Bringing a Harem to the Harem 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Engy goes for his interview, and finds himself rather overwhelmed with the sort of things that the city offers for himself. The yellow dragon talks with the city master, only to find that it's a bit hard to keep his head on his shoulders...

Commissioned by Engy

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Chapter 1:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Bringing a Harem to the Harem

Part 2

For Engy

By Draconicon

The morning came and went, and before he knew it, Engy was leaving the hotel room. The yellow dragon paused, his metal arm resting on the edge of the window frame as he looked back inside.

Yellow and Blue were in the middle of a cock-fight, the pair of them slapping their dicks around like daggers in close proximity to each other. As the biggest pair, they were more than willing to 'fight' that way to decide who should top the other, though he had yet to see one of them actually win.

Red was doing cock-push-ups. Not just push-ups, but cock-push-ups, the red lizardman facing the floor with his arms over his chest as he kept flexing his dick. It was impossible, defying the laws of physics, but that was what Red was doing.

And Purple -

"Give me that!"

Engy reached out and snapped the fourth notebook of the day out of Purple's hands, the smallest lizardman grumbling under his breath as the yellow dragon locked it back in his suitcase.

"You said you'd teach."

"Yes, after the interview."

"But curious now."

"I know, but I need to get this done."

And he needed to make sure that the lizards didn't make more trouble for him. The fact that he was already stuffing the hotel room with uninvited guests was bad enough, considering he didn't know their policy about more people in the room than were booked. The fact that they had trashed part of it made it worse.

But if Purple started figuring out how to work alchemy and potions, and the four of them started fiddling with his equipment while he was gone...

He shook his head rapidly. There wouldn't be a room to come back to. Hell, there might not be a hotel to come back to. No matter how much his body had impressed the ruler of the city, he doubted that blowing up a building via proxy would be acceptable.

Slapping Purple's hand as the lizard tried to fiddle with the suitcase, Engy shook a finger in his face.

"No. I said no, and I mean no."

"Nnngh. Not fair."

"Well, you're the one that said that you'd listen to me."

"You asked, didn't say."

"But you did agree."

"...Not fair, still."

"Ugh...Look, I promise, I will teach you, but -"

Beep beep. Beep beep.

That was the alarm clock beside the bed, telling him when he needed to set out. Groaning under his breath, knowing that he was risking an explosion while he was away, Engy kicked the suitcase under the bed and gave one more finger-wag at Purple.

"Be good and don't touch it. You three." He waved to get the other lizards' attention. "Watch him. Nobody touches the suitcase."

"Alright, Master!" Blue said goodnaturedly.

"Got it, Knot-Master!" Yellow added.

"Not-Master gives good order. Will do," Red said.

He seriously doubted that they were listening to him, but what was a dragon to do when his schedule was this crowded? Shaking his head, Engy threw himself out the window, knowing better than to let himself worry about it any more than he had already done.

Thrusting his wings out to catch the wind, he was thrust down the street, the air pushing him forward towards the center of the city. The current was hot, the summer air pushing him upwards as it came from behind and below, coming off the pavement for quite a way. He let the heat saturate him, warming him up and letting him relax as he flew along.

The City of the Dragon was a strange one, one that seemed to expand in all directions from the great heights of the central skyscrapers. Skyscraper Downs, as the neighborhood was called, was the place where all the magic and financial power came to rest, and the civil services were mostly located here, as well. They shared various different skyscrapers, connected by skybridges, so that they could get in touch quickly.

But nothing, absolutely nothing, in the city matched the gigantic structure in the middle. The flower-shaped tower reached towards the sky, outstripping even the massive trio of towers that stood around it and ringed it with the skybridges. Engy flew under one of them, then let the air currents pull him higher and higher. He passed by gryphons, eagles, and more that were coming through from other parts of the city, flapping his wings to take him higher still.

Soon, he was floating over the top of the flower tower, and he was able to look down on the whole city.

The City of the Dragon was a roughly circle-shaped city, with a coastline to the south and southeast that seemed to look out over a vast sea. Along the rest of the city, the urban buildings were bordered by thick forest, some of which seemed to pull its way into the city proper, some of which seemed warped by magic at the edges.

It all came together here, though.

