The Kitsune and the Thief

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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Endra rarely deals with shoplifters. Most have the sense not to steal from a kitsune, and those that don't usually find someone else to do it for them. Such endeavorers don't often end well for the proxy, however, and a rat learns just how badly a seemingly simple task can go wrong

Content Warning: This story is intended for Adult readers and contains a Female Kitsune, a Male Rat, Object TF, Anal Play, Semi-Public Masturbation, Object Vore, Anal VoreGood day everyone, I hope yall are doing well. I have a story ready for public posting~ This one's been available on my patreon page for about a month now, along with a few others. I hope yall enjoy, and be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think ^^In case you're interested in getting some early access to my stories or suggesting things for me to write, here's a link to my patreon page~

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A soft ding rung through the quiet shop, filling the shelves and tables with the presence of a customer. The rat stepped over the door's threshold and escaped the summer's heat, immersing himself with cool, seasoned air. The scent of ancient parchments and dried herbs filled his lungs as he took in a breath of relief, drawing him deeper into the curious shop. Aged floorboards creaked under his foot as he lazily browsed, vaguely searching and wandering to the back of the business. Open space yielded to towering shelves as he reached the expansive book section, populated by tomes from far-beyond lands. The rodent noted most of them were penned in unknown languages, and curiosity slowed his pace. When it stopped him entirely, he reached for a particularly enticing tome and plucked it from its indent, then thumbed through its pages. Runes and sigils and diagrams and charts littered the parchments, all equally indecipherable to his untrained eye. A faint chill on the back of his neck stemmed his interest before long however, and he hastily returned the book to its resting place. The desire to peruse others departed, and he advanced on to cases of hanging plants and preserved powders. He reached up to tap a bottle of salts labeled "Cerberus," until a cough from across the room made him leap from his skin. A bemused expression crossed Endra's muzzle as he placed a hand on his chest and recovered, then turned and faced the plush shopkeeper.

"Good morning," she greeted. "Can I help you find something?"

The rat smoothed his shirt and found his voice. "I'm just browsing for now."

The kitsune didn't smile, but didn't scowl either. "Alright. Let me know if you need help with anything," she nodded. "I'll be in the back rooms, but I'll come back if you yell."

"Thank you..."

"Endra," she finished.

The rat nodded. "I'll be sure to get you if I need help."

The kitsune bowed and departed, her five fluffy tails swaying in her wake. The rat waited until she was out of sight before resuming his search, then waited a little longer before touching anything. Bottles gently clinked and clattered as he browsed their labels, but the name of his quarry eluded his memory. Compounding his problems, everything looked the same to his ignorant eye. The rodent fished his phone from his pocket and swiped through its pictures, silently hoping he had the forethought to save a reference. It only took him a few seconds to find it, and once he did, memorized its every detail. The plant in question was exceedingly rare, though equally powerful and potent. The strongest and most legendary alchemical brews called for a powder derived from its leaves, and as such, it was high demand from the powerful and mighty. The rat memorized the patterns of its stem and leaves before stuffing his phone back into his pocket, then scanned the kitsune's display with renewed scrutiny. Several herbs came close, though nothing matched its filigree highlights exactly. When his first scan found nothing, he double and triple checked, until he spotted a small paper sign hidden among its botanical relatives. His heart lifted when he spotted the name of his target scrawled across its face, but sank when he read the rest of it. The kitsune did indeed keep it in stock, though she had the wisdom to keep it securely in the back rooms. The rat stroked his chin and weighed his options. Simply buying the specimen was out of the question. A single stalk was worth a king's ransom, placing it far beyond the reach of his considerable resources. Stealing it was his only choice. The rat traced Endra's steps and crept to the back of the store, where he found a curtain concealing her storeroom.

Maybe this wouldn't be so difficult after all.

