Enraptured by a Rapist 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The Floatzel has returned to the scene of the crime and left herself as bait, but her libido and her common sense are finally actually fighting each other. Not very well, and not with the best of success, but they're trying. Unfortunately, the rapist is already there.

Commissioned by Technophile34

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Chapter 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1508048

Chapter 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1508050

Enraptured by a Rapist

Part 3

For Technophile34

By Draconicon

Fiona shivered as she felt her juices dripping down from her pussy to her ass, and then from there to the chair beneath her. The Floatzel sat in a pool of her own juices, and every now and then, she felt her body spasm as she wet herself again. The need that she had been trying to suppress was at full fire, and it was taking everything she had to keep her hands behind her back, holding them down with her full bodyweight.

She knew that if she ever shifted her weight, if her hands ever got free, she would start fingering herself and never be able to stop.

It was bad enough that her body was begging for it, that she was thrusting her hips towards the table in front of her, that she was trying to fuck the air to get some relief. If she were to give in to the slut need inside of her, if she allowed that personality to fully form, she might just kill herself with the stimulation death.

And that would be horrible, particularly if she didn't see the rapist first.

Hold out...hold out...

Something that was getting harder and harder to do. Fiona desperately stared at the door to the club, half-wishing that the whole thing would come crashing down on her. The old bar was probably ready to catch fire if the bubbling electro-drinks malfunctioned. She could end up burning down with it from the desperate burning urge in her crotch. She'd take one step, start fingering herself, and topple over before she could make it to the door.

Groaning, whimpering, Fiona slammed her back against her arms again, trying to keep them from wriggling any further. They still twitched and trembled, trying to get free, each hand trying to get to her sopping-wet sex.

The sun was down. It had been down for about an hour. By the reports, this was the time when the rapist started to come around. The earliest attack had been an hour after sunset, and the latest had been three hours after. She had a two-hour window, and she just hoped that she was in the right place for it.

Come on...come on...

Fiona had started this thinking that maybe, maybe, she could kill the perverted part of herself by showing off to the rapist, giving herself to the other woman for a bit before turning the tables and catching her. It would be a service to the city, and Diane would be more than willing to take her back, then.

Now, with the need surging so high...

I'll be lucky to keep together, lucky to keep thinking...

But she couldn't leave. Not now.

Not when she was like this.

Come on...just...get it over with already...

Fiona leaned her head back against the back of her chair, groaning as her hands felt like they were cracking, breaking themselves apart in their desperation to get free of her. One of the wrists had already come loose, the ball-bearing sliding free of its joint. Her fingers still responded to commands, but the rest of her hand just flopped, unable to lift or lower. It was effectively useless.

And it looked ridiculous when she could catch it out of the former of her eye. It was flopped over to the side, looking grotesque as it shamelessly twitched.

Mmmph...that'll be the rest of me...after she gets her hands on me...

She wished that it didn't turn her on so much to think of it like that.

Huffing and puffing, the Floatzel closed her eyes, but that was no better. The images of her potential rape started flashing before her eyes, showing her what could happen, what likely would happen when the silhouetted figure found her.

I'm committing suicide, she told herself, but the statement did nothing to shock her out of her lust. If anything, it only made it worse.

Groaning and whimpering, the rapidly-sluttening Floatzel threw herself forward from the chair. She grabbed the table as tightly as she could make her hands grab anything, her hips grinding her sloppy pussy against the chair, smearing herself with her own juices in the process.


She had to be here soon. Had to be. Had to be. Had to be.

The Floatzel had no idea how long she had been fighting the urge to finger herself, but eventually, there was a second shadow in the room. One that moved, rather than was simply cast from one of the pieces of furniture. Struggling to lift her head, Fiona glanced towards the source of it, and gasped.

There she was.

The rapist was a Lucario doll, something that she hadn't quite expected. She was naked, naked as the day she was born, save for a skirt that was almost sheer. The other doll's breastplate was big, too, stacked even, and the breasts seemed to wobble and jiggle in an unnaturally powerful way as she stepped forward.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the other doll whispered.

