Lust Mages: In the Caves of the Changelings 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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In this non-canon two-parter, Dessa flits away from the desert world where she's been learning magic with her dragon master to visit the world of the MLP universe. She ends up getting caught by the changelings before finding out that magic doesn't work the way that she's used to, and has to find a way to escape.

Again, non-canon, just using the main character from the other series, don't need to know it to play with this one.

Commissioned by Faceless_Lord

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Next chapter:

Lust Mages Non-Canon

In the Caves of the Changelings 1

For Faceless_Lord

By Draconicon

Ever since the disappearance of her master, Dessa had been at something of a loss. Oh, not a tremendous one, not the sort that left her desolated, but the otter had been...having difficulties staying focused, for lack of a better word. The desert cities were good, and they were happy to have a lust mage at their services after the creator of that magic style disappeared, but she had never known just how much the dragon had focused her brain and thoughts until he was gone.

The otter shemale sighed as she slipped off of the dick of a client, shaking her head as the sloppy horse cock fell out of her ass. Her customer groaned, complaining about her not finishing the job, but Dessa barely heard. She stroked one finger up her cock and dragged the pre-cum from the perpetually hard rod between her fingers. A flick or two with her other hand drew the appropriate rune in her pre-seed, and the horse was launched violently out her window into the pool outside.

Shaking her head as he splashed into the water, the otter leaned back onto the bed again, crossing one leg over the other and looking at the ceiling.

I'm going insane out here...

Not to the real point of madness, perhaps, but out of boredom, most definitely. The problems of the realm had been solved, the difficulties of the desert had been quelled, and the various factions that had been struggling to take over the whole collection of desert cities had been...well, if not utterly defeated, then giving a damn good bloody nose before they'd run off.

In short, there was nothing for her to do. She was over-qualified for everything, and she didn't have her master to keep her on a good leash, keep her doing what she should be doing.

The otter groaned, rolling over on her belly, her cock still throbbing. The ring around the base was no longer required of her, but it was something that she had never bothered to take off. It was a good reminder of the dragon who had trained her.

That, and it made the lust magic that much easier to get when she didn't go soft, when she didn't easily cum.

Dessa grumbled.

I know I promised I'd stay here and keep an eye on things, but...

The otter sighed.

But I'm going to go out of my gourd if I stay here. I need something more than this. I need to see other things.

And she knew it was possible. She had been drawn here by magic of another sort, and she had come from a different world. If there were two, why not three? Or four? Or more? Goodness knew where Draconicon had come from, but it sure as hell wasn't this world or the one that she'd come from.

So, why not go on a walkabout? She could always come back, she was sure.

In fact, the more that the otter thought about it, the more that the idea appealed. She smiled to herself, rolling over and jumping to her feet. She slid a bit, of course - she had been using her soles to get the horse nice and excited, and they were marked with his pre-cum - but she used it to slide and skate through the house until it was all rubbed off.

As the stallion continued to scream at her from outside, she went down the stairs to the lab. The ritual circles were already drawn, she could make use of them to send her wherever she wanted...

Her master would forgive her, she was sure.

The otter pulled down a few of her master's old books, things that she had promised that she wouldn't read through unless it was an emergency that threatened the entire desert. Well, her boredom probably would if it was allowed to go unchecked. The lust magic that she had was among the most powerful in the sands, and she didn't trust herself not to use it.

She took the book to the ritual circle, adding in the new markings, drawing it in her pre-cum for additional binding to the magic. Didn't want it to get out of control, after all, and that could happen very easily.

The otter looked over it all, nodding her head when she felt satisfied. That would do. That would do very well.

Dessa carefully stepped over the new runes, putting her webbed toes in the middle of the circle, and she held her arms out to the side. She took a deep breath, then drew a circle with one foot, conjuring the smoke that she needed.

