation, Cum Inflation

Good day everyone, I hope yall are doing well ^^ Today I have a story commissioned by Garuda~ It's another chapter in the story of Princess May and Knight Reese, and I think it's my favorite one so far. I'll let the story speak for itself, and be sure to leave a comment if you see something you like ^^Reese belongs to GarudaMay belongs to her owner

If you'd like a commission like this, get in touch with me on my commissio page~

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Clouds drifted across the night sky, obscuring the stars and casting shadows on the land below. A pleasant breeze blew through the kingdom, not too warm, not too cold, bathing its residents in temperate winds. The lights of candles and fires dotted the hills, mirroring the points of light above. Among them, the glory of the castle stood out, decorated with numerous torches and bonfires. Murmuring voices filled the air, the conversations of servants and knights and officials, all discussing the feast and festival just hours before. Bursts of half-drunken laughter rang out as stuffed citizens relished the princess's gluttonous generosity, filled with the best food the royal chefs had to offer. The satisfied guests filtered out from the halls and carried their lights with them, diminishing the keep's glow until it settled into the surrounding landscape. Yet more extinguished as those that stayed found their way to bed, though one light above all others remained. It flooded from the castle's tallest tower like a beacon, and if scrutinized, a pair of silhouettes could be seen playing against its windows. The shorter of the two, Princess May, leaned out into the sky and drew a curtain, concealing both herself and her favored knight from exploring eyes. Not that they disliked the attention. The act was one of courtesy for her sleeping subjects, so they would not be roused by her evening plans. Reese's shadow moved across the fabric as he placed a hand on her hip, and the two vanished from view and retreated to the room's interior.

With the window closed, the overpowering scents and smells of their banquet pooled and intensified. The aromas of sweet treats and delectable meats filled the cozy space, swamping the senses of the princess and her knight. A grey paw drifted over her belly as her appetite bloomed, announcing itself with a needy rumble. A heat kindled in Reese's cheeks when he took notice, and a similar grumble resonated in his middle, though he ignored it in favor of tending to May's. The pair finished laying out their own miniature feast, ensuring everything was in reach from the edge of her bed, then took a step back to admire their handiwork. They stared down a pile of food large enough to feed a family for days, and anticipation welled in their chests as they resolved to eat every crumb of it. They locked gazes and nodded in mutual readiness, then shed their day clothes in favor of something much more comfortable. Reese rolled his shoulders and shrugged off his shirt, exposing his rich russet pelt, then loosened his waistband and dropped his pants. May unclasped the numerous buttons and ties of her gown, gradually releasing the compressed rolls of her figure. Soft swells of pudge chased each released fastener until the final one, and she bounced free with an audible sigh. May lifted her hands over her head and stretched, relishing freedom from her restrictive garments. Despite the constant work of her tailor, she consistently pushed the limit of her wardrobe, and free from its confines, she would push their limit even harder. The knightly fox watched her wiggle her broad hips and drop her panties to the floor, showcasing her rear as she turned around. The bunny reached back and released her bra under his unwavering attention, letting it drop to the floor without ceremony. Reese shed the last of his garments with urgency while she sauntered toward him, swinging her hips and allowing her generous belly to bounce with each step.

May gingerly raked her claws through the fluff of his chest and reached for his shoulders, then bent him down to eye level and pressed her muzzle to his.

"I've been waiting all month for this," she murmured.

"I have too," Reese answered. "As much as I love touring the kingdom, I'm going to enjoy our privacy again."

"I hope traveling hasn't tired you out too much. You're going to need all your energy tonight."

"I think I'll manage," Reese chuckled. He reached for the bottom roll of her belly and squished it between his fingers, then gave it a soft jiggle. "Besides, you can't possibly be hungry enough to eat allllll this. We pretty much did nothing but eat the entire tour."

May gently pushed away from his chest and looked him in the eyes. "You doubt my power?"

"Of course not," Reese grinned. "I'm merely suggesting that you may not be as hungry as you could be."

The bunny returned his smile. "Oh, is that so~? Allow me to demonstrate the error of your judgment."

