Delicious Loopholes

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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In a spur of the moment decision, a cat tries her hand at a local fast food challenge. Its price is as big as the meal, but the prize is a voucher for a free meal without restriction. How could it possibly backfire?

Content Warning: This story is intended for Mature readers and contains A Female Cat, Belly Stuffing, Weight Gain, Public GluttonyHello everyone, I hope yall are doing well. I've started taking prompt suggestions on my patreon, and this is the first of the batch~ It's been available to be read for about a month for my supporters, and with that early access comes the ability to suggest your own ideas. If that's something that interests you, it's only $2 a month, and I'd really appreciate it.Here's a link for those interested ^^ usual, feel free to leave a coment and let me know what you think ^^

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The burger joint rumbled with the lunch rush din, a mixture of frantic kitchen sounds and murmuring conversations. Workers behind the counter raced to serve a growing line of customers, taking orders with skillful speed and fulfilling them with experienced mastery. Cash flowed across the counter and a constant stream of food moved opposed it, connecting customers with food as fast as safely possible. With the exception of a single cat, the crowd slowly dispersed and migrated to their seats, and within a few short minutes, the chubby feline was left alone before the menu. A single cashier waited patiently for her selection, though as seconds turned to minutes, they left their post and retreated to the back. Considering how long the feline stood staring at her potential selections, it was a wise move. The cat's tail swayed with indecision and hesitation as they balanced their two favored options, weighing the pros and cons of each. On one hand, there was her typical order. A simple burger meal, tried and true and capable of slaying her substantial appetite. On the other sat a promotion that threatened to overthrow her routine. A single picture of a flawless, massive burger taunted her from its panel on the overhead menu, inviting the cat to challenge its might. It was the size of a pizza and several times as thick, sporting a price tag to match. Ordinarily such a lavish lunch wouldn't be in the running, though the promotion run along side it tempted and tantalized her tastes.

If the burger and sides were devoured in a single sitting, the entire meal was free.

The cat's inner gluttony stirred and rumbled at the mere thought of stuffing the titanic burger into her belly, but the cost of failure gave her pause. She crunched numbers and balanced budgets in her head, racing to decide if she could handle such a blow to her finances, but her greed eventually won out. A trill of hedonistic pleasure tickled her spine as she stepped forward with her choice, and after confirming it several times, the cashier started the process of preparing such a feast. Cooking tools clattered and clanged as the kitchen shifted gears, devoting all of its resources to preparing the meal while the cat sauntered to her seat with a drink in tow. The padded bench squeaked under her plush rear as she claimed her table, which dug into the rolls of her belly as she squeezed in place. A shimmy of her hips was all it took to send the surface skittering back, granting her space to breathe and properly enjoy her meal. She fished her phone from her pocket and browsed furbook while she sipped from her beverage, passing the time until a pair of workers approached her table. A slight blush tinted her muzzle and she stowed her phone, giving the servers her attention as they manhandled the feast into place. Her jaw dropped as she drank in its sheer scale, and her stomach grumbled with need as its delectable sights and scents seeped into her senses. The table-covering sandwich glistened with grease and sagged under its own flavorful weight, saddled with literally everything the kitchen had to offer. Every topping on the menu was represented between the buns and patties several times over, including some that didn't appear as regular options. The servers played a game of rock paper scissors while she figured out the best way to attack the meal, and the winner walked away as she shrugged and reached for a fork and knife.

"Remember, if you leave your seat for any reason before you finish, you'll be charged for it."

The feline nodded and sliced off a bite-sized chunk, then popped it into her muzzle. An explosion of flavor washed over her tongue and saturated her senses, taking her on a gastric tour that stopped at every taste imaginable. She had no idea how they packed all of its flavors into a single bite, though she certainly didn't complain. If it helped her complete the challenge, she didn't care. The cat cut away her next piece as she swallowed the first, and her paws and jaws worked in tandem to keep her mouth full. She fell into a steady, almost robotic pace of eating, though it became apparent her strategy was destine to fail. She stood no chance of cleaning her plate before fullness set in, and with that realization, abandoned her cutlery. Her proctor grimaced as she reached out and wrapped her hands around the greasy sandwich, struggling to adjust her grip and bring it to her muzzle. She shifted and set her fingers several times before her meal actually left its plate, and once it did, she faced the challenge of wrapping her lips around it. The cat opened her mouth as wide as she could and bit off a sizable chunk, filling her cheeks in a single motion. Her jaw smoldered with exertion as she chomped through the delicious mass, then repeated again and again until she gulped it down. A sizable bulge crept down her neck and vanished behind her chest, then landed in her stomach with tangible weight. A sigh of satisfaction slipped passed her lips, and she took her next bite before she lost momentum.