It wasn't the same as the garbled voice on the data recording, but it wasn't the sort of voice that she was expecting, either. She shivered as she heard the way that it seemed to blend a male and female sound together, almost like the voice box was malfunctioning. There was something so wrong to it, something that didn't make sense, something that shouldn't have worked.

The Lucario doll lifted her right out of her chair, throwing her against the wall, face to the wall, ass backwards. Fiona gasped as her skirt was flipped up, shivered in humiliation as the laughter of the other doll filled the air.

"Look at that...and here I thought you were going to be some sort of threat..."

That was never going to be the case, and they both knew it. The Floatzel doll shivered as she felt the other doll feeling her up, rubbing along her ass cheeks, squeezing them far more violently than Diane had ever done. She whimpered, feeling even worse when the other doll pushed forward, the two of them grinding on each other in a way that she hadn't done for so long, since the day she had been activated.

Fiona moaned under her breath as she was groped and squeezed, her body nothing but a toy to the other doll, and the Lucario was making it very, very obvious who was in charge, and who owned who. The feeling of those hands all over her body, the sensation of being so much less, only left her shivering and panting and gasping, thrusting her hips back to meet those clapping hips against her ass cheeks.

They were almost like male and female, their bodies shaking and rattling and rutting together like the opposite sex rather than the two women that they were. She moaned, whimpering, gasping as she was suddenly hooked from the side of her face, two fingers pulling at her lips and forcing her head back with the sheer force of the grip that the other woman had.

"Moan for me, doll. Moan for me like the bitch you are."

Fiona did more than moan. She gasped, and she wetted again, her juices running down her legs in a mini-orgasm of her own. She moaned at the top of her voice, thrusting her hips back, begging for more of the abuse despite herself.

Hurt me, hurt me, break me, screw me, slap me, ruin me.

The thoughts were running faster and faster through her head, her mind twisting them up and then throwing them back at her, reminding her what a worthless little slut she was, how much of a broken doll she had become. There was nothing of the original prude left, nothing of the woman that wanted to be better than the rest of the city.

No, what was left was a whore, someone that wanted to be broken, someone that wanted to be destroyed.

Fiona gasped as she was wrenched about, her neck cracking, her head almost coming free with that one pull. She pulled her head back around, feeling the grating and scratching and scraping as it went against the join that held it.

Oh god, almost...almost lost everything there...


Spank, smack, smack. The hands of the other doll were all over her still, smacking her, hitting her, denting even the silicone in her ass cheeks. She arched her back, swearing that it was going to break her, but knowing that she could take more. She moaned into her arms, pushing her ass up a bit.

"Look at you, whore," the Lucario said in her strange voice. "Look at the way that you offer yourself. Waiting to be broken, waiting to be ruined. You want this. You can't even call this a rape. You want this."


"No. Not yet..."

The slapping thrusts slowly came to a stop, though the pleasure from the pain had been such that the smaller Floatzel almost wanted it to continue. She shivered, reaching back, trying to grab the other doll by the hip, or by the crotch, or something, but her hands kept slipping. She couldn't get a good grip.

She was turned around, forced to have her back against the wall, and she screamed as the other doll shoved her hand between her legs. There was nothing between the other doll's finger and her pussy, nothing to stop that invasion, nothing to stop that violation. She screamed at the top of her lungs, her eyes rolling back as she was suddenly filled to the brim with those thick, painful digits, forced to spread for them as her juices suddenly soaked them.

The rapist chuckled at her, her other hand grabbing Fiona by the throat. She gasped, feeling that tight grip squeezing at her neck. Information came flooding through, reminding her of the shift and the snapping at the bearing point. She could lose her head, quite literally, if too much pressure was applied to her neck right at that point. She shivered, she gasped...

And she stayed completely still, not wanting to tempt fate, not wanting this to end just yet.