May pushed away from his chest with just enough force to send him to the bed, planting his rear on its edge. She turned in place and wiggled her hips to capture his attention, then settled into his lap and made herself comfortable. The fox blushed brightly as she intentionally wedged his sheath between her plush cheeks, trapping it against the glowing warmth of her lust. She held his attention and reached for the first of their gathered feast, a sandwich stacked tall with meats and vegetables alike. The princess made a show of sniffing it over and coaxing rumbles from her belly, only to soothe it with an impressively large bite. She stuffed most of the meal into her cheeks and chewed with languid hedonism, moaning and groaning until she gulped it down. The bunny tipped her muzzle to the ceiling and showcased the bulge inching down her gullet, then let out a satisfied sigh when it plopped down in her soft belly. One of her paws grabbed Reese's and brought it to the upper swell of her middle, then finished the snack off with the other. A slightly smaller swell dropped and disappeared behind her bare chest, and before Reese could finish admiring her skillful gluttony, she reached for the next dish. The ravenous royal plucked one of many donuts from a pile and held it up to the candlelight, scattering the room's glow on chunks of crystallized sugar. It's delectable glory gleamed only for a moment before she stuffed the entire pastry into her muzzle, then wiggled her hips with delight and gulped it down as well. Instead of reaching for her next treat, however, May let a moment of empty silence hang in the air. Her knight perked with realization, and grabbed a platter without further hesitation.

"I was starting to wonder if you'd ever catch on," she laughed.

"In my defense, you put on a great show."

"Then help me with the next act~"

Reese needed no further invitation, and he plucked a slice of cake from the banquet and brought it to her muzzle. May leaned back into his chest and opened wide, content to let him control the pace. He avoided disappointment and ushered the wedge over her lips, completely filling her mouth with the frosted treat. The princess's hands roamed the rolls of her middle as she relaxed her throat and swallowed the dessert down whole, basking in the fruits of her gluttony and imagining what their date would do to her figure. The bunny groped and squeezed her generous chest, indulging in the faint rises and drops with each of her swallows. She traced the curve of her figure to her steadily filling belly, then continued over the soft divot of her navel. May dipped a finger between the rolls above and below it while Reese fed her a baked potato, dripping with butter and seasonings. A groan resonated in her chest, from either the flavor or her own teasing, though its effect was the same regardless. Reese's feeding faltered as his attention followed her exploration, enticing him to join. His free paw slid down her side and caressed her love-handle, while the other slowed with distraction. A grumble from May's middle snapped him back to reality and restored his pace, though his concentration lasted only a few fleeting minutes. The princess tried and failed to tolerate his lapsing ministrations, and after repeating the cycle of slowing and restarting several times, she hopped down from his lap and provided a solution. Reese's cheeks blazed while he watched her waddle across the room to the opposite wall, until she stopped at a large cloth draped over something tall and slim. His curiosity piqued when she grabbed its edge and tugged the veil away, revealing an over-sized standing mirror. The knight didn't grasp its role until May returned to his lap, earning a strained grunt with her landing.

"What's that for," Reese wheezed.

"Now you can watch without slowing down. Though if this doesn't work, I'll have to find something more effective~"

It was obvious she would enjoy the implied "punishment" far more than he, and Reese nodded with a burning muzzle. "Fair."

"Good," May grinned. "Now, don't hold back. You're going to make it up to me if all this isn't in me by the end of the night."

May wrapped her plush legs around Reese's waist and pressed her belly to his, then opened her mouth wide. Her knight smiled and took the hint in stride, reaching for a bowl of beaded stuffing. Her brought its lip to hers and tipped it back, funneling the buttery treat into her mouth. The princess groaned with delight and relaxed her insatiable gullet, allowing expertly prepared dish to tumble into her belly. The princess closed her eyes and indulged in her own gluttony once she found a rhythm, tracing her fingers over the growing curves of her form. Reese watched in the mirror while she squeezed and groped the globes of her rear, showing off exactly how plush she'd become since he became her personal body guard. The fox estimated her starting size and guessed just how much weight she'd put on, kindling a heat in his core. He made a mental note to find one of her unaltered garments to check himself, though May brought him back to reality before he recalled where she put them. She took his free wrist and guided it to her pudgy love-handle, inviting him to squeeze the growing roll before guiding his touch to her belly. Reese tipped the bowl higher and higher while she brought their hands between them, where he felt each greedy swallow land in her softening middle. The bunny's eyes sparkled with lustful mischief while he savored the subtle ripples and pulses of gluttonous growth, and after sharing a long, knowing look, they both agreed she needed more.