As he floated over the tower, he could sense it. There were magical lines that ran from this place all the way through the rest of the city. Lines of power that came to rest at this tower divided the different districts, giving a sense of watchfulness and warning to those that might be planning on breaking the law, or doing something ill-thought to someone else.

The sense of power chilled him as much as it reassured him. While it was nice to have someone looking out for him, he had to admit that it was a bit scary to think of someone seeing everything all the time.

Engy slowly dropped down to the roof of the tower, still shaking his head at the massive city. It was bigger than anything that he had seen, bigger even than the legendary Shigend that he had heard about from those that had passed through the different worlds, who had taught him to do the same.

How does any man rule this many people?

It was a question that he would likely never know the answer to, even if the interview went well.

"Young sir?"

The new voice snapped him out of his reverie, and he turned. Standing near a door that apparently led down into the building, a little hut-like thing that had a steel door to protect it, was a rat. A brown-furred rodent in a white suit, one that bowed to him as soon as he was noticed. Engy blushed a bit, pulling his blue robe a bit tighter, and feeling just a bit out of place compared to someone that was dressed so formally.

"Uh, yeah, I'm Engy. I'm here for an interview with -"

"I am aware of who you are, young sir," the rat said, smiling at him. "If you will follow me?"

The rodent gestured at the door, and Engy nodded, walking up to it. The rat pressed a button, causing it to open -


Engy stared at the big, green, dragon-like face that looked out at him. It was like some sort of sea-monster had taken residence inside of a large metal chute, one that went down for endless amounts of distance. The soft blue eyes of the creature met his, then the rat's.


"Down, Nellie," the rat said. "Just a few floors."


The creature sounded happy, at least, though there was something immensely disturbing about having a living creature inside of the building like that.

He followed the rat tentatively onto the big thing, hoping that he was doing the right thing by stepping on top of...her? He didn't know for sure, but he assumed the monster was a her from the name.

They went down, down, down, dropping a good forty feet before coming to a stop. The rat reached out, rooting around between a series of different wires before pushing...something. Engy couldn't see what, but the wall opened in front of them.

"The master will await you in there."

"The master?" Engy asked. "Is that what you call him?"

"There's not much better of a title. He's not my master, but he is the master."

That was a strange way of putting it, but the yellow dragon wasn't sure that he was going to get a better answer without pushing a lot harder than he was willing to. He stepped out of the tube, and the door closed behind him.

The room before him was different, though. The walls were a sleek white, almost like marble but without the strains of darkness through it. The stone was just...white. Pure white, like ivory, but warmer than that. It seemed to give off a gentle glow, almost like -


The new voice brought his attention away from the walls, turning to see who it was.

Standing on the opposite side of the room, his hand on the railing of a small set of stairs, was a tall black dragon. Tall being quite the non-descriptor, considering that the dragon was probably seven feet tall, and loomed over whatever Engy might be able to do. He was standing by an open door that seemed to lead into a bedchamber, though it closed before the yellow dragon could get a good look.

"...Pardon?" he said, blinking. "Pearl? What -"

"The walls. They're made of hardened pearl," the black dragon explained as he stepped down the stairs, his robe - dark as his scales - fluttering around his ankles. "You looked confused, so -"

"I was. Um. Yeah. Pearls."

"No, no. Pearl. Just one."


Engy looked around the room again, shaking his head. That was impossible. The chamber they were in had to be at least forty feet across, if not bigger. It wasn't rounded, but square. It was not small, was not...

He looked for a seat to sit down. There was a couch not far from him, black leather that stood out against the white everywhere else. He flopped into it, shaking his head and rubbing his scalp.

"I'm...I'm not sure I can make that make sense."

"Welcome to the club."

The black dragon walked over, and due to the color swatch of the room compared to the scales, it was just about impossible not to look at him. He was that noticeable, that stand-out compared to the walls around him.

That had to be intentional, Engy thought. That had to, had to, had to be intentional.

"One...pearl?" he managed to ask.

"Yes. From a very long way away, admittedly. Further out than you were."

"...I don't think I ever want to see that place."

"Pity. It has some wonderful underwater plains."

"I don't need to go places where there are oysters big enough to make this."

"Heh, fair enough. Anyway." The black dragon clapped his hands. "Introductions. My name is Draconicon."

"Y-yes. Hello, Draconicon."

