A Starfox Adventures Parody 1: Krazoa Palace

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of Starfox Adventures Parody

Sponsored by Asbeoth, so thank them for getting this series off the ground.

A new series involving Krystal and Fox McCloud, this series will be a more dramatic take on the game and less of a rape-fest. There will be bad ends along the way, but they will be non-canon for these two. Sex will abound, bits and pieces of it everywhere, but we'll see how it goes. In this one, we come to Krystal in Krazoa Palace.

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A Star Fox Adventures Parody

Chapter 1: Krazoa Palace

Sponsored by Asbeoth

By Draconicon

Through rain and lightning Krystal flew, no less desperate now than she had been before the great ship in the sky. The blue vixen still looked around with eyes wide with anticipation, sure that the General had not been alone. That ship in the sky was massive, with many weapons, but surely he didn't fly with just one?

Lacking any pursuers, she could only hope that whatever supporters he had were too busy salvaging the ship. She had damaged it enough to keep the SharpClaw general from pursuing her, which was enough for the moment.

She looked ahead again, her eyes panning over the great temple palace that loomed over the lands below. Her mount flapped his wings, his scaly head bobbing up and down to the beat of his leathery limbs as they descended.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"Krazoa Palace, the center of power for Sauria," the winged creature said as they swooped under an ancient statue. "It used to be that the EarthWalkers ruled from here, spreading their authority throughout the land, giving peace to those that ate of the earth instead of the flesh. Now..."

Her mount didn't have to continue. She could see the damage below.

The SharpClaw, a smaller species of meat-eating dinosaur, had already overwhelmed most of the defenses. The outer walls were set ablaze, and there were dead dinosaurs spread throughout the grounds of the great citadel. Those bodies that hadn't been scavenged already were being pulled away, dragged off by the smaller scavengers and warriors. They'd be gone soon.

Krystal shook her head, her free hand going to the staff tucked against her back. She resisted the urge to pull it out. If she did, she'd demand an aerial attack, swooping down to take down some of these foul creatures. If they did that...

Well, then the whole idea of coming in quietly would be shot in the foot, wouldn't it?

Still, it pained her to leave them. The agony that they suffered filled the air, not just with the cries of the dying and the injured, but with a psychic sense that she was all too sensitive to.

The blue fox pressed a hand to her forehead as she shut out the worst of the pain, shaking her head as some of it still got through. Phantom aches threatened to pain her, but she was able to ignore them. For now.

Her friend carried her to one of the upper balconies of the temple palace, depositing her on the edge before shaking his wings out.

"This is as far as I can take you. My queen will need to hear about this."

"This is fine," she said, nodding. "If I can find the King or Queen, then we have a chance."

"I wish you luck. You'll need it in this place..."

The winged dinosaur turned his head left and right, giving it one final shake before taking to the air again. As before, he ducked and dived between the flashes of lightning, and Krystal shook her head as she watched him go.

Alone again...Well, it's not much of a change. She sighed. Best get to work.

First thing, find a way inside. Her clothing had stood her in good stead when she'd first arrived on the planet, when she was working her way up from the lowlands, but in the rain and the storm, a fur-lined bra and a loincloth was completely unsuitable for keeping out the wet and the cold. Her sandals were little better, leaving her soaked from head to toe in short order.

She pulled out her staff and followed the steps down from the balcony. Her head was filled with groans and moans and the pain of the injured on both sides, and she clenched her teeth against the worst of it.

Get inside, and then you can start making plans.


Through stealth and patience, she eventually found an unguarded window along the outside of the palace. The blue vixen slipped through it with a great huff of relief, feeling warmer as soon as she was out of the storm. Though her fur dripped like mad onto the stone floor, it was better than standing in the rain for one more second.

However, inside the palace, it was worse than outside.

Fires burned everywhere, traps that had been tripped still running. EarthWalker soldiers, half-dead from their injuries, looked upon the crispy bodies of their would-be slaughterers with some measure of contentment. But that did nothing for her, not without some information.

The vixen walked up to one of the better-off soldiers, kneeling down by the four-legged creature. His three-horned head turned to face her, and he groaned in a low, booming voice.

"What are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm a friend," she said. "I came here to bring warning."

"Warning. Heh. You're too late."

She couldn't entirely argue with that. The palace was burning from top to bottom. Even stone would be scarred from the inferno that was racing through it, though she had little doubt the place as a whole would survive. Not as it once was, but it would survive.

She reached down, pulling off the very bottom of her loincloth and folding it over itself. She dabbed away the worst of the blood around the EarthWalker's face, leaning down.

"Is the King still here?"