The rodent pushed the ornate fabric aside and checked for the pudgy vulpine, decided he was clear, then stepped through and helped himself to her wares. Unlike the front of the store, however, nothing was accessible. Towering, drawer-filled shelves stretched from the floor to the ceiling and created a labyrinth of tight walkways, broken only by the occasional cross-path between them. The only indication of the infinite compartments' contents sat on tiny labels in mystic languages, making an exhaustive search far beyond impractical. Fortunately, for the rat, he anticipated difficulties. He plucked a tiny vial from his belt popped its equally diminutive cork, freeing the fragrant dust within. Its rim met his nose and he breathed it in, keying into its distinct scent. He committed scent of the verification sample to memory, then stowed the vial away. The rat allowed a moment for the dust to clear from the air, then sniffed and scanned for the aromatic mark. The rodent's brow furrowed when he failed to find it, then squatted to the floor and crept deeper into the storage area. He knew it had to be there, it was just a matter of getting close enough to detect it. Rather than search as quickly as possible, however, he exchanged speed for stealth with the intent of escaping the kitsune's notice. Though he'd never experienced their mischievous might first hand, he'd heard several tales and didn't feel the need to verify them.

The rat crept and slunk between the towering shelves, tasting the air with every step. He developed a steady rhythm of sniffing between quiet breaths, making as little noise as possible while still moving. Unfortunately, his unwavering focus came at a price, and he swiftly lost track of himself among the shelves. It was difficult to pick his scent on the path from that on his own body, throwing his navigation off until he became hopelessly lost. His pulse quickened with worry as his mission sank farther down his list of priorities, until he stopped searching entirely. His gaze whipped from side to side as he sought out a landmark among the endless drawers, but for their wondrous contents, they looked remarkable similar. The rodent's mind eased when he reached a break in the towering walls, which he raced toward without thought. His steps echoed down the infinite passages, and their rhythm slowed as he reached the small clearing. The opening brought him momentary relief, which faded as he glanced down each branch of the four-way intersection. Each path appeared exactly as dark as the others, concealing his location as effectively as the solid shelves. Still, the rat considered it an improvement. He hoped the room would be longer than it was wide, and if he ran perpendicular to the shelves rather than parallel, he would find a wall much sooner. From there, finding an exit would a simple task of circling around. The rat clung to his plan and picked a direction, then dashed out and prayed he picked the shortest of his options.

Luck was not on his side, however. Something snared his foot the instant he started his sprint, stealing his balance and slamming him to the floor. Natural reflexes flung his hands forward and blunted the worst of the tumble, though he still landed with a graceless thud. He regained his senses to find a fluffy length coiled around his ankle, and his heart skipped a beat as he traced it to its source. Though soft in several senses of the word, the kitsune loomed over him with more than enough intimidation to root him in place.

"I don't suppose you saw the 'employees only' sign on the way in here, hmm?" From her tone, he knew no answer would appease her.

"Look, I'm sorry," he stammered. "I just needed some help, and you didn't come out when I called," he bluffed.

"First trespassing, and now lying," she tutted. "We both know you didn't shout."

The rat's pulse raced and he fished for another excuse. "The sign on that plant said to come back here for it. I thought it was self serve?"

"You're as bad a liar as you are a shoplifter." Endra squeezed the bridge of her muzzle, bundled him in her tails, then lifted him up and stared into his eyes. "Stealing a kitsune is a monumentally stupid idea. I hope whoever put you up to this is making it worth the risk."

"They are," he stammered. "But if you let me go, I'll never come back, and I'll give you what they paid me."

"For your sake, you better hope it's a fortune." Endra loosened her grip just enough to let him reach into his pocket and produce a modest sack of gold coins.

"Surely you jest," she deadpanned. "That won't cover a single leaf, let alone the cost of your offense."

The color drained from the rat's face. "What do I need to do to make this up to you?"

A faint smile curled the edges of Endra's mouth. "Eager to get to the point. I like that," the kitsune tittered. "How about this. Instead of making you work off this transgression for years, I'll cut your punishment a little shorter."

"How much shorter?"

"Where's the fun in revealing that little secret~? Though if you'd rather go for a known 100 years rather than take a risk, I can find a place for you on my shelves right now."