Her eyes were bugging as one finger turned to two, and then to three, pulling at her opening and almost tearing it more than once. The black lips of her pussy, a special sort of life-like silicone, were getting pushed to their limits, stretched further than they were ever supposed to stretch. She spread her legs further, unable to fight the needs and the slut personality that was slowly pushing up from her depths.


Her whisper was met with a chuckle.

"I know that you don't mean please stop..."

The Lucario leaned in, whispering in her ear.

"You mean please keep going, don't you, slut? You want me to ruin you...you want me to wreck you...take away everything that you ever were...leave you completely worthless..."


She couldn't deny it any longer. She wanted to be broken. She wanted to be left like the other victims. Her fascination with this wouldn't let her deny it for any longer. She just wanted to be fucked. She just wanted to be broken and damaged and...

And she wanted it to be done now.

Desperate, she reached between the other doll's legs, looking for a pussy to please, or anything else to touch. She expected at least a dry slit, if not one that was almost as wet as hers, but instead...

Instead, she found nothing. Nothing but a blank plate down there.

Fiona's eyes went wider than ever, her gaze moving from the Lucario's chest up to her eyes.


"Heh...so, you found out..."

The Lucario let go of her, and Fiona dropped down to her knees, shaking her head and slowly looking away.

A Barbie. The rapist was a Barbie, one of those dolls that had nothing between their legs. Not a dick, not a pussy, not anything. And she was going to get raped by one of them.

Somehow, that only added another splash of humiliation and eagerness to her sex drive, her need climbing higher than ever as she looked back up to see that the Lucario was pulling something out from behind her back. A strap-on, yes, but one that was bigger than the one in the recording.

It was probably about the thickness of her first, something that was bigger than anything that the dolls were designed to take down there. If she was fucked by that, ruined would not be a good enough word for the end result. Broken would be closer.

"Why?" she whispered.

"Does it matter?" the Barbie asked back.

It probably didn't, but some part of her was curious. Some part of her that believed that understanding the Lucario's past would give her that much more humiliation, that much more horror for what was coming.

So, she nodded.

And in response, the Lucario slapped her across the face with the strap-on, hitting hard enough to dent the side of Fiona's muzzle. She gasped as she was knocked to the floor, held down flat by the hard hit.

"Let me tell you. It doesn't matter. Who I am, what I was, doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are nothing but rape bait, and you're here for me to fuck up. Do you understand me?"

She shivered, staring at him before slowly nodding her head.

"Good. Now, roll over."

Not having any choice, Fiona obeyed.

She rolled onto her back from her side, staring up at the other doll. She was carried from the floor to a table, her legs forcibly spread, the Lucario's hands clenching down on either of her thighs, forcing them as far apart as they would go. Her cheeks burned as she had her drooling pussy revealed once more, and the strap-on pressed right to it.

"Mmm, you're already soaking wet. It won't take long to destroy you properly."

The Lucario's fingers were already denting the plastic frame around her limbs, starting to push them to the snapping point. She knew that her legs weren't going to survive this. Knew that there would be circuits that died during this, even if her legs stayed attached.

Her attacker suddenly pushed forward, and Fiona screamed a wordless, electronic scream as she was overwhelmed with the sudden sensation.

It was so much more than the three fingers that had been inside of her only moments ago. Her body was breaking, shaking, shifting, her pussy getting pushed into her body, or so it felt. Her entire frame felt like it was shaking, the shocks of stimulation and sensation rippling through her. Her body felt like it was going into overdrive, overclocking itself just trying to handle everything that was happening.

She gasped for breath as the Lucario leaned over her, slapping her tits hard enough to leave them bruised and flattened, no longer coming back up. The rapist chuckled, shaking her head.

"Oh, you are going to be a fun one...you want this even more than that Pikachu slut did."



The Lucario laughed as she pulled back, the strap-on pulling on things so deep inside of the Floatzel that she didn't even know they existed before that moment. She screamed again as the head of that fist-thick shaft pulled all the way back to her opening, only to shove in again.