"He might be," the EarthWalker groaned. "He would be in the throne room. Looking for ways to hide the treasures of the palace."

"Would he accept help?"

"Do you eat meat?"


Not quite a lie. She had dismissed the practice for some time, due to her own psychic abilities. It was a choice to avoid that pain in herself and others.

"Then he'll trust you." The soldier tried to stand, but only managed to get a few inches off the floor before his injuries pulled him back down. "Nnngh...I'd escort you, but -"

"You're near death. Rest if you can."

"Not much choice here."

"How do I get to the throne room?"

"Through there...through there and up."

The soldier nodded at the fires that crisscrossed the room. They spun and twisted about, creating spirals and waves of scorching, consuming heat. It had been enough to kill the scaly SharpClaw, and she had far more flammable features than they did...and a much longer, more easily scorched tail.

Yet, she had to get through it. There was no real choice in the matter.

At least the EarthWalkers would be okay in here for now. The door was sealed, and that meant that none of the enemy forces would be breaking down the door anytime soon. They could hopefully rest enough to get back to their feet and escape.

The vixen walked up to the edge of the inferno pit, watching the fire spin and twist before her. Three circling sprayers rolled down one wall, up and down, while there was a fourth on the opposite wall, moving back and forth across the room with sweeping flames.

Timing. It's all down to timing...

Grabbing the tip of her tail, Krystal tucked it against her chest, bobbing her head to the beat of the spinning flames until -


She jumped forward, throwing herself under the first line of fire. She felt the heat, her back immediately steaming from the residual water on it, but the vixen didn't dare slow down. She hit the ground running, her sandals clacking against the stone tiles.

Forward, forward. She hit the next one, jumping over the spiraling streams. Her sandals absorbed the heat, but the water in them was steamed out right then and there. She must have caught a bit of the fire.

The air was filling with mist as she ran forward, and she knew that it was entirely due to the rainstorm outside that she had been untouched so far. She couldn't rely on that luck.

Two more spinners. Two more.

One coming straight at her, one of them still up in the air, starting its descent. The vixen ran faster, pushing herself to move quicker.

Her staff came forward, slapping against the stone beneath her. She shoved it down, pushing herself into the air, vaulting over the horizontal fire stream. She caught a bit of it along her hip, gasping at the hot touch, but kept moving, kept running.

With a final slide, she ducked under the last fire stream, barely avoiding getting her hair fur scorched off. She panted for breath as she lay there, watching the fire go up and down, up and down, almost touching her every time.

When there was a window to move, she took it, getting up and making her way to the door out of the room.

A glance over her shoulder confirmed that the EarthWalker had been watching her the whole time, and that he was staring at her with a bit of amazement. She smiled, giving a little nod back at him, and then darted out of the room.


There were many more traps waiting for her through the palace, most of them related to fire. She was starting to wonder if the damage to the palace had been less due to the SharpClaw and more due to the various traps that the palace owners had put in, and how many of them had been tripped by the enemy and how many by the soldiers themselves.

It was a good question that had no answers.

Krystal reached the throne room ahead of the army, and she was not surprised to find herself immediately threatened by a half-dozen horned dinosaurs. They were different from the guards that were spread through the palace. Their horns were bejeweled, and the tips had been replaced with a dull metal, something shiny and hard that had been filed to a deadly point. More to the point, they were all scarred, all a bit older.

Veterans, she knew. Ones that had been in war before and knew their business. Krystal held her hands up, her staff already tucked away.

"I come in peace. I bring a warning to your King," she said, looking past them to their monarch.

The King EarthWalker was, ostensibly, the one that she needed to talk to. Not just for the warning, but for everything else that was going on. He was the oldest of the different dinosaurs in the room, and definitely the one that had the most scars of everyone around. No horn tips had been replaced on his face, however, and he had the eyes of someone that had been put through more than he could bear.

"Let her approach," the king eventually said.

The other EarthWalkers parted for her to get through, and she moved quickly, ascending the stairs to his throne. She gave a quick bow of her head rather than a full bow, not knowing how much time they had left.

"I came in response to the beacon," she said. "General Scales is right behind me; he is coming for the treasures here."

"We knew he was, but we didn't know that he was already on his way. How far off is he?"

"No more than two hours. Maybe less."

The soldiers grunted to each other, obviously not liking the news. She hadn't claimed to bring anything happy, though, and she had more to say.

"I was told...that there is something special here. Something that will save the planet if it is set free," she said.

"There is...something. Something that I can only trust to someone that can handle themselves."

"I can."

"If you got here, you obviously can do better than most. However, I was going to give it to one of my bodyguards."