They shook hands, the other dragon's grip tight enough to make him wince ever so slightly. It wasn't painful, but it was firmer than he could match right at that moment. They let go, and the black dragon sat down by him, looking him up and down a few times before settling on looking at his eyes again.

Engy was still too shocked to do much himself. He knew that he was being stared at, and knew that his body was being examined and...admired. Much as he enjoyed it, he was too shy to do anything but look back at his prospective master.

And even then, it was mostly looking into the other male's eyes.

The black dragon was a...very different sort of person. Engy was used to looking at people that had easy to observe eyes, ones that you could tell where they were looking, that would flash in anger, that would narrow in fear or other emotions.

Draconicon's didn't. They were like looking at white clouds, a drifting sort of movement passing through and over them, and the longer he looked, the more he felt like they were trying to carry him away in turn.

Suddenly, the other dragon's hand blocked his gaze, and Engy blinked, sitting up straight again.

"What...what just happened?"

"Heh, it's okay. Trust me, you're not the first one that's happened to," Draconicon said.

"Yeah, but - your eyes. They're hypnotic?"

"Something like that."

"...You're scary, you know that?"

"Not the first time I've heard that, either. Are you still interested in that harem post we talked about?"

"...Depends," Engy said.


"Are you going to make my dick talk again?"

He felt that the joke was weak, at best, but it got the other dragon laughing, so it couldn't have been all bad. He joined the black dragon mage in a little chuckle of his own, though it was nothing compared to the belly laugh that Draconicon let out.

"Oh god...I really did do that, didn't I? Well, that's your fault for not listening to any of the other portals."

"You made my fridge talk."

"Yes, and you slammed the door on it."

"You made my pillow keep me up all night."

"Wouldn't have had to keep talking if you'd just answered."

"You had the entire fucking river say 'Just let it happen.' Do you know how creepy that was?"

"Well, sonorous and presumptuous wasn't working, so I thought I'd try horror."

"...You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"Most things. It helps keep that air of power up."

Engy shook his head, knowing better than to keep pushing things. After all, he was still getting what he wanted, and the mage didn't seem to be that difficult or mysterious. He wasn't like some of the wizards back home that were all high-handed and pushed their own superiority through everything. At least this one had a sense of humor.

"So." Draconicon clapped. "You ready to get the interview on the road?"

"Uh, much of this is going to be sexual, by the way?"

"Hmmm, about half."

"And how many orgasms is that?"

"Why, you get milked by a harem of your own or something?"


"Good. Because I like to keep people's loyalties more or less centered around me if they're going to be here."


"You know, just to make sure that they're not distracted or worrying about something."

"Right. That makes sense. Makes complete sense."

Shit, shit, shit.

The harem back at the hotel was going to be an issue, alright. If he was going to be in this harem, then he needed to make sure that this mage had access to his ass at all times. If he started slacking off, if he started letting someone else fuck him all the time...

But at the same time, if he just left them to their own devices...and he didn't really have anything besides teaching to keep them busy, and that would probably only keep Purple's attention. Maybe Blue's, but not Yellow's or Red's.

Shit, shit, shit...

"You okay in there?"

"Huh?" Engy blinked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I a little distracted. Sorry."

"It's alright. Let's start the interview to see how you handle this, hmm?"

Before the yellow dragon could say anything, his prospective employer pulled his robes open. Engy had a split second to see a huge black cock and a massive pair of balls before he took a breath -


And almost immediately slumped back on the couch, his eyes rolling back a bit, almost like he had taken a hit of some of the herbs back at his former settlement. His heart rate tried to rocket upwards, but it came down almost immediately, dropping down to a slow pace that was so very relaxed. His eyes drifted to a point of being half-shut, and he sighed softly to himself as he leaned back, growing more and more relaxed.

Draconicon leaned a bit closer, the tip of his flaccid cock nudging Engy on the nose. The yellow dragon groaned, another sniff sending a slight surge of energy through him. It wasn't enough to break that 'high' feeling, but it was enough to make his cock twitch beneath his robes, enough to make it start to throb.

"Mmmph...what is..."

"Just a little musk."

Musk. This was more than just musk. This was a heavy dose of pheromones, a blast of chemicals that his body was just not ready for.

