Bringing a Harem to the Harem 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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After being accepted into the harem, Engy has his hands full with dealing with his lizardmen. They're going nuts with him, and he needs something to keep them from losing their minds and going on a property-destruction rampage. Hoping that he can keep them busy outside, he takes them on a field trip to one of the red light districts of the city.

Commissioned by Engy

Character Kaito Akito belongs to Taiko

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Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 4:

Bringing a Harem to the Harem

Part 3

For Engy

By Draconicon

Having been inducted into Draconicon's harem, Engy found that living in the city took a bit of a turn for him. He was still getting used to the fact that he was in such a large place, surrounded by so many people, but the marks around his body seemed to ease that sort of passage. When he'd returned to the hotel to pick up his lizards, the staff took one look at the bands on his neck, ankles, and wrists, and immediately stiffened. They couldn't do enough for him, it seemed, going so far as to even forgive the cum-stains that were all over the room without charging him a penny for it.

That had been a week ago, and though he was well-settled in the five bedroom penthouse that his master had given him, he had other problems besides the culture shock and getting used to everything around him.

They just never stop...

Engy grumbled, pulling back from his workbench and gingerly tip-toeing his way through the debris that covered the floor of the workroom. He poked his head out into the living room that connected the different bedrooms and other rooms to each other, the gold dragon narrowing his eyes at the four lizards that were messing about.

Red was doing what he was usually doing, though it was still a bit disconcerting to see a lizard under a couch and bench-pressing it. Particularly with Yellow sitting on top of it, flicking through the different porn channels on the TV (god, that was a weird little box).

He turned his head, seeing Blue in the middle of ducking out of the bathroom, the tallest of the lizards bonking his head against the doorframe several times before he could completely slide through. Not the first time, either, considering that all the doorframes were scuffed with head-bonk-marks throughout the penthouse.

And Purple...

He looked up to see that Purple was posing as a bat again, the smallest of the lizardmen having hammered various leather loops into the ceiling. While Purple had said that being upside-down sent more blood to his brain and helped him think, Engy was of the opinion that the smallest of them just wanted to be more interesting and contrary.

Shaking his head, he stepped into the living room and poked Purple in the back of the head. The lizardman grunted, closing his book and turning around.

"Yes, Not-Master?"

"I thought I asked you to keep an eye on everyone?"

"No. Asked everyone else to keep an eye on me."

"That was last week. And they didn't do that, anyway."

That was the other thing that the hotel had forgiven. A giant fire and flood and general set of plagues that had come out of the cauldron that he'd left behind. He still wasn't sure exactly what ingredients the four lizardmen had tossed in there to create a miniature Egyptian plague set, but it had done a number on the hotel hallways.

As Purple shrugged, Engy almost wished that he had hair so that he could rip it out. The four lizardmen were more than happy to fuck him on a daily basis, and when he got particularly randy himself, he was able to exert some level of control over them, but they were like disobedient teenagers the rest of the time. At least, for him. When Draconicon came in, they were more than willing to bow, bend, and scrape.

So much for dragons having a natural authority over anything scaled.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, the yellow dragon walked over to one of the side tables that filled the main room. There was a book there that his master had left him, something that detailed the different parts of the city. A guidebook, more or less, though it had the look of one of those ancient tomes that wizards tended to hoard back on his world.

Not too surprising. Guess there are some habits that no mage can break.


"Red, put the couch down. Now."

"Not done with workout yet."

"But the couch is about done with you."


"Correction. The couch is done with you. Now we'll have to get a new one."

"...Sorry, Master," Red grunted.

He knew that he'd see that the couch was split in at least two different pieces if he turned around, so he decided to maintain what little calm was left to him and not look at the mess. He just hoped that the master would be willing to foot the bill for a new one. Considering that he'd spent all his pocket money for the next few weeks on getting all the goodies for his workshop, he doubted that he would be able to afford a new couch right then.

And thankfully, the guidebook was a good distraction from what was going on behind him.

Fourteen different districts, and so many different sorts of magic, the dragon thought to himself as he turned the pages. Did he just raise all of these at once, did they evolve on their own...

It was hard to tell, though it was clear that most of the different districts had their own character. The only ones that seemed particularly similar were the Port of Air and the Port of Sea that were on the south and southwest side of the city, and even then that only seemed because they were separated by administration and purpose. Maybe they'd been one district at first, and Draconicon had decided to split them when he knew that he needed more than a port.

Whatever the reason, he was fascinated with some of the different district names. The Rubber Roads. The Leather Lanes. The Greenways. The Aviaries. The Seawood. There were many different possibilities that could have held his attention, but of course, the yellow dragon's eyes were drawn to something else.