"That won't be necessary," he hastily laughed. "I'll take the shorter one. What would you have me do?"

"Place this on your chest." The kitsune reached into her bundle of tails and fished for a moment before producing a small square of parchment. Several symbols covered one of its sides, just as unreadable as everything else in her shop, while the other shined with damp glue.

The rat reached out and plucked it from her palm, holding it from the tip of his claws to avoid setting it off, whatever it was.

"Oh, you'll need to strip down too. Unless you want your clothes ruined."

A faint blush tinted the rodent's muzzle, but he did as instructed once Endra freed him. A pile of fabric pooled at his feet as he discarded his shirt and pants, baring himself to the leering shopkeeper. "Alright, lets-"

Before he could announce his readiness, Endra snatched the square from his fingers and planted it in the center of his chest.

For a moment, the pair stood there in awkward inaction, which soon gave way to a building buzz in the rat's hide. The kitsune withdrew her paw and stepped back while the experimental enchantment seeped through his form, saturating it with coded mana. A pleasant heat spread to and through the rodent's core while he stared at the tag, guessing at what possible purpose it served. The building tingle resonated on his nerves and flowed to his limbs, gradually loosening his control over them. His legs locked rigidly straight and his arms fell slack to his sides, and the residual twitching of his fingers slowed as he lost even the smallest amount of agency. A twinge of panic crossed his eyes before his head fell to the same effect, leaving him entirely at the kitsune's mercy. Judging by the mischievous smile spreading across her muzzle, that wasn't a good thing. An ephemeral adrenaline rush surged through him and reclaimed a slight degree of freedom, but was far too late to act upon it. The enchantment's first stage gripped him tight, and a chill gradually eclipsed his form as its second phase ignited. A phantom force compelled him to crouch, and he clutched his knees to his chest without compromise. The rat wrapped his arms around his shins and tucked his head down, just as the creeping cool reached his pelt. He faintly felt the fur of his body fall away and reveal something shiny and smooth, and as it flowed over his knees, he placed it as immaculate latex. His new hide spiked his sensitivity against his expectations, so much so that the slight breeze through the shelves sent blissful tremors through his frame and tangled his thoughts. Arousal bloomed in the back of his mind, clouding his mind with lust until he hardly cared about his predicament.

Endra watched with restrained delight as the result of her tinkering unfolded exactly as planned. Glossy latex covered every inch of his body in a matter of minutes, recalibrating his senses and forfeiting his mobility. Still, the kitsune did not claim her new toy right away. Instead, she waited and watched, allowing the transformation to reach its completion. As she tapped her foot, the rat's features softened and sank into his semi-solid form. The knobs of his elbows and knees smoothed into a perfect, gentle curve, as did the rest of his defining features. Before long, there was nothing but an over-sized anal plug standing before the kitsune. Her grin resurged as she stepped up to its towering form, rising to her hips with ease. An almost imperceptible tremor ran across its surface when she gently grazed her fingers over its shine, tantalizing the reformed rat with addictive touch. She laughed to herself as he tried to lean into her hand, but failed to overcome his own rigidity. In an act of either mercy or anticipation, Endra cut her teasing short and moved on to the main event. With a gesture of her wrist, she conjured a bottle of oils, then dumped it onto the living toy's blunt peak. The semi-animate plug subtly twitched and bounced as viscous fluid flowed down its slope, teasing him to unbearable levels. He shivered with anticipation by the time the kitsune finished, and fortunately, she was almost as eager as he. Endra shed her skirt and let her tails flow free, then spun on her heel and aligned her hips with his peak.

A moment of moment of hesitation hung in the air between them, which Endra ended with a languid drop.