His head was swimming in the heady, sensual, sweaty musk that the other dragon was letting loose from his crotch, his head rolling from side to side. Each breath hit him with another strange surge of need, his cock starting to grow upwards, starting to bulge the front of his robes. Despite the rather embarrassing, compromising situation, the dragon only smiled a bit more, rolling his head from side to side.

Soon, the other dragon was using his tail to peel Engy's robes off, exposing his cock. It was at nearly a full erection just from sniffing around his employer's cock, his shaft pointing up at a full eight inches, dripping along the side of his shaft from his own arousal.


"It's alright, isn't it?" the black dragon said. "Not the most amazing feeling in the world, but a pretty alright one. Nothing to worry about. Just a chance to relax."


"And just a little bit arousing?"

"More than...mmmph...a little bit..."

The dragon felt a little bit close to braindead, honestly, his mind fading away and getting buried under the musk. It felt better to relax, felt better to let himself be led along when he was like this. And why not? The black dragon was nice enough, was letting him just drift along and sit naked on the couch.

He leaned back even further, starting to slide along the cushions, starting to loll his way down towards the floor. Halfway there, Draconicon laid one foot on his chest, pinning him there, and the scent of musk from the toes continued the work that the scent from the cock had started.

He felt himself drifting away, losing his will, letting himself just...drift. He felt...happy. Relaxed. Like there was no need for him to worry or stress out about anything.

Engy hadn't felt that way for years.

Letting the smell drift into his skull and stay there, the dragon felt himself floating, the only hard, tense part of him being his cock, and everything else going limp, loose, and relaxed.

"That's it. You feel so much better now, don't you?"


"Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions...and you're going to answer them as honestly as you can. Do you understand?"


"As long as you're honest with me, we'll have a lot of fun at the end."

" would be nice..."

"Heh, yes, it will be. Now...let's start with your fetishes."

The yellow dragon nodded, letting himself be led along with the kink questionnaire that the master had for him.

It was the first time that he had ever been so honest with someone before. True, while he had had fun - and sometimes, some very kinky fun - with other people, he had never been quite so honest about what he enjoyed, or how far he wanted to go.

He'd never told anyone else about the way that he wanted to be invaded by parasites, to have his cock taken over by them and his groin become his center of the universe.

He never told anyone about how the sudden removal of his arm had sparked a coping fetish for having his body transformed, modified for other people's needs.

He'd never told anyone about the way that he liked to see things taken to almost absurd sizes, from cocks to asses to balls to...well, anything, really.

It all came running out of him, spilling out for the other dragon to take and use, and Draconicon always told him 'thank you,' making him feel like he was doing the other dragon a favor.

By the time that they reached the end of the list, he felt rather good, rather proud of himself. Engy smiled as the black dragon looked him in the eyes, and this time, he let himself float with those cloudy eyes, letting himself be drawn into the gaze. He felt like he was adrift, like he was pale, losing color, losing bits of himself.

And when the black dragon spoke, he felt like the colors were being put back.

"It's such a lovely thing to have my musk around, isn't it, Engy?" the dragon whispered, and oh it was. "You know how much you like my scent. And you would like so much to have the chance to give back with that. So how about you let your own scent start to grow, hmm? It would be so simple for you. You don't have to become all filthy.

"Instead, just allow your feet to sweat a bit. That's all. You don't have to stop washing them, even, but merely let them build during the day. Don't wash them away on hot days. Don't let them cool and dry. Instead, be kind to your master. Do him the favor he does you, and let that scent grow."

It was such a simple 'favor,' and one that he was happy to do for the master. Engy nodded.

"Now, let's talk about a few other things..."

Engy wasn't sure how long he was down in Draconicon's musk, but when he finally woke up, he realized that it was much later in the day than when he had dropped out. The room felt dim, like it was only reflecting a tiny amount of light, and he shot upright as fast as he possibly could.

And he promptly groaned, regretting it.

" ass..."

"Yes, well, your ability wasn't quite up to what I was putting in it."

The yellow dragon blushed and groaned as he rolled slowly to the side, barely able to imagine what must have been shoved up his ass to get it to feel like this. It He swore that he was gaping wide enough for a gryphon to fly through, and that was saying something, considering how wide he could stretch his ass.

Engy stumbled to his feet, only then realizing that they were in a different room. He blinked as he looked about at the black walls, at the starlight speckles that seemed to move about in the dark.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"Bedroom number three or four."