"Let me prove myself."

"...Then go through into the shrine." The king nodded towards an out of the way doorway to the left of the throne. "If the spirit judges you worthy, then you will carry it. Otherwise..."

There was no need to say what otherwise would happen. If she was not strong enough to carry it, the spirit would have its own way of dealing with her.

That was fine. She had seen what had happened to the planet already. She knew the chaos that had taken it apart. The cost of her life was one that she was willing to pay, if needed.

That said, she doubt it would be required.

She left the king behind, ignoring the grunts and whispers of annoyance that came from his guard. They questioned her, asked how she could be trusted. They were right to ask, she supposed. She was an outsider, someone that had outmaneuvered all their defenses, someone that had come forward when nobody else had.

When one stands alone, everyone looks suspicious.

Yet, for all that, she had seen the damage to the planet when she arrived. She saw the continental masses that had been ripped from the surface, the orbiting satellites that were far too 'natural' to be something that people had made. She had seen the cities that should have been planet-side rotating around the world, and knew that something had gone horribly wrong.

The beacon had been one thing to draw her here. The other...

The other was in this shrine.

The blue vixen approached the glowing portal, shaking her head as she stepped onto the glowing yellow disk. The one above her burned all the brighter, emanating a different sort of feeling. Something that was testing her, searching her, trying to understand her.

Krystal spread her arms, allowing it into her...and disappeared.


The light faded, revealing a simple room, one that was filled with pillars along the perimeter and open in the center. A great masked statue stood before her against the far wall, and despite its stony exterior, she felt like it was watching her.

She turned around slowly, feeling like there was something else going on. Something had to be here, something that was deciding whether she was worthy of the spiritual treasure of the palace.

Something...that was waiting for her to find it.

Ah...the test. It is observation, she thought. That's why it's watching me, to see if I can find it.

She smiled. That would be easy enough.

During the majority of her life, Krystal kept her psychic senses as penned up as possible, holding them back and keeping them from extending into the world around her. The power of her mind was such that it would overwhelm her quickly if she linked minds the way that she was trained to do. There were too many people for one person to understand that way.

But in this isolated place, where it was only her and the person she had to find...

She reached out, feeling for the presence of another. There was a low-level feeling of presence in everything around her, almost as if the spirit in question had deliberately tried to confuse anyone that had her ability.

But it hadn't considered those that had her control of it.

She traced it back through the rocks, then back up to the statue. She opened her eyes again, meeting the masked statue's gaze.

"You're in there. A little obvious, don't you think?"

There was no response at first. She kept up her stare, feeling a slight 'wiggle' in the presence of the spirit. It was seeing if she was sure, or if she was bluffing. Krystal shook her head.

"We don't have time. People are dying in the world outside. If you do not come with me, then the world will be shattered even further. I must take you away from the palace, for now. Come with me, and I will keep you safe."

"There is no safety..."

The voice rippled through her ears and mind at the same time, the words coming across two different levels of sensory awareness. She bit her lip for a moment as she struggled to get used to it.

"General Scales comes, and his ally pushes him to come faster. The great evil that has infested our world will take what it wants as soon as it arrives."

"Not if you're not here. Come with me. Stay with me. I will keep you safe."

"You cannot fight them."

"I can, and I have."


Krystal opened her mind to the spirit, showed it what had occurred on the flight to the temple.

_In the rainstorm, vixen and General fight. They circle each other, staff and claw, tooth and nail. Scale and fur flash in lightning strikes, neither giving ground, both falling back from the other. No extended strikes, no hard-held blows. No power struggles. Neither is willing to give the other the chance to stay close for that. _

Krystal strikes, a lucky hit across the cheek. The General falls back, clutching his face. She follows up with a blow to the gut and the chest, but is stopped before she can hit the neck.

He grabs her, she spins free, but not before getting a bloody blow to her shoulder. The scar still burns.

The other soldiers swarm around her, trying to get a hit in, but she spins, her staff protecting her, knocking back those that come from behind.

The General strikes again, and she kneels, her staff creating a barrier that wards off the first blow, giving her time to evade the second.

The fight continues and she tires. The General doesn't. She is pushed to the edge of the ship, only to leap off rather than taking a death blow. She flies away, the engines of the ship burning with fire from her sabotage. The General shouts at her, and the memory fades.

She opened her eyes again, and this time, the spirit was visible.

It was a creature of face and tentacles, one that floated before her and looked at her with odd fascination. It cocked its head to one side, then the other.

"You have strength, young one. Strength to stand against evil."

"I have been trained to stand against wrong-doing from the day I was born. That is why I am here."