Her hands drew the sigils of transportation, of teleportation. Immediately, she felt the surge of energy being pulled from her balls, the crunch of power being demanded to power the spell, and she let it come. She let it build up inside of her, the lust burning in her cock, her ass, her nipples, and even in her soles. The more power that she summoned, the more sensitive she felt, until even the smoke about her felt like it was more like groping hands than anything else.

The otter kept dancing, spinning her hands and drawing the symbols in the dark smoke, the circle beneath her glowing brighter and brighter.

Finally, it happened. The light peaked, the smoke solidified, and she felt a great tug through her middle...

And then she was gone.

After both a moment and an eternity in a great chaos of everything and nothing, Dessa landed with a thump in a different world. The otter groaned, lifting her head to look around, and blinked at her surroundings.

Everything was so...vibrant, to the point of being painfully so. The trees were greener, the grass brighter, the sun yellower, the skies bluer. Everything felt like the world had been turned up to a saturation that she could barely take, and the naked, bejeweled otter had to cover her eyes for a moment to get used to it.

The world was almost cartoonish to look at, and she struggled to believe that it was real. It felt like she could just reach out and poke it, and it would fall down like some hastily constructed bit of cardboard.

And yet...

There were things moving in the distance. Two-legged, anthro ponies of sorts, most of them of a female variety. She shook her head, seeing that they were of the same bright colors as anything else, and blushed when she saw that they wore clothes.

Right...that will be a thing in the new world...

The otter looked down at herself. She was a buxom sort of woman, her breasts fairly good sized, though not quite as large as that gray-furred mare that was walking down the road. Her hips were bigger, and her butt only resisted the description of 'fat' because of how toned it was. Her body was as feminine as could be, with golden bands across her waist, a necklace of gold and silver dangling down from her neck between her breasts, and golden bands around her ankles and wrists. Rings were on her toes and fingers, and even around the base of her cock.

Yes, that cock was still there, throbbing away. She had been given the option by her master to have it removed, to become fully female near her point of graduation, but this was her, now. She wouldn't give up her dick fully, ever, even if it did throb needily all the time.

Still...she had to admit, it would be hard to get something to cover that properly, and while she was still a bit embarrassed by her constant nudity, she had become more used to it over time. There was something about it that felt freeing in comparison to everything else that she could wear.

But this is the new place...and rules are rules... Dessa sighed. Maybe I can be like master and corrupt it into something different.

Before the otter could take a step, though, she heard something behind her. Something hissing, clicking, like the sound of bugs moving around and hurrying into position. She turned -

Just in time to avoid getting taken off her feet by some dark blur trying to tackle her. The otter whipped around, her tail slapping the back of the creature passing by, and she barely got her feet under her again before others came.

Her body reacted quickly, her toes streaking across the ground. She drew the runes of power, the earth magics that would raise barriers...

And nothing happened.

She only had a second to go wide-eyed before the creatures were upon her, bug-like things that had horse-shaped bodies but were covered in some strange sort of black chitin. Their eyes were blue, segmented, and they had wings that were more like butterfly wings than the bat-like ones that she was used to seeing.

And there were over a dozen of them.

Dessa was bowled off her feet, her arms pulled over her head and other members of the group sitting on her legs. They grabbed her tight with fingers that were clawed and barbed, holding tight to her in a way that promised pain if she decided to fight it.

"What is she?" one of them asked.

"What is he, you mean," another said.

"It has boobs."

"It has a dick."

"It has both?"

"Weird. But could be fun."

"Take to the queen."

"Yeah. Off the surface, into the caves."

Dessa had no idea what had happened or how, but she was lifted off her feet and carried away without any warning. She hung between four of them, unable to get any leverage and without any chance of pulling her arms or legs away.

But that wasn't her biggest worry. Her problem now, she realized, was that her magic wasn't working.

Was this why master told me to stay in the other world? she wondered. Did he know the magic wouldn't work out here?

She didn't know, but if that was the case, she could be royally fucked. She had been studying the lust magic for years now, using it extensively and exclusively as she realized how much more powerful it was compared to the other stuff that she could use back at home. If it wasn't one that worked here...

