Slayer or Layer 15

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#15 of Slayer or Layer

After breeding and taking a potion, Lorkos spends some time laying eggs for the village. Taken away for recovery, he's warned against a possible deceit by the shaman, but dismisses the warning.

Commissioned by Lorvianne

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Slayer or Layer 15 For Lorvianne By Draconicon

The potion worked, alright, though it worked in a way that the wolf had never expected. He was almost used to laying eggs at this point, and had expected it to be no different.

It wasn' first.

The first egg, then the second, then the third - all from different parents - all were laid with ease. The fourth, coming so soon on the heels of the other, was a bit harder, bigger, thicker, with a pebble-like exterior that rubbed and stroked at him in a way that he wasn't sure that he liked. The fifth came bigger still, nearly the size of his fist as it popped out.

Then came the sixth, the biggest yet, and laid within four hours of the first. He panted as he squatted over his bed, his eyes wide, his cheeks burning bright red. He was covered in fur again from laying five eggs already, but there was something about this, something that was dragging him back down into this humiliating pleasure. His body burned with the bliss that laying eggs gave him, the scales growing along his thighs and groin again, always growing, always spreading no matter how many eggs he laid.

Lorkos gasped as the sixth egg dropped from his belly to his pussy, pushing down into him and sliding towards the exit. One hand pressed to his belly, trying to soothe the ache and the emptiness that came with the passage of the egg, while the other was thrust behind him to support him.

The village was gathered in front of him, many different lizardmen staring down at him, ranging in color from green to black to cream. Each of them grinned at the sight of his dripping pussy, all of the males showing some sort of hard-on that they were hardly shy about touching.


The wolf gasped and grunted, groaned and shuddered at the way that his body was wracked with sensations that were becoming all too familiar. The pleasure that came from being stretched down there was turning into something more familiar than his own cock had been, and certainly more memorable. He could hardly remember what it felt like to touch himself as a male, now.

Another sudden clench on the inside, another shift, and he groaned, throwing back his head as his pussy lips were spread.

"It comessss, it comessss."

The lizardmen hissed at the doorway of his hut, staring at him, whispering something in their language when they weren't chanting about the egg coming.

They weren't nearly so interested in him cumming, though he had been doing enough of that. His breath came in harsh puffs and gasps mixed with the occasional scream of climax. The passage of the eggs had become as good as sex, almost better in some ways, and he could hardly hold himself back as another threatened to overtake him.

No more, no more, can't take more. Don't want it, curse you, curse you, CURSE YOU MMMPH!

His anger tripped the curse again, and he came again, thrusting his hips forward and forcing the egg that much further down. His pussy was stretched almost as far as the two lizardmen fucking his pussy together had left it, his toes curling into the earth, his eyes rolled back in their sockets. It was impossible to take, too huge for him to tolerate.

And yet, he had to.

Birth a new generation, fix the curse. That's the deal.

The shaman had promised him that would be his prize for doing this. He just hoped that it ended up paying out the way that he had been promised.

Lorkos clenched his teeth tightly, pulling them closed so that he didn't lol his tongue like the dog he was. He clenched down between his legs, holding the egg still for a moment so that he could focus. The stretch, the stretch was so intense that he could barely take it. It was strong...

The white-scaled shaman reached in, however, distracting him with a tickle to the clit. The wolf gasped, the egg popped free -


And he went over the edge again, squirting over the egg and anointing it with the bitch-juices of a dragon's cunt. He toppled over backwards, his legs spread wide, the crimson, hellish red of the dragon's curse burning between his legs.

One of the warriors took the egg away before he could say anything, bearing it off to who knew where, while the wolf laid there in his own juices, panting for breath and shivering.

"That...that's enough...I can't do...can't do any more...tonight..."


The shaman obviously wanted more, but he could see that even the white-scaled leader of the tribe understood that there were limits to the body. And if they wanted to keep a good breeder around, they had to go along with what he could take.

The shaman directed several of the warriors to carry him away, something that Lorkos appreciated. After cumming his brains out, he honestly doubted that he could walk easily. He probably would have fallen flat on his face if he tried.

They dragged him through the village, around the bonfire, and down to the part on the other side of the clearing. There was a river nearby, something that made him wish that they would throw him in it and let him run off. If nothing else, it would cool his burning body.

But no, they instead took him to one of the leather-covered tents. He was pushed through, forced down onto a bed, and then tied with his arms over his head and his legs spread wide. The lizardmen looked down at him, obviously considering whether to take this further, only for a hiss from outside the tent to stop them in their tracks.

Lorkos lifted his head tiredly, surprised to see a female lizard on the other side. She had wider hips than the warriors, and there was just enough of a lift in the chest to suggest a bosom, though a very weak one. Her tail was thicker than the others, too, and she walked with just enough of a sway to suggest that she was used to carrying her weight in a different part of her body than the men.

"Out. Will tend to thisss one," she said.

"But breeding -"

"Bred all night already. Out."

The female growled at the males, and they quickly left the tent, leaving the mostly-wolf alone with the female.

He groaned as she walked into the tent, turning his head away from the woman. She didn't say anything as she knelt down at his side, but rather touched him, running her fingers over his belly, and then his chest, before going down between his legs.