"You have a pure heart. But can you maintain that?"

"...What do you mean?"

"There are temptations aplenty in this world, and there are times when a warrior's strength will not be enough to carry you through. Can you bend your pride and maintain your heart? Can you give of yourself and remain pure? Can you take what is offered, and still be good?"

"You speak in riddles, spirit. What do you mean?"

"Allow me...We have yet time."

The spirit extended its tendrils toward her, and she kept herself still as it reached across her body. Ghostly things touched her, then became solid as they grasped at the bindings of her clothes. Her loincloth, her furred bra, her sandals. The tendrils eased into the gaps between them and her body.


Her bra popped off, leaving her breasts to hang free. A slight blush crossed her face as she was uncovered, her upper curves on display. She resisted the urge to reach up and cover them, knowing that the spirit was making a point of something. Of what, she didn't know, but it was of something.

As she got used to the warm air on her wet breasts, the spirit reached for her loincloth. The front and back were lifted up slowly, exposing her sex and her rump. Another tendril came forward, the tip solidifying -


She gasped as it flicked across her sex, finding the little button above it that occasionally got nudged by the things she rode. It always sparked a powerful sensation for her, but this was the first time that someone had touched it intentionally.

"You have no experience in this?"

"No. It is not something I was taught."

"We have no time to go into lessons...but I must see if you can maintain yourself."

The loincloth came away, though more gently than her top had done. It was folded, strings and flaps of leather laid together on the floor. Other tendrils wrapped around her arms and her legs, lifting her off the ground, supporting her as if in a series of vines or ropes. She squirmed slightly, particularly as some of them pushed her legs further apart, making her feel the air on holes that normally were only exposed for dirtier things.

Other tendrils reached for her sandals, gently removing them from her feet. The leather band that had slid between her toes almost tickled on its way out, and other tendrils stroked over the undersides of her feet, almost reverently in some ways, and ticklingly in others.

She bit her lip to keep from making a comment, trying to understand what was happening. A warrior should learn from what her superiors and opponents did, but this was a mystery to her. What was going on? What was happening?

The spirit extended several more tendrils, this time bringing two to her sex and one under her tail. She felt the latter drawing a circle along her rim back there, and the sensation was...unexpectedly pleasant. She hissed softly, curling her toes, only to gasp as the other two tentacles started.

"What...what are you...Mmmph..."

She felt a heat between her legs that she hadn't felt since her last season, and for a moment, she wondered if the spirit had pushed her into heat right then and there. Yet, the hunger and emptiness that always came in her stomach was missing this time. Instead, she only felt a need, a warmth, that emanated from between her legs.

The blue vixen blushed slightly, her fingers curling into fists as the tendrils rubbed up and down her nether areas, pressing the lips them together then parting them, then pushing them together once more. It was a slow rub and grind, one that was gradually making her wetter and wetter down there, making her more and more heated in a way that she had never quite felt before.

It was getting her to puff and pant, too, and it only got worse as a third tentacle pushed between the other two, grinding directly against the exposed inner flesh. It nudged that little button on some of its thrusts, only to pull down and grind against her directly again.

"What...what is the...the point of this?"

"You must be pure. You must be able to take this, if the SharpClaw get their hands on you. If you are not pure, if you are not able to take it and remain yourself, they will break you. They will make you nothing but a toy to this...sensation."

She could imagine it. The pleasure was strong, the need great. A mind not prepared for it...

She wondered how she had not discovered this before, but knew the answer. A warrior was pushed to do everything to fight, to keep the opponent away from her, to keep them at arm's length. There was no time to allow another close.

Perhaps this pleasure was why.

As the tendrils stroked her, ground against her, teased her, she felt her heat getting stronger and stronger. The need between her legs was mounting higher, and she swore that she was getting wetter. The feeling was so...different compared to her heat. There was no hunger to carry young, just a need to be...to be...


The thought was a different one, and one that both scared and enticed her. The fact that she had an enemy that she could not fight with her staff or her body in the same way that she'd been trained worried her.

Yet, it was something she had to learn. If she could master this, then the SharpClaw would have one more weapon that they could not use against her.

So, she offered her body to the spirit, spreading her legs that bit more. Most of its ghostly tentacles wrapped around her, spreading up along her middle to her breasts, encircling them and squeezing.

A gasp slipped from her lips, her eyes going wide as she felt the strange pleasure of that pressuring grip. Long lines, spirals of the tentacles around her breasts lifted them up, squeezed them. The tips flickered around her nipples, flicking them, forcing them hard, drawing more moans from her.