Okay, calm down. They want you for something. You can figure that out, and then if it's something you don't want to give, well, we can find a way around that.

Dessa had matured to some extent over the years. She was no longer someone that would instantly panic in a strange situation, nor was she someone that just gave in the moment that someone put pressure on her. She was better than that now. She was much, much better than that.

The creatures took her off the grass and into the cave. Even the shield of the city hadn't blocked the heat quite this much, and while she was chilled - and her nipples hard from it - she had to admit that it was a nice change. She could get used to that.

They walked through the darkness for longer than she expected, taking time to go from one place to another. There were times when they seemed to go up and down, and there were times when she swore that they were just marching in place to fuck with her sense of directions. Regardless, it was something that worked, and by the time that they finally came to an exit to the tunnel, she had no idea what way was the way out.

The cavern was a big one, one lit with strange crystals along the walls and with moss and glowing sacs that seemed to pulse and drip from the wall. Dessa looked at them, then shivered as she thought about what that might mean.

Hundreds, if not thousands of the bug-like horse things were lining the walls. Some of them stood on outcrops, while others hugged the walls like the bugs of her original world, looking down on those that walked normally. Most had wings, but some...

She shivered as she had her attention pulled towards the center of the room, towards a throne of black jet and a mare-like creature that sat on it. Unlike most of the others, she had a very definite feminine shape, with large breasts and wide hips. Her legs and arms shared the same sort of 'hole' patterns that the others had, but her feet seemed to be whole, the soles pointed down at Dessa as she was thrown before the throne.

"And what is this, then?" the creature asked.

"I...I am Dessa," the otter managed to say. "A newcomer. I didn't know that these lands were yours; I was merely looking for a place to visit."

"You stumble by accident upon my hive?" the creature asked.

"Hive? I...Well, I did say that I didn't know where I was going, or what I was doing."

"She appeared out of nowhere, your Majesty," one of the bug things at Dessa's side said. "First she wasn't there, then she was. As if she was brought to us by magic."


The queen figure stood up, and for the first time, Dessa could see the great thing that hung between her legs. Not a cock, but rather a flexing tube, almost moving like a fattening and slimming worm as its owner looked down at the otter. Dessa looked away, blushing.

"What are you, then?" the queen asked.

"I...I am an otter. A student of power."

"A student, hmm? What power do you study?"

"...Would you, uh, believe lust?"

"Lust, you say...well, now, that might be very useful indeed."

The queen chuckled. With nothing more than a gesture, she seemed to command her people, and they grabbed Dessa by the arms, pulling the otter to her feet and forcing her to stand with her arms pulled back, completely defenseless. Her hips were forced forward, her cock on display.

The queen reached down, and her slender, yet firm fingers gripped the tip of the otter's cock. Dessa shivered, pre-cum oozing out, and the queen gasped.

"I can feel it...oh, my, but I can feel it..."

"What is it, your Majesty?"

"We have fed on love before, but this lust...this is power. This is TRUE power."

"Then -"

"Keep this one. Take it to one of the cells. Drain it, milk it, breed it if you think that it will make it ooze more."

Breed? Dessa's eyes were going wide at the commands that were flying through the air, the words that the queen was saying. What had happened? What was going to happen to her, exactly? Drained?

Draconicon had told her that the more that a lust mage cums, the weaker they become. Was that what they were planning? Were they thinking of taking all the power that she'd stored in her balls over this time for themselves?

Oh, hell no...

The otter tried to pull one arm free, tried to kick out to draw a rune out of habit, but they were too strong. One of them actually grabbed her leg as she kicked, and the bug-like horse pulled her foot up to its face. It cocked its head to the side, reaching out with one finger -


It was like the tip of a blade dragging across the bottom of her foot, like a dagger that was threatening to cut up her pretty little sole. She shivered, her cock jumping up from the little threat.

Every single creature in the room seemed to notice that, too, and the queen chuckled.