"They redecorated recently, so I get a little vague on the details of which is which."

He looked over his shoulder, and immediately blushed. Not as badly as he might have done before, but bad enough.

His master - and it was his master, he realized - laid there naked, his hands behind his head and his cock still hard. That thing was a monster, standing as long as Blue's cock but with significantly more heft to it. Slightly more than three inches thick at the head, he wasn't entirely sure if it thickened on the way down, but it sure as hell didn't get any narrower.

Thirteen inches long and wide as a fist. No wonder his asshole felt like someone had just piledrived it into the the best of ways.

He blushed as he looked at the mage, then at himself.

Where he had been pristinely yellow before, with a bit of cream along his belly, his scales were now a much different color. Black bands had appeared on his wrists and ankles, almost like a spell that had dyed his scales a different color, and he could feel a sort of...pressure from them. He pressed his hands to them, then looked up.

"What are these?"

"I implanted you with some of my scales," Draconicon said. "A little bit of me to watch over you."


It was a surprisingly deep sort of thing, aside from the fact that his master had marked him with a piece of himself. He looked down at his wrists and ankles, noticing that there were other dark scales that had been placed on him. A band each around the biggest of his toes, and there was one -

"Oh god...did you...did you actually..."

"Well, if you are going to be a harem member, it's not like I'll stop short of marking every bit of my property, now is it?"

The black band around his cock made his dick feel like it wasn't even his anymore, as if he was just carrying a toy dangling from his crotch for someone else until they wanted it. It wasn't entirely a bad feeling, but...

Well, it was a very strange feeling, too.

"So, said of the things that I get is a penthouse, right?" Engy asked.

"Yes, one of your choosing here."

"Would it be alright if I kept the hotel room for a bit longer?"

"I suppose, though I'm curious as to why."

Because I have four lizardmen there that are going to blow this city up if I don't get back to them before they find a way out of the hotel room, was his first thought, his anxieties sparking quickly. And I've been gone for hours and oh god, they might have thought they could jump out the window, or -

What he said was something completely different.

"I'm still a little anxious being so far from home. The hotel's a bit more familiar to me, so...if you don't mind, I'd like another night or two there."

"I don't mind letting you have that."

Engy nodded his thanks, turning around. He made his way to the door, picking up his robe on the way and pulling it back over his shoulders. The yellow dragon had his hands on the doorknob when his master finally broke the silence again.



"You can have the room...but you don't have to lie about why."


He sighed.

"It's nothing important."

"You mean the lizardmen that you have there?"

Engy hissed, his fingers clenching tighter around the knob.

"...How did you..."

"You told me everything while you were under."

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -"

"Engy. Come here."

The yellow dragon turned around, taking a deep breath. He'd fucked up. He made a mistake. He was going to get in trouble. He didn't mean to do this, he hadn't meant to lie, didn't mean to fuck up, didn't -

"Come here."

The master's voice called him over, and he let himself be hugged, pulled against the other dragon's chest. He was shaking, trembling all over, but the hand on his back, gently stroking down his spine, pulled him back from the edge of a full breakdown.

"Engy. It's okay. I don't like being lied to, but I can see why you did it."

"I'm sorry."

"And you're forgiven."

"I said that thing about...that...and I was liking this, and I didn't want to -"


He stopped again, letting the master pet him, letting his worries be hugged and stroked out of him. The dragon took a few deep, raggedy breaths as he worked to calm himself down, trying to take it in, trying to let it out.

"Engy," Draconicon said. "You lied, but you apologized. And I didn't ask for an explanation. Do you know why?"


"Because I didn't need one. If I forgive you, then an explanation isn't needed. If I ask for one, it will be before I give it. Not after. Not when you're already absolved."

"...Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Draconicon patted his back gently, helping him to sit up properly.

"Now...what kind of problems are we going to have with those lizardmen of yours? How much extra room are you going to need to take care of them?"

Engy found it hard to believe that the master was just giving him this, but then again, he honestly didn't know the master that well yet. Draconicon was just...there. And somehow, despite everything, despite remembering very little of what the interview had been about, he felt...

He felt good. He felt relaxed.

And he felt like he might have just found what he was looking for all this time.

The End

Bringing a Harem to the Harem 3

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Enraptured by a Rapist 3

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Enraptured by a Rapist 2

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