He blushed as the metal fingers of his right hand traced the borders of the two different red-light districts of the city. One was directly south of Skyscraper Downs, while the other was directly east, both of them looking like they were filled with all sorts of different perversions.

I mean, I guess I should have expected something like that from someone that publicly advertises for a harem, but...

His cheeks burned a bit hotter as he saw that they were divided based on the extremity of the kinks involved. More out of curiosity than want, he checked the southern one first.

Almost immediately, he turned the page to the other district. The guidebook had shown him pictures of a rather bloodied up woman being fucked from behind by a feral dog, and while part of that was intriguing...well, the bloody bits of it and the rough play that that nudged in his face was a little less appealing.

Uh...Red-Light East, then...

As he dragged his finger across the written descriptions, he found that it was a bit more acceptable. There were about as many brothels on the streets as there were coffee shops in other cities, and he could see that there was a lot of public displays, too. There were schools of pleasure run by former whores and summoned demons, there were little toy shops where things came alive to please you as if you were a god...

And there was something else that was rather different that caught his eye.

Engy cocked his head to the side as he found a picture of a rather strange building. It looked a bit floral, at first, like petals with a large stamen coming out of it, but as he looked at it a bit closer, he realized that it was actually a pussy with a cock 'blooming' out from between the lips, soaring towards the sky.

Well, that's different...

Apparently, it was called the Society of the Sensual Sciences. Engy started smiling as he read more and more of the information on them.

They were an order of scholars that were interested in how the body worked, how the mind and the nerves responded to different stimulation in order to gain more pleasure. They were apparently pretty well-known through the city as being willing to study just about anything that could be done to the body in order to find out how to make it better for the person involved.

Sounded like a pretty pervy group, but for a pretty good cause.

"Hey, everyone."


"...That better not have been the TV," Engy said.

" wasn't, Knot-Master," Yellow said.

"No, was the glass under it," Red said.

"Not the TV though!"


They were gonna destroy this place if he didn't find something besides his ass to distract them. Shaking his head, Engy pointed to the door out of the penthouse.

"Go there. Sit. Stay."

"But -"

He glared back at Purple, and the smallest lizardman closed his book, slipping out of the hoops on the ceiling before falling to his feet. The scholar of the bunch nudged them all along, and soon they were sitting, waiting.

"I'm going to talk to the master. If he gives us permission, we're going on a trip."

They grinned. He hoped that he didn't regret this.

The master was more than willing to give him the day to take the lizardmen off to Red-Light East, though he had been given a rather strange smile for the idea. Maybe the master thought that he needed to get out a bit more. Or maybe the master thought that he was planning on pimping his lizards out.

If master thinks that I can pull that off, he must think I have a lot more authority over these guys than I actually do...

He'd ended up putting them all on harnesses and leashes, and he hadn't even bothered trying to put clothes on them. It just didn't work, and he swore that they intentionally shredded whatever he managed to get on them. The harnesses were working for now, but who knew how long that would last.

The yellow dragon grunted as they kept pulling on his metal arm, dragging him down the streets of Skyscraper Downs towards the district border. Yellow, Blue, Red, and Purple were all so eager to see the city again, and he prayed that his metal arm would hold out long enough for him to get through the city.

"What's that?"

"Never mind that, what's this?"

"Food cart! Knot-Master, food cart!"

"Forget food cart, look at the tiny people!"

"Oh will you all shut up?! We're almost there."

Purple's help was appreciated. The small lizard was the only one that seemed able to corral the rest of the group the way that Engy tried to do, and it was the only thing that kept him from being pulled in all sorts of directions at once. The yellow dragon whimpered slightly as he felt some of the gears in his fingers straining, knowing that they were getting pushed to their limits trying to hold four leashes at once.

Hold together, baby, hold together, he told his mechanical arm.

After walking down wide pavement paths for nearly a half hour, they reached the edge of Skyscraper Downs. The border between the districts was marked with a shimmering, transparent red wall, one that tinted everything on the other side red. There were lanterns that hung from the different buildings and along the streets, and rather than the usual café and restaurant signs, Engy could make out much more...risqué ones.

The Purple Rod of Pleasure.

The Deep Pink.

The Star and Pucker.

Deep Poundings.

Strokes for Folks: Handjobs Our Specialty.

Clean Feet: When You Want To Do The Dirty Work Yourself.

"Jesus, they're not kidding with the brothels, are they?" Engy muttered as he joined the line of people waiting to get in.