Her jaws ached and strained more with each slow step toward her goal, miring her pace and drawing the onlookers' attention. At first, only a few eyes fell on the greedy cat. She was far from the first feaster to accept the promotional challenge, though as minutes passed, she broke out as the only one worthy of completing it. Steady and unyielding, she ripped chunk after chunk from her table-sized meal, gulping audibly and visibly adding to her waistline. Her shorts dug into her swelling love handles and the hem of her shirt climbed her growing food baby, exposing more and more of her plush middle. Her tail lashed and thumped her seat with hedonistic determination, drawing yet more eyes and kindling a blush in her cheeks. By then, her feeding frenzy beat down her modesty, however. A trill of perverse pleasure ran down her spine when her inhibitions finally caved, pushing out what few manners she retained. The cat's belly let loose a demanding rumble and grumbled for more, a call she happily obliged at the cost of decency. Delectable grease coated her cheeks and dripped onto her shirt as she relentlessly ate, doubling her progress in a matter of minutes without signs of stopping. Her belly button peeked free and squished against the edge of the table as her soft curves firmed with packed pressure, enhanced by her gradually disappearing meal. Discomfort blended with bliss as she surpassed her limits, shorting her nerves and draining her strength. Still, she persisted until flavor-fatigue slowed her hedonistic sprint.

Another sigh tumbled over her lips when she relented at that sandwich's final quarter, and her audience watched with rapt attention when she set it down. The size and firmness of her stomach filled her chest and shortened her breath, slowing her recovery and drawing the moment of anticipation out. The worker monitoring her progress started to declare her valiant attempt a failure, until the feline stirred and reached for her drink. She clasped the colossal cup in both hands and brought it to her lips with gluttonous desperation, then tipped its bottom to the ceiling and chugged. Her gullet rippled with consecutive swallow after swallow, refreshing her pallet with bubbling sweetness. The cat's first gulps audibly splashed down in her belly, but transitioned to faint sloshes as she drained her cup. Her proctor blinked and wiped their eyes with disbelief, and by the time they finished, she slammed the empty container to the table. The feline stifled a long belch into her fist, then resumed attacking her burger without missing a beat. She tore into it with renewed ferocity and gulped it down faster than ever before, stuffing her cheeks to absolute capacity before clearing them. The cat narrowly avoided nipping her fingers as she popped the last of the morsel into her muzzle, then filled the remaining space with a fistful of fries. The large cartons were a paltry snack compared to everything else, though that fact didn't exclude them from the challenge. She groaned with mixed exhaustion and delight and finished off the sides without breaking her stride, only relaxing when there was nothing left on her plate.

The feline slumped back in her seat as her feeding frenzy dissipated, almost pinned under the weight of her belly. Her fingers instinctively flew to her middle and traced across its strained hide, following the path of stretch marks as they formed. Each one sparked her pelt with sensitive bliss, and her cheeks heated while she reflexively rolled her hips. The gravity of her accomplishment set in as her proctor awkwardly congratulated her and presented a coupon good for one free meal without restrictions. It took the feline a moment to realize her reward, but once she did, the wheels of her mind began to turn. Her stomach rumbled and gurgled with renewed hunger, and she unsteadily rose form her seat to address it. The tight swell of her middle pushed her table out as she stood, skittering it across the floor and commanding everyone's attention. Her weakened legs trembled under the weight of her belly as it slipped form her lap, and her shirt rode up its curve until caught beneath her chest. One of her hands rested on her hip and helped her balance while the other checked her improvised crop-top, ensuring she wasn't showing more than what was appropriate. The waistband of her shorts yielded to the dome of her belly and slipped under its curve, but her swollen love handles kept the garment firmly on her hips. Still, her plush rear peeked above the band just enough to draw a few appreciative gazes. The cat paid her watchers and admirers little to no mind and waddled back to the front counter, lumbering with the clumsiness of an approaching food coma. The last of her endurance delivered her to the cashier, where she slapped down her reward voucher.

"I'm ready for round two."

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