"Well, you will be a fun one for them...Take her away!"

Dessa learned several things very quickly about the people that had captured her.

The first was the name. They were called 'changelings' and they were an underground race, driven down there by the ponies that lived on the upper world and kept there by a lack of sustenance. If she had been able to get off the hill, away from the caves, Dessa probably never would have seen them.

The second thing was that they were all capable of oozing a hardening mucous, either from their lips or from It was slippery at first, but it hardened into chains and restraints almost instantly. They forced her down on the ground, lifting her hips up with a rock before binding her hands and wrists to the ground, her hips to the rock, and her feet up to stalagmites in the area, keeping them spread and her soles uplifted.

The third, and final, thing that she learned was a very simple one.

Changelings could feed on love, but they preferred to feed on lust.

"Mmmph! Let go of - Nnngh! - let go of my feet!"

Ever since the first one had touched her soles, managing to get her dick to twitch by doing nothing more than dragging a bladed finger along the bottom, the others had become ever more interested in doing the same. She whimpered and gasped every time that she felt one of them poke her, or scratch her, and her dick danced.

The master had made her feet into her strongest erogenous zones. Her ass was still very sensitive - though stretched - and her cock and her tits were strongly sensitized as well, but her feet were where she was the most sensitive.

She groaned, biting her lips every time that they scratched her, gasping every time that their slimy tongues licked over her feet. They would tease her, scratching her, even tickling her, getting her to the point of losing her mind to the strange feeling before suddenly switching over to the other, preventing her from getting used to it or from having the soothing relief of slipping into maddening oblivion.

The otter screamed as they tickled the bottom of her feet, blade-fingers dancing along her sensitive soles, tickling little letters along her wrinkled arches and the balls of her feet. She drooled pre over her belly as they kept working her, and those that were tasked with sampling it, collecting it, were quick to do their job.

"Mmmph! Let me go!"

She screamed, fought, flailed, but there was nothing she could do. Her magic was gone, for the most part, and her body was nowhere near strong enough to break these bindings. She was helpless.

As they tormented her feet with fingers and tongues, one of them moved to stand by her head. He lifted one large foot, covered in little patterns along the sole, and held it over her cheek. It kept her from shouting, and more importantly, it forced her to breathe his scent.

It was strong. Not as strong as master's, but strong enough to make her shiver, the conditioning that she had gone through to be a good slave taking control again.


She moaned, licking at the bottom of it. The changeling seemed to like it, because he pushed down that much more firmly on her face.

She licked him again and again, each time feeling a bit of his sweat and musk rub off on her tongue. It was embarrassingly sexy, and she wanted more.

Others gathered around her, rubbing at her nipples, pulling at them when they realized that it would make her scream, that it would make her cock dance. She gasped around the foot on her face when they did it, feeling her tits getting tortured, her nipples getting twisted, her breasts getting played with to the point that her cock started bloating further.


"Why isn't she cumming?" one of them asked.

"Maybe she needs something in her butt to cum?"

"Or maybe it's something else."

"Hey, what's that ring?"

The ring. The ring that the master had given her to keep her from cumming, a way to mark her as his. Dessa groaned, trying to push back against the foot on her face, shivering as she felt fingers dropping down to her cock.

They were pulling at it, dragging at the thick gold band that she had worn for years down there. The otter shook her head against the bottom of the foot, grunting softly.

"Mine! Let go, that's mine!"

"Heh, must be important, huh?"

"Get it off. Probably keeping her safe."

"Magic ring, huh? Silly thing for that."

Dessa squirmed all the more, trying to pull herself free. If they took the ring off, any protection she had from losing her magic - whether it worked here or not - would be completely lost. She couldn't let that happen. She needed the ring.

It was already sliding from the base of her shaft to the middle, already halfway off of her cock. She whimpered, trying to wiggle, but the bindings held her down more firmly than any metal ever had. The otter tried to flex her dick, trying to keep it from being so easy, but the changelings just kept tugging.