Reese reached into the towering feast and scouted out a fitting treat for his princess, then retreated from the warmth of their middles and grabbed it with both hands. May crooned with delight when he freed a platter of several cooked birds, basted and seasoned with the kingdom's finest spices. The meal's scent wafted to the forefront of their senses as he held it between them, considering the best method to feed them to May. The bunny swiftly grew impatient with his indecision and took matters into her own hands however, quite literally. She plucked a roasted chicken from the platted and sized it up, then opened her jaws wide and stuffed it into her muzzle. She squeezed her eyes shut and strained with effort while she walked her lips over its delicious curves, enrapturing Reese with gastric expertise. She conquered its widest point just before her endurance and determination waned, and her cheeks swelled with juicy meat. May opened her eyes and gathered her resolve, then gulped and gulped again. For a moment, it seemed she'd bitten off more than she could chew, but both her and Reese knew better. After a few tense seconds, she worked the cooked bird to the top of her throat, then sent it on its way to her belly. She traced its bulge down her neck and marked its progress with delight, squeezing her thighs around Reese's waist and rolling her hips against his growing length. A vaguely orgasmic cry leapt from her throat when it finally slipped into her stomach, creating a distinct bulge in her soft belly. She leaned back just far enough to rub and indulge its bulge, kindling an intense heat in her muzzle. It took Reese a moment to recover from the hedonistic display, but once he did, he wasted no time helping her toward an encore.

He grabbed a second chicken from the tray and aligned it with May's muzzle, then pressed it between her lips the instant she opened her mouth. Stretched and warmed up, May made relatively quick work of the second, swallowing and cramming it into her belly in a fraction of the time. Her favored knight eagerly plucked a third and repeated the process, then filled her belly with another and another. The swell of her middle tightened and expanded against his comparatively slight paunch, trapping his lust in their combined softness. Reese's muzzle blazed with hers once they realized his need, and a grin spread across May's lips as she took advantage. She squished her middle in from the sides and wrapped her rolls around his spire, then ground her hips opposite of him. A whine of need resonated in the knight's chest as she chipped away at his carnal endurance, fraying his focus and interrupting the feeding. May tutted with disappointment and stopped the instant the calories stopped, spurring Reese back into action. He took the two remaining morsels in each of his hands and crammed them into her mouth, one after the other, eagerly testing her gluttonous prowess. May took them in stride, much to their mutual delight. Though unable to claim them both at the same time, she swallowed them down back to back. Her belly spilled against his and squished around his sides, immersing him in her warm pudge. Physics only allowed them to maintain such a state for a short while, however, and the pressure in her middle soon pushed her away. May rose from his lap and stepped down to the floor before she could tumble backwards, then rose to her full height and admired the fruits of their efforts.

The princess strutted toward the mirror, then struck a pose that highlighted her swollen belly, She leaned forward and lets its curve roll over her thighs, striving for her knees. Her eyes locked with Reese's when she pushed its side and set it in hypnotic motion, forcing the rest of her body to gently rock with its swings. Still, it was obvious they still had much work to do. The softness of her dome meant she had more space to fill, and once done admiring herself, she put her knight back to work. His gaze locked on the bounce of her breasts as she returned to his lap, where she spun away and raised her puffball of a tail. May took a moment to align herself with his legs before hopping up, earning a strained grunt from him and squeaky protest from her mattress. She ignored both and wiggled her hips, until the tip of his shaft found her lust. A shiver ran up her spine with intimate implications, and she dropped her hips without hesitation. Their shared gasps of bliss filled the room when she took him to the top of his knot, and she relished a second sense of fullness before reclining against his chest. For a moment, she simply relaxed in his embrace, content to sink into the fluff of his fur and revel in his lustful explorations, but her appetites flared shortly into their extended foreplay. A grin crossed her muzzle and she rolled her hips, gingerly easing his length in and out of her slick passage. The subtle sounds of their lust mixed with their rising breaths, growing with their need until their self restraint wore thin. The carnal need to continue claimed them, and Reese's attention briefly returned to the feast as she began bouncing in his lap.