They were all making their way up to a single mouse at the front of the line, one that was dressed in red fabric and wore a white mask. He had an old-fashioned metal box at his side, something that reminded Engy of the different stall-merchants that he had seen in the impromptu markets back home. He smiled a bit at the memory, holding the leashes all the tighter as his lizardmen tried to squirm forward, trying to cut through the line.

Eventually, he and his pouting mini-harem reached the front of the line. The mouse turned to him, opened his mouth -

Then froze as he looked at the black bands on Engy's arms.

"One of his, huh?" the mouse asked.

"You mean, um, Master Draconicon's?"

"Well, those are his bands. Around the ankles, too? Wait, don't answer."

The mouse looked down, and Engy swore he heard a little click-clack sound, as if some machinery was working. The mouse looked up again.

"Yep, he's got you marked. Marked everywhere too, by the looks of it."

"...How do you know?"

The mouse tapped his mask.

"Special little gift of mine. No charge for you."

"Why? Aren't you collecting -"

"No charge. Go on through."


The dragon stepped through with his lizardmen, and only after he had stepped through the red wall of light did he think to look back at the mouse again. The rodent was rapidly packing up the case of money, gathering a bejeweled cane, and he ran off before the yellow dragon could say anything.

"...You know, I just got the feeling that he might not actually be running a proper toll booth."

"Probably should tell your master, Not-Master," Purple said.

"Probably. Let's see if we can find that Society."

The streets of Red-Light East were surprisingly clean for the naughtiness that the book expressed happened here, though the public play was as wild as he had imagined it to be. Now that he was on the streets, he could see the shackles and bindings that were on every lamp post, and more than one was occupied with someone that had tied themselves in. There was a timer above each of them, too, which he assumed was to let other people know how long those people wanted to be locked in for.

Surprisingly forward thinking, he thought.

Suddenly, Blue lunged for one of the poles, yanking Engy right off his feet in the process. His metal arm scraped along the pavement, sending sparks flying before he was able to grab one of the other lamp posts with his other arm.


Blue rebounded back on the leash, landing on his ass, and the other lizardmen groaned, having to pull themselves back to their feet as they all had been pulled along by the big guy's sudden rush.

Engy kept a tight grip on the lamp post that he'd stopped himself with, shaking his head as he dragged himself back to his feet. As he looked past his biggest lizardman, he saw what had gotten the big guy's attention.

Shackled to another lamp post was a dragoness, one with black scales along most of her body but with a heart-shaped crimson color along her rump. She had her tail up, chained to the lamp post as well, and she had her pucker puckering, her asshole flexing to show it off from where she stood.

It didn't help that she was nearly as fat-bottomed as he was, and he blushed a bit as even his cock went up as he looked at her ass.

" more of that," he managed to say after he shook his head.


"Yes, butt, but not butt for you."


"A little, um, strict, with your boys, aren't you?" the dragoness asked, her glasses gleaming in the low light as she looked back at him.

"Well, a bit, but...well, you can see how randy they are."

"Y-yes, I can."

"Are you alright?"

"Oh yes. Just, um, bit of a first time. You know how it is."

He could imagine, though as he looked closer, he saw that she wasn't quite a pure dragoness. The way that she stood had hid it at first, but in addition to those feminine ass cheeks and the breasts that were parted by the lamp post, she had a rather hefty dick that was pressed against the steel piece of architecture as well.

His cheeks burned a bit, but he nodded.

"I'll be on my way, then."

"Okay. Just, uh, if you see someone a little less huge..."

"You want me to send them this way?"

"If you don't mind."

"Uh, sure."

"Thanks, honey."

The dragoness blew him a kiss as he walked around her, shaking his head a few times. There were all sorts of people in this city, and he had to admit, it was starting to feel a little more relaxing to not have any real sorts of drama to pull him down.

They walked down street after street of brothel, toy stores - enchanted and mundane - and even through several back-alleys where intelligent ferals were providing anatomy lessons for those that wanted to go to Red-Light South. It was more than he wanted, personally, but he had to admit that the show was rather cool.

They passed theaters and bookstores. They walked by pornographic dancers that put on street performances. They walked by succubi and incubi alike that were offering street-side magics for those looking for a good time.

Engy walked by them all, mostly with a blush on his face and with a great deal of tension in his arms. The lizardmen were giving him a hell of a workout to keep them moving.

They passed by several of the schools that the book had mentioned, going by the Way of the Lash and the Discipline of the Leash, and many others. He didn't dare look in, because he knew that if he stopped at any of these places, he would immediately be drawn in and they'd never get to the Society of the Sensual Sciences.