The ring rested just below the head of her cock, about to slide off any second. She could feel the heat in her cock then, the need to cum, the ability almost restored to her. Dessa screamed.

"No! Don't take it off!"

"Heh, why not?"

"My master gave it to me. Please, please, let me keep it! Please!"

"You can have it back...After we milk you."

And then, the ring was gone.

Dessa's cock screamed for relief, the chastity spell that had kept her from blowing a load easily for years finally gone. Her eyes went wild, and she screamed at the first slow stroke along the bottom of her dick.


It sparked off the biggest orgasm that she had ever had, and she came, and came, and came. Balls that had been swollen to the size of small melons were finally being drained, and the changelings ran all over the place to collect it before it could hit the floor or drain away.

Dessa was in the tight grip of her orgasm and she couldn't stop screaming, twitching, her dick dancing over her belly as it shot one rope of cum after another. Each rope shimmered with power, filled with the lust that she had been carrying for who knew how long. The otter whimpered between her moans, trying to hold back, but her body was no longer hers to control.

Spurt, spurt, spurt, that was all she felt. Pleasure rushing through her veins, denial broken. Her body had been given to someone else, now.

She slumped back, still feeling her cum oozing from her dick over her belly. Her balls felt shrunken, but not completely drained, either. The otter whimpered, turning her head to the side as the changeling pulled his foot back.

The crowd of them stared down at her, slowly shaking their heads as if in awe of what they had just seen. She wanted to strangle each and every one of them.

Master...sorry master...

They had gathered at least a few vials of seed, and were arguing over who got it. Most of them were willing to wait, as the queen had ordered her milked, but Dessa could hear a few of them arguing with each other, trying to say that they needed to have some sustenance now, that they needed the power to work her over more.

They probably did, but that didn't mean she wanted them to have it.

Mmmph...what do I do? she wondered. My power doesn't work...what can I do against them?

There was really only one solution...and she wasn't sure that it would work, considering they had the upper hand, but...well, she had to hope.


Dessa's whisper cut through what they were arguing about, the changelings turning back to her and staring down at the naked otter. She whimpered, flexing her ass, making her cock - her cock which only now was starting to go limp after so many years being hard - dance just a little bit.

"Please...maybe...fuck me...fuck a little slut...use her...feed from her..."

The changelings looked at each other, then slowly started to grin.

_Time passes in a blur, the otter pulled from her bindings and passed from one changeling to another. She feels one between her legs, long equine muzzle sucking her cock, pulling it down into its mouth and dragging its lips up and down her shaft. She moaned, barely able to hold back before cumming.

They pull her around, suddenly two of them holding her up, her legs spread, while a third, bigger one slams his cock inside of her. Dessa screams from the sudden penetration, unable to believe the power of a cock against her prostate would feel this good without the ring. She feels her head being lowered, her mouth opening around another horse cock, feeling the flare pushing her tongue down and holding it there._

Orgasm inside, both of them, but with a strange draining feeling for her. Her horniness, building, but not as fast as usual. Going to both of them. Drained. Eaten.

Feeding them.

The swarm spins, pushing her on the ground, holding her down, resin anchoring her nipples to the ground. She can't get up, can't raise herself past ass up, chest down.

The first thrust feels like it's going to yank her nipples off her chest, the rough play and rough fuck hitting her hard. She screams, her ass clenching down, her training barely enough to keep her conscious.

Feet in her face, musk, cock, balls. It keeps changing, her barely able to keep up with it. She can't think, can't do anything but fuck, fuck, fuck.

They change it again, hanging her by the neck from the ceiling, leaving her unable to see anything inside the resin box, just hanging there as they suck, as they lick her ass, as they fuck her ass, as they fuck her feet, as they play with her chest and bounce her breasts about. They force her to take it.

It blurs further, further. Little events. Running barefoot on shards of resin, feeling them stabbing her feet again and again. Pushed to use her feet, to show the changelings how foot lust feels. Feeling them feeding on her, draining her balls again and again.