The slick point spread her cheeks with ease and prodded her winking entrance, sending a bolt of bliss through the both of them. The rat could do nothing to encourage her descent, though he willed it with every molecule of his form. The kitsune sensed his palpable desire and wigged her hips, languidly spreading herself around his blunted top. She rose on her toes and placed more and more of her weight on him, relaxing around his gentle slope, The first few of his inches vanished between her hips with ease, but those that followed proved more difficu't to claim. Endra was not one to give up easily, however. She planted her heels and set her stance, then gingerly bounced with her full weight. Each rise and fall claimed a little more of the living toy, until a subtle bulge peeked out from behind her pudgy flab. One of her paws drifted to the bulge as the heat in her muzzle bloomed, and semi-graceful restraint gave way to unchained lust. Her inner passage clinched and rippled with growing need, drawing him into the smothering warmth of her body. His will weakened by her spell, the rat wanted nothing more than to help her indulge her lust. With time, they realized their mutual needs. Though the kitsune's pace slowed to a glacial crawl as she neared the widest point of his flare, she never slowed to a stop, An indulgent moan poured from her muzzle as her ring stretched around his widest point, and despite her efforts to savor that carnal stretch, physics took hold and popped her over the crest.

The breath flew from her lungs in a silent, orgasmic cry, and the muscles of her body locked with intense bliss. Climax kept her seized in place for the briefest of instants, until every fiber of her being thrummed in unison with rapture. Her lewd hold on the toy rushed her down its stem until her plush rear touched down on the floor, spread around the flat disk of its base. The toy pulsed and throbbed against her entrance without relent, however, drawn in by her body's greedy and needy rapturous ripples. Soft and subtle squelches filled the storeroom as she clenched and flexed without progress, drawing out her peak until her stamina drained. Endra wrapped her arms around the substantial bulge in her middle as she came down from her high, relishing the extreme fullness until her energy slowly returned. The endless shelves and passages surrounding them collapsed and dissipated as her concentration faltered, warping and fading to reveal a much more intimate chamber. She rose from the quaint floor of her workshop, knees wobbling with the aftershocks of bliss, then slumped against one of only a few shelves. She took in a wavering breath and let out another groan, then retied her skirt around her waist. The kitsune smoothed her tails and cleaned the puddle of her lust from the floor, then returned to the front of her shop with a wide, waddling gait. The soft rolls of her belly only just concealed the massive toy when she wasn't moving, though in motion, it was painfully obvious. Still, there was no one in her shop to scrutinize her, and she arrived behind her counter without issue. Endra cooed to herself and planted her rear on a broad stool, then waggled her hips and settled into place. She could easily manage the rest of the day from her covertly lewd perch, and as customers trickled in, she did just that.

The kitsune kept her lust simmering as the day drew on, rolling and bouncing her hips when no one watched. The scent of her need blended into the exotic incense saturating the air, concealing her arousal from even the most astute noses. The only hint of her covertly carnal indulges was a subtle squelch that would occasionally escape the confines of her skirt, the product of a particularly powerful clench. Endra grew ever more needy and greedy with each passing hour, however, compressing the toy with all of her inner strength by the end of the day. The transformed rat relished each clench and strove to repay them with tremors of his own, though his rigid form muffed his reciprocation. Still, Endra's arousal burned bright, and a her next climax inched over her horizon as her final patron of the day left. She dropped all subtlety the instant they cleared the door, standing from her saturated perch and clenching her muscles around the toy. Her well-worked ring crept around the rim of the toy, and a burst of unexpected pleasure surged along her nerves as she claimed the ridge of its base. Endra's tongue lulled from her muzzle while she bucked and ground against empty air, rocking and slipping the toy deeper between her plush cheeks. Her breath caught in her throat when she accidentally and fully claimed its diameter, tipping her over the edge of climax once again. The kitsune's bundle of tails folded over themselves and scrabbled for the plug as her entrance squeezed shut over it, sealing it away long before she mustered the coordination to catch it. The bulge in her middle shifted and migrated toward her belly as her inner passages rippled away, content to finally steal the source of their temptation. A softened peak and a rounded ridge pushed out from behind her flab as it migrated toward her belly, earning a blissful sigh from the kitsune.

Endra cleaned herself up once again and reset her skirt, then patted and rubbed the muted silhouette through her fur. She considered her options, and swiftly opted for the simplest one. "Looks like you're stuck in there for a little while," she mused. "Not that you seem to mind."

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