Eventually, though, they arrived.

Engy looked up the steps of red stone, staring at the entirely too sexual building. It just oozed sex, and it wasn't just the sexual musk of the district that had him all sorts of randy just by looking at it. He swore that it was letting off its own inviting scent, pulling people up to take a look inside.

And he followed that, despite everyone but Purple wanting to go somewhere else, wanting to fuck.

They reached the front door, and to his surprise, it was an orc that opened it. So far, he had seen mostly furry species in the city, and finding one of the greenskins from home was actually rather a nostalgic throwback.

"You here for a tour or to sign up?" the orc asked, his tusks clicking slightly.

"Uh...I think I want to see what -"

"And do you need some babysitting?"


"The lizardmen."

The orc pointed over his shoulder. Half-dreading what he was about to see, he turned.

Yellow and Blue were back to cock-fighting out of boredom, though this time they were adding little 'en-guarde!' shouts as they slapped their dicks against each other. Purple was in the middle of slipping out of his harness, wiggling against the restraints, and Red -

"Red. Down. Put it down."

The red lizardman looked back, then looked at the potion vial in his hand. He must have pickpocketed the yellow dragon to get it, because it was one of the ones that he usually kept in the wooden box in his robes. He held out his hand, taking it back after Red finally relinquished it.

"Wasn't gonna hurt anyone. Just throw at a bird."



"Well...Won't be bored for long." He turned back to the orc. "I think I can keep a handle on them."

"Up to you. Your master covering the bills?"

"Uh...let's say yes."

"Alright. Come in."

The orc opened the door, and Engy stepped through, hoping that he was doing the right thing with all this. Everything was so new to him, and he honestly didn't have a clue what he was doing, still.

Still, most people had been friendly enough. At least he had the chance to meet up with some very different, very interesting folk.

The orc led him into the first chamber, and he was not entirely surprised to find the walls covered with art of the erotic sort. Not entirely pornographic, as the sex act itself wasn't the feature, but rather the signs of what they were doing, how they were feeling. O-faces abounded, but also ones that were a mix of pain and pleasure, those that were purely suffering pain, and those that looked kind of broken.

It was a strange sort of thing, and one that left him curious as well as vaguely weirded out.

"What sort of classes do you offer?" Engy asked as they walked through the oval room, heading for the hallway that connected to it.

"No classes, precisely," the orc said. "There's an orientation where people are given a bit of a crash course on what we already know, but after that, it's mostly just experimenting and finding stuff out on your own."

"No textbooks? No libraries?"

"Do you count a bunch of notebooks from previous people in the Society as a library?"


"Then there's a library. No textbooks, though. Ain't got a lot of use for those."

So, it was a very practical sort of place. He could work with something like that, he thought. And he was pretty sure that would make it easier for his lizards to be able to find something that they liked, too.

The dragon followed behind the orc, shaking his head as he looked at the different closed doors. Rather than subjects on them, there were pictures of different faces. Usually just one, but sometimes there were two on the door, or even a group. Each door had a slot for a piece of paper or a scroll, too.

When he pointed them out, the orc chuckled.

"Ain't been here long, have you?"

"Not really..."

"Well, we got a secondary purpose. Not just study, but also some fixing up, too."

"What, like, you're a brothel too?"

"Hey, ain't nothing wrong with being a brothel. But no, not like that."

The orc looked up and down the hall, then picked one of the doors seemingly at random. He waved for Engy to follow, and the dragon did. His lizards did, too, almost like they were rather curious now, too.

The door in question had a yellow-eyed mongoose on it, one that looked rather sultry and seductive. Engy barely had a chance to look it over before the orc pulled the paper from the wall slot, unrolling it and reading from it.

"Guy came here from a pretty far-away kingdom. Suffering from extreme nymphomania. Locked up here at his sister's 'request.'" The orc looked up. "Not the first time royalty's been sent here to work through some of their issues, lemme tell ya."

"...What kind of place are you running?"

"Call it sexual healing. Fuck with the body enough, sometimes the mind unfucks itself. Least, that's what we've found." Putting the paper back, the orc gestured with his thumb towards the door. "Guy's got a serious itch up the ass for cock. Ain't been himself for a while, ever since he got fucked with some kinda naga venom and mind control. So, sister shipped him off here to get fucked. And hopefully unfucked."

"...You've lost me. What the hell does that have to do with what you do here?"

"Ain't that hard, dragon. You figure out how the body works, and then you track it back to the head. When ya cum, your brain does some weird stuff. When it's doing the weird stuff, you can make it do other things."