The internal diagnostics were telling her that her pussy was getting more and more damaged with each thrust, that the shaft was breaking down her sex and forcing it out of alignment. Already, the juices running out of her, her fluids, were starting to be blocked off a bit. Some of it was spraying back inside of her, running into places where it shouldn't.

She could drown.

She could fry.

She could die any number of ways, and she didn't care. All that she wanted now was the feeling of that huge, fat cock inside of her, the strap-on going deeper, filling her, breaking her, using her.

Fiona spread her legs willingly, her internal processes going a bit crazy from all the stimulation. Was this the start of stimulation death? She didn't know. All she knew was that she no longer wanted to stop.

The rapist fucked her, used her, forced her over the edge to one orgasm and then another. Her ass cheeks clenched and jiggled as they washed over her, her body shaking from head to toe, rattling and rolling from the feeling of being fucked over like that. Her tongue hung out, her mind was going blank.

In and out, in and out that strap-on went, each thrust battering against the crucial pieces down there that gave her pleasure. The fact that a Barbie was so intent on breaking her down, on making her pussy almost as non-functioning as her own, was all the more humiliating. She wanted to give in, almost, just for that particular piece of humiliation alone.

Fiona felt her head rattling in its socket again, almost coming loose. Her body was rattling all over the place, so many different things losing their integrity from all the fluid and all the arousal that she was feeling. It was flooding through her, barely avoiding the crucial pieces in her torso, oozing out around her head and through the gaps of her shoulders as it rolled up in those places.

"What's the matter, dear? Too horny to let it out properly?"


She couldn't even speak, her RAM so overloaded with all the sensations that it was trying to handle that it couldn't afford to take even a second to try doing something else. She tried to reach up for the Lucario, tried to pull her down to say something, but her hand was batted away.

No, it was slapped away. As in, it was slapped off.

Her broken wrist from earlier meant that it was loose, anyway, but it was still a shock to see her own hand go flying away, the ball-bearing snapping off cleaning, a few wires poking out afterwards. The rapist chuckled.

"Look at you. Nothing but a stump, now. How's it feel, cripple?"

Fiona shivered, cumming a third time at the humiliation of losing part of her body. It was something that she had been proud of for the longest time. Two months was a long time to avoid having something stolen or replaced. Not many dolls managed that in this day and age. She had been something to look up to, something to say, 'That's a success story' about.

And now...now she had lost that.

Her other hand reached out, and this time the Lucario grabbed it, holding it tight, keeping her from pulling her hand back. It took her a second to realize that the pressure around her fingers were going up, and her eyes went wide.

"Please, no, no, not this! Not that!"


Crunch. Crack. Snap. Pop. Her fingers broke, one by one, as they were squeezed while they were fully extended. One by one, the Lucario snapped them, breaking the tips first, then the middle joint. Finally, the squeeze reached the base of her fingers, and they came free of the rest of her hand, leaving only a thumb and palm behind.

They clattered as they hit the floor, the Lucario standing over her, her fingers going back down to rest on the Floatzel's thighs. Fiona shivered, barely believing what had just happened, but knowing it was completely real.

She was being broken.

And getting more broken, as the Lucario grabbed her arm for leverage. It was barely more than a squeeze, but she could feel the other's fingers digging into her body, cracking the chassis right off the bat and pulling hard on growing cracks.

Oh god, oh god, oh gooooooooood!

The strain against the ball-bearing and its bearer was not what she expected. She had anticipated pain, but this was akin to agony, the data streaming in telling her that it should have had her screaming her head off. She could feel her arm coming looser, the cracks getting bigger around the joint.

"Please, no, not my arm, not my arm!"

"I will take anything I want," was all the Lucario said.

The pulling resumed, and she felt the arm getting wiggled left, right, left, right, feeling the plastic cracking around the metal ball. She shook her head, screaming as her pussy clenched down on the strap-on that much harder. Fiona tried, failed, tried again to get her arm free of that deadly grip, but it was too late.