The mattress's creaks and squeaks joined their lustful chorus as they built momentum, filling the night air with the song of their love. One of Reese's hands explored the bouncing and jiggling swell of May's middle while the other fed her a constant stream of food, muffling her moans with hundreds of calories at a time. The princess breathed between bites with practiced ease, coaxing him to higher and higher speeds. Her gluttony surged as he dumped entire plates into her jaws at a time, swelling and stuffing her belly with sinfully hedonistic amounts of food. A blush blazed in her cheeks while she watched her pile of discarded plates grow, striving to reach above the mattress and beyond. She clenched her inner muscles and spurred her lover on, striking him with a pulse of pleasure that nearly ripped the latest serving from his fingers. He fumbled the platter and luckily caught it before it spilled over May, and she chided him with a roll of her eyes while he brought it to her lips. She relaxed her throat and let the dessert pastries tumble over her lips to the back of her tongue, swallowing them constantly and sending them to her middle whole. She devoured several pies with the same ceaseless gluttony and enthusiasm, threatening the pull Reese in by his finger tips in the process. His spire throbbed when she eventually caught his digits, then licked them clean of every crumb. She let out an audible gulp when finished, and she kept her lips wrapped tightly around them while he slowly withdrew. The display brought him to the edge of his endurance, but she wasn't ready to finish just yet. A lone barrel of wine begged to be drained, and she refused to end their date while it still called to her.

May wiggled and slid toward the edge of the bed, leaning forward and dragging Resse with her. He offered to grab the drink himself and spare her the trouble, but by the time the words left his lips, she had already dragged it to the mattress. She squished the air from his chest once again when she returned to his lap, setting herself at the peak of his knot before lifting the container with startling strength. Reese reached out and caught its edge once it was over her head, and they muscled its spout to her lips together. Their arms trembled with exertion as she pulled the barrel's cork with her teeth, unleashing a flow of wine that spilled down her chest and flowed over her belly. A small puddle of the rich fluid gathered around her feet by the time she sealed her lips around its outlet, and its spread slowed to a stop as she chugged without spilling another drop. Reese's gaze fixed on the mirror and he watched her drink in awe, draining the barrel with gluttonous mastery. He tracked the innumerable swells rippling down her throat, until the visible growth of her belly caught his eye. The subtle bumps and bugles of intact meals vanished under a flawless curve, hidden by the flood of wine. It flowed into every available pocket in her stomach, tightening her curves until the upper and lower rolls of her middle combined as one. Her pelt spread thin across the growing dome and revealed streaks of stretch-marks, leaving him to wonder which were new and which marked their previous dates. One of his hands left the barrel as it lightened and traced over the winding paths across her belly, drawing out a shuddering groan from the drinking bunny. She narrowly avoided spilling it under his teasing, and once she recovered, returned fire.

May rolled and bounced her hips as much as she could beneath the barrel, rippling and flexing her passage around his length and bringing him to the edge of release. She relented at the last possible instant, however, drawing out a delightfully needy whine. The corners of her mouth curled in a mischievous smile and she edged him again and again, coaxing him closer and closer while she drained the barrel. Her bely sloshed and bounced with with each of her waggles at the cost of finesse, and in a moment of error, she allowed her knight to finish. The last drop of wine fell from the heavy container as his first shot of need filled her core, and the barrel fell to the floor in that intimate moment. Reese wrapped his arms around her bloated waist and pulled her deep into his lap, burying his knot and tying them together. The perfect seal prevented his virility from escaping, even as the pressure between them climbef. A second swell in May's lower belly formed as he let loose weeks of pent-up need, and her womb competed for space with her as Reese's climax drew on. The overbearing fullness sent her over the edge shortly after, and his lustful tide resurged as her own orgasm encouraged him. Their breathless moans filled the room and tumbled into the night as they basked in each other's carnal embrace, spurring each other onward until their stamina simply gave out. Reese was the first to free-fall into afterglow and flop back onto the bed, though May was quick to follow. Her belly sloshed with the fruits of their shared lust and gluttony for a long moment while they recovered, earning yet more protests from her overworked bed. She eventually wobbled to rest, and they recovered their energy in each other's arms. May found her breath first, and she broke the room's silence as she drew the energy to speak.

"Even better than I imagined," she sighed.

"Well, it is my duty to please," Reese huffed.

May craned her neck and kissed his chin, but broke the gesture when something caught her eye. "If that's the case, I think you may be out of practice," she teased.

A puzzled look crossed the fox's face, until he followed her gaze across the room to a forgotten platter of cupcakes. Realization dawned on him, and a faint sense of dread followed when she laughed.

"I can see the morning light coming through the curtain, sir knight. Unless you want to spend the next few days in my personal dungeon, I suggest you find the strength to feed me the last of my feast~"

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