The one between her legs pressed against her differently, coming at her from a different angle. It shifted up a little, then -


It was inside her, the slippery thing getting more and more real inside of her as it pushed deeper. Her sex opened for it and her body strained, pushing forward, trying to thrust it into her.

"Hold to yourself. This is temptation. Remember what you are."

A warrior, she was, but a warrior was not bred or trained to fight against something like this. The sudden thrust, the feeling of being immobilized, helpless. It was so completely contrary to the control a warrior was supposed to have over the situation.

A mix of panic and arousal, of anxiety and submission flooded through her. She struggled as the tentacle went deeper, opening her up, only to be followed by another, two of them plunging inside of her at once. She arched her back, her breasts squeezed by the tendrils around them, her toes curling as yet more grabbed her by the legs and feet.

The ghostly things were gentle but firm, holding her as they used her. As they fucked her, as the word that had come into her mind called it. In and out, in and out they plunged, training her body, conditioning it to want the feeling of being filled. The pleasure grew, her body clenching, grasping, squeezing down on the tendrils.

One hovered over her face, brushing against her lips. The urge to open her mouth and take it in hit her, and she almost succumbed...

Almost, but not quite.

She shook her head. The spirit had not yet told her that it would come with her. She would not open the last of herself without that assurance, no matter how good it felt.


The spirit 'rewarded' her with a series of thrusts, each one going deeper than the last. Krystal felt her belly stretching, even though the ghostly tendrils had done nothing physical to her insides. In and out, in and out, a third tendril sliding into her sex and stretching her further than she thought possible. She kicked out one leg, feeling the ghostly tentacles sliding between her toes.

And as they squeezed her breasts, tickled her rim, and thrust in one last time, she came.

The blue vixen came, and came, and came, her insides clenching down hard, her sex twitching as she squirted over the spirit. She came, and pleasure was embedded in her mind as a concept far more strongly than it had ever been before.

Krystal came down from it quickly, panting hard as she was put down on the ground. She took the loincloth as the spirit offered it to her, putting it back on.

"Is that sufficient?" she panted.

"That is...sufficient. You have weaknesses, but you may yet overcome them."

"Then come with me. We have a long journey ahead."


She left the shrine purple-eyed, bare breasted, and barefoot. Her bra had been broken by the spirit's tampering, and her sandals were so damaged from fire and water that they weren't worth wearing.

As she left the shrine, though, she found herself surrounded by the SharpClaw. No General, but his soldiers had finally broken through.

The King EarthWalker was in chains, and the bodyguards were cast down. The soldiers had only just turned toward her, and she knew that she had no choice. To protect the spirit, there was only one thing she could do.

She ran.

Using her staff, she vaulted across the room, kicking out and cracking heads as she went. No fewer than six of their soldiers went down as she ran across the throne room, going straight for the window.

She launched herself through it, falling through the storm again. The spirit within her guided her, telling her how to lean, how to position her arms and legs to fall faster or slower, to fall in the right direction through the lightning storm to avoid the rocks and crags of the cliffs.

Further, further they fell before a series of branches started to pop out of the rock. Krystal swung out with her staff, hitting them as she fell, slowing her descent until she could grab one and not yank her arm right out of its socket.

As she hung from it, she looked back towards the palace. The fires burned through the different windows, and the great galleon of the General had 'docked' with one of the balconies. She watched him from below, staring at the dinosaur that had caused so much trouble...

And kept staring.

With the spirit inside of her, she saw something that she had missed before. An aura, a yellow, fiendish aura that covered the one-handed reptile from head to toe. He was awash with it, burning with it.

"Is that his ally?"

"Yes. The one that will destroy this world to get what he wants."

"He's being used, then."

"Willingly. He gave himself over to this...thing."

"Did he know what he'd be made to do?"

"He knows enough. Balance has been disrupted."

Balance. Somehow, she imagined that balance was not quite the right word, considering what she'd seen of the EarthWalkers so far.

As she hung from the branch, the spirit slowly pulled itself out of her. Her vision lost the purple tint that it had, and she felt much, much weaker, almost losing her grip on the branch.

"You must go to SnowHorn Wastes. Seek out Garunda Te. He will open the way to where you must go."

"You aren't coming with me?"

"I am freed of the palace. That gives me options to hide. There are many places in the mountains that Scales will not find me. I will use them until you return."

"With the other spirits?"

"And everything else you find to put the planet back together."

"Then that is what I will do."

The near-naked vixen dropped again, and again, each time finding another branch to hold her, and each time feeling the wind whistling up between her legs, between her toes, along her breasts.

It was a surprisingly good feeling.

The End

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