The plastic broke, and then the bearing slid free. She went from all pain to no pain, only able to stare at the broken piece of her body, the limb that she'd had for her whole life falling to her side. It was right there, and a part of her almost felt like she should still be able to move it. She even tried, telling herself to wiggle her hand.

It didn't move. Nor did any other part of the arm.

She's going to take everything...she's really going to take everything...

Her attention was yanked back to her crotch a second later by another thrust, feeling as though her parts were getting ripped to bits. Her insides felt wrong, and her dripping felt backed up, too, like her juices were being blocked, or something had gone seriously, seriously wrong with her down there.

She couldn't lift herself up, but she didn't have to. Internal data gave her a picture of what her pussy must have looked like right then. Like the tube of a fleshlight getting fucked too hard, her sex was getting shoved further and further back inside of her body, like a tunnel that was getting shifted about. The thought of her sex being pushed too far in to fuck suddenly filled her head, and she gushed at it.

"Mmmm, I can't imagine you have too many more of those left in you, doll, but let's see how long you last."

She was flipped over, her head pinned to the table as the Lucario got back to fucking her. Each thrust felt like it was breaking the frame of her hips, her plastic cracking and creaking with each impact. In and out, in and out, it went, and she felt herself falling further and further towards that inescapable darkness on the inside.

Crack, crick, crack, splash, smack, splash. She could feel her juices soaking down her legs, and worse, soaking that toy. It was slamming into her, its sheer girth forcing her pussy deeper inside of her body until -


Fiona groaned, her voice garbling in electronic distortion as she felt the slippery fuck tunnel between her legs finally come dislodged. She gasped as she felt it sliding back out of her, tugged along by the strap-on, only to yelp as it was forced right back inside of her.

"You can keep that. I don't need another fleshlight."

Her rapist laughed at the horrible joke, and she shivered as she felt the Lucario packing her pussy in deeper, folding it in over itself. The blocked tubes that had been spraying her juices all over the inside of her body were suddenly spraying through the opening that they were given, flooding the table and the strap-on.

"If we had more time, I'd consider removing those legs and fucking that ass with your thighs..."

Another little weak spurt, another little gasp from her that she couldn't quite contain.

"But I don't think I have time. It's almost midnight, already, and soon the night crowd will be coming along. Maybe more 'fans' of mine, waiting for their chance to receive what you got."

Fiona groaned. She should have remembered that she wouldn't be the last victim. She would just be one of them, temporarily the most recent before the Lucario went to do this again. She would be...


Her mind went wild for a moment.

I can ID her. I can ID the rapist.

The thought actually slowed down all the slutty thoughts for a second, and Fiona forced herself to think it through.

I already have the face burned in. No silhouette. If she just leaves enough of my processor for them to read, this is over for her.

And it might mean that her employer would think that maybe, maybe, it had been a bad idea to get rid of her, after all. Maybe her name would be cleared, post rape, posthumously. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

She was so absorbed with those thoughts that she didn't notice that the Lucario had moved from behind her to her side, and only noticed that when a hand grabbed the back of her head.

"Can't leave without a trophy..."

"Wait, wait, you already fucked me!"

"Yes, and I said I was going to ruin you."


"Don't worry. You won't feel it for long."


"This is the only thing that satisfies me anymore. Ever since she took my...It doesn't matter. You had your fun. Now it's my turn to have mine..."

Now that the moment had finally come, some fight woke in the young doll. She knew that if her head was taken, she would be in a far worse hell than even this Lucario thought she was inflicting. She couldn't go through with that. She couldn't.

Flailing with her one remaining arm, she managed to hit her assailant along the arm, even managed to knock her back by a step. The Floatzel's legs refused to obey, though, not moving, not even shifting.

The cracks...

The way that her attacker had held her, the way that she'd been pinned and forced to hold her legs open. That had cracked the plastic, cracked it bad enough that they wouldn't move even with the ball-bearings in the right place. She was stuck.

Even as she tried to pull herself off the table, rolling to and fro to do what her limbs wouldn't, the Lucario rapist was already back on her. She was grabbed by the neck, yanked back so that she was looking up at the ceiling again, and her attacker had picked up her arm from the floor.