"So...orgasm therapy?"


"You're not that helpful, are you?"

"Hey, I'm not one of the scholars. I'm just one of the patients."

"Mekir!" a voice shouted down the hallway.

"And that's my doc," the orc grunted.

Engy turned around, seeing a dragon running down the hallway. Green and white in color, the chubby, older, wingless dragon grabbed hold of the orc before he could get away. A pinch at the neck, and the orc tumbled to the floor, snoring with abandon...and with an erection to boot.

The yellow dragon blinked twice, and then looked up.

"Nice trick."

"Yes, well, you learn some good ones when the patients like to walk around," the dragon said. He pushed a pair of spectacles up his snout, leaning down to pick the orc up. "Mekir likes to be part of the whole thing, and he's nice enough. He just doesn't know enough about the operation to be a proper meet and greet member of the staff."

Engy still felt rather confused, but felt a bit more reassured now that he had someone that seemed to be on-staff like this. As the other dragon leaned the orc up against the wall, letting him rest there, he waited patiently for the doctor's attention.

"At any rate, it's good to meet you," the wingless dragon said. "I'm Kaito, by the way. Kaito Akito."

"Engy. Um, harem member of Draconicon," he said, offering his free hand.

"Ah, that's what the marks mean. I was going to ask."

"So, um, are you from here?"

"Oh no, god no. I'm from a very long way away, but I have certain expertise in this sort of stuff. I kind of teach it back at home."

"So...why are you here, then?"

"Mostly to see if there's anything I can take back with me. So far, there's been a lot to find out."

Foreign students. Well, at least I'm not the only non...wait...

Realizing that he hadn't felt a tug on the leashes for way too long, Engy looked behind him. The lizards were gone and their harnesses were on the floor. He groaned under his breath, rubbing one hand over his eyes.

"Oh dammit..."

"They're in the room behind you," Kaito said.

"How do you know?"

"I saw them taking the leashes off. Sorry, but they were shushing me."

"...I thought you were supposed to be a teacher?"

"I'm far too indulgent with my classes."


Shaking his head, Engy cracked the door open to peer inside.

Lying out on an exam table was the same mongoose from the picture, wearing a sparkly purple vest and little else. His pants had been thrown to the side, and if he had been wearing any underwear, it was long gone.

His lizards were all around him, Blue and Yellow already buried balls-deep in his ass, while Red was fucking the mongoose's face. The three of them were rocking back and forth, the mongoose moaning happily. He kept trying to twirl around, as if he thought that he might be able to get them into a different position, but the three lizardmen were holding him down quite securely.

Through it all, Purple was taking notes, prodding and poking, occasionally using his dick to grind on the mongoose's feet or against his hand, nudging his face or elsewhere. Engy shook his head.

"Should I stop them?" he asked.

"I don't think so. We're working on a treatment plan for him that involves overstimulation. If they have the stamina, feel free to let them go for a while; it'll give our other staff members time to work him properly later."

"So, Mekir wasn't messing with me? You actually do...heal people, with what you figure out?"

"Well, we try. Sometimes it just ends up being a good hard fuck, but hey, at least that's fun, too."

The Society was definitely an interesting place. As he watched Red pin the mongoose again as the monarch tried to twist, and saw Purple take the lead in telling the others how to thrust and where to push, he figured that they'd be safe enough to leave there for a while. He shut the door quietly, leaving them be.

"So, uh...would you mind showing me more of this place?" Engy asked. "And maybe giving me the full rundown, instead of whatever it was your patient was doing?"

"Oh, happily. How much do you know about chemical interactions with the body?"

"Enough to be a decent alchemist, why?"

"Thank heavens. I'm happy to teach, but it's so much more enjoyable when you don't have to dumb it down..."

The End

Bringing a Harem to the Harem 4

Bringing a Harem to the Harem Part 4 For Engy By Draconicon While the Society of the Sensual Sciences turned out to be rather interesting, it had two major drawbacks for Engy. The first was that it required a certain...

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Bringing a Harem to the Harem 2

Bringing a Harem to the Harem Part 2 For Engy By Draconicon The morning came and went, and before he knew it, Engy was leaving the hotel room. The yellow dragon paused, his metal arm resting on the edge of the window frame...

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Enraptured by a Rapist 3

Enraptured by a Rapist Part 3 For Technophile34 By Draconicon Fiona shivered as she felt her juices dripping down from her pussy to her ass, and then from there to the chair beneath her. The Floatzel sat in a pool of her...

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