It wasn't sexual when she rubbed over his sex, but rather clinical, almost like an examination that he wasn't entirely prepared for. He jerked here and there, but kept himself mostly still as she felt him up and touched his insides, her fingers stroking here, poking there, and just being busy in general.

Eventually, she pulled her fingers free and wiped them on his fur.

"No damage."

"I'm surprised," he groaned. "They were fucking me hard."

"Ssshaman knowsss bussssinesssss."

"I guess. Who are you?"

"Not important."

"But -"

"Not important," she repeated, shaking her head and pulling a small skin from her waistband. "Drink."

Assuming it was water - and indeed, it turned out to be - Lorkos was more than happy to swallow down as much as she was willing to give him. The first few droplets reminded him that he had been traveling all day without much rest, and his body was aching for something to quench the thirst that had been awakened. He swallowed everything she offered, and then wished for more when she put the empty skin to the side.

"Where am I, anyway?" he asked.

"Far. Four dayssss from big city."

Four days. That was probably the capital, then. Another half week to get there, if he could get away from here. Faster if he could get to his horse again.

She looked at him, her snout turning up slightly.

"Don't run. Bad."

"I won't. Not until the deal is done."

"Ssssshaman won't keep deal."

"He has to. I made - I promised."

"Will get more eggsss, then keep. Keep you for fun. For other sssstuff."


He leaned his head back, groaning under his breath. She had to be lying. There was no reason for her to be telling him the truth right now. Scalies were horrible. They hated the furred folk. They had been their perpetual enemy.

She has to be lying...

But why did she have to be lying?

She's scaly. That's all they do.

But he wanted to believe the shaman? And he believed the lizardman back at the village, when it suited his purposes.

That's different. That...that's...

The thought slipped away. He knew that it was not helping him, that he was fooling himself, but what the hell else was he supposed to do? He needed to find a way out of this curse, and scalies -

He stopped himself. Hating them now would only spark the curse, and he was sore, and in pain, and so very, very tired. He sighed, shaking his head.

"I hope you're wrong."

"I'm not."

She shook her head, pulling a blanket over his legs before turning to leave. He watched her go, slowly shaking his head in return before turning to lie on his side.

Sleep came slowly, leaving him aching until it claimed him.

Morning came, and with it was the beginning of another climax. The shaman was there with two females standing just outside of the hut. Once more, he was drawing sigils, but this time, he was drawing them on Lorkos's pussy.

"What are you doing?!"

"Preparing you for more breeding."

"Mmmph...Come on...I gave you six...let me rest..."

"No ressst. You will fulfill bargain, or losssse everything."

The wolf grimaced, shaking his head, but he knew that there was no chance for him to fight back. Not only were the numbers against him, but he could feel the power of the sigils being drawn down between his legs. They had sorcerous might behind them that rivaled that of the dragoness, and he didn't want to put himself against that.

He liessss.

The whispering hiss of the female's words from the night before wriggled through his brain before he could stomp them out. She had to be the liar. If the shaman was the one lying to him...

No, no, it had to be her. It had to be.

"Alright. Are you going to..."

"Hehehe...Yesssss. One ssssecond."

The shaman reached out, white-scaled hands flicking the restraints free. Lorkos pulled himself to his feet, only to gasp when the shaman snapped his fingers.

The sigils drawn on his pussy suddenly burned, their heat added to the curse between his legs. He gasped for breath, his eyes going wide, the burning need of his worst heat hitting him and pulling him to his knees. The wolf slumped forward, head bashing against the ground, his breath puffing from his lips madly.

"What...what did you..."

"Needsss a powerful heat...for today..."


He screamed as the hatred filled him, adding to the curse, adding to the new heat. His insides felt worse than empty, they felt ravenous. His womb felt worse than fertile, it felt like an inferno, and his pussy...

His pussy was squeezing together, the muscles making a wet, winking, smacking sound as the inner walls of his sex smacked together. They were trying to milk a cock that wasn't there, trying to grind together in a desperate attempt to gain the stimulation that they weren't getting. Lorkos could hardly breathe from the horrible, consuming need inside of him.


Something clicked in him, forcing him to his feet, his legs shaking, his knees knocking against each other. He could hardly force himself upright, but there was a magic there that pushed him the rest of the way. The shaman grinned at him, grabbing him by the pussy with one finger.

"Another cursssse. Jusssst to make sssssure that you don't leave usssss."

Whatever hopes he had of just running away if the tribe turned out to be against him were dashed. They knew what they wanted, and they knew how to get it. If he didn't get this curse canceled out, then he would never be able to leave the tribe's boundaries.


Heat, and obedience, he realized, as he was made to follow the shaman. He walked forward, his legs moving almost automatically as his juices flowed like the river behind him.

Please...please don't be lying...

The End

Slayer or Layer 16

Slayer or Layer 16 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Days passed, perhaps as much as a week, and every day, Lorkos laid at least a dozen eggs. They came quickly and were passed out of the breeding hut every hour, and every time that...

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Slayer or Layer 14

Slayer or Layer 14 For Lorvianne By Draconicon The orgy continued, and not once did the wolf have less than two dicks inside of him for more than the time it took for another to replace it. There were times when he had two shafts in...

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Slayer or Layer 13

Slayer or Layer 13 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Three days later exactly, Lorkos found himself at the edge of the forest. He breathed a sigh of relief that it was where the lizardman had said it was, pulling his horse off to the side...

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