"And here I thought that you would be more accommodating...more understanding...more whore-some."

The arm - her arm - was pulled back like a club...and then it came down right on her head.


Fiona had never imagined damage to her head before, but this was beyond anything that she had imagined to her other parts. One visual sensor went completely black, and she knew that it was broken beyond repair. The glass had to be shattered and the wires and sensors behind it would have been completely broken.

Her other eye saw little more than static, her head swaying one way, then the other as it tried to focus on the attacker. The Lucario became more of a silhouette for her as the damaged but functional eye tried to focus on movement more than anything else.

She's going to take my head, she's going to take my head!

Fiona tried to flail away, tried to pull herself free from the table, to roll, but everything put that much more stress on her neck. She could feel the wires inside coming loose, the connection she had with the rest of her chassis starting to weaken. Her one good eye was slowly fuzzing up from the swinging around, and the way that the Lucario was still wrenching her from side to side didn't help.

"No, no, no no no no no no no no no no no!"

She was repeating it like a machine that had gone berserk, losing all control as her damaged sex squirted at insane rates and pressure, as her jiggling backside kept tensing and squeezing and smacking itself together. The signals from her processor to her body were getting mixed and crossed, and she lost any ability to think straight save for the desperate desire to keep her head right where it was.

Wrench to the left, CRACK!

Wrench to the right, CRACK!

Left, right, left, right, crack crack crack -


Fiona's eyes went wide, the Floatzel losing all track of the rest of her body as her head and the wires attached to it were ripped completely free of the chassis behind her. The sense of dislocation, of losing the feeling of her remaining limbs, of feeling her caved-in pussy disappearing from her awareness, it was all so...disorienting.

She was dizzy as she fell end over end, dropping from the Lucario's arms and hitting the ground with a thud. She almost wished that it had caved in her other eye, because from there, she could see the rest of her body.

It was a wreck. Her chassis was even more damaged than she had thought, with rips and tears and dents through it, the plastic clawed out in several sections and long rents and tears along her legs. Her pussy juice oozed out of her limbs, dripping to the floor, and her entire body continued to spasm as her head was removed.

It would keep doing that for a while.

Fiona was one of the rare types of dolls. She'd known it for a while, and had kept her mouth shut about it to everyone but the mayor. Diane might have known more, but if the Gardevoir did, she had never told her about it.

The Floatzel doll model had a special sort of 'ability,' in that the different pieces of the doll each had a semi-functional processor in them. It was meant as a way to keep the doll working hard, even when it was placed in an aquatic environment for those that wanted to play up the doll's origins.

In this case, her head had a separate processor to the main one that was lodged in the chest, and it had a secondary power source, too. This meant that not only was she still alive, but she was trapped in the nightmare of being nothing but a disembodied head, nothing but a trophy for her rapist and ostensible murderer.

The Lucario picked her up again, the other doll's hands all over her head. She wanted to talk, but knew better. She wanted to bite, but fought off the temptation.

Right at that moment, the Floatzel was alive, and she could stay alive as long as she didn't make any big, stupid mistakes. Like biting her attacker.

I'm alive. If someone ever finds this doll, I can tell them what she did to me. I can...I can...

She could also keep feeling the lingering sensations of what the Lucario had done to her. The rape played over in her mind again, her memory playing through each part of the attack in exquisite detail. Even though she no longer had a body that would feel the pleasure, she could still feel it in her head.

It was glorious. It was horrifying.

And it was all she had left to her existence as she was carried away, her lips pursed tightly to keep the quiet moans from escaping her. The Lucario still hadn't seemed to notice that she was still alive, and she was desperately hoping to keep it that way.

Moan later, when she's asleep. Make it part of the fun...and you can live...hopefully...

After all, all power cells had a point where they'd run out. Maybe someone would find her head before that happened.


The End

Enraptured by a Rapist 2

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Enraptured by a Rapist 1

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