Fading. Falling.

The otter woke up again with her arms pinned to the wall, held there by the resin. She felt the familiar weight of her master's ring back around her cock, and groaned as all the need that came with it hit her hard.

Despite her many milkings, she looked down to see that the ring had forced her cock hard again, making it stand up and throb over a pair of much depleted balls. She groaned, feeling rather ashamed that she'd let her power get stolen from her that way. She had been too careless, and had nearly lost everything.


The otter shook her head, taking a few deep breaths before clenching her hands in the resin. For all that she had been slutting it around with the changelings when they pulled her free from the resin before, she had been trying something else, experimenting just as her master had taught her.

The changelings fed on lust. They pulled it from her, eating it as they fucked her. It came strongest from her cum, but they could take it just by being in contact with her, by making her horny.


She could do the same thing back.

It's not the same thing as lust magic, but it is related to it, she thought, thinking it through, taking a few deep breaths again as she reached for the power that she had stolen from the changelings. They could eat my lust...and I could eat theirs. I took some from them. By touch. By will. Maybe...

Dessa closed her eyes, allowing the power that she'd stolen to come up to her wrists. It was a power of need, of the lust that others had for her rather than her own stored lust. It was harder to work with, feeling like it wanted to rebound and make her hornier, to make her do things. All sorts of different things, all sorts of different desires from the different changelings that she had fed from.

It was hard to resist those urges, but she knew how to work a libido. She had learned that much in her time as her master's whore.

She worked with it, cajoled it. She could do so many things, but how could she do that if she was bound up? Yes, she would look so pretty playing with her boobs or her butt, but how would she do that if she couldn't move? If the power would just mess with the resin a bit, maybe make it nice and sloppy, she might even have some lube to work with.

Her thoughts, her teasing words, were enough to turn the power to work for her. She grinned as she felt it run back up her arms, running right for the resin that covered her wrists. It burned as she projected her will through it, the lust becoming less of an emotion and more a feeling of raw energy.

A few seconds later, the resin had melted off of her wrists, freeing her arms and letting her move about from the waist up.

"Okay, then. So magic does work here..."

It just seemed to work more off the feeling than it did by the runes. It had to be worked with, reasoned with, properly fueled by the emotion in question. Perhaps there were even ways of using her own lust to fight back here, but she didn't know that for sure. Better to try and use the lust of other people against them, rather than to try and adapt her power on the fly. Safer, for now.

She had enough power left to free her ankles from the wall, too, allowing her to take a few steps from it. She was wobbly, shaky, but she could probably get a good run going if she had to.

She had the feeling that she did.

The otter hobbled along, shaking her head and rubbing her balls by turns. Her head was spacy and floaty, and her balls...

Well, the servants of the queen had certainly done a damn good job at trying to drain her. They ached like anything, and her body was wanting nothing to do with any sort of pressure down there. More than anything, Dessa would have liked to lie down and just focus on resting, but here, where her lust was the food to be harvested and she the product to be prized, she knew that was a bad idea.

When she got out, she could rest.

When she got to the sun, when she got to the village, when she got to the horses on the far side, she could find a place to sleep.

She just had to get there.

The End

Lust Mages: In the Caves of the Changelings 2

Lust Mages Non-Canon In the Caves of the Changlings 2 For Faceless\_Lord By Draconicon Dessa ran, and she didn't know if she'd be able to stop running anytime soon. _How many of those things are there?_ she wondered,...

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Slayer or Layer 16

Slayer or Layer 16 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Days passed, perhaps as much as a week, and every day, Lorkos laid at least a dozen eggs. They came quickly and were passed out of the breeding hut every hour, and every time that...

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Slayer or Layer 15

Slayer or Layer 15 For Lorvianne By Draconicon The potion worked, alright, though it worked in a way that the wolf had never expected. He was almost used to laying eggs at this point, and had expected it to be no different. It...

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