Lust Mages: In the Caves of the Changelings 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Dessa manages her escape from the main part of the horde, but eventually ends up facing the one person in the entire colony that she really wished she didn't have to...

Commissioned by Faceless_Lord

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Previous Chapter:

Lust Mages Non-Canon

In the Caves of the Changlings 2

For Faceless_Lord

By Draconicon

Dessa ran, and she didn't know if she'd be able to stop running anytime soon.

How many of those things are there? she wondered, darting this way and that through the underground cavern. She ducked beneath pulsing green-yellow sacs, leaped over sleeping changelings, and hoped to whatever deity was listening that she was making some sort of progress towards the surface and away from the hoard that was following her.

The otter ducked over the latest attack, barely managing to avoid being tackled off her feet as one of the changelings flew over her. She swept her leg up, catching one of them in the cheek with a kick, only to feel it lick at the bottom of her foot.


She was still so sensitive, so needy despite what they had already done to her. Milked her, drained her, then bound her up again. And she didn't have the power to fight them magically at the moment.

With a grunt, she swept her leg around in another kick, swinging her hips the other way to check another changeling's advance. It cleared her a small space in the middle of the room, but more of the gray-black creatures were coming, their eyes impossible to count in the low light from the sheer number of them.

Gotta get away, gotta get away, gotta get away.

One of the changelings grabbed her by the tail before she could figure out what way to go, yanking her right off her feet. Dessa screamed as she was pulled backwards, trying to get a kick out, but the changeling already had her under him. His cock was throbbing hard, dripping, the flare at the tip brushing against her asshole as soon as he pulled her close.

"Oh god..."

She shivered, her pucker clenching in need, her body already responding to the training that her lust magic had commanded. It wanted her to bend over, to go under the changeling, to let him take her and use her...

But if she did that...

With a grunt, she shoved back at the last second, feeling his cock slid up and bump against the base of her rudder. Dessa rolled, using the heft of her tail to take the changeling with her, and she kept rolling, spinning back to her feet.

Out of the frying pan and back into the fire, as she was surrounded by them again...but at least this time, she had something to work with.

Wouldn't it be so much better to show off my sexy feet if I were higher up? she thought, nudging the lust into her soles and into the earth.

Just in time, too. As the front of the horde charged at her, the earth leaped up from beneath her, thrusting under her feet and carrying her up in the air. Dessa suppressed a giggle at the sight of one of the changelings slamming into her stone pillars, but knew that she didn't have much time. She had to get moving before the energy that she'd absorbed ran out.

Her breasts bounced as she jumped from one stone pillar to the next, leaping along with everything that she had to offer. Her ass jiggled, her breasts bounced, and her cock bobbed up and down with every leap, reminding her of how exposed she was and how fucked she'd be if -


The otter ducked at the last second, barely avoiding getting knocked off her current pillar by one of the flying changelings. It changed direction after flying past her, head lowered and wings flapping fast.

They really want me to stay here...

If it wasn't for the fact that they were intent on draining her of power, of leaving her as nothing but an enchanted item in the corner of the room to be tapped whenever there was need, she might have been tempted. They were good fuckers, had big cocks, and knew how to treat a girl nice. But if the otter was going to live a good life, she needed to get out of here. Fast.

She jumped as the changeling buzzed at her again, grabbing it by the ankle. It flew around, kicking and trying to dislodge her, but she held fast, pulling at his lust for her.

And there was a lot of it. She could feel his desires, his need for her ass, his need to fuck her, to fill her, to use her the way that he would have used a female. She could feel the hunger to get his cock between her breasts, to feel them teasing it and working him over.

She could feel the hunger that he had for her feet, to feel the soft, plush soles working over his cock, to use them the way that she had showed them was possible. Dessa groaned at the last one.

Trust me to introduce a foot fetish to a species...

Still, at least she'd gained a bit of lust from him. As they swung near one of the tunnel exits from the grand cavern, the otter let go of the kicking changeling, spinning around so that she could land on her feet.

As soon as her soles hit the ground, she channeled that lust again, this time, pulling it towards fire.

I smell too clean. Wouldn't I be that much sexier if I had a good musk going?

The fire leaped from the ground behind her, consuming the stone itself, and more, pushing a barrier between herself and the changelings. The fire soared higher and higher, cutting her off even from the flying ones, the bug-like creatures forced to stay on the other side.

And judging from the fact that none of them were running for the other tunnels, she might have found one of the few ones that didn't double-back on itself or get attached to other parts of their colony.


She waved one hand over her head, more than a little mockingly, and disappeared down the tunnel entrance. They shrieked and hissed and growled after her, but there was no stopping her this time.

I'm free, I'm free, I'm free I'm free I'm free.

She hummed as she walked down the tunnel, just strutting along and letting her hips sway as they would. That fire wasn't going to die down in a hurry, and she was feeling pretty confident about getting the hell out of here now. There was nothing that could stop her. Nothing that she couldn't handle, at any rate.

Or at least, so she thought.

Dessa managed to keep her spirits up for a good ten, maybe fifteen minutes before they started to flag. There was no sign of any way to the surface, and the tunnel continued to run flat and level rather than rising towards the upper world. She paused several times, wondering if she had gone the wrong way, and doubled-back on herself.

Oh, there were many different rooms out there, many different places that she hadn't seen on the way down into the hive, but that didn't mean that she was going the right way. She stopped and stared into a good dozen of them, some of them containing other prisoners, some of them containing nothing but the pulsing egg sacs that she had seen in the first room.

Nothing looked like the way out.

What the fuck, where the fuck do I go? the otter thought, not sure if she was starting to panic or if she was starting to lose her mind. Her cheeks were red, though, as she thought about the horde of changelings that were just waiting to get their hands on her body again, eager to pound her into the ground and use her for whatever purpose they could think of.

Her cheeks burned hotter as she realized that there was a different smell in the air, something that was ahead of her. It smelled...female? Sort of, but not quite like that. Definitely a heated sort of smell, though, something that was different from the rest of the horde, and something that was promising enough to pull her forward.

She ran into the next room with abandon, and almost ran right into the queen of the hive.

Dessa froze, stutter-stepping to a halt as the queen turned away from the changeling beneath her. The larger woman slowly turned back, an ovipositor pulling out of the changeling's ass, a big curve and bump at the tip making it clear what she'd been doing, and a few eggs falling out of the smaller male's stretched ass.

"Well, well, the food source has gotten loose," the queen said.


"Me? Chrysalis, the queen of the changelings."

The other woman smiled down at her, a horn on her forehead glowing a twisted green light. Dessa could sense the magic coming from it, shivering as she felt it pulsing that much stronger.

Whatever else this queen was, she had the power of some sort of magic. A very powerful sort of magic, and one that she didn't want to see used on her. If this monarch got hold of her, if the otter was drained of her power and had it handed over to this...thing...

Well, she couldn't see it going well. It was time for her to take her leave.


She darted to the left, only for the queen's horn to spike with light. Dessa froze, holding one arm over her face -


The blast knocked her off her feet, and she landed with a thump against the far wall. Panting softly, she looked back to where she'd been standing.

The floor was cratered where she'd been about to run to, and she gulped.

"That is the most minor application of my magic," Chrysalis said, walking forward on big, bare feet as she smirked. One hand rested on her hips, the other pointed at Dessa. "Now, kneel, unless you wish us to make you."

"...You and who else? You're the only one here."

"It's the royal 'we', you dunce."

"Ah. Well, that could be handled."

She shook her head as she got to her feet, trying to think through her options. There weren't many good ones, she had to admit. There was the possibility of fighting the queen one on one, which...well, if she could avoid getting blasted by the horn, actually had a decent chance of success. One on one, she could probably get a fair bit of pleasure out of the queen. Maybe a good bit of lust, too, something that would give her the magical strength to get the hell out of this place.

The alternatives weren't so good. She could try and run, going back in the caves. It was barely possible that she could lose the queen in the darkness, though considering her eyes were glowing green at that point, she doubted that would work. Nor did she think she could outlast all the other members of the hive chasing after her, as well.

The other alterative was to try and make a deal, something that she doubted would work without a show of power from her, first. And for that...

Looks like we're fighting.

Dessa took a deep breath, getting back to her feet. She set her bare feet against the stone beneath her, holding her hands in a defensive position. Her master hadn't taught her much about hand to hand fighting, but she hoped that the queen was just as ignorant.

"Well then? Come on!" Dessa shouted.

The queen came, alright. And she came hard.

There was a flicker, and suddenly the queen was right there, one of her meaty soles coming right for Dessa's head. The otter saw it at the last second, ducking her head, but not fast enough.


She went flying backwards, the glancing hit almost enough to send her flying through a stalagmite rather than just into it. Holding one hand to her forehead, she shook her head.

If I hadn't dodged it...

That would have taken her head clean off, or at the very least knocked her out for the next week. The queen was stronger than she looked, even without the magic on her side.

Flicker. The queen was in front of her again, and this time, there was no dodging that foot. She grunted as she was pinned beneath it, the thick sole pressing down hard on her face and grinding into her cheeks and nose.

"Heh, is this all that you can fight me with, little creature?" Chrysalis asked.


"Not much, girl. I thought that you would have more with all the power that you carry on you."

Dessa groaned, but knew this was her only real chance. She needed to drain some lust off of the other woman, and she needed to do it fast, before Chrysalis realized what she was doing.

The otter stuck out her tongue, dragging it along the black sole of the other woman's foot. She tasted sweat, she tasted musk, she tasted all the familiar things that came from being underfoot, and she felt her cock jump just at the slight touch of it on her tongue.

Groaning under her breath, the otter tilted her head, dragging her tongue further along that sweaty sole, tasting every inch of the black, hard flesh as she worked from the heel up to the toes, and then between them. The queen didn't seem to notice what she was doing, so she kept going, hoping that she could get more.

The otter could feel the lust building up in the other woman, feel the heat that was coming from getting her feet licked, her toes worshiped. Dessa opened her mouth, sucking on the other woman's toes, flicking her tongue under them, sucking so hard that her cheeks pursed in. The feeling of lust was getting stronger by the second, and she was so tempted to reach for it.

Not yet. Not yet.

She opened her eyes again, having closed them during the licking, and saw that the other woman was stroking her ovipositor. Chrysalis held it almost like a cock, and the thought of getting that shoved up her ass sent a shiver down her spine.

"Mmmm, you like it, you little whore?" the queen asked.

"Mmmmph..." Dessa couldn't speak much with those toes in her mouth, but she couldn't deny that the sight was appealing.

The queen pushed forward, holding her down that much more firmly with her big, black sole. The queen's ovipositor was almost in her face, drooling some sort of green slime that made the otter's head spin.

"This is where all the changelings come from. From me. And they're held inside of those tight little holes until the eggs are ready to hatch. Usually, I put them inside of the strongest fighters, the best of the males...but maybe, maybe, I've been doing this wrong..."

Dessa shivered as the queen dragged her foot down, one toe hooking into the piercing on the otter's left breast. She gasped, her eyes going wide as the toe tugged on the piercing, the hoop pulling on her nipple and sending a shock of pleasure right down to her dick.

Of course, now that she was wearing her master's cock ring again, it meant that orgasm was damn near impossible, but that didn't mean that it didn't feel good. Her cock throbbed more happily than she wanted to admit at the thought of eggs being pumped up her ass, and she tried, tried so hard to focus on her objective.

What was her objective again?

Escape, some sane part of her mind said, but she could hardly listen to it. All of her attention was focused on the foot running down her body, and on the green sweat that was staining through her fur.


Green sweat? It had been -

Green sweat. Green light on the horn.

Dessa screamed as the magic suddenly hit her, the queen's horn going blindingly bright a split second before she could react. The sweat in her fur suddenly seemed hotter, sinking into her, raising her libido further and farther than anything she expected. Her breath came fast and hard, and she gasped through ragged heaves for air.

Her cock was throbbing, her ass was twitching. Her toes curled as she dragged her feet on the rough stone of the floor of the cavern, torturing her soles, and her nipples were so hard that they hurt, the tight tissue pulling the hoops of her piercings upwards and making them stick forward.

"What...what did you..."

"My magic controls the mind, little otter," the queen said with a grin, showing her horn off as it flared again.

Serve the queen, fall before her feet, bow and offer your ass. Feel her inside you, beg for more, beg for it, beg to serve.

The images of service and submission burned through her head, reminding her how it felt to be of use to someone. It had been so long since she had properly served a master, over a year since her dragon had left her in the desert. It was so good to have someone over her again, wasn't it?

Dessa fought it as best she could, but the power of the queen's magic was difficult to resist. The way that it affected her body was impossible to push out of her head, the need that it gave her entire body - from her head down to her toes - to be used impossible to ignore.

She wished that she could use her own lust, but it was still out of reach. She needed someone else's. She needed the queen's.

Desperately, Dessa grabbed for Chrysalis's ovipositor, pulling it down against her lips. She kissed it, dragged her tongue along the head, opened her mouth -

"Ah ah."

The queen shoved her back with one foot, not quite a kick, but enough to send her rolling along the floor. Dessa groaned, shivering as she felt her ass-pussy start to clench, the hole feeling empty as could be.

Serve the queen, beg for eggs, feel the fullness, enjoy the submission.

The green light forced the thoughts back into her mind, making her remember how it felt to be under the changelings already, how close it was to being under her master again. She could have that again. She could have the feeling of being in service once more. All she had to do was lift her tail and offer herself.

She had to resist. She had to.

The otter whimpered as she got to her feet again, leaning against the wall as she groaned. Her nipple piercings were catching on everything that poked out of the wall, pulling and tugging and reminding her of her whore markings. She couldn't get rid of them. Couldn't ignore them. She wanted to be fucked. Wanted to be used.

Her cock was churning like mad, only the ring keeping her from losing the power that she had.

And the queen was coming for her. Those loud footsteps preceded another green flash, making Dessa scream.

On all fours, mind blank, eyes glazed over. Nothing but the green light of the queen, nothing but the needy feeling between your legs. Getting fucked. Getting filled. Nothing but the queen's bitch. Nothing but being used. No need for the cock other than to catch the drippings. Just get fucked...just get fucked...just get fucked...

"Just get fucked...just get fucked..."

Dessa realized that she was repeating the mantra, and she could barely bring herself to care. It was so good, so fascinating, so mind-bendingly hot. She arched her back again as the queen came up behind her, unable to help herself as the ovipositor slid between her ass cheeks, feeling so much like those equine cocks from only a few minutes ago.

"You want to serve your queen," Chrysalis whispered.

I want to serve...

"I want to serve..."

"Say it. You want to serve your queen."

The otter whimpered, shaking her head, but she could feel the green light starting to creep up on the edges of her vision. All she could see, all she could think of was the queen's ovipositor creeping up along the curve of her ass, the thought of how it would feel inside of her, the way that the queen could use her as an incubator again and again.

The pride of the lust mage, the first one that had joined her master and the best of his students, was fading away, claimed by the power of her own need. She was not ready for the power of other worlds, not ready for the power that might be arrayed against her.

She moaned, arching her back, her hole puckering desperately.


"Say it, girl, or you get nothing."

"Please...let me serve you..."

"Your queen."


She could see the dragon in her mind, and she was reaching out for him with what was left of her common sense, with all that wanted to resist this monster that was trying to take her down. She wanted to be worthy of her master, to be good enough to earn his praise again.

But she couldn't. She couldn't hold out.

She had to give in.

"Please, my queen...let me serve you..."

That was all that the changeling queen seemed to need to hear. Dessa gasped as she felt her hole get fucked, her ass opening up in one smooth thrust. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her stomach seemed to drop out from inside of her as she was filled to the brim in one hard thrust.

The otter moaned as she was pinned against the wall, her breasts roughly ground against the rock, her face pinned against the stone. Her ass cheeks jiggled as she was fucked, her hips starting to roll back to meet the thick thing that was plundering her hole deeper and deeper with each passing second.

"Oh god, oh god."

The sensation was more than she was used to, the tip thicker than her master's by some small quantity of inches. She shivered, feeling her hole popping open and closed as the ovipositor claimed her, her eyes rolling back in their sockets as she desperately tried to find words, find something to say that this wasn't her fault, that this was the only way to survive.

Chrysalis chuckled behind her, reaching down and groping her balls, squeezing them. They were still small, but she could feel them growing again, gaining power that they had lost over the last few hours. The otter groaned, her cock trying to drool, but not having the stamina left to do it.

"Yes, that's it. Get all sorts of horny, little otter. I want to see you bulge, want to see you groan, want to see you moan and whimper and beg for everything that you can get from me. I want to see you scream."

Dessa was pretty close to doing that already. She was getting fucked, rutted, used, that hot rod sliding in and out of her. The other woman's breasts smooshed flat against her back, feeling big and warm. Her chest was feeling swollen, heavier than usual.

Bigger...bigger, too.

Groaning, Dessa looked down out of the corner of one eye. Her breasts were bigger than they had been, swollen and stiff and bouncing with every thrust. She moaned, whimpering questioningly.

The queen answered her.

"The power of the Changeling queen, slut. Soon, you won't be dripping your power from your cock anymore. Those boobs of yours will be dripping for me, instead."

Milk? Milked of her power directly? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she came as close as she could to cumming with the ring around her cock. She thrust her hips forward, back, forward again, fucking herself on the ovipositor as her breasts grew from DD size up to EE, and then seemed to be willing to go even further if she let them.

Her mind was nearly gone, her prostate getting slammed again, and again, and again, every hit taking her that much further down the road of no return. She needed to cum, but couldn't. She needed the eggs in her, but shouldn't take them. She wanted to give in...

And she had no choice but to do it.

Something went click in the back of her head, something that was holding her back from defeat. The otter's legs went out from under her, and she fell to all fours, her eyes rolling back in their sockets, her body shaking from head to toe. And yet, the queen followed her down, fucking her faster than ever, humping into her ass and making the cheeks jiggle, her breasts sway, until the point where -


There were no words for the pseudo-orgasm that ripped through the smaller woman, the shemale drooling her brains right out of her mouth and dribbling pre-cum from her cock as the first egg popped into her ass. The queen fucked it further into her body, shoving it in, pushing it deeper, grinding it into a place where it would be safe.

And it was far from the last, either.

Dessa could feel at least three more working their way down the queen's rod, getting closer and closer to her hole. The otter knew that if she let them in, if she let the queen have her like this, that she would never be able to escape.

Knowing that, she reached back as she went up on tiptoe, spreading her ass even further, digging her fingers into her ass cheeks, grinning wilder than ever before as she looked Chrysalis in the eye.

"Use me, please...use me, your Majesty..."

"Oh, I will."

Chrysalis grabbed her tightly from behind, both her arms pinned against the small of her back as the queen leaned in.

"I will."

Days passed, and then weeks. Dessa would come back to moments of lucidity, thinking that she needed to get out while the getting was good, but the otter kept telling herself that she needed to wait a bit longer. The queen was still too aware of her, or she needed to build up her lust further, or there would be a better opportunity if she just took a bit longer to put herself together and get out.

It always coincided with the need to stay for another egg-laying, though, and the otter's belly was constantly bloated, her need growing with each egg that she laid for her new mistress.

And Chrysalis was always there, petting her head, guiding her back to that place of submissive need. The bigger woman would whisper the power of the changelings in her ear, and Dessa would slowly come out of her lucid state, slipping back into the horny, desperate one that wanted to be milked, wanted to be fucked, wanted to stick around.

Her breasts never stopped dripping, her balls never stopped churning, and as the changelings fucked her, her ass was never satisfied. All she wanted was to be filled over, and over, and over again, begging them to give her eggs, to suck her tits, to feel her balls fondled and caged and reminded how she would never cum again.

It was a constant tease, one that she could never entirely pull herself out of, and as the days of her lucid states grew fewer and fewer, the changelings discovered more and more of her secrets.

They started to change, showing off more different forms than the bug-equines that she was used to seeing. She started to see shapes that were familiar and new, ones that were tempting and teasing and were pushing her further and further down a rabbit hole that she would never be able to escape.

She had the slave trader that turned her into a shemale in the first place biting her tits, teasing them until she came from breast play alone.

She had her old high school teacher bending her over, telling her off for cheating on the exams.

She had the stallions of this world turning her into nothing but a breeding toy, filling her with eggs and imitations of eggs.

One day, she saw her old master in the caverns, saw him come up to her. Dessa shivered at the sight of the dragon, immediately turning and pulling her rudder up, exposing her ass and lifting one foot up the way that she remembered him liking. The otter begged for him, pulling her ass apart and showing the egg slime, saying that she was a good girl, that she had learned all the lessons right, and would he please fuck her.

The dragon stared at her quietly, not saying anything. Dessa was so far gone that she believed that she had offended the changeling behind it, and dropped down to a squat, pushing out one of the eggs inside of her and gasping as it popped free. She sat on it, popping it in and out like a bird that loved its young too much.

"I'm sorry. Not a good breeder. Will be better. Will be better. Fuck me with eggs. Give me eggs."

"Oh, Dessa..."

The words. They were not the words of the changeling. Changelings were the only ones allowed in the hive. The otter gasped, her eyes going wide.


"Dessa, Dessa wait!"

The dragon hissed at her, trying to pull her back. For a split second, his touch reminded her of the old days...

But the power of the changeling queen was too strong. The power of her conditioning made it impossible for her to resist her commands. She yanked at his grip, trying to pull herself free as she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Intruder! Intruder!"

The otter's screeches echoed through the caves, the dragon finally letting her go. She pulled back to a corner of the cavern, shaking her head at him, her eyes too wild to understand what was going on.

Intruder. Intruder. Gotta get rid of. Gotta get rid of. Be good girl. Be good breeder, she thought.

The dragon looked at her, slowly shaking his head. He had...he had kind eyes, she thought. Kind eyes. Good eyes.

And then...he was gone.

Dessa sat there, feeling like she should have remembered him, like he should have meant something. But that was impossible.

He wasn't hive. Hive was all that was important.

By the time the males came, she was calm again, the otter on all fours. She apologized for summoning them for nothing, and then offered her ass, as she always did.

And as always, they accepted, putting her back into her proper place, and soon, she forgot all about the dragon.

The End

Lust Mages: In the Caves of the Changelings 1

Lust Mages Non-Canon In the Caves of the Changelings 1 For Faceless\_Lord By Draconicon Ever since the disappearance of her master, Dessa had been at something of a loss. Oh, not a tremendous one, not the sort that left her...

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Slayer